1067 - July 27, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1067 - July 27, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR: The year, , and Collinwood

is abandoned and in ruins,

with Carolyn and Quentin both gone mad.

This is what Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman find

when a disturbance in time brings them to this year,

after their escape from the parallel band.

To their amazement, they have seen the ghosts

of David and a strange young girl, and have discovered

that the spirit that rules Collinwood

is a ghost whose mere presence corrupts the surrounding air.

[suspenseful music]

[door slamming]

[suspenseful music]

[door handle rattling]

[eerie dramatic music]

[eerie music]

[slow music]

What do you want?

Please, don't look at me like that.

I can't bear it.

Stay away from me.


Don't come any closer.

Stop looking at me that way!

Please stop!

[ominous music]

[lid creaking]

[lid creaking]

[door squeaking]

[door slamming]


Who's that?

It's Eliot Stokes, Barnabas.

May I ask what you are doing sitting there in the dark?

It was still dusk when I came in.

I must have dropped off in my chair

while I was waiting for you.

Isn't Julia here?

Apparently not.

I'm surprised you didn't hear me when I called you.

Where were you, in the basement?

Yes, the far end of the house.

See, there was a flaw in the foundations back in , and,

well, I was curious to see

if there was any further deterioration.

And was there?


I'm not surprised.

Everything here has deteriorated.

And what was it you wanted to see me about?

I tried to revive Carolyn's memory

about the night of the disaster,

with as little success as you and Julia had.

I see.

Do you have a moment?

There are some other things I want to ask you about.

Apparently there are two other ghosts here

besides the evil spirit that you mentioned.

Do sit down.

[slow dramatic music]

Why do I get the impression that you're not

being completely honest with me, Eliot?

But I am being honest.

As I told you, I was in Europe when the disaster occurred.

I know none of the details.

Has anybody reported to you

about two children being here on the estate?


Yes, David Collins and a young girl.

You saw David?

His ghost and the ghost of a young girl.

What do you know about them?


Do the names, Tad and Carrie mean anything to you?

Tad and Carrie?

No, nothing.

Well, Julia and I found a poem, a birthday poem,

in a playroom at Collinwood, written by Carrie for Tad.

There have never been any children

with those names at Collinwood.

Well, I'm aware of that, but the birthday poem

must have had some meaning.

I'm afraid, Barnabas, I haven't

the slightest idea of what it is.

You see, Quentin insisted that David was Tad,

and he also mentioned the name of a woman, Daphne.

You talked to Quentin?

Yes, he talked to Quentin,

and now Quentin's going to talk to Professor Stokes.

Quentin, what are you doing here?

I was drawn here, Stokes,

by an insatiable desire to put my hands around


I'm going to k*ll you.

No, Barnabas.

I told you I'd k*ll you.

Quentin, why?

Because he failed!

He failed!

Look around you, you can see for yourself.

What does he mean?

He'll k*ll me, he's mad.

Yes, mad?


But why, Stokes?


Because of you and your phony exorcism.

You said that you would rid Collinwood of the ghost

in this house, and what happened?

You simply raised his wrath.

If you had not angered him,

none of this would have ever happened.

He'll k*ll me.

Don't let him go!

Let me get him.

Quentin, no!

Let me get him!

I wanna put my hands around his neck.

No, you're going to stay here with me.

[door slamming]

Now sit down.

He deserves to die, you've seen what he's done.

Well, perhaps, he was only trying to do what he could.

[slow dramatic music]

I just saw Stokes rushing through the woods.

What happened?

In the woods?

Good, I'll find him there.

Quentin, what is the matter with you?

You'd better give him another sedative.

The only sedative I need is to get

my hands around Stokes' neck.

I'll be calm for the rest of my life.

Quentin, what is it?

He said it was Stokes' attempted exorcism

that has caused this real disaster, by bringing down

the wrath of the spirit on everyone at Collinwood.

He failed.

Stokes failed.

Of course, he failed.

Everyone will.

[eerie music]

[mysterious music]

How is he?

He's calmer,

I'm hoping he'll sleep.

I can't forget what Quentin said

about Stokes' attempted exorcism.

Julia, I'm convinced more than ever that the evil spirit

holds the key to everything that's happened here.

But he can't be reached.

What if I don't want to reach him?

What if I just want to get rid of him?


Another exorcism.

Barnabas, you can't.

I can try, or get somebody else who knows how.

No, no, it's too dangerous, Barnabas.

Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

When he wants to do something, nothing will stop him.

How do you know that?


BARNABAS: I said, how do you know that?

Oh, because, well, just because of the way

he made me feel when I saw him at first.

I tried to explain that to you, Barnabas.

But if he were gone, perhaps Carolyn

would recover and Quentin, too.

That's what Professor Stokes thought, but it didn't work.

I can't give up, Julia.

I can't.


What is it, Julia?

[ominous music]

I have something to tell you, something important.

What is it?

[dramatic music]

JULIA: It happened at dusk tonight.

BARNABAS: Yes, go on.

JULIA: I was sitting in this room.

BARNABAS: And what?


Nothing, it wasn't important.

I just, I felt a presence here.

It's probably my imagination.

I shouldn't have mentioned it.

BARNABAS: That's all?


Julia, you must be careful, very careful,

especially when I'm not with you during the day.

Yes, I will be. Don't worry.

Which reminds me, it's sundown.

Where were you?

Where'd you go?

I went for a walk.

I felt the presence here, and I just wanted

to get out for a while.

You didn't go to Collinwood, did you?

Do you think I'd be that foolish?

No, of course not.


What was that?

Oh, it was Quentin, probably.

Why don't you go upstairs and see

if there's anything you can do to help him.

I'll do what I can.

[mysterious music]

Now, come and sit down here with me.

I promise to say nothing that will upset you.

I don't understand.

I feel like my head's going to explode

into a thousand different pieces.

Maybe, Julia should give you more of a sedative.

Where is Julia?

She says she's gone out.

Maybe if I just sit down and don't move.

Even my teeth hurt.

Where could she have gone?

[ominous music]


Someone's here.

Is it you?

Who is it, who is it?

[spooky music]

Who are you?

Tell me who you are.

[eerie music]

Someone else is here.

Someone else is here, I saw them.

Someone was here.

I heard a sound, like the rustling of a woman's dress,

and now, now the scent of lilacs.

Who is it?

Tell me who it is.

Tell me why you sent for me.

I know.

You're afraid that I'll tell Barnabas

that I've seen you, that we've met.

I won't.

I swear I won't.

Please don't look at me like that.

I will never tell.

You're sure, Quentin won't come down again?

Quite sure, he's sleeping.

He's dangerous.

You should know that by now.

I do.

He shouldn't be here.

You want to send him back to the institution.

What if I told you that I know of a way

to cure him completely?

I should be very skeptical, if you'll forgive me.

BARNABAS: What is it that's doing this to him?

Devastation of Collinwood?

And what happened to the people who lived there?

That and the presence of a evil spirit.

What are you suggesting?

Isn't it obvious?

Not another exorcism.

What else?

Why do you keep looking at me?

What do you want of me?

[eerie music]

Yes, I understand what you want.

Yes, yes.

I wish I could persuade you

to profit by my terrifying experience.

Please don't do this.

Of course, I will speak to Julia before I do anything.

As much as I'm against it,

let me know if I can be of any help,

if you do decide to proceed.

Of course.

[intense music]

[wind howling]


Is that you, Julia?


Julia, are you all right?

Yes, you startled me, that's all.

Who was that with you?

Oh, I beg your pardon?

I was sure I saw someone walking just behind you.

I guess it must be the leaves and the shadows.

Curious, I could have sworn.

I'm afraid Collinwood works on all of our imaginations.


Come, I'll walk you back to the old house.

No, no that's all right.

I'm almost there, thank you.

I'll be all right.

ELIOT VOICEOVER: There was someone with her.

I'm certain there was.

[eerie music]

I didn't mean to dash out like that,

but I felt the need of some air.

How's Quentin?

He's still sleeping.

I'd better check.



He's suffering so much.

So is Carolyn.

You will help me, won't you?

Of course, Barnabas. I'll do what I can.

I've not always been kind to my cousins.

There were times when I was even cruel.

See what's happened to Collinwood.

What the Collins family's been brought to.

Some moments, it seems almost more than I can bear.

You care about them very much, don't you?

Yes, they're people that I love.

People Who have struggled and suffered.

Forgive me.

Barnabas, let's get away from here.

Let's try to get back to the time that we live in.

All we can do here is watch them suffer,

and even worse things could happen.

Leave here?

Doing nothing?

Knowing nothing?

But if we stay, we don't know what could happen.

Julia, is anything the matter?

Did something happen to you When you were out just now?

Oh, no, what made you ask?

Well, it just isn't like you to speak like this.

Yes, yes, I'm sorry I mentioned it, Barnabas.

Of course, we'll stay.

And what will happen, will happen.

The scent of lilacs.

[eerie music]

Who's here?

I sense your presence.

Appear to me!

Who are you?

Please, I beg you, speak to me.

[thunder crashing]

[wind howling]

Don't go!

Come back, speak to me!

Come back!

She will die.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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