01x18 - k*ller Music

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x18 - k*ller Music

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music starts]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love

If we give, all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world

Today, make evil go away

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all

Code Lyoko, be there when you call

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all

k*ller MUSIC

[computer blipping]

[pop music playing through headphones]

Oh, I'm so glad when you're so bad
Oh, oh

Hey, Odd, if you don't mind,
I'm trying to study.

[Odd humming badly]


[singing badly]

Cut that out! Maybe you forgot,
but we've got a test tomorrow.

[Odd humming]

So, stop!

Huh? What did you say?
I can't hear a thing.

I said I want to study, Odd!

-[music playing]
-[Ulrich grumbles]

What's the sense of you studying?

Whatever you do,
you're gonna get a zero in physics,

so why not listen
to what I downloaded from the Web.

Go on, listen to it.
It sure beats studying.

-It's like pure music,

and nobody knows who wrote it either.

It's an MP3 file, and it's free.

-It's a pop rock revolution!
-You want a revolution?

Okay, I'll give you one.

You don't think of anyone but yourself,
and I'm fed up!

-Hey! Where ya going?
-To Jeremy's room.

At least he knows you need peace
and quiet when you're studying!

He's not like you. Selfish!

-[music continues through headphones]

-Don't worry, Kiwi. He'll get over it.


Ah, so glad when you're bad
Ah, Oh


[Jeremy humming softly]


-[door creaks]
-Ulrich! Uh, what's the matter?

Odd and his music are driving me nuts!

You're not into heavy metal? Pop? Funk?

Not when I have to study for an exam.

-Is it okay if I study in your room?

I can give you some help if you want.

I could sure use some.

[pop music plays]

So, so glad when you're really bad




-[music skips and distorts]


[music continues through headphones]



[Kiwi whimpers]


[theme music]

[Jeremy] Time to get up, Ulrich.

[grumbles] Too tired.

Do I have to remind you,
you have a test this morning?

I didn't get a lot of sleep.

-How come?

Well, I'll tell you how come.

[mimicking Jeremy] Oh, Aelita!
Oh, Aelita, you're in my dreams!

-I can't wait until...
-[Jeremy groans]

[shushes] She'll hear you!

Between you and Odd,
I can't study or sleep!

You're not gonna tell anybody, huh?

Promise, Romeo.

-Let's get some breakfast.
-Okay, but not with Odd.

He made me so mad last night.

[chuckles] Whatever you say.

[Ulrich hums]

[sighs softly]

-Have you finished the layout?
-Yeah, sure.


-[Jeremy chomps]
-[Ulrich sips]

-How come Odd's still not here?
-I couldn't care less.

What's the song's name?

The title is "Glad When You're Bad."

I honestly can't believe
how unhip you guys are.

You're a couple of losers.
You ought to go out once in a while.

Well, then, fill us in, Sissi.

-What kind of music is it?
-[Sissi groans]

-[Nicolas] Is it R&B?
-[Sissi] R&B! Why not waltz music?

Odd ought to be here.
Maybe he didn't wake up.

Forget about it. It's his problem.

Hey, chill out. You're making
a big deal over loud music, Ulrich.

We can't let him miss his exam.

-[Ulrich] Yes, we can.

[school bell rings]

[Yumi] Hi.

-Odd isn't here?
-[Ulrich grunts]

No, and I'm beginning to worry.

Did you check in his room?

Not yet.
We're gonna do that right now.

Right, Ulrich?

No, we'll be late for the exam.

-Not if we hurry.
-[Ulrich sighs]

-Keep me posted, okay?
-[Jeremy hums]

[theme music]

He sang that dumb song over and over.

-And look, now he's fast asleep.
-[Jeremy] Let's wake him up.

-["Glad When You're Bad"]
-[Jeremy] Hey, Odd, get up, will you?

-[Ulrich] If this is a joke,

it's a bad one, and we're gonna be late.

[Jeremy grunts] Hey, something's wrong.

Odd? Odd!

[tense music]

This isn't a joke!


Odd? Odd! Can you hear me?


[the principal clears his throat]

[gasps] Call the hospital.

[both gasp]

[tense music]

And tell them it's very, very urgent!

[Mr. Delmas] Hello?
This is the junior high school here.

We need an ambulance immediately!

His blood pressure
and his heartbeat are slow.

I don't understand.

[Ms. Hertz] If we add up the resistances
in a continuous circuit,

the intensity of the current diminishes.

In a derivative circuit however,
the current

-produced by the generator is equal...
-[phone rings]

...to the sum of the intensities
in the derivative circuit branches.

-[Ms. Hertz] ...the following equation.

-"Y equals..."
-[Yumi] Sorry, Ms. Hertz. It's Odd, he...


[Yumi gasps]

-[class bustling]
-[Ms. Hertz] All right, settle down.

[Yumi panting]

What's the matter with him?
Is it serious? Well, is it?

His heart's beating very slowly.


XANA's not capable
of attacking human beings directly.

If only I had stayed with him last night,
this wouldn't have happened.

We had a big fight,
and I slept in Jeremy's room.

How could you have known that?

I'm staying with him!

I'm sorry, Ulrich, but I can't permit you
to leave the school grounds.

I'm staying with Odd.

Ulrich, get away from that ambulance!

That is not the right way to help him.

I don't care.

I can't let him be taken away like this.


[Mr. Delmas] All right, you can go.

I wanna go with him, too.

[Yumi] Are you crazy?

What if XANA launches an attack?

We'll stay in contact.
Call me if there's the slightest problem.

[Jeremy grunts]

[ambulance siren]

[theme music]

-[nurse] We can't handle more emergencies.
-Ulrich, stop. You're not to blame.

No, it's all my fault.

No, it's not. Even if you'd been there,
you couldn't have changed anything.

I'll go get us a soda.
It'll do us both good.

I'm gonna go see Odd.

I'll see you in his room.

[nurse] Doctor, two new cases
have just arrived.

Forty heartbeats a minute.
Can you take them?

[Doctor] Send them to the Johnson clinic.

[over P.A.] Doctor Miller
is wanted in cardiology.

Doctor Miller is wanted in cardiology.


[ethereal music]

-[Jeremy] Aelita?
-[Aelita sighs]

Jeremy, how's everything going?

Not good. Odd's in a coma.
It's really weird.

His heart has almost stopped beating.

Oh no!

No one knows what to do.
And the weirdest thing of all

is that Odd may not be
the only one hit by the illness.


Do you think that XANA's capable
of creating a disease?

I can't believe he was actually able
to attack humans directly.

Looks like he might've found a way.

Anyway, I'd better warn Ulrich and Yumi.

Meanwhile, see if you feel any pulsations.

-[bleeping and powering down]

[digital whirring]

[steady beeping]


[theme music]

["Glad When You're Bad"
playing on Sissi's headphones]


Are you okay?

-[Yumi] Sissi!
-[Sissi grunts]

Hey, Sissi!

[gasps] Oh no!

-["Glad When You're Bad" playing]

[Yumi grunts]


[moaning faintly]



Ulrich, I just spoke to Aelita.

She's gonna try and see if XANA
is the cause of our problem.

If he did this, I can't figure out how.

What I do know is that going to Lyoko
is the only way to save him.

So, let's go.

We'll get you out of this.

I swear we will.

Oh, no. XANA's activated a tower!

[menacing music]

-[both panting]
-[phone rings]

Hey, Jeremy. How's Odd?

His heart's getting weaker and weaker.

Sissi's got the same symptoms.
It's spreading.

And it could be an epidemic
started by XANA!

Did you reach Aelita?

Yeah, I did.
Get over to the factory, fast.

[soft piano music]


[door creaks]

Oh no, Sissi!

This way.

There, set her down.


[soft piano music playing]

["Glad When You're Bad"
abruptly breaks through]


Oh, no! My head! That horrible song!
[grunts and gasps]


The music! It's definitely the music!

[computer] Connecting.

Aelita, we're in the lab.

Better hurry.
The pulsations are getting stronger.

The activated tower can't be too far away.

Any monsters around?

Not yet. No.

Ulrich's coming soon.
Stay where you are.

Okay, I'll wait here.

[Jeremy] Yumi!

[Yumi] Jeremy,
it's the song that's causing it!

What do you mean "the song?"
I don't understand.

It is. It's the song.
"Glad When You're Bad!"

Oh, no! I think that's the song
Odd downloaded from the Web yesterday.

XANA's using the media
for maximum coverage.

He's formatted the song
and now he's spreading all over!

A deadly melody.

Considering what it's done to Odd,
we'd better deactivate the tower.

Send Yumi soon as she gets here.


[theme music]

[Jeremy] I'll send you north,
to the mountains.

Transfer Ulrich.

Scanner Ulrich.





[Aelita] Ulrich!

We've got to get
to the activated tower fast.

Look, it's there. You see?


[nurse over P.A.] Attention please.
All available cardiologists

are urgently requested
to report to the Fleming wing.

[machine beeping]

[both panting heavily]

-We're at the tower. There it is.

[theme music]

[newscaster] Since this morning,
we've been swamped with calls

warning us of a mysterious epidemic.

For an update, let's go to our reporter
Bill Amster who's on the scene.

-Thank you, Olivia.

As soon as news
of the first cases were announced,

I went to the neighborhood,
and things here

-are dramatic to say the least.
-[police siren]

It seems that the authorities

can't quote a figure
of the number of people

who have actually been stricken
by the illness.

The victims seem to be
under the spell of a disease,

whose origins are unknown
and whose outcome could be fatal.

-That's what you think.
-[Bill] Public health officials

are presently on the scene.



[Ulrich] No monsters anywhere.
That's suspicious.

[mechanical footsteps]

[Ulrich] Ah, there you are.

[blade hisses]

[Yumi grunts]

[radar beeping and locks]

[mechanical footsteps]

[elevator whirring]

[Ulrich] Aelita, take cover somewhere!

[Aelita panting]



-[lasers blasting]
-[Ulrich grunts] Yeah!



[lasers blasting]



Ulrich, you're out of bounds
for three minutes.

[theme music]


Everything okay on Lyoko?

Not really.

-Ulrich's frozen solid and Aelita's alone.
-I'm ready to go.

[Jeremy] To the mountains.

[hatch whirring and clanking]

Transfer Yumi.

Here we go.

Scanner Yumi.





[Yumi grunts]

[mechanical footsteps]

Ulrich, 30 seconds to go.

[Aelita gasps]

Stay behind me, Aelita.
I'll handle them.

[groans and exhales]

[Yumi] How much longer, Jeremy?

[Jeremy] He's coming.

[radar beeping]

[Ulrich] Go!

[Ulrich grunts]

[Yumi] Glad to see you.

[Jeremy] Better stay alert.
Two Bloks are on their way.

[Ulrich] That one's yours, Yumi.

[laser blasts]

Well done.

[Bill] According
to the public health department,

the very first cases were discovered
at Kadic Junior High School.



["Glad When You're Bad" playing]

[music stops]

-["Glad When You're Bad" starts again]

[groans] No!

-[Ulrich] Jeremy! Do you read me?
-[Jeremy groaning]

-[Ulrich] Jeremy?
-[Jeremy groaning]

-[laser blasts]

You and Aelita, run to the tower.

You're crazy!
You'll never make it all alone!

Who said I would be alone?


[sword swishing]

[Ulrich] Position! Go!


[mechanical footsteps]

[Ulrich yells]

["Glad When You're Bad" playing]


Oh, no!



[Aelita and Yumi panting]

[radar beeping]

[radar locks]

-[gasps and grunts]
-[Yumi] Aelita!

[mechanical footsteps]


[theme music]

[both panting]

[Aelita panting heavily]

[both gasp]


["Glad When You're Bad" playing]




[steady beeping]

I've got to enter the coordinates
for the return trip.



[pants] I did it!

I did it! [grunts]

[Aelita gasping and panting]

[Aelita grunts and moans]

-[Yumi gasps]
-[Aelita yelps]

Oh, no! Yumi!

[Yumi yells and grunts]

No, Aelita, don't worry about me. Go on.


[grunts and yelps]

[ethereal music]

["Glad When You're Bad" playing]

["Glad When You're Bad" playing]

[digital beeping and whirring]

-["Glad When You're Bad" playing]
-[machine beeping slowly]

[powering down]

[pop music playing through headphones]




[humming and vocalizing]

Hey, Odd, come on. I'm trying to study.

What's the sense in studying?

You're gonna get a zero.

[sighs] I've heard that twice already.
That's enough.

Hey, listen to what
I downloaded from the Web.

It's outta sight!

"Under my cover," by R.U. Phlegmatic.

It's incredible!

Later. Okay?

-For the time being, I'd like to study.
-[Odd] Hmm?

And as for you, I wouldn't say no
to your helping me a little.

You're so good in physics.

That's right, and if you want help,

the reincarnation of Einstein

is willing to give a lesson
to a sawdust-filled head.

And I'll listen to your song afterwards.


You don't really have to.
Actually, it's pretty mainstream.

It's something that...

What I mean is...

It's the kind of song
a machine might have written?

Yeah, that's right.

Say, you know a lot about music.

-[Ulrich chuckles]
-[Odd humming]

[Ulrich] So, you gonna help me or what?

[Odd] Well, just a second!
Let me finish the song.

[Ulrich] Yeah, yeah.
We'll see about that.

[theme music]
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