Second Chance, The (2006)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Second Chance, The (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »

Your son's on that roof again.

If he did what I told him

he wouldn't make
a very good preacher's kid, now would he?

Daddy, they're here,
and momma says you'd better behave.


It's a privilege and an honor,
as mayor of this great city,

to do my part in linking arms
with people from all walks of life.

The city needs strategic partnerships with
churches like Second Chance and The Rock,

and we need strong advocates
for the inner city,

- like my friend Reverend Jenkins here.
- And how do you know Reverend Jenkins?

I first met Jerry at an integrated jail cell.

We were both arrested in 1960
at a lunch counter sit-in.

Now when I want a restaurant shut down,
I just call the health department.

- Two scoop.
- Sorry, I was told to give one.

- Jake always give me two scoop.
- Tiki, you bothering the help?

It's cool.

So, I hear you're getting groomed
to take the old man's place.

Yep. When the time comes.

You got the shoes for it.
What are those, Gucci?

Come on, folks. Keep it moving.


- Sorry about that.
- My lucky tie. It's ruined.

I'm sorry. Look, there's more napkins
down by the silverware, okay?

And I've got a job interview today.
I might as well not even go now.


Take mine. Take it.

Hey, it better be lucky.

Have time to answer a few questions
before we pack up?

- Hey, Jake can you cover me?
- Got you covered.

Yes, ma'am.

I know your suburban church
is pouring resources into this area,

yet crime and unemployment remain high.

Well, like my friend the mayor said,

our partnership with the inner city
is for the long haul.

You know, I'm proud
of what we've accomplished so far.

But if you want an insider's perspective,

- Pastor Jake's the man.
- Pastor, care to comment?

Are you talking about

kind of difference?

That's what these cameras are for, right?

Meanwhile, our mayor's idea
of urban renewal

is building baseball stadiums
so poor people can sell the peanuts.

Maybe if he went back to kissing babies
instead of kissing corporations

on their big, fat self-serving...

As far as crime and unemployment
are concerned,

the statistics are showing improvement.

But the real bottom line for us
is meeting people's needs.

- Isn't that right, honey?
- That's right, honey.

The Second Chance video runs
during the choir number.

After that you got two minutes, max,
for the pledge cards.

- You cannot go overtime again.
- Pastor Ethan.

- Good morning, Parker.
- Hey.

Hey, how's it going?

Here you go.

Okay, let me see a pledge card.

Let's let Pastor Jake make the pitch, okay?

Personally I'd love to, but
I got a lot of board members complaining

we're already spending too much money
down there, so...

- I think he'd be more effective.
- Ethan, this is television, all right?

The guy's a loose cannon.
We got him on the platform.

We don't need him in the pulpit.

You are the source of my strength

You are the strength of my life

I lift my hands in total

Praise to you









Who says church has to be boring? Amen?


- I love you.
- Love you.

Thank you, Dad.

Yesterday my eyes were opened
to what goes on at our sister church.

Many of you all know my dad pastored
Second Chance when I was a little kid.

But I hadn't been down there
in nearly 20 years.

I could barely recognize
the old neighborhood.

Wasn't all hugs and smiles.
It was hard work, some grim reality.

I still think I got a little gravy on my loafers,
right where the penny used to go.

Well, it's a tough gig down there.

I got to see Jake in action last night,

and I'm here to tell you
he is the right man for the job.

You're going to get a chance to meet
Jake and Amanda after the service,

but right now,
let's give them a round of applause

for all the hard work they're doing
in the worst part of town.

Jake, we got all these pledge cards here.

Why don't you come up here and tell us
what we're investing in.

Thank you, Brother Ethan.

I've got a Q-tip in the car
if you want to clean those loafers.

This morning I was stuck at a stoplight
in my 'hood,

that would be neighborhood to you, sir.

This woman comes up holding
what looks like a baby wrapped in a blanket.

She's tapping at my window
asking for money,

and I know that baby is a plastic doll,
but she keeps tapping.

So finally, I give her a dollar
just to get rid of her.

James, Chapter 1, teaches us

to be doers of the word
and not hearers only.

Every year I feel like we come here
tapping on your window,

but our baby's real.

I'm not asking for your money.

I've got gifted children in my community

who need some hands-on guidance.

My wife needs tutors to help women

trying to escape the bonds of prostitution.

We need after-school supervisors,
Bible school teachers.

Hold these up so I can see them.

This is how we fix problems in America.

We roll down our windows,
toss out some money, and drive away.

So my message to you
on Second Chance Sunday is this,

if you aren't willing to come down
and get a little gravy on your shoes,

just keep your damn money.

Nice work, Ethan.

It's good to know
what's going on in our other areas.

And now if our ushers would come forward,

allowing us an opportunity for our giving.

- This guy stuck his finger in our face.
- Let me...

- Let me finish.
- Where does he get off lecturing us?

All he is saying is that we need
to stop pretending and start participating.

We've been participating
for nearly $2 million

for the last 15 years and I'm tired of it.

All right, maybe
we should all take a breather.

Look, this is not about
repaving the parking lot.

- We're on the front page here.
- We all read the paper, Mike.

Look, what if we run a full-page ad?

Reprint the headline at the top
and then beneath it in big letters:

"Fine, We Will."

- I think Mike's going to pay for that ad.
- Yeah.

Look, the point is we all want to
be good stewards of God's money.

And we're too big a church
to be defined by any one ministry.

But Second Chance isn't just any ministry.

It's our roots, and we probably haven't
paid them as much attention as we should.

Jeremiah, it's Ethan's fault
for giving him the pulpit.

Look, this keeps happening every Sunday.
He changes things around.

- It's driving the TV crew nuts.
- All right, slow down, Mike.

Yes, we are getting complaints
about Ethan's style,

about the music he chooses.

Let him play his music. He's a rock star.

But senior pastor? Not on my watch.

Hold on. So what if he is unconventional?
My family likes that.

I'm Ethan's biggest fan.
But, Jerry, you have got a global vision.

And it totally depends on grooming
a successor

that this whole church can get behind.

If Ethan's our man, he has got to learn
discipline and accountability.

Starting now.

I'll talk to him.

He needs more than a sermon, Jerry.
He needs his wings clipped.

And if you don't do it, we will.

Jerry brought me here
on our first anniversary.

Some traditions die hard.

- I haven't seen Green Goddess in a while.
- I know.

- How's the house coming?
- Slow. They're still painting.

It's a little spooky staying there by myself,
but it's easier to supervise.

I just want it all done by the wedding.

Yeah. I think we need to hear
what Jake's saying, Dad.

I mean, get our hands dirty down there.

Send our high-schoolers
on a summer work project.

Well, it would be good
to have more of our staff involved.

Yeah. You know what,
send Aaron, the junior out pastor.

I hear he speaks Ebonics.

Wait a minute. You want me to go?
Is this a joke?

You can't be serious.

I'm the associate pastor, Dad,
I'm not a social worker.

- It'll be a good ministry experience.
- Jake's not going to listen to me.

You're not going there to fix anything, son.

I just want you to observe and to learn.

Look, I've been busting it for two years

to move this church into the 21st century.

Attendance is up, giving is up,
we've got the best music in town.

- None of that is going to change.
- My book just came out, Dad.

- Happy birthday, Mrs. Jenkins.
- Thank you, that's beautiful.

- Are you still working on that steak, Pastor?
- No, I think I'm finished.

- Was it well-done enough for you?
- It was delicious.

Son, you're blessed
with charisma, musical gifts.

You're a natural at the pulpit.

But there's more to being a pastor
than Sunday morning.

Yeah? Before you send me off
to be a glorified intern,

I think you better check with the board first.

The board met this morning.

- Happy birthday, Mom.
- Happy birthday, Claudia.

Thank you.

- Well, you weren't very delicate.
- I was honest with him.

Oh, right, and the steak was delicious?

Make your wish.

Hey, baby! You want some action, baby?

- We got some money if you got the honey.
- Come take a ride with us, baby, come on!

"And they grumbled against the boss,

"'These men who were hired last,
worked only one hour,

"'and you have made them equal to us

"'who have borne the burden of the work.'

"But he answered,

"'Friend, I am not being unfair to you.

"'Didn't you agree to work for a dollar?

"'Are you envious
because I am generous? So...

"'So the first will be last
and the last will be first."'

Gentlemen, do you understand
what this means?

You may have lost some years to addictions.
You may have lost some years in prison.

You all know I did some time myself.

But the Word of God teaches us
that time can be redeemed.

Yeah, tell that to the chump who took
one look at my record

and said he wasn't hiring.

- All right, what did Jonesy just do?
- Blame the Man.

That's right. Blame the Man all day,

but what are you doing to show
that you're trustworthy and eager to work?

Tell us about this chump, Jonesy.
Did you shake his hand when you met him?

- He didn't give it.
- Did you look him in the eye?

Stand up, Jonesy.

Shake my hand.

Man, I got a wet sandwich here.
Come on. Look me in the eye.

Squeeze my hand, Jonesy.

You call that a squeeze?

I'm sorry, Pastor.

- Javier, you know what time it is?
- Yes, sir.

You come in half-dressed and late again.
What's the excuse this time?

- 'Cause the job was on the line?
- No excuses, Pastor.

I gave you three strikes.
I can't give you four.

Hasta mañana, brother.

Hey, Javier, wait a minute, man.
Let me walk you out.

- She took the kids.
- She did what?

She took the kids.

"Javier, I take the kids
and go back to El Paso.

"You make too many broken promises."

You want me to keep going?

She took the money we saved
and left me with nothing to follow.

My boys, they need their father.

It's all right.

It's gonna be all right, brother.

You looking for Amanda?

They're meeting downstairs.

I thought tonight was about job interviews.

But I believe God would have us
put our plans aside

and walk with our brother.

Hold on.

We need to talk.

Wait in my office.

Let's gather around our brother
and pray for him.

Do we need him in the room?

I'm sorry, gentlemen. This is Pastor Ethan,
visiting with us from The Rock.

I thought they already did that.

Pastor Ethan, we'd be privileged
to have you lead us in prayer.


Let's pray.

"Father, I want to thank you
for the new start that only you can give.

"And for this group of men
who have come together

"who want to serve you with their lives.

"I especially want to lift up our brother..."

Our brother...


Our brother Gabriel.

"Lord, You know us
better than we know ourselves."

Back, back!

- Green light.
- Red light!


- Green light!
- Red light!

- Back!
- Brownies, brownies, brownies, everybody.

Payton, one brownie.

Something I could do for you, honey?

- You let your kids play with them?
- Sure. They love it here.

- I got a kid. A girl.
- Well, you bring her. You're both welcome.

No, I ain't seen her in a while.

- Well, what's her name?
- Kenya, like the country.


- What's your name?
- You know, I'm gonna get her back.

A child should be with her mother.
You want a cup of tea?

- No, I just need some money.
- We don't give out cash, honey.

A smart girl like you knows that.

Yeah, well, you can't buy gas without it.
Smart woman like you knows that.

- Amen.
- Strengthen our brother, Lord.


- Empower him, Lord.
- Yes.

Lord, we all need a helping hand
from time to time,

and I want Javier to know,

I'm claiming this Powerball number
in your name.

You sprinkle your power on that number,
Lord, and I'm giving you 15%.

Now, I know the Bible says 10,
but it's a big pot,

and I'm going to use it to fly Javier
to El Paso so he...

- Amen.
- Amen.

We'll see most of you all at the Habitat build

and if anybody wants coffee,
Jonesy's buying.


You got enough money for Powerball,

you got enough money
to buy your friends some coffee.

All right, all right.

Payton, get down.

I told you.

How far along are you?

- He's gonna k*ll me.
- We have a room here for you.

- Nah, I can't.
- Come on, let me make you that cup of tea.

Come on.

You got away pretty quick
after Sunday service.

Big building.
Didn't want to get lost in the crowd.

Oh, I would have been happy to tell you
where to go.

Exit's that way.

Look, I gave you my pulpit time televised
and you use it to start a fight.

Now I got the whole church mad at me

like I'm the one who wrote
your "get whitey" speech.

They called a board meeting, Jake.
I wasn't invited.

That makes two of us.

Hey, hold up. This isn't funny.

Your little rant could have cost me my job.

Oh. So it's about the job.
Well, cheer up, Gucci,

I hear you're in pretty tight with the pastor.

You're pretty cocky for a guy whose salary
gets approved by the same board.

Are you listening to me?

Are you listening to me?

Yours to keep, man.

- Hey, I'm talking to you!
- Oh, is that your preacher voice?

I think he's coming.

- Listen, Jake. Hey, I'm on your side, okay?
- Look, Gucci, what do you want from me?

Well, you know what,
you could start by saying "I'm sorry."

All right.

I'm sorry for associate pastors
who got this all figured out

'cause they spent an hour down here
slinging potatoes.

I'm sorry for rock stars who think

they've lived
the African-American experience

riding a tour bus with Tina Turner.

And I'm sorry for "whiteys"
who try and get their conscience fixed

by coming down here

and hanging with their homeboys
in the ghetto once a year.

How's that?

You're the most self-righteous...

I'll see you tomorrow.

What do you mean, "see you tomorrow"?
What do you mean, "see you tomorrow"?

Self-righteous? Self-righteous.

- Who's your friend?
- This is Julius.

You gonna read that?

What you looking at him for?
He ain't gonna read it for you.

He wants out.

Did you tell him how you got out?

- He doesn't have family out of town.
- No parents, grandparents?

- My brother's the only family I got.
- Maybe he'll bend the rules for you.

He didn't bend them when I got in.
They b*at the hell out of me.

It's a free-for-all, Jake. And it's worse
going out then it is coming in.

Your brother's got it all jacked up, kid.
Ain't even a real game.

Where do they come up with this stuff?

Man, last year two of my crew got dumped
at the hospital.

- One came out in a Ziploc.
- You preached the funeral.

Yeah, I did.

I don't want to be preaching another.

My momma brought me to hear
Dr. Martin Luther King

speak in this very church in 1967.

I was nine years old.

And I'll never forget what he did,
right here on this very spot,

when I held my hand out to him
after the service.

Here, put out your hand like you're me.

He shook it just like that.

Toilet in the men's room is running.
Might be the chain.

Costing us money. Got to fix that.

Good man, Sonny.

How many "I's" in traveling?

- Looks right to me.
- Nah, I think it's only one.

Maybe it's one of those words
spelled both ways.

- It can't be.
- Look it up.

Don't have to look it up.

So. Got a call from Jeremiah this morning.

Says you're here for a while
to observe and learn.

Yeah, whatever that means.

Hey, look, this is just as awkward for me
as it is for you, okay?

- Since we both got bosses, just...
- No, I got a boss.

- You got a daddy.
- Just show me to my office.

You want to see your office?

Follow me.

So I just imagined your raised eyebrow
when I locked my car?

Projection, my man.

But if you got a guilty conscience,
why you driving it?

I don't have a guilty conscience.

We got some sack lunches
at the park at noon.

What are you doing?

The last thing you want to do is

make people feel like
you're talking down to them.

Which is why we ask the staff
to voluntarily avoid

- displays of conspicuous consumption.
- Like my car.

Look, if you want me to take the bus,
just say it, okay?

Easy, Gucci.
You the one that brought this up.

Drive what you want.

You ain't gonna be here long enough
to learn the bus schedules, now are you?

A little help here, Hobart.

- What's going on up there? Is that a fire?
- No, no.

They're at it again, Pastor. You smell that?

I got a call from social services.
There's a duplex coming up next week.

Oh, Ethan, this is Tamela.
Tamela, this is a white man.

- Is this hazelnut?
- Don't be changing the subject.

You got to stop them up there.

Between my chemicals and their campfires,
we could all blow up.

All right.

We're going in.

Hope we don't catch
one of them back drafts.

Fire marshal.

Open up.

Honey, will you let me in?

Thank you, sweetie.

Kali, you barbecuing again?

How many times I tell you,
there's no ventilation in here.

Use the stove.

- Goat no good on stove.
- Goat?

Where did you find goat around here?

They gonna burn this place down.

Ask your daddy why he's not at work.

He said no good job for a professor.

Did you hear that?

Well, you tell the professor that
unless he's got a better offer from Harvard,

he needs to get back down to Wal-Mart
and start wrangling those shopping carts.

Tell him.

Is that you?

Tell him.

Oh, very pretty.

The soldiers come. They sh**t us.

You got to make him understand, Kali.
The well's gonna run dry.

Bags too heavy? Arms getting tired?

- I got them.
- Then how about a smile, huh?

God loves a cheerful giver.
Tiki, where you going? Got your lunch.

I'm full, man. Salisbury steak.

That's our spot.

Been here every Wednesday for eight years.


needing some money
to pick up my stomach medicine.

I'll pay you back on Friday.

Would you like something to eat?

Just set your belongings over there
and join us for a hot meal, okay?

You see, Sister, we brought
these sandwiches from the church...


- I see everyone get a bag.
- Sister, those are...

Never mind.

They've even got music.

I'm needing some real food.

Are you aware that family
almost got m*rder*d in Africa?

Escaped with the clothes on their back.

And you'd really kick them out

because the dad doesn't want to collect
shopping carts.


The guys like Tiki get a free meal
any time they show up?

Well, it's nice they can count on you
to feed them once they're on the street.

- I'll have the usual.
- What do you get here?

Make it two.

Is that...

Is that you?

- You played pro ball?
- Yeah.

Lasted two playoff-free seasons.
Till coach started making us pee in cups.

Hey, Gucci, you ever see an Eskimo pee?

Yeah, that's when I did
my eight months for possession.

- I didn't know any L.A. Lawyers.
- Oh, come on, Jake.

Maybe I didn't do hard time
but I didn't get off.

Everyone thinks court-ordered rehab

is like going to a resort
to hang out with celebrities.

But it's not.

So, I hear your dad's franchising himself
all over these days.

Nairobi, Bombay.

What, has The Rock finally gotten
too small for him?

What's that supposed to mean?

It's just that he's always flying off
to preach somewhere.

- You're missing the vitamins.
- I believe it's called the Great Commission.

Do you know how many converts
we've had in Africa alone?

It ain't a ball game, Gucci.
Nobody's keeping score.

We're sending ministry teams
all around the world.

- Doctors, teachers...
- It's all good.

I just think the home front
should take priority. That's all.

You mean your home front.

Back when your dad first hired me
as youth pastor,

we were more than a team. We were family.

Then he goes off to the suburbs
to preach to...

The rich white people
without a care in the world, right?

Try some bread.

Eskimo pee.

Yeah, I was born here, but man,
it's like night and day.

Half these kids won't graduate
from high school.

What up, holmes?

- All right, who's getting it today?
- Me, me, me.

- Come on, PJ. Keep it going.
- Yeah, that's it. Keep it going.

Come on. Come on. Keep it going.
Keep it going. That's it. That's it.

Pass it on, pass it on. Take it. Take it.

- Come on, Coach.
- Pass it on. Pass it on.

Hey, Julius.

Hey, Julius.

Hey, Julius.

- What's up?
- Hey, I got to go, Pastor.

Hey! Wait!

Jamal, you keeping things proper?

Julius, tell your brother
I asked him a question.


- Julius tell you he wants out?
- He know how to get out.


He tell you I'm through
burying your ex-mules?

Gangster, I'm talking to you.

Man, look, my 'hood, my rules,

my n*gga.

Back up.

You see that cross
over on top of that church steeple?

- You see it?
- I see it.

You look good,
'cause anywhere in this neighborhood

you see that cross is my 'hood.

- And my rules say sl*very is over.
- You can't bend rules for family.

Yeah, then how about I bend your arm
over your head?

Jake, you're going to break his arm.


I'm going to give you some time
to pray about this.

And if I don't like your answer,

then I'm gonna open up a can
of the wrath of God all over your sorry ass.

What was that?
And what's this wrath of God stuff?

Ever hear of "What would Jesus do?"

Tell me again why you're here.

Jake, you just can't go around threatening
one guy

and then throwing a drunk back his bottle.
I mean, it's not consistent.

Answer the question. Why are you here?

To observe and learn.

Do you always observe
with your mouth open?

- All right. You made your point.
- No, I don't think I have.

Sit. Sit.

Back when I was on lock,

every day on my way to the yard,
I walked by the chapel.

Comfortable chairs, coffee pot,

and there sat the chapel
waiting for customers.

I never went once.

Then along came your dad
and his prison ministry.

Met me on my turf.
Wanted to know my story.

Gave me a chance after I got out.

He couldn't have done that preaching
from a stadium or on TV

or even from the pulpit
of a rundown old sanctuary.

He did that by walking the streets
and listening.

That's my car.

- Is there a switch inside?
- It's locked, Jake.

Not anymore.

You see who did this?
You see who did this?

Yeah, I want to report a crime.

Yeah, my brown leather jacket,
my golf clubs.

- Jake, where are we?
- You calling 911?

Tell her where we are.

What are you doing?

Man, your insurance check will get here
before the cops.

- Let me get you a cup of coffee.
- What am I supposed to do with my car?

Do you sell windows?

- I'm calling the auto club.
- Suit yourself.

Watch the man's car till the truck gets here.


- You know what, you're crazy.
- You're right. You figure it out.

I don't care who bought it, I don't care
what your classmates are wearing,

I don't care
if everybody came to school naked.

- You ain't going out dressed like that.
- I'll wear what I want.

Excuse me,
you take yourself back up to your room

and you put something over that.

I didn't wear nothing
you didn't used to wear.

I am your mother, don't talk to me like that.

I ain't had a mother my whole life.


Trina, why are you here?

My baby.

Judge got to give me back my baby.

Well, then, you got to be ready

'cause it's going to be a whole lot tougher
getting back your daughter's respect.

Mommy, I want to do that again.
I can do it better.

- Next time.
- Okay.

Everybody, let's just take a break.

Come on.

No, I want to pick out the china pattern
with you.

I just don't know how long
this is gonna take

and I'm probably going to need to get
a rental car.

Did you hear that? Did you hear that?

No, I think it was g*nf*re.

And forget china,
I want to pick out a flak jacket.

Honey, it's just a joke.

Look, I'll call you
when the truck gets here, okay?

All right. Love you, too.

You like that one?

So they were cooking goat?
You ever try goat?

- It's like eating rubber bands.
- How would you know?

- Ethan, I raised them when I was a kid.
- Oh, yeah, that's right.

This is called "Butterfly Garden."

- It's a little too busy.
- Yes.

I want you to be safe down there.

It's not that bad. It's just really different.

Royal Cambridge has just come out
with this coronation re-issue.

Quite beautiful, isn't it?

- No.
- No.

This is a sample that just came in Monday.

Hand-painted in Budapest.

- Absolutely exquisite.
- That's lovely.

- How much?
- $350 per setting.

We got to let our rich friends
buy us something.

- Sorry.
- That's okay. Can I see the other pieces?


Think about this in our dining room.

Do you still have those paint chips
in your wallet?

What's that?

Here we are.

I think we're gonna keep looking.

- Really.
- Thanks for your help.

- Of course.
- I'll pull the car up.

- I'm sorry. Thank you.
- Good luck.


I need one coffee and a glazed donut.

And I'll take one lottery ticket.

Thank you.

Hey, guys.
Remember me from the men's group?

- I know who you are.
- You're Jonesy, you're Javier.

Oh, good donut.

You make this?

Hey, see you later, buddy.

Javier, hang on.
Look, I know about your situation.

I'd like to help you out.

Look, I want you to take this.

I want you to use this to get your family
back from El Paso.

Take it. Your kids need their dad.

- Take it, please.
- Gracias.

Bless you.

Hey, I don't know
if that was such a good idea.

Why not?

Well, you don't want to give junkies
a wad of cash.

- You mean he's doing?
- He's been clean six months, I think.

- Coffee's hot.
- Hey, maybe it's a test from God, huh?

Look. I bought you this.

- I thought you was a pastor.
- I am.

- I just want you to have it.
- Pastor Jake know about this?

It'll be our secret.
You let me know if you hit the jackpot.

You know, I got myself
a job interview today.

I just don't want to jinx it.

Right. All right, Kali,
remember to follow through, okay?

Someone want to tell me what's so funny?

I want 10 laps.

Yo, Globetrotter, count them down
and lock up, will you?

Let's go, 10 laps. Let's go!

Kali, you don't need to run the laps, okay?

Nine more, let's go!

Let's go, guys. Come on, keep it up.

Keep going. Nine more!

Kali, wait up.

Hey, wait up. Hey, look,
hey, you didn't do anything wrong.

How's your family?
Is your dad still working at Wal-Mart?

Has he got a new job?

Hey, Kali.

Never mind.

Well? What do you think?

Nice images. It's colorful.

It just doesn't...

It makes us look like a country club.

I mean, there's no mention
of our inner-city ministries,

- nothing about what we're doing overseas.
- Go on.

You know what, maybe it's because
I've been gone for two weeks,

but it's just... It's not real.

And why aren't you in it?

Parker thought
it shouldn't be personality driven.

Well, Parker's wrong, as usual.

Open up the Africa bin
and pull up that sh*t with dad and the kids.

You see this? You're a personality, Dad.

God uses personalities.

Name one preacher
who isn't bigger than life,

who doesn't have a little rock star in him.

Jake's sure got it. He learned it from you.

Hey, pull up that sh*t of Jake and me
at the homeless lunch.

Yeah, go back.

Yeah, slow it down about 50%.

Go back, yeah.


Got to go, Dad. Late for work.

Well, I figure we're gonna need
a couple of blocks on the other side

- for a cloverleaf.
- Look at that.

They're practically on church property.

This area needs a clean sweep.
It's like Baltimore, right?

Camden Yard goes up, crime goes down.

And the Orioles still can't win.

Hey, just in time.
I need 20 bucks to get my medicine.

I saved you the last roast beef, all right?

I'm not giving you cash.

You need medicine,
I'll walk you to the drugstore.

I like you.

First time I saw you I thought you
were a chump loser. You're all right.

I'm still not giving you cash.

Well, I think I'm going to need
a couple more weeks

- to sell this to my board.
- What? This is a favor, Parker.

A favor to you and your church.
If it's going to be controversial...

- No, no, no. I'm just building consensus.
- Consensus, my ass.

I've got councilmen pushing alternate sites.

You guaranteed me a no-hassle transition.

May I help you gentlemen?

- Hey! Ethan, right?
- Mayor Long, good to see you.

Yeah, good to see you.
What have you got there?

Well, I got a little bologna, deviled ham...

I'm hearing good stuff
about what you're doing down here.

Really. From who?

So, how are you getting along with Jake?

Well, he's got his basketball clinic going on.

Want to suit up, Parker?
A little one-on-one?

No, no, no. You guys are out of my league.

Hey, good to see you.

Trina! Trina, you need to slow down.

Trina, let's talk about this.

Why are you in my face? I am not your kid!

You need to think about
what you're doing here.

But he's taking me shopping, all right?
He's even buying lunch.

The only reason that Buster is here
is to buy your abortion

and put you back on the street.

Hey, we are having a conversation!


Trina. Trina, he is lying to you!

I don't know how you do it.

One girl at a time.

Yeah, but how many really turn around?

You're looking at one.

Watch your opponent.
Find his weakness and exploit it.

- It looks easy.
- That's the way I could be going.

Wear your opponent down
with aggressive moves.

Now, why'd I go for the lay-up?
Why not the slam-dunk?

- 'Cause it ain't showbiz.
- That's right. It ain't showbiz.

Your team's counting on you
to sink the points.

You don't get any extra points
by being a showoff.

Don't let him drive to the basket.

- Larry Bird.
- Larry Bird.

Now, when your opponent has the ball,
where's your focus?

- The ball?
- Wrong. Where's your focus?

- His hands.
- Wrong again. His eyes. You lock eyes.

Eyes will tell you everything
you need to know.


All right, that's enough for today.

New shoes, Kali?

- Something you want to tell me?
- What do you mean?

- Did you give him money?
- No. Why would you even say that?

I know about Javier.

- Look, I was just trying to help, okay?
- Yeah?

Well, nobody's seen him for over a week,
including his boss.

Well, how do you know he's not in El Paso?

How do you know he's not strung out
under a bridge somewhere?

Let's get you a coat.

I'll point you to Jesus

I'll point you to Jesus

I'll point you to Jesus

I'll point you to Jesus

I'll point you to Jesus

To turn your darkness

Into day


Can I help you, Pastor Ethan?

I'm just listening.

We have plenty of empty seats up here.
Isn't that right, choir?

Come on over here, Pastor Ethan. Come on.

You know,
I remember when he was a little boy,

he used to sit at this piano

and in between services
he would play songs.

- Do you still play piano, Pastor Ethan?
- Little bit.

Well, praise the Lord!

Come on over here and play for us
so I can conduct proper.

Come on.

Come on. Thank you.

What is wrong with you all?
Come on now, get with it.

Pastor, do you know Follow Me?


Well, I would like to do it up-tempo.
Can you set the tempo, please?

Go ahead.

I have a friend indeed

One who supplies my every need

Follow me, I'll show you the way

To turn your darkness into day

He'll turn your darkness into day

I just don't know about this cat, baby.

He's not doing anything wrong.

He's shown up every day for work
for two weeks.

He's done everything we asked him.

Now if I could learn to stop cursing,
surely you could learn to use a computer.

Yeah, well, you let me know when that
happens and I might let you buy me one.

Keep going.

It's just that he's always got his eye
on the audience.

Whether he's giving away his necktie

or letting somebody walk off with his jacket,
I just feel like he's waiting for applause.

Honey, he's a musician.
He's used to applause.

Well, we both know
he ain't gonna get it down here.

Soon as he figures that out,
like father, like son.

You hear that?

What's going on out there?

Sounds like music.

- Follow me
- Follow me

- Follow me
- Follow me

- Follow me
- Follow me

Follow me

- I'll point you to Jesus
- I'll point you to Jesus

Yes, I will

- I'll point you to Jesus
- Point you to Jesus

- I'll point you to Jesus
- And we'll go there

- I'll point you to Jesus
- Yes, I will

- I'll point you to Jesus
- Yes, I will

- I'll point you to Jesus
- Point you to Jesus

- I'll point you to Jesus
- Point you to Jesus

- I'll point you to Jesus
- I'll point you Jesus

- Yes, I will
- I'll point you to Jesus

- I'll point you to Jesus
- Point you to Jesus

Yes, I will, yeah, yeah, yeah

He'll turn your darkness into day

Yeah, yeah

- He'll turn your darkness into day
- Oh, yeah


Yes, he will

Yes, yeah!

That's a real gift you got there,
Pastor Ethan.

- Isn't that right, Pastor Jake?
- Yes, ma'am!

The Music Man has come to River City.

See everybody on Sunday.

Enjoy him while you can, Miss Burdoe,
he's just on loan.

Could be a fine match.

- Amen to that.
- Ask him.

What are your future plans, Ethan?
Gonna be with us for a while?

'Cause we sure have seen enough
of those ghetto tourists down here.

Haven't we, honey?

Hanging around just long enough
to be able to tell their congregation,

"I've been there."

Miss Burdoe, let me walk you to your car.

You behave.

Now, Pastor Jake,
don't be messing with my piano man.

Is that how they teach teamwork
in the pros?

Humiliate your teammates?

Are you on my team?

What do you think
I've been doing down here?

- Passing out sandwiches, being ball boy?
- That's right. It's all good.

But you've got the look of a man
that's serving time. Are you on my team?

I don't have the patience or the heart
to invest in you, Ethan.

'Cause I know you're gonna walk out on us.
Just like your old man did.

Maybe it's time to go home.

- He should have been here by now.
- Relax.

- Man, he ain't supposed to bring the crew.
- It's cool.

- I got a bad feeling about this.
- I'm gonna be okay, man.

Your brother and I got history.

You made your decision.
He's just gonna have to respect it.


Just stay out of sight, man. And pray.

Pastor Jake!

- Where's Pastor Jake?
- He's not here. What's up?

I think they k*lled him.


Dr. Bruce, telephone, please.
Dr. Bruce, telephone.

Here at PayDay, we understand
how hard it is when there's an...

No, you didn't.

You son of a...

I'm coming.


- What's going on?
- I'm okay.

Hey, what's going...
Hey, what you got on your shirt?

- I'm okay.
- Ethan!

The doctor wanted him in overnight.

And there was no way he wanted to go fight
those kids again.

I mean, what 19-year-old do we know
who would take someone else's b*ating?


What's that cash doing there?

It's $500 left over from the painters.

- Can you re-deposit it for me?
- Write a check.

Write a check next time.

Do you like it? It was going to be...

Do we really need all this stuff?

It was gonna be a surprise.

Ethan, you picked this neighborhood.

You designed this house.

I told you from the beginning
I didn't need any of this.

What's going on?

He would've d*ed for that kid.

I couldn't do that.

I think you could.

You and me taking the kids camping again.

That's right.

- You gonna go to the doctor?
- I've been to the doctor, Sonny.

Well, maybe you should go back.

- Oh, sorry. Does it hurt?
- Yes, it hurts, Sonny.

Hurts like hell, all right?

God doesn't like it when you swear.

Let's go. Anybody seen Julius?

Hey, hey.
Start with the trash along the fence.


Hey, man,
why you climbing in the backyard?

Don't you know we can come around
the front now?

Guess you like doing things
the hard way, huh?

Young blood.

What's up?

Gonna get you
some of that great outdoors, huh?

...they got canoeing
and horseback riding

and all kinds of games you can play,
and we can go for a hike or two.

You should've called me.

Well, he's out.

Everybody's in. Let's go.

All right, let's roll out!

Let's go.


- What you got in your pocket?
- Nothing.

Let's see.

Let me see the bag.

Man, you been busy.

What's this?

Business is picking up.

Follow me.

All right, guys, pack it up,
go to the church, right now.

Tell him how old you are, Kali.

Go ahead.


What else you going to tell him?

Remember? You're going to tell him,
"I quit."

I quit.

I don't think he heard you above the traffic.

I quit.

Get on back.

- Yo, I want my ends.
- Your ends?

You just made a contribution to feed

about 80 of your less-privileged
brothers and sisters...


Dude, why you always in my business, man?

You don't know nothing about me

and you don't know nothing
about these streets.

- Give him the money, Jake.
- Yo, the bridge is closed.

Come on, Jake. Give him the money.

That's right, sh**t the white man
on the bridge during rush hour. Go ahead.

Check it out,


b*at it, Gucci.
There ain't no cameras up here.

$500. Just let him go.

Check it out.

Oh, Jake. Are you all right?
Let me help you up.

- Let me help you up.
- Take it!

- Let me help you.
- I said take it! Take the money.

You don't want my help?
You can keep your money.

Albania and the Ukraine
will be operational in six months.

Nairobi will be in expansion of
our existing compound, same with Bombay.

Seems like a lot to bite off.

Well, to me
it seems like an answer to prayer.

With the infusion of capital
that comes with the city's generous offer,

we can fund these outreach centers
for five full years

without touching
our regular operational budget.

Can't we take a few more days
to pray about it?

Well, we can take the rest of the year,
but unless the city has our yes

by 10:00 a.m. Tomorrow, they're gonna
move that stadium site across the river.

Gentlemen, we knew this deadline
was coming.

Now, I know this is difficult,

but we are not here
to make decisions based on emotion.

"To whom much is given, much is required."

And good stewardship requires us
to think about God's greater plan.

Now, if there's no more questions,
I move we bring this to a vote.

- Second.
- How can we even think of voting

when the people this affects most
are not even here?

This is not their decision to make.

Well, they're going to find out about it
sooner or later.

You think they're just gonna stand by

and let the city take
a wrecking ball to their church?

The city has eminent domain.

They can do what they want,
with or without any of us.

This way everyone benefits.
Including Second Chance.

- So let them at least participate.
- Okay, look, look.

I am with Parker on this, Todd.

There is no sense in stirring anything up.

We don't need any more headlines.

All in favor?


One opposed, two abstentions.

I don't abstain. I quit.

Hey, Julius. It's a new day.

- Thanks for everything.
- You got it.

- Bye, Julius.
- Bye, Julius.

Yesterday, Sonny told me that he had
something on his heart

he wanted to share at staff devotions.

You ready?

I've been reading,

reading in my Bible

where Jesus did something special
for his friends,

his best friends...

Go on.

Sonny, what are you doing?

- I need to ask forgiveness.
- What are you talking about?

Remember when you said it hurt like hell

- and I said God don't like it when we swear?
- Yeah.

I was more worried about you saying "hell"

than about how you was feeling.

- Well, I shouldn't have said that, Sonny.
- I judged you.

And I ain't ever been b*at up like that.

I love you, Tony.

I love you too, Sonny.

You're my best friend.

- You pay for that?
- Huh?

Did you pay for that?

Hey, give me that backpack.

You late for school.

Hey, and I want to start seeing
some rent money from your sorry ass.

You're not hungry this morning, Jake?

- No, just wondering why we're here.
- Honey.

Well, Jake,

over the past few years we've seen
the hand of God

do some amazing things
at Second Chance and...

Well, right now, if you'll all follow me,

I would just like to share with you
an exciting new vision for your ministry.

We've doubled the seating capacity.

We doubled the number of classrooms.

We got the new dorms for your women's
outreach with entirely separate entrances...

Where is the church?

- Well, the sanctuary's here.
- No. Where's our church?

This is a brand new campus, Jake.

It's on a piece of property
five miles north of our current structure.

Check this out, Mrs. Sanders.

Right here in the center
of the educational wing,

state-of-the-art kitchen. And we've got

two new mini-buses
to shuttle people up from the old 'hood.

Gentlemen, we appreciate the effort
that you put into this,

but our church
is the backbone of our community.

Well, without landmark status
the building is,

it's really just become
too expensive to maintain, I mean,

to restore it would cost
twice the price tag of all this.

I'm sorry for all the work
you've put into this,

but I'm afraid we're going
to have to vote no.

Jake, the board's already made its decision.

Parker, what are you putting here?
Hotel, parking lot?

I see the Mayor's baseball stadium.

This is a necessary step in rebuilding
our city's urban core.

- I'm not going to apologize...
- It's an off-ramp.

They're tearing down our church
for a bigger off-ramp. Unbelievable.

That baseball stadium
is going to provide economic stimulus...

For my people!

My people are lining up to sell hotdogs!

Pastor, you started Second Chance.

It's the right time, Amanda.

God's gonna use
ministries like these everywhere

to help more needy people.

Is that how you justify selling us out?

For what it's worth,
he was outvoted on this by the board.

For what it's worth, we didn't even
have a say when he ran off to the suburbs.

I plant churches, Jake. I planted yours.

And all that good that you see
going on there, I see it at The Rock.

And I want to see more of it
all over the world.

It's a global vision, Jake.
We're just trying to be good stewards.

This isn't about stewardship.

It's about money and power.

And I don't believe
Jesus spoke highly of either.

Well, what about arrogance?

I guess these things happen
when we keep our damn money.

You know what makes me crazy
about the Bible?

It says I gotta love you.

And right now,

all I want to do is b*at the hell out of you.

You don't want to lose that, Pastor.

When I was a young boy of 13...

When I was a young boy,
I took my pocketknife

and carved into my bunk bed

the words of Malcolm X.

"We didn't land on Plymouth Rock.

"Plymouth Rock landed on us."

Those words are still ringing
in my ears today,

because soon this sanctuary

will become smashed-up rubble.

Once again the crushing rock of injustice

leaves us with a dry, gritty taste
in our mouths.

Brothers and sisters,

I'm here to tell you

that I've traded in Plymouth Rock.

I've traded it in

for a Rock that builds me up.

I've traded it in for a Rock
that gives me dignity,

courage, and compassion.

I traded in Plymouth Rock
for the Rock of Ages.

And when we stand on the Rock of Ages,

we are required to stand tall
in the face of adversity.

When we stand

on the Rock of Ages,

we are asked...

We are...

We're commanded

- to love our enemies.
- Amen.

There's a song I learned in this place,
when I was a boy.

On Christ the solid

Rock I stand

All other ground is

Sinking sand

All other ground is sinking sand

Most of you all know

that I didn't come to Second Chance
by choice.

I'd spent a lot of years in sinking sand,

then God called me home.

And I wanted to serve Him

as long as I could stay comfortable,

stay where it's safe.

Brothers and sisters, I want to thank you

for teaching me

that comfort is sinking sand.

Safety is sinking sand.

And even this beautiful sanctuary

wasn't built to last.

The building isn't the church, is it?

Jonesy, you're the church.

Charday, you're the church.

Sonny, Amanda,


you all have shown me the love of Jesus

by being His church.

And Jake,

if you'll allow us,

my future wife Val and I
would love to move into this community

and be a part of your team

in whatever way you and the Lord see fit.

My hope is built

On nothing less

Than Jesus' blood

And righteousness

I dare not trust

The sweetest frame

But wholly lean

On Jesus' name

On Christ the solid Rock

I stand

All other ground

Is sinking sand

All other ground

Is sinking sand

- Beautiful old church.
- Yes, it is.

I wish we could've at least saved
the windows.

It's a shame.

Hey, Tony!

Some dude on the roof.

Up there.

What the hell's he doing up there?

Hey! Hey!

- Somebody's up there.
- Off the fence, boy.

- Somebody's up there.
- Get down off of this fence right now!

- Get down off the fence.
- There's somebody up there.

- Dad?
- There's somebody up there.

- You need to calm down.
- I didn't see you.

You need to calm down
before I have you restrained.

No. No.

Are you coming?

Hold up, now. You better stay down here.

You know your momma's gonna
k*ll us both, right?

You need to get here. Okay.

Can you open up?

- Mr. Mayor...
- Yes.

- Who's in charge here?
- I think he is.


Time to get some shoes
with better traction, Gucci.

- Yeah.
- Got it?

Got it.

Yeah, he's a good man.

I guess something just happened to him.

Hey, Chief. We got a situation.


Don't get up. Don't get up.

Dad, what are you doing?

Studying for next Sunday's sermon.

So why are you studying up here?

If I'm not studying here,
this church is coming down.

I remember you.

This is city property.

You are required
to vacate the rooftop, immediately.


Do something.
Just get these people out of here right now.

This is turning into a sideshow.

I need all of you to leave the area.

I repeat, you are required
to leave the area at once.

What is she doing?

They sitting down?

No, no, no, no.

Jake, you remember the last time
we were up here?

We needed a new lightning rod.

But we didn't have any money,

so we wired up that cross.

I want to remember what it's like
to be that lightning rod.

To fear absolutely nothing
but God Almighty.
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