01x06 - World's Biggest Thing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Corner Gas". Aired: January 22, 2004 – April 13, 2009.*
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Show focuses on the lifestyle of small-town folk; though set in a small town in Saskatchewan, its stories are not chiefly about Saskatchewan or Canada, but rather the day-to-day interactions of the residents of Dog River.
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01x06 - World's Biggest Thing

Post by bunniefuu »

What are ya doin'? Just a little game I play.

This is a board that says who's bounced cheques here.

Dad puts their names up to shame them into paying.

Having your name written in chalk.

There's a shame that never goes away.

Oh, here he comes.

So what's the game? Watch.

More bounced cheques? Cheap sons of Who is it? Peter parker? Who's that? Is he from town here? And who's this jean
-Luck pikard? I think that's Jean
-Luc Picard.

What a handle.

Marge simpson? That sounds familiar.

She's bounced cheques here before, I think.

Don't take cheques from marge simpson or that french guy.

This is fun for you? He's still trying to track down arthur fonzarelli.

♪ you can tell me that your dog ran away

♪ then tell me that it took three days

♪ i've heard every joke i've heard every one you say

♪ you think there's not a lot goin' on

♪ look closer baby you're so wrong

♪ and that's why you can stay so long

♪ where there's not a lot goin' on

♪ hey, Brent, there's somethin' I wanna run by ya.

I got an idea that will suck a million tourists into Dog River.

You ready for this? I bet this is gonna be great! The world's biggest.

Could you finish that sentence? World's biggest what? I don't know.

I see.

So the world's biggest something? Exactly.

Moose jaw's got the world's biggest moose.

Tisdale's got the world's biggest bumblebee.

And up the road at wullerton, They got the world's biggest magpie.

It draws in tourists like some kinda Like a Um uh Tourist magnet? Yeah.

Like Like a magnet for tourists.

Vegreveille has the world's biggest easter egg.

People from all over come and see that.

It's the new vegas.


I figure if we can come up with some kinda, you know, World's biggest somethin' or other, People will stop in Dog River and check out our thing.

Put that in the brochure, "check out our thing.

" And they'll stop in here to get their gas And their drinks and their smokes and snacks and whatnot.

Actually, Hank, I think you're onto somethin'.

Everyone, Hank has had a good idea.

Someone circle the calendar.

Very funny.

I'm gonna bring this up at the town meeting.

Anything I can do to help, let me know.

Be at the town meeting? No.

Could you pass the ketchup? Oh, yeah, sure.

Ah! What the hell's wrong with you? I pulled a muscle in my neck.

Lifting ketchup? Yeah.

I threw my back out the other day, shaving.

Oh, I used to be in such great shape.

Now I can feel it all slippin' away.

You're gettin' old.

I'm not old.

You're not young.

This is the way it goes, Davis.

One day it dawns on ya that you're startin' to get old.

And then it dawns on ya that ya are old.

Then it dawns on ya that every second that ticks by Is just another inch that you've dragged Your tired carcass towards you own cold grave.

Then one day stuff stops dawnin' on ya, 'Cause ya died.

Ever done any motivational speaking? You should look into it.

Just givin' him the benefits of my wisdom.

It's the only good thing about being old.

You are not old, Oscar.

Go on.

I'm 63, and I look 73.

You do not.

You are a damn fine looking man, Oscar LeRoy, And don't you forget it.


All in favour? All opposed? nay.

The nays have it.

So we will Sorry, ed.

Any other ideas on how to improve tourism? Stop shuttin' down the town in the middle of the day for meetings.

We'll discuss that at our next meeting, do these town meetings usually go on for this long? Hey, have you ever been to one? What are they like? You seem kinda crabby.

Are you crabby? Is somethin' wrong? Yeah.

You're not askin' me enough questions.

just stay low.

Keep your head down.

Okay, it's been a while since I went to ninja school.

I don't want Hank to know that i'm here.

Why not? Because then he'll involve me somehow And then i'm an idiot by association.

The floor will now recognize Hank Yarbo.

Hey, look, it's Hank Yarbo.

-Ha! Ha
-Ha ha.

Go ahead, Hank.


Thanks, Fitzy.

I I mean I mean mr.


He's the Mayor.

Well, i I I think that people buy smokes, right? But But what we need is a Is a Is a magnet, Like the Like they got in the In that new vegas.


Like a bee.

And, uh, and And And And gas.

But But a big one, right? A big A A We need to build a really, really big one.


He's like a young trudeau.

Somebody needs to cheer up.

How about some music? Hey! That new music sucks, and it sucks too loud! New? That song came out in like '96.

I was still in high school when that song came out.

Why are they having a town meeting About increasing tourism? Like tourists are gonna come to Dog River? Not in my lifetime and certainly not in yours.

People will buy smokes, Big smokes, any big, huge thing, any big thing.

Let me try that again.

Oh, no! His wheels are comin' off.

Oh, relax.

He'll be fine.


He's gonna haul me into his hell.

Brent, you made it! Yeah, i'm here for ya, buddy.

Brent knows what i'm talkin' about And he He can take it from here.

Uh He He knows.


Uh, okay.

Well, you all know that moose jaw has the world's biggest moose? Yeah.

We build something similar.

A caribou.

A reindeer.

Not similar to a moose.

Fish? Similar in concept.

Uh, we build something that is somehow Representative of our town.

I don't know.

It sounds pretty pricey.

Well, they got that big magpie up the road, Fitzy.

Are you, as Mayor of Dog River, Tellin' me that we're not as good as wullerton? N
- No.

I I I I I wasn't saying that.

I Do you guys think we're as good as wullerton? hell, yeah.

You should seriously consider starting your own cult.

I'm thinkin' about it.

Play your cards right, you could be wife number 30.

You better start being nice to me, Emma.

Or what, exactly? I didn't know whether to tell you this or not, But someone in town has a crush on me.

A crush on you? You couldn't get a dog to lick you if you were covered in gravy.

What are you talkin' about? Dogs lick me all the time.

So who's got a crush on you? Is helen keller back in town? Lacey.

Lacey? That's right, Lacey.

In retrospect, I should have seen the signs.

More coffee, Oscar? What time is it? Hi, Lacey.


Poor kid, she's got it bad.

Listen, Oscar, I know Lacey is young and pretty and new.

You and i've been together for 37 years and I don't know what i'd do if you suddenly took off with Lacey And the two of you would I held it together pretty good there for a second.

you and Lacey! You've gotta be kidding me.

all right, let's get to it.

This committee's job is to decide what sort of World's biggest thing to build.

Brent, any suggestions? This was your idea.

Well, i Whoa, hey, hey! Point of order.

What? Oh, yeah.

This was Hank's idea, actually.

How about a hand for Hank, everybody.

Well, I was just gonna say that I think We should build something symbolic of Dog River.

How about a big dog standing in a river? And yet something less obvious than that.

Hey, Oscar.

Hello, Lacey.

The other day Emma and i You know my wife, Emma? Yeah, of course.

Well, the other day I was watching the news, Watching the news with my wife, Emma, And they said that bill clinton, he was fooling around, Fooling around on his wife.

That was on the news? That happened last millennium.

And I says to my wife, Emma, "wife, I don't approve "Of that bill clinton fooling around like that And I don't approve of that young woman fooling around with him," If you understand what i'm saying? Ah, I don't know, Oscar.

It happens, you know? A lot of women are attracted to powerful older men.

Damn! you know what, Brent? Let me, okay? All right, everybody, finish this sentence.

Welcome to Dog River, home of the world's biggest? We got that far an hour ago.

World's biggest gopher.

Stumpwood has the world's biggest gopher.

How big is it? Its head's made out of a volkswagen.

That's big.

World's second biggest gopher.

That's good.

No, it can't be the world's second biggest something.

It's like the greatest show on earth.

Nobody's heard of the second greatest show on earth.


I have a suggestion.


The floor recognizes my grandma.

Dog River has always been a farming community.

I think we should build something that would show How proud we are of our agricultural heritage.

There ya go.

Now we're cookin'.

we should build a hoe.

Uh, the world's biggest hoe? They do attract people.

A And they certainly generate revenue.

Wanda, have you got a second? Honestly, who eats headcheese? It's good.

It reminds me of when I was a kid.

That's why they call it "the depression.

" I need to talk to you.


Say a woman is attracted to a guy, But the guy doesn't want her to be, What can he do to make himself less appealing? Sleep with her.

No, no, no, no, no.

That would just make it worse.

Is there somethin' a guy can do just to look less appealing? What do ya mean, like having something stuck in his teeth? Now we're cookin'.

It could be coming up out of the earth, Covered with topsoil.

Now it's a big dirty hoe.

Hang on.

I don't know if this hoe thing is such a great idea.

How about a big shovel? That's almost the same thing.

Geez, Brent.

First you try to steal my idea And now you're takin' hers.

Yeah, Brent.

Look Fitzy's grandma in the eye And give her one good reason why this town Can't build a great big dirty hoe.

Um, all right.

Well, you see, it's just that, uh, if If No reason, ma'am.

We can bolt some sheet metal onto an old telephone pole.

Nah, the wood's too dry.

It'll crack.

Crack hoe.

Crack hoe.

This really entertains you, doesn't it? You have no idea.

Hey, do we have any parsley? Above the stove.

What do you need parsley for? Watch your show.

Oh, look, Oscar! Raquel welch is on tv.

Doesn't she also have a crush on you? Laugh it up.

Angie dickinson called earlier.

I told her you were married.

I'm goin' out.

I'll just stay here.

I don't want to cramp your style.

Say hI to farrah fawcett for me.

it was unbelievable.

It was like And I was the guy running around at the end going, "Don't you see? It's a big hoe, a big dirty hoe!" Nobody seemed to get it.

I'm assuming there's not a demand for rap albums in this town?
♪ So, where are they gonna build this hoe? Probably on a street corner.

And no one else got the hoe thing, uh? No.

Well, actually, I'm pretty sure that the Mayor got it.

Fitzy, are you okay with us building the world's biggest What was I gonna say, Brent? She's my grandma, my grandma! i'd never seen a human face do that before.

It looked like a balloon full of jam.

Can we get a round? Hey, Brent, good job at the meeting.

You had them in the palm of your hands, Till you tried to steal old lady jensen's idea.

I can't believe you didn't say anything.

About what? The hoe thing? What's the problem? Well, Hank, in In large urban centres Some women are willing to exchange money for, um Uh I know, I know.

I get it.

Hoe, big dirty hoe, crack hoe.

I'm there.

But the way I see it, when we build this thing, It's gonna cause a huge stink in the media, And not just locally, nationally, Internationally.

Then we just sit back And wait for the tourist dollars to roll in.

That's actually not a bad idea.

Hank's got a good idea.

Circle the calendar.

I used that one already.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I can't keep track.

I don't know, Hank.

I don't buy it.

I hear world's biggest hoe, I picture a 40 foot prost*tute.

I'd watch that movie.

Can't they just use a different word? Have you heard? The town's building the world's biggest soil turner.

How tall are they gonna make that big earth spoon? I can't wait to see that giant dirt stick.

Nobody's buyin' it.

Did you try dirt stick? Yes.

I'm sorry, I can't do this.

I can't watch a woman play pinball.

What was that about? well, those flippers move independently, you know? You don't have to flap them both at once.

Atta girl! Hey, Oscar.

Hi, linda.

It's Lacey.

Oh, right.


Did you get hit by a grain truck? or a garbage truck? Oohf, what's the deal? What are you talkin' about? I feel fine.

I feel really good.

Is that parsley in your teeth? Well, maybe.

Ha ha! Does it look gross? Hey? Lacey? Hmm? Uh, no.

I get stuff stuck in my teeth all the time.

Damn! Another thing we've got in common.

I gotta go home now, to my What was that about? Oh, my god! Oscar was talkin' about Lacey.

About me? Yep.

Oscar thinks you have a crush on him.

What? Yep.



Huh? Uh


Oh, no, you guys! Because I told him he didn't look old? I was trying to make him feel better.

Hussy! Is this your card? No.

Is it your card? Nope.

I suck at this.

Oh, god! Here's your dad.

I want you to know i'm okay with you being my new mommy.

Shut up.

Do you prefer mom or mommy? I don't want to hurt his feelings, But this has gotta end.

What are you all lookin' at? Oscar? Uh, could I have a word with you? I I think that there's been a misunderstanding.

Oh! Hey, Oscar! We got a new shipment of headcheese in.

Headcheese? Headcheese? Headcheese? Yes, headcheese.

Oh, Oscar loves headcheese.

Don't ya, Oscar? Oh, yeah.

Nectar of the gods.

Let me at it.

Oh, look, Lacey! Oscar's eatin' headcheese.

So? Oh! Headcheese! Oh, Oscar, that's disgusting! Oh, I eat it every day.

Want some? Oscar, that is such a turnoff.

I'm sorry, I think I have to leave.

I'm I'm gonna be sick.

cooled her jets.

So Lacey was warm to your form, was she? Poor kid.

Were you tempted? Don't be an idiot.

She is easy on the eyes.

Wouldn't be after Emma got through with her.

Oh, that's true.

Lacey seems nimble, but, uh, I don't think she could match mom's raw power.

Damn skunk in the garden! go on, get! the tourist attraction that the committee Has decided to build is the world's biggest hoe.

I'm surprised you came.

Well, I couldn't miss the announcement Of the world's biggest gardening implement.

Okay, it's a hoe.

I thought there would be more people here.

Quincy's on.

I finally get to go to a town meeting.

It's everything I imagined.

I can't believe they're building the world's biggest hoe.

May as well say we've got the world's biggest prost*tute.

Shame on you! Why do you youngsters always have to have such filthy mouths?! Youngster.

Everything's relative I guess.

I'll admit, I thought the idea of a world's biggest hoe Was kinda dumb, but now that I see it.

yeah, it really is impressive.

Gee, this makes our hoe look tiny.

Really? You think this one's bigger than the one We built in Dog River? Oh, yeah.

I guess we shoulda checked first to see If anybody else already had the world's biggest hoe.

that would have been the smart thing to do.

Geez, this is a nice town.

Do you guys want to spend some money here? Yeah.

Buy some smokes and gas and drinks And snacks and whatnot.

Hey, look! There's a coffee shop attached to that gas station.

♪ I don't know the same things you don't know

♪ I don't know I just don't know

♪ it's a great big place

♪ full of nothin' but space

♪ and it's my happy place

♪ I don't know yes you do

♪ you just won't admit it

♪ I don't know the same things you don't know
♪ We're on the interweb at cornergas.
♪ I don't know

♪ I just don't know

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