01x23 - Soundcheck Part Deux/Jinx

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x23 - Soundcheck Part Deux/Jinx

Post by bunniefuu »

Coming up next on Odd Squad.

- The rest of Soundcheck is missing. - What?!

- Oh, that's too bad. - I know everything there is to know

about Soundcheck. I can use the information to help me figure out where they are.

- I don't understand. I thought he'd be here.

My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is a sock I lost.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids, that investigates

anything strange, weird and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

- Come on, come on!

- Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad. - What seems to be the problem?

- I bet you can guess what I'm thinking.

- A piano? - Exactly!

Everybody can see what I'm thinking,

which is okay sometimes, but sometimes it's not.

- Is that a bear

dressed like a ballerina, riding a shark in outer space?

- I'm allowed to think whatever I want to think.

Please... can you help me?

- Not to worry, sir. We have a Keep-Your- Thoughts-to-Yourselfinator.

- Oh!

- Have a good day, sir.

You wanted to see us, Ms. O? - Yes.

Something very odd has happened. You remember Danny T.

- Hello to the max, yo!

- Danny T, lead singer of Soundcheck? I can't believe it!

It's so great to see you again. - Hello, man! - Ms. O, may I have a word?

No offense to Danny T, but I really don't like Soundcheck.

It's just not my kind of music.

So if I could sit this one out, that would be great.

- I hear what you're saying. - Great!

So I can skip this one? - No. I just said I hear what you're saying.

Danny T, tell Olive and Otto what's wrong. - Aight,

here's the . The rest of Soundcheck is missing.

- What?! - Oh, that's too bad.

- It all began with a very unlikely event.

We were filming for Soundcheck's new music video

for our new hit, The Force of Gravity.

But when we brought in the fans, things got out of hand.

- Ahh, because they were so excited to see you guys.

- No, I'm talking about actual fans. Big ones, to make wind in our hair.

(whooshing sound)

Luckily, I was able to hang on

because I just got my nails done. - Whoa!

- It's crazy windy, yo!

Johnny J, Tony D and Ringo flew out the window,

and now I don't know where they are.

- It's okay. I bet they'll be at the concert tonight.

I bought tickets. - Me too.

- But they don't even know about the concert tonight. - (together): What?!

- As leader of the band, I don't like to worry them with details,

so I only tell them we have a concert right before we hit the stage.

- That seems like a bad way to work. - I can see that now.

- I have an idea how we can find them. Follow me.

I present to you my Soundcheck room.

- You secretly turned a room in my headquarters into this?!

Good work, and good luck.

- I know everything there is to know about Soundcheck:

where you guys like to go, what you guys like to do--everything.

- I'm speechless. - I know, right?

- In a bad way. - Oh.

- I appreciate your dedication, but how does all this help us?

- Well, I can use the information I know

about the three missing guys to help me figure out where they're most likely to be.

- You mean like a prediction? - What's that, dog?

- A prediction is like the best guess about something

that is most likely or least likely to happen. For example,

Ringo's favorite thing to do when he's not singing or dancing is eating at restaurants.

- Let's go to a restaurant, yo!

- Uh... Danny!

There are tons of restaurants in town. - Oh, yeah...

- But I know which one he is most likely to be at.

I made this pictograph so I know all the places where Ringo ate.

- You're telling me you put a sticker of Ringo's face

each time he ate at each restaurant? - Pretty cool, huh?

As you can see, he ate Mexican food, seafood, and Italian food.

- Italian has the most stickers, which means he ate there the most.

- Which means he's most likely to be there right now. - Great prediction, yo!

- Let's go. (braying)

- What's up, guys?

I'm just mowing down on some of this crazy delish spaghett'.

- Ringo, we have a concert tonight, man!

- What? I'm so happy you found me!

I'm so happy, I could sing! - Please don't! - ♪ We've been blown away ♪

♪ To different galaxies ♪

♪ It's impossible to maintain ♪

♪ Escape velocity Are you ready, 'cause Soundcheck's back ♪

♪ In cosmic harmony-- ♪ - Guys!

We still need to find two more Soundcheck members. Let's go.

What do you know about Tony D? - Well, Tony D's favorite thing to do

in his free time is hang out with animals.

- (both): Word. - But there are animals everywhere!

Which animal is he more likely hanging out with?

- Giraffes? - Or... giraffes?

- We need to make a different prediction.

- Check this. On our new album, Tony D wrote a song

about his most favorite animals called Zoo Illogical.

- Ahh, I downloaded it times.

- Maybe if we listen to Zoo Illogical

and we count how many times Tony D mentions each animal...

- We will know which animal is his favorite, which also means

we will know which animal he's most likely to be around.

- I am not listening to another Soundcheck song!

- Great. We'll watch the video!

- Whenever people tell me they like me because I'm a party animal,

I tell them it's time to get Zoo Illogical. Check it.

♪♪ Hamster, dog, rhinoceros ♪

♪ Giraffe, cat, fish, goat, octopus ♪

♪ I said millipede, bat, armadillo, all my animals and me just chillin' yo ♪

♪ If you're a worm or a pangolin, hook it up ♪

♪ Not a penguin, a pangolin Look it up ♪

♪ Yo mastodon, yo giant skink ♪

♪ I can make you dance even if you're extinct ♪♪

(roaring) - I made a bar graph

to organize the information. Here are all the animals Tony D mentioned,

and this side shows how many times he mentioned each one.

- He mentioned hamster times, yo! - And fish times, yo, yo!

- And dog times. That's the tallest bar.

Yo, yo, yo! - That's more than any other animal,

so it's most likely Tony D will be hanging out with dogs.

Let's head to the dog park.

- Hey guys, what's up? - Dude, we have a concert tonight, bro.

- What? That makes me so happy, I feel like singing!

- Of course you do. - ♪ Even if we've been blown away ♪

♪ To different galaxies It's impossible to maintain ♪

♪ Escape velocity Are you ready, 'cause Soundcheck's back ♪

♪ In cosmic harmony-- ♪

- Guys! We still need to find Johnny J.

- Olive's right. Let's head back to Otto's Soundcheck room.

- Wait! There's no time. But lucky for us, I have a Travellusion.

- Whoa! - Yeah!

♪♪♪ - I've got it!

Johnny J likes to play sports, so that's most likely what we'll find him doing.

I should also point out he personally wrote me a note on the back. No bigs.

- "Work at things until you're good at them. Johnny J."

- That's how I learned to weld, yo!

- Please turn that off.

Let's count the number of trophies he won in each sport.

That will tell us what his favorite sport is,

and we can predict what he'll most likely be playing

right now. - Great idea.

He has one, two, three, four swimming trophies...

- And one, two basketball trophies... - And one, two, three, four,

five, six tennis trophies. - Johnny J won the most trophies in tennis.

I predict he's at the tennis court. Let's go.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait! Wait!

- I don't understand. I thought he'd be here.

- "Work at things until you're good at them."

Johnny J got the most trophies in tennis,

but the least trophies in basketball. But if he wants to get good at basketball,

he has to practice basketball. - He's over there!

- We found everyone! - Yeah! - Yeah!

- Come on, Tony D, let's go get him! - Aight, you're Tony D.

I'm Ringo. - Oh, yeah.

- Johnny J, we have a concert tonight!

- Olive, Otto, thanks for helping us today.

I'm so happy, I could-- - I know. You could sing.

- Nope. I was gonna say invite you to perform with us at our concert tonight!

- Yes! Olive, it's a dream come true!

I can't believe this! This is so exciting! - If you can't beat 'em,

join 'em.

- Soundcheck.

- Boy, there are times

when being apart,

even across the vast reaches of the cosmos,

is the only way

to truly come together.

- (together): Engage.

- ♪♪ We like to be blown away by our own voices ♪

♪ Except when we're actually blown away - By wind ♪

- ♪ So maybe the fans were not the best of choices ♪

- ♪ That's how we got scattered throughout time and space - By wind ♪

- ♪ But there is a force binding every musician ♪

♪ Initiate countdown to start the ignition ♪

♪ We've been blown away ♪

♪ To different galaxies ♪

♪ It's impossible to maintain Escape velocity ♪

♪ Are you ready, 'cause Soundcheck's back ♪

♪ In cosmic harmony ♪

♪ They deliver the dopest force ♪

♪ The force of gravity ♪♪

- Soundcheck.


- Greetings, agents. You're in the ball room where we discuss top secret missions.

If you ever find yourself here, everything you need is just at your fingertips.

We've got paper. And we've got pens.

We've even got our own professional note taker.

Thank you, Mrs. Letovsky.

In order to keep the top secret missions we discuss here

extra secret, we change the balls daily.

Now, if you're ever asked to do this, you're gonna need to know how many balls are in here.

Now, you could count them one by one, but that would take a really long time.

Another way of doing it is to find out about how many balls are in here.

It's also called estimating.

Here's how you do it. There are about balls in this cluster.

Now, how many clusters of this size would you need

to cover the top layer of this room?

Ten clusters. So if we have ten clusters,

each with balls, that's ten s.

So that means there are approximately , balls in the top layer of the ball room.

But that's just the top layer. How many layers deep is it?

I see...

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,.

SO I would estimate there are , balls in the ball room.

Another interesting fact: each ball's flavored.

Green is watermelon, red is cherry,

and yellow is banana cream pie. That's Mrs. Letovsky's favorite.

- I wonder where they'll come from.

Behind that tree?

Yeah, definitely behind that tree.


- What seems to be the problem? - Sorry we scared you.

- I'm just glad you guys are here.

Listen, every time I honk my horn, this happens.

(quacking sound) - (both): Whoa! - I know.

Now, you may think this calls for the Quackinator

or the Duckinator, but in this case I think it needs a little bit of both.

Not to brag, but I know a thing or two about gadgets myself.

- Pop the hood, sir.

- Aha!

I think we've found the problem, sir.

- Wow! Thanks, Odd Squad! - Happy to help.

- Good. (engine starting)

(mooing and neighing sound)

Odd Squad!

- My stomach's starting to growl. - Mine too. I guess it must be--

- (together): Lunch time! Jinx! I said it first. No, I said it first.

Stop talking at the same time as me. I can't. What's happening? I don't know!

- What's going on here? - (together): We said the same thing at the same time,

so we said "jinx", but now we can't stop talking at the same time.

- (together): That's ridiculous.

Now we're all talking at the same time! - Hey, guys.

- (together): Oscar, help! - Help with what?

- (together): You're not talking at the same time as us! - Nope.

- What's happening? - (together): You're not talking at the same time as us either!

Listen, we're all talking at the same time!

- I've seen this before. I'm afraid you all have a case of the Jinx.

- (together): The Jinx? - It's like there's an echo in here.

- (together): How come you two don't have it? - Dr. O and I

have caught the Jinx before, so we can't catch it again. It's like the chickenpox.

- It's similar to the chickenpox. - I just said that.

- I'm a doctor, it sounds better when I say it.

- (together): Help! I keep talking at the same time

as people! - Uh-oh, looks like it's spreading!

- (together): You two, in my office, now!

- With all you guys talking, I mean, which office?

- (together): Ms. O's office!

- Alright, you two, how do we fix the Jinx?

- Ms. O, you don't have the Jinx anymore! - Of course I do.

- (together): I'm just keeping them outside.

- The only way to cure this is to find the villain Jimmy Jinx and get his Jinx Cube.

- Well, get to it. - But Ms. O, we work inside headquarters.

We don't go out and solve cases.

- Oscar's right. This isn't who we are. We cannot do this.

- I know you're scared. It's scary doing new things,

but I wouldn't send you out in the field if I didn't believe in you with all my heart.

- Wow, Ms. O, that's really nice. - It wasn't me.

It was someone out there. - (together): Probably Olive.

- But I don't know how to find Jimmy Jinx. - I know someone that can help.

This is how I tell my agents to go see Baby Genius.

- Why don't you just... say it?

- Because that's not how you... Ugh, never mind. Well?

What are you waiting for? Go! (cuckoo sound)

- Is this even the right place? - Sure isn't the left place.

- You know, I thought that was really funny, but I'm just too scared to laugh.

Well, guess she's not here. Let's just head back. Ah!

- (Russian accent): Hello, Odd Squad. Wait a minute...

Didn't expect you two. - I'm a doctor, don't worry, I'll do the talking.

Listen up, you little baby! You need to help us now! (baby crying)

- Shh, shh. That's it. We're leaving.

- We're never gonna find Jimmy Jinx now.

- Jimmy Jinx? Well, well.

You're in luck. Baby Genius

doesn't... care for Jimmy.

So he's willing to help.

But he can't just give you Jimmy Jinx's address, it would break the... no-tattletale code.

- What's that? - Villains don't tattletale on other villains.

But Baby will give you a clue.

(baby laughing)

- "If Circle Sue lives at Main Street and Flat M lives at Main Street,

"Jimmy Jinx's address on Main Street is more

than Circle Sue's." - This isn't much help. Ah!

Man, shouldn't have looked away. - Wait a minute! This is just a word problem.

We just have to focus on the useful information. - Well, Jimmy Jinx,

Flat M and Circle Sue all live on Main Street, so that's useful information.

- Right. Then it says Jimmy Jinx's address is more than Circle Sue's,

so we can ignore the part about Flat M. - If Jimmy Jinx's address

is more than Circle Sue's, "more than" is addition.

So here's , where Circle Sue lives. - And if we had to --

, , , , , .

Jimmy Jinx lives at Main Street!

- Let's go! - That's Olive's catchphrase.

You can't use it. - Uh, I have another one: let's motor!

- We don't have time for this. What's next?

- Aw, man! All the good ones are taken.

- Thanks for the update, Oscar.

- (together): Good news. Oscar and Dr. O

are on the case. Wow, this is annoying.

We're not gonna get any work done, are we? Let's play charades!

Who said charades? I did!


- These villains do pretty well for themselves.

- Almost as well as doctors, which is what I am.

- Jimmy Jinx could be on any one of these floors.

- There's only one thing to do. Go inside. - Go in screaming.

Uh, yeah.

That's what I meant. That. Yeah.

This is Noisemaker. - Hi, welcome to Villain Estates.

You must be evil scientists. - I'm a doctor,

not an evil scientist. - And I'm a scientist, not an evil scientist.

- Oh. - We're from Odd Squad.

- Ahh, that's right! I gave you chocolates

that made you make funny noises! Good times, good times.

- We're looking for Jimmy Jinx. - Ah! I'm not a fan of that guy.

Always making me turn down my music.

(series of notes) This is who I am.

But I can't just tell you which floor he's on. There's a strict no-tattletale policy, you know.

- (both): We heard. - Figure out my word problem

and you'll find Jimmy Jinx's floor. I'll play some music.

- "If I have trumpets

and you have fewer trumpets than me, how many trumpets do you have?"

- What do trumpets have to do with anything? - Trumpet must be secret code

for floor!

- So if you have trumpets and I have fewer trumpets... - "Fewer" is subtraction.

- Here's , which is how many trumpets you have. - And less than ...

- Leaves . Jimmy Jinx must live on the rd floor.

- It's tractor time! - What?

- He's working on a catchphrase. - I've got a better one. Listen to this one.

Let's get our shoes on and start... I'm not even gonna finish that one.

- (together): Marco!



This idea was worse than charades.


- Four doors. Jimmy Jinx could live in any one of these.

- I bet Tiny Dancer might know. - I was hoping you wouldn't see me.

- We're looking for Jimmy Jinx. - Hmm! I'll help,

but only because I'm angry with Jimmy Jinx for not separating his recycling.

We only have one planet, you guys. - Are you sure you're a villain?

(gasping) - Yes, with a strict no-tattletale code.

So here. Figure out this word problem and you'll find Jimmy Jinx's apartment.

With that, I go.

Ha, ha, ha!

(elevator ding) - Ah! Ha, ha, ha!

- OK. - Let's do it.

"Four doors numbered , , and .

"Door number belongs to Symmetric Al. Door number belongs to Shapeshifter.

"One less than door is Even Steven, and more than Even Steven

is Jimmy Jinx's apartment." - Whew! That's a lot of information.

- I know. I'm a doctor. What I don't know

is how to figure it out. - We could use a number line.

It would help us keep track of the villains and their apartment numbers.

So, Symmetric Al lives in apartment number .

- And apartment belongs to Shapeshifter.

One less than door is Even Steven's apartment. - So less than is... .

Even Steven lives in apartment number . - more than Even Steven is !

Jimmy Jinx lives in apartment !

- One more time, same time.

- Hello. - It's him! (cheering)

- You guys want something? - Oh, almost forgot.

Odd Squad has the Jinx and we need your Cube to fix it.

- Here's the thing. I'm a villain! I don't really help people.

- Wait, Jimmy! We were scared to try new things too, so we just stayed in our headquarters.

But now, we're out here, on the streets, solving a case, being brilliant.

- Funny thing about fear: it isn't very funny. A wise doctor once said--

- Here. I have some English muffin pizzas in the oven.

I felt like this was taking a while, so.

- Well, we did it! - Congratulations, Doctor.

- I'm not a doctor. - We're both doctors today.

Here goes.

- (together): Yay, you did it!

- Uh, could we all celebrate separately, so that we know that it worked?

- Woo-hoo! - Yeah! - Excellent work,

Oscar and Dr. O. Now you can go back to your regular Odd Squad duties.

- You know, I kind of like being out of the office, Ms. O. - Me too.

I wouldn't mind doing it again, actually. - You got it.


- I don't think I'm ready for this!

- I think you've got your catchphrase! - Yeah!

- My name is Dr. O. I'm the doctor here at Odd Squad.

But it's not like I'm always talking about it.

Of course I'm right. I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor, Ms. O, not a party planner!

I'm a doctor, not a babysitter. - I'm not a doctor. - Did someone call for a doctor?

Just to be clear, I do say other things.

What's next? What's next?

When an agent comes to me with a problem, I'm really good at calming them down.

The bad news is there's no good news. - (both): What?!

- My hardest day on the job? When every Odd Squad agent in this office

caught a strange disease that had them making weird noises.

(siren sound) - She's not the only one.

- My second hardest day on the job? When every Odd Squad agent in this office

caught a strange disease that had them making weird noises.

(siren sound) - She's not the only one.

- They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, which is why I am not a fan of apples.

What's next?

(techno music)

- ♪♪ Up, down, left, right I'm gonna move my feet tonight ♪

♪ I'm gonna show my funky style like nobody's watching ♪

♪ In, out, jump, twist, pumpin' the beat I can't resist ♪

♪ So I'm gonna get redonculous like nobody's watching ♪♪



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