01x04 - Log Book

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x04 - Log Book

Post by bunniefuu »

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko will be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪


[bell ringing]

Hey, Ulrich, what are you looking for?
I'm hungry!

Uh... you go have breakfast.

There's something I have to find.

[Odd] Okay.


I can't believe this!

[sighs] Eight slices of toast
and three bananas! Not bad, huh? Hey!

Are you skipping gym class again?

Yep! It gives me time to work on
Aelita's materialization.


What's wrong? Afraid the
wall's gonna crumble?

Ha! Very funny!

-Can we talk for a second?
-[tense music]

[bell ringing]

[indistinct chatter]

[Odd] Hi Yumi!


[Yumi] Hello!

Hey, look over there, it's Ulrich!

[tense music]

But... What's he doing with Sissi?

-[Odd] Hey Ulrich!
-[Ulrich] Huh?

-Hey, that's blackmail!

Why do you expect me to give into that?

First of all, because it's hard to say no
to a pretty girl like me,

and second of all,
I'm not going to give you any choice.

[groans softly]

[laughs] Come on, come on!

-[tense music]

[theme music]

[history teacher]
In the seventeenth century,

all European states were governed
by either a king or a prince.

They ruled over
mainly peasant populations...

Hey, what's going on with them?
I'm seeing things.

Ulrich and Sissi, that's weird.

[Odd] On the brighter side,
check out how jealous Herb is!

-[history teacher] Odd.

Are you listening to me, Odd?


[bell ringing]

-We have some important things

to talk about, Sissi. C'mon! Hurry up!

Hey! But...

-Do you mind explaining?

[indistinct chatter]

-Yes, but it's really important.
-Okay, here goes. I'm in a...

I'm in a jam, big time.

For years I've...
I've been keeping a diary.

-A what?
-A diary!

And Sissi found it,
and now she's blackmailing me.

I have to go out with her.
If she thinks she'll win me over that way,

she's wrong.

Hold on a second.

In this diary of yours,
did you talk about XANA or Lyoko?

Well, yeah. And if I don't do what
Sissi says, she's gonna tell everybody.

I don't know what to do.

[Jeremy] Don't worry, Ulrich.

While you're all at the pool,
Yumi and I'll look around.

We'll find your diary, you'll see.

[Sissi] The answer is no!

For the last time, I did not have
a nose job, so stop asking, huh?

[Ulrich] Cut it out, Odd.
Leave her alone, will you?

-[Sissi gasps]
-[Ulrich] Hmm.

-[dramatic music]
-[chuckles softly]

It's nothing. I'll explain.

[theme music]

-[tense music]
-[electricity crackling]

Take a look, Odd! Not bad, huh?

This bus is the latest
in modern technology.

It's electricity driven,
so it's non-polluting but powerful too.

-[Odd] Electric and powerful too, huh?

I'll bet you this crate goes
about as fast as a snail.

-[tense music]

-[Odd] Hmm.

-[driver] What the... huh?

[Jim] Come on, come on!
All aboard now! Go sit down, kid.

Okay. What's the problem?

-[both grunt]

-What is that?
-I have no idea.

[tense music]

Sit back down,
and stay there till we get to the pool.

[bus engine starts]

[engine revving]

[indistinct chatter]

Huh... Sissi is blackmailing him?

Yeah. Incredible, huh?

What matters now, though, is to find
Ulrich's diary before she starts

blabbing about Lyoko.

I'll go through her room,
and I'll call you if I need any help.

I'll be at the factory.

[both] Good luck!

[theme music]

[machine whirring]

It's Jeremy here, Aelita! Do you copy?


[rapid whooshes]

-[Jeremy] Aelita?
-[Aelita] I'm here, Jeremy.

I was waiting for you to call.
In the meantime,

I was studying your world a little more.

[rapid digital beeping]

There are so many strange things
to discover.

Odd, what's up? Huh?
Something strange? What bus?

[engine rumbling]

[car honks]

Isn't this nice and cozy?

We're zipping along at two miles an hour!

[driver] I don't believe this!

I've got it floored,
and it just refuses to move!

Okay, I'll launch a scan on Lyoko.

I'll call you if I find something.

Okay, got you.

[theme music]

[tense music]




Bingo! Oh, no!

This is not Ulrich's handwriting.

Oh, wow! It's Sissi's!


[Yumi] I'm tired of his acting
as if I don't even exist.

I can't stand watching him pay
so much attention to Yumi.

[Sissi] So while he was in the lunchroom,
I went looking around.

I just wanted a picture of him,
but I found much better than that.

Now he can't possibly turn me down.

I know what I'm doing isn't very nice,

but it's the only way I can get
him to stop ignoring me.

Of all the nasty tricks!

Yumi, did you find Ulrich's diary?

[Yumi] No, but guess what?
I found Sissi's. You were right.

She knows about Lyoko.

She doesn't really understand what it is,

-but she's ready to use what she knows.

Look, you've gotta find Ulrich's diary
before they come back from the pool.

Don't worry. I know how to get hold of it.

[theme music]

-[engine whirring]
-[bike bell ringing]

Hey, what if I ask my father
if we can go to a movie tonight?

-That'd be cool, huh?

Huh? I'm being nice to you right now,
but if you keep ignoring me,

it just might not last! You hear?

[Sissi] A little friendly advice,
pay attention to me

or the whole school's
gonna read your diary!

Okay, okay, you don't have to thr*aten me.

I know exactly what I'm risking.

Oh yeah? You really think so, Ulrich?

-[cell phone ringing]


Oh, Yumi. What do you want?

Well, uh... I wanted to tell you
how much I like your style.

[imitating Sissi]
"I ran into that dipstick Jim today.

What an idiot he looks like in
that sweaty gym suit of his!"

Okay, okay! What do you want?

Tell me where you've got
Ulrich's diary hidden,

and hurry up
or all your nasty little secrets

will be on page one of the school paper.

Okay, okay! If you go into
the girl's bathroom,

it's in the third stall,
on top of the water t*nk. You got that?


Okay, I'll go and check.

Wait! What about my diary?
What are you...

[phone disconnects]

Thanks a lot, Yumi.

There, you see?
It's good to have real friends, isn't it?

It's about time. I thought that guy
would never get off your back.

If you know what's good for you,
shut up!


[door creaks]


Yumi, what are you doing there?

Nothing, sir. I felt sick,
but I'm fine now.


[theme music]


Jeremy, Odd and Ulrich were right.

XANA is at it again.

[Aelita] The pulsations
are getting stronger.


[Jeremy] Aelita, the activated tower
is in the desert.

[Aelita] I'm off.

[driver] What's going on now?
This is weird!

[electricity zapping]

[tires screeching]


[people screaming]

Hey! Get back to your seats!
You're not allowed to get up!

What's going on with this bus?

That, kid, I wish I knew.
All I know is it's out of control!

Hey, it seemed to be working okay
before you recharged the batteries, right?

Yeah, everything was just fine.
But now, I can't...

[digital beeps]

Ulrich, what's happening, huh?

We're in trouble.

XANA has taken complete control
of the bus.

Okay, gimme a sec.

[Jeremy] I wonder what XANA's
trying to do. Where are you?

[Ulrich] At the corner
of Washington Street and Franklin Avenue.

[Jeremy] I'll call you back soon
as I can localize you.

We're in for a rough ride.

Aelita's gonna need a hand
on Lyoko. We've gotta go.

Then you go. I'll stay here.




[Jim screams]

[Odd yells]

[Jim screams]

[Odd groans]

[engine revving]

Take off your backpacks
and use them as airbags.

[horn honking]


-[indistinct chatter]
-[phone rings]

Yumi, things are getting tough here.

-Come straight to the factory after class.

[engine revving]

Now hurry up
and get your seat belts fastened!

Come on kid, take it easy.
Just calm down, huh.

-Does the little girl need any help?
-No, thanks!

The little girl can take care of herself!

[horn honking]

[horn honking]

We've just gone through
the Constellation intersection. Okay?

[Jeremy] Don't worry, Ulrich.
I've got you spotted now.

But I still don't understand
what XANA is trying to do.

I can see it, Jeremy.

I've got a virtual image
of the activated tower.

Well done, Aelita.
Stay where you are. Yumi is on her way.

[upbeat theme music]


[wheels spinning]


[loud thud]

-[metallic clanking]
-[mechanical whirring]


Hurry, in the scan.
The situation is getting worse!

-[digital whoosh]

[whirring intensifies]

[Jeremy] Transfer Yumi.


[rapid whirring]

-[rapid beeping]
-[Jeremy] Virtualization.


[electric zapping]


[Aelita] Yumi! Yumi!

[up-tempo fantasy music]

[theme music]

[digital scanning, beeping]


[digital scanning, beeping]

Ulrich, XANA is launching the bus
on the petro-chemical complex!

She's what?

How's that?


There's no way to stop
this infernal thing!

We don't have any other choice.
We have to jump!


Now look what you have done, huh?

[driver] By cutting the cables,
you blocked the door!

Jim. Jeremy thinks we're headed
straight for the petro-chemical plant.

You mind telling me how he knows that?

Um... we'll tell you that later,
but for now you just have to trust him.

-[Ulrich] He can help us.
-[sighs] Okay, okay.

Uhh... Ulrich...

Well, I'm really sorry about your diary.
It was wrong to take it.

[Sissi] Please forgive me.
Can I help in any way?

[Ulrich] Here, take this. You can be
the go between for Jeremy and me.


[Jeremy] Yumi, Aelita,
the tower is real close now.



[Aelita grunts]


[Yumi] No wait. This is too easy.

Coming all this way without seeing even
one monster, there's gotta be a trap.

[wind howling]

[Aelita gasps]

[Aelita] A sandstorm!

[Aelita and Yumi gasping]

[Yumi] It's a tornado.

[action music]

Jeremy, we've got a problem here.

Make that two.
There's a monster behind you!

-[wind blowing]
-[Aelita and Yumi panting]

[siren wailing]

Calling all cars. All cars I said.
Calling all cars.

In ten seconds, the bus should bear left.

He says we're gonna turn left.

Everybody over here with me.

-[tires screeching]
-[people screaming, grunting]

[metallic screeching]

[both grunting]

Maybe we should jump off the bus.
What do you think?

Might just be the best idea.

That way, at least we won't go crashing
into the petrochemical plant.

At that speed,
there's no way we could survive.

Gimme that.

how are things going back at Lyoko?

Aelita and Yumi are almost at the tower,

except that they're caught
in a sandstorm.

Okay, we'll wait a little longer.

[Jeremy] Yumi, be careful at the ridge.

If Aelita falls into
the digital sea, she'll be lost forever.

[both groaning]

[Jeremy] Yumi, be careful in front of you!

[Jeremy] It's a mega t*nk!

-[mechanical clanking]
-[powering up]

[both grunting]

-Get up! Hurry!
-[Aelita sighs]

[mechanical clanking]

[Aelita and Yumi grunting]

[Yumi groaning]


[Yumi gasps]


[Yumi] XANA set a trap for us!

[exhales loudly]



[digital beeping]

Good work, Aelita.

-[action music]
-[Aelita and Yumi breathing heavily]

[Aelita and Yumi panting]

[theme music]

[Jeremy] Odd, hurry to the scan!

[digital beeping]

[Jeremy] You'll be reaching the complex
in ten minutes.

[Jeremy] Careful,
you're gonna turn left again.

-[tires screeching]
-[Sissi] Everyone to the right!

[both panting]

[powering up]

[Yumi groans]


-[action music]

[alarm beeping]

[Yumi and Aelita gasping]

[action music]


Hide Aelita, and don't move until Odd
is there with you. Understand?

-[mechanical whirring]
-[Jeremy] Transfer Odd.

[whirring intensifies]

[powering down]

-[Jeremy] Scanner.

[digital scanning, beeping]

[whirring, powering up]

-[digital beeping]
-[Jeremy] Virtualization.

[whoosh, powering up]

-[electric zapping]

[action music]

Aelita! Hey, Aelita!

-[Odd] Aelita!

[mechanical clanking]

Welcome to our world.

Hey, Odd!




-[Odd grunts]
-[Aelita gasps]

-[Odd grunts]
-[Aelita gasps]

Okay, let's go to work, Aelita.

Thank you Odd.

[sirens wailing]

Listen, we only have four minutes left
before we get to the complex.

How are things going on Lyoko?

-[digital beeping]
-Okay, Aelita and Odd are handling it.

[Jeremy] Careful, there's a ridge!



[wind howling]

[Odd] I have an idea. Follow me.

-[action music]
-[Aelita panting]

[Aelita gasping and groaning]

[Aelita] Odd, you're out of your mind!


[Odd and Aelita grunting, groaning]

[Odd yelling]

[Aelita screaming]


-[wind howling]
-[loud thud in the distance]

[whistles relieved]

[Jeremy] Hurry up now, Aelita!

[theme music]

[sirens wailing]


[sirens wailing]

-[tires screeching]

-[engine revving]
-[Jim groaning]

What's the matter?

Don't you like it here, Jim?

[sirens wailing in distance]

Oh no! We're gonna crash!

-It's all over for us. It's too late.
-[Jim gasps]

[sirens wailing]


[sirens wailing]

-[ethereal music]

[sirens wailing in distance]

[rapid beeping]

-[ethereal music]

[sirens wailing in the distance]

-[digital whirring]

[digital typing]

[both screaming]

-[both groaning]
-[digital beeping]

[engine slowing down]

[ethereal music]

-[digital beeping]
-[Yumi sighs]

Well, it was close, but we did it.

Now, are you ready to go back in time?


[digital beeping, whirring]

[indistinct chatter]

[water trickling]

[door creaks]


Here, I didn't read it. I swear, Ulrich.

I'll tell you about it one day, Yumi.

I'd really like that.

[Ulrich] I'd better go.
I wouldn't want to miss Sissi.

[Ulrich] Hm...

[rapid footsteps fading]

[tense music]

[Ulrich] Sissi, were you waiting for me?

Looking for something?

Uh... No.

I was just passing by, so...



[theme music]
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