1114 - September 30, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1114 - September 30, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[suspenseful music]

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood in the present time.

The interior of the house is in ruins.

Many of the family are dead or missing.

All this has been caused by

the spirit of the evil Gerard Stiles.

On the night this disaster occurred,

Julia Hoffman found a mysterious staircase

and was transported back in time to the year .

Barnabas Collins was unable to go with her.

Knowing Julia is alone in a strange time

and fearing for her safety,

Barnabas has tried desperately to find a way to join her.

On this night, through the use of the E-Ching,

he will try again, only to discover something terrifying.

The th hexagram.

The hexagram of change.

You must visualize a door with the hexagram painted on it.

Concentrate until the door begins to open.

[shrill squeaking]

BARNABAS: It's opening.

Now you must pass through the door.

Rise and go through that door.

No, no, it can't be.

It can't be!

[dramatic music]

[spooky music]

PROFESSOR: What is it, Barnabas?

I must get through, but I can't.

-Barnabas? -I can't move.


[Barnabas groaning]

Why can't you move?

You shouldn't have stopped me.

I was afraid something terrible might happen to you.

Could you see anything through the door?


Yes, I saw an inscription on a tombstone.

Julia Hoffman Collins.

Julia Hoffman Collins?

Could you read the date?

Yes, October th, three days from now.

I don't know about the Collins,

but I've got to get back there by October th.

Barnabas, is it possible that everything you saw

could be merely an hallucination?

I can't believe it was!

Well, there's one way to find out.

[suspenseful music]

The family plot in the th century is over here.

Certainly weren't imagining things.

You were right about .

Why Julia Hoffman Collins?

Well, I guess that she was trying to

give the impression that she was a member of the family

so that she could be accepted more quickly.

Yes, that certainly seems to make sense.

Even if you succeed in going there,

how can you be sure you'll get there

before the day she dies?

I don't know, and I don't know anything, but,

all I know is that I must find a way,

and I must do it within these next three days.

Barnabas, Barnabas...

I need you.


Barnabas, oh, Barnabas.

Will I ever see you again?

Will I?

Do you always speak to inanimate objects?

[dramatic music]

How do you do?

I'm Roxanne Drew, Samantha's sister.

It's a pleasure meeting you, Miss Drew, I'm Julia--

Oh, I know, Julia Collins.

Samantha's told me all about you.

Are you enjoying your stay at Collinwood?

I haven't quite gotten used to it yet.

I can understand that.

This house does have a tendency

to overwhelm one, doesn't it?

JULIA: It's quite large.

Yes, it is large, and for the most part, quite useless.

Oh, please forgive me, this is Lamar Trask.

Lamar, Julia Collins.

How do you do, Miss Collins?

It's a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Trask.

Lamar's an old friend of the family.

He and my father are very close.

Lamar has his business in Collinsport.

Can you guess what business he's in?

I'm sure Miss Collins isn't interested.

I just wanted to see if she could guess.

I'm afraid I'm not very good at guessing.

Lamar is a very successful undertaker.

Or do you prefer mortician, Lamar?

It really doesn't matter.

Anyway, that's why he never smiles.

Though, I've never known an undertaker who did.

In spite of how richly rewarding it is,

death is a very solemn business.

Is something the matter, Miss Collins?

JULIA: No, dear, why?

You looked at me in a very strange way.

I'm sorry, have I made you uncomfortable?

No, no, of course not.

Is my sister at home?

No, but I think she'll be back soon.

Then we won't mind waiting, will we, my dear?

But shall we wait on the terrace?

We do have something to discuss, remember?

How could I forget?

Please excuse us, Miss Collins.

Julia VOICEOVER: How different she is

from the Roxanne I met in .

And how terrible it is to know that one day,

perhaps soon, she will be cursed as Barnabas was.

If I only knew when it will happen,

and who will cause it, maybe I could tell her,

but there's no way of knowing.

No way at all.

[water gurgling]

You don't think very highly of my profession, do you?

Did I offend you, Lamar?

Oh, I'm so sorry.

It's just that the thought of making one's living

from the dead doesn't fascinate me.

Death is a fact of life, my dear.

And it must be dealt with tastefully and with reverence.

The Trask Chapel is an institution in Collinsport--

Do you mind if we don't discuss

the Trask Chapel this evening?

But it is my livelihood.

And it must not be treated frivolously.

But we are not here to discuss my profession.

The fact is, there is very little time left

before your father returns.

I think I am entitled to an answer from you.

You mean you think you're entitled to the answer

that you and Father have already decided upon.

Well, you're not, Lamar.

My answer is still no, you're not the man for me.

I may assume then that there is someone else?

You may assume nothing.


Someday I will meet a man.

A stranger.

His goodness and gentleness will overwhelm me.

And I'll be amazed by an air of mystery that surrounds him.

And he will be courtly and charming.

And he will love me as I want to be loved.

I've always dreamed of such a man.

And I know that we're destined to meet.

[dramatic music]

Are you being quiet Lamar because you realize

that the man I've just described couldn't possibly be you?

What you've just spouted is a lot

of romantic gibberish, if I may say so.

You may say whatever you feel.

I felt it was a painless way of saying goodbye.

Miss Drew, I beg your pardon,

but your sister has returned, she's in the master bedroom.

Thank you, Miss Collins.

It's all right, Lamar, I know my way.

I was just about to pour myself a glass of wine,

Mr. Trask, I wonder if you'll join me?

I do not partake of alcoholic beverages, Miss Collins.

Drink is the curse of mankind.

Oh, I see.

By the way, I was wondering if you had a relative

that lived in Collinsport around the turn of the century?

A Reverend Trask, I believe?

The good Reverend Trask was my father.

Why, what do you know of him?

Oh, nothing, nothing really.

My own father spoke of him occasionally.

LAMAR: And who was your father?

Barnabas Collins.

The one who went to England in ?

JULIA: Yes, you seem very familiar

with the Collins family history, Mr. Trask.

I have made it my business to be.

You see, my father disappeared

the same year yours went to England.

To this day, no one knows what happened to him.

How extraordinary.

Wasn't he involved in a trial of some sort?

Yes, a case of witchcraft.

Thanks to the Reverend Trask,

the witch was eventually convicted and hanged.

I have vowed that someday I will solve the mystery

surrounding his disappearance.

JULIA: Do you have any theories?

I've always been convinced

that he was the victim of foul play.

He was last seen by a villager

as he entered the gates of Collinwood.

JULIA: Oh, but surely, that couldn't possibly mean--

My father was revered by most of those at Collinwood.

But there were a few he considered his enemies.

Creatures of sin, he called them.

Did he name them at all?

No, but he made it clear that they were under

the influence of the evil spirits at large in the house.

Someday I will discover what happened to him.

And who was responsible.

And if that person is still alive...

[clock chiming]

I'm ready to be taken home, Lamar.

I trust Samantha has given you sufficient moral support

to see you through this crisis?

ROXANNE: I have no idea what you're saying.

Don't be ridiculous.

You know you came to see Samantha

to get her to take your side.

To tell your father I'm not the right man for you.

You're being absurd, please take me home.

Not until this matter is settled!

ROXANNE: It has been settled!

You're making a very grave mistake.

Your father and I have entered into an agreement.

I suggest you come to your senses

and comply with that agreement.

[dramatic music]

I knew from the moment I met you

that I would never marry you.

I resent the way you and my father have plotted

this little marriage scheme.

And I resent being treated like a parcel of real estate.

Well, leave me alone.

Go back to Collinsport and bury someone,

you seem to enjoy that so much.

Goodnight, Roxanne.

Goodbye, Lamar.

[door slamming]

I'm terribly sorry, I had no idea

the two of you were having a private discussion.

What a polite word for it.

It's all right, Miss Collins, it doesn't matter.

I'm happy to be rid of him.

Are you rid of him?

Oh, yes.

Yes, he'll go back to his funeral parlor

and brood for a while.

Father will be furious.

Curse my ingratitude.

And then he'll find another ideal husband

and the cycle will begin all over again.

But I'll be ready for it, I always am.

Goodnight, Miss Collins.

[suspenseful music]

[leaves rustling]

Is someone there?

Who is it, who's there?

Who are you, what are you doing out here?

There's no reason for you to be afraid, please don't be.

Kindly answer my question, who are you?

My name is Barnabas Collins.

I have just recently arrived from England.

If you're really a Collins, what are you doing

lurking around out here on the terrace?

Well, I was just about to go inside.

Please don't tell 'em you saw me.

I don't want to spoil my surprise for the family.

Oh, I see, they don't know of your arrival?


May I ask who you are?

Oh, I'm Roxanne Drew.

Roxanne, it's a beautiful name.

Are you planning to stay at Collinwood?

Well, I hope to be, but my plans aren't finalized yet.

I trust you're no longer afraid.

No, no, I'm not.

But if my father knew that I stopped to talk

to a perfect stranger, he'd have apoplexy.

I hope that you won't consider me

a stranger for much longer.

You're a most amazing man, Mr. Collins,

I really should be on my way.

Miss Drew, may I see you again?

You're very direct, aren't you?

You may not understand this, but, when I first saw you,

I had the feeling that somehow we were

always destined to be together and meet.

You're a most unusual man, Mr. Collins.


May I call at you, at home?

My father is out of town on business for a few days.

We have a guest in the house, but she retires very early.

I'll be pleased if you'd call on me anytime you wish.

You can be sure I will.

Till we meet again.

Goodnight, Barnabas.

[gate clacking]

BARNABAS VOICEOVER:I must not see her again.

I must stay away from her.

I was so sure he'd visit me tonight.

Why didn't he?


Is he really the one I've always imagined I'd meet?

Or is he just a stranger?

He said he'd be staying at Collinwood.

I'll see him again then.

What are you doing in my room?

Please don't be frightened, and don't make a sound.

ROXANNE: You have no right to be here, you must leave.

I should've resisted coming to you like this.

But it was impossible.

I kept seeing your face before me,

hearing the sound of your voice.

I am the stranger you spoke of.

And I will love you as no one else ever has.

I cannot help myself.

[dramatic music]

[spooky music]
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