04x01 - Extortion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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04x01 - Extortion

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


If the weather's nice, I think I'll
bring Alice down here on our day off.

I thought you and
Alice had a falling out.

That's right.

You got back together, huh?

Why don't you and
Jean come down with us?

I don't know, Pete.

You and Alice make a
pretty hot-headed twosome.

I think we'll just hang
around the pool this weekend.

The pool?

When did you get
a swimming pool?

Uh, it's just a
figure of speech.

What pool?

It's one of those little plastic
pools Jean bought for Jimmy.

I don't know. You're
coming up in the world.

Drinks on your veranda
and your own swimming pool.

Yeah, but I don't do any of
that showy stuff off the high dive.

All units in the
vicinity, One-Adam-12.

A 211 silent at the
restaurant. 17 Bay Lane.

One-Adam-12, handle code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

This is One-Adam-12
in pursuit of three male,

possible 211 suspects
heading south on Dover Drive.

Suspect vehicle is a 1971
four-door Chevrolet, white over green.

- You make the plate?
- No.

Suspect vehicle has turned
west on Roosevelt Highway.

All units on all
frequencies stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit.

This is One-Adam-12. We
lost contact with 211 suspects.

Last seen heading west on
Roosevelt Highway into the county.

Show us code 6 on 17 Bay Lane.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

I'd say the dude was at
least 6'1" about 220 pounds.

Maybe more.

He was a lot bigger
than the other two.

And mean. Oh, real mean.

He's the one who belted me.

Susie, could you
move a little faster, huh?

We got to get this place
cleaned up. Got to make a buck.

And I know he didn't see
me trip the silent alarm.

He just belted me for kicks.

Did they use any names?

No, they didn't say anything.

I was making setups.

They walked in. I told
them we weren't open yet.

Then the big guy
ups with a shotgun.


He must have been
carrying it behind his leg,

or I would've seen
it when they come in.

Any idea how much they took?

Yeah, exactly 500.

Working money for the day.

Mostly bills, some coin
rolled in bank paper.

Are you sure you don't
want us to call an ambulance?

Nah, I'll be all right.

What happens next?

We file a report. Detectives
will make the investigation.

Well, there won't be any
fingerprints or anything.

They had gloves on.

All units, a sign stolen
in the two column.

276 Ida Nora zebra.

A 1971 Chevrolet,
four-door, white over green

taken from 2719 Ocean View.

Sounds like the 211
we were chasing.

If it's hot, they
probably ditched it.

Why don't we circle search
the area where we lost them?

That's it.

This is One-Adam-12.

Code 6 at Sherman
Avenue and Holly Court.

One stolen vehicle

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Excuse me, ma'am. I'd
like to ask you about that car.

Did you ever see who was
driving or where they went?

Hey, officers.

Yeah, son.

You want to know
about them three guys?

I'll tell you.

They ran over my ball.

It's swiped, ain't it? That car?

I figured there was something
goofy about them guys.

- Three men?
- Yeah.

Did you see where they went?

Down that way.

Did they go into one of
those houses down there?

Nah, they took
off in another car.


Sort of brown.

Maybe a Ford.

Yeah, that's what it was.


You catch them, see?

And make them
give me another ball.

I'll put out a supplemental.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,
seen a man, 507 juveniles.

1354 Front.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Oh, my name is Fine.

My name is Malloy. This
is my partner, Jim Reed.

Two good-looking young men.

What's the trouble, sir?

Trouble like this shouldn't be.

Not in America.

Yes, sir, we saw the window.

From something like that,
you think they can frighten me?


Then we knew the
fear, young man.

The fear of that.

They were ghouls.

These are just hoodlums, punks.

- You see this?
- Yes.

I got this today because
I told them no more.

Who did it, Mr. Fine?

walking through there.

$2.00 a week just
to stay in business.

No self-respecting
person should pay.

Somebody's trying
to shake you down

in return for
protection. Is that it?

Not only me.

Six or seven other
proprietors along the beach.

It ought to be against the law.

Yes, sir, it is.

You had to call the police. Why?

For the good of
all of us, Mr. Gold.

Mr. Fine, you're a fool
Now none of us will be safe.

Can you give us a
description of the people...


Like I said, punks,
a g*ng of them.

Let's go. Face
down on the ground.

Come on. Move it.

Whatever you want from
me, just ask, young man.

Charges I will gladly bring.

Yes, sir. Thank you.

No? What do you
think of it now, Mr. Gold?

They don't look so tough, huh?

Yeah, but two of them got away.

Two is less than four.

Yeah, but look.
Maybe you're right,

but what about the rest of them?

A mathematician.

Fun and games. I
wonder if those two

know how hard the
fall can be for extortion.

They'll find out if
Mr. Fine has his say.

The old gentleman's got guts.


Tan convertible.

The boy said brown. Three men.

The book says reasonable cause.

They're going to
go at least 61220.

See what you can get on them.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting a want.

California license 103
Paul Charles Edward.


103 Paul Charles
Edward... No want.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Could be cold plates.

Could be they own it.

The spotted us.

One-Adam-12, suspect vehicle
now heading east on Canal.

All right, freeze!

Keep your hands
where I can see them.

Let's go.


Look, officer, I know I
went through that stop sign,

but I saw you guys.
I guess I flipped out.

Let's go. Hands on top of
your heads and turn around.

Hey, have a heart, officer.

I can't afford
another traffic bust.

I'll lose my license.

Looks like almost 500.

All right, hold it!

Drop it!

Face down.

Hands behind your back.

All right, up.


Watch your head.

Take a look.

He pulled the trigger
hard enough to break it.

- Misfire?
- No.

The safety was on.

Look. Smoke.

We better take a look.

- Come on away from there.
- My truck.

It's too late to do
anything about it.

My truck.


Norma, it's the truck.

Oh, it's all right.
It's all right.

I knew it. I knew it
was going to happen.

But no, he had to be a hero.

First it was the
bricks in the window.

Now it's a b*mb.

How do you know it was a b*mb?

What else?

Look, I'm minding
my own business.

I hear boom. I thought they were
trying to blow up my joint here.

You see anything?
Anything at all?

Mr. Policeman, I
don't see nothing.

I don't hear nothing,
and I don't say nothing.

If you'll excuse me.

Oh, such a stubborn
man I marry. I say to him,

"Papa, why are you asking
more trouble for yourself?"

You know what he says to me?

"Mama, I am a man
of principle." Principle.

We can't run the
business without the truck.

I know this is rough.

I don't know.

Maybe I got too much
of the TV in my head.

Seymour Fine, the
big crime buster.

Maybe I see better now.

We don't need anymore trouble.

We have just a
little business here.

We would like
to help you, but...

I understand, but
you're making a mistake.

We can help you.

If we work together,
we can stop this thing.

Sure. Sure.

But I'm getting out of
the crime fight business.

From here on, I
stick to used clothes.

Oh, Officers.

The two we caught this
morning, you let them go.

I'm not going to
press the charges.

Maybe we can put things
back the way they were.

But we can stop what
we've already done.

Do you think that'll help?

I'll pray.

One-Adam-12, clear.

One-Adam-12, clear in a call.

A 415 at the boat
yard. Sail Fin way.

Code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Over there by the lift.

Get him down.

Come on. Do something.

I told you I haven't got it yet.

Hey, come on down.

Oh, no. No, no. I'm not coming
down until I get my money.

And if I don't get my money,

this whole mess is
going to go in the drain.

So I owe him back pay.

Come on down.
We'll talk about it.

Talk? I'm tired of talk.

I want action. You
hear me? Action!

Promises. Nothing but promises.

If he owes you, file a claim.


A claim!

The Department
of Labor Relations.

Oh, come on. A claim?

It'll take a year to collect.

Hey, you better get
back. It's wet down there.

You're making a mistake.

- A what?
- Big trouble.

I'm already in big trouble.

You do this, you'll be in
so far, you'll never get out.

All right. So what's
the difference?

He owes me. Now I'm
going to owe him, see?

That'll even things up.

Look out. Here we go.

All right. All
right. Take it easy.

Where does he live?

One of the little cabin
cruisers over there.

Where's my dough?

You'll get your money. Just
don't pull that on me again.

Let's get him up to the office.

My money is all.

Do you want to stop
and get a hamburger?

Nah, let's 7 at the Strand.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting code 7

at the intersection
of Pacific and Dell.

One-Adam-12, continue
patrol and handle this call.

See the man, a 415
fight. 1354 Front. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Mr. Fine.

3858 Ida zebra.

Mr. Fine! Quick! Please!

This way, please.

In here quick. Look.

Get an ambulance.


Oh, please, go away from us.

Leave us alone.

If you had never come,

then we wouldn't even
have a broken window.

Who did this, Mrs. Fine?

Don't ask me.


I'm here. I'm here.

It was them.

Two that got away.

Shh. It was nobody.


It all happened so fast.

Don't try and move.

The ambulance is on the way.

I called for a backup.

Oh, now please go away.

Leave us alone.

No, please find them.


Oh, Papa, you are crazy.

I know. I know.

Excuse me, officers.

I saw them.

There were two of them.

And they ran around the ally.

Which way?

There's a boat yard
around the back there.

But... But you didn't
hear it from me.

You take this side.
I'll go over there.

That's it. Stand easy.

We ain't going nowhere.
What's the beef?

A little matter of destroying
property, extortion, as*ault,

and maybe arson.


We never hurt
anyone in our lives.

Ah, then you wouldn't
mind coming along

and getting a few
things straightened out.

Sure, we mind.

We got things to do.

Turn around.

Like you said, you're
not going anyplace.

Put your hands up
behind your head.

Turn around.
Interlace your fingers.

All right, hands
behind your back.

We'll wrap up here
and then come on in.

- You got him?
- Yes, sir.

Thank God.

Oh, and for this we're going
to get more broken windows

and more troubles.

Norma, you're wrong.

We were wrong.

Strange how soon
we could forget.

You make a deal with
tyranny, and it only gets worse.

We can help you
with your cooperation.

You have mine.

Such a man I married.

Such a man.
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