05x09 - Splatoon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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05x09 - Splatoon

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "L.A. Law"...

I just wanted to say Merry Christmas

and... thank you.

For what?

For being a friend when I needed one.

That was my pleasure.

I want to spend Christmas with my son and my wife.

And without the holidays factoring in to the equation,

would you still want to be coming home?

Well, I'm getting a lawyer, Stuart.

I'm not going to sit around and wait until...

I'm getting a lawyer, Stuart.

I am not looking to mend any fences here

and I am certainly not chasing after your affection.

You can help me avoid the stain of an investigation.

I'm willing to pay you $, to do it.

It's a simple business deal.

She's innocent, they have no case.

Ah, I'll bet.

She's not innocent.

Hey, come on. This benefits all of us.

There's nothing to be ashamed about.

Well, then why wasn't this out in the open, Leland?

I wasn't hiding it.

I just decided not to publicize it.

I knew there'd be opposition.

[giggling] Thank you, Leland.

I don't know how I could ever repay you.

Oh, yes, you do.


Is everything always about money?


Well, it's unanimous then.

Victor Sifuentes becomes partner effective , April.

Next up: Abigail Perkins.

Not a chance.

-Why not?
-Hold on, now.

We promised Abby when she came back

that she'd be considered for partnership.

And she deserves it!

Abby has turned into a damn good lawyer.

Maybe so, but not everybody can be partner.

Victor makes eight,

Jonathon comes up in two years.

Plus C.J. and Tommy Mullaney.

C.J. doesn't want it,

and Mullaney will never have it,

not while I'm still alive.

-What's wrong with Tommy?
-Tommy's good.

I don't like the way he operates,

and his history tells us he's too self

to be around very long.

-I disagree.
-Let's just stick to Abby.

This is about Abby.

C.J. and Mullaney are not future partners.

They are not a reason to exclude Abby Perkins.

C'mon, let's give her most improved player,

but she has zero profile.

Partnership isn't a reward to be passed out.

I like her, we all like her.

The only question here is what's in it for us,

and the answer with Abby is nothing.

How about just acknowledging a persons' loyalty?

What about it?

It's true, Anne.

I hate to agree but she's certainly no rainmaker.

Neither are you, Stuart.

Let's just take the vote.

I vote yes, and I seriously recommend

the rest of you do the same.

-I vote yes.




Five to two.

She doesn't make it.

You people are unbelievable.

Hold on, we don't announce or reveal the results of this meeting

to anyone before March th.

Why not?

Because we have three offers of employment out

to third
-year law students who will respond by that date.

Since two of them are women who could wary of our being

tagged with the sex discrimination label,

we don't need the news about Abby to push them away.

That is disgusting.

If we're not going to make her partner, we should at least tell her.

-We can't.

I agree with this one.

If the news gets around that the man is in,

the woman is out, no.

Could cost us. We tell nobody.

Leland, what am I supposed

This is a partnership meeting.

You have a fiduciary responsibility

to each one of us.

You tell nobody.

This place is a piece of crap, you know that?

The spirit of Rosalind Shays just lives on forever.



Next up, a reminder to all that Jonathan, Stuart,

and myself will be out of the office tomorrow and Thursday

-on our w*r
-game expedition.
-Your what?

We announced this last week, we're part of Richard Fleagle's

corporate team in the industrial w*r game championship.

Is this where a bunch of guys get together and run around

in the woods like idiots

and sh**t each other with paint balls?

Richard Fleagle is one of our top grossing clients

and he doesn't consider it idiotic.

You never told me it was an overnight thing, Douglas.

You never said I'd have to sleep in the forest.

I showed you the brochure, Jonathan.

You said it was an outing.

Just like you to try to weasel out.

[overlapping dialogue]

Will you two please?

Moving on.

Edwards vs. Dune Promotions?

That's my boxing case, heavyweight club fighter

got hammered real bad,

I represent his wife who's suing the promoter

for planning the mismatch.

How do you get by assumption of the risk?

By getting a jury to focus on the pus oozing

out of this sleaze who set up his own client.

to be beaten half to death.

I see.

Abby, I see you pushed the Eric Linder's

deposition 'til Friday?

Yeah. Believe it or not, I have been asked to be

on the Phil Donahue show tomorrow.

-You're kidding.

They're doing a show on g*n control

and carry permits, and they're having...

Well, they're having professional people

who have defended themselves with firearms.

And they asked me.

Are you really going on the show?

I doubt it. I mean, they have three other guests,

they don't need me.

But they've... they've asked, so I'm thinking about it.

I'll be sure to set my VCR.

All right, we're adjourned.

So, Abby, are you going to tell them how you shot the guy?

Can I see you for a second?


I'm sorry, I...

I just can't act like nothing's happened here.

We've had these two great kisses.

Well, they were great for me.

They were great for me, too.

But you know if we start something here,

it's, um... it would be very complicated.

We work together, yeah.

With a lot of other people.

Relationships could get seriously compromised.

Including ours, I mean we're friends.

Good friends.

And if we start something and it doesn't work out,

well, that would be jeopardizing our relationship.

And that's a pretty big risk. At least for me.


Well, maybe we should just play it safe

and, you know...

pretend like nothing happened.

I don't think I could do that.

Me neither.

This is the Tidman special.

inch barrel, M
- grip, semi

Can I see it?

Does this... does it hurt when it hits you?

Look, I know you guys aren't wild about this,

but let me tell you, I want to win.

The problem with running a tampon company,

people make jokes about you.

You market a very respectable tampon, Richard.

There's nothing to be ashamed of.

Just the same, I can shut a lot of mouths

by winning this trophy.

All right, tonight, Rancho park, :, we practice.

Tomorrow, : A.M., Tarzana.


I didn't do anything! it just went off!

What do you mean, it just went off?

I didn't touch the trigger, I swear!

All right, knock it off.

That paints totally washable, it'll come right off.

Hey, could be a good omen.

Direct hit.

:, Rancho park.

You shot my father.

Hey, it was a mistake. You never made a mistake?

Give me that g*n, you shouldn't have it.

You know what, I don't want to go on this trip.

You're going to be a menace to the team.


A few weeks after the fight,

I began to notice that his words were slurring

and his hands began to shake.

And you think it was the boxing match

with Hector Cosales that did this to your husband?

Oh, I know it was.

I mean, he'd been knocked out before, but...

never like that.

My God, never like that.

And for this you blame the promoter.

He wasn't just the promoter.

He controlled Larry's career.

He was the person who was supposed

to be looking out for him, but he set him up to be mauled

to make Hector Cosales look good.

Now, the defendant never concealed the fact

that he represented Hector Cosales

as well as your husband, did he?

No, he never concealed that.

He just concealed the fact that he was sacrificing Larry.


And it is also true, Mrs. Edwards,

that your husband doesn't want you to bring this lawsuit.

No, he doesn't.

Then why are you?

Because... he can't work.

Because we're broke.

Because I have three children that need to eat.

And because I just don't know what else I can do.

You husband can't find other work besides boxing?

He got a job selling plants at a green house,

and they fired him because they said he kept getting confused.

Last week, he went to the grocery store to get some milk.

He forgot why he went,

and when he went to call me,

he couldn't remember our phone number.

I'm sorry, baby,

I am so sorry to embarrass you like this.

Thank you, ma'am.

That's all I have.

Your husband fought previous fights

and was knocked out seven other times, correct?

Yes, but this fight

Yes is all I need, thank you.

And as a professional boxer, ma'am, your husband certainly

knew the physical risks of stepping inside that ring, didn't he?

We never thought that it could be so lopsided.

Your husband knocked out people.

He himself was knocked out seven times.

That means of bouts were lopsided enough

for one fighter to end up semi

This fight was a mismatch.

Both you and your husband knew Hector Cosales

was a highly ranked contender being groomed

for the heavyweight championship.

You told us Larry had a chance.

Isn't it true, ma'am, your husband took this fight

because it was being broadcast

on national television?

Because it was the biggest professional opportunity

of his career and that if he'd won,

he would have been in line for

a championship bout himself maybe down the road?

He tricked us into thinking all of this.

Where's the trick?

This is boxing, Mrs. Edwards.

The object is to knock the opponent unconscious.

The winner gets a parade,

the loser usually gets hospitalized.

He kept telling us to just trust him.

Who made the final decision

to fight Hector Cosales, Mrs. Edwards?

My client or your husband?

We relied on him for advice.

Who made the final decision to accept this fight?

Larry, but

Thank you, ma'am. I have nothing further.

Hey, :, quitting time.

Oh, I've got these depositions to get to.

Wow, look at you.

Yeah, I'm going to the Sleeping with the Enemy premiere.

I have an extra ticket if you're interested.

I could also get you a sitter.

Uh, no, thanks, I better stick to these.

I'll be lucky to bill hours

by the end of the month as it is.

Abby, under the heading "life is too short",

you should get out more.

I know.


In the "is it worth it" category,

I wouldn't sacrifice too much for these people.

Excuse me?

I'm tapped into the secretarial grapevine.

Douglas Brackman's secretary typed this morning the minutes

of last night's partners meeting

at which meeting the new partners were voted on.

Victor's in, you're out.

-That can't be right.
-That's right.

The feelings are you don't have the profile to bring in clients

and they don't feel compelled to invite you into their family.

Why didn't Anne tell me?

I had lunch with her today, she wouldn't say

They're keeping it hush hush unit March th.

They don't want to spook the women law students

they've got offers out to.

Those bastards.

Yeah, so sod it.

Let's go to the movies!

No thanks, I don't feel like going to the movies.

I'm sorry, Abby.

I hope they change their minds.

Those lying sons of b*tches.


All right, you have a second head start.

Ready, Wolverines?

Yeah, we're ready.

-Let's go!

All right, next up, the Douche Kings.

That's us!

-Douche Kings?
-That's us?

What kind of a name is that?

-Douche kings?
-Come on, let's go.

All right, here are your k*ll chips.

You get k*lled, you hand it over to the guy who kills you.

You k*ll somebody else, you get his chip.

Any questions?

Yeah, is there a snack bar out there or something?


All right, ready Douche Kings.

-Hustle up.

-Next up, National Tire!
-Let's go.

Let's get out there.

-Go get 'em, Stuball.
-Move it, move it.

Come on!


For God's sake!

Hey, you're in play, you're dead.

-We hit our own man.

That's an official hit. Player one, you're out.

You get his chip.

The scientific term would be dementia pugilisitca,

but that's just a fancy way of saying punch drunk.

Were you able to ascertain the cause

of this dementia, Dr. Harris?

In my opinion, it was caused by the repeated blows to the head

in the Cosales fight.

At this time, judge, I would like to play the tape.

Defense renews its objection to the tape, Your Honor.

The bench renews its ruling, overruled.

Play it.

[cheering on TV]



What actually happens when punches like that hit the head?

In simple terms, the blow accelerates

the skull through the air while the brain lags behind.

Then when the head stops moving,

the brain crashes into the wall of the skull.

Then it reverberates back against the other side.

And this can cause damage to the brain?

Oh, absolutely.

It ends up stretching and ultimately tearing

both the nerves and the tissues inside the brain.

And doctor, based on your examination of Larry Edwards,

could you tell us what lies ahead for him?

We can't be completely sure but the likelihood

is that he will become unable to speak

Within to years,

he will become physically dysfunctional and he will need

constant medical and nursing care.

All because of a boxing match.

All because of a boxing match.

Thank you, sir. Your witness.

My witness.

Larry Edwards has taken at least , punches

in his boxing lifetime,

and you pin his dementia down

to the eight or nine we just saw on that tape?

The annual neurological exam given to him

before that fight showed no brain damage.

Would that test be conclusive?

No, but

And you yourself didn't examine this man

prior to the Cosales fight, did you?

No, I didn't.

And in fact, sir,

punch drunk syndrome

can result from accumulated trauma

suffered over a career of boxing, true?

Even the winners can be affected this way, right?

Joe Lewis suffered from pugilistica dementia, didn't he, sir?

I never examined Joe Lewis.

Every boxer is at risk to this affliction, right?

Yes, now that's certainly true.

You personally think the sport of boxing should be banned.

The American Medical Association believes it should be outlawed.

And you agree with the AMA, don't you?

Boxing should be banned, right?

Yes, it should be.

Thanks, Dr. Harris. Nothing further.

I'd like you to meet Miss Abigail Perkins.

Miss Perkins is an attorney with the firm

here in Los Angeles, McKenzie Brackman Cheney

Kuzak and Becker.

Two years ago, Miss Perkins was att*cked

by a deranged client who had a lead pipe.

You defended yourself using a hand g*n,

you shot the guy.

And you k*lled him.


It should be said, however, that you did not have

a carry permit, did you, Miss Perkins?

No, they are impossible to get.

Responsible citizens are not allowed to carry firearms.

Which means that if I had been att*cked on the street

instead of in my office,

I would probably be dead.

I thought she wasn't going to do this.

Something must have changed her mind.

, people are k*lled in this country

every year with a handgun.

Many of them are children, shot accidentally.

That's appalling.

So is selling g*ns to people with criminal records

or a history of mental illness.

I support g*n registration, waiting periods,

and background checks, but to say

Passing out pistols in contemptible.

I'll tell you what's contemptible:

our government cannot stop the drug wars.

Our government cannot stop rising crime.

Our government cannot stop the g*ns

from getting to the gangs,

and they want to pass laws to stop them

from getting to you and me.


So you just arm everyone and become a society of v*olence?

We already are a society of v*olence.

All I'm saying is it's time

to let the good people fight back.

Lawyers who k*ll, and we'll be back in just a moment.


Hey, Mike?


Can I speak to you for a second?

Yeah, sure.

I'm... really not sure how to say this.

It's about Grace.

What about her?

Well, I think that we...

I think there could be something happening between us.

Look, we didn't mean for it to happen.

It just kind of snuck up on us.

What I'm trying to say is,

would it bother you if Grace and I started seeing each other?


Yes, it would bother me.

You've been training Larry Edwards for how long sir?

Almost seven years.

But he's not your employer.

No, I worked for Mr. Dune.

Larry's one of the fighters assigned to me.

Now, Mr. Lot, could you tell us what your reaction was

when you learned that Larry

was scheduled to fight Hector Cosales?

I thought it was totally nuts.

I mean, Hector's a rank contender.

He's in a totally different class.

Did you tell this to Mr. Dune?

I did, and he told me to keep my mouth shut

and get Larry ready to fight.

Did you express your reservations to Larry?

Yeah, but you know, every fighter,

they always see the other guy lying on the matt, you know?

They never see themselves.

Yeah, so the fight went forward.

Yeah, but not with me it didn't.

I quit.

Why'd you quit, sir?

Because I couldn't close my eyes to what was happening.

I mean, don't get me wrong.

These things happen all the time, you know,

promoters staging mismatches, because of the public,

you know, they like to see knockouts.

But this? He had no chance but to get hurt.

And that's when I told Mr. Dune,

you better get yourself another trainer,

because I quit.

Thank you, sir. Nothing further.

Larry Edwards have knockout power, Mr. Lot?

Oh, yes.

And if he had ever connected,

would it have been possible for him

to knock out Hector Cosales?

Yeah, it would be possible, sure, but

Thank you, Mr. Lot, that's all.

It's this way.

No, this way.

Douglas, I think I see somebody.


They've spotted us, dammit, they're coming.

Let's give up.

We've got to fight back.

You said those things sting, Douglas.

-We could be home for lunch.

They got no place to go, let's move out!

Yeah, let's get them.

Hold on, cease fire!

Now look, you've got four people, we've got four.

There are no surprises.

If you retreat at once, we'll hold fire.

and you'll all live.

Do we have a deal?

Here's your deal.

Let's take them.

Oh, this is ridiculous, how the hell did I get myself into this?

You have to aim, Jonathan.

You can't just sh**t at the sky.

Stuart, get back here.

They can't sh**t straight.

-One, two, three.
-Here they come.

sh**t, Douglas!


Where the hell did you come from?

You're all dead.

-The little pudge got me.

k*ll chips, please.


And Larry Edwards wanted it, did he not?

Wanted it?

This was the opportunity he begged me for.

He said he wanted to get in the ring with a named fighter

so he could make his mark.

Mrs. Edwards claims that you knew her husband

would be savagely beaten when you scheduled that fight.

Look, first of all,

I was Larry Edwards exclusive promoter.

That meant I have a financial stake in the man.

So I certainly wasn't going to do anything

to ruin his career.

Second, you've got to understand something:

anything can happen in a boxing match.


Look at Buster Douglas.

Man was a mis
-match no
-name bum up until the time

he knocked out Mike Tyson.

Cassius Clay, they say had no business even being

in the same ring as Sunny Liston.

Look at George Foreman, the man's , he's fat.

Candidate for a stroke.

Yet he's still in there, knocking people out.

Did you think Larry Edwards might beat Hector Cosales?

The truth: no.

But did he have a chance? Absolutely.

And Larry was grateful to me

that I gave him that chance.

Thank you, Mr. Dune.

Nothing further.

You also control Hector Cosales, don't you?

That's correct.

In fact, Hector Cosales is your meal ticker, isn't he?

He's a promising fighter,

but I take care of all of my clients.

Ah. You really took care of Larry.

You sent him into battle with the fourth
-ranked heavyweight

contender in the world.

Nobody held a g*n to his head.

But you advised him, you told him this would be best for him.

That's right, and I believed that.

Don't lie to this jury.


According to Walter McDonough,

executive producer of Fight Time

on Prime Sports cable,

he told you that before he would close the cable deal

on Hector Cosales, he had to be sold on the guy's power.

Three days after that you set up this match with Larry Edwards.


So Larry Edwards was the tomato can

you knew Cosales would knock out.

Probably in spectacular fashion.

Totally untrue.

Larry Edwards put his life and his career

in your hands, Mr. Dune,

and you sold him out for a cable deal.

He wanted this fight just as much as I did.

Mr. Dune, your gross take

on the Cosales cable deal was $. million.

I work hard for my money.

They paid Larry Edwards , for that fight.

That's right, and that's more than he ever made before.

But you got rich,

and he got a lifelong disability.

Look, Larry knew the risks, okay?

The man knew all of the hazards.

No, he didn't, Mr. Dune.

Larry never knew that one of the hazards was you.


I have nothing further for this citizen.

You can step down, sir.

Your Honor, the defense would like to call

as its last witness Mr. Larry Edwards.

We're adjourned, we'll see Mr. Edwards later this day.

Get me down.

It was your idea to go on this trip.

For God's sakes, let me lie down.

All right, I'm going to put you down by this shack.

Okay, here, lie down. Lie down.

Hey, anybody there?

Little help?

Whoa, hold it, hold it!

Don't sh**t, we give up.

Need some help.

I think I got a broken ankle here.

I know a little first aid.

Can't you find a referee?

No, I think he's gonna pass out.


Hey, come on, get him, get him.

Where'd he go?

There's that little guy over there.

That's it, you're dead!

Oh, man.



For the record, I think it's completely unprofessional.

I beg your pardon?

You and Victor.

It's bad for the firm it's bad for morale.

If Victor and I were seeing each other,

what business is it of yours?

Well, probably none.

But... you are a partner,

and he is still an associate,

at least for the time being,

and you know how dangerous that can be.

That's the objection, that I'm a partner,

and he is an associate?

All right.

He's a friend, and you are my ex

How's that?

At least it's honest.

Listen, Michael, this isn't something

we're trying to rub your face in.

And I certainly appreciate

that you're not comfortable with it.

But what you have to appreciate,

is that it isn't really any of your business.

He asked me if I would mind,

and I said yes.

I guess that doesn't make any difference.

I understand you picked up a new client.

Yeah, California chapter of the NRA.


You have a problem?

You really want to know?

I thought you were self
-serving on that show

and totally irresponsible.

It made me sick.

Thanks for your support, Anne.

Friends are supposed to be honest with one another, right?

I'm giving you my honest opinion.

That's right, friends are supposed to be honest,

like if you knew that a friend

was getting screwed out of a partnership,

you'd level with her.

You hypocrite.

I don't make partner because my profile's too low,

I go on television, I get a little publicity,

and suddenly I'm self
-serving and irresponsible.

I wanted to tell you, Abby, but

But what, your obligation to the partners

took precedence over our friendship?

I get it exactly, Anne.

How dare you judge me.

[owl hoots]


I guess we should just go to sleep.

It's only :.

What else do we do?

This is crazy.

I don't care what he said.

I'm lighting the fire.

He won't like it.

You're very lucky, Jonathan.


Because you have youth, choices.

I'm years old, I'm here in the woods

shivering all night because I can't say no to a client

who makes designer Tampons

and sells them to the jingle, "uptight and out of sight".

I'm intimidated by clients,

I'm afraid of my ex
-wife, my teenage son ignores me.

And I'm too afraid to light a fire

because of a '" tax attorney with a Hitler complex.

Don't end up like me, Jonathan.

You still have choices.

Douglas, you still have choices.

You're right, I can light a fire.

You want us all to be k*lled in our sleep?

Painted, not k*lled, Stuart.

Worse case scenario: we get painted in our sleep.

And you think that's nothing?

Tell that to the Cobras.

You k*lled four more guys?

I'm going back out on recon.

Jonathan, get two hours sleep.

Douglas, you stand guard.

Get up in the tree, you won't fall asleep.

What? I'm not climbing any tree.

Get in the tree, Douglas.

I'll be back.

Did you really think you could beat Hector Cosales?

I knew he was tough, and that he hit hard.

But I had a chance.

Did Mr. Dune ever tell you he thought you'd win?


He thought if I caught him, I maybe could have.

You chose to take this fight knowing

the likelihood that you would lose.

Maybe I shouldn't have done it,

I don't know.

Next time, maybe no.

Next time?

Do you plan to fight again, Mr. Edwards?

Maybe. I don't know.

I can still fight.

The doctors have testified you suffered brain damage.

My head's a little fuzzy and I forget things.

But I can still move. I can still hit.

Don't have to be a scientist or nothing to box.

I appreciate your candor, Mr. Edwards.

Now, your wife is blaming Mr. Dune for all of this.

You don't, do you?

Robin's doing what she thinks she has to do.

None of us are too good

at talking the other one out of stuff.

I see.

Thank you, Mr. Edwards. I have nothing further.

Now you graduated from high school.

Isn't that right?

Yeah, and one year state college.

-I dropped out to fight.

What is three times four plus five?


Little latitude, judge.

Very little, Mr. Mullaney.

Three times four plus five, sir.


Now, your son Ricky's birthday is April th.

Yours is August th,

The Mets will never win another world series.

March, July, September th.

When is Ricky's Birthday?

-old son, Ricky.

When's his birthday?

Oh, come on.

I just told you.

Everybody in this room knows it.

He's your son, when is it?

All right, let's move on, Mr. Mullaney.

I forget sometimes.

It's April th.

You really think you can still fight?

Not as good as before, maybe.

But I can still make a living.

Hit my hand.


Come on. You're a boxer. Hit the hand.

Come on, this isn't so fast, Larry.

This isn't necessary, Mr. Mullaney.


-Show us your reflexes.
-For God's sake!

Come on, Larry, you can do it.

When's Ricky's birthday?

Cone, Larry, your oldest son.

It's in April.

April what?

I have nothing further.

It's April.

His birthday is in April.

I keep telling myself that Fleagle's worth

$, a year to us.

Shh. Quiet.

No use in getting k*lled now.

Any sign of Rambowitz?

Stuart? I hope he got captured.

He's probably eating bugs for breakfast.


Make one move you get it in the ass.

Okay, okay.

Drop your g*ns, now.


Now, you're going to give me all your chips.

Lie down on the ground.

What the hell was that?


I believe I'll take your chip.

I've got to sit.

Wait a minute, you're a cobra.

So what?

So I k*lled you yesterday, you're a cheater.

What's the big deal? You k*lled me again.

Where'd you get this little terror?

You're a cheater, man you ruin the game.

So sue me.

No, no, it's not all right. You ruin the game!

Hey. Hey!

-Come on, Stuart!

Maybe you'll think better next time.

Help, help! Hey, stop it!

-Knock it off!
-You're hurting him.


It was for your own good.

Douglas, you fragged me.

Damn right I did.

Now give me your chip.

Unbelievable. Unbelievable.

Boxing is a dirty business.

The promoter controls the managers

so he can represent both fighters in the same bout.

You never know who's pimping for who.

The regulations stink

and its possible for club fighters

with lousy credentials to be thrown in

with championship caliber fighters.

Now, that is what happened here, ladies and gentlemen.

Larry Edwards was put in that ring

solely because the defendant knew,

he knew that he would be quickly destroyed,

because he would make Hector Cosales look good.

Because he would help Mitchell Dune close that cable deal.

Now, I don't sit here pretending to be shocked.

Like I said, the fight game is dirt,

and it's usually more about promoting

entertainment vehicles and raising revenues

than it is sport, and bums are throw in

with contenders all the time.

But the problem here is

it was Larry Edwards own guy that sold him out.

See, Mitchell Dune's job was to protect him,

to advise him.

And he sacrificed him.

There was a trust here, and for $. million,

Mitchell dune chose to betray that trust.

And because of that,

Larry Edwards is brain damaged.

Because of that, one day Larry Edwards

will be unable to speak.

He'll need a nurse to help him go to the bathroom.

For Larry Edwards, for his wife and kids,

please, do something to even things up.

Boxing is a sport where the object is

to bash the opponents head

until he loses consciousness.

That what boxing is.

We could mandate headgear,

we could mandate bigger, softer gloves,

we can do a lot of things to make it safer,

we choose not to

because the essence of boxing is blood

and eyes swelled up to where you can't see,

and knock outs and pain.

Mitchell Dune knows that.

Larry Edwards knows that.

Knowing that,

Larry Edwards decided to become a professional

and assume those risks.

And like any pro, the thing he wanted most from his promoter

was a shot at the tile.

Get me in there with the big boys.

Well, Mitchell Dune got him in there with Hector Cosales,

an opportunity Larry Edwards was grateful for,

and he lost.

He got hurt, for which we're all very sorry.

But please, if we start suing promoters

every time a boxer suffers a vicious knockout,

we'd be holding them liable for giving us

exactly what we pay to see.

Admit that, ladies and gentlemen.

Larry Edwards isn't blaming Mitchell Dune.

How can you?

I have to talk to you.


Who the hell do you think you are?


We are not sleeping together.

We don't even have a relationship.

I didn't even say I'd go out with you.

Why are we talking about this now?

Because you went to Michael and made it public.

Damn you!

Before we did anything you had to go

and get his stamp of approval.


Look, I don't know what he told you.

Victor if something is happening here,

it is between us, you and me.

It has nothing to do with Michael.

Michael still loves you.

That doesn't give him the right to decide who I can be with.

Or you, either.

I make up my own mind,

and I don 't need anybody's permission.

You're right, I don't think, I'm sorry.

I don't know, maybe we should just forget this whole thing.


What are you doing?

Nothing, just...


Heard you were a big hero today. kills.

Yeah, second place.

I could have won but Douglas fragged me.

He says you had it coming.

I did.

I think I was acting out a little stuff out there.

Tell me about acting out.

I bit Abby's head off for going on Donahue.

I just turned into the dragon lady.

You know what I was thinking about the whole time I was out on the woods?


I was thinking about that time we went camping together,

and you got poison oak all over your

Because you didn't bring the toilet paper.

Oh, come on, you used the wrong leaf.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

Look, I can't promise you all the monsters are gone.

God knows, the way I behaved out in the woods

there are still a few of them running around.

But whatever my problems are...

you're the one I want to dump them on.

Meaning what?

Meaning I want to come home.

To you.

To you and me.

I love you.

You're the most important thing in my life.

And you always will be.

Then come home.


Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

How say you?

In the matter of Robin Edwards vs. Dune,

we the jury find in favor of the defendant.

Members of the jury, thank you.

This case is adjourned.

Uh, Larry.

I've been thinking about your future, and

Would you leave, please?

Would you just hear me out?


We could use a guy like you down at the gym, Larry.

You know, just a little sparring, not too much.

Maybe you can help out some of the new kids.

Pay's pretty good.

-I'll take it.

Just get out of here, please.

Let me know.

How could you think about that?

I know I can fight.

It could lead to something.

I can get another shot.

You're not going to get another shot, Larry.

You don't know that.

Come on, Robin.


Look, I know it's really rude for me to just drop in like this,

I'm probably the last person you want to see.


Can I come in anyway?

I am really sorry.

Going to Michael was not the right thing to do.

It was a knee jerk reaction.

Where I come from, you don't just muscle in on another guy.

That's no excuse.

I didn't think about how you would feel about it.

That was wrong.

I was totally wrong, and I am sorry.


Now what?


Do you want me to go?


♪♪ [theme]
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