Matchmaker Santa (2012)

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Matchmaker Santa (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Cheerful music]

I like that one.

It's the best
christmas tree ever.

Well, honey, you have
the coolest dad on the planet.

Well, this one is most
definitely the best.

- [Alarm beeping]
- oh.

Melanie, dear, would you like
to get your creation

- Out of the oven?
- Mm-hmm.

Um, her creation?

- Christmas cookies.
- Mm.

I gave her my recipe, but she
just started doing it her way.

Come on, daddy, try one.

Yeah, come on, daddy.


- May I try one?
- Mm-hmm.

And don't eat santa.

- Oh.
- I love him.


These are good.

Ask her what her secret
ingredient is.


Okay, mystery woman,

Time for teeth brushing
and bed.

Have you written your letter
to santa yet?


Well, get it done,

And I'll mail it on my way
to work in the morning.

Thanks, papa.

- [Chuckles]
- we'll be in to tuck you in.


These are really good.

I love you, mr. Hogan.

Thank you
for our darling daughter

And a wonderful life.

Thank you.

You have always been
my prince charming.

"Dear santa...

"I know...

"You're really busy...

But this is special."

"My wish this christmas

Is to someday meet
my own prince charming."

All right, ethel,

We will have your
specialty cake ready tomorrow.

Thank you.

We really have to finish
decorating for christmas.

Ugh, who has time?

Hey, what happened
to that old christmas spirit?

I'm pretty sure
it up and left,

And I seem to have lost it.

It's more than that.

- You're stressed.
- Am i?

I mean, i-i used to
love christmas.

It was my favorite time of year.
I actually enjoyed baking.

I mean, my mom and i--
we would make christmas cookies,

And we would just
have the best time.

I'd say someone is feeling
overworked and underappreciated.

Life used to be
so much simpler.

[Laughs] welcome to the world
of successful business.

You know what, I'll get
this place really decorated.

And you just concentrate
on being happy for christmas.

And that new guy
in your life.

Okay, first of all,
his name is justin,

And second of all,
he's not new.

We've been dating
for over a year.

Over a year? Really?

- Yeah.
- Time does fly.

I guess I've just seen

More of his friend dean
than I have of him lately.

Well, he's just
been really busy.

You know, since he became ceo
of his family's company.

You know what,
if I was single,

I'd take a run at that dean.

Oh, my--

No, sir,
it's not a problem.

Thank you, mr. Tisdale.

- [Hangs up phone]
- tisdale?

As in president of the board
of directors tisdale?

One and the same.

In my newfound position
as ceo of the company,

I'm trying to establish
confidence in him.


Oh, you know what?

I'm supposed to pick up
melanie for dinner.

- What about tisdale?
- Would you pick her up for me?

Yeah, I'll make reservations
at so far

- And meet you guys there.
- Yeah. I'd be happy to.

- I'm getting used to this.
- [Chuckles]

Help the unfortunate, please.
Help the unfortunate.

Hey, melanie?

We're all out
of red velvet cupcakes.

Oh, I'll come in early
tomorrow and bake some.

Oh, earlier than 3:00 a.m.?

Early-morning breezes
have secrets to tell.

Yeah, morning breezes
tell me

You's a crazy person who needs
a little relief from work.

Ah, merry christmas.

So, you spending christmas
with your folks this year?

They're out of town.

Christmas day is not
the day to be alone.

thanks. Mm...

Actually, justin's taking me
out to dinner at so far's,

So I don't know.

Maybe he wants to make
some christmas plans.

So far's?

Now, that is special.

I have four girlfriends whose
husbands proposed to them there.

I-i mean,
I better get dressed.

I'll finish cleaning up.

Feed the needy.
[Bell ringing]

Help the needy.


Help the needy.


[Bells ring]

We're closed.

- Hello, donna.
- Oh, hey, dean.

Where's the boss?

Oh, she's in the back,
trying to look younger.

- Hey, I heard that.
- [Laughs]


- Oh. Hey, dean.
- Hey.

What-- where's justin?

Ah, he's stuck at the office
a little longer--

- Meeting you at the restaurant.
- Oh.

- All right, donna, will you...
- Clean up? No problem.

Oh, and you know what?
Tell the new dishwasher--

To go easy on the dish soap.

It changes the taste
of the pastry.

I'll see you tomorrow
around 5:00?

- 4:00.
- 4:30...

Or I'm reporting you
as a break-in.

- [Laughs]
- okay. Thanks.

- Have fun.
- Thanks.

[Bells ring]

Now I see that chauffeuring
the boss's girlfriend

Has become part
of your job description.

- Help to feed the needy.
- It's always good to see you.

- Help the needy.
- What, you came just for me?

And a cookie at the end
of the trail.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You'll just have to come
earlier next time.

Oh, merry christmas.


- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Just throw that
in the backseat.

- What is--
- merry christmas.

That is a hobby of mine.

It's wood carving.

- Did you make these?
- Yeah.

Wow, dean.
I'm really impressed.

And this whole time,

I just thought of you
as justin's majordomo.

- Really?
- Help to feed the needy.

I-i am a very intricate part
of business affairs.


- I push a lot of paper, yeah.
- Merry christmas.

All right,
we got to get going.

All right.

[Car door closes]

[Bell rings]


Okay, thanks.

All right.
Pardon me. Excuse me.

So, he's not here yet.

He never made a reservation,
and there's a 45-minute wait.

Oh, I'm starving.

You know what?

There's a place I go
all the time.

There's no wait.

Lead the way.
We'll call him.

- He can meet us there.
- Yeah.

[Car doors open and close]


Wow, this place certainly has
the christmas spirit.

Yeah, it does,
doesn't it?

It's kind of old-fashioned
that way.

You don't see it
that much anymore.

So what are you doing
for christmas?

Oh, christmas.
Christmas is big in my family.

I'm going home-- my folks,
my brother, his family,

Everybody will be there.

I have a new niece.

Aw. That sounds wonderful.

What about you?


[Knock on glass]


What a mix-up.

I don't know
what happened at so far.

I made reservations.
They just vanished.

- Oh, it's--
- well, I'm off.

Hey, dean, I'm really sorry
to put you through all this.

- Why don't you stay?
- No.

Please, are you kidding?

I'll leave you two romantics
to yourselves.

I'll just slide off
into the cold, bitter night...

- Alone.
- Dean, you are so dramatic.

- Oh.
- Hey.

Thank you for keeping me

My pleasure, fair lady.

You, I will see
bright and early.

You got a ton of paperwork
to go over.

- Thanks again.
- Yes, sir.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Hey, I am really sorry

I didn't pick you up and
the mix-up on the reservations.

Don't worry about it.

But so far seems
really important to you.

Now, you said you always
spend christmas

With your parents, right?

Yeah, but this year
they're going out of town,

So I have to fend for myself.

Well, I'm sorry
to hear that,

But that plays right
into my plan.

Oh, your plan?

I want you
to meet my mother.

Your mother?

Yeah, she'll be

At the old family lake house
upstate over christmas.

Justin, are--

[Chuckles] are you trying
to ask me something?

I'll fly up,
get the place in order.

Your ticket will be waiting
for you at the airport,

So you can come later
in the day.

I'll pick you up.

And it will just be us
and then--

And then your mother.

She's gonna love you.

- You look lovely.
- Thank you, justin.

Watch yourself.


Well, now that you're ceo,

You're prime target
for the fairer sex

Wishing to climb
the corporate ladder.

I was just being friendly.

[Telephone rings]

Somebody's nerves
are working overtime.

Well, I need to show
this board of directors

I have what it takes to run
this company,

Just like my father did.

Hey, you want to instill
confidence in them.


I'm taking a page
out of my dad's playbook.

Are you throwing
an office party?

I'm throwing a christmas party
at the lake house.

Tisdale and most of the board
members still live up there.

A little mingling,
get to know each other--

I like it.

My mom will be coming
from palm springs.

She knows all of them,

And she can help instill
their confidence in me.

Using mom as your wingman,
there's no shame in that.

Well, I got plans
I want to implement.

Having the board on my side
won't hurt.

Plus, melanie will be there
to meet my mother.

Nice. Did you remember
to invite her?

yeah, she'll be there.

I need you there too.

Uh, we'll fly up together
ahead of everybody else.

Uh, we--

I'm spending christmas
with my family. I--

Well, you could be
out of business affairs

And into
the janitorial department.

[Telephone rings]


- This place is great.
- Yeah.

Come on, we got a lot
of work to do.

Let's get those bags.


Yes, I'm listening.

Yeah, mother, I will make
all the arrangements,

Call the caterers,
all that stuff.

The house will be decorated.

- Dean came with me to help.
- Hi, katherine.

All right.
I love you too.

[Phone beeps]


Mom being a little taxing?

You know, sometimes I wonder

If I'm trying to prove something
to the board of directors

Or to my mother.

What does she think
about melanie?

We never really talked
about it.

Why not?

Well, my mother can have
very strong opinions

When it comes to the women
in my life.

Justin, pal,
you cannot let your mother

Influence the rest
of your life.

Yeah, you know
how she can be-- really...

manipulative, pushy,

My way or the highway?

That just about
sums it up, yeah.

I'm gonna take a walk.

I'm gonna try to run into
tisdale on his daily hike.

- You coming?
- No, you go on ahead.

I'm gonna--

I'm gonna stay here
and decorate.

- [Bell dings]
- good morning.

This is your captain
from the flight deck.

We have some late arrivals
connecting to this flight.

We'd like to give them
the chance to catch up to us.

Thank you for your patience.

- Excuse me.
- Sure.


Looks like we're gonna be
row-mates on this trip.

- I'm chris.
- Hi.


Um, someone might be
sitting here.

Oh, uh, um,
I fixed it.

No one's coming.

- Oh.
- [Clears throat]

So where you traveling to?

Uh, forest lake area.

- Oh.
- You?

Buford falls.
It's a small town.

Actually, it's very close
in the same area.

Oh, I'm-- I'm melanie.

Very nice to meet you,

You as well.


[Humming we wish you
a merry christmas]

You look
very familiar, chris.

[Chuckling] well, people
tell me that all the time.

it's the beard.

Oh, you get mistaken
for santa.


But, hey,
I am gonna be santa

In buford falls
right up to christmas eve.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

Folks, this is
your captain again

From the flight deck.

We're number three
for takeoff.

Sorry about the delay.

We have a good tailwind,
and we'll be able

To make up the time
we lost.

Flying and delays make you
a little uneasy, do they?

A little, yeah.

But it's just
that I have my boyfriend

Picking me up
at the airport,

And I just don't want
to make him wait too long.


Any young man
worth his salt

Would be gladly willing
to wait for you.

Oh, that's very sweet.

Thank you, but I don't want
to put him out, you know?

Listen to me.

If this is the right fellow
for you,

You're not gonna put him out,

And he'll wait there
for you.

Besides, you don't
have to worry about it.

I won't?

Well, you heard the pilot.

They're gonna make up
the time.

I knew I'd find you here.

- Justin green.
- Mr. Tisdale. Hello.

Look, i-i'm sorry
I haven't gotten back to you

About that party.

Oh, it's not a problem.
I was gonna call you today.

Look, justin, you don't have
to dance around with me.

What's this party
all about?

It's a meet and greet--

A chance for the board members
to really get to know me

And hear some
of my new ideas.

Mother's coming, so good luck
explaining your absence to her.

[Laughs] now you're sh**ting
real b*ll*ts.

Yeah. I do have some ideas

I would love
to run by you, though.

Let's walk and talk.


I remember the summer
you and my daughter

- Learned to swim in the lake.
- Yeah.

So children tell you
what they want for christmas,

And you listen?

I told you,
I'm serious about my work.

Yeah, but what about the kids
who don't get what they ask for?

Well, I see to it
that wishes are fulfilled

To the extent
that it fits the child.

- But how do you do that?
- [Chuckles] well...

Mostly it's, uh,
the parents are there.

You know, they're listening.

And parents are great
santa helpers.

And most christmas wishes
are simple ones, I suppose.


But then, every once
in a great while,

A child will ask
for a-a long-term wish.

- "Long-term"?
- Yeah.

A wish that takes years
to fulfill

Before it actually fits
a child.


So did you ever write
a letter to santa?

Uh, yeah, I can--

I can remember as well.


That wonderful feeling
that you get

When you write a letter
to santa.

So did you...
Ask for something special?

Oh, it was just
something silly.

I mean, i--

It was a little-girl fantasy,
you know--

Something that seemed
very important at the time.


Well, I asked for--
[bell dings]

All right, folks,
we've made up most of the delay.

We'll be landing
in about 15 minutes.

Cabin crew,
prepare for landing.

I've got to make a quick stop
before we land.

All right,
here's what I'll do.

Later this afternoon,
I'll come by,

And we can discuss it.

- Well, thank you, sir.
- And one more thing.

- What's that?
- Good, bad, or indifferent,

You still throw the party.

- Deal. Deal.
- [Chuckles]

- Thank you.
- Oh, and, justin...

- Yeah?
- Your house

Is that way.

I knew that.
I knew that.

[Air whooshes]

Uh, excuse me, sir.

Um, I dropped my glasses.

And I can't find 'em
for the life of me.

I was just wondering
if you could help.

Oh, well, of course.

Where were you standing
when you last had them?

Uh, down in that area
down there.

Right down there.

- Yeah, just--
- all right.

- Well, let's have a look.
- Yes. A little further.

Around here?

Yeah, just a little bit

Yeah, there you go.
Heh heh.

Somewhere in there.

Oh, my,
is this poison oak?

Ho ho ho ho ho.

Sorry to hear that,
mr. Tisdale.

No, it's no problem
at all.

I look forward to meeting her.
Thank you.

What was that all about?

Uh, tisdale had to cancel.

He got poison oak
on his walk today.

That's not good.

It's all right,

He's sending over
his vp of operation.

Now, if I can convince her
that my ideas are solid,

He'll give us
his full support.

When is she coming by?


Oh, no.

- I got to pick up melanie.
- Hey...

What are we gonna do
about a tree, huh?

Can I go chop one down?

My mother has
an artificial one

She uses every year.
Did you hear what I said?

Yeah, your mom's got
a fake tree.

No, not the tree, melanie.
I got to pick her up.

- As well you should.
- I can't miss this meeting.

Everything depends
on my performance at it.

Okay, all right.

But I'm not putting together
a fake christmas tree.

I mean, not that
I'm not happy to see you,

But where's justin?

Uh, a very important meeting
came up out of nowhere.

- Wait. A meeting up here?
- Yeah.

Happened by accident.

aren't you supposed to be

With your family
for christmas?

Yeah, I am.

Justin asked me to help out
with the party.

Wait. What party?

He didn't tell you, did he?

Um, holiday party...
[Car alarm chirps]

Meet and greet,
board of directors.

- With the whole board?
- Yeah.

- Great.
- You're upset.

Am I here to impress
the board?

you know justin.

He cares so much
about you,

And he would never do anything
to intentionally hurt you.

- He's just a little--
- thoughtless.

Look, you are gonna have
a wonderful time.

Have you seen this lake house?

I mean, it's gorgeous.

I guess we're leaving now.

- Wait. Stop.
- What?

Back up. I think I know
that hitchhiker back there.

The old guy
with the beard?

He sat next to me
on the plane.

H-he's gonna play santa
in some little town around here.

Santa doesn't hitchhike.

Oh, dean, come on,
he's harmless.

He's a nice old man.

He's got this really nice
childlike quality.

Yeah, well, neither he
nor his inner child

Are getting in this car
without a background check.

What if he's a criminal?

Back up.




Great seeing you again.
What a surprise.


This is that boyfriend
you were telling me about?

Oh, no,
this is actually dean.

He's a friend of my boyfriend's.
They work together.


So your boyfriend was too busy
to pick you up, then?

- Well...
- Yeah, well, that's--

Uh, very nice to meet you, dean.
I'm chris.

As in kringle?

[clears throat]

- Yeah, something like that.
- Yeah.

What are you doing out here

Well, since our plane
was late, I missed my bus.

And then a very nice couple
offered me a ride,

But this is as far
as they could take me.

Where you going?

Uh, buford falls.

If you're going
to forest lake,

Then you're probably gonna
pass right by it.

- We--
- we can give you a ride.

Right? We can--
come on, get your stuff.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. Come on.

All right, great.

[Grunts, chuckles]

Chris, why don't you sit
in the front?

No, no, wait.

Melanie, don't you want to sit
in the front?

Oh, no, I'm fine.

And besides, dean doesn't really
want you sitting behind him

- Without a background check.
- Really, melanie? Really?

Well, now, I'm kind of
above the curve

When it comes to judging

People's personalities
and character,

And I would say
that dean was just, you know...

Being careful
and cautious of your safety.

Thank you, chris.

[Knock on door]

Dean, finally.
Come in!

[Door opens]


- Blaire tisdale?
- Hi, justin.


This is fantastic.
I ran into your dad today.

I know.
He sent me.

Oh, you're the vp--

The one I'm supposed
to meet with.

I'm doomed.

Well, it could be
a conflict of interest--

Doing business
with an old high-school sweetie.

Yeah, I suppose it could be.

There's snow here.

A lot
of these little towns

Have their own microclimate.


[Bell rings]

[Engine sputters, dies]


- [Engine stalls]
- what's going on?

The car's dead.

Maybe we ran out of gas.

We couldn't have run
out of gas.

We filled up
before we left town.

We got a full t*nk.

Maybe the gauge is broken.

Well, this isn't good.

Oh, you guys, look.

There's an auto-repair service
right there.

Chris, do me a favor.

Call the rental car company.
Yeah, here's the paperwork.

Ask them if they have
a replacement car

Or roadside service.

My pleasure.

I'm gonna go to the garage
and see if they can help.

All right,
I'm gonna call justin,

Tell him what's going on.


It's been a while
since you've been

- In this house, right?
- Yeah.

But this place
hasn't changed at all.

So you married, kids,
the whole nine yards?

I'm married to my career.

- You?
- Yeah, same here.

[Line trilling]

[Cell phone rings]

Oh, sorry.
I got to take this.

[Cell phone beeps]

Hey, melanie.
Where are you?

Buford falls.

Buford falls?
What are you doing there?

Well, for starters, you didn't
pick me up at the airport.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

I had some work stuff
I had to deal with.

- Anyway, the car's dead.
- You're kidding.

Oh, you know what?

Dean's coming back
from the garage now,

So I'll see what's up,
and then I'll call you back.

I'll be here.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Cell phone beeps]

Hi. So this is george,
the mechanic.

- Hi, george, nice to meet you.
- Hi.

- Sir.
- Hi. Can you give us a jump?

Well, yeah, I could,
but it wouldn't do squat.

I'm pretty sure
it's the alternator.

But you haven't even looked
at the car.

No, don't need to.

Young dean here
gave me the prognosis

Of the patient.

You see, what happens is
the alternator converts

The car's mechanical energy
from the crankshaft

Into electricity
through induction.

Yeah, he's right.

And the electricity is
what powers your accessories--

Your radio,
your navigational system.

And I believe that's
what went first, correct?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Alternator.
- Alternator.

Okay, well, can you fix it?

- Oh, yeah, sure.
- Oh, great. Okay.

- That's great.
- Yeah, sometime tomorrow.

I'm done for the day.

It's still light out.

Yeah, but in 20 minutes,
it'll be dark,

And I'll be home eating
pork chops.

Pardon me, um, is there
a taxi or a car service

That we could hire
to drive us?

Yeah, but everybody's kind of
gearing up for christmas,

So, uh, no.

I'll get you guys
on the road tomorrow.

Don't you worry about it.

- Have a good night.
- Good night.

Did you get ahold
of the rental car company?

Yeah, every time I did,
I got a busy signal.

Busy? It can't be busy.


[Bell rings]

[Busy signal on phone]
it's busy.

- Yeah.
- Wow, what a day.

You know,
maybe I'll call justin

To see if he can
do something.

What can he do?
He's without a car.

Look, I am so sorry,
you guys.

- If you hadn't picked me up--
- no, no, no, it's not--

Look, better that
it happened here

Than up in the mountains

Well, I mean, it looks like
we're gonna be stuck

For the night--
we should find a hotel.

Well, there's a fine
establishment right there--

My accommodations
for the next few days.

Why don't you let me buy you
a hot meal

And a nice warm bed?

It's the least that I can do
for you guys.

Come on.



Oh, welcome, welcome.

I'm peggy montgomery.
How may I help you?

Well, we have
several needs, actually.

First, I'm checking in.
My name is chris.

of course.

You're santa.

We have your room
all ready for you.

Oh, well, thank you
very much, peggy.

And I was wondering
if I might procure lodging

For my friends here.

They are
temporarily stranded.


It wouldn't be
the first december night

An innkeeper took in
a stranded couple,

Now, would it?

we're not a couple.

Well, first things first.
Are you hungry?

- Both: starving.
- Ooh!

Ho ho ho.

if you two will excuse me,

I have to check in
with the mayor

And get my marching orders.

All right.

Well, here we are.

All right, well,
I said I'd call justin back

When we knew something

What do we know?

Well, we know that we've had
a very nice meal,

We've met a very quirky man
who plays santa,

And we will be spending
the night in buford falls.

I mean, should I go on?

You sound like
you're enjoying this.


- I got to go find a signal.
- Yeah.

Tell him "merry christmas"
for me.

- You want to know something?
- What?

I still have
our old prom photos.

- Oh, no.
- [Laughs]

I-i looked ridiculous
in that tux.

You did not look ridiculous.

You looked uncomfortable,
but not ridiculous.

[Both laugh]

Yeah, and you moved
back east,

And we lost contact
with each other.


I-- that was my fault.

It was a bad career move...

And a bad personal choice.

[Cell phone rings]

Oh, sorry.
I got to take this.

[Cell phone beeps]

Hey, melanie.
Where are you?

Oh, I'm just sitting outside
in buford falls.

The car won't be ready
till tomorrow.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

Hey, blaire, is, uh--

Is buford falls that little town
in the valley?

Yeah. That it is.

Blaire? Who's blaire?

That's jack tisdale's
daughter, my board president.

Wait, dean said that
you were at a meeting.

It is business.
She's the vp of operations.

We're going over some ideas
that I can pitch at the party.

Yeah, you know what, about the
party, thanks for mentioning it.

I mean, i--

What happened to our
romantic weekend?

I thought I did tell you.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry.
I just...

Had so much
going on right now.

You okay?

Yeah, you know, there's
a, um-- there's a hotel here,

So dean and I are
just gonna stay the night.

Uh, well, I could ask blaire
to drive me there.

It's just I'm kind of
on a roll in this meeting.

I'm making a lot
of progress with blaire,

And if she likes my ideas,
then her dad will follow suit.


No, don't bother.

You know what?
It's been a long day,

And I just--
I need to get some rest.

Yeah, I should probably strike
while the iron's hot.

[Cell phone beeps]

Melanie? Hello?
You there?

- [Chuckles]
- that was justin, my boyfriend.

I was just filling him in
on our situation.

Is he a good guy?

Oh, yeah, good guy.


A busy guy.

You know, sometimes
we get so busy

That we can't see that
what's right in front of us

Is really what we want.

Hmm. That's--

That's very profound
for a department store--


For a very nice man
who plays santa.

thank you.

You know,
it's kind of strange

That the town's christmas tree
is still dark.

Well, the mayor said
that tomorrow night is

The christmas tree
lighting ceremony.

- It's a big deal.
- Hmm.

Oh, how did it go
with the mayor?

Oh, great.
The mayor laid out my plans.

He even made me
hot chocolate.

- Oh.
- Yeah.


Oh...i got to get
some shut-eye.

I'll go with you.

♪ jingle bells, jingle bells

♪ Jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun
it is to ride ♪

♪ In a one-horse
open sleigh, hey ♪

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Who is melanie?

Uh, melanie is somebody I've
been dating for a few months.

Ah, so there is someone
special in your life.

Hey, can I run an idea
by you?

Yes, of course.

Something I've been
working on here

- To streamline the company.
- Okay.

Tell me what you think.
[Keys clacking]


Santa, consider this
your workshop.

Well, thank you.
Good night, everyone.

- Sleep tight.
- Good night.

And this...

Is our honeymoon suite.

- You take this one.
- Fine.

- Oh, where will you sleep?
- In another room.

All of our rooms
are taken.

Both: but we're not
a couple.

All right,
how about a rollaway bed?

Uh, I have a portable cot.

I'll tell you what,
I'll go ask chris

- If I can bunk with him.
- I'll go get the cot.






- Chris?
- Sleeping.

30 Seconds,
he's already snoring.

Well, I guess we'll just
have to share this room then.

Here you go.

And here are a pair
of pajamas.


Well, good night,
you two.

Oh, and breakfast
anytime before 8:00.

- All right.
- Christmas is coming.

Oh, I am so excited!


[Door creaks]


I'm glad somebody's
enjoying this.

- You-- you look--
- ridiculous?

Oh, I was gonna say something
more along the lines of cute.

[Carolers singing
silent night]

- Hi.
- Hey, perfect timing.

You going there?

- Yeah.
- Great.

♪ Holy night

♪ All is calm

♪ All is bright

♪ Round yon virgin

Are you sleeping?

No, I'm just listening
to the caroling.

It sounds nice.

I used to go caroling
every christmas with my family.

Yeah, we used to spend
christmases with my grandmother.

Her spare bedroom looked
just like this.


Fond memory.

Yeah, very.

I think that's why
I hung on to my woodworking...

To keep my grandpa alive.

I used to spend
every christmas with him.


What was your favorite thing
about christmas growing up?

Mm, probably...

Probably making christmas
cookies with my mother.

I bet they tasted amazing.

Oh, yeah, we would experiment
with every ingredient.

And my dad
was our guinea pig.

It's-- [laughs]
it's amazing he survived it.

So that's why
you opened up a bakery.

Yeah, you know,
that's so funny.

I never thought
about it like that.

You need to look
at those things

Through the eyes of a child.

That's really good, dean.

Did you read that somewhere?

As a matter of fact,
I did.

Good night, dean.

good night, melanie.

Ho ho!

Whoa, look at you.

Yeah. The suit's
the best part of the job.

where's dean?

Um, he's out dealing
with the car.

I think he's trying to call
the rental car company.


- What's in the paper?
- Just christmas stuff.

Good morning, santa.


Can I get you
some more french toast?

No,mon cher.

I must off to my work
without delay.


How about you, dear?
You want more?

No, no, no, thank you.
It was delicious.

You know what?

I would take
a little more coffee.

Oh, coming right up.

Hey. Hey, did you guys
see chris?

He really looks like santa
in that outfit.


- Did you fix the car yourself?
- Nope.

I fell helping push it
to the shop.

Did you call
the rental car company?

I did.
Their computer shows no record

Of justin ever having
rented the car.

And then they put me on hold
for 20 minutes,

And then I hung up.

Oh, dean.
You need a clean shirt.

You sew shirts too?

[Laughs] no, silly.

But you wouldn't believe all
the stuff people leave behind.

Yo, pegasus.
Knock, knock.

Oh, here comes
my twisted friend.


Well, hello, there.

- Debbie...
- What?

These are my new guests,
melanie and dean.

Oh. Hi.

- Hi.
- Hi.


Look at you,
you're just like--

You're just a skinny
little skeeter...

And a very lucky girl.

- Oh, no, we're not a couple.
- We're not a couple. Yeah.

- Debbie.
- What?

Please excuse my--
my friend.

She's going through her
"free as a bird" stage.

Come on, debbie, we need
to get started on the cookies.

We gals, we--
we make cookies every year.

Um, it helps raise money
to buy christmas presents

For the more needy kids
in the area.


If you'll pardon me.

Sure. You--
[clears throat]

You be nice to each other.

- Will do.
- Pegasus...

We're doing
the gingerbread first.




- Justin!
- Mom.

- Hi.
- [Chuckles]

You're here early.

Well, I have to get ready
for the party.

Yeah. Yes, sure, sure.
The party.

You know what?
Hold that thought.

I'll be right back.
I need to put my coat down.

Oh, how am I gonna
tell her?

- Good morning.
- Uh...

You spent the whole night
on the couch?

Yeah, look,
we need to talk.

Yes, we do.
And I will be right back.

I just--
I need a cup of coffee.

Honey, there's a car
out in the driveway.

Is that your girlfriend?

Hey, justin,
where do you keep the--

[Women shriek]

You're here!
Oh, my god!

Wow, what a pleasure.

We were talking business
last night,

And I just went out
like a light.

Oh, this is gonna be
a great christmas.

Just the best.
[Inhales sharply]

You know what?
I think I'm gonna go change

Into some decorating


[Both chuckling]

Hey, you know what?
I like that shirt.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

It suits your
handsome looks.

Really? Thanks.

If only more women
felt like you.


You know, I know
you haven't been married,

- But have you ever been engaged?
- Once.

- What happened?
- Hey, folks.

Good morning, george.

So how's the car coming?

Oh, I'll have it finished
in about 45 minutes.

- Oh, great.
- Once I get the parts.

I don't have the parts yet.

I got to send for 'em
down the hill.

- I'll have it done today.
- Any idea when?

Eh, between now and,
well, the end of the day.

[Cell phone ringing]


Justin, the car won't be ready
till this afternoon.

You've got to come
pick us up.

Okay, sure, honey, yeah.

Mom's here,
so I can use her car.

It might take me a little while,
but I'll be there.

Okay, thank you.

Just call me
when you get here.

All right.
Sounds perfect.

And there's absolutely
no way

That we can get
the part faster?

Well, you can go
pick 'em up.

I can't.
It's real busy.

Well, you know, george,
if we could do that,

That would mean
we'd have a car to drive.

Fair enough.

Okay, so I just talked
to justin,

And his mother is there,
so he's going to use her car

To come pick us up.

- Great.
- Yeah.

That's if nothing else
goes wrong.

Dean, melanie.

- Hey.
- Hoo!

Hey, chris.
What's wrong?

We got to go.

Should I call 911?

No, no, no, no.

A couple of my helpers
didn't show up.

- Come on. Come on, come on.
- But we're-- okay.

Come on, come on, come on.

I-i have my own help,
but just not on this trip.

you're gonna love it.

What would you like
for christmas?

A puppy?

- Hello. What's your name?
- Nicky.

Nicky, are you ready
to meet santa?

You're too big
to be an elf.

You know what?
You're right.

I am too big.
But I really am an elf.

Don't tell anyone.

This is just my disguise
to fool the grown-ups.

- Oh, I get it.
- Come on.

Hello, nicky.

And what would you like
for christmas this year?

[Whispers inaudibly]

Santa, nicky here would like
a new blender for his mom.

Well, that is a very
unselfish wish.

One that needs
to be rewarded, so...

What would you like
for you?

[Whispers inaudibly]

Since that's your
christmas wish,

I think you should
tell him yourself.

A bright red scooter
with flames on it!

Ho ho ho ho ho ho.

Ho ho ho
ho ho ho ho ho.

Merry christmas, nicky.


- These are the nicest people.
- Well, yes.

Rich not in money,
but an overabundance of spirit

And goodwill.

But what about
his wish

For a blender for his mom
and a new scooter?

No problem, my dear elf.

The ladies' bake sales
will take care of that.

I will be back later.

You have to tell her
the truth.

You set her straight
about you and me.

I'm looking
for the right opening.

Look at her, she's been giddy
since she got here.

- Hi.
- Hello.

I'm gonna take mom's car
and go pick up melanie.

Why don't I come with you?

- We'll take my car.
- Okay.

I am just so glad you two
have cinched the saddle again.

Now is a good time,

Um, mother, we're gonna
go get melanie.

Melanie, the baker
you told me about?

I invited her up here
to meet you.

But what about
you and blaire?

I mean, when I first got here,
I thought--

You two have always been
the perfect couple.

We won't be gone long.


[Bells ring]

[Bear panting]

- She's great.
- Yeah?

I think you'll
really like her.

I would really,
really like to--


- Justin, that's a--
- that's a bear.


- Come on, let's go inside.
- Okay.


I thought you two
were leaving.

There's a bear by the cars.

A really big one.

Oh, well, then, I guess
you won't be going anywhere.

Blaire, why don't you come
and help me decorate the tree?



Thank you, little darby.
I'll see what I can do.

- [Laughs] all right.
- There you go.

- Thank you.
- [Chuckles]

Merry christmas.

[cell phone rings]

[Phone beeps]

- Hello?
- Hey, dean.

Hey, can you hear me?
We got a bad connection.

No, no, no,
I'm here, I'm here.

Reception out here is
a little spotty. What's up?

I tried calling melanie,
but her phone's turned off.

Oh, yeah, well,
she's elfin' it right now.

Have you been a good boy?
Eat your broccoli?

Wait, we got
a bad connection,

But I thought you just said
she waselfingit.

I did.

You know what?
Never mind.

Look, I can't leave the house
right now.

There's a bear problem.

Did you say
there was a bear problem?



Yeah, you know what, pal?
You're breaking up on me.


[Phone beeps]

- Merry christmas.
- Thank you.

I need to call the sheriff
about the bear.

Oh, sam, I just love
this time of year.

Everything's on sale.

[Telephone rings]

County sheriff's department.

Hey, it's justin green
on spyglass drive.

I'd like to report a bear
outside our house.

Sir, bears hibernate
this time of year.

Yeah, well, this one
doesn't seem to know that.

What's your address?

31 Spyglass drive.

Got it.
We'll send someone right over.

[Phone beeps]


Must be having a big party
up on spyglass.

They're seeing bears
in december.

Next thing you know,
they're gonna be calling

About reindeer on the roof.

So can they be
of any help, honey?


I hope so.

Well, evidently, we're still
in a holding pattern on the car.

Guess we just got to go
with the flow.

I mean, I called justin
to come pick us up.

He hasn't called back,
he hasn't shown up.

He called me
when you were santa's helper.


Well, apparently, he's having
a bear issue at the moment,

And he can't leave the house.

A bear problem?


I mean, what's next?

- Lions and tigers?
- Oh, my.

Hey, don't sh**t
the messenger.

What say we go change?

- All right.
- Come on.

Wow, chris was right.
They really do

Go all out for christmas here.

It's worth going
all out for, you know?

Boy, my folks sure did.

They used to decorate

They even decorated
the inside of the garage.

Yeah, my dad had this knack
for finding unique ornaments.

We would never know
what to expect

From one christmas
to the next.

See, everything nowadays
is stamped out in mass.

It all looks the same.

Yeah, they get really--
like a fad catches on,

You know, like getting
a fake christmas tree.

Suddenly, everybody has
to have one.

Yeah, when did the world
lose its imagination?

You haven't lost
your imagination.

Really, I saw those pictures
of your woodworking.

What, those? Ehh.

I always thought of that
as more of a learned craft.

If you can't imagine it,
you can't make it.


Not bad,
from a cookie maker.


I'm just trying
to help a paper pusher.

Stop it.


[Phone rings]

I'm awake.
I'm awake.

Where is it?


Yeah, george here.

If it's broke,
we can fix it.

If it ain't broke,
we can still fix it.

The whole road?

Oh, hey, that's a big deal.


Well, yeah.
Nothing I can do about it.

All right, well--
yeah, yeah, thanks for calling.




- All right.
- Aww.

- Hand me the angel.
- I love her.

She's been in the family
for years.


Okay, here we go.

Oh, it's perfect.

Christmas stirs so many
memories in me.

You know, seeing justin has
stirred a few in me.

You two were always
so adorable together.

Okay, I have to figure out
the food menu for the party.

Oh, no.
I'll take care of that.

Here, let's go
to the kitchen.

Hey, dean.

- Hey.
- How are you?

Tell me you got that part.

Well, the part's
on its way.

- Or should I saywason its way.
- What do you mean?

A logging accident shut down
the whole main road.

They'll try to deliver it
to you tomorrow.

Huh. Okay.

All right,
see you and the missus

At the christmas tree
ceremony tonight, huh?

I got to go get ready.

She's not my--

Never mind.

We're never gonna
make it, peggy.

Oh, don't say that,

- We cannot give up.
- Are you ladies okay?

No. The tree-lighting ceremony
is tonight,

And we need loads of cookies
to sell.

You know, to help
the less-fortunate children?

We thought that we could do it
ourselves, and we can't.

No, we need a lot more hands
in the dough.

We have to get this new batch
in the oven.

Stop talking,
and come and help.

Oh, okay, debbie.


So I talked to george,

And the car won't be ready
until tomorrow,

And I still haven't heard
from justin.


He's probably just having
more bear problems.

And you know what?
The car--

"Oh, well" is my answer.

That's a good color on you.
It brightens your eyes.

Uh, thanks.

It was a birthday gift
from justin.

Yeah, I knew
it would look good on you.

Did you have a hard time
picking it out?


- You said "I knew."
- Yeah.

He couldn't even do
his own birthday shopping.

No, mel, he just--

You have good taste.


Ah ha ha.
There you are.

- Hi, chris.
- Hey.

Thank-you gifts
for helping me out.

You were both splendid
as my elves.

anytime you want,

Come on up
to the north pole

And help me out.

How did you know
I like to work with wood?

Well, a little bird
told me.


Well, I've got to run.
It's a big night tonight.

See you there.


Wait-- wha--
don't look at me.

I'm a skeeter,
not a little birdy.

What'd you get?

The question is,
how could he possibly

Have known about this?

- What is it?
- It's--

It's pure vanilla bean

Is it special?

Well, it was
to my mother and i.

This was--

This was our secret


Oh, no!

We're never gonna
make it now.

You turned the heat up
too high on the oven, debbie.

- I did not touch it!
- Oh, yes, you did.

Put the other ones
in the oven.

- I told you not to touch it.
- I didn't touch it.

Just don't touch anything,
debbie, okay?

- I didn't touch anything.
- Oh, my.

I'm gonna go help them out.

Huh. Tools.

It's a very important day,

- We're running late.
- Yeah.

We don't have time
to talk right now.

No, no, but I'm offering
my help-- I'm a baker.

- Both: what?
- Yeah.

I own my own bakery.

I can make cakes.
I can make cookies.

- For real?
- Yes, really.

And I just so happen to have
my secret ingredient

That will make the most
delicious christmas cookies.

- Why didn't you say so before?
- Awesome.

- This is so exciting.
- Let's get to it.

Here, take the apron.

You two mix.
I'll decorate.

I'm gonna use my fingers

'Cause mixing
makes my fingers tingle,

Sort of like
your rock star.

makes debbie tingle.

- [Laughs]
- that's true.

- All right, I'll decorate.
- Keep going.

Keep going fast,
fast, fast.

[Overlapping chatter]

[Knife thumping]


- [Chuckles] hey there.
- Hey!

- What do you think?
- Nice.

- Huh?
- Very nice.

So you all geared up
for tonight?


Piece of cake compared
to christmas eve.

That's when the work
really starts.

I'll bet.

How did you know
I like to work with wood?

Oh, well.

Hey-- hey, where's
our darling melanie?

- She's helping bake cookies.
- [Chuckles]

She is a gem.

I agree with that 100%.

[Sighs] yeah.

So how long
have you known her?

Oh, she's been dating my boss
for a little over a year now.

Is your boss dating her?

It's all right.

Job security
is important to people.

It's not job security.

I'm just not that type of man
to steal another man's girl.

And that's exactly the type
of man melanie has wanted

Since she was nine years old.


Okay, chris,
you are a great guy.

[Shimmering tone]

You are a little kooky
but you are a great guy.

But she--

Where'd he go?

Hey, this is melanie.

Leave a message
or you can try me at the shop.

Hey, it's justin.

Still waiting for the sheriff
to come by for the bear.

As soon as the coast is clear
I'll come get you.


[Line trilling]

[Phone ringing]

31 Spyglass?

[Ringing continues]

Oh, it's that
bear-seeing fruitcake again.

I'm gonna let
the machine get it.

Hey, it's justin green again.

Uh, still waiting for somebody
to show up for the bear.


Well, you just
keep waiting, honey.

We'll be out there about spring
when the bear finally shows up.


- But it's fun.
- It is fun.

I love planning parties.

Okay, so we have made all
the phone calls to the guests.


They're all gonna be arriving
around 4:00 tomorrow afternoon.

And I talked to the caterer,
and I gave them our menu.

And they will
set up by 3:30.

Oh, blaire,
you are so efficient.

And I know a really
great combo band

For a little mood music.

- They're really good.
- Oh, that's wonderful.

Can I help?

- You want to help bake cookies?
- Yeah.

I am an exceptional
cookie cutter.


Um, sure.

I mean, you can
just throw on this apron

And show me
what you got.

You can roll this out
and then use those cutters.



You look very happy.

You know what?
I am.

I mean, these last few days
have been unexpected.

But fun.

Yeah, so I am.

Oh, you actually kind of
know what you're doing, huh?

Thank you.


- Hey.
- Okay.

You see, this--
this is excellent cookie dough.

[Laughs] it's--

No, no, I should know.
I am an expert.

We can use those trimmings
to make more cookies.

- Cut it out.
- We sure can.

- You mean these trimmings?
- [Laughs]


- What?
- Nothing.

No, you just-- you have
some flour on your face.

- Don't drop them.
- Cookies!

We need more cookies
to feed the oven!

Come on, guys.

Skeeter, get rolling.

- And, handsome, get cutting!
- Right.

Debbie. No.

[Cookie thuds]

I'll check the oven.


Everything okay?


We were doing great.


So let's see,
the caterers,

They can set up over
on the patio...

Oh, yeah--

And the band,
they can play out there too.

Oh, I love that.

Oh, that's kind
of romantic, right?

Very romantic.

- Hey.
- [Gasps]

What are you doing?

Mom, I need
to borrow your keys.

What on earth for?

I'm gonna go get melanie.
Bear or no bear.

Absolutely not. No.



- Blaire?
- I'm gonna go with you.

Do you really think that bat
is going to protect you?

Come on. I had a great
batting average in high school.

Plus, bears have
sensitive noses-- let's go.

[Overlapping chatter]

[Holiday music playing]


Oh, we really appreciate
all your help, melanie.

I appreciate you too.

You know, you really
gave me something

That I thought I'd lost.

- Really?
- We did? Told you.

You did.

The joy of baking.

I had lost sight of the fun
I had as a child, so...

- Thank you.
- You're welcome, sweetheart.

We're so glad
we could help.

Skeeter, we have never sold
this many cookies.

We are gonna be able to buy
a ton of presents for the kids.

Thank you.

And folks sure do like
that secret ingredient of yours.

Me too.

That cookie's
gonna cost you a dollar.

- I baked it.
- I don't care.

This is a charity.
We need every cookie we have.

- Pay up.
- I saw you eat one.

- I did not.
- You did too.

Okay, ladies.

Hi. Excuse me.

I would like to buy
this lady's cookie here.

Here's a five.
Keep the change.

Why, thank you, deary.
And it's for a very good cause.


A real prince charming.

I love you, mr. Hogan.

Thank you
for our darling daughter

And a wonderful life.

Thank you.

You have always
been my prince charming.


Hey, you.

You okay?



Yeah, I'm fine.

I just-- whoo,
a little light-headed.

can we take a walk?


- She's falling in love.
- I told you.

Okay, okay, okay.

Be careful,
the steps are tricky.

do you see him?

No. I don't see him.

- I think we're okay.
- All right.

Hurry up.
Get in the car.


- That was intense.
- I know.

[Engine turns]

[Sighs] oh.

Road block.

This is the only road
I know into town.

Sorry, folks.


[Door slams]

We had ourselves
a fully-loaded logging truck

That just accidentally
lost its load.

Now, it's right
up the road here,

Nobody was hurt.

But well, it's gonna
take us a half-day

To get her
all cleaned up.

So you're gonna have
to turn around and go back.


Is there another road
into town?

Oh, sure is--

Say, you going
to that christmas tree lighting?

Oh, well--

It's a shame
that this little old mess

Just ruined
that romantic evening

For such a fine couple
like yourselves.

- Oh, we're not--
- we're not--

- We're not a couple.
- Couple.

Never you two mind.

Now here's what you do.

You're gonna go down
to that first road.

Then you're gonna
make yourself a left.

Make a left.

Then you're gonna see yourself
a big old detour sign.

You're just gonna follow that.


- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- Just my job.
- Bye.

[Car doors closing]

[Engine turns]

How are you feeling?

Just confused.


The holidays.
This adventure.

Just-- I don't know.

Escaping the norm,
I guess.

The company?

Yeah, a little.

I wasn't expecting
any of this.

Let's gather round
the christmas tree

And fire it up!

I think that means us too.

This is the second fork
in the road,

He only mentioned one.

I mean, we didn't see
a detour sign.

- Which way are we supposed to go?
- I don't know.

Maybe he meant stay left after
the first fork in the road.

[Chuckles] okay.

Well, everybody,

It is that magical time
of year again.

And I am proud to report
that this year our cookie sales

Went through the roof.

- Whoo!
- And we broke all the records.


And that was because
of an out-of-towner--

The wonderful melanie hogan!


Skeeter, where are you?

[Cheers and applause]

She's right here!

And now without further ado,

I would like
to bring up mayor graves.

[Cheers and applause]

He's the mayor?

Thank you.
Good evening, everyone.

It's not an election year,
george, let's keep it short!


All right.

I will.

I want to thank
all you fine folks

For coming out tonight
to help us kick off christmas

In buford falls.

But I also want to say thank you
to peggy and debbie

For their cookie sale.

I think.

And a special
heartfelt thank you

To miss melanie.


All right.

So in the spirit
of keeping it short...


What do you say
we bring out santa claus

To light up
this christmas tree?


[Cheers and applause]

Merry christmas, everyone!
Ho ho ho!

Merry christmas!

Well, what do you say?
Shall we light up this rocket?


Ho ho!

All right!
Here we go!

And ten!

All: nine!










[Cheers and applause]

All: ♪ we wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪


All: ♪ we wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year

♪ Good tidings to you
wherever you are ♪

♪ Good tidings in christmas
and a happy new year ♪

♪ Now bring us
some figgy pudding ♪

♪ Now bring us
some figgy pudding ♪

♪ Now bring us
some figgy pudding ♪

♪ And bring it right here

A detour sign with no arrow.

What are we supposed to do?
Guess which way to go?


And my gps isn't working
very well right now.

[Laughs] in fact,
it's not working at all.

The road worker said,
"follow the detour."

We need a map.

But then we'd have to know
where we are

In order for the map
to help.

- I guess we'll try this way.
- Okay.

[Overlapping chatter]

You know something?

This is what christmas
is all about.

Best christmas tree ever.

Yeah, I'll bet you
say that every year.


What a splendid way
to kick off christmas, huh?


- Yes, it is.
- [Laughs]

You know, I'm so glad
I met you on the plane.

Thank you.

For what?

For bringing us here.

Well, I believe that you
brought me here.


All the same, thank you.

And my dear melanie,

I believe that you got
your christmas wish.

Oh, I didn't make one
this year.

Oh, yes,
you did, my dear.


Oh, chris,
what a wonderful night.

Oh, thank you.

Chris, thanks for making it
so special.

My pleasure.

- Yeah.
- It's beautiful, isn't it?

Oh, I love the tree.

Don't-- don't move.
I'll be right back.

So wonderful.
It's so great.

And i, for one, am very glad
that you folks stuck around.

Well, not that you had a heck
of a choice.

You having fun yet, skeeter?

- I am.
- [Laughs]

Uh, chris, can I talk to you
for a second?

- Excuse me.
- Uh-huh.


When we first met
on the plane,

You asked me
what I wrote santa for

When I was a little girl.

And I never had a chance
to answer you.

You want to tell me now?

Well, you are the closest
thing I have to santa.

you never know.

You have to promise
not to laugh.

Cross my heart.

I asked for true love.

The kind of love and care

That I saw in my parents.

And did you receive
that christmas wish?

Have a really merry christmas!

I thought I had,

Now I'm not so sure.

It's very important

That you find the right man
in your life.

Thank you, santa chris.

Just doing my job.

I don't believe this.

All this driving around
and we ended up back home?

but it looks that way.


It would seem destiny
is keeping

The shining knight
from his fair maiden's rescue.

Remember when we did
that play in high school?

And you had to ride
a stick horse to my rescue.

- Yeah.
- [Laughs]

It was a great time.

Opening night, my stick horse
breaks in half.

- [Gasps]
- [laughs]


Better get inside.

Yeah, yeah.

What a magical night.

I wish it would never end.

These last few days have been
really special.

- Mel, i, um--
- yeah?

I made you
a little something.

Just a little something
to remember your time here by.


This is wonderful.

Thank you.

I'm giving the company

My two-weeks notice
after christmas.

Starting the new year fresh.


Time to move on.

Well, you seem--

You seem really happy
with your decision.


I'm gonna open up a little shop
like my grandpa had maybe.

There's only one disappointment.

Which is?

I never got any of
those cookies that you baked.

They were all sold out
by the time I got there.


You're always missing out
on the cookies.

Story of my life.

It's okay though
because I happen to have

A very special cookie
with your name on it.



Vanilla bean?

Well, are you gonna eat it?

Are you kidding me?
I'm not gonna eat this.

Who knows when
I'll get another one?

For now, I'll keep it close
to my heart.

You know, you never told me--

You never finished telling me
the story

Of when you were engaged
to someone.

Long story.

Walk with me.


Well what?

Well, are you gonna tell me?

Tell? Oh.

She turned out to be
a man-eating alien from mars.

And I don't know about you,

But there's just some things
I can't look past

In a relationship.

It was a total deal breaker.

And I had to vaporize her.

Oh, really?

We just didn't fit.

Do I fit?



So there was a road block,
and you couldn't get into town.

Well, I guess I should
probably be going.

Oh, no,
you can't go anywhere.

We have a party to plan.


Blaire would like to go home.

But I will be back first thing
in the morning.

Oh, my gosh.

What is it, mother?

It's snowing.

Oh, my--

- No.
- [Laughs]

Oh, my gosh.

It is snowing.

Oh, that's snow.

And a lot of it.

So I guess we're gonna have
to cancel the party.

Are you kidding?

We're not going to let
a little snow ruin your party.

That's my girl.

Well, I guess I'm going
to spend another night

In your spare bedroom.

And I say good for that.

♪ O'er the fields we go

♪ Laughing all the way

♪ Ha, ha, ha

♪ Bells on bobtail ring

♪ Making spirits bright

♪ What fun it is
to laugh and sing ♪

♪ A sleighing song tonight

♪ Oh, jingle bells,
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride

[Hummingjingle bells]




[Line trilling]

[Cell phone rings]


Hello, boss lady.

Donna, what's wrong?

Wrong? Nothing's wrong.

Everything is right.

I've got all the special
christmas orders out.

I'm gonna clean up and go home.

Well, it sounds like
you have it all together.

I was actually calling
to find out

How your romantic
holiday getaway

With justin was going.

Um, with justin?

I haven't actually seen him.

But the holiday weekend
is very romantic.

All right, melanie.
Spell it out for me.

Oh, it's a long story.

I've got time.

Well, justin sent dean
to pick me up at the airport,

And the car broke down,

So we got stranded
in this little town

Which turned out to be
a very charming place.

And we met this man named
chris who plays santa.

She skipped right over
the romantic part.

Okay, well,

Do you remember
how you were asking me

About finding the right guy,

You know,
finding my prince charming?


Well, I found him.



You stole my dream guy.
How will I ever forgive you?

I just feel--

I just feel so relaxed
when I'm with him.

You know, I feel like

He's taught me
to just enjoy

The simple things again.

Well, does he feel
the same way about you?

Yes, he does.

Oh, have you told justin?

No, but we're--
we're going to.

Well, girlfriend,
I'm very proud of you.

You sound wonderful...

And in love.

I am.

Listen, donna,

Thank you for everything,

Merry christmas.

Merry christmas, melanie.

[Phone beeps]

[Phone beeps]

[Car alarm chirps]

Oh, you know, debbie,

I'm really gonna miss
those kids.

I know. Me too.

I've grown really fond
of them.

Yeah, they're adorable.

Oh, melanie.

We're gonna miss you
around here.

Oh, I'm gonna miss
being around here.

Well, if we get lucky,

Maybe you and your handsome hunk
will come back to visit us.

Well, you can count on that.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- We're ready.
- Speak of the devil.

Have you seen chris?

Oh, he left last night.

Last night?

Yeah, he said that today
being christmas eve

That he just had to get busy.

Busy doing what?

Well, he didn't say,

But I guess whatever santa does
on christmas eve.

- Ooh.
- Huh.

Bye, dean.


Thank you.

Don't forget me.

Come here, you.


Thank you guys so much.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- Take care.
- Drive carefully now.

- We will.
- Okay?


I knew they were a couple.

- I told you so.
- You did not.

Yes, I did.

[Door closes]



Surprisingly, no.

On one hand, I actually feel
very at peace.

On the other hand?

I feel a little like
I'm letting justin down.

Ah, yeah.


You thought about what
you're gonna say to him?

You know,
my dad always said

The truth may not always
be popular,

But it's always the truth.

And the truth is...

I love you.

[Horn honks]

[Car doors close]


Melanie, dean,
I would like you to meet blaire.

Listen, there's something
I have to tell you.

A lot has happened
over the last few days.

I know.

We were
high-school sweethearts,

And it seems like that spark
has reignited.

I'm-- I'm so sorry, melanie.

- It just happened.
- No.

No. That-- that's--

Actually, I'm really happy
for you both.

Merry christmas.

- Merry christmas.
- Merry christmas.


[Holiday music]

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