03x26 - The Halls Have Eyes

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x26 - The Halls Have Eyes

Post by bunniefuu »




Bullseye we totally smashed the

interview once Bloodgood makes this

official safety officers will be the

hottest dudes in school you really think

she's going to choose the likes of you

because we'll have the power to send you

to the office for anything the job is

for keeping the hallways safe come on

dudes let's practice our cop walk


school next I am a gargoyle it is in my

very nature to be strong dignified being

safety officer is not all Glitz and

glamor although this badge is very

sparkly head mistress I am not one who

wishes to do this for my own ego I will

not disappoint you Monster High my job

to keep them safe be it a matter of a

simple traffic jam or dragons that have

escaped from the catacombs I am always


you know you are not supposed to use the

cursed amulets in school how am I

supposed to pass biology by studying

fine I won't use it Mercy

we don't need a whole pass you're our

permanent Hall Pass I cannot believe you

would try to take advantage of me

it is very much against school rules to

reanimate old monsters Rochelle can to

let it slide to be a BFF I am sorry my

friends makers of trouble oh it does not

feel good maybe this job is not for me

had mistressed I am sorry

congratulations you survived my test I

had to know the school could count on

you even when your besties tempt you

otherwise sorry we only did it cause we

knew you would pass so not only do you

have the job but I'm promoting you to

the head of my new safety team Deputy

Burns reporting for Duty

who will protect the school from the

safety team


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