1117 - October 5, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1117 - October 5, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[haunting music]

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood, the year .

By way of a mysterious staircase in time,

Julia Hoffman has come here from the present.

She is posing as a member of the Collins family.

Soon after her arrival, Julia opened the chained coffin,

hoping desperately that Barnabas would be able to help her.

But the Barnabas of looked upon her

as a stranger and enemy.

Since then, welcoming his newfound freedom,

Barnabas has met a young woman named Roxanne Drew.

He has made the decision to make Roxanne his bride

in life after death.

But on this night, Julia has thwarted his plans,

and her actions will place her own life in grave danger.


You brought her here!

Barnabas, you must not touch her, please.

Please, try--

I cannot go through eternity alone.

I must have someone.

No, no Barnabas, it's wrong!

You cannot do it, no!

You will not interfere with me again.


[mysterious whistling music]

Stay away from me!

Oh, no put that away!

You know I can't do that.

But you don't understand, Julia.

Let me look at you so you can see me!

I'm not the same, you saw what was happening to me!

I only know that you tried to k*ll me.

Yes and I would have if the I Ching hadn't finally succeeded.

-The I Ching? -Yes!

Don't you understand?

I was finally able to will myself back to you.

I'm here to help you Julia!

Believe me!

Eliot helped me with the I Ching!

Carolyn is half mad!

Quentin is confined to Windcliff now!

Would Barnabas of know all of this?

JULIA: Barnabas, oh Barnabas.

Thank heavens I got here in time, Julia.

When I saw your grave in , I knew I had to find a way.

-My grave? -Yes.

Eliot and I found out that you, that you d*ed on this very day in .

Oh I shudder, I shudder when I think I might have

k*lled you just now.



When I think of what I must have done to you.

It's frightening.

Julia, how serious is her condition?

She is going to live but now she represents

a danger to us, Barnabas.

Some way, we must find a way to have her be herself again.

But Samantha, I don't understand.

How could she disappear after you had found her?

She can't have left the gazebo by herself,

she didn't have the strength to do it.

Oh, Flora, what can be out there?

The four other att*cks in the village were identical to Roxanne's.

FLORA: I know.

It isn't safe for any of us to go out at night.

Why can't we hear from the searchers?

Oh Samantha, I'm sure they're doing the very best they can.

Now, why don't you come with me,

and let me make you some tea?

It'll help settle your nerves.

Very well. I'm not accomplishing anything just standing here and getting upset.

Good girl.

Barnabas, Barnabas, time is running out.

I've sent Ben to get some alcohol,

and he hasn't come back.

I'm going to go and see if I can find some myself.

ROXANNE: Barnabas.

Barnabas, you've come back to me.


Something has happened, Roxanne.

Something, something is different.


No, it's the same.

Please, come to me, Barnabas.

Please, come to me.

No, Roxanne.

ROXANNE: Tell me what's wrong.

You said we would be together.

I know.

And when the time comes,

I'll try to make you understand.

Roxanne, Roxanne, you must lie down and try to rest.

No, no I'll never understand, never.

Barnabas, I think the only thing we can do

is try hypnosis.

Perhaps we can erase all the memory.

Will it work?

You know about hypnosis, Barnabas.

There's no way of telling whether it'll work.

It all depends on the subject.

Now leave me alone with her.

Julia, what about the family?

I've got to meet them.

Yes, Barnabas.

I told them that you were my brother,

that you were coming from England.

They think we are the son and daughter

of the Barnabas Collins who went to England in .

Now Barnabas, you go there.

I will hypnotize her and I'll bring her there.

I'll say I found her wandering through the woods.

Now go.


I'll go.

Good luck, Julia.



FLORA: Desmond!

Hello, Mother.

What a way to surprise me.

You scared me half to death.

Oh and that's not the only surprise I have for you.

Come here, I have something to show you.

No, no, no, wait.

You haven't even given me a chance to look at you.

Oh, traveling is so good for you.

You look so well.

Oh it's wonderful to have you back, my darling.

And it's good to be back and to see you again.

Now you come here, I have something to show you.

I have so much to tell you.

You can tell me after I show you what I've brought back.

Now believe me, you've never seen anything in your life like it before.

Now, are you ready?


Good lord, Desmond!

Take that horrible thing out of here.

Mother, it is completely harmless.

Oh, oh I'll never believe that.

There's something evil about it.

I can feel it vibrating things.

Oh, please, cover it up.

Oh, I can't bear to look at it.

Alright, alright.

Well you won't have to see it any more anyway,

because I'm going to give it to Quentin.

When I first found it, and I knew how he loved old relics,

I said to myself this is for Quentin.

He was always fascinated by the occult.

Mother, you don't have to be scared any more,

it's all covered up.

Oh Desmond, Quentin is dead.

[wind gusting]

Oh, Mother.

I can't believe it.

Quentin dead.

And he was so alive.

And poor little Tad.

It's dreadful.

And now all this horrible business with Roxanne.

SAMANTHA: Desmond!


Oh, it's so good to see you.

When did you get in?

Oh, just a while ago.

I never dreamed I'd be coming back to such tragedy.


FLORA: It could be news of Roxanne!


How do you do?

I'm Barnabas Collins, I've just arrived from England.

I understand my sister is here, that she's expecting me.

How do you do, cousin Barnabas?

We've been expecting you.

I'm Samantha Collins.

My pleasure to meet you.

Is my sister here at the moment?

No, she hasn't arrived yet.

Won't you please come to the drawing room?

This is Flora Collins, your cousin, and her son Desmond.

Allow me to introduce you to Barnabas Collins,

Julia's brother.

I think I would know you even without an introduction,

you bear such a great resemblance to that portrait

of your father in Ben's room.

He was such a striking man.

Well, thank you.

I apologize, I have the feeling that I came

at an inopportune moment.

I'm sorry, cousin Barnabas.

We're all terribly upset tonight.

My sister, Roxanne, has been att*cked

by a wild animal in the woods.

How awful.

I'm sorry to hear that.

JULIA: Tell me, what is the last thing you remember?

I remembered leaving Collinwood to go home.

JULIA: What happened then?

I got home and I was waiting for someone.


JULIA: Tell me, what were you waiting for?

It, it was.

It, it was.

Roxanne, you must tell me. [thunder rumbling]


Is anyone down there?


I can't understand why we haven't heard anything.

That might be a good sign.

It could mean that there's still hope.

Oh my dear, you look so tired.

Let me take you up to bed.

No, no, I intend to stay here until I hear something.

Cousin Barnabas, your sister is here.

Julia, your brother has arrived.

We didn't know what happened to you.

Dear Julia.

Oh, it's so good to see you.

Did you have a good trip?

Yes, fine.

It's a very smooth crossing.

Julia, you're shivering.

Do you have any brandy, Samantha?

Oh, yes of course.

She got out of the house.

I'll tell you how later.

What about the hypnosis?

I don't know.

I wasn't able to finish it.

I don't know if it worked or not.

We'd better go in.

SAMANTHA: Here you are.

Oh, thank you, Samantha.

Julia, where have you been?

Oh, I was at the old house.

Ben took me there earlier today.

Gerard came there while I was there.

He told me about Roxanne.

I'm so sorry to hear it.

You still haven't heard anything?

No, not yet.

Julia, you haven't met my son, Desmond.

Desmond, this is Julia Collins.

-Roxanne! -Roxanne?

Oh, darling.

Oh, how are you?

You're so cold.

DESMOND: She seems pale.

Thank God she's alive!

Let's get her upstairs, then I can examine her.


Yes, I'm a doctor, come.


I know you!

Roxanne, can you tell us what you mean?

I know, I know I was waiting for him.

SAMANTHA: Who are you waiting for darling, who?

JULIA: Come on, let's get her upstairs, she's hysterical.

FLORA: Roxanne, you're going to be alright.

Her reaction to you was puzzling, wasn't it?

BARNABAS: Yes, it was.

Is this your first trip to this country?

BARNABAS: Yes, it is.

It does seem strange that she singled you out.

She must have had some reason.

Does Roxanne come to Collinwood often?

DESMOND: Yes, quite a bit.

Well, I understand there's a well-known portrait of my father somewhere here.

Perhaps she associated me with him.

It does seem an odd association under the circumstances.

But perhaps you're right.

Excuse me, I'll go see how she is.

[clock chiming]

JULIA: Barnabas.

BARNABAS: Well, Julia?

I've given her a sedative.

But the hypnosis, did it work or didn't it?

I don't know yet.

We won't know until she's fully conscious.

Barnabas, I think you should leave the house,

just to be safe.

I'll tell them that you've gone into town to get your luggage.

Yes, I think you're right.

If her memory hasn't been erased, I don't want to be here.

Julia, Julia!

Roxanne is awake!

Where's Barnabas?

She was talking.

She told me something that just terrified me.

JULIA: What did she tell you?

SAMANTHA: After she left Collinwood last night

and went home, she was expecting to meet someone.

JULIA: Who was she expecting to meet?

I don't know.

After that, she can't remember anything that happened to her at all.

Why is it we never knew we had relatives in England?

I don't know, Desmond and I'm tired.

Well think of it, mother, I mean two strange people

show up claiming to be members of the family.

Two people who make quite an odd pair.


What are you talking about?

Now I want you to forget these silly,

silly superstitions and suspicions.

Travel is supposed to broaden the mind, not narrow it.

And Barnabas is a very charming man.

Very well mother, no lectures please.

That's more like my darling.

Desmond, why did you bring this horrible thing

to Rose Cottage?

I wish you would stop carrying on about this head.

There is nothing frightening about it.

Oh, I'll never believe that!

I have instincts, and my instincts tell me that

this hideous thing is disgusting, vile, and evil.

I can't understand your carrying on.

-Now, I want you to look at it. -No!

And see that it is absolutely a carved head of some kind!


Oh, I don't wanna be in the same room with it.

Get it out of here.

Get it out of this house!

DESMOND: Mother, come back here!

[mysterious whistling music]
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