1125 - October 15, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1125 - October 15, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[haunting music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in the year .

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

have come back to this perilous time,

hoping to change history

and avert the destruction of the great house

in their own time.

But they are unaware that a new element of evil

has found its way into the Collins family.

Desmond Collins has returned from the Far East

with a mysterious disembodied head.

He discovers, to his horror,

that the head possesses supernatural powers,

and that these powers are capable

of controlling his own mind.

[dreadful music]

[heavy breathing]

A noose, an unmarked stone, the ring, the stairs.

What does it all mean?

Why did you have to die before you could tell me?

At the foot of the hill, direct line, unmarked stone.

[ominous music]

I'll find out what it means before the night is over.

I'll know.

LETICIA: Desmond.

Who ever are you--

DESMOND: Don't come in here!

[Leticia screams]

Oh, Lord!

What have you gone and done, Desmond?

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

Desmond, why did you do it?

Leticia, get out of here.

Desmond, who is he?

His name is Otis Greene.

Is he dead?


It wasn't you done it at all!

It was that thing, that awful thing you have here.

What thing?

I don't know what you're talking about.

LETICIA: I've seen it out here.

I came back down here when you was out.

You did what?

It's no good trying to hide it from me anymore, Desmond,

because I know all about it!

I uncovered it and looked at it.

You shouldn't have done that, Leticia.

Didn't I tell you I felt evil in this room?

And I was right, wasn't I?

And now it's k*lled that poor old man.

DESMOND: He d*ed of a heart att*ck.

I must tell his family.

He didn't die of no heart att*ck!

He d*ed of fear, he did,

fear of that awful thing!

Oh, Desmond, why did you ever bring it here?

It'll k*ll you too.

You know that, don't you?

Nothing is going to happen to me.

Oh but you're wrong, Desmond.

It's already begun to happen.

You are afraid of it just like he was.

[eerie music]

There's something it wants you to do,

and you're afraid not to do it.

You just stop talking like that!

Oh, Desmond, let me help you.

I wouldn't want no harm to come to you.

Yes, Leticia, maybe you can help me.

This man, before he d*ed, he told me something,

but I don't know what it means.

It concerns something I must find,

something very important to me!

And what is it?

I can't tell you that, Leticia, it's a secret.

You can't tell me

because it's that thing wants you to find it!

That is not true!

Why don't you understand how evil it is?

Desmond, you must get free of it

before it does something horrible to you.

Leticia, I need your help.

Oh, love, can't you see?

It's already begun to change you.

You're not like you was when I first met you.

It would be wrong for me to help you,

and I won't do it.

I won't do it, Desmond.

[Desmond screams] [Leticia screams]

Don't help me!

But don't tell anyone either.

Do you understand?

[Leticia cries]

[mysterious music]

All alone are you?

GERARD: So, you finally decided to talk to me again?

But not to forgive you.

Not likely.

Where's your sweetheart?

She went to Boston to be with her son.

What are you doing here, anyway?

LETICIA: I£m here to see you.

So you want something from me.

I never knew you to turn off your temper so easily.

What's the matter?

I don't want to stay at Rose Cottage anymore.

It frightens me, Gerard.

I want you to take me somewhere else.

Frightens you?

Now, what are you talking about?

There's been a change in the place,

a definite change.

There's an evil spirit there, I can feel it!

[Gerard laughs]

Don't you laugh at me!

You have to believe me.

I'll tell you, I'm frightened, Gerard.

I want you to take me some place else.

If I ever meant anything to you at all,

you must help me now.

Please, Gerard.

[shadowy music]

My, my.

Your sympathetic shoulder is always available,

isn't it, Mr. Stiles?

[dramatic music]

Well, everything will be all right now.

Go back to Rose Cottage.

No, no please.

You'll do as I say.

I said everything will be all right.

I'll be there as soon as I can.

Go along, go.

You have an incredible talent

for coming into the room at exactly the wrong time.

Or exactly the right time.

Depends on how you look at it, Mr. Stiles.

Leticia and I are merely friends, that is all.

Now don't be upset, Mr. Stiles.

I'm not going to mention it to Samantha.

How can I ever thank you?

I thought you were going to move to Rose Cottage,

pending the outcome of your marital mess?


What are you doing here?

So, I'm not allowed to be here on these premises?

My dear brother, Quentin, threw quite a fright at you,

didn't he?

Yes, you thought when he returned

that he'd claim her for his own.

You never thought that he'd leave the decision up to her,

did you?

And now you're scared to death

that she's going to choose you.

[laughs] I find it highly amusing!

GERARD: What makes you think

that I don't want Samantha to choose me?

Do you think I'm an idiot?

[Gerard laughs]

Don't you think I know why you married Samantha?

I married Samantha because I loved her.

You love her money!

That's all you're capable of loving.

% is better than %, no matter how you look at it.

And what a masterful job you've done

of outsmarting yourself. [laughs]

Here you are, married to a woman, another man's wife,

and you don't even love her.

You think nothing of her.

And you're worried, as you should be,

that you may have ended up saddled with her

for the rest of your life.

Are you quite finished?

Oh no no no, I haven't even gotten to the best part yet.

What's Samantha's decision will be.

[laughs] You don't even know that yourself, Gabriel.

Would you care to place a small wager, say $,?

GERARD: [laughs] $,, you don't even have that much.

I don't need it.

I can't lose.

Because I guarantee you, Gerard, she'll choose you.

Sort of jolts you, doesn't it?

Why should it?

I do hope Samantha does choose me.

However, I can't believe that she would ever leave Quentin

and everything she has here.

Well, you better start believing it

because she doesn't love Quentin.

No, no, she never has.

The only reason why she stayed with Quentin

was because of Tad.

But now you've given her the golden opportunity.

You've given her love at last.

And I hope the two of you will be very happy.

The two of you deserve each other.

May I make a little confession to you, Gabriel?

Whether you believe it or not,

I do love Samantha very, very much.

And even if I didn't,

I would ask her to marry me,

not because of the money,

but because of you.

Because of me?

I would do anything to see you squirm.

I'd do anything to prevent you

from getting one single penny from Daniel Collins.

Out of all the rotten apples I have come across in my life,

you are on the top.

I do hope Samantha takes me.

Just to prove how wrong you are.

You liar.

You liar!

You liar!

[troubled music]

At the foot of the hill,

direct line, unmarked stone.

There are so many of them!

What does it all mean?

[Leticia screams]

[dramatic music]

You were eavesdropping.

I couldn't help hearing your voice

as I passed in the corridor.

How much did you hear?

What I heard didn't make no sense to me.

And what you're doing makes no sense either.

Where's the body?

His son came and took it away.

Where have you been?

I just went out for a walk.

Did you tell anyone what you saw here?

I didn't, I swear I didn't.

Oh, Desmond, if you could see the look in your eyes.

You've got the devil in you.

That thing is making you do things you don't wanna do.

You gotta take it away before it's too late.

I have no time to waste on you.

[scary music]

LETICIA: You must be gotten out of this house!

And you must be put away!

Some place where you can never harm no one again!

[eerie music]

[door closes]

Gabriel, I'm so glad you're here.

I need to talk to you, Gabriel.

I need your help desperately.

Oh no, no, if there's financial help I can't give it.

No, no, I don't need money.

I need the help of a good mind.

[laughs] Well, you flatter me, Desmond.

Yes, Gabriel, you know this area better than I do.

Now listen to me.

This evening, a man named Otis Greene came to Rose Cottage.

He tried to tell me something.

But before he could, he had a heart att*ck and he d*ed.

Right there in Rose Cottage?


Well, what was he trying to tell you?

The location of something.

Something very important.

What, Desmond?

Well I have no way of knowing

until I figure out his last words,

but his last words were so cryptic I don't understand them.

Gabriel, maybe you'll help figure them out for me.

I'd be grateful if you'd at least try.

How grateful, Desmond?

Tell me what's in it for me.

DESMOND: Just a minute, I came here asking you a favor.

I think there's something you're not telling me.

Oh, I swear it.

All right, well tell me this.

If you don't know what you're looking for,

well then why is it

that you're going to such lengths to find it?

It must be very important!


Yes, but this is only a feeling I have.

I could be wrong.

All right, all right,

suppose we pursue Mr. Greene's dying words,

then we'll go on.

I have them right here.

A noose, an unmarked stone, the ring, the stairs,

the foot of the hill, direct line, unmarked stone.

Let me see this. And then he d*ed.

Let me see this for a moment.

Can you make some sense out of it?

This ring intrigues me.

Yes, Mr. Greene might have been talking

of missing jewelry or buried treasure or something,

in which case I would be very interested, yes.

What about the rest of it?

The foot of the hill, unmarked stone,

direct line, the stairs?

Yes, at the foot of the hill.

DESMOND: There are many hills around here, Gabriel.

He could be--

Be quiet and listen!

You have an idea?

Yes, yes, I have a hunch.

Well, it might be completely wrong.

DESMOND: Come then, tell me!

Don't interrupt me!

Just don't be so impatient.

Now, let's just discuss business first, hmm?

Now, if I am right, and if you do find something of value,

we split -, am I right?

Of course, Gabriel, anything you say.

It's only fair.

Now, tell me your hunch.

I believe Mr. Greene is talking about Gallow's Hill.

On top of the hill is a scaffold and noose

commemorating the witches trial,

and at the foot of the hill, a cemetery,

and there you will find, I think, your unmarked stone.

Yes, the rest of it now, the noose, the stairs.

I think I've given you enough, Desmond.

You take it from there.

But you go to Gallow's Hill,

and you see if I'm right or wrong.

[strange music]

[ominous music]

Well, do you feel a little better now, my dear?

LETICIA: Look who wants something now.

Well I can't hide it.

I do.

LETICIA: And what might it be?

Leticia, I will be very honest with you.

The suspense is k*lling me.

I must find out what the future may hold for me.

And you want me to tell you.

GERARD: Yes, please.

You weren't willing to help me at Collinwood.

I don't believe I'll help you now.

I would help you, but you wouldn't tell me anything.

But I'll help you now, if you want to say anything.

It's all right, love!

I don't need your help now.

So you just have to manage your little problem by yourself.

Now, you don't mean that, Leticia.

Oh, yes I do.

You ain't treated me right, Gerard.

Leticia, my darling.

You really don't believe that I'm in love with Samantha,

do you?

Why did you marry her?

For the future.

I had plans for the future, which included you.

You know how I feel about you.

I don't believe you, Gerard.

Now that Quentin's ruined everything for you,

I believe you'd tell me anything to work my favors.

Well I'm not having it!

Not a bit of it!

I can't believe that you can talk this way to me

after all we've been through.

Now don't you start making me feel sorry for you.

Leticia, my feelings for you will never change.


Oh, I don't want to hear that speech!

I know it by heart.

I'd rather help you than listen to it again!

I knew you would.

I knew it.


you just stay away from me.

[mysterious music]

What do you see?


Be quiet.

There's an image forming.

I see you and a woman.

Her back is to you.

And she's talking to you.


You are listening very intently to what she's saying.

There's a very strange look coming over your face.

Now you're turning away.

The woman has said something to you.

Its made you terribly unhappy.

I can't tell whether she chose you or rejected you.

But suppose you tell me, Gerard.

Which one would make you unhappy?

[eerie music]

[thunder rumbling]

DESMOND VOICEOVER: The noose on Gallow's Hill.

I'm in direct line with it.

Now, if Gabriel's right, I just keep walking

until I come to the unmarked stone.

[suspenseful music]

The unmarked stone!

[creepy music]

And the ring!

But, what about the stairs?

[eerie music]


[stone grinding]

[spooky music]
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