911 - December 22, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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911 - December 22, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[spooky dramatic music]

VOICEOVER:A dark midnight at the great house

of Collinwood, a time of crisis for all who live there.

A crisis somehow connected with the Leviathan Box

Barnabas Collins has brought from the past.

But now they sleep,

not knowing that in a room in the West Wing,

a room that remains a monument to the past,

a woman is trying to make a man with no memory

realize who he is.

[old timey waltz music from phonograph]


Why are you laughing, why?

This is insane.

What am I doing here, listening to an old song?

You're lying, why are you lying?


You are Quentin Collins.

I don't know why you won't admit that.

Now look, do I look years old?

JULIA: Of course not.

Then why do you insist that I am Quentin Collins?


[ominous music]

It's Quentin, he's back!

[waves crashing]

[eerie, creepy instrumental music]

[old timey waltz music]

[thunder crashes]


Someone's coming!

- We must hide. - Why?

Nevermind, just please, please hide!

Oh, I thought you had permission to bring me here.

Please be quiet.

DAVID: Doctor Hoffman!

David, David why are you up?

What are you doing in here?

[thunder crashing]

I came to find something.

Quentin's back, isn't he?

No of course not.

I sensed it in my room.

And then when I got there I heard his music!

I, I saw the phonograph and just turned it on.

I came to look at some of the paintings in this room.

He told you to do it, didn't he?

Of course he didn't.

He tells you to do something and then you have to do it.

I remember.

You're hiding him!

Oh David, don't be ridiculous.

I don't want it all to happen again.

I'm sorry if I frightened you.

I shouldn't have played the music.

It was stupid of me.

[ominous music]

I don't wanna stay in this room!

I don't have to!

I'll take you back to your room.

I'll be all right.

I just, I can't be in this room.

Please don't play that music again, please?

No, I won't, I won't, David.

You just [door slams] go back to bed.

So I take it that you and Barnabas Collins

aren't the only ones who know Quentin Collins?


That requires an explanation, too.

Does everyone in this house know him?

No, the children do.

How is that possible?

He came back.

QUENTIN: Back from where?

The dead.

[Chuckling] Oh so you, you think that's what I've done.

Well no wonder you're interested.

A ghost with amnesia.

You know, that could really be fascinating.

I might be able to forget that I'm dead.

I treated you in the hospital, I know you're alive.

And the kids saw a ghost, how do you explain that?

I want you to explain it to me.

I don't have any answers, you know that.

Now you'd better start giving me some

if you expect to see me here again.

I know I must explain, but please,

please let me choose the time.

Stay here.

[suspenseful music and thunder booming]

Now you stay behind me.

If I motion with my hand,

you stay still until the danger's passed.

Now come.

[thunder crashing and booming]

[suspenseful dramatic music]

Tomorrow, Doctor, a full explanation.

I said I would give it to you Mr. Douglas and I will.

QUENTIN: I'll be waiting.

Mr. Douglas, I'm sorry I wasn't more helpful.

So I am, Doctor, so am I.

[suspenseful music and thunder crashing]

DAVID:Mr. Douglas is the man that was in the accident,

the man Caroline met in the antique shop.

Then why does he look so much like Quentin?

Well how can be without being Quentin?

[door chimes ringing]


There's no one here to help you.

Oh, will Megan and Phillip be back soon?

Good, then I'll wait.

Tell me, did you have fun playing

at Collinwood the other day?

I like that house.

There's so many places to hide.

Do you like to hide, Alex?

Alex I've been wanting to talk to you.

You know, you can tell me the truth.

About your visit to Collinwood.

You know, Mr. Stoddard was very upset.

He's a grown-up.

And all grown-ups always are?

What about Megan and Phillip?

They're not.

They're different.

How are they different?

Oh, perhaps they don't have the worries

that Mr. Stoddard has.

Tell me Alex, did you see a little girl at Collinwood?

You did?

I saw Amy.

No, I mean the little girl

that Mr. Stoddard thought he saw,

a little girl with long, blonde pigtails.

Oh, no.

Are you sure, because Mr. Stoddard shut her up

in that room and then when we opened the door, you came out.

You must have known something about it.

You do, don't you?

[door chimes ringing]

Julia, what a surprise!

I was just thinking about you.

Hello, Alexander.

I brought David and Amy into town

and David insisted on coming over here.

They both want to play with you.

Hi Alex!

My name is Alexander.

You must call him that, Amy.

He doesn't like to be called anything else.

Now say Alexander.


Julia, if you're free this afternoon,

it's the perfect time to go through that storage room

and get those pictures out that you were asking about.

Oh, I really did wanna wait and see Megan.

Well she's shopping at Brewster's, I ran into her.

Why don't we go now?

Well, do you think we can leave the children?

Can't play with that!

AMY: Why not?

DAVID: Put it down Amy, it's not yours, it's for sale.

Amy, do what David says.

The children will be perfectly all right.

Should we go now?

If you really think we can just leave them?

Well if I didn't think so I wouldn't do it, would I?

I suppose I wouldn't.

David, you see that Alexander

doesn't get into any trouble.

Don't worry.

[door chimes ringing]

Thank you.

DAVID: For what?

For coming.

Doctor Hoffman certainly is nosy.

But I guess all doctors are nosy.

They have to ask questions, all kinds.


David, look what he has!

A picture of Caroline when she was his age!

- Give it to me. - Put it down Amy.

He stole it!

It was in the book that you found that you were going

to show to Mr. Stoddard.

It's none of our business.

AMY: But it is!

He's got a crush on her!

But she isn't like this anymore, she's grown up.

Get it!

I will, Alexander.



Amy, you're just being silly about this.

Now come on, put it down.

But it isn't his.

DAVID: It doesn't matter.

Well it does to me!

What's the matter with you, David Collins?

It should matter to you, too.

He took it, don't you understand?

He took it without asking or anything!

Alexander, please wait.

I'll get it from her, you know I will.

I don't understand you.

You're bigger than he is and you're afraid of him.

What's wrong David, what is it?

I haven't been here in ages.

I don't like coming to this part of the house.

The pictures are stacked there against the wall.

I'm afraid you're gonna get awfully dusty,

I should've had Mrs. Johnson clean them.

Julia, is something wrong?

That boy, I was just thinking about that boy.

ELIZABETH: Alexander?

Yes, yes when I left the shop,

he looked at me and somehow he knew he had won.


Won what?

I don't know but, but somehow he outsmarted me.

Julia, you haven't been around children

enough to understand them.

You're thinking of him as an adult.

Elizabeth, would you think it very rude of me

if I gave you some unasked-for advice?

No, of course not.

Please, please don't let Amy and David

play with that child again.

Julia, why do you think that David

shouldn't be a friend of Alexander's?

I suppose I don't really think that child has any friends.

I don't know why I feel so strongly about it, Elizabeth,

but I do really, and the day that Alexander was here,

he really did upset Mr. Stoddard.

Julia, you're not taking Paul seriously are you?

You're not listening to those and believing those

wild stories of his?

At this point I don't know what to believe,

which is very unusual for me.

Let's look at the paintings.

I'm not going to give it back and that's that.

Amy, if you don't do as Alexander says,

something terrible is going to happen to you.

I don't believe you.

I'm sure it's something that you don't like.

Like what?

I'll send Quentin after you.


Quentin's gone!

DAVID: No, no he isn't.

He is so!

I heard his music playing last night, Amy.

Didn't you hear it?

And guess what?

I saw him.

Would you like to see him again, Amy?

I don't believe you!

No, and don't thr*aten me, I'll tell on you!

Would you just follow her please and make sure

she doesn't come back for a few minutes?

[door slams]

It's incredible!

It's almost the same painting as the Tate

that I bought last week,

and look, the sky is painted exactly the same way.

It says Harrison Monroe, .

Oh now I remember,

I got it at a charity auction last year.

Thank goodness it was a worthwhile charity.

When I got home with it,

Roger said to come right up here with it and I did.

I wish I knew more about painting, or

It's seems inconceivable that two artists

could paint so much alike, doesn't it?

ELIZABETH: I'm afraid you're asking the wrong person.

But you know, I know who would know, Elliot Stokes.

Would you mind if I took this and showed it to him?

No of course not, what's all this about Charles Tate?

Well, Professor Osmond said that he died years ago,

but this says .

There must be some solution.

Amy, if you don't play the games that Alexander

wants you to play, he won't be nice to you.

I'm too old to play hide and seek!

Alexander wants to play that game,

so we're gonna play it or else.

And don't you thr*aten me with Quentin again.

I won't Amy, if you just close your eyes

and start counting.

One, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight,

nine, , ready or not, here I come!

[door chimes ringing]


David where are you?

Don't let him get me David!

David please!

What's going on here?

Oh we're just playing a game.

You'd better go after her,

I seemed to have frightened her.

She's afraid of strangers.

Oh I see.

You're David Collins, aren't you?

Yes, I'm David Collins and I called you about the book.

Here it is. It's the one you left here.

Thank you.

Tell me, is that little girl a Collins too?

No, her name is Amy Jennings.

She just lives at Collinwood.

Well, David Collins, you're a most unusual young man.

[door chimes ringing]

David, David don't hide anymore, he's downstairs!

Make him go away David, please?

Oh, David where are you?

You've won, David!

Come out, come out wherever you are!

[heavy breathing and rumbling]


David, David, don't try to frighten me again!

I won't let you frighten me!


[dramatic music]

[creepy, eerie instrumental music]
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