Great Photo, Lovely Life (2023)

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Great Photo, Lovely Life (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(elevator humming)

(elevator chiming)

(elevator door opening)

-Okay. You ready for this?

-Amanda Mustard: How can you be?

You can do it.

William "Bill" Flickinger:

Hello, darling.

-Hi, how are ya?

-Hi. I'm great. How are you?

-Hello, gorgeous.

-Amanda: Hi, Grandpa.

-Bill: Come on in.

-Amanda: How are you doing?

-Bill: Good to see you, baby.

-(Amanda chuckles awkwardly)

I'm glad you came!

-Well, I--

-You look great, woman.

-Eh, thanks.

-You do. You look wonderful.

-I'm good.


It's good.


(indistinct chatter)

-Lulu, this is

my daughter, Debi.


This is

my granddaughter, Amanda.

-Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you.

Hi, Doris.

He's a wonderful person.

-Debi: Good to hear.

-Yes, he is.

Aw, you're sweet, Doris,

you're too nice.

Hi, Ruby!


He's a lovely man.

-Debi: Is he?

-He is. Really nice.

-Bill: What?

-Lorraine: I said, I saw all

-these gorgeous young ladies

coming in here...

-Yes, his family.

...and I walked by,

and there you are.

I hope you are being...

a good boy.

-(people chuckling)

-Bill: It's awful hard,

but I try.

I-I agree, I agree.

Bill: I know you do.


-Lorraine: Have a good one.

-Okay, Lorraine, take care.

That one has a mouth,

and she's-- (sighs)

Takes all kinds when you're

livin' in a community,

-ya know?

-She's so nasty to her husband.

(light music playing)

Of course, honey, of course.

-Don't you

hesitate for anything.

-Amanda: Okay.

I'm at your total disposal.

We're just love

to have you, girl.

-(Amanda clears throat)

-It's an honor and a privilege.

(Amanda clears throat)


Now, as far as the issue

that you were accused of,

and I just wanted

to ask if you did identify

as having those struggles

and, and how you

felt about that.


Did I have a battle with that?

-Amanda: Mm-hmm.

You better believe I did.

I don't know,

but I sure did.


And I used to fight with myself.

I said,

"Why do you do this?

This is not right."

I didn't want to do things

that were bad or wrong,

but it, it, it just--

and it just seemed like

what was so strange--

I couldn't-- I still haven't

figured that one out,

but it seems so strange

because there were times

that-- and I don't know

the answer to it,

but it seemed like

that some of these

little girls, for example,

would almost

throw themselves at me.

Now, that might sound

a little stupid,

but they wanted to learn things,

and they were experimental.

They want-- Ya know?

And it-- to me, it was

too much of an open temptation.

And I fell into it.

Yeah, there was

things that happened.

-Oh, absolutely.

-Amanda: Mm-hmm.

We had quite

an engagement, so to speak,

and, uh, we were

very close, sexually.

Even though she was little...

and she loved it.


Can I ask how old she was?

Well, she started--

I think she started around

the age of 9 through 11.

(uneasy music playing)

(ambient nature sounds)

-(animals chittering)

-(indistinct chatter)


Uh, how 'bout

the, uh, the, the boy?

Can he come to another elephant?

-(cars honking)

-(ambient street noise)

(background street noise)

(door closes)

(vehicle honks)

(thunder rumbling)

(ringback tone)

Debi (over phone):

Hey, Amanda, it's Mom.

If you could

give me a call back

as soon as possible.

Grandma is not

doing well at all.

(thunder continues)

Um, not sure what to expect.

Alright, I love you.

I'll talk to you later. Bye.

(plane engines humming)

Bill: Well, what do ya think

about that, huh?

There we get to see that dolly.

Is the pain a little better?

Okay, good. You were

really hurtin' earlier.

My mom's life was like

one of those crystals

that you can hang in the sun,

and you see different facets.

A lot of it is a mystery.

In the few times

that I did ask her

to tell me

the truth about things,

like my past,

or my dad, or whatever,

she just got angry with me,

and she would just say there is

no use in bringing up the past

because it's not

gonna change what happened.

(light music playing)

She knew so much more

than what she ever expressed

because she wasn't

allowed to express it.

-(indistinct chatter)

-(machines beeping)

My dad stole

my mom's entire life.

She left

with all of her secrets.

She knew so much

and she defended him

until the day she died.

And I feel like she had

a million and one regrets

because she never lived

her life for herself.

The impact that my dad

has had on our family,

I think, is devastating,

but we've never

talked about it.

So we don't know the truth.

How do you change that?

It's funny when you

think about, you know,

how Grandpa liked

the burnt cookies.

Like, why was

he strange like that?

Everybody else

liked the normal ones,

but why did he like, ya know--

ya know, just different.

He was always different.


So I'm just gonna go through

some of the paperwork

that we got from Grandma.

There's all these papers

from McKean County

in Bradford, Pennsylvania,


Dr. William Flickinger.


Did you know

what he did in Bradford?

Well, when I started finding out

about everything about him,

was when I was,

uh, like, a junior.

But what happened?

Like, you don't know

what happened.

No, all I remember

is coming in to school,

and that's when

I walked down the hallway.

Where all

the football players were

was where my locker was.

And he had--

They started sayin'--

They surrounded me

and they said,

"We wanna do to you to what

your dad did

to a-all those girls."

And, of course, Grandma

didn't say a word of anything,

-so it was all just--

-But even you and your brothers,

-like, did you talk ab-- like,

"Wh-What the hell happened?"


We never talked about anything.

We were never allowed

to see any newspapers.

I, to this day, I know nothing.


I just wanna try

to line it all up,

see what happened.

Look at, ya know,

some of these names.

I just-- I don't know.

I wanna know more about

what he did up in Bradford.

I mean, it's crazy

that you don't even know.

(tense, energetic music playing)

(ringback tone)

automated voice 1 (over phone):

Thank you for calling.


-For service, press one.

(operator speaking)

Hi, my name is Amanda,

and I'm looking

for an article from the '70s.

(official speaking)

automated voice 2 (over phone):

You have reached

the Filing Office

of the Commonwealth Court

of Pennsylvania.

official (over phone):

That far back, I can't

make any guarantees,

but I could take a look.


I'm just looking

for absolutely

any information

around this case.

operator (over phone):

No, cannot find

case number, no.

"Cannot find case number."

My family is from Bradford,

and there

was something terrible

that my grandfather did

in Bradford in the '70s.

Does the Bradford Library

keep any records

of newspapers?

So it is all on microfilm?

Okay. Thank you so much

for your help.

speaker (over phone):

Yes, William Flickinger.

Was he a chiropractor?


He was, yes.


Yeah, I really don't

remember much.

This was a long time ago.

In '75, he was convicted

of statutory r*pe

of a 12-year-old girl.

So, since it was his

first offense, technically,

all he got was

two years' probation.

He did not spend

a day in jail,

and just up and moved

four hours away to Harrisburg

with a totally clean slate.

How the f*ck was

that allowed to happen?

-(ambient street noise)

-(birds chirping)


I've always known

my grandpa was creepy,

and that

some things happened,

but it was so vague,

and now that I'm looking closer

and finding

concrete r*pe charges

that he managed

to kind of weasel out of,

(stammers) it's just

scratching the surface.

I just need to keep looking.

Maybe I can

hold him accountable.

He's still alive.

I never thought that I'd

move back to Pennsylvania.

There's a lotta pain

in my past here.

My childhood was difficult.

There was so much

dysfunction in my family

and no communication about

what was really going on.

(imitates drumroll)

I just felt this pressure

to maintain this image

that we were

this picture-perfect

Christian family.

I just wanted out.

So a week after I turned 18,

I left my family,

my faith, the state.

I eventually left the country.

(singing in native dialect)

(light music playing)


-(crowd chanting)

-(glass shatters)


(speaker yells)




My childhood dream was to be

an ice cream truck driver,

uh, not a photojournalist.


But I love that I get to

make exposing the truth

about something

a part of my job.

I managed to put

enough distance between

me and my family

to give me some

healthy perspective.

I had this new

understanding and language

to describe things

that, for my whole life,

I thought were just normal.

Like, the way that some men

treated me and my body,

that was actually as*ault.

Or my "touchy-feely" grandpa

is actually a pedophile.

I was just starting

to reframe this all

when my grandma died.

And it just set me on fire.

I had so many questions.

So when my mom asked me

to go to Florida with her

to take my grandma's

ashes to my grandpa,

I saw my chance to go

straight to the source.

Bill (in video):

If you can talk to it,

and clapping your hands

-it'll go to work. Okay?

-Amanda (in video): Okay.

I was so nervous.

-I was so, I was so

nervous doing this.

-Debi: You? I--

Oh, my gosh.

I was more nervous.

I think I was so nervous,

I wanted to throw up.

-Are you serious?


Because I didn't know

what his reaction would be.

I thought,

because of his anger,

I thought he would just--


But he's never really

been angry with you.

-That you've seen.

-That I've seen.



Amanda (in video):

As far as younger girls--

Okay, this I wanna listen to.

(in video) Slightly

hard-hitting question.

-Oh, that's the last one.

-Bill (in video): Whew!


Imagine what's

goin' on in his mind.


No, you're not really.

-(coughing in video)

Amanda (in video):

As far as younger girls,

what about the girls

in the family?


No, I had no problem,

no problems with any of them.

Except one time with Debi.

I think she was 5 or 6.

I took a bath with her.

I know you don't.

And I took a bath with her,

-and I touched her

in the bathtub.


-Listen to-- Oh.

-Bill: That was

as much as it went.

She just loved the activity.

-It's-- I was 5.

-Bill: And, uh, so,

consequently, she didn't feel

it was wrong and I didn't.

-I know it was wrong...

-Oh, my God.


...but I didn't--

I couldn't help it

'cause she loved it

and I loved it, so...

-Oh, my God.

-Bill: That's as far as--

Bill: No.

See how much

you're learnin' today?

That's what you get

for comin' down here.

That's when I was like...

-I know.

-..."We gotta go."


But I'm being very

forward with you.

I'm not, I'm not hiding.


The earliest memory, I was,

probably, 7 or 8 years old.

All I remember is

me laying face down

on one of his chiropractic

adjustment tables,

and I felt him doing

something on my back,

and I realized

that it was his penis,

and he was

rubbin' it on my back.

I never thought

in a million years

not even to tell my mom.

I don't know.

From a child's mind...

it was normal.

I think that how I was raised

definitely has given me

a skewed view of what a marriage

or a relationship should be.

I was so sheltered,

never was allowed

to really date.

And I definitely did not see

a healthy relationship

with my mom and my dad,

so I had nothing to go by.

And so,

I got married at 18.

Ended up having

my daughter, Angie, at 20,

and it was

a very abusive relationship.

It was almost like

jumping out of the frying pan

into the fire.

I had no other options,

so I moved back in

with my parents.

We lived there

for several years.

Because of what

I experienced in my childhood,

I just wanted to do

the right thing.

And I really did trust my mom.

I wanted to prove to myself

that you can love a child

without invading them.

I think I wanted

to prove to myself

that I could be a good mom.






(dog barking)


With Mom, ya know, I feel

bad about that relationship

because I feel like

there isn't one.

I-I feel really bad

how everything has gotten,

and I can't explain it.



I've always known that I've

had Mom on a pedestal.

-And because I have, I have

such anxiety around it...

-Yeah., I'll be

carrying on my day,

-wherever I am in the world.

-Mm-hmm, yeah.

And it'll just hit me.

"Oh, my God...

Did Mom fall down the stairs?

Oh, my God, nobody's there.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God."

-And I just, like, freak out.


-Right. Yeah.

-And I'll start crying.

And be like,

"I have to get ahold of her,

but it's, like, 3:00 a.m."

And I'm like, "Oh, my God,

what if she died in bed?"


-Oh, my goodness.

-...that's not healthy. No.

-Yeah, that's not healthy.

With Mom, it was, (sighs)

it was just, like,

you'd come home from New York,

you'd come home and you'd stay.

And, instantly,

it was like the atmosphere...

-I had the gloves on.

-...the atmosphere changed.

It was, um, "Amanda mode."

That's what we'd say.

-"Amanda mode."

-Mom's in "Amanda mode."

-Like, you guys,

it's always tense.

-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Um, there's, like, this,

this kind of air of tension

around it of, like--

I think it's

very passive-aggressive.

-Oh, yeah.



That's what I had

to do to, to survive.


Oh, isn't this cozy

and nice, Bill?

Bill: Yep.


I saw some old video footage

-of, of you when

you had the hair thing.

-Angie: Oh, yes.


And, like, I remember

being like,


"What's wrong

with Angie's hair?"


Like, just being a stupid kid.

-(both laughing)

It's like,

"Why is Ange bald?"



-That is so embarrassing.

(indistinct chatter)


I don't think we've ever

actually talked about that.


It was-- Honestly, I mean,

for you to even bring it up--

-it's really hard.

-Amanda: I'm sorry.

-No, no, no! (laughs)

-I'm sorry.

No, I'm just sayin' it's,

it's not something that--

(tearful) I'm sorry.

-(Angie laughs)

-Amanda: It's okay, I'm sorry.

-I can't put it back in,

though. I'm sorry.

-No, it's okay, it's okay.

These-- This is part

of the healing, ya know?

-Amanda: Mm-hmm.

-(Angie sniffles)

It was such a shameful,

embarrassing thing

that I did,

and it was like--

Oh, my gosh,

it made me so ugly.

But I just hated, like--

Ya know, it made

my self-esteem even worse.

Amanda: Mm-hmm.

(video game beeping)

Part of Grandpa's video

is you in our house,

and you're sittin'

and playin' video games,

and he's zoomin'

in and out of your head.

But I'm just kinda like,

"What prompted him

to do that?"

-Angie: Yeah.

-Amanda: Yeah.

Did he know that

-that was a sign

of what he had done?

-Angie: I'm sure.

I don't just blame Grandpa.

I, I blame Mom as well.

She subjected... her daughter,

put her right in

with the very person

that hurt her the worst.


Mom put you...

-Put me right into-- Yeah.

-...right in Grandpa's hands.

Like, we're gonna

live with them,

and not only that, but

-I'm gonna let him

and, ya know, Grandma...

-Mm-hmm. my daughter

while I go to work,

or go on dates, or whatever.

Bill (in video):

Go, Angie!

Higher... higher!


Angie: Ya know,

even as sisters,

the whole 10 years

before you were born,

there was a lot that happened

to me that you didn't know.

I went to visit Grandpa

and Grandma when I was 9.

Mom flew me out there

by myself,

and I stayed with them

for a full month

in their motorhome.

Stuff happened

while I was there.

He was, like, touchy-feely.

He'd say,

"This is just a secret thing

between you and I."

(uneasy music playing)

So we were traveling

from one campsite to the next,

and we happened

to stop at a place

where they were

selling motorhomes.

And I went into the bathroom.

For whatever reason,

opened up the cabinet

and there was a little,

tiny lipstick under there,

and whatever possessed me,

or I thought to do this,

I took the lipstick,

and I wrote

in really big letters

across the mirror, "Sex,"

in red lipstick.

And went back out,

and just stood there

like nothing happened.

And Grandma

just pulled me aside

and asked me if I had written

on the bathroom mirror.

And I said, "Yep."

And that was that.

She didn't ask me

why I did it,

but I felt like

I was trying to tell the world,

and nobody was listening.

Mom and Grandma knew,

they knew this was going on,

but there was

never anything said.

It was almost

as though he was protected.

I dealt with it

the same way

that the rest of the family

was dealing with it.

I bottled it up.

(music fades out)


I have a question for you.

If you (laughs) if you...

have one or two words

to describe our family,

what would they be?


-(both laughing)



Paul Flickinger:

When I was really young,

Dad had a, a table.

-It was like

an adjustment table...


...and we picked it up

to take it out,

and out fell

of it a toy, um...

Like plastic dildo...

with a sock.

That was in--

It was tucked inside a sock.

-And I looked at it, and I knew

what it was immediately.


And he just picked it up,

and put it in his pocket.

When you grow up

in a dysfunctional

environment like that,

you don't know th-that it is

-because that's all you know.


Like, how did you feel

when you were younger?

-I mean, even t--

How did you manage that?

-How can ya feel?

-I don't know how you feel.


It's just like--

I guess it's like,

"This is happening

in front of me.

I don't know what

to do about it."


-'Cause it's not

really my place.

-I don't know...

what it is.


(uneasy music playing)


But I felt, for a long time,

that the best thing

that could've happened

to us, as a family,

would've been

if we had been taken out

by a firing squad in 1975.

Nothing terrible

had happened.

We were still a unit.

We even sang in church

as a family together.

And after we sang,

the, the preacher took us up

and said,

"Now look at this family."

That was our best.

From there,

it just obliterated to where

there's nothing left.

Ya know, we can all

point blame at each other,

we can all blame Dad.

None of us would

ever dare blame Mom.

Did Grandma ever

open up with you about it?

About how she felt?


There was this one time

when I was real little.

It was just

a typical night.

And the bathroom door

was open,

so I kind of peeked my eye

into that little crack,

and I looked and I saw her

standing in front

of the mirror

with a razor blade.

And she was just kinda

chopping at her hair,

and crying,

and her hands were bleeding.

So, I let the door

go open a little bit,

and I was like,

"Mom, please don't do that."

And she turned, and she was

shocked that I caught her,

and she bandaged

up her fingers,

and she cleaned up,

and she hugged me,


she felt like

she had failed us.

I know that that

was somethin' that

she carried with her.

We're less of a family

than we've ever been.

And God forbid

that the fallout just

continues to grow.

Bill (in video):

Hello, darling.

-Debi (in video):

Hi, how are ya?

-Bill: Hi. I'm great.

How are you?

Hello, gorgeous.


Then your precious,

wonderful mother

put this together.


-There she is.

-Debi: She was so pretty.


She was. She was a sweet doll.


Can you share some

memories of Grandma?

Like, how did you guys meet?


We met at church.

They had a Bible study

on a Wednesday night.

We started dating,

and so, we were dating

for about, uh, three months,

and we--

then we got engaged.

(film projector rattling)

(light music playing)

Oh, she was so precious.

I mean, so precious.

She was great with the kids.

She couldn't

do anything wrong.

She was such

a marvelous, wonderful woman.


What about your life

before then?

What was it like growing up?

Bill: Hm.

Well, I don't know where

I would even start with that.


my mom was this marvelous,

wonderful, great woman.

She was fantastic.


he was always a busy guy.

He worked at Zippo lighters.

And, of course, he loved

the girls there, too.

He went out with quite

a few of the women, so.

He'd come home

with lipstick all over

his face,

and his clothes off,

or his collars and stuff

'cause you know darn well

he was smoochin' up

with the women

at Zippo parties.


Mom didn't complain any.

If she, she did, she didn't

do it in front of me, but.

But anyway,

that's beside the point.

He and I were not very close.

He wanted a girl so bad,

he didn't want a boy.

And if I did something

outta line,

I got a beating for it.

It was a tough time.


Um... this--

You can answer

this if you want.

I'm just curious.

Curiosity k*lled the cat.

-That's right.

-Amanda: Um...

as you were growing up,

did your attraction

stay with children?

Yeah, pretty much.

I think most of my life

it did, yes.

You know, I-I just couldn't

seem to control it too much.

It just went that way.

(tense, energetic music playing)


Was there anybody

that you ever

felt like you could

talk to about it?

Did you ever open up?


I wished I could've.

I really did wish--

I-I wanted to talk to somebody,

but I didn't know

who I could really talk to.

The girls were

so special to me.

The girls were always so,

so warm and nice, ya know?

So, I was explaining to (bleep)

of how babies came about.

And, uh, we more or less

experimented that

at that point.

And, of course, naturally,

she's a little bit--

Uh, just... feeling with her

and so forth.

And then she would lay

on top of me.

(unsettling music playing)

(music fades out)

(Amanda sighs, sniffles)

Because of all this...

I've been thinking a lot about,

which I-I usually don't.

I feel like when I think about,

you know, my own experience

being r*ped by--


It was around

nine years ago,


by my friend's boyfriend

at the time.


it was a mess, it was a mess.

It was--

Took me years to even, like,

use the "R word," and...

(deep breath)

I do feel like I've

dealt very well with it,

but, occasionally,

it crops its head up,

and what it is

for me is just that

the guy who did it

and my friend,

who was dating him,

who victim-blamed me

when I told her about it, um...

It's just knowing

that they don't-- (sniffles)

(trills lips) f*ck.

It's just knowing that...

they do not think that

they did anything wrong.

What's still missing is, is

just, just that acknowledgment,

ya know, of...

of, like, it happened,

ya know, from the people

that were involved.

It, it f*cking happened,

and not having that,

it's just the gift

that keeps on giving.

Truly. (sniffles)

(solemn music playing)

It feels very crystal clear

to me right now

why I'm making this film.

Just that acknowledgment.

I don't think that

I'm gonna receive that closure

for my own as*ault,

but if I can give that to...

the women that suffered

at the hands

of my grandfather,

if I can be the one

to step forward,

and on the record, say,

"He did this.

You can't f*cking deny it."

If it gives them

the peace of mind

of, of knowing

that their pain

is acknowledged,

and that the work they've

had to do over the years,

and that weight

that they've had to carry,


is acknowledged, then...

it's the very f*ckin'

least that I can do

as the granddaughter

of this piece of shit.


(tense music playing)

(music softens)

These are letters

for people that Grandpa

may have impacted.

"Dear Blank,

I'm writing to you

as you may have been

"a past patient

of William Flickinger,

"based on his paperwork.

"I discovered

that he had abused

"scores of girls

and young women,

"and I'm in the process

of seeking accountability

"for my grandfather's actions,

"and helping those

who have been abused by him

feel less afraid to speak out

if they so choose."

I feel very nervous doing this.

Just feel like

every one of these is

dropping a little b*mb

in these people's lives.

"If this message

isn't relevant to you,

please disregard.

"If it is relevant,

we deeply apologize

on behalf of our family

for what he put you

or your loved ones through."

Have you talked

to any of the people

that you may have hurt?

And maybe apologized?

That has not materialized.

Now, her brother,

has been the instigator

to try and do that.




That I should go.

I should write letters,

or I should go

and talk to these people.

And to a point,

I can understand what

he's comin' from.

But I haven't got

the guts to do that.

Because if this opened up

a can of worms,

well then, are they gonna

decide to take this to court

and send me to prison

for the rest of my life?

And that's what could happen.


But wouldn't that

just be a consequence?

Bonnie (over computer):

When I have...

thoughts about

your grandfather,

he's still that big,

bad boogeyman

in my

childhood mind.

This started when

I was 4 years old

at Herd Chiropractic.

I was, I was, I was little.


So, he would see us either

at his chiropractic office,

which he ended up having

my mom work for him,

which brought us in more.

He got so comfortable

doing what he was doing to me

that he would do it in front

of my younger siblings.


And I remember the one time,

he tried to make it seem

like it was a normal exam...


-...where I had to take

my pants down

or pull my dress up,

and, and, um,

I was crying,

and I was like,

"Please, can I pull

my pants up, please?"

-I was begging him,

just bawling.


-I was so embarrassed, um...

-(deep inhale)

So, all I remember

is looking over,

and Matthew had come over,

and started

beating on his leg,

-"Leave my sister alone,

leave my sister alone!"


Ya know?

And he grabbed him

by his throat,

picked him up,

and put him

back in the chair,

and told him not to move.

And nobody knew.

And I'm thinking,

"My mom is in the next

room with Lois."

-Amanda: Grandma.

-So, for a long time--

Yeah. How can they not

bust through that door

and help me?

I didn't necessarily

hold a grudge against

your grandmother,

but I was like,

"How could she not

have known?"

Her name is not Lois.

Did you know that?

-Bonnie: No!

-Her name is Salesta,

and he hated her name so much

that he had

everyone call her Lois

and made her go by Lois.

I'd love to say that

I'm shocked, but I'm not.

So her name is Salesta.


-Thank you for that. Wow.



After everything he did,

not only to me,

but to so many others,

I've realized it's not

my secret to keep.

It was his.

Everyone has always

said you have to forgive,

forgive or you're

gonna burn in hell.

f*ck the word "forgive."

I hate it.

What I need to do in my life

to get past

the emotional barriers

that are holding me back

at 4 years old, 6 years old,

being in a courtroom

having to face him

while he sat there like this,

staring at me the whole time.

I would just love,

in my lifetime,

to hear him say,

-"I hurt you."


"And I had

no right to do that.

And I acknowledge

that I hurt you."

(pensive music playing)

(ambient street noise)


So, I've been trying

to make sense of

a lot of things,

the timeline,

I've even been talking

to a victim from your clinic.

But back in 1979,

I believe you took Bill to court

for a lot of sexual misconduct

that happened towards

your employees and patients.

So, I-I'm curious

if you know why he wanted

to come here, to Harrisburg?

I think things were

difficult for him there.

I think he was

having difficulty there.

-Amanda: Up in Bradford?



Okay, but you-- they--

there wasn't any information

about the, the nature

of what was going on?

Not at that-- Well...

(Barbara clears throat)

I may have

contacted his pastor,

and there may have been

that, you know, "Be cautious,"

and things like that around.

-There was a warning.

-Yeah, I think there was

a warning given to us that

there could be some problem,

but I... I may have

just brushed that aside,

and, and said I'd be careful.

-We were deceived to believe.

-Well, well--

-We, we were deceived.

-We, we had thought--

Before he came down,

we had thought he turned,

you know, new leaf, that he--

-We didn't, didn't know that--

-I didn't know what happened

up there.

Did you know what happened?

I didn't know.

No, we knew there

was problems, that's all.

Well, I didn't know

what the problems were.

I was ignorant to that fact.

But if I would've known,

he would've never

been in our office.



When did you first recognize

that something was wrong?

Jack Herd:

Well, apparently, a, a young

girl had come into the office.

This girl was 13 years old.

And he asked,

he says, "Come on back,

I'll check your spine."

And he had her take

her blouse off and her bra off.

It was another patient, too,

I thought was involved.


Well, we're talkin'

about this right now.

But I thought it was

another patient was involved

who-- that really

made you so upset.

I don't know,

but then just shortly after

that time, Barb and I,

we had a housekeeper,

and, uh, she was with the kids.

She went down the basement,

and Bill was laying on top

of our 12-year-old girl.

-I just couldn't sleep.

I was so angry...

-Jack: Oh, well, absolutely.

...that there could be

a possibility that somebody

would harm one of my children,

or, or destroy our good name.

It really made me angry.


tense music playing)

I called an attorney,

and he came in,

and brought Bill in,

and we terminated him

right then.

-It probably was the next day.

-Oh, no, on the spot.


And then filed a complaint

with the Chiropractic Board.

And they had a hearing,

and he had many, many people

come and defend him at that.

That caused a lot of

tension between...

-Our friends.

-Jack: ...our family

and our friends like that.

Yeah, we weren't

trying to destroy this man.

He was destroying himself.


They did take his license

at that point.

Barbara Herd:

And then life went on,

except emotionally

getting over it.

I came to the place

where I said--

I just-- I told God,

"I give it to you.

Lord, I-I can't carry it.

It's too heavy for me."


So he lost his license,

but he did not go to prison.

What do you guys think would've

been the ideal situation?

-(Barbara chuckles)

-Jack: Well, I don't know, uh...

Prison. I don't, I don't--

I d-- I simply don't know.

My baser nature is I wanted

to get a g*n and sh**t him.



The case with the Herds

was one of a few

that he was involved with.

And ultimately,

none of them resulted

in anything

that would leave

a mark on his record.

It just feels like

the whole system failed.

There was nothing to stop him

from crossing state lines

and getting

a completely fresh start.

And that's what he did.

Him and Grandma

packed their lives into an RV

and they left the whole mess

that he made behind.

(folk music playing)

(music cuts out)

Bill (in video):

Cleveland, Ohio,

on this first day of March.

Tulsa, Oklahoma,

this beautiful state.

We're gettin' ready to go

to work here in Charlotte

at the, uh, Craft Show.

(music playing,

crowd chatter in video)

Samples of what you can do

with the Punch Connection.


Come on in to the counter,

and we'll give you

the $10

gourmet waffle cutter.

Take home

as many as you like.

You could use

cabbage, carrots, celery.

Look, you're on TV.

Isn't that neat?

Now, if you take this

same bagging process,

and we use it in our freezer.


They became

traveling salesmen.

They went from one

state to another,

living in different


And they were selling

vacuum sealers

and rubber stamps

at local trade shows.

And that's pretty much

all that we would know

about Grandpa

from those years,

if he hadn't brought

his video camera with him.

Uh-oh, you girls are on

"Candid Camera."


Turn around and be

a star for me.

(light, uneasy music playing)

Bill: It isn't every day

we get to have

movie stars in our midst.

Oh, I'm not no movie star.

speaker: She really wants

you to tape her,

but she won't act like it.

young girl:

Don't, no.

No, there's more.

Will you get that off!

speaker: See?

You're scarin' her.

Come back to see us

at the Craft Show.

We're here.




When I watch these tapes,

I see a man

with a serious problem

who knows that he's

not gonna get caught,

and I can't help

but feel like

if there had just been

some way for him to get help,

how much of all of this

could've been prevented?



But he just kept going

until the early '90s

when they landed in Florida,

and moved in next door

to a kid named Christine.

Christine (over phone):

So, I do have a question.

And, and I-I feel like

I should be able

-to ask this question.

-Amanda: Okay.

Christine: I want to know

how you found me.

Oh, of course, so my--

It was all in

my grandfather's paperwork.


Okay. 'Cause, you know,

there's always that fear

that you put somebody in jail

and their family

wants to retaliate.

-Debi: Oh, my gosh.

-Of course, there is not

a single person in my family

that would, would defend him.

-Debi: Absolutely.

-Christine: Okay.

The day of the incident

he told me,

"You can trust me.

I'm a doctor."

-Oh, my God.


That's how he got me.

I remember, all of a sudden,

I'm down on the ground.

There he is on top of me.

He was like,

"If you tell anybody,

-I will k*ll your parents."

-Oh, my God.


And I flipped out,

and I kicked him,

and I pushed him off of me.

And I grabbed my bike,

and I came back

into the trailer park.

And so, I took measures,

and my parents took measures,

and we went through court,

and they found him guilty.

You know, it was,

it was pretty dramatic

being on the stand,

but, you know,

I was so worried that

if he did that to me

would he do it

to somebody else?

(deep breath)

Oh, I mean, I-I--

Thank you for sharing that.

And I am--

I'm just so sorry.

I do want to say

how incredibly proud I am

that you, you did that

because there were

dozens and dozens

-over many, many years.

-Christine: Jesus Christ.


And he did not go

to prison until '92.

-So for that, we have you

to thank, and your courage.

-Debi: Mm-hmm.


So, he never served

any prison until--

Until you.

(Christine chokes up)


I didn't even know

he hurt so many people.

And I didn't want him

to do that to anybody else.

Like, I--


Hoo, sorry.

Can I talk

to your mom for a sec?

Oh, sure.

I'm right here, go 'head.



-How are you doing

through this?

-(both laugh)

Well, you know,

it's so interesting.

-I have learned that...

-Christine: Right., you can't

change the past.

All you can do is

change your future.

And I can't change what

either of my parents did,

but I have children, ya know,

that are all adults now,

and I...

tried to protect them

at all levels.

I was constantly watching him,

and making sure

that my kids were safe.

When I knew that they

were coming around,

I was watching him

like a hawk.


When Grandpa did go to prison,

I can remember how she told me.

So, Mom had just come

in my room and said,

um, "I wanna talk

to you about somethin'.

"Did-- I just wanted

to let you know

"that Grandpa

went to prison

for," I think she did say,

"molesting a little girl."

And through clenched teeth,

'cause she really didn't

wanna get the words out,

I could tell... she said,

"Did he ever do

anything to you?"

And I never turned around.

I just said, "Mm-hmm."

And she turned around

and left the room.

There wasn't even a hug.

To this day, there's still

not been

a conversation about that.

-That's super painful.


Is that Grandpa?

-Amanda: That is Grandpa.

-Angie: Wow.


This date is in prison.

That's '94.

I don't know about this one.

He did get out early.

I think two and a half years

-into the four-and-a-half-year




He got off on good behavior.



The chaplain was like,

"Oh, this is such

a trustworthy man of God."

And then,

him and Grandma just

bounced around Florida

for 20 years.

I just cannot even

wrap my head around

-what she dealt with every day.

-Yeah. Yeah.


There is a letter

she sent to you

as soon as Grandpa

went to prison.

(clears throat)

It gets me every time.

"Dear Angie,

Thank you for your lovely

letter and pictures.

"After three weeks,

it was possible for Grandpa

"to receive his in prison.

He likes it.

"He calls prison the 'big fish,'

just like Jonah.

"He's in there

because of his disobedience.

"He is now

crying out like Jonah

"to be delivered

from the belly of hell.

"And he is asking us

to forgive him, too.

(Amanda sighs)


"As for me, I'm sorry, too.

"Even though I've been

aware of this addiction

for a long time,

"and promised God

I would face it squarely

"when it raised its ugly head,

"I have failed miserably

in that department.

"I have found the ugly

addiction never sleeps,

"and I require sleep.

"And it is very sneaky.

"And there are many times

I'm not smart enough.

"Then both you

and your mom write me

"such beautiful letters

and cards saying,

"'We miss you. We love you.

Please come home.'

"And I think, 'Why?'

I'm a big part of this failure.

"Oh, Angie, please forgive me.

I do love you, honey.



-That's, that's really sad.

-Do you remember this?


(Amanda sniffles)

So, it is confirmation

that she knew

that I did go through that.



My mom just constantly

tried to smooth things over

all the time in her mind.

Just... wish things away

or pray 'em away.

I know that she couldn't

have been happy, at all,

living with my dad.

But growing up religious,

doesn't matter what kind

of abuse you go through,

divorce wasn't an option.

And, especially, back then.

You just-- You didn't do it.

"Until death do us part."

In 2012, I flew to Florida,

and when I got there,

she had lost between

30 and 40 pounds.

And I just told her, I said,

"I see what it's doing to you."

And I said,

"This is the last time

I'm gonna ask you."

I said,

"Will you come back with me?"

When she said,

"Okay, I'll do it,"

I started

planning in my mind,

"How do I get her outta here

without him k*lling us?"

I am like, "Okay, Mom.

"We are gonna get

far enough away

"that he's not gonna find us.

I'm gonna get everything

packed in the car."

We were about

a half an hour away,

and my dad called.

She, she looked at it,

and she goes, "It's him."

I could hear him yelling,

and he said, "Where are you?!

You are the worst daughter!"

How could I possibly

steal her away from him?

I just thought,

"We gotta get as far away

from here as we can."

It was an 18-hour drive

back to Pennsylvania.

It was the beginning

of the rest of her life.

I finally got her hooked up

with my doctor.

She was diagnosed

with colon cancer.

She ended up living

a little over two more years.

It was very sad.

I feel like she was such

a smart, intelligent,

beautiful woman

that had wasted her time

on someone that has destroyed

so many people's lives.

(melancholy music plays)

(tense, unsettling

music playing)

(ringback tone)

Amanda (over phone):

Hey, Bonnie.

Bonnie (over phone):

Hi, Amanda.

You had mentioned

you're back in Harrisburg,

and then I thought

the only eyes that

I've ever seen Harrisburg,

Pennsylvania, through

are with my

3-to-6-year-old eyes.

I want to go

to Herd Chiropractic Clinic,

and I just wanna be

heard and understood.

And I want to stand

in that driveway as an adult,

and know that nobody

can drag me in there.

And that way,

it'll be permanently

imprinted in my brain

that I'm safe now.

Amanda (over phone):

I am 100% here for that.


(quiet chatter)

(anxious music playing)

-How you feelin'?

-Bonnie: I'm feeling nervous.

It's so strange being back here.

I've avoided it for so long.

-Like, deliberately

avoided coming back here.

-You're doin' it. Mm-hmm.

It's this white

building right here.

-Bonnie: Here on the corner?




I need to breathe.

(tense music playing)

(deep breathing)

(music stops abruptly)

(ambient street noise)

(distant siren wails)

(Bonnie sniffles, groans)

(Bonnie exhales)

Oh, my goodness.


(office phone ringing)

This is different.

(indistinct chatter)

Just being in this building

makes me feel sick

to my stomach.

I need to breathe.

Oh, my God.

-Jack: Come on in here, kids.

Have a seat, okay?

-Amanda: Thanks so much.

-Bonnie: Yeah.

-Amanda: Thanks so much.

We got a lotta flack

down here, uh,

from people that Bill had,

uh, relationships with.

Between Bill and Lois's

house and here,

those were the two places

he would abuse me.

And it-it's taken me

a little over 40 years now

to come back to these places

and face them as an adult.

The Bible says that

we're forgiven

to the same degree we forgive.

It's God's love that

c-- allows us to forgive

and h-helps us to forgive

those that have abused us.


I think that's what I struggle

with is thinking that

if I'm going to forgive someone

that, no,

I'm not going to forget,

and, no, I'm not going

to just immediately let it go.

It's, it's hard

to forgive someone who

doesn't ask for forgiveness,

or... think that

they did anything wrong.

You know?


Yeah, you're never

gonna forget it.

I mean, that's--

I mean, that's, th-that's life.

We understand that, yeah.

And, and we wanna pray

with you before we leave

-just for-- Yes.

-Amanda: Yeah?

-Barbara: Absolutely.



Pray, Barb, you pray

for 'em, honey. Pray.


Lord, we come into

your presence of praise

and into accordance

with thanksgiving.

Knowing that you're

the Lord, our God,

and you do all things well.

You heal our mind,

you heal our body,

you heal our spirit.

-Yes, you're

the healer, Lord. Yes.

-I ask Lord Jesus

that you will take my sister,

-and you'll pour your love...

-Jack: Yes, Lord Jesus.

-...and your love, love, love...

-Jack: Yes, yes, Jesus, yes.

-...into her mind,

body, and spirit.

-Jack: Yes.

-Yes, Lord.

-Let there be a release,

and a power of forgiveness

that will set her free totally

in her whole being.

-While we bless your name, Lord,

we know you're the God...

-Jack: We bless you.

-Thank you.

You are the healer, Lord.

-...of the now...

-Jack: Yep.

-...and the God of our future,

and you take care of us,

and we bless your name.

Thank you

for your healing, Lord,

for your healing power

in our sister.

Just fill her heart,

fill her spirit, Lord,

we pray in the name

of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Filling you

with love, forgiveness,

and healing

in Jesus's mighty name.


(birds chirping)

(ambient street noise)

-Amanda: How ya feelin'?


(Bonnie chokes up)

(deep breathing)




Do you want a hug

or you want some space?

-(softly) Space.

-Okay, that's fine.


Do you feel like God

has forgiven you?

Absolutely, because there's

no sin that can't be forgiven.

Except blasphemy

of the Holy Spirit.

You can be forgiven

no matter what you've done.

(ambient nature sounds)

-(answering machine beeps)

-Bill (on voicemail):

Hi, Debi.

I'm tryin' to reach ya, honey.

Daddy loves his daughter.

You're so precious.

-(answering machine beeps)

-Um, so, everything has gotten

so screwed up down here.

I'm not doin' too good

right now, and...

I'll just explain it to you

when I get a chance.

I'm, I'm waitin' for ya.

Thank you.

-(answering machine beeps)

-Hey, Deb, I've been

missin' you, honey,

and you don't seem

to pick up anymore.

I guess you don't

like me anymore.

Tomorrow, of course,

as you know, I have dialysis,

and... now I have to have

a fistula put in my arm.

I have a catheter

in my shoulder right now.

So at any rate,

I just want you

to keep me in prayer,

but ya know what's goin' on

with your old Pappy.

-(ringback tone)

-Amanda (over phone):

Hey, Mom.

Debi (over phone):

Hi, honey.


Okay, so you were saying--


He definitely

has declined a lot.

He just sounded

very confused,

very weak, so.


How do you feel

knowin' he's fallin' apart?


I don't know. I, I guess,

you know, even though

he's a horrible, awful person,

I still know him as my dad.

As messed up as he was.

You know?

-(answering machine beeps)

-Bill: All I get is this

darn voicemail thing.

I hate that thing.

Are you in a position

where you can call me?

Very important.

-(answering machine beeps)

-I don't understand this.

Why are you avoiding me?

-(answering machine beeps)

-I'm not your enemy,

I'm your dad.

I'd just as soon be dead.

That'd be the best

thing in the world

if it happened to me.

Maybe you'd agree

with that, too.

I don't know.

And I love ya.

Give me a call

back tonight, please.

Uh, it's, it's been

three days of hell,

that's all I can say.

Constant phone calls and texts,

and harassment, and oh, my gosh.

He needs somebody to manage

-him right now.

-Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Debi (over phone):

He's saying he's

frantically moving,

and, "I'm just

too old to do this."

And I could just tell

he wasn't telling me anything

and, and I said,

"Okay, Dad, what's goin' on?"

He says, "Well"--

He goes,

"Remember those young twins

that I was talkin' about?"

-Amanda (over phone): Oh, no.

-Debi: Yeah.

He said, you know,

"They aren't feeling

comfortable that I'm here."

And I knew

he wasn't lyin' to me.

So, I called

the manager of the place,

and he told me that,

"Your father has been

touching them


but, again, nobody

wants to press charges.

They just want him to move.


That exact reason is why

he's gotten away with this

for his entire life.

We're gonna go down

and see Grandpa

for the last time.

He is not doing-- Very poor

in his health, um,

in his final days.

I just picked up

a letter from my sister

that she wrote him.

So, if there's anything

you wanted me to say to him.

Bonnie (over computer):

I would love for you

to tell him

that his sick perversion,

to get off for a few minutes,

took the spirit and the life

out of a 4-year-old girl.

Amanda: Hm.

-Debi: Alright, I'd slow down.

-Amanda: Yeah.

Alright, it's here, yeah?


(nurse laughs)

(Debi and nurse speaking)


How much longer

is it before dinner?


One more hour.



-Bill: Hello!

-nurse: Hi, honey, it's me.

Can you hang up the phone?

It's something important.

(Debi takes deep breath)

(indistinct chatter)


Hi, Dad.


I don't believe it.

Hello there, sweet--

Hi, girls, how are ya?

-Debi: How are you, Dad?

-Oh, I'm very good.

I've got a lotta pain

in my side today,

-but otherwise I'm okay.

-Amanda (softly): Sorry.

-Hi, Grandpa. Hi.

-Bill: Hi. Hi, sweetheart.

Oh, my gosh.


Are you alright?

I'm okay. Thanks, honey.

-(Amanda chuckles)

-Appreciate you, baby.

We didn't mean to shock

ya too much.

No, it's wonderful. Thank you.

Wasn't sure if you'd

remember who I was.

-Of course!

-(Debi chuckles)

How could I ever forget

you or her? Either one.


-Debi: So, but tomorrow,

we can call it

a hang-out day,

-if you have the energy.

-Bill: Sounds good.

-(car door shuts)

-(car beeping)



-Debi: (sighs) Oh--

-What do you think of the place?

It is really bad.

He's not lying when

he said it was a dump. (laughs)

But, ya know what,

it's this or prison.


-Pick your worst.

-You know?

-Amanda: I'd prefer

prison for him.

(bird cawing)

You almost ready, Manny?




(Amanda clears throat)

It's crazy thinkin'...

how long I've thought

about doing this,

and it's just weird 'cause it's,

like, today's that day.

-Today is, is the day

ya say somethin'.


(siren blaring)

(blinker clicking)

(deep breath)

I'm nervous but I feel...


Just plow through

the discomfort here.

So this is all that they

said that you have left.

Oh, my God, that's a lie.


So there's some pictures here.

So we have

pictures of Grandma,

-and Ange, your kids.

-Yep, yep, yep. Yep.


Who's that?

You know,

I don't know who that is.

-I'm not sure.

-Oh, I see, Dad,

I see your diabetes.

-Mm-hmm. Look at this.

-Amanda: Look at this.

Peanut butter M&M's,



Yeah, I have to carry snacks

because we don't get

enough to eat in this place.


Alright, Dad, this is gonna

be on your top shelf.

You, you really don't.

-Amanda: Okay.



Alright. Ya good?

-You can stay there.

-Debi: No, stay. Sit down, Dad.

No, I--

No, no, no, no, no, no.

That's not what

I'm after right now.

-Debi: What do you need?

-Amanda: Okay.

My telephone over there.

Oh, we see it's

charged, charged.


Yeah, just pull the cord.

But I gotta have-- must have

a picture of that lady, too.

cameraperson (nervously):

Uh, I'll stay on this side

-of the camera.



It isn't every day that

we get a movie star in here.


-I'm so glad to meet you.

-(camera clicking)

And so glad you came.


Alright. Now, do you mind if

we take some pictures outside?




(groans) Oh, my goodness.

I just have to go--

kinda go slow.

Well, go slow, Dad.

That's fine.

Where are we lookin'?

-Amanda: Just towards me.

-(Bill mumbling)

-Amanda: One, two...


-Amanda: ...three.

-Never mind.

-Amanda: One, two, three.

-(camera clicks)


I can't believe he said

I look like your mother.


-Bill: No, ya look great, honey.

-Debi: Uh-huh.

-You really do. I'm serious.

-Yeah, whatever.


You do look great

right now, Mom.

You do, honey.

You're, you're terrific.

If you only knew

what I've been through.


Alright, will ya look up

at her for a second?

-So what have you been through?

-(camera clicks)


Up at her. Whoop.

Can ya get that far?

-(Amanda chuckles)

-I think can.


Alright, great.

Now what time is, uh, dinner?

-Five, right?

-At five o'clock if--

I don't know. I--


-A lotta times,

I don't even try to eat.

-I know, but you need

to, Dad, if you can.

-Thank you, Mama.

-Stop calling me your mother.

-(Bill laughs)

-Amanda: Okay.

-I knew that'd get to her.

-Debi: Good God.

-Amanda: Now, there's, um,

there's somethin' I just

wanna ask you real quick.

Do you wanna,

do you wanna say bye?

-cameraperson: Okay. Yeah.



I'm gonna-- She just--

I'm gonna go to the car.

It was very nice to meet you.


Oh, it's a pleasure.

You're absolutely gorgeous,

by the way.

-cameraperson: Thank you.

-Bill: So, I thank you.

I'm blessed to have

you down here.

-cameraperson: Bye.

-Bill: Where ya goin'?


She's goin' to the car.

-We have to talk

to you about somethin'.

-Bill: No! Come on back here.


No, Dad, it's alright,

it's alright.

She's gotta get

her stuff ready to go.


I just wanted to get

a picture of her, though.



I'm gonna put this down.

I just wanted us

-to be able to...

-Here, I'll hold it, hon.

-I'll hold it. have a minute.

Um, oh, I'm gettin'

a picture taken.

-Debi: Good deal.

-Amanda: Alright, so I just

wanted to--

-Oh, God, I'm gonna cry.

-Debi: Don't cry.

(Amanda crying)

(Bill speaking)

Grandpa, I just need you

to listen to me for a second.

-I'm listening.

-There are two people

that... sent me--

Can you do this?

(sniffles) I'm sorry.

There is...

two people that,

you know, we always want

wholeness between people,

and they asked us to send you

some mess-- a message,

and we want you

to hear it, okay?

Um... because we want

everybody to be whole

in this dysfunctional stuff

that we go through.

So, we just want ya

to listen to this, okay?

-I'm all ears.


So, the first one...

is from Ange.

She sent you

an audio message

to listen to.


I hope you can hear it.

Angie (on recording):

Grandpa, I wanna start off

by telling you

that I love you dearly

and I'm thankful

to have you as my grandpa.

I suffered

many years of my life

by the trauma

I endured as a child

moving into your home

with my mom

where I was

subjected to sexual abuse

for many years at your hand.

I've learned to push

everything under the carpet,

just like the family did.

I do not want to hold anger

and bitterness in my heart,

and I pray you get

your life right with God

before it's too late.


your granddaughter,



Can you stand here?


Thank you.

-What are your thoughts

on that, Dad?


Do you wanna say anything

in response to Ange?

I can send her back a message.

Yeah, 'cause

we wanted to s-- you to,

ya know,

send messages to people

like we're sending

a message to you,

so what would you--

Do you wanna

say something to her?



Hello, Angie.

This is Grandpa.

Hey, um, that, that was quite

a message you sent me,

and I appreciate it,

and I thank you,

and I, uh, am deeply sorry

for all the different things

that happened in my life,

in your life,

and, and, and, and your mom,

and, uh, it was not

done purposely,

but yet, these things

do happen sometimes.


we do stupid things,

and I, I have to admit that

I was many times very stupid.

So, thank you

for leveling with me.

It's wonderful.

God bless you, honey,

and I believe we're

gonna walk the streets

of glory together one day.


Okay, um,

I-I, I do have,

I have one more. Sorry.

Now this is from a woman

named Bonnie Dillard.

(Amanda chokes up)

Can I at least--

You don't have to say anything,

but it's important.

She asked--

She reached out to our family.

Well, how 'bout if you walk away

-and I'll let him

listen to-- Okay?

-I can walk away.

Would you like me to walk away?

I'll, I'll let you just hear it.

You and I. Okay?

Alright, it's just for healing

for them, Dad. Okay?






Bonnie (on recording):

He, he, he did what

he did to get off

for a few minutes...

but what I don't

think he knows

is that he took...

the life,

the spirit

of this little girl

that affected

that little girl

for the rest of her life.

And he didn't have

the right to take that.

It wasn't his to take.

It was, it was soul-crushing.

(solemn music playing)

(Debi takes deep breath)

So, I don't know.

Do you wanna say

anything to her?

Okay. Alright.

Is there anybody else

you wanna send a message to?

(bleep), Paul, anybody?


-Not really.

-Amanda: Okay.

She'll get your walker

and I'll take you.

Yeah, I'll be right back.

(Bill groaning)

Get him there,

and I'll be right back.

Okay. Alright, Grandpa,

I'm gonna give ya a hug.


Oh, you still want to?


-Bill: Thank you.


Dad, do you need--

have your wallet,

all of that with you?

I know you--

-Bill: Yes, I do.

-Okay. Alright.

-Let's go.

-Amanda: Alright.

Debi: Alright.

I'll be right back to the car.


Okay, I'll see ya.


I still have to answer

to an almighty God.

And I have to stand

before him one day,

and I'm not gonna be able

to lie to him whatsoever

because he knows everything.

-(car beeping)

-(car door shuts)



I did not expect

that to be so hard.

Oh, God.

nurse: Mr. William,

open your beautiful eyes.


And no matter what

we've done in the past

as we come to Him

and we repent

asking Him

for that forgiveness,

Christ will forgive.

No matter how awful

we have been.

And we're bound

for Heaven then, definitely.

(machine beeps)

(ambient street noise)


Yeah, let's do

the small one first.


Let me put this over here.

This is all

that's left of Grandpa.

(sighs) Scissors.


Scissor, scissor, scissors

Okay, let's do this.


-World's worst unboxing video.


Oh, wow.



Little picture of Grandma.

-That's shocking.


Oh, my God, this is so creepy.


Well, who is it?


Just an empty wallet

and... pictures of this woman.

This is weird.

It is very weird.

What do you do

with these things?

We have to be careful,

we don't-- Oh, my gosh. Gross.

Is this one

of his matching outfits?


-(chuckles) Hello, yellow.


-(Debi chuckles)

Oh, here's a brand-new coat.

Never wore. Is it his or...?

-It is nice. (laughs)

-I told you!

-Oh no!

-I can so see you--

Oh, conflicted.

(chuckles) How cozy is that

when you go to New York?




Let's just put

this one to the side.

(camera clicking)

-(laughs) I can't.

-(both laughing)


I'm sorry.

We need some laughter

in all this hideousness.


-You just sitting amongst--

-I know, smelly clothes.

(Amanda laughs)

I don't know.

Like, is there something

wrong with us?

That we laugh?

-Hm, that's

an interesting question.

-(both chuckling)

-I don't know.

-(Amanda clears throat)

It's not a nervous laugh,

I think it's more

of a... a relief kinda.

And it's just kinda strange.

After all we've been through

all those years with him,

and... this is it.

You know, it's freeing,

but it's also just

very strange, so.


-(Amanda clears throat)

(camera clicks)


Well, you certainly know

that he had no taste in clothes.

-(Amanda chuckles)

-Debi: Oh, yeah. Knew that.

Same with my mom.

I do find myself dressing

like her sometimes now.

I didn't wanna say anything.

(both laughing)

(uneasy music playing)



(FaceTime ringing)



Well, I am calling

with good news

that he passed away last week.

And then it was,

like, a, a frantic rush

to just get his body

donated to science

so nobody had

to deal with it.



No funeral, no nothin'.

It's just--

People just want to move on.



Well, how are you feelin'?

-About this?


Ya know, there's the apology

that will never come.

I don't think

it would've come anyway.

I feel like he can't ever

hurt anyone else ever again.




I mean, I'm happy...

I'm happy.

Are you okay?

I mean, I know he's

your grandfather.

I'm really sorry.

Um, yeah. No, I-I'm o--

I'm obviously okay with it.

But I've been having, like,

back-and-forth feelings

of just, like, a lot of anger

because I think there's

still accountability to be had

and continuing

to, to just talk about it.

And I feel very, like,

firm in what I'm doing

and that I should be

talking about this, so.

You know, it, it feels like

a lot of responsibility,

you know, like,

trudgin' up people's stuff,

but I also feel like

by not talking about it

is giving him what he wants...

-Bonnie: Mm-hmm. know?

And I feel like, if anything,

I want that silence to stop

in my family here.


You can go straight, baby,

it's a lot quicker.

-Amanda: Yeah?

-Debi: Mm-hmm.


Are you nervous at all or no?

Debi: No.

Why would I be?


I mean, I think that there

are some things that Ange...

is holding in around this

that you guys could,

could talk about.

I don't want...

to be like Grandma

and die with any

secrets or regrets.

Yeah. Yeah, it's just,

for you guys to heal,

I think you're really

gonna have to listen to her.

Alright, here we go.


-Hi, puppers! Alright.

-Debi: Hi, Roscoe!

-(dogs barking)

-Hi, Roo. Hi, hon.

(indistinct chatter)



That should be okay.

Manny, here's your coffee.

Well, there is one,

and here's one.

-They're both the same.

-Angie: Amanda,

do you need sugar?

-Debi: And there's milk.

-Um, no, I'm okay.

I get stressed

going through this footage

because it's, like,

there's so much of it,

and, like, I--

(fast-forwarding footage)

Amanda (on computer):

As far as younger girls,

what about the girls

in the family?

Oh, God, it's just nauseating.

Even just hear--

starting to hear it.

Amanda (in video):

And then, Ange,

anything with Ange?

Bill (on computer):

The only thing

I can remember--

Nothin' that I remember--

I was only--

One time I was with Angie

that I recall.

Um... she was gonna--

Uh, her mom was comin' over

and she was leavin' Angie,

and, uh... she wanted

to go to the bathroom.

So, I went in with her,

and I sat down on the potty

without my clothes on.

And she took her panties off,

and she sat on my lap,

and I rubbed her a little bit.

And that was the--

that was it.

But, lo and behold,

at that particular moment,

her mom came home.

And that's when--

And she went out then

t-to her mom.

That was the only thing

that ever took place

that I am aware of.

Unless I was dreaming,

but that's the only thing--

See that is the only time

I remember, ever.

Bill (in video):

Nothing ever happened

with you.

Well... I feel that,

and this isn't something

I've ever wanted to say,


(sighs) Okay, so,

half of this issue

(nervous laugh)


is because I was placed in it.


-Amanda: Let me get the tissues.

(Angie crying)

And the thing is,

is I'm healed

of this part of it,

but half of this issue

is not knowing

why I was willingly

put into something

-that you knew

somebody did this.

-Debi: Mm-hmm.


So, those are my only

current issues with it.

It's not that

any of this happened,

I mean, yeah, that's not good.

But... I feel like

I'm past that.

I know all that's wrong,

I've been healed of it--

Oh, thank you.

You found tissue-- (laughs)


(laughs) I don't know

where the tissues are.


(coughs) Excuse me.


But I feel that

a lot of our relationship

is based off of just

a mistrust there

because of not feelin'

like I understand

why I would've been

put in that,

and never had

an avenue to talk about it.

So, to hear you, like, just talk

about it so casually sometimes,

I had, like,

a hair issue or somethin'.

That was my way

of internalizing that,

and just...

taking it out on myself

because there was nobody

that was w-willing to listen,

or cared to listen,

or bring it up.

And I had no one to talk to.


Alright, from my end,

you know, and I'm sorry

that anything happened,

whether... I knew it or not...

-Angie: Mm-hmm.

-...because I honestly

remember the one time.

All that I was going

through with the divorce,

I had nowhere else to go.

I didn't have a job.

I had to find a job.

And that's when Grandma said,

"Well, you can stay here."

And I remember talking

to her and saying,

"You promise me you

will take care of Ange?"

I knew that Grandma loved you,

and that she would,

hopefully, protect you.

I didn't know

all that was going on.

To me, it's, it's

a whole, like, circle around

because it's,

"Well, I had to go through this.

I had this.

I had this bad stuff."

You know, is what

I always hear from you.

But it's--

No matter what

my stuff I went through,

it's never as big as what

you've had to go

through as a mom.

I haven't ever had, like,

a mom that has wanted to care.

It's more about

what you went through.

I don't really have

an answer. I don't.

I believed

that after that one time

that I confronted him

that he would've

never done it again.

And that was truly my belief.

(tense music playing)

(sighs) So, this morning,

we were supposed to go

over to my mom's

to just do some

basic interview questions,


I mean, I could tell that there

was some tension yesterday,

and she just sent me a message

canceling the interview,

which is a...

an understatement.

"With the false accusations

and how you feel about me,

"and what you think I feel

about Ange is not true.

"You both keep expecting

apologies out of me

"for things that you think

I have been wrong in.

"I will defend myself

at all costs when I know

it is not true.

God knows what I've put up with

in my life. No more."

(ringback tone)

Hi, Mom, got your message.

Happy to talk

through this with you,

uh, so if you could call me back

when you can, I'd appreciate it.


I definitely didn't

see this coming,

but I would like to not have

my relationship with my mom end.

(gusty winds)

Debi (over phone):

I-I'm just sick

and tired of conflict,

sick and tired

of never meeting up

to the expectations.

I have bent over backwards

for everyone in this family.

No matter how much pain,

no matter how much

discomfort it's caused me.

So, I'm sorry...

but I can't do it anymore.

Amanda (over phone):

I'm, I'm very sorry

that it's come to that.

I feel like I've been

pushing more and more

because I thought

that it was...

helping to paint

a better picture for you

to know what to do.

If you know a bit more

about how Angie's feeling,

then you might know

how to respond.


-Debi: Do you understand that

I do know what she feels?

-Because been there, done it.

-Uh, it's--


I feel... like

you're all adults.

I've ruined enough

of your life.

I just slip out slowly,

everybody's happy.

-Everybody can do

what they want...

-Amanda: That's not true.


...crazy mom's not there.

That's how I feel.


That's not how I feel at all,

and it's not how

Ange feels in any way.

We love you.

You're our mom.


I love you guys, but...

when... I keep getting...

the accusatory things where...

it doesn't matter what I say,

it doesn't matter what I do.

It makes me feel

like the very best thing

is just packin' everything up,

and just never talkin'

to anybody again

because I've messed up

everybody's lives so much.


If I am sharing

my perspective of things,

I don't want you to feel

like that's an attack

because I think the one thing

that we've learned here

is that...

truth has multiple perspectives.

But I also want to stay open

to what each other are saying...

-Mm-hmm. possibly learn

something new.

I'm, like, not here

to attack, or judge,

or anything.

I'm not going to spend

my time and effort

-when I know what is true.


-And I'm being blamed

for something that's not true.

-Can we talk about that, though?

'Cause I just wanna understand

what you're talking about.

What do you feel has--

that has been said

about you is untrue?

There are things that have

been said about me that

um, that did not happen.

Can you tell me

specifically, though?

It's about many things that--

Okay, say somebody, uh, says--

Is-- But is-- Are--

I think the most

relevant example

is, like, that Ange was abused.

Do you feel any responsibility

for, not just that incident,

but all of the incidences

that Ange was abused

living with him?

Do you feel any responsibility

for h-- that having happened?

Of course, I feel responsible

because she's my kid

and I've always

wanted to protect her.

Yes, but then, again,

it was like I was guaranteed

that Grandma was gonna

not let her out of her sight.

And so, I trusted her.

I trusted her word.

But I-- in that conversation,

did both of you acknowledge

that you know

that Grandpa does this?

No, she did not

ever acknowledge it.


-And I'm angry at myself

that I didn't...

like, f-- kinda force her

to talk about it.

All along, I've known

that she's had to have known.

Um, how could you have

all these court hearings

and all the things and not know?

She knew, and I know that,

you know, at a certain point,

she realized, like,

she is... implicated.

She chose a side.

She chose to protect him

instead of her kids.

But we all need to take

responsibility for our role

in what Grandpa was able to do.

We have been driven to be

more angry with each other

and not Grandpa

when Grandpa is the reason...


-...for all of this tension,

all of the division.

I just want people

to be angry at him.

That's an unforgiveness

on your part.

There's a reconciling day

(chuckles) for every person

for what they've done

and unforgiveness is a huge one.

If we don't forgive somebody,

uh, we're held

accountable for that, too.

-So, I just--

-But how can you forgive

when nothing was done about it,

and he just kind of died...

and just managed

to get away with it.

If you stay angry

and can't forgive somebody,

you're drinkin'

the poison yourself.

But the act of being

angry is saying,

"You know what?

I'm not gonna feel that way.

"f*ck that.

This isn't my fault,

this is your fault.

And you need to be

held accountable for this."

You've gotta let go.

And that's where I'm at.

This last leg of my life,

uh, I-I just want to agree

to disagree with people,

and just love 'em

where they're at

because you cannot change

where they're at.


I do understand wanting

to move forward,

but healing, to me,

is you have to talk

about the hard stuff

if you want to move past it.


(light music playing)

(birds chirping)


I think the bizarre thing

that's happening right now

is my mom is leaving

for the first time in her life.

She has bought an RV,

which is something

that runs in the family,

and is planning on leaving

Pennsylvania for the first time,

and, yeah, she's just

not gonna be here.

(solemn music playing)

Now that she's leaving,

it's just kind of like,

"We tried."

And I just have to do

what's best for myself.

"Dear Mom,

"we've gone months

without talking,

"and have had

countless fights.

"Moments where

I wasn't sure

"we'd ever speak again.

"Banging our heads

against the wall

"to try and feel

understood by each other.

"Even though

there are many ways

we will never see eye-to-eye,

"I have such immense

respect for you

for where

you've gotten in life,

despite all the odds."

(deep breath)

I feel like she

can't give to us...

-Amanda: Mm-hmm.

-...what she herself doesn't

know to do for herself.

She's doing what

she has always done.


We just have to keep

moving forward.

-As much of a shitstorm

as all this is, you know.

-(Angie laughing)

Mom's doin' better than Grandma,

you're doin' better than Mom,

-and your kids are

gonna do better than you.


It makes me very excited

and very proud that...

I chose a different way,

that my girls won't

have to walk through.

You know, and hopefully,

it propels them to be

better versions

of themselves, earlier,

where I had to walk

through a lot of crap

to become...

the best me.

(child laughing)

(light music playing)


"I don't regret holding

you accountable

"for letting Ange down.

"But I also understand

that living in survival mode

"when you don't even know

how to protect yourself

"is a reality that's

hard to explain,

"but that so many

can relate to.


"Many people do not survive

the abuse you have,

"let alone survive facing it.

"I'm so sorry that you

were abused by your dad,

"and that your mom looked on.

"It must've been very lonely,

"and while it

wasn't your fault,

"it breaks my heart

"to imagine the shame

that you felt.

"And now that

is what makes me angry.


"You deserved better.

"You deserved to be heard

and to be seen

"and to feel safe and

protected by your parents.

"It would take us longer

than we'll ever be alive

"to ever fully

understand the ways

"we've each been shaped

by Grandpa's abuse.

"But it's my hope,

that with space, time,

"and individual commitment

to unpacking who this

has made each of us,

"that the gap

between us will all

be able to slowly close.

"I am honored

to have you as my mom,

"and to have taken

this journey with you

"as long

as we could together.

"And I hope that

in this next chapter,

you're able to find

the peace you deserve."

(starts engine)

I felt like

a big breath of fresh air

when I got off the phone

with her last night.

I always was thinkin',

"I'm just gonna have to be okay

with her not acknowledging,

you know, my pain."

So, um, I didn't know

that she ever would.

So, that was really good

that, ya know, that, that piece

feels, like, kinda

completed this for me.


-So that's really good.


-I love it!

-(Angie laughs)

Going back

to Harrisburg was, like,

the beginning of my--

I don't know if you wanna call

it a journey or processing,

but, like, it took

everything in me that I had

to go back

to the Herd Clinic.

Sorry, my daughter's

trying to reach me.

She's nine-and-a-half

months pregnant.

Do you,

do you mind if I just--

I just wanna make sure

that we're good

-because if she's like,

"I'm in labor."



Go have a grandbaby.

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