01x14 - Star Gazers/A Jump to Remember

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nature Cat". Aired: November 25, 2015 –; present.*
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Centers on house cat Fred, a dreamer of the great outdoors when his family leaves for the day, Fred becomes Nature Cat and with the help of his animal friends, he embarks on action-packed adventures.
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01x14 - Star Gazers/A Jump to Remember

Post by bunniefuu »

FRED: That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

(Door closing)

I become...

Nature Cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire.

♪ Tallyho ♪

♪ Tallyho ♪

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So, what are we waiting for? ♪

♪ We're so excited to explore ♪

♪ All that nature has in store with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Tallyho, tallyho ♪

♪ He's our favourite nature guide ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get-- ♪ Outside!

♪ Swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪ ♪ Tallyho ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Nature Cat ♪

♪ Tallyho ♪

ALL: ♪ Oh, Star Gazers are we ♪

♪ You never know what you'll see ♪

♪ In the sky at night stars are glaring so bright ♪

♪ Star Gazers are we ♪


Onward and yonward, fellow Star Gazers.

(Gasping): Ooh!

This looks like a great spot to stargaze tonight, g*ng.

Squeeks to Earth. We're coming in for a landing.


Man, oh, man.

It's a perfect night for stargazing.

NATURE CAT: It sure is, Daisy.

A nice, clear night sky.

SQUEEKS: Oh, yeah. No clouds anywhere.

NATURE CAT: And no moon.

Ha-ha. So, what are we waiting for?

Let's stargaze.

Sleeping bags to keep us comfy.

Hot chocolate to keep us warm.


And I like hot chocolate.

And my night sky map to show us

where stars and constellations are in the night sky.

And I read there's supposed to be

a spectacular meteor shower tonight.

Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!

BOTH: We're going to see a meteor shower!

We're going to see a meteor shower!

Uh, wait, what is a meteor shower?

No clue.

Wait, who are you again?

It's when we have a better chance to see sh**ting stars.

ALL: Ooh!


It's a big night, fellow Star Gazers.

ALL: ♪ Oh, Star Gazers are we ♪

♪ You never know what you'll see ♪

♪ In the sky at night stars are glaring so bright ♪

♪ Star Gazers are we ♪


DaisyPhone going dark.

The darker it is, the more stars we'll see.

Yup, and now let's adjust our eyes to the dark.

ALL: Eyes adjusting.

Now it's time to stargaze.


Oh, oh. Is that a meteor? That's got to be a meteor?

Actually, you guys, I think it's an airplane.

See how the light blinks on and off.

So when are we going to see this meteor, already?

Hal, an important part of stargazing

is to have patience.

Patience. Got you. Patience.

I have plenty of patience.

Oh, what is that bright light up there?

Is that a meteor? That's got to be the meteor!

I think I see a meteor!

No, that's a planet.

The planet Venus.


Hi, planet Venus. It's me, Hal.

And might I say you're looking quite lovely this evening.

Planet? What's a planet?

Like Earth, you know.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.

Planets orbit around the sun.

Wait. How can you tell which is a planet and which is a star?

It's actually simple. Stars twinkle, planets don't.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are.

Look at you, up above the world so high like a...

like a, um...


Uh, diamond?

Yeah! Kind of like a diamond in the sky.

That's exactly what I was thinking.

ALL: ♪ Oh, Star Gazers are we ♪

♪ You never know what you'll see ♪

♪ In the sky at night stars are glaring so bright ♪

♪ Star Gazers are we ♪



♪ Oh, star Gazers are we ♪

♪ You never know what you'll see ♪

♪ In the sky at night stars are glaring so bright ♪

♪ Star Gazers are we ♪

(Hal laughing)

Calling Star Gazers. Come in, Star Gazers.

Are you there?

Hello, Mission Control. Star Gazers here.

Affirmative. We've just received word

that a space doggy named Shirley

is lost in space.

And she needs to get home to her mommy's birthday party,

and fast.

Poor little space doggy.

Can you help her?

You bet we can.

We're on it.


I knew we could count on you.

Good luck, Star Gazers. Over.

We're off, fellow Star Gazers,

on another exciting outer space mission.

Onward and spaceward.

Never fear, little Shirley.

The Star Gazers are here.

Star Gazers in the house.

Oh, Star Gazers, I'm so glad you're here.

I'm completely lost, and it's my mommy's birthday party today.

Oh, how did you wind up here, little space doggy?

Well, I had to fly so far away to get my mommy

the most amazing birthday present,

because she's the most amazing mommy.

ALL: Aww!

A lovey plant from the planet Lovey Dovey.

Ooh, I love it!

Thanks, Hal. Love you too.

Oh, thank you!

You're mom's going to love it, Shirley.

But not if I can't get home.

I have no idea how to get home.

And my mommy's party starts soon.

Looks like I'm going to miss it.

Not on our watch, Shirley!

The Star Gazers will help you get home.

Really? How?

By using the stars just like explorers used to.

ALL: ♪ Oh, Star Gazers are we ♪

♪ You never know what you'll see ♪

♪ In the sky at night stars are glaring so bright ♪

♪ Star Gazers are we ♪

Hey, yeah, the stars.

I remember my mommy told me if I ever get lost

to look for a star to guide me home.

Which star, Shirley?

It's called Polaris.

But I'm not sure where it is.

There are millions and millions of stars all around.

Polaris? Oh, Polaris? Where are you, Polaris?

It's me, Hal.

DAISY: Polaris?

I think that's the North Star.

I kind of remember it's part of one of the constellations.

Nature Cat, let's check your map to see where it is.

Great idea, Squeeks.

My trusty night sky map will provide the answer.

Okay, here's the constellation Cassiopeia,

so named for a queen who, in a Greek myth,

believed herself to be more beautiful than anyone.

Yup. That's the real Cassiopeia constellation.

But Polaris isn't a part of it.

And here's Orion, the great hunter.

These three stars are his belt.

Orion's Belt. But no Polaris.

Gee, I wish I had my own star formation.

I could take a star from there, and one from there,

and a couple from over there,

and maybe one from there, and ta-dee!

And I'll name it...

Hmm. Oh, I know! Hal!

Really nice work, Hal.

I love it.

Oh, fantastic.

It looks just like you.

Thank you.

Uh, guys, ahem, the task at hand...?

Oh, yes, right. Back to finding Polaris.

Let's see, the next constellation is...

Ah-ha! The Big Dipper.

And the Little Dipper.

They should be right about...there.

DAISY: Man, oh, man.

There's the Big Dipper.

SHIRLEY: Gosh. It really looks like a ladle.

SQUEEKS: And there's the Little Dipper.

The Little Dipper looks just like the Big Dipper,

only littler.

Hence the name. Wink, wink.

Oh, the Little Dipper sounds familiar to me.

Oh, I think Polaris might be a part of it.

Yes, yes, yes. Right you are, Daisy.

Here it is: Polaris.

At the end of the Little Dipper.

(Gasping): That's it.

The little twinkly star right there.

I give you...Polaris.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, Star Gazers.

I'll head right towards Polaris, and it'll take me right home.

Pssh. Please.

That scooter will never get you there fast enough,

Little Shirley.

Hop in, and the Star Gazers will get you there in no time.

There it is! My planet, Twylo!

Thanks again, Star Gazers.

I'm going to make my mommy's party.

ALL: Bye, Shirley!

Have fun at the party. Nice to meet you.

Oh, Shirley, wait.

I, Nature Cat, do hereby make you

an honorary Star Gazer.

Wow! Thanks.

Wish your mom a happy birthday from us.

Oh, I will!


Mission accomplished.

(Engines powering up)

(All chattering and shouting)

ALL: Whoa!



Look. ALL: It's a meteor shower!

DAISY: It certainly is cool.

SQUEEKS: Oh, man, that's the coolest.

HAL: Wow.

That was so amazing!

I never thought I would ever see that!

So cool. So worth the wait.

ALL: ♪ We saw a meteor shower ♪

♪ We saw a meteor shower ♪

It's all about patience.

Which I have plenty of, by the way.

Hey, look. That's the Little Dipper.

Oh, and there's Polaris.

Yeah, you're right, Nature Cat.

Gee, I hope Shirley's having a blast at the party.

Shirley? Who's Shirley?

Oh, just a really good friend.

Like all of you.

ALL: ♪ Oh, Star Gazers are we ♪

♪ You never know what you'll see ♪

♪ In the sky at night stars are glaring so bright ♪

♪ Star Gazers are we ♪

(Hal laughing)

(Wind gusting)

Be brave, Nature Cat.

Remember, the path to glory is paved with obstacles.

Okay, Nature Cat. You're good to go.

Yes, I am.

Onward and... yow.

Wow, I...

Come on, Nature Cat. Jump.

What are you waiting for? An invitation?

Okay, here it is:

Dear Nature Cat, please come down.

Love, Hal.

Oh, uh, yup, just testing the wind.

I know this ski jump isn't the same without snow,

but it's good practice.

You do want to be in the Animal Book of World Records,

don't you, Nature Cat?

I sure do, Squeeks. And I've tried everything.

And I mean everything.

(Birds tweeting)

(Knuckles cracking)

And this is my last chance to get in the record books.

"Dear Nature Cat,

we love that you don't give up."

That's good.

"One of the only records you haven't tried to break

"is the ski jump.

We will be there tomorrow for your attempt."

Wait a minute. When did you get this?


Oh, yesterday.

Then tomorrow is today.

They're coming today!

Today? Yikes!



Wow. Way to go, Nature Cat. You did it.

Two feet and one inch.

Just feet short of the record.

Yup. Just feet short.

Wait, feet short?

Well I guess we need to practice a little more, huh?

But they're coming today. I'm not ready!

That's obvious.

Oh, hello, Ronald.

Oh, hello, Nature Cat.

Nice jump.

I'll have you know, Ronald, he was just warming up.

Right, Nature Cat? Wink, wink.

That's right, Hal.

I was just saving myself for the real jump.

Oh, give it up, furball.

You'll never break the record.

You'll never b*at the champ.

Says who?

Um, says the<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Animal Book of World Records, <span> page .

NATURE CAT: You're the champ?

Man, oh, man, I didn't know that.

Oh, oh, oh, can I get an autograph, Champion Ronald?

And can you sign it to "My Best Friend Hal"?

Well, of course. Here you go, little fella.

(Chuckling): Run along now.

(Gasping): Thanks.

Records were made to be broken, Ronald.

And I, Nature Cat,

intend to be that record breaker.


Nice one.

You don't have a chance, Nature Cat.


What are you talking...?

Oh, and by the way, last time I checked,

you need snow to make an official ski jump.

(Ronald laughing)

You don't have any snow.

Boom shakalaka!

Oh, man.

Well, I hate to say this, but Ronald's right.

No snow, no ski.

And no ski, no record.

We need snow.

There must be something we can do.

Oh, there is. There is.


Right you are, Hal.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

I think I'm thinking

what I think you're thinking, Nature Cat. Whoa...

I'm thinking you guys should stop thinking and just show us.

Snow dance! Snow dance!

♪ Oh, snow, snow, we need snow ♪

♪ Ho-ho-ho-ho ho-ho-ho ♪

♪ Bring it now somehow, somehow ♪

♪ Snow, snow, we need snow ♪

♪ Oh, snow, snow, we need snow ♪

Can we stop ho-hoing, please?

This is certainly not working.

Although nice choreography.

♪ We need snow ♪

Hal. What?

Doing a snow dance is not scientifically credible.

But it sure is super fun.

Well, there are clouds.

You need clouds for it to snow.

(Wind gusting)

And it certainly feels cold enough.

It needs to be cold for it to snow.

So why isn't it snowing?


I'll get to the bottom of this.

"What makes snow fall?"

Oh, okay.

It says you need the right amount of moisture

and freezing temperatures in the clouds

so snow can form.

Hmm, so there's not enough moisture in those clouds.

We have the right temperature but not the moisture.

Ugh, those clouds are no good to us.

Too bad we can't make snow without clouds.

No offense, clouds.

Hal, you're a genius.

I am? I actually already knew that,

considering I'm a genius and all.

"How to make snow."

Oh, sweet. It's all right here.


"To make snow, the air temperature

must be below freezing, which is degrees Fahrenheit."

Okay, air temperature: degrees Fahrenheit.

Air temperature: degrees below freezing.


"Put moisture in the air so it will freeze."

Hal, is the hose in place? Over.

Hose in water. Over talking.

Hose in water. Check.

"Make sure the water is really cold."

Hal, is the water really cold?


(Teeth chattering): Yup.

W-w-water's c-c-cold.

Water's cold. Check.

Now what?

Now we need one of these bad boys:

A super snow-making nozzle.

One super snow-making nozzle.

Snow nozzle in place. Check.

Now, aim the hose at a -degree angle.

Not straight out and not straight up.

Aim it halfway in between.

-degree angle achieved.

Hear ye, hear ye, let the snow begin.

Hey, where's the water?


Whoa! Whoa!


Looks like we have some time to play a little catch, Sheldon.

What do you say?

I say, let's play, Hal.

Yes! Four points for us, Sheldon.

Nice job, Hal.

(Both screaming)


Hey. No water.

What happened?

Ready to a super-high -pointer, Sheldon?

Bring it on, Hal.

SQUEEKS (Over walkie-talkie): Hal, we need water. Over.

Oh, no! Oh, no!

My dream has dried up.

Making it into the<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Animal Book of World Records

is but a distant memory.


ALL: Water!

Yes! My dream still lives.

"For best results,

the water should be a fine mist."

Oh. Quick, change the setting on the nozzle.

Oh, yeah! Snow!

Man, oh, man.

It's actually working.

Ha-ha! Hear ye, hear ye.

Snow. We have snow.


♪ Yeah, we're making it snow don't you know ♪

♪ They said it could never be so ♪

♪ But we're making it snow ♪

♪ See the snowflakes land ♪

DAISY: ♪ All around ♪ ALL: ♪ All around ♪

♪ You see the ground turn white and surround you ♪

♪ We're making it snow don't you know ♪

♪ They said it could never be so ♪

♪ But we're making it snow ♪

♪ Yeah, we're making it snow ♪ ♪ Yeah we're making it snow ♪

♪ Don't you know ♪ ♪ Don't you know ♪

♪ They said it could never snow ♪

♪ They said it could never snow ♪

♪ They said it could never be so ♪

♪ But we're making it snow ♪

Great job, Hal.

We have all the snow we need.

Okay, you ready, Nature Cat?

Nature Cat?

Nature Cat, you can do this. I know it.

You can do anything you set your mind to.

(Laughing): Okay, Nature Cat.

We're ready for your attempt

to get into the record books again.

Come on, buddy. You even made snow.

Who does that?

You're right, Squeeks.

I'm ready.

Come on down, Nature Cat.


Onward and yonward.


(All gasping)



(All cheering)

Twenty-two feet. three and one-half inches.

Congratulations, Nature Cat.

You've just jumped into the Animal Book of World Records.


(All cheering)

No fair. No fair.



Hey, Nature Cat.

Check out page .

(Laughing): Bye!

Could it really be?

ALL: Open it, Nature Cat!

Hurry! I want to see it!

NATURE CAT: Ha-ha! I finally made it.

ALL: Woo-hoo!

I couldn't have done it without you guys.


ANNOUNCER: Nature Cat, Squeeks,

Daisy and Hal

are cartoon characters and not real animals.

To keep all of our animal friends safe,

check with a grown-up

before you bring a pet on your next nature adventure.



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