1028 - June 2, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1028 - June 2, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR: Parallel time on the great estate

of Collinwood, and a new danger threatens.

Cyrus Longworth, driven by his uncontrollable passion

for Maggie Collins,

has changed into John Yaeger without the aid of his dr*gs.

And Sabrina has witnessed the change.

Unable to stop Yaeger from leaving the laboratory,

she is left not knowing where he is going;

not guessing what tragedy his actions will eventually cause.

[dramatic music]


[dramatic music]

CYRUS VOICEOVER: Now, John Yaeger, now.

[eerie theme music]

[tense music]

CYRUS VOICEOVER: I'll take her out of this house.

But where?

I must find a place.



Quentin, where are you?

What's wrong with Sabrina?

No, of course you should stay

and find out everything you can.

Do you want me to come to the lab?

Well, no if I can be of any help,

I'd be perfectly willing to.

No, of course I understand.




[heavy knocking]



Daniel! What are you doing up so late?

Where's Father?

He's at Cyrus', why?


I'll go to Cousin Roger.

MAGGIE: Oh wait a minute, Daniel.

Why don't you tell me?

I'd like to help you if I possibly can.

Well, I was looking out my window.


And I saw this figure of a man

moving towards the house.

Who was it?

DANIEL: I don't know.

He got onto the terrace and,

and started going towards the french windows.

Well, maybe it was the night watchman.

No it wasn't, he was bigger than Riggs,

much bigger, I could tell!

Daniel, are you sure it isn't your imagination?


MAGGIE: I'm sorry Daniel,

I certainly didn't mean to doubt you.

Then why are you?

Well, it's just that I, I can't imagine

why anyone would try to sneak into the house.

Well there are quite a few valuable things

in this house, you know.

Yes, of course, I'm sorry.

Come along, we'll go find Roger.

Now if anybody did sneak into this house,

we're gonna find them.

Come on.

[door slamming]

[dramatic harp music]

SABRINA VOICEOVER: Some record of his experiment.

If only I had some idea when he was working on it.

I might have been able to stop him.


Frantically searching for the records?

What are you looking at me like that for?


Don't call me that!

That's not my name.

[tense music]

Now where's Quentin Collins?

I made him leave.

JOHN: I bet you did.

Where'd he go, the police?


You're answering a little too quickly.

SABRINA: No I swear to you, he knows nothing!

I don't believe you.

Cyrus, I wouldn't betray you.

You are a fool!

No wonder he was so bored by you!

He wasn't!

You don't even know, do you?

You have no idea!

You have no idea how he went to the Eagle,

every single night, to see Buffie Harrington.

I don't believe you!

JOHN: Whenever he got there,

he was too afraid to do anything!

Cyrus loves me!

Sabrina you're just going to have to find somebody else.

I won't.

Because you're never going to see Cyrus Longworth again.

Don't you say that.

I m*rder*d him, Sabrina!


Yes, you have been witness to a m*rder.

You have.

You've seen his face turn into mine.

You've seen his hands turn into these.

These strong hands that just take whatever they want.

Hands that punish.

They frighten you, Sabrina?


Because I know Cyrus is still there.

You have not destroyed him.

That's my triumph, Sabrina, I have!

Don't you have any idea how he hated being himself?

So much that he just became me?


JOHN: And those, those detestable traits of his?

They don't even exist anymore!

They will, again.

They will.

Oh, Sabrina.

You've lived before, but you became Cyrus.

And I hated it every single time.

SABRINA: Well then why didn't you stay Yaeger?

Because I used his body to escape.


From what?

You tell me! [gasping]

See this sword?

See how easily it enters the body, Sabrina?

With just one little flick of my wrist.

And a scream in the night.



Yes, Gladstone was my first victim, Sabrina.

And ever since then, this sword hungers for another.


You going to be its next victim, Sabrina?


Are you?

[dramatic music]

Are you frightened?

[laughing] Oh good, good,

because Cyrus Longworth never did.



Know what's wrong with you, Sabrina?

You think too much.

Too much!

You're just like Cyrus.

Why did you k*ll Gladstone?

Because he dared to try to blackmail me!

And you know what?

It was a perfect m*rder.

Just perfect.

I don't believe you.

There must be some way for you to turn back to Cyrus.

There must!

Oh, what a fool I was, working with you all this time,

never suspecting your secret!

There must be some way.

You must be Cyrus again.

You must!

The police must be after you.

I wanna help.

I wanna help, I'll do anything you ask.

Only please, be Cyrus again.

Sabrina, I can't.

I've got too much to do that Cyrus is afraid to do.

You were working on a formula.

Is there something that you take?

Now you're just gonna have to be satisfied

to know what you do.

I'll never be satisfied until I

I'll k*ll you!

You need me.

I'll be here, waiting.

I will do anything to help you.

You really, you love him that much?

All right.

You will be here, right here.

Every single night.

And maybe sometime I'll come and I'll visit you.

And maybe I'll need you.

And I will always enter by that door.

And you're always gonna be right here, alone.

Until tomorrow.

Don't go!

I'm sorry, I have a lot to do.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna take care of something.

I'm gonna take something

that Cyrus Longworth was too timid to take.

Now Sabrina, remember,

not one word, or you're gonna end up like our friend,

the late Horace Gladstone.

[door slamming]

[dramatic music]

[thoughtful music]


Yes, Daniel.

Have you seen Hoffman today?


I wonder if she took my comb and brush.

My mirror is missing, too.

Is anything else gone?

No, not that I've noticed.

Daniel, you still think you saw someone

sneaking into the house last night, don't you?

Well no, you and Cousin Roger showed me that I was wrong.

Did you have any trouble

getting to sleep again last night?



Maggie, I have something for you.

I don't know whether you'll like it or not.

MAGGIE: Well, what is it?

Well, it may be kind of childish, but.


Do you like it?

It's beautiful.

DANIEL: I found it this morning.

Daniel, I appreciate very much your giving this to me.

Actually, it's a kind of thank you for last night.

Would you like to go where I found it sometime?

Yes, I'd like to very much.

Good, we'll go together.

I'll see you later.

[door shutting]

If you're really looking for a place like this,

I'll make you a good deal on it, Mister?

Yaeger, John Yaeger.

Most people wanna be nearer town.

I prefer living alone.

Hmm, you sure will be a long way out here.

Nobody's lived here since my grandfather d*ed last year.

Well, there's not much to see down here.

The fire room is over there.

How about this room in here?

Oh it's just a room.

Grandma used it for storing stuff.

She canned a lot.

It's very interesting.

Very interesting indeed.

I think I'd like a new door, though.

Yes, as a matter of fact I'd buy it if you'd install it.

Listen, save your money.

This old door'll last you for a long time yet.

I don't think you understand, my friend.

You see, I'm a scientist.

And I'm engaged in a rather unusual scientific practice,

and I think this would be just perfect for my laboratory.

This place?

Yes, yes I think this would,

would suit my requirements just fine.

Is that the only door?


Well good.

Good, good, I take it this room would be quite soundproof.


Oh, good, good.

You see my, my work has to do with sound.

I measure the velocity of highspeed notes,

if you know what I mean.

And I think that this room would be just perfect.

Absolutely perfect.

Shall we discuss the terms?

Well, when would you be wanting it?



Yes, I think I'll go home, pick up a few small things,

and take up residence tonight.

That's awfully quick!

Do you want to rent it or not, mister?

Sure I do!

Oh, good!

A cot, a cot right here?

'Cause I find I work very late, and I get very tired.

And a rocking chair.

A very comfortable one.

Very conducive to meditation.

And a,

a mirror!

I'm not a vain man, but it helps me in my work.

Yes, and anything else that you might think'll

be comfortable here.

Do you do this work alone?


Yes, and this room would be perfect to be alone.

Absolutely perfect.

Very conducive to meditation.

Just perfect.

[dramatic music]


I saw Hoffman.

She doesn't know where your brush and things are.


Yeah, and when I told her they were missing,

she looked awfully surprised.

There must be some explanation.

Maggie, you've been here long

enough to know that things happen around here.

Strange things.

Now, Daniel.

They do!

I know it.

And sometimes before they happen, I get a feeling.

Like I had last night, and like I'm having now.

It's true, Maggie, I know it.

Something's gonna happen tonight.

Something terrible.

[dramatic music]

[tense music]

Everything okay?

Perfect, perfect.

This door sure was some job!

Oh you did a good job.

Well, I've got everything packed now,

I'm gonna be on my way, soon as I'm settled with you.

Leaving town tonight?

Mm, yeah.

Ah, said all your goodbyes?

I didn't have many to say.

You know this place sure doesn't look like

what I imagined a laboratory looks like.


I don't see any place to work.

Don't you?

What kind of experiment did you say you were working on?

I don't believe I did.

WICKES: Something about sound, you said.

Did I?

WICKES: You work with animals.

What makes you think that?

WICKES: This door, that bolt on it.

You certainly are a curious fellow, aren't you?

Well, it is my property.

Exactly what are you gonna use this place for?

What would you think if I told you, a prison?


Yes, I think I'm gonna use it for a dungeon.

Ah, come on.

JOHN: I'm quite serious.

A dungeon!

Next you'll be telling me

you're gonna bring some fairy princess

in here and lock her up!

I hadn't planned on telling you that.

But you're quite right, Mr. Wickes.

Hey, wait a minute, now.

No, Mr. Wickes, why don't you wait a minute?

You're serious.

JOHN: Very.

Now, I don't want any trouble here.

You can't stop the trouble, Wickes.

You said all your goodbyes, huh?

All your goodbyes to all your friends.

I guess they won't miss you much, will they, Wickes?

Will they?

I don't want any trouble here.

No, Wickes.



Good night Daniel.

It's been a lovely day, you see?

Nothing bad has happened.

At least not yet.

You know, when I was growing up,

I used to have those feelings too,

that something would go bad.

You did?


And you know what?

It never did, it never came true.

Well mine do come true, Maggie.

Honest, they do.


Goodnight, Daniel.

And Daniel, I'm very happy about last night.

About today, too.

I have a feeling that we're going to be come good friends.


Good night.



JOHN: Maggie?

Cyrus, where are you?

I'm in town, I must see you.

MAGGIE: What's happened?

I can't tell you, not over the telephone.

Will you meet me?

Of course, at the lab?

JOHN: No, Sabrina's there.

I'd rather she didn't know.

As a matter of fact, I'd rather no one knew.

Not even Quentin.


Maggie, if you come you must agree to my conditions.

You'll understand after I see you.

Cyrus, does this have anything to do with John Yaeger?

Has he gotten you into any kind of trouble?

Maggie, will you come or not?

MAGGIE: Of course, where?

Widow's Hill.

I know it sounds strange, but I don't know

anywhere else where I'm sure we won't be seen.

Maggie, it's vital that I see you.

Now can you meet me there at ?

Cyrus, I don't understand this, but yes.

Don't tell anyone.

MAGGIE: That will be very difficult.

I'll be in danger if you do!

Now do you want that, Maggie?


I'll see you then.

[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]
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