Debbie Macomber's Dashing Through the Snow (2015)

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Debbie Macomber's Dashing Through the Snow (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ...In a one-horse
open sleigh ♪

♪ Over the fields we go ♪

♪ Laughing all the way ♪

♪ Ha-ha-ha! ♪

♪ Bells on bobtail ring ♪

♪ Making spirits bright ♪

♪ What fun it is
to ride and sing ♪

♪ A sleighing song tonight ♪

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way... ♪

Okay, Cleo,
it's time to go, honey.

But, Mom,

I'm Blitzen,

and Santa's
still working.

Okay, Blitzen.

One more time around,
and then we go, okay? I mean it.

Come on, all you reindeer, Santa
needs us.

Okay, so he's 35.

He's never been married--

Okay, there is trouble
right there.

No, he's just waiting
for the right one,

and it could be you.

Oh, my gosh.

Can you hand me
that star over there?

You made this?

Oh, yes,
it's my new line.

They're all hand-crafted
and original designs.

I love it.
How much?

Oh, this one is
actually not for sale.

Aw. Probably
for the best.

My cat would break
it in a second.


Okay, now,
about Mr. Right.

He's a software engineer
for a new start-up company,

and he's a dog nut,
just like you.

Great. Holly...

Holly, I told you,
I'm just, I'm not ready.

Ashley Jane Harrison!

You said that six months ago.

Yes, exactly.

It takes six months
for a broken leg to heal.

Just imagine the complexities
of the human heart.

You have to learn
how to rebuild trust.

You've got to learn how to
let your guard down again.

You've got to recalibrate
your Truth-o-Meter.

Your Truth-o what?

You know, your Truth-o-Meter,

The little meter in your brain

that lets you know

when your so-called
boyfriend is lying

when he says that
he's 100% over his ex-fiancée.


Clearly, my Truth-o-Meter
is out of whack.

I told him
we'd all have drinks


Are you kidding?

Come on, one drink.

You've gotta get your game back.

No, I have to get
on an 8:00 flight.


It's holiday travel.

I am going to have to
get up at the crack of dawn.

You're making excuses.


If you really want
to meet someone, you gotta--

Oh, but, no, I don't.


Oh, here comes Blitzen.

Okay, fine.

This is me backing off.

Okay, have
a good trip home,

and, uh, say hi
to your mom.

How's she doing?

Um, you know, she's...

she misses Dad.

Yeah. Okay.

[kids approach,
laughing and playing]

I'm ready, Mom!

Okay. Good job, honey.

Well, tell her that
Blitzen and I send our love.

I will.
She'll like that.

Okay. All right.
Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas,

Merry Christmas,

Bye, all you reindeer!

Merry Christmas, Ashley!

[Ashley]: Bye!

[Mom]: Have a good trip!

[beeping numbers]

[beeps in error]

I just put in
my name and my flight number.

[beeping numbers]

[beeps in error]

What? I can't go
to the ticket agent.

I don't have time,
I will miss my flight.

Yeah. Like you care.

Check that line-up.

Excuse me,
does anybody mind

if I just jump
in front of the line?

Because my flight's
really... soon.

Okay, I was just... checking.


Look over there.

Let's cover
all of it.

Yes, sir.
Right away.

Could you spell
your last name again?


Because you think
it maybe has changed

since the last five times--

You're sure it's Harrison
as in "son"? S-O-N.

[chuckles in disbelief]

Am I sure how to spell
my own name?


Ashley Harrison, like "son."


What? What's that look?
What's "Hmm."

I'm afraid you're going
to have to stand aside.

No, no, no,
I have a reservation--

An agent
will be right over--

-The flight's in 10 minutes!
-Stand right there, please.

You don't understand,
I need to be on this flight.

I have to get--

Ma'am. Right back
over there, please.

My mother is in Seattle,
and she's expecting me.

It is Christmas!

Okay, I know I should have
booked my flight earlier,

but I have been
knitting like crazy

trying to get my inventory ready
for this holiday season, and...

I mean, come on, please, look,

I have calluses,

from knitting!

Did you even know
that was possible?

An agent will be right
with you, Miss Ashley Harrison.

Next in line!

Just one sec.

What if I give you this?

Look, it's my best seller.

It's pure Angora wool.

It's really soft and lovely.

It looks really
beautiful on you,

it brings out
your eyes--

Airport professionals
do not accept bribes.

Can you at least
just tell me why?

An agent will be
right with you.

Happy holidays.


I can't believe this.

Look at all
the cancellations.

Look, every single flight.

Every single flight!

I mean, can you
believe that?


Plan B.


Hey, you can't
go over there!

Excuse me.


She's leaving!

[man]: Hello, ladies.

♪ Jingle bells
Jingle all the way ♪

I don't need anything special.

Just your regular
run-of-the-mill car,

just something that goes
forwards and backwards,

'cause I'm just going
to Seattle, so it's not--

You're funny.


We have exactly
one car left on our lot,

and by "we," I mean everyone,

all of us,

the whole airport.

Okay, that's fine--

I'll take it!

I'm sorry,
you can't do that.

Whatever it is,
I'll take it.

Okay, first of all,

airport professionals
do not accept bribes.

Nice scarf.

Drivers license
and credit card, please?

Yeah, sure.

Drop off or round trip?

Uh, drop off in Seattle.

You can't do this.
I was here first.

I really need to get up
to Seattle by tomorrow, so...

I really need to get
up to Seattle,

and I was here first.

I would like to know why

we're not talking about the fact
that I was here first.

Insurance and pre-paid gas?


You know what,
I have a really good idea,

why don't we split it?

I'll take care
of the rental car,

you take care
of the gas.

Like I'm going to get
into a car with a stranger,

especially one who bribes
very unprofessional

airport car rental people

Agent people.

I don't care--

It's your call.

I mean, it looks like we're
both going up to Seattle, so...

No, because
I've seen this movie,

and I know how it ends.


charming, friendly,

wrinkled shirt guy

ends up being
an axe m*rder*r,

and the sound track
is like--

[singing "Jaws" theme]

That's "Jaws."

Please sign
at the bottom.

You know what,
I don't care what it is,

this is ridiculous.

This is unprofessional.

Well, suit yourself.

-Merry Christmas.
-[agent]: And to you, sir.

And my shirt's
not that wrinkled.

I cannot believe you.

You're mean.

-Okay, have a good one.
-I just want to go to Seattle.

Do not have a merry Christmas.

Hang on...

Hang on.

Call your mom.

Call my... my mom?

Yeah, call your mom,
let me talk to her,

and then I'll know
that you're...

Not an axe m*rder*r?


Come on. I need
you to do this. Please?

I can't believe this.

What, do you want me to
pay for gas, or not?

[sighing heavily]

Hey, Mom.

Hi, um...

I have this girl
that wants to speak to you.

She doesn't know
if she can trust me.

I'll explain later.

Okay, here.



Mrs. Sutherland.

Hi, this is
Ashley Harrison,

and I was just calling
because I wanted to talk--

No, no, no, we're
not going on a date.

We're just maybe going to
share a care ride together.


Yeah, he looks okay,
I guess.

I mean, he could
use a shave.

Me? I am 29.

I was born and raised
on the West Coast.

Okay, all right, wrap it up.

[chuckles] Okay,

I think we actually
need to get going,

but, um... Hmm?

Me? No, I've never
been married--

Okay, that's great.


Wonderful, Mom.

Thank you for doing that.

All right, I love you.

We'll speak soon.

You satisfied?

Yes. She was nice.

Although she said

you need to
call her more often,

but who doesn't
call their mother.

What is wrong
with you?


This really is
the only car on the lot.


Oh, no, I've got it.

I don't want you thinking
I'm some needy gal.

If you must know,

is my middle name.

"Relies on strangers
to catch a ride"

would be a more
appropriate name.

Hardly the pinnacle
of independence.

Oh, you're funny.

See my face laughing?



My name is Ashley.

No, your middle name,

while we're on the topic.

It's Elizabeth, right?

No, it's not, Mr. Mindreader.

Why do you want to know?

Just making conversation.

Trying to get
to know you better.

Who knows,
you could be the axe m*rder*r.

Right, 'cause a guy can't be too
careful these days.

It's Jane, if you must know.

"Jane" was going to
be my next guess.


It's Ashley Jane Harrison.

"Son" as in S-O-N?

Yes. I'm absolutely sure.

I asked her a number of times.

What was she transporting?


Luggage, bags, containers.

Uh... a suitcase,
I think,

and she had a purse.

We mean anything
out of the ordinary.

No, I...
I don't know, like what?



A red box.

What sort of red box?

Like the kind most of
my passengers are carrying

this time of the year.

It's Christmas,
for heaven's sake.

Harrison, Ashley Jane,

date of birth,
March 5th,


She said she was a knitter.



possible courier for
known foreign subversives,

placed on the No-Fly List

on April, 2015.

Didn't have
a photo of her

until she tried
to check in

for her flight
this morning.

So, what do you do

when you're not
missing flights?

Um, I'm a crafter.

You know, I make things
to sell at craft fairs,

and I didn't actually
miss my flight.

Something weird happened.

I don't know
what I did...

What are you doing ?



I can't find my chapstick.

Well, why don't I call CNN?

We have to stop.

Are you serious?

I can't do a road trip
without my chapstick.

Well good, 'cause
we're not on a road trip.

We're just in a car,
going someplace.

On a road.

For two days
and three states.

That is a road trip.

Oh, there you are.

Your chapstick?

No, that's still MIA.


What are you--
what are you doing?

I sound like
a broken record here.

You really do.

Just a little
Christmas spirit.

You know, I'm embracing
the festivities of the season.

Also, you're tailgating.

Am not.

Are too.

For your information,

tailgating is when you're
less than one car length away.

Times miles per hour.

You're going
60 miles per hour,

you should be
six car lengths behind.

Who taught you how to drive,

a little old lady
from Pasadena?

Trust me, I know how to drive.

Well, regardless,

I can't got 12 hours
without my chapstick,

so we need to stop, please.

[clears throat]

Please? In and out.
In and out.

[singing along
with store carols]

♪ Snow... ♪

♪ It won't be long ♪

♪ Before we'll all be there
with snow... ♪

♪ Snow... ♪

♪ I wanna wash my hands
my face, and hair with snow ♪

Oh, Irving Berlin?

Come on, it's so good.

♪ What is Christmas
with no snow? ♪

Come on, Christmas is
the best time of year.

Tell me you're not
going to sing show tunes

the entire time.

So what do you do

when you're not being
a big party pooper?

I... paint houses.


You must be really good,

because you do not have
any paint on your hands.

I mean...

you actually have
really nice hands.

It's just something
that I noticed.

I wasn't
really looking

for any reason
in particular,

it's just that I have
not very nice hands,

'cause I have calluses
on them and everything.

Oh, my gosh,
is that the time?

Thank you.

Okay, we really
need to go,

because, for the record,
I am never late.

For the record,

I didn't want to make
this stop.

What are you doing?

You're going
to freeze out there.

I'm just a little bit woozy,
I'll be fine.

Okay, glad to hear.

Okay, so, why are you
in such a rush

to get to Seattle?


What's in Seattle?



You stole my car for nothing?

What, are you meeting
a girlfriend,

or a fiancée, or something,
for Christmas?

I'm just
going up there for work.

You're painting a house
in the winter?


Not that type of work.

Hmm, Mr. Mysterioso.

What about you?

Where's your boyfriend,
slash, fiancé,

over this
holiday season?

Oh, sorry,
I can't hear you.


Mrs. Mysterioso!


Mr. and Mrs. Mysterioso?

We just met,
is that a Freudian slip?

I told you,
I paint houses.

Any talk about Freud
or psychology,

and it's--
It's over my head.


Well, that's the whole point
of the unconscious mind.

It's when
you're not aware,

that the real truth
comes out.

I was a Psych major in college.

Well, excuse me.

Ladies and Gentleman,
we have an expert in the car.


We have assets in the field.

We could have her
apprehended by noon.

That's not the plan.

My gut says she's
on a mission right now.

We'll just tail her.

If we keep it discreet,

she'll lead us
to her people.


I guarantee you,

somewhere between here
and Seattle,

Ashley Jane Harrison's going
to make an unexpected stop.

She'll make a drop
at her contact.

And then,
Agent Hobbs, we strike.

All right,
I'll keep you informed.

[alert pings]



The "check engine"
light just came on.

Oh, I always just ignore that.

Why am I not surprised?

So according to the agent,

Harrison left the rental lot

at approximately 9:00
this morning, which--

Which puts her somewhere
north of Esparto,

maybe Vacaville.


the Sacramento bureau.

Put Agent Gregson on her tail.

No contact.

Just back-up until--


Gregson's on
Operation Sentinel.

So, we really don't have any--

Well, there
must be someone.

Well, there's
the new guy.

Who's the new guy?

You don't want the new guy.

[pencil sharpener whirring]

[telephone rings]

Agent Phelps, FBI.


I understand
you are ready and able

to serve your country's
national security.

Yes, sir.

Take this down.





Yes, sir.

[radiator hissing]

Hey, come on!

Merry Christmas
to you, too!

[both sighing in exasperation]

-Jinx. -Jinx.

Don't do that.

What? It worked for
Claudette Colbert.


"It Happened One Night."

Claudette Colbert,
Clark Gable?

That was a movie.

This is real life.

This is us
missing an opportunity.

Just observe, and learn.

If my memory serves me,

the car stopped
for Claudette.

Yeah, that was a movie,
this is real life,

where we still have no service.

Well, unless somebody
puts up a cell phone tower

in the next few minutes,

it's pretty much
going to stay that way.

Aren't you so funny.

So, what are we supposed
to do now, smart aleck?

Someone will come along.

I'm sorry, was that
a note of optimism?

A little positivity?

From you?

How'd that happen?

And if they don't,

then we'll just walk it.

Next sign of life,
this way.

[chuckles dubiously]

Yeah, come on,
we're on a road trip.

A little adventure.


Right, okay.

Yes, good.

This is fine,

a little exercise,
a little fresh air.


How far?

Eight miles.

[stammers] No.

Come on, Claudette.

Positive thinking.


Claudette Colbert,

just less effective.


Dude, stop staring, please.

Your eyes are gonna
fall out.

Yeah, but look at her.

I'm taking Bailey Thompson
on the Junior Class ski trip.

That is
totally sick.

Yeah, except

now your parents
are gonna k*ll you

when they find out
you didn't renew

your car registration--

There you go. Enjoy.

--Because you spent
your money

on Bailey Thompson's
ski package, Travis.


How's the latte?

Best one yet.

I have to get going.


See you around.

"Best one yet."

What, did you put
a heart in her foam?

You know, jealousy is not
your best quality.


Jealous of what?

One day, you're
gonna thank me

for showing you how to
think outside the box

when pursuing
your goals.

Me and Bailey Thompson...

Thanks, man.

Every little bit helps.

You know, maybe you should
put out another tip jar--

"Help underpaid barista

pay for his car insurance
and registration."

Dude, your buzz-k*ll
is showing.

So, how did you get
your heart broken?

Wild guess.


It happened
about a year ago.

He said
he was one thing.

Turns out he was
something else.

What did he say
he was?


[chuckles ruefully]

I just,
I can't understand

how people can lie
about who they really are?

It's so mean.

But it's for the best,

because it helped me develop
my own personal trust test,

which is foolproof.

I'm all ears.

Santa Claus.

A person who believes in
the idea of Santa Claus

is fundamentally
a good person.

[clears throat awkwardly]

Santa Claus?


It means they believe
in hope and generosity

and reward
for good behavior.

So, what happened

when you flunked
out of Psych?

Ha ha.

Are we there yet?

We're close.

So, do you?

Do I what?

Do you believe
in Santa Claus?

I believe in

Ow. My feet hurt.

How you doing?

Not too bad,
how about you?

Could be better.

Yeah, I suppose.

Car just
broke down...

Um, sorry, excuse me,

do you have
a ladies' room?

Oh, yeah, in the bay
to the right there.

Thank you.

So what seems
to be the problem?

I don't know.
The engine light came on.

[power tools whining]


Yeah, it's me.

Something's come up.

[in a foreign language]
Am fost întârziat.

Ceva venit.

Dar voi fi acolo mâine.

[sighs wearily]



She's on the phone, sir.

Did she make the call
or receive the call?

I can't tell.

She has her back turned
right now.

She's made contact
with someone.

[puppy whining]

[whining and barking]

[chuckling fondly]
Oh, my gosh...

Oh, you guys are so cute.

You are so cute!

Hello! Hi!

What are you doing
out here in the cold?

You little--

Can you believe I picked up
those little buggers

on the side of a road?

People these days,

no tenderness.

So, you wanna take
one of these little guys?


They're free,

but only to a good home.

Do you have a fenced-in yard?

Do you have any young kids
running around the house?

People don't know

that young kids can
scare the heck out of a dog.

You know?

Because they're all, like,

"Ah! Look at it,
look at it! Ah!"

To a dog,
that's a sign of aggression.

I can.. I can see that.

That's how dog bites happen.

They blame the dog.


It's all just a cross-cultural

You know what?

It happens to people, too,
you know.

They just can't get past
the insecurities

and prejudices.

She's talking
to some guy.

He looks rough.


What kind of rough?

Biker, sir.

Like, that kind of rough.

She's got contacts everywhere.

Was there a hand-off?

Looks like... a puppy.

A what?

She's got puppies
in her hand, sir.

Looks like he's giving her one.

It's a very cute puppy.

All right, well,
keep your eyes on them,

and we'll find out who he is.

Yes, sir. I'm on it.

There it is... Perfect.

keep the change.

Thank you
very much.

I'm Ashley, by the way.
What's your name?

I'm Blade.

Oh, cool.


you got a safe home for
one of these little guys?


Which one,
which one...


I'm thinking my mom

might like this little guy
for Christmas.

And don't worry,
she has an enclosed yard.

Okay, okay,
that's a good thing.

Enclosed yard.

And I like your energy.

All your chakras
are lining up,

I like that.

So, yeah, I could see
this thing happening.

Plus, you, uh,

you picked
my favorite one.

Oh, well, if it's okay with you
for me to take him,

I'll name him "Little Blade."

"Little Blade?"

If that's okay.

Hey, Little Blade...

you grow up to be
a bruiser, okay?

You hear me?


Make me proud.


[giggles] Thank you.

You're welcome.

Should we go?

Should we go?

It's okay.

We're okay.

Oh, my gosh,
look what I found.

Look what I found.

Oh, come on,

he's for my mom.

Even you cannot deny
how cute this face is.


Is there
a problem?

I'm just, uh, encountering
a little bit of resistance.

This is
my new friend, Blade.

This is my
traveling companion,



You got a problem
with the puppy?

Might not be the dog.

You know, it's a proven fact

that having a dog in your life

your endorphins.

Makes you
live longer,

gives you


It's a proven fact.

I bet you believe
in Santa Claus.

No, I'm Jewish.


Come on, man.

She's getting the dog
for her mom.

And on top of that,

it already has
a really cool name.

"Little Blade?"


Now, that was
your axe m*rder*r.

You cannot judge a book
by its cover, okay?

He was nice,

and now I have
this wonderful memento

to remember
this adventure.

Well, let's hope
your little memento

doesn't have
an accident in the car.

Don't listen to him,
Little Blade.

He's a grumpy-pants.

I know what will
cheer you up.


Look what I found.

♪ Snow... ♪

I've got eyes on them, sir.

Report anything suspicious.

Follow the protocols, Agent.

Any response
from the NTAS?

Yes, they responded.

I also consulted NCIC, and IDW
for any chatter being tracked,

and nothing, sir.

There are no active
t*rror1st cells

being monitored in Reading.

That doesn't track
with what we're observing.

They're missing it.

We're onto
something big.

Stop worrying,

you're going to
get ulcers.

You know, every time
you say, "Stop worrying,"

something bad happens.

That is so not true.

That time we snuck
into the movie theater.

Oh, as if
that was my fault.

Who knew the manager
was standing right there?

Okay, fine, the time
with the trampoline.

You practically
broke your wrist.

Okay, I get
your being a friend

and yeah, I should have
listened to you

when I did the trampoline thing.

Okay, but
here's the deal.

What are the chances

some cop is going to see
my expired tags

in the next three weeks?

There's, like, what,

five million
cars on the road,

and 21 days between now

and when I have enough money
to pay for the new tags,

that's like...

what's five million times 21?

It's a one in 100-million chance

I'm going to get caught.

Dude, I'm not sure
your logic is tracking.

The point is,

no cop is going to see
my expired plates, okay?

Okay, now it is time

for your daily
dose of trivia.

Did you know
that Highway 5

actually has
five different names?

It's the Montgomery Freeway,

the San Diego Freeway,

the Santa Ana Freeway,

the Golden State Freeway,
and the West Side Freeway.

I did not know that.

And the section in Sacramento

was actually built
below the water table

so you can't see it
from the offices downtown.

It's called the "Boat Section."

Psych major

with a minor
in Highway Geekdom?


Oh, no, it was my dad.

He loved road trips.

Every summer,
him, and my mom, and I

would just hop in the car,

and "ride the highways,"
he liked to say.

He always thought

that the Interstate
Highway System

should have been one of
the wonders of the world.

Did you know the real name
was the Dwight D. Eisenhower

National System
of Interstate--

and Defense Highways.

How do you know that?

Nobody knows that!

I just do.

[chuckles] Okay.

That's crazy, but...

you don't tell me anything.

There's nothing special
to tell you.

Everyone has something
special about them.

Call your mom.


Call your mom.

I want to know why
you're so secretive.

I'm not-- I don't
want to call my mom.


Knock yourself out.

What's her first name?

Can I call her that?


Wait, Shirley is her name,

or, surely,
I can call her that.


Oh, hello, Mrs. Sutherland?

Hi. Yes, it's Ashley again.

No, no, no, everything's fine.

Uh, we're just outside
of Sacramento.

[laughs] Yeah.

Actually, I was calling,

because I wanted to know

what the most special thing
about Dash is?

'Cause he won't
tell me anything.

Well, besides that
he's your son.



What is she saying?

What is she saying to you?

Uh, yeah.

That's great. Yup.

Thank you.


Did she tell you
that I was an Eagle Scout?

Were you?

Now you know
everything about me.

Actually, she told me

that you were a hero
in Afghanistan.

"Hero" is a bit of a stretch.

We are now entering
the town of Mistletoe,

established in 1857,
population 947.

Do not blink,
or you'll miss it.


I don't know, I just...

Look up ahead there.


I've been here before.

Don't even
think of it.

Oh... please.

Of course we'll stop.



Mistletoe! Yeah, yeah.

[Ashley]: You're going to stay
here in the car, Little Blade.

We'll be back soon.

Okay, don't be too cold.

I think we might
have gotten lost.

I can't remember,

but I've definitely
been here before.

Making an unplanned stop
in a town called Mistletoe.

We're on it. Mistletoe.

Stay with her, Phelps.

Don't let her outta your sight.

I remember thinking

it was like
a gingerbread house,

and there was eggnog, and...

there is eggnog.

It's okay.

Oh, and they were
the best pies.

Everyone was
eating pie for dinner.

...And there was this man
with this crazy beard,

and I remember
I was so scared of him,

but then my dad
made me laugh,

and everything was okay--

Do you believe in Santa Claus?

Of course I do.

Do you?


Then you get to make a wish,
and I'll put it on the tree.

But don't tell,
or it won't come true.

Oh, I will not, Scout's honor.

We could hang it
together, if you like?

I would love that.

[shutter clicking]

Choose one.


This one?


Can you hold this, please?

Uh... why not?

Shall we?

See, some people
get embarrassed,

so I do it for them.

Oh, well, not me.

There is nothing
I would like more in the world.

You ready?

Good job.

That is perfect.

Thank you.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

What about you?

Are you going to put
a star on the tree for Santa?

You know, I'm starving.

[shutter clicking]

This is all we got
on Ashley Jane Harrison

prior to 2012.

Before she landed
on our radar,

it was like she was
a model citizen.


She volunteered
as a nurse's aide

at 14,

wrote for the student
paper in college.

Jeez, her credit score
is better than mine.

Sir, are you
sure that this is--

Radicals are made
not born, Hobbs.

This is so weird,

and wonderful.

I mean, they even
have hay rides.

I wonder if this is where
my dad got the idea.

What idea?


is our town's Christmas tree
lighting ceremony.

It's a tradition
my mom and dad started.

We make cookies
and hot cocoa,

and the whole town
comes out,

and as soon as
it gets dark...

zing, the whole tree
lights up.

And then my dad would rent
Mr. Bennett's hay truck

and give hay rides.

I don't think anyone will be
giving hay rides this year.

Even if I was in China,

I'd find a way
to get home for it,

and this year...

I really need to be there
to make sure my mom's not alone.

That's why I need to get home.

Well, as long as we don't hit
any traffic in Portland--

What's the matter?

[clears throat]


Let's just get the check.

Excuse me?

Mm! My pie.

Check, please?

I'm still with them, sir.

Excellent work,
young man.

Well done.

And you're sure
that she didn't see you?

Yes, sir.

Now, you listen to me,

Agent Phelps.

The next 24 hours are crucial.

Do not lose them.

She might seem innocent,

but this woman is a threat
to our national security.


Copy that.

What are you
looking for?


You've been
kind of quiet

since we got back
in the car.

Is everything okay?

Freud speaks.

No, just the female
powers of perception.

And I'm bored.

So now we're
getting to the truth.

Oh, are we?

In that case...

tell me something.


I don't know,

Tell me, uh...

how did you get your name?

You won't believe me.

Try me.

[clears throat awkwardly]

My, uh...

my mom loved mystery books...

so she named me after
her favorite writer,



"The Maltese Falcon?"

Hey, whoa, this is
a squeal-free zone, okay?

[sighing] Oh!

The Thin Man!

I love him!

You scared the dog.

He's fine.

And, oh, my gosh,

his love affair
with Lillian Hellman,

I mean...

That's my sister's name.


I don't believe you.

I told you.

No way,
I'm calling your mom.

No. No, no, no.

You're not calling
my mom, okay?



Where's Hobbs?

I'll find her.


Get in here now!


Hi! Mrs. Sutherland?

It's me again, Ashley.

Uh, I'm sorry,
I hope I'm not bothering you?

Of course not, dear.

I was just doing up
the dishes in the kitchen,

and as a matter of fact,
I was about to call Dash.

Might I have
a quick word with him?

Just a quick question.

Oh, yeah.

She wants to talk to you.




There you go.

Excuse me.

Come on, come on,
come on, come on.

Open door.

Got some good tunes?

Huh? What?

No. I mean,
yeah. I guess.

I just remembered

I gotta grab something
from in here.

My son's into...
somebody Mars.

Oh. Bruno.
Yeah, cool. Cool.

Hey, no texting
and driving.

Sure thing.

What did I tell you?

Dude, you see that?

The cop was practically
touching my expired tag.

If I get a ticket,

I'm going to be grounded
for, like, a year.

No ski trip,

no Bailey.

What, you're just
figuring this out now?

Yeah, but I got a plan.

I saw it on TV once.

Dude, I'm the man.


[Ashley]: Turn around.
Turn around.



[Little Blade growling]

Hey, puppy.


Go, Blade.

Yeah, puppy.


[Blade barking]

Come on. Can you sit?
Oh, it's so cold.


Come on.

Sit. Good boy.

Wow, you're so smart. Yay.


-Oh, gosh.
-Here you go.

-Oh, hey.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Shirley raised a gentleman.

Yeah, right.

Oh. [laughs]

Hey... Hey, buddy.

Little Blade likes you.

Do you have a little
puppy crush

on your Uncle Dash?


Do you want
to hold him?


[shutter clicking]


Let's go.

Come on.

I'm sorry.

I guess I'm hungry
and a little tired.

You should have eaten
your whole burger, then.


Well, maybe we should stop
and get you some food.

I need to get some supplies
for Little Blade, too.

He must be cold.
He needs a sweater.

Something cute and Christmas-y.
Hey, Blade?

Wait, Blade?

Who's Blade?

[together]: The puppy.


And what should we get you,

Would a snack help you?

Yeah. Maybe.

Okay, 'cause I have

a whole bag
full of candy canes, so...

You know what,

I'm okay.

Forgive me.

You're a grouch
when you're hungry.

I guess you're kind of
a grouch all of the time.

I was a gentleman
a few minutes ago.

That was then.



Cheer up.
We're stopping soon.

Our subject's getting
ready to make a stop.

What's your location,
Agent Phelps?


[Phelps]: They're heading
into town, sir.

I'm tracking them.

Got them.

Right behind them, sir.

This is your plan?

Stealing someone's plates
is not sure-fire.

No, no.
Not stealing, swapping.

Good to know
the distinction.

Dude, you aren't
going to get grounded,

you're going to get arrested.

Trust me, all right?

The key is to find a car

that is the same make
and color.

I saw it on TV once.

I saw a guy eat
live cockroaches on TV once,

but it doesn't


Dude, I'm hounded
by good fortune.

That car is
exactly the same.

...Puppy fashion accessories,
both stylish and practical,

because we have to
keep Little Blade warm.

And a toothbrush.

For Blade?

No, for me.


Well, we should
get to Seattle

in time for
Groundhog Day.

You had very critical
parents, didn't you?

Psych 101?

Well, I'm right,
aren't I?

Little Blade
knows I'm right.

Ooh! Look at
all this stuff!

All right, let's do it.

Another Marina scenario.

Sir, I don't think--

It is.

I thought you said
he was stable.

He has passed
every evaluation

since the incident.

Get Agent Phelps on the phone.

Yes, sir.

Does this look like a man
who has stayed objective?


Oh, these are so cute.

Come on.

So cute.

Okay, I'm going
a little bit overboard,

aren't I?

No, not at all.

Every dog needs a pair
of Christmas slippers?



That's so cute.

Come on.

Why not?


Yes, sir.


Wait, just the one word, sir?

Just the one word.


He'll understand.

Y-yes, sir.

Sure you got


Is that your first?

I can always tell.

I shopped like a maniac
for my first baby.

By the time these two
came along,

I would just go for
the essentials.

Isn't that right, Peek and Boo?

Except for
the hair barrettes.

I'm still a sucker
for those.

So, what breed
is your little guy?

Oh, you know, he's a mutt.

We found him in a cardboard box
on the side of the road.

Well, bless your heart.

Saving a little soul
from the shelter.

Your wife has
a heart of gold.

No, no,
we're not--

She does,

[quietly] Marina.

[chatting and giggling]

Are we done?


Almost got it.

Dude, this is just
like the movies.

Yeah, right before
the sidekick gets nailed.

Scalpel, nurse.


I always wanted to say that.

Gimme the screwdriver,
come on.

Hurry, come on.

[car alarm wailing and blaring]

Go see what's happening.

[alarm blaring]

It's just some old guy
trying to get in his car.

Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude!
We gotta go. We gotta hurry.

Okay, okay.

Let's go.

Enough with the puppy, okay?

What is
your problem?

I just want to get on the road.

You know
that sweater?

I just want to hit the road.

Okay, one minute.
I think we're friends,

and you're nice,

and I think we can talk,

and that you care,

and the next minute...

See that cute puppy?

Dude, focus.

We're playing for
higher stakes here.

Come on.

[kids chatting]

[honking impatiently]

[Phelps]: He's helping
kids with a tree.

[blaring horn]

[honking and shouting]

Merry Christmas
to you, too, jerk!

Old guys, I tell ya.


No, no, no, no, no.

No. No!

All right.

Give it to me.

Sometimes, back home,

when it was gray
and sleety like this,

my parents and I
would just use it as an excuse

to stay inside
and just watch movies

all bundled up together.

My mom's favorite
was "Brief Encounter."

"I have no thoughts at all.

"Only an overwhelming desire

never to feel anything
ever again."

I swear she started crying
at the opening credits.

That movie was Pavlovian.

I don't know that one.

Is that with the aliens?


That's "Close Encounters."

I'm glad you're
talking again.

We have a long drive still.


there's things that
I wish I could explain,

but I can't.

You understand?

I'm sorry.


You said last time, too.

And I mean it, I swear.

Hey, which was the nice one?

Dr. Jekyll, or Mr. Hyde?

'Cause I forget.

Monroe, sir!
We found them!

They ran a red light
on Maple Avenue in Eugene.

Get Agent Phelps.

Yes, sir.

Phelps, we found them.

They ran a red light
on Maple Avenue in Eugene.

Okay, I got it.

I'm approaching
Maple Avenue now.

So you're half an hour behind,
maybe less.

Trust me, sir.

I won't lose them again.

I'm on it.

Are you okay to drive?

Should we stop
for the night?

Yeah, maybe
we should.

Well, according to
my calculations,

we're approaching a township.

About 10 miles
as the crow flies.

According to
your calculations, yeah?

As the crow flies?


Well, hopefully, there's
a motel with a vacancy sign.

Oh, that reminds me of
"It Happened One Night."

You know the scene
where the car breaks down

and they have to
get a ride?

Enough with that movie.

You know, when they go
to the old motel

and they have to
stay overnight,

but there's only one room,

so they have to put
a sheet down the middle.

Don't get your hopes up,
there'll be two rooms.

Don't get your hopes up.

My hopes aren't up.

I wasn't hoping,

I was just telling you
about a movie.

There's a big difference.

Besides, you probably snore.

For the record, I don't.

I don't believe him.

Mm-mm. I don't.


That's all we got.

I can't believe this.

That's funny.

Are you sure?

You only have
one room?

Yeah, we're fully booked.

Only a fool wants to drive
in this weather.

Do you have a spare blanket?

What, are you moving in?

It's a force of habit.

I travel so much for work.

Craft fairs and art shows.

We're all gypsies,

and this makes me feel like
I belong somewhere.

You hungry?


Well, I think there's
a place that's still open

down the street.

Uh, that's...fine.

You need to...

powder your nose
or whatever?

Freshen up?


I'm afraid this is
as good as it gets.

Do you think
Blade will be okay here?


I don't know,
you tell me.


He looks happy.


I'll have the desk clerk
check in on him.

Bye, puppy.


Agent Monroe!

Ashley Harrison's
original flight plan.

S-F-X to Sea-Tac.

We know this.

With a stop at P-D-X.



What's in Portland?

Okay, listen up!

I need a computer run
on all known nefarious groups,

criminal activity,
and anti-government watchlists

in Portland, Oregon,


Yes, sir.
Copy that.

Her mark
is somewhere in Portland.

♪ I'll have
a blue Christmas... ♪

I played football.

Tight end.
Number 23.

Were you any good?

I was pretty good.

I wasn't as good as my brother.

He was the golden boy.

I was always
the family runner-up.

Can I get you guys
anything else?

Oh, no, thanks.


The check, and we prefer cash.

I'll get mine,
you can get yours?

That's fine with me.

You know what?

Actually, you can
do me a favor.

Can you change the song?

Is it just me,

or has that same one
been playing all night?

You find a way
to change it, mister,

and dinner's on me.

That's the boss.

Reminds him of his ex.

The same song
plays every night?

You got it.

After a while,
you kinda get used to it.

Have a good night.

You too.

She deserves
hazard pay.


So... is that why
you joined the army,

to get out of
your brother's shadow?

I forgot I was having
dinner with Freud.


-So, am I right?

I wanted to do something

to make our world
a little safer.

We live in a world
of bad guys these days.

You know what I mean?

I don't like to think like that.

Although, I guess I did have
my wallet stolen last year.

They got into my bank accounts,
and my credit cards,

and my computer...

But I guess that's
not the type of bad guys

you were talking about.

Sir, I can't

what you're
trying to order.

Maybe if you just
point to each...

Uh, excuse me,

he's trying to order a steak.

Oh, thanks.

He'd like it medium,

with a baked potato
and, uh, sour cream.


And his friend
would like a hamburger

with french fries.

Okay, great.
Coming right up.

How do you know
sign language?

My dad was deaf.

And he taught me

there are no

only challenges.

And everybody has challenges,
you just can't always see them.

You just never know
what people are going through...

Which is why it is so important
to treat everyone with kindness.


She's talking
about her dad.

He was deaf.

A likely story.

And keep an ear
on Sutherland.

Make sure he isn't
going soft.

...My dad was so great.

He just... he always showed up.

Any time I needed someone
to believe in me,

there he was,

and now that he's gone,

I don't know who's
going to do that for me, but...

I guess the answer
is no one.

But time to grow up, right?

Why are you
looking at me like that?

You just surprise me,

and I find myself...

Oh, uh, he wants to know
if I'll dance with him,

with your permission.

Of-of course.

Be my guest.



Stolen wallet.

♪ ...But I'll have a blue...
blue, blue, blue Christmas... ♪


["Blue Christmas" begins again]

Wanna go?

Sure, yeah.

I have not done that
in a very long time.

You looked good.


-Shall we?

♪ ...Decorations of red ♪

♪ On a green Christmas tree ♪

♪ Won't mean... ♪

Look, it's snowing!

[giggles in delight]

Tell me more.

More what?

More you.

Your favorite color.


Ice cream or cake?

[laughs] Both.

What's your...

ultimate dream?


Well, I want to stop
moving from town to town,

living like a gypsy.

And I want to
open my own shop.

You know, let people see

what handmade
things look like

in our
mass-produced world.

I like that.

You have a name?

I do, actually.


a terrible name.


It is.

No, it's so good.

It's "Crafty."
I make crafts.

I knit things,
and ceramics,

and leather goods.

Yeah, it's...

It's, like,




Okay, I did not
think of that.


Oh, it doesn't matter.

I'll never be able
to afford it anyway, so...

[sighs heavily]

You're none of
those things, are you?




You're about
as real as it gets,

aren't you,
Ashley Jane Harrison?

Is that okay?

It's better than okay.


I have something
to tell you.

Actually a lot.

Hear me out, okay?

I, uh...

I told you I became a soldier

so I could do my part
and help keep our country safe,

and I did.


it's the work that I still do.

The truth is...

I don't really paint houses.

Something happened

on one of my first assignments
back in the States.

I was in EXD,

the Canine expl*sives
Detection program

for Homeland Security.

My partner was
a German Shepherd

named Marina.

Intel told us

that there was a b*mb planted
on one of the docks

down at the harbor.


It was dark.

The perps started running,

and I had a split second
to order Marina to engage.

It was what she trained for,

even if it meant
sacrificing her life....

and I couldn't do it.

You understand?

My emotions
got in the way of my job.

Marina was reassigned.

I was a liability

and was sent back
for evaluation

and more training.

I'm telling you this because...

I'm actually
an FBI agent,



we're follow--


[snoring softly]


["Blue Christmas"
still playing]

Boy, I love that song.

I just can't get
enough of it.

So I noticed.


Hank, look at this!

What's that?

Well, anyone report
a lost cell phone?

No. Let's have a look.

I found a cell phone,

and it's nice.

Huh. Well, nobody
calls for a week,

you can keep it.


[roar of vacuum cleaner]


Is this thing working?

[vacuum shuts off]

[waitress]: I found
a lost cell phone here.

Yeah, it was just sitting here
in the pool table.

Fletcher, Hobbs,
we have a situation!

Get in here!

We've lost contact
with Agent Sutherland!

What, like
he's gone AWOL?

Or he's been taken hostage
by Ashley Harrison.


I told you
she was devious.

"A person who believes

in the idea of Santa Claus

"is fundamentally a good person.

"It means they believe in hope,
and generosity,

and reward for good behavior."

[bell jingling]


You're not a believer?

Pardon me?

In Santa Claus,
you don't believe?

I mean, I, uh...

I think I might have
forgotten how.

Don't mind me,

there's a lot going on
in my life right now.

Merry Christmas.

They call it
"falling in love"

because it's scary.

How did you...?

Out here,
you see a lot of faces,

and yours, my friend,
is an open book.

No, no, no,

this face doesn't
give anything away.

I'm a trained professional.

Or at least I was
up until last night.

-You quit?

They got it all wrong.

She's a... she's a sweetheart.

She doesn't have a criminal bone
in her body.

She's kind, and...

I don't know why
I'm telling you this.

Well, you must have something
you want to get off your chest.

I just, I'm...

having a bit of a scattered
morning, that's all.

So, all of this trust
and belief business

is suddenly nagging at you.

Yeah, right.

See, the trouble
with skeptics is

they tend to be loners.

Believing in things,

the miracle of Christmas...


none of that
comes easy to them.

Do you remember
what it was like

when you were
a little boy?

Couldn't get to sleep,
got up early?

And under the tree,

Santa had brought you everything
you had ever hoped for.

Well, love is just like that.

You just have to
let go of doubt

and believe in it.

Do you think...

Do you think it's possible to...

to remember how to believe?

I have a feeling that
you've already answered that.


Oh, I just love this part!


♪ It's Christmas time
And Santa is my... ♪

Merry Christmas.

[ringing bell]

Fletcher, contact
the Portland office.

Hobbs, you come with me.

Tell them we're on our way,

and I need an APB
on license plate...


I got it.

I slept like a log last night.

So I noticed.

Ashley, about last night, um...

Don't-- Don't say
that you regret it.


No, not at all.

Good. Neither do I.

-I just wanted to--
-I actually have a favor I--


Go ahead.

No, you go ahead.

You have
a favor to ask?


Uh, I was
wondering, actually,

if we just could stop

in Wilsonville,

which is just
up ahead here?

You want to make a stop?

But I thought you were in a rush
to get to Seattle.

Oh, this will just
take a second.

What's in Wilsonville?


Nothing criminal.

You should see your face.

I just have to, um,

drop something off
to some friends.

Trav, honey?

Yeah, mom?

How many free lattes
are you giving to friends?

Oh, just a thousand
to Bailey Thompson.

'Cause I just got
last month's invoice

for our beans,

and I don't mind
a few freebies,

but, honey, we are
running a business here.


Is that your car?

I'm, gonna be grounded
for the rest of my life.


Right plates,
wrong car.

She switched
the plates.

Fletcher, are you on?


Do we have
the kid's, uh--

I've got it,
the kid's license plate is--

Fletcher, I need an APB
on license plate--


You got it?

Yes, sir.


visual on license plate number

I just keep thinking
about last night.

It is so crazy

when something...

important happens
in your life,

and it's sometimes just
when you least expect it,

you know?

Or when you've cut yourself off
from feeling anything at all,

and then all of a sudden,
just, there it is.

Last night was something,
wasn't it?

Where are we?

What is this place?

Oh, I told you, it's
just my friends' place.

I will only be
a second, I promise.

Can you pop the trunk, please?

[humming Christmas songs]

Okay, I'll just
be a minute,

and then, uh, I'll maybe
bring them out to meet you?

Okay? Take care
of the puppy for me?

I'll try.


[Hobbs]: Hey, Dash?

Agent Hobbs?


What are you
doing here?

Agent Sutherland,
are you safe?


Where's Harrison?

Wait, wait, wait,
you have this all wrong.

Are they armed?

No! She's in the house.

-Who else is in the house?
-Are they armed?

No, no, she just
dropped off a package, okay?

I got something.

Sir, the red box.

Was it a red box?

Did she deliver
a red box?

Yes, it's a red box.
So what?

-You have the wrong person.
-What's her mission?

I don't know her mission.
There is no mission.

Do you know
what's in that box?


Who's her contact
in there?

I don't know.

Then, Agent Sutherland,

you don't know
she's innocent.

[Little Blade barking]


Sometimes, you have to
trust your gut.

You have the wrong person.


Stay where you are!

Ashley Jane Harrison!


[in a foreign language]
Acesta este omul iti place?

What's going on?

It's not what
it looks like, okay?

I'm Agent Monroe
with the FBI.

Are there any
weapons in the house?

No, of course not.

[stammering in protest]
Ce se întâmpla?

Nu stiu!

What are you saying?

It's Romanian.
She asked, "What's happening?"

Okay, these are my friends.

We work at
craft fairs together.

They help me make
my reindeer mittens.

Likely story.

You tell them to stay
right where they are.

We are going to
search the house!

We are looking for a red box!

Call back
your men, Monroe--

Stand down,
Agent Sutherland.

I'll handle it now.

Agent Sutherland?

What is he talking about?

Ashley, I tried to explain.

[girl]: Auntie Ashley,
it's so pretty!


Get back
in the house.

That's what was in the red box?

Yes, it's
a Christmas ornament

I made for
their Christmas tree.


Take her in
for questioning.

You're going to need to
come with me, Ms. Harrison.

Hobbs, please. Ashley,
I tried to explain last night.

You were sleeping.

I trusted you.

I'm sorry.

Agent Sutherland,

you're no longer needed
on this case.

[Dash]: I didn't want this
to happen, Ashley.

This way.

[mom]: Oh, honey, it sounds
like something out of a movie.

I just can't put my finger
on which one.

A disaster movie.

Oh, now...

Of course,
they let you go.

Think of it
as an adventure.

Like that movie with
the romance writer

in Mexico.

Colombia, Mom.

It's "Romancing the Stone."

Oh, that's the one.

Well, think of it
like that.

And we got Little Blade
in the bargain.

He's the best gift
I could hope for.

So think of that.

Now, come help me
make cocoa and cookies

for tonight.

You can't sulk
all day.

No, I think I might.


Mom, he lied to me.


I thought he was
everything I wanted.

He was funny, and kind,

and handsome,

and a really good kisser--

Well, it doesn't matter

Of course,
it matters, honey.

It was all a big fat lie.

He wasn't any of those things.

I wish that
I had never met him,

and I wish that
he'd never been born.

I wish his mother--

Did I tell you that his mother
wasn't even his mother?

Did I tell you that?

Twice already.

Doesn't matter because
he wasn't my type.

Hmm, I can see that.


I lied.

He was everything

I've ever wanted.

I love him.


Aw, sweetie...


There's nothing worse

than being sad
at Christmas.


Does he ever
change the music?

["Blue Christmas" playing]

Afraid not.


But, funny enough,
you get used to it.

Nothing like
a Christmas pity party.

I'm going to hit the hay.

You know, I never even
got to convince her

that I believe
in Santa Claus.

[sighs heavily]

Well, it's never too late.

No, you didn't see her face.

She'll never believe me.

I blew it.

Well, if you really believed
in Santa Claus,

then you'd believe
that miracles happen,

and that tomorrow
is another day.

That's almost
what she used to say.


And we I.D.'d the perp

that stole Ashley's
personal identification.

Her name is Damian Smith,

and I was right.

She looks nothing like
your Ashley.

♪ You'll be doing all right ♪

♪ With your Christmas
of white... ♪

"My Ashley."


♪ O, come let us adore Him ♪

♪ O, come let us adore Him ♪

♪ O, come let us adore Him
Christ our Lord ♪

♪ Sing, choirs of angels... ♪

Come on now, honey.

Christmas will
cheer you up.

I hope so.


[chuckling fondly]

You guys
are the best.


So, how
have you been?

Oh, you know,
I keep myself busy.

Merry Christmas.

we miss him.



Tree lighting
isn't the same

without your dad
giving the hay ride.

I know, I've been thinking
about that all night.

Dad wouldn't
want us to be sad.

Not tonight.

It's almost Christmas.

You know what he'd say.

"Show joy,

and joy will
show itself to you."

Come on, now,

let's go light
that Christmas tree.

It's time, my friends!

Who wants to start
the countdown?


Nine! Eight!

Seven! Six! Five!



Two! One!

Merry Christmas!

[all cheering and laughing]

♪ ...Making spirits bright ♪

♪ What fun it is
to ride and sing ♪

♪ A sleighing song tonight ♪

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun
it is to ride... ♪

Oh, my...

Look over there!

It looks like
Jim Bennett's hay wagon.

Is that him?

Well, what are you
waiting for?


I thought
you might need

who believes in you

right about now.

Just like my dad.

And now me.

And now me,

If you'll let me.

There's nothing
I want more in the world.

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