1152 - November 24, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1152 - November 24, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood in the year .

A time of crisis for the Collins family,

for in their midst, a man they consider a friend plots

to have Quentin Collins beheaded as a warlock.

On this night, Gerard Stiles has moved one step closer

to the success of his plan.

By means of the black arts, he has caused Desmond Collins

to be afflicted with a mysterious illness,

and his goal is to see that the blame

is placed on Quentin Collins.

He's doing this to me.

It's Gerard, I tell you.

But what are you talking about?

I don't want him near me, mother.

I don't want him to come anywhere near me.

But Gerard wasn't anywhere near you

when you suddenly became ill,

so I don't see how you can hold him responsible.


Desmond, what is it?


I can't breathe.

Something is choking me.

[eerie theme music]

Darling, what is it that's choking you?

I don't know.

You've got to do something.

I don't know what I can do.

Get Julia Collins, please hurry.

Yes, yes of course.

Julia's at Collinwood, I can't leave you here.

Leticia, Leticia!

Come down here quickly, please!

LETICIA: Yes, I'm coming.

Oh, I don't understand this.

How could you become suddenly ill for no earthly reason?

Oh, Desmond, is there anything I can do

to make you feel more comfortable?

I feel as if something is around my neck.

Let me loosen your collar.

What is it, Mrs... Desmond!

What's happened to him?

I don't know, he was suddenly stricken.

Get Julia!

Yes, Desmond, yes.

Leticia, go to Collinwood at once

and get Julia back here as quickly as you can.

She can't help him.

FLORA: What are you talking about?

Julia's a doctor.

He ain't suffering from no ordinary sickness.

This is the devil's work.

It's the devil's work, I tell you!

No, no, that's impossible.

No go on, hurry up, there's no time to lose!

May I assume that you are as anxious as the rest of us

to find out how and why Roxanne became

one of the living dead?

You may assume that.

Then why do you immediately become hostile when I

attempt to question you on the subject?

Because I don't like the manner in which you question me.

And I don't like your insinuations

about my brother Barnabas.

Who is still missing, by the way.

JULIA: No, he is not missing, he was grief-stricken

about Roxanne.

And he is in seclusion for several days.

I hardly think the circumstances

warrant going into seclusion.

The person who destroyed Roxanne's life

must be found and punished.

I should think Barnabas would be happy to cooperate with us.

I don't wish to discuss my brother any longer.

If you don't mind.

Very well.

Then let's discuss you and the ordeal you went through.

What about it?

You said that after you were att*cked,

you were taken to the abandoned lighthouse.

Who took you there?

Roxanne, of course.

But Roxanne couldn't stay with you in the daytime.

After she was gone, why didn't you leave the lighthouse?

Mr. Trask, you are well aware

of the condition I was in.

I was too weak to be moved.

Is that the reason?

Or were you forced to stay there by someone else?

You were the victim of an att*ck.

Did you meet the person that was responsible for Roxanne?

Of course not.

Well then, why do you consider it so logical that I did?

I trust that the subject is closed.

No, it is not closed until I get to the bottom of it.

And I'm sorry that you could not shed

any light on the subject.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go upstairs

and see Samantha.

[door opening]

Julia, Julia!

Oh, Lord, I'm so glad you're here.

You've got to come to Rose Cottage at once.

Why, what's happened?

It's Desmond, he's frightfully ill.

He can't even breathe, the poor darling.

You wait here, I'll go get my bag.

Oh hurry, please hurry!

Oh, now that I meet a man I really like.

A nice, kind, decent, lovable man.

Somethin' happens to him.

Oh, Desmond, Desmond, please don't die.

I brought you some water, darling.





Quentin, listen to me.

Desmond, what are you saying?

Quentin, it's dangerous, it's dangerous business.

I'm warning you, stay away!

Stay away!

FLORA: Oh, darling, what's dangerous?

Desmond, can you hear me?


Quentin, stop!

FLORA: Why are you calling for Quentin?

Oh, what's happening?

[clock chiming]

I have the carriage waitin' outside.

[door opening]

[dramatic music]

Why, it's my dear sister-in-law.

I haven't seen you in ages.

I'd almost given you up for dead.

Well as you can see, I'm very much alive,

would you excuse me please?

Surely you're not leaving, we have so much to talk about.

Oh, please, you mustn't detain us.

It's an emergency.


Yes, Desmond Collins is very ill and he has to have

immediate medical help.

All right, you can go on your errand of mercy.

I suppose we can talk later.

VALERIE: How did Julia escape?

Roxanne would never let her go.


Roxanne, appear to me.

Julia, thank the Lord you're here.

Look at him.

JULIA: How long has he been this way?

He was stricken almost two hours ago.

Has he been unconscious all this time?

No, he's been awake most of the time, at one point

he almost choked to death.

LETICIA: Oh, the poor dear.

He seems to be trying to choke again now.

Is he going to be all right?

Well, what's wrong with him?

There's nothing physically wrong with him.

How can you say that when he can scarcely breathe?

There's no sign whatsoever of

any constriction on his throat.

I don't understand.

I do.

I understand it, all right.

It's the devil's work.

That's what it is.

Oh, the poor soul.

Who'd want to hurt him?

Such a dear, gentle man he is.

Who would want to do a thing like this to him?

It's someone not far from here.

JULIA: What do you mean, Leticia?

FLORA: Don't stop.

She's beginning to see something.


Yes, it's taking shape.

JULIA: Tell us what you see, Leticia.

Oh, it's a doll, sittin' there on some stairs.

It's got something wrapped around its neck.

An ascot.

Oh, it's Desmond's, yes, I seen him wearin' that one.

And the doll has the ascot tied around its throat.

Oh, it's black magic!

Someone is usin' black magic on him.

Now Leticia, where is the doll?

I only know it's not far from here,

sittin' on some stairs.

What stairs?

I don't know, I didn't recognize them!



You will answer my call.

Appear to me, Roxanne.

She's gone.

I can feel it.

She's gone!

Julia must have destroyed her.


Come in.

Oh, Mrs. Collins.

I do hope I'm not disturbing.

No, no not at all, Mr. Trask.

I've been looking all over the house for Samantha,

do you know where she is?

No, I haven't seen her.

I hope you don't mind my saying this, Mrs. Collins,

but, I can't help having noticed that you always

seem to be alone.


I mean, without your husband.

Well, he has his interests and of course I have mine.

I should like to know a great deal more

about your husband's interests.

Well, why don't you ask him?

I would, if I could find him.

Do you know where he is?

I'm afraid I really don't.

Apparently no one does.

He seems to have completely vanished.

One is inclined to wonder why.

Well, perhaps he's at Rose Cottage

helping his sister with the emergency.

Emergency, what are you talking about?

Well, I assumed you knew.

Desmond Collins was taken quite ill this evening.

[dramatic music]

Has there been any change?

The nurse will let us know if there is.

I told her not to leave him.

I don't understand why Julia had to leave.

You heard what she had to say.

There just wasn't anything she could do for him.


[door closing]

Good evening, Flora.


I just heard the news about Desmond.

I came to offer my help.

Oh, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do to help.

No one seems to know what's wrong with him.

Oh, my dear Flora, you are wrong.

There is one person who knows what's wrong,

the man who caused it.

Quentin Collins.

[dramatic music]

FLORA: Quentin?

What are you talking about?

I told you once before, Flora, that Quentin is a warlock.

He uses supernatural means to deal with his enemies.

Quentin has no enemies in this house.

Are you going to tell me that Desmond

was taken ill for no reason at all?

I don't know what the reason is or who's behind it.

Did you know that Quentin and Desmond had a quarrel

earlier this evening?

Lamar, don't be absurd.

Quentin and Desmond are quite good friends.

Desmond told me so himself.

I was told that Dr. Julia Collins came to examine Desmond.

What was her diagnosis, Flora?

Well, she said there was nothing

physically wrong with him.

Well then, my instincts were apparently correct,

weren't they?

The moment I heard about Desmond,

I knew he was the victim of witchcraft.

I accept the idea of witchcraft, Lamar,

but not that Quentin is behind it.

Well, why do you accept one and not the other?

Because I know Quentin too well.

And I believe in Leticia.

What does she have to do with it?

A while back she had a vision.

She saw a doll with one of Desmond's ascots tied

around its throat.

Where was this doll?

I would rather not talk about it with you,

if you don't mind.

Leticia, I demand that you tell me...

Now, you take your clammy hands off me!

Leticia, Desmond may be dying.

Now if you know the source of the black magic

that is k*lling him, it is your solemn obligation

to tell me.

Leticia, you don't want to be responsible

for Desmond's death, do you?

I saw the doll, nothing more.

Exactly where was this doll?

LETICIA: Sittin' on some stairs.

What stairs, where were they?

How should I know where?

I never seen 'em before!

LAMAR: Well, were they in a room?

I told ya, I saw the doll and the stairs, that's all.

Where did the stairs lead to?

LETICIA: Well, they didn't seem to lead to anywhere.

Just some steps goin' up from the floor.

Stairs leading nowhere?

Thank you, Leticia, thank you very much!

FLORA: Lamar, do you know where the stairs are?

I'll be back later, Flora.

Lamar, tell me what you know!

Have you decided to k*ll off the entire Collins family

because you failed with me?

What on earth are you talking about?

You know what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about witchcraft.

[dramatic music]

Suppose you explain this curious accusation of yours.

Is it necessary to explain?

Desmond Collins is dying, and not of any natural causes.

It's because of witchcraft.


So naturally you suspected me.

JULIA: Well, I didn't expect you to admit it.

I have never harmed anyone simply for

the sake of harming them.

And I've never met this Desmond Collins.

If you're not responsible, then who is?

I don't know, and what's more, I don't care.

But what I do care about is Roxanne.

How did you destroy her?

I didn't.

I suddenly was free.

I learned later that her brother, Randall,

had kept her out of the coffin at sunrise.

She is at peace, Angelique.

Valerie, I'm known as Valerie now.

Only until your true identity is discovered.

You dare to thr*aten me?

No, there's no point in threatening you.

I couldn't risk exposing Barnabas.

But someone is using witchcraft against Desmond Collins.

And I think it would be to your advantage

to help us find out who it is.

Why do you say that?

Because if anything happens to Desmond Collins,

there will be an investigation by the family

and by the authorities.

Everyone will be questioned, including you.

Now suppose, in this investigation, the truth of you,

all about you, becomes known.

And you will become the one accused.

Think about it, Angelique.


I suggest you go over there by the door and wait,

in case someone tries to come in.

How long do you think it will be?

I have no idea.

I shall simply try to contact whoever it is

using black magic.

There's no guarantee I'll succeed.

Let the flames carry my thoughts to the one who is like me.

To the one who understands my way of life.

Whoever you are, wherever you may be,

let my words enter your thoughts.

Reveal yourself to me.

Send me an image by which I may know you.

[dramatic music]

What is it?

What is it?

What did you see?

Nothing, I saw nothing at all.

I don't believe you, not from your reaction.

I was reacting to a vibration.

Whoever your witch is, he's hostile to me as well.

JULIA: I don't believe you're telling the truth.

I've told you everything I know.

There's nothing more that I can do!

Oh, and Julia, just because I agreed to help you this once,

doesn't mean that anything has changed.

I shall deal with you when the first opportunity

presents itself.

[ominous music]

Now, no one can refuse to believe the truth.

It is here in this laboratory.

I have final proof at last that Quentin Collins

is a warlock.

[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]
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