1098 - September 8, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1098 - September 8, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[mysterious music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood, in the year ,

where Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

are trying desperately to prevent the disaster

they fear is soon to overwhelm the great estate

and all its inhabitants.

On this night, one of the clues

to the coming calamity has occurred.

Carolyn, in a strange, distracted fashion,

has sung her song,

a song from the past century.

Now, as darkness approaches its deepest hour,

Barnabas makes another infinitely more

terrifying discovery.

We're fine now.

I mean, you can see we're all right.

We haven't been hurt.

I feel if everybody would stop worrying,

things would be different.

[door creaks open]

I thought I heard voices.

You see, I was right.

Didn't I tell you the children were well?

Yes, you did.

Well, I'm glad you both returned.

I wish I could share your feelings

that everything's going to be better here,

but I can't.

Now, I'm going to see Dr. Hoffman,

because I think it would be wise

for the both of you to be removed from Collinwood,

at least for the moment.

CAROLYN: Good night, Tad.

Good night, Carrie.

[ominous music] Good night, Leticia.

HALLIE: Good night, Leticia.

[door opens]

You are possessed.

You are both possessed.

[ominous chords]

[Dark Shadows theme music]

Possessed, cousin Barnabas?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Do you, Hallie?

No, I don't.

A moment ago, you both answered to the names

Tad and Carrie, and you called Carolyn Leticia.

But we were just playing a game.

Weren't we?

Yes, it was just a game.

We're David and Hallie.

Who else could we be?

I mean, we don't look any different, do we?

If it's game, suppose I play, too.

Tell me the name of your mother.

My mother?

BARNABAS: Also, the date when you were born.

Nineteen hundred and fifty-six.

BARNABAS: Who was your governess before Maggie?

Tell me her name!


What about you, young lady?

When did you come to Collinwood?

Under what circumstances?

There was an accident.

That's right, involving your mother and your father.

What were their names?

Oh, stop it!


Why should I stop?

I'm asking you perfectly simple questions.

You should be able to answer without hesitation,

but you don't.

The reason is simple.

David and Hallie did not leave here

under their own volition.

They were lured here by the spirits--

You have no right to talk to us like this!

Until I get the answers I want,

I'll make the judgment there.

Oh, Daphne, please help us!

Stop it, Carrie!

Why has this possession taken place?

What is it that Daphne and Gerard want from this house?

CAROLYN: They cannot tell you that.

Even they don't know yet.

What do you mean by that, Carolyn?

What do you know about this possession?


The children cannot tell you what you want to know.

I can tell you no more than that.

I must go to my room now.

The possession has taken place?

I'm afraid it has.

And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Tad, no!


Let me finish.

Carrie and I are here to stay.

And nothing you can do will change that.

That remains to be seen.

In the meantime,

I suggest you both stay here in this house.

Is that understood?

I have no intention of leaving.

Come, Julia.

Barnabas, if the possession is complete,

it seems to me that Gerard has already won.

No, he hasn't.

This possession is only part of a larger plan.

We've got to find out what that plan is.

But how?

I suggest that we go to Stokes

and tell him what's happened

and then pray that everything will be all right.

Because if it isn't, David and Hallie are as good as dead.

[ominous music]

I never dreamed they'd find out so soon.

What's going to happen to us now?

Don't worry, it's going to be all right.

They can't do anything to us.

Oh, Tad.

We're strangers in our own house, in Collinwood.

I can't believe it.

We're living amongst strangers.

Is this what we wanted?

Try to remember.

We're not here because of what we want.

Then why are we here?

I can't seem to remember.

We don't know yet.

When will we know?


Where are you going?

To the playroom.

I feel the answer's there.

Wait, I'll come with you.

No, I have to go alone.

Tad, I wish Daphne was here with us to help us.

I don't think we would feel so alone if she was.

I feel she'll come.

I'm sure of it.

Now, you stay here and wait for me.

Don't be afraid.



Where are David and Hallie?

Are they dead?

I don't know.

I don't think so.

CARRIE: But then where are they?

I guess they just aren't anywhere.

I guess as long as we're here,

David and Hallie just don't exist.

I suppose it sounds strange,

but I do hope nothing bad has happened to them.

I liked them, both of them.

I know.

I liked them, too.

[mysterious music]

[knocking at door]

Who is it?

May I come in?

It's very late.


Very late.

What do you want?

How odd! I...

I came here to tell you something,

and now I can't remember what it was.

Has Barnabas been able to find out

where the children went when they left the house?

CAROLYN: Well, if I recall correctly,

they said they ran away because they didn't want

to be taken to Professor Stokes.

But they're all right?

Well, yes, of course they're all right.

What would have happened to them?

Oh, I...

I don't have any idea.

But you...


Are you all right?

Never better.

Now, if you'll excuse me--

You're acting very strangely.

No, no, really.

Really, I'm very fine.

Now please, Carolyn,

I think you ought to go back and get some rest.

Rest, yes.


That's what we all need.

If we just knew where to find it.

Our minds are so troubled,

but we don't quite know why.

QUENTIN: What are you talking about?

And you, Quentin.

I look at you, and I see in your eyes

such terrible pain,

as if you bear some strange burden.

It's some sort of guilt, isn't it?

Yes, that's it, some terrible guilt.

You don't know what you're talking about.

What is it, Quentin?

What have you done, tell me.

What puts this terrible burden upon you?


I haven't done a thing, do you hear that?

Not a thing!

[ominous music]

What really troubles me, Julia,

is the way Gerard has been able to succeed so easily.

We have seen four of the six clues become realities.

And we've still been unable to alter the course of events.

But there are two more clues to go.

There's the m*rder and the destruction of Rose Cottage.

And there's every chance that they'll come and go,

and we'll still be as helpless as ever.

Children have been possessed.

Meaning that Gerard has a stronger control

of Collinwood than ever.

And the worst of it is still ahead of us.

What is this hold he has, and why can't we break it?

Because someone in this house is helping him.

What do you mean?

JULIA: Oh, Barnabas, it's easy enough

for one of the spirits to take control of the children,

but to be allowed to do it so easily and so successfully,

they couldn't do it without the help of an adult.

BARNABAS: Do you have anyone in mind?



Do you remember that hold, that frightening hold

that Daphne had on him in the future?

Are you saying that Daphne already has control over him

and we don't know it?

I am convinced of it.

This handkerchief is hers.

It has her scent of lilac.

I found it here in this room.

I left Quentin watching Hallie

while I went up to pack a few things for her.

When I came down, Hallie was gone.

Quentin was here, and the handkerchief was on the floor.

Daphne had been here.

I'm convinced of it.

And that's how Hallie disappeared.

I don't believe it.


Yes, Barnabas, Quentin.

Quentin is the reason that we have failed at every step.

[ominous beats]


CARRIE: I'm here.

Why don't you turn on the light?

I thought if it was dark, maybe Daphne would appear to me.

Maybe she'll be here soon.

I found out what we're to do.

What is it?

You have to go to Daphne's room and get something

that belonged to her.

I have this of Gerard's.

What are we going to do with them?

One of them will appear to us tonight.


There's no way of telling.

Gerard frightens me.

I can't help it.

One of them will appear to us, but not as a spirit.

What do you mean?

We wanted to know what was going to happen.

Well, I'll tell you.

We're going to bring both of them alive.

Daphne and Gerard.

[ominous musical beats]


We feel that we can destroy Gerard's grip on this house.

But you have to get rid of the spirit of Daphne.

I don't know anything about Daphne!

Do you realize how much more danger you're creating

by not admitting this?

You both keep talking about danger,

but I've yet to see any evidence of it!

But the lives of two children are in your hands--

Oh, stop it, will you?

All right, so the children ran away from the house,

but they're back now, and they're safe,

and they're going to remain safe.

That much I'm certain of.

How can you be certain?

Because Daphne told you this?

Barnabas, I have never seen Daphne.

BARNABAS: If Daphne told you this,

she was lying, Quentin.

I don't have-- She's lying.

I don't have the slightest idea of what you mean.

I mean, Quentin, that the children have been possessed.

I don't believe that.

BARNABAS: Possessed, Quentin.

They have been possessed by two spirits of two children

who lived in .

They are no longer the David and Hallie that you knew

and pretended to love.

How dare you tell me whom I love or don't love.

BARNABAS: Well, what other conclusion can I come to

if you're going to be so stubbornly blind

to what is happening?

Now, would you like to see them?

Would you like to talk to them?

Would you like to witness what Daphne and Gerard

have done to them?

Now she told me that no harm would come to them.

She gave me her...

Her word, Quentin?

Oh, my God.

My God, what have I done?

Yes, I did see her!

And I want her to be with me now.

And the thought now that...

that I'm going to lose her,

well, it's almost something that I can't take.


Quentin, we have all had this experience.

We've been under the force of something

stronger than we are, and it's made us do certain things

that we would never do in any normal circumstance,

but you've got to struggle to be free.

For the children, Quentin.

For David and Hallie.


David and Hallie.


You still have that handkerchief that you found?

All right.

Now you two leave me alone, and I give you my word.

I'll do everything I can to see that

she never comes back here again.

[ominous music]

Do you still have the shawl that you brought

from Daphne's room?

Yes, it's here.

Place it there at that star.

And I'll place the ship at this point.

Now step into the center.

Oh, David, I'm so frightened.

What if Gerard comes back?

Just be quiet and concentrate.

Feel the Earth turning through eternal space.

Let it turn itself toward the stars

that guide the destinies of us all.

Let the light from the star that guides the destiny

of Daphne Harridge touch the flame

that we have lighted in her name.

Let the light from the star that guides the destiny

of Gerard Styles touch the flame

we have lighted in his name.

Let the Earth turn in eternal space

until we are touched by the light of their stars.

As a sign that

I will destroy the bond

between us that binds us together,

I will destroy this.

It once belonged to you.

And no longer will there be the scent of lilac

in this house.

And no longer will I be able to look upon your face.


[wind howling]

[dramatic music]

The light of the star must touch the light of the candle.

Light touch flame.

Light touch flame

so that they may breathe again.

[eerie cosmic howling]

They have met.

Will they come back now?

We'll see very soon.

[suspenseful music]

QUENTIN VOICEOVER: I did what I could.

I tried to send her away.

I'll still try.

There must be something else I can do.

She must leave this house.

What if it's Gerard?

Don't worry.

He won't be angry this night.

Maybe not in the beginning.

Oh, let it be Daphne, please!

It's not up to us.

Who is it up to?

I don't know.

Oh, if Daphne was here, we'd be so much more happy.

This house is so different.

It's the same house we knew.


It's so strange, so ugly.

[sighs deeply]

Do you remember how it was?

The candles and the sound of the spinet?


CARRIE: What's the matter?

Do you hear someone?

I don't.

Are you sure?

Oh, Tad!

Don't be afraid, Carrie.

I am frightened.

If it's Gerard--

[knocking at door]

[dramatic ominous music]

[suspenseful music]

[Dark Shadows theme music]
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