1015 - May 14, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1015 - May 14, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

JULIA:Collinwood in parallel time,

and Quentin Collins, master of the great estate,

is in grave jeopardy,

for Angelique, his dead first wife,

has returned in the body of Alexis,

the twin sister she has m*rder*d.

In a desperate gamble, she has used the black arts

to win his love.

She has tampered with his deepest feelings

to make him send for Maggie

in order to destroy her.

But the gamble has failed.

Instead of sending for Maggie,

Quentin Collins acts out a prophetic dream.

[suspenseful music]

QUENTIN VOICEOVER: I had to do this to be with

the one I love.


In the attic room.

That was the meaning of the first dream

and what the tarot card meant.

It's all so clear now.

So clear.

The cards.

Yes, the cards will tell me whether or not I shall fail.

The cards will tell me if there is any danger.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

[waves crashing]

[eerie music]

ALEXIS VOICEOVER: Will he send for Maggie?

The cards must tell me.

Hoffman, what is it?

I came to see if everything of yours

had been removed from this room.

ALEXIS: Yes, well, I'll take care of the rest myself.

They say it's not wise to stay here.

Oh, I shall miss it.

Oh, Aunt Hannah brought me the tarot cards.

She was trying to explain to me how to foretell the future.

I'm afraid I'm not very good at it.

I understand that Angelique was.


Well, I'm afraid I don't believe in it.

JULIA: But you're beginning to?

Oh, I don't know.

It's still just a game to me.

Well, don't let me keep you from what you came

in here to do, Ms. Hoffman.

[Alexis gasping]

Ms. Stokes, what is it?

[Alexis sobbing]

I'll join you now

and we will be together.

No, no, Quentin!

[dramatic music]

QUENTIN: You should have let me do it.

ALEXIS: Oh, Quentin, no.

I have to join her.

Join who, who?


Why, Quentin, Maggie's not dead.

Yes she is, I k*lled her.

Why, no, no, you didn't.


I slashed her portrait, I know she's dead.

Quentin, the portrait has got nothing to do with Maggie.

You've got try to think clearly, now look at me.

Call her on the phone, you'll know then.

Send her a wire, she'll come here.

You don't understand.

I do understand much better than you think.

It's just as though you were walking

in a dream, isn't it?

Oh, what's happening to me?

I don't know.

But I know it will all be solved

when Maggie is back in this house.

No, I won't beg her.

Oh, you're such a curious man.

I come in here, I save your life--

I'm not so sure that I'm grateful for that.

Why, Quentin.

My life.

My life is all so wrong.

And all because--

Of Maggie?

You do love her that much, don't you?

Or is it Angelique that you remember?

Is it Angelique that you still love?

Quentin, you have to tell me.

It will help you so much if you will tell me.

It won't.

It won't.

ALEXIS VOICEOVER: Why can't I control him?

Why haven't I ever been able to?

I have never understood him.


Every other man was so simple.

Quentin, oh, Quentin.

What must I do?

QUENTIN VOICEOVER: Why do I think that slashing

her portrait would actually harm her?

What madness am I suffering from

that I could believe that with that one act

I could k*ll her?

What made me go to that room?

Why don't I know what I'm doing?

Have I lost control over myself?

You'll want it restored, of course.

It was an accident, I assume.

How could that be an accident?

JULIA: Who did it then?

That doesn't matter.

I'll have Trask take it to the village tomorrow.


I'm tired of looking at it.

You have him put it away, now.

Right now.

[dramatic music]

No, no, Hannah, you were right.

The spell did not work.

He still refuses to bring Maggie back here.

We have to try something else.

Hannah, you will not stop helping me now.


I have to call you back, goodbye.

Come in.

Oh, Hoffman.

Haven't you gotten everything out of this room?

I didn't come about the room.

Oh, why did you come then?

I saw Maggie's picture and I brought you something

that you need very badly.



[dramatic music]

What is that?

I don't know what that is.

And I don't like it.

It is necessary now.

Necessary for what?

For Maggie Evans to come back.


Oh, Julia.

You know, of course you know.

How did I ever think I could keep it from you?

I don't know why you pretended to me.

ALEXIS: I was afraid.

That I would tell?

No, no, of course not.

That our being friends would give me away,

that Quentin would see us together and know.

But now I'm glad,

'cause I've missed you.

Yes, you always knew what I wanted

long before I knew myself.

And now you've brought me this.

Yes, and you were right to do it.

JULIA: I'm not sure.

ALEXIS: Julia, why?


I'm afraid of you now for the first time.

ALEXIS: Why, because I can suddenly lie to you?

Because you're dead.

Julia, touch me.

Go ahead, touch me.

You feel the warmth of life?

How did you come back?

If we're to be the friends that we were,

you must tell me.

ALEXIS: Yes, I owe you that.

You were m*rder*d, you know that?

Of course I know.

I felt the pain at the back of my neck.

I felt the hand pressing the pin here

and I reached back.

We must find out whose hand that was.

We will.

I remember.

I remember falling on the table and after that, nothing.


I never remember being in the grave,

waking up there.

I don't think I ever was there.

I remember feeling the cold,

the terrible cold,

and then a voice whispering,

"Someone will come, someone will come."

It was like a dream.

I was never aware of being dead.

I was just not awake.

How can that be?

I don't know.

It's as though some higher power

allowed me to come back, meant for me to.

JULIA: You've no idea who?


JULIA: Who opened the coffin?

I've told you enough.

No, I must know.

Quentin and Cyrus.

You were not given this chance for nothing.

There is a debt you will have to pay.

To who?

Perhaps we will not know until that person

comes to collect.

But we will outwit him, you and I, together, won't we?

Won't we, Julia?


You still want Quentin, don't you?

Yes, I do.

Very much, I must have him.

Then you're right.

Maggie Evans must be brought back here.

Will she be difficult to handle?

For you, no.


I've missed you, Julia.

BARNABAS VOICEOVER: If they have moved Alexis

from that room, perhaps this is

the chance for me to get back to my own time.

At least there I will be with friends who protect me.

When I open this door, will I be able to enter?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I understood you two have changed rooms.

ALEXIS: Oh well, who did you come to visit then?

Well, I'm naturally intrigued

by what happens in this room.

Obviously, nothing's happening here now.

Alexis, there's a character in Will's book

that fascinates me.

She was a servant girl who came to this country

with Josette DuPres.

Yes, Angelique.

BARNABAS: Your ancestor.


I wonder so much about what became of her.

Will doesn't know or say.

Oh, well, as far as I know, she married here

and lived to a ripe old age.

My father, Timothy Stokes, is also a descendant

of a man who worked for the Collins at that time.

Was she buried here?

Yes, she's in the family plot, why?

Sometime I would like to go and see her grave.


How very curious.

I should have to read Mr. Loomis' book

and find out why I have such an interesting ancestor.

You and your sister were identical twins, am I right?

ALEXIS: Well, yes, we look a lot alike,

but we are completely different, actually.

You speak of her in the present tense

as if she were still alive.

Well, it's, it's just that I have trouble

accepting the fact that she is dead.

She was too young to die.

You know, you,

you keep warning me that it's dangerous

to be here in this room, and yet you,

you insist on keeping me here.

You are a puzzling man, Mr. Collins.

BARNABAS VOICEOVER: There is no Angelique

in this time, then.

No supernatural creature.

I have been spared that, at least.

All I can think is that it is possible

that Julia in that other time, in my time,

stands in that hall seeing me here.


Are you here?

Julia, I must get back, I must.

But how?


ALEXIS: Did anyone see you come up here?

No, here's Quentin's handkerchief.

Oh, no, don't leave me, Julia, please.

Well, I must, I should stay outside in case anyone comes.

Just stay here with me.


You're afraid.

You find that so surprising?

You never were before.

I have felt the coldness of death.

Oh, Julia, my powers, I have never,

never been able to control Quentin as I wanted to.

But you will now.

But it's so difficult, I'm afraid I'll go too far.

He must only be sick enough

for them to send for Maggie.

But if I lose him completely.

He has never reacted the way I wanted him to.

I could have controlled him before, but

had it ever been that easy?

You must try if you want him.

Now here is the pin, start now.

[dramatic music]

What is stopping you?

He must come to me willingly.

If he dies this way, he will never be able to join me.

I know that without even being told.

Or did someone tell me?

Beside my grave, and I don't remember?

Oh, Julia.

Begin the incantation if you want Quentin.

A pin.

Maybe that's why I'm frightened,

because it was a pin like that that k*lled me.

JULIA: You were never afraid before.

You got exactly what you wanted.

Now you want Maggie Evans to come here.


You want to get rid of her

and that's the only way you can have him.

Oh, just let Quentin be this time as I need him to be.

Oh, black god

that's hidden in the gray depths of Hell,

let this pin

touch this doll

and let Quentin feel the pain.

The pain.

Well, go on.

BARNABAS: Quentin.

I'm sorry, is something wrong?

Is anything ever right?

BARNABAS: Oh, come now, cousin.

You surely don't mean that.

Oh, yes, I do.

You know if I didn't believe,

I would swear that there had been a curse put on this house.

You know, if I were not convinced

that you are not the same Barnabas Collins

that those people are talking about in that room,

I would think that you brought the curse with you.

But I'm sorry.

I don't mean to be rude, I should not blame you.

It all started when I came back here to Collinwood.

Were these problems not here before?


I understand that your former wife

was interested in the occult.

Who told you that?

BARNABAS: Will Loomis, I believe.

I assume that her interest had a reason,

and I just thought the reason would be here.

It's not true.

But she was interested in the occult.

Why are you asking this, why?

Guide my hand carefully.

Do not let it go too deep

lest it k*ll him.

Guide my hand carefully.

Now it's my turn to apologize to you.


BARNABAS: Quentin, what's wrong?

My heart.

Quentin, you must bring Maggie back here.

You must.

[Quentin groaning]



For God's sake.

You must, Quentin.

You must.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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