Christmas Belle (2013)

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Christmas Belle (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

Looking good, Cliff.

Thanks, Belle.

- Hey, Ben.
- Hey, Belle.

Saved the best wreath I had
for the prettiest girl I know.

Aw. I'm sure you say that
to all the girls.

- That's not true.
- We girls talk, you know.

Oh, I have something
for you guys.

- Merry Christmas.
- Thank you.

- Merry Christmas.
- Bye.

Look at that.
Both of us have roses.

And... you know what they say
about great minds.

What do they say
about great minds, Tony?

That great minds...
should go to dinner.

Tony, are you trying
to take out my daughter still?

Well, it is Christmas,
the season of joy and charity.

Charity? I think you need
to work on your material.

- Come on, I brought you roses.
- Thank you.

Well, I remember
how much you love roses,

specially at Christmas time.

I do. It was
very sweet of you.

And look how the roses
blend together.

It kind of,
kind of reminds me of us.

Tony, I...

Okay, I'll stop
with the cheesy lines

if you agree to go out
to dinner with me one time.

Look, you are smart

and good-looking and charming.

Any girl would be crazy
to not wanna go out with you.

But we're friends, I...

So you're saying you're crazy?
I love crazy.

Are you telling me

that you honestly
wanna go out with me,

and I'm not just a challenge?

I honestly wanna go out
with you.

Well, I'm sorry. I can't.

Can't tonight or can't ever?

My dad's sending me away

to handle some new client, so...

And the estate features
an impressive library,

and Belle loves books,
so it's a perfect fit.

Wait. You're sending her away
during Christmas?

The owner...

wants to auction off
all the contents of the estate,

and then sell the house, so we...

Uh, me.

Have to photograph

every item in its place.

Which is probably
gonna take a solid week.

And I leave today, so...

Today? This can't wait
until after Christmas?

Well, he wants to be out
before Christmas, so we...


Are going to accommodate him.

So dinner's gonna have to wait.

So, you are willing
to go to dinner with me?

One date.

Good. Fantastic.

I'll, um... I'll be in touch.

Enjoy the books.

Thank you for the roses.

You're welcome.

Katie, it's Tony. Hey.

So listen, I know this is
kind of last minute,

but I have a reservation
over at the Grill at 7:00.

Yeah. You wanna go?

You know, he's just relentless.

Dad, are you listening to me?

He hates Mondays.

He's a cat.

Okay, I'm sorry.
What, what were you saying?

- Tony.
- Ah.

You know,
he's not really my type,

but he just won't
leave me alone.

Well, why don't you
just go out with him?

Dad, you think that he's
actually interested in me?

Honey, I know he is.

He has been since you were kids.

Anyway, enough about this.

I need you to focus a 150%

on the Hunter Lowell estate.

- Okay?
- I am focused.

This is a big commission,

and we need the money.

I know. I do the books.
Remember, Dad?

Just be safe, okay?

- Love you, Dad.
- Call me.

I will.

♪ Dark cloud cover
strikes the north ♪

♪ It has to stop snowing

♪ Under the tree
lies my present for you ♪

♪ Today is Christmas Eve

♪ And it wouldn't be merry

♪ If it wasn't for you

♪ For being here with me

Uh, excuse me. Can I order?



What can I do for you?

Have a wedding coming up?

Oh, yeah. I'm studying
to be ordained online.

We have a tendency to double up
on jobs around here.


How's your Cobb salad?

It's good.

And... do you make
your own lemonade?

Of course we do.

Everything here is homemade,
including the pies.

And today's special
is lemon-lime cream.

Sounds good, I think I'm gonna

just stick with the Cobb salad

and a large lemonade, please.

You got it.

Thank you.

Excuse me, are you familiar
with the Lowell estate?

Yeah, I know it.

Well, I'm on my way there,
but I think I might need

some better directions.

Uh, you know what?
You don't wanna go there, missy.

Well, I'm going there
for business, so...

Ignore Reverend Burny.

I'm Angie.
I'm the estate manager.

I had your room made up today.

Oh, thank you. I'm Isabella.

Mr. Lowell isn't that bad.

"Isn't that bad"?

I work for him.

I'm still living to tell
the tale.

Uh, how long you in town for?

I guess however long it takes me

to catalog all the items
in his home.

- That is gonna be a while.
- Yeah. Hey, perfect.

You know, you'll be here
for the Christmas party.

Now, that is quite something.

Look, I can't promise
to take you as my date,

but I'll save a couple of spots
for you on my dance card.

I'll hold you to that.



Who are you?

Um, I'm Isabella Everhart.

Everhart, as in Rex Everhart?

Yes. He's my father
and my business partner.

I was expecting him.

Well, you... You've got me.

I contracted with him, not you.

Uh, he's my partner, Mr. Lowell,
but I'm actually the one

with the extensive knowledge
of books,

and I hear that you have
quite an impressive library.

I'd prefer it
if your father were here.

- Well, we can call him.
- Great.

But if you want your estate
ready for sale by Christmas,

then I suggest you let me
do my job.

Alright. Very well.

You can leave your bags here.


This way.

It's such a beautiful house,
Mr. Lowell.

A house with too much stuff.

I understand
that you inherited it

from your grandparents,
is that correct?

That's correct.

There's no
Christmas decorations.

Oh, I plan to be out of here
by Christmas.

Oh. That's too bad.

Follow me.
I'll show you to your room.

You can get started.

It's okay.

This'll be your room
during your stay.

Oh, wow. What a beautiful room.

I, uh, I love the rose motif.

If these are guest rooms,
I can't imagine

what the master must look like.

No, actually, it is the master.

I just don't sleep here.

Oh, why?

Personal reasons.

It's not haunted, is it?

No, it's not haunted.

I was, I was kidding.

Well, hello.

What a cute dog.

- What's his name?
- Beast.


Well, you're not a beast,
are you?

Why'd you name him Beast?

I didn't. My fiancée did.

Oh, I didn't realize
you were engaged.

I'm not. Not anymore.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to pry.

The library is down the hall,
on the left.

I'll come get you
once you're settled.

I shouldn't be that long.



Oh, my gosh!

This room is amazing.

I don't think I've ever seen
a personal collection

like this before.

Some of these bindings
are real works of art.

You have a Gutenberg Bible?

The plan, Miss Everhart,
which I have no intention

of wavering from,
is to auction off

every single item in this house.

Why would you wanna
sell everything off?

They're just books,

although they might be worth
a little bit of money.

A little money?

Um, this isn't a first edition,

but this is probably worth...

I don't know, nearly $50,000.

Fifty thousand?

Yes. You should be keeping this
in a glass case.

Well, I don't really need
your advice, Miss Everhart,

just your appraisal.

Yes. I'm, I'm sorry. I didn't...

Now, this table should do
as a workstation.

Kitchen is downstairs.

You're more than welcome
to prepare your meals

during your stay.

I won't wait on you.

My housekeeper did
some shopping this morning,

so there should be
plenty of food.

I won't keep you from your work.

Come on, Beast.
Let's go for a walk.


Wow. I love this room.

Well, hello, Beast.

Lie down.

Aw. You're such a sweet dog.

You're not a beast, are you?

Okay, you can stay,
but I gotta work.


Hey, boy.



Come in.

Excuse me.
I was looking for my dog.

Oh, he's quite the snuggler.

He's usually not.

You're still working?

Yeah. A document for my dad.

At 1:30 in the morning?

Well, he needs it
by tomorrow, so...

He sends you here
to handle my estate,

yet asks you to do other work.

Pretty much.

Well, I trust it won't
get in the way

of what we're doing here?

No, it shouldn't affect us
at all, Mr. Lowell.


Beast. Beast, come.

Beast, let's go, now.

Suit yourself. Goodnight.


Okay, do you have something
against shirts?


You never seem to be
wearing your shirt.

Do you not like shirts, or...

No, I like shirts just fine.

Strange question.

I was kidding. Um, are you
hungry? I made some breakfast.

There is fresh fruit
and scrambled eggs

with cheese and salsa.

No, I can handle
my own breakfast, thanks.

Beast has never slept
with anyone before.

He's usually not much
of a snuggler.

Well, he was last night.

Beast was a snuggler?

Hard to believe.

- Morning, Angie.
- Good morning, love.

- Angie will give you the tour.
- Tour?

Of the estate.
I need to take some pictures

for the estate sales pages.

Give me a moment.

So this is the barn conversion.

Hunter was raised
by his grandparents.

Back in the day, they had all
the parties in here.

Well, it's beautiful.
It's definitely a selling point.


His grandmother
loved to entertain.

She would host book clubs,
the Garden Club,

picnics, holiday parties,
more book clubs.

She even hosted the annual
Christmas dance here one year.

It's pretty much been sitting
empty ever since she passed.

Hunter has only come back
for the past few weeks

just to settle the estate.

- Oh? From where?
- San Francisco.

He works for some
international commodities firm.

Or he did.

He just quit so he can
go travel the world.

- That sounds nice.
- I think he's just running away.

- From what?
- All this.

Too many memories.

That's why he doesn't
like to be here.

Come on. I'm gonna show you
the covered bridge.

- Great.
- It's the most charming

and romantic little aspect
of this estate.

I'm excited to see it.

This solarium is off-limits.

Hunter doesn't want me
to touch it.

I sneak in and water the roses.

His grandmother planted them,
and I just can't let them die.

I wouldn't either.

This place is magical.

Or it could be.

It was his grandmother's
favorite room.

That's why he never
wants to come in here.

The memories just haunt him.

Then he takes it out on us.


Quick. We gotta get outta here.

He'll k*ll me if we're in here.

- Good morning, Tony.
- Morning.

What can I do for you?

Want to talk to you
about Isabella.

Oh, I'm sorry.
She's not here right now.

No, I know.
That's why I'm here.

I went out on this date
last night.

Why are you telling me this?

Well, I had a great reservation.

I didn't wanna lose it, so

I took out this beautiful girl.

Wait, wait, wait.
Look, I'm not a priest,

Okay? I'm Belle's father.

That's why I wanted
to talk to you.

So, I'm sitting
at this restaurant

across from this gorgeous woman,

and the only thing
I can think about...

is Isabella.

Why are you telling me this?

I want your blessing.

You wanna marry my daughter?

Yes. It hit me last night.

And... I need you to help me
seal the deal.

Okay, first of all, Belle is not
a deal to be sealed, okay?

Yes, I'm her father,
but my opinion doesn't count.

I mean,
she makes her own decisions.

But she trusts you,
and she loves you,

and you can help... steer her
in the right direction.

I love her.

I know you do.

- Good morning.
- Hey.

I see you still haven't
found your shirts.

Well, I've just been running.

You might find this
hard to believe,

but some people do actually run
with shirts on.

- Not me.
- So I see.

Hey, do you wanna take a look
at this portfolio

that I'm creating for the house?

Nah. Not now.

I got a couple errands
I need to run first.


Miss Everhart?

Miss Everhart!

Miss Everhart?


What are you doing?

I brought in some new flowers,

and I cleaned up the room,

and I'm taking pictures

for the estate sales pages.

This room is supposed
to be off-limits.

This room is
a huge selling point.

No, cleaning up rooms that you
were asked to stay out of

is not doing your job.
That's what Angie's here for.

And you will have
more than enough things

to get done in the library,
and I'd appreciate

if you got back to it.

As soon as I'm done
taking the pictures.

I want you out of this room now!

Look, if you want
this house sold,

and you wanna be out of here
before Christmas,

you have to let me do my job.

Taking pictures of some
plant room isn't gonna matter.

It doesn't make
a difference to you.

But to the person
that's buying this estate?

Trust me, it matters.

Cataloging the items
in this house to be sold

is what you should be doing.

I'm very aware of what
needs to happen here.

- Great.
- I've been logging extra-long

- hours the last two days.
- Great. As you should be.

'Cause you're on my time.
I hired you.

Which I'm starting to realize
was a huge mistake on my part.

Listen, this is not okay.

I'm not gonna tolerate you
speaking to me...

You will tolerate it,
because I'm...

I'm sorry.

You know, you have been
nothing but rude to me

since I got here.

And I am truly sorry that you're

so miserable on the inside

that you think that it's okay
to just bully

everybody around you.

As much as I like your dog...

and as much as I
truly love this library...

I quit.

- I quit.
- Come on.

You're not gonna quit.

Watch me.


Hey, young lady.

Belle, are you okay?

I came to say good-bye.

Don't tell me you quit.

He yelled at me.

He does that.

Well, I'm surprised
you lasted as long as you did.

I wish you were staying, though.

I've been
working on my dance moves.

What set him off this time?

I reorganized and cleaned out
the solarium.

Oh, dear.

My dad's gonna disown me.

He's really counting
on this commission.

How about I treat you to lunch?

Sit down.

I forgot one thing in my car.
I'll be right back.

- Here you go.
- Thanks, Burny.


How dare you shout at Belle.

This is not how you were raised.

Angie, have you seen her?
Is she okay?

She was just trying to do
her job. She was trying to help.

Okay. I know. I know, okay?
I feel bad enough as it is.

Good. You should.

But it's not too late to fix it.

We're having lunch at the diner
before she leaves town.

Hunter, you get
your butt over here.

Get back inside.


Come on.

So, I go in the kitchen,
I came out,

I gave her chicken cacciatore.

She was happy as a clam.

Can I talk to you outside
for a minute?

Um, I'm actually okay
to talk right here.

I'm sorry.

I'm, I'm sorry
that I lost my temper and...

and shouted at you.

You didn't deserve that.

And I would like it
if you came back.

Beast wouldn't forgive me
if you didn't.

And I promise that I'll be...

- Nicer.
- Yes.




Yes to all of the above.

Sorry. I just...

I can't.

I mean, not till
I finish my lunch.

Would you like to join us?

Would you mind, Angie?

Hunter, please, sit down.

Thanks, Burny.

Thank you.

Can I help you with your bag?

Uh, sure. Thank you.
I'll take this one.


I wanna show you something.

I know it won't
excuse my behavior earlier,

but, uh, I'm hoping it
might explain things a little.

This was my fiancée.

She was beautiful.

When Helen died,
I felt like my heart stopped.

Couldn't breathe.

Didn't wanna... go on living.

I'm so sorry.

The solarium
was her favorite room,

and she loved roses.

So when I smashed
that rose bush today...

I... I don't know
if I can fix it.

We can fix it.

Right back in there.

Wanna hold it?

That's the extent
of my gardening skills.

Doing good.

She can get a safe
little place in here.

There. Should be blooming
in no time.

Belle, I'm sorry again
for earlier.

here's to a fresh start.

I'm glad you came back.

Thank you.

I got... I should probably
get back to work.


Yeah, okay.

How's it going?

Well, you were right.

I'm in love with this library.
I never want to leave this room.

Well, if that's what it takes.

I'll buy you
the New York Public Library.


Hey, Belle.
How are you?

What are you two doing together?

Well, if I can't be with you

being with your father's
the next best thing.

He's convincing me
that his intentions

are quite noble, Belle.

- Is he buying you drinks?
- Yes, and lunch.

I thought you had
a meeting today?

Well, since it was originally
your meeting,

I'm going to let you
call them up

and apologize and reschedule.

I think my hands are full here.

Listen, Belle.

I have earned my leisure time.

Yes, Dad, I think you have,

but not if it's going
to interfere with business.

Listen, if you don't want
to call them,

then I'll fire off an email
and let them know

that you're out of town
and it slipped your mind.

No, no, don't do that. I...

I'll handle it.

Good girl.
How are those e-cards coming?

Fine. I'll finish them tonight.

You, my love,

enjoy that library.



You look like you could use
one of these.

It's from our private reserve.

I think I could use a glass.

- Cheers?
- Cheers.


Wow. That's delicious.

Hmm. It's one of my favorites.

It's a big cabernet.

Well, you have
very good taste, Mr. Lowell.

Please, call me Hunter.

You have
very good taste, Hunter.

So how do you like working
with your dad?

In moments like this, I love it.

Any other moments?

I won't tell a soul.
I promise.

No, that's... it's fine.

It's just, well, you know,

the gallery
and the auction business

was really his dream,

and when we became partners,

I was all too happy to take on
that same passion...

but now it seems like it really
isn't his dream anymore,

and I'm left to deal
with the day-to-day details.


Well, it's hard working
with family.

Definitely can be.

So what's your dream?
To have your own bookstore?

Close. I would love to be
a rare book dealer one day.

You should do it.

I will... one day.

It is really beautiful out here.

You know, my grandmother
would've loved

talking books with you.

It was her passion.

That, and entertaining.

You know she started
volunteering at the library

when she was 14?

That's how my grandparents met.

If you would've heard
my grandfather tell the story...

He said that she was
stacking books

in the World History aisle
when he first saw her.

He was 15, said he was
instantly smitten.

Walked right up to her
and kissed her.

They've been together
ever since that day.

That's romantic.

Well, it's rare.

So is your library.

Do you know how much time
and love it takes

to create a collection
like that?

Oh, it's just stuff.

Can't take it with you.

But all of your history is here.

I can't believe you'd want
to walk away from all of that.

Just doesn't feel
like home anymore.

Too many ghosts.

So where would you go?

I don't know.
Somewhere far away.

Forgot to feed Beast.

Wow, we've been out here
for hours.

How did that happen?

You know,
this is the first time...

in a long time...

I've enjoyed being home.

Thank you for that.

It was my pleasure.

Shall we?


I had
a really great time tonight.

Yeah, I did, too.

Um, goodnight.

Um, can Beast sleep with me?

I really don't think I have
a choice in the matter, do I?

Probably not.


Sleep tight.

Sleep tight?

- I smell coffee.
- Good morning.

I like your apron.

There's coffee and breakfast.

I made your recipe of scrambled

eggs and cheese and salsa.

Hmm. A man who cooks.

I like that.

Try this.

Do you like it?



- That's disgusting.
- Mmm. Mm-hmm.

I'm sorry.

Oh, no. Mm-mmm.
I think they're good.

They're good.
They're perfect.

Oh, you think they're perfect?


Good morning, everyone.

- Hey, Angie.
- Good morning.

Um, look, we'll pick up
something on the way.

I'm gonna go get cleaned up.

And we'll go get the tree.

Go get the tree?

We're gonna decorate
the house for Christmas.

Alright, then.

He tried.

That's why I do the cooking.

That looks horrible.


You have your own
Christmas tree grove?

- Doesn't everybody?
- No.

My grandparents.
They planted it.

And look how happy
your grumpy dog is.

He's definitely
lost his grumpiness.

At least whenever you're around.

You have a Beast in your life?

Other than my dad?
No, I don't.

- Why?
- I don't know.

I just figured you'd have
more than enough guys

lining up to take you out
every Friday night.

I don't want
more than enough guys.

I want the right guy.

So you believe
that there is a right one?

Yeah, what girl doesn't?



Well, how was your time
in the woods?

It was perfect.

Oh, that's an interesting
choice in words.

Mm, it's an accurate one.

Well, while you two were out,

I took a peek in Hunter's
grandmother's Christmas binder,

and I came across the section

on the annual Christmas dance.

You remember the year that she
hosted it here, don't you?

I do. I remember
it went on all night.

Six to eleven.
I had everybody out by midnight.

- Mmm, sure.
- I'm sure it was beautiful.

It was. It was amazing.

It's a shame that they're gonna
have to cancel it this year

because they have
no place to host it.

I can take a hint, Angie.
And don't even think about it.

I'm not about to host
a dance here when I wanna

be out of this place
by Christmas.

Well, that is a shame.

Especially since
Belle is in town.

Okay, so maybe
no dance this year.

Because we don't have
a location.

But the Christmas festival
is in town tonight.

It'll be fun.

I would love to go, but I have
so much work to do.

Hey, if you'd really love to go,

then I'd love to take you.

I just wanna make sure
that I get

all the work done
in your time frame.

I was thinking maybe it's time
I re-adjust my time frame.

- Hey, Dad.
- Sweetheart, is everything okay?

- I'm more than okay.
- Well, you haven't returned

my e-mails or my calls
since yesterday.

Oh, I'm sorry.
It's been crazy here.

Listen to me.

If Mr. Lowell is
abusive in any way,

you stand up to him.

Hunter wouldn't do that, Dad.


You two are having lunch
together again?

Listen, how is work going?

The work is great.

The library is amazing.

Yeah, I mean,
the house is beautiful.

The town is so charming.

And there's a Christmas festival
we're going to tonight.

We're going to? We who?

Hunter and I.

I love it here, Dad.

I do. I love this house.

I know that there's
no way we could ever

buy a place like this, but this

would be my dream come true.

Well, you know our
financial situation.

I gotta get back to work.

Talk tomorrow, okay?

Excuse me.

I wish I could buy that estate.

I could buy the estate.

Why would you do that?

For Belle.

Well, isn't that a bit much?

It's perfect.

That library
is the one Christmas present

she'll never forget.

Merry Christmas.

Put your letters
in the box here.

Hey, you two lovebirds. Come on.

Write your letters to Santa.

- Uh...
- Should we?

I don't think I've ever
written a letter to Santa.

Come on.

- Thank you.
- Oh, boy.

- Don't look at mine.
- Don't look at mine.

Merry Christmas.

I'm sorry, do you mind
if I take this?

- It's my dad.
- No, go ahead.

It's invoices he wants me
to go over.

At night.

Yes. He calls me all day.

Every day.

And I usually cave.


What? What's that look?

You need to set some boundaries.

It's a family business.

There are no boundaries.

Plus, you know,

I don't think it's a bad thing.

What do you mean?

Well, I'm happy
that I caved on taking

the Hunter Lowell estate.

Me too.

Very happy.

It shouldn't be
my responsibility

to save the town
Christmas party.

It isn't.

You heard Angie's hints.

Yes, she's very subtle.

I think she gets it, you know.

She knows you
have a lot going on.

I do, you know?
I don't have time

to host a Christmas party.


Come on, what do you think?


It doesn't matter what I think.

It matters to me.


Well, from a sales
point of view,

I think for you to host
the Christmas dance

at the estate brings visibility

and some good press

and from a personal
point of view,

I think it's...

I don't know, it's a sweet way

to honor your family
and your friends.


If I did throw
the Christmas party,

since you're staying
at the estate...

people might assume

that we're each others'
dates for the night.

Would you mind that?

No, I...

I wouldn't mind that at all.

Then I'm throwing the party.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I'm gonna do it.

I'm throwing
the town Christmas party.

Hi, there.

Did you have a good time?

Yeah, we did.

It was... it was beautiful.

How was your day, Angie?

Eh. I've been better.

You guys still having
a hard time

finding a place to hold
the party?

Everything's still booked.

What about the barn?


Isabella and I were talking,
and we just kind of figured.

It's the most
logical place, so...

- But you said...
- Forget what I said.

Okay, I will.

I will take care
of all the details.

You won't have to do a thing.

Except for dance with
this beautiful young lady.

Sounds good to me.

How about a glass of wine?


In the library?

Yeah, that sounds nice.

Actually, could you
give me 30 minutes?

There's something I want to do.


Hurry up.


Merry Christmas.

This, this place looks amazing.

Thanks. Oh, I wanna show you
some pictures I already took.

Come look.

Look at these.

- Wow.
- Right?

Doesn't even look
like this place.

Are you happy?


Uh, I found something else
while I was pulling out

all the Christmas decorations,
and I think...

you made this, am I right?

I love the binding, by the way.

The ribbons are just...
a really nice touch.

Oh, wow. I...

- I made this when I was seven.
- Aww.

My grandpa used
to read this story to me

every Christmas eve.

My dad read it to me
every Christmas too.

- Should we read it?
- Sure.

"'Twas the night
before Christmas...

when all through the house,

not a creature was stirring,

not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung
by the chimney with care...

in hopes that Saint Nicholas...

soon would be there.

The children were nestled
all snug in their beds,

while visions of sugarplums
danced in their heads.

And mom in her kerchief...

and I in my cap

had just settled our brains

for a long winter's nap.

The moon on the breast
of the new-fallen snow...

gave the luster of mid-day
to objects below.

When what to my wondering eyes
should appear,

but a miniature sled,
and eight tiny reindeer.

With a little old driver,

so lively and quick,

I knew, in a moment,
it must be Saint Nick."

"He sprang to his sleigh,
and to his team gave a whistle,

and away they all flew,
like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim,
'ere he drove out of sight,

Happy Christmas to all,

and to all...

a goodnight."

Merry almost-Christmas.

Have one of those for me?

Coming right up, good morning.

Good morning.

Here you go.

So I'm sorry about last night.

For what?

I fell asleep and so early.

Thanks for the blanket, though.

Oh, hey, you needed the sleep.
Don't worry.

I just... I don't know,

I guess I don't want
to miss out on anything

while I'm here.

We have tonight.


Hey, Hunter, how are you?

Pretty good.
Thanks for helping out.

My pleasure.


- Hey.
- Hi.

I've to go run a few errands.
Do you need anything?

- Uh, no, I'm okay. Thank you.
- Okay.

You know, if you wanted to take
the next couple of days off...

I'd be fine with that.

Are you considering
staying through Christmas?


Well, if you need me
for a couple extra days,

I'm... happy to make
the time.

Anything to prolong
your time in this library, huh?

It's not just the library.

I'll see you in a few.

Try not to work too hard.

- Hi, Dad.
- Did you get my text

about those invoices?

Yes, I did, I'll get to them

as soon as I can.

I was actually calling you
with an invitation.

Hunter is hosting
a Christmas dance on Saturday,

and it's
a big annual town event,

and I was hoping
you'd come up for it.

Wait a second,
he's hosting a party?

I hope he's still planning
on selling the estate.

I mean, we could
use that commission.

Yes, Dad, he's still
planning on selling the house.

Okay, um...

Is there something
you're not telling me?

- Meaning?
- You know.

Between you and Hunter?

No, of course not.

Okay. Well, count me in.

I look forward
to schmoozing with the locals

and drumming up
a little business.


Love you, sweetheart.

- Come on, let's go look.
- Do we really have to do this?

Yes, we do. Come on.

- Ready?
- Yes, we're ready.

Let there be light.

It's beautiful!

It is.

Good job, Ange.

It looks good. I told you how
great it was gonna be.

Come on, you two.

Can I look?

It's amazing.



You can do all this?

Well, I had a little help.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


May I have this dance?

Without any music?

How's that?

That's nice.

You can dance.

So can you.

And you lead. I like that.

It's easy
with the right partner.

You know, this, um...

This might sound weird...

but I'm really
happy here with you.

I'm happy you're here.


Excuse me, oh, well,
your front door was open.

- So I just figured...
- You'd just barge into my house.

Well, I am her boyfriend.

No, he is not my boyfriend.

- What are you doing here?
- Well.

I'm excited
to talk to Mr. Lowell.

I wanna put an offer
on this place.

What? Why?

Because you love the library,

I love you, and...
I wanna prove it.

Tony, we're not even dating.

Everything was going
in the right direction.

Then you came here,
and you got...

I don't know, distracted?
Oh, which reminds me.

I do have an offer
for the place,

and this is
with the library intact.

That's, um...

Very generous offer.

Well, when I'm determined,

I'm determined.

You know, your father and I

are having dinner at the saloon.

It'd be nice if you joined us.

- I, um... we were just...
- No.

No, I wouldn't want to ruin
an evening with your boyfriend.

- He's not my boy...
- Hey.

Well, that's good,
'cause I'm starving.

Did you wanna come along?

No, you know what?
I don't think I will.



Your dad is waiting.

Shall we?


- Okay. Who's hungry?
- I'm not going to dinner

with you, Dad. Can you please
give us a minute?

Ooh, somebody's on edge.

You really don't get it, do you?

I am clueless.

You take advantage of me, Dad.

You have zero consideration
for anything that I want.

You interrupt me constantly,
you think that every time

that you call me,
I'm supposed to just jump.

Oh, please, that's ridiculous.

Let's take this week,
for example.

You dump the Lowell estate
in my lap at the last minute.

A huge, time-consuming project.

Then you call me
every day that I'm here.

Calling, texting, e-mailing,

with things that
you need me to handle.

And then you missed
an important meeting

because you had to go play golf.

- You need a vacation.
- No, I don't need a vacation.

What I need is an equal partner

to share equally
in the responsibilities

of our business.

That's not fair.

Look, if you want
to retire, Dad, do that.

That's great.

Then I can run the business,
and I can finally specialize

in rare books
like I've been wanting to.

Wait a second,
you haven't told me

you wanted to specialize
in rare books.

Yes I did, Dad.

You just weren't listening.

Hey, Beast.

You wait up for me tonight?


Hi, bud.

- Like so.
- That good?

- Yeah, that looks great.
- A little higher?

No, I think that's too high.

- That's perfect. Right there.
- That center?

Right in the center.
That looks great.

- Put it higher or...
- No, no, no.

You had it right.
That's perfect.

I'll get some wire...

Uh, Hunter, can I talk
to you for a second?

We don't have
anything to talk about.

- Tony is not my...
- Good morning, Belle!

We are here to help.

Like little elves.

- Hey, Dad?
- Hi.

Dad, this is Hunter and Angie.

Mr. Lowell.

Mr. Everhart, it's a pleasure.

- Pleasure to meet you.
- Enchanté.

Oh, and this is Tony.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hi, Tony.

Um, excuse me, sweetheart,
can I talk to you

for just a second, please?

- Thank you.
- Okay.

Listen, um, about last night...

You were absolutely right
about everything.

I mean everything,
the way I am at work,

the way I am at the office.

I'm sorry, Belle,

I'm so sorry.
Okay, I'm gonna change.

Things are gonna be
different from now on, okay?

And I just...
I'm here to support you.

And I want you to know that.

Thank you, Dad.

You know, those chairs,

they need to be set up
over there.

That would be helpful.

I can do chairs.

I can do chairs so well.
Tony, chairs!

Ah, on it. Excuse me.

Listen, I...

Are you okay, love?


No, I don't think so.

I think I have just the thing
to cheer you up.

Where did you get
all these dresses?

Well, I was young
too once, you know.

Angie, they're...
They're beautiful.

Let's go inside,
see how they look.


What's the story on your dad?

My dad, huh?

♪ Dashing through the snow

♪ On a one-horse open sleigh

♪ O'er the fields we go

♪ Laughing all the way

♪ Bells on bobtail ring

♪ Keeping spirits bright

♪ How fun it is to laugh

♪ And sing a sleighing song
tonight ♪

♪ Jingle bells jingle bells

♪ Jingle all the way

- Hey.
- Hi.

Have you seen Isabella anywhere?

Not yet.


I don't know the history between

Belle and this Tony fella.

But there is no denying

the connection
between the two of you.

You belong together.


Don't let tonight...

be the biggest regret
of your life.

Thanks, Ange.

You look absolutely stunning.

Thank you.

- May I?
- Sure.

My grandfather gave my grandma
a rose corsage

when they hosted the dance.

I drove all the way up here.

I think you owe me a moment.

He's selling the house,

and he's leaving.

This could be your home.

This could be our home.

I don't want to talk
about this right now.

Then when?

I don't know.

- Where's my dad?
- What?

- Is everything okay?
- It's fine.

- What's going on...
- Why did you bring him here?

Sweetheart, he loves you.

My heart belongs
to someone else.



I love him, Dad.

Then you should tell him that.

Sorry to interrupt.

May I have this dance?

Enjoy yourselves.

Well, I thought
you wanted to dance.

We can dance.

You look gorgeous.

Thank you.

This moment...

this feeling...

This is why I wanted
to hold the dance here.

It's what I needed.

You're what I needed, Belle.

I've been dead inside.

I've been running
from my feelings for too long.

Thank you.

You brought me back to life.

Thank you.


I'm sorry.

I just need one second, okay?

Can we talk?

I know you think
that you love me.

I don't think I love you.

I know I do.

And I know that you love me too,

so don't just throw this away

because of some crush.

Tony, you're a good guy.

And I do, I love you...

as a friend.

It can never be
anything more than that.

This emotion that you're
feeling for Hunter.

It's not real.

It's an infatuation
because he's leaving.

And he is leaving.

Once you get back home with me,

those feelings will fade.

My feelings for him won't fade.

They're never gonna fade.

What are you doing?

Get off me!

It's your loss.


I think you and I should talk.

We don't have
anything to talk about.

Mind if I have a glass?

Help yourself.

You know, Belle...

is very special.

Yeah, I'm not gonna
do this with you right now.

Just make her happy.

I beg your pardon?

She deserves to be happy.

Yes, she does.

You know, Belle and I
belong together.

She never loved you.

In fact,
she never even liked you.

Then why pretend?

The library.

All she ever wanted
was the library.

Hate to be the one
to break that to you.

Of course.

I accept your offer.

For the winery, the estate,
and the library.


I'll have my lawyers
draw up the contracts.

Very good.

Angie, have you seen Hunter?

Not for a while, what's wrong?

I need to explain
something to him.

Okay, I'll go look in the house.

Okay, thank you.

- Belle, let's go.
- Tony, leave me alone.

- I'm going to find Hunter.
- No, he doesn't wanna see you.

He doesn't want to talk to you.
Let's go.

No, I told you to stay away
from me.


What the hell
is she still doing here?

- Let's go.
- Wait, what?

I want the both of you
out of here now.

What're you talking about?

You know exactly
what I'm talking about.

No, I don't.

I don't wanna see you
or talk to you ever again.

Time to go. Come on.

That was the dumbest thing
I have ever seen in my life...

You just broke
my daughter's heart!

- I should belt you in the nose!
- You've got it all wrong.

Tony told me what's
going on, alright?

She loves him, and she was
just pretending to like me

so that she could
get her hands on my library.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Tony told you this?

Yes. That's why I threw Belle
out. She's been lying to me.

She wouldn't lie to you.
She loves you.

- How would you know that?
- Because she told me.

She told me, too.

It's you, Hunter.

You're the one she wants.

I am such an idiot.

Well, I'm not gonna
argue with that.

Well, don't just
stand there like an idiot.

Go get her!

I know you're hurting right now,
but it's all gonna be okay.

I promised Hunter I'll take
good care of you, and I will.

Wait, wait, you spoke to Hunter?

- Come on, let's...
- What, what did you say?

- Calm down.
- What did you say?

- I told him the truth.
- Which is what?

That I love you,
and you love me.

Why would you tell him that?

I told you, I don't love you.
I love Hunter!

That's gonna change.

- I gotta get back to the barn.
- No.

I... can't let you do that.

You lied to him.
You lied to me.

I know you've a lot of emotions
running through your head, but...

The emotion that I feel right
now is I'm gonna punch you

in the face if you don't
get out of my way.

You wouldn't do that.

Where is she?

She's gone.

Gone? Where?

Back to the house.

I don't understand.
She loves me.

I know. She went back
to the house for you.

It's over. You won.
She loves you.

I'm going back to the house.

Good idea.

She loves me!

Oh, God.

Sweetheart, listen to me.
I know you're upset,

but he just told me
he was looking for you.

I'm sure he's here somewhere.


Do you still want me to leave?


I want you to marry me.

I know it sounds crazy.

Because we've only known
each other a few days, but...

Belle, these have been
the happiest days of my life.

And I want you to stay...

here with me.

In this house.

I wanna spend the rest
of my life with you.

I know you're
probably gonna say no, but...

it's Christmas.

And I have to ask.

Isabella Everhart.

Will you marry me?

And make me
the happiest man alive?

Of course I will marry you.

I welcome all of you here

on this Christmas Eve

to celebrate the wedding
of Isabella and Hunter.

Now, any wedding is special,

but a Christmas wedding,
especially so.

Because Christmas
is the season of giving,

and love... love is
the greatest gift of all.

Now, where are the rings?

- The rings?
- Um...

Here, boy.
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