04x20 - Right On

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Beavis and Butt-Head". Aired: March 8, 1993 – present.*
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Adult animated series follows Beavis and Butt-Head, both voiced by Judge, a pair of teenage slackers characterized by their apathy, lack of intelligence, lowbrow humor, and love for hard rock and heavy metal music.
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04x20 - Right On

Post by bunniefuu »


You've got "The Gus Baker Show"
on, and the first issue,

the death penalty, yes or no?

- Yes!
- Yes, yes! The chair! The chair!

In my opinion, you betcha!

- Yes!
- Yeah, yeah, the chair!

And they call me reactionary,

'cause I say criminals should be punished

and ordinary folks like you and me
should have the right to carry g*ns.

Hey Beavis. This dude is cool.

Also tonight, music videos.

Who makes these affronts to common decency?

Where I come from, we have
a word for garbage like that.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah!

- They suck!
- They suck!

But first, a commercial.

Our lines are open. Give us a call.

- This guy kicks ass.
- Yeah, yeah. Let's call him.

Whoa, she's like, seeing things!
How does she do that?

Here, I'll show you, Beavis.

This might hurt a little.

I don't think that worked, Butt-Head.

Try it again.


Whenever I go to birthday
parties, I like to just, like,

tear open presents and break stuff,
and just run around and I go:

Beavis, you've never been
invited to a party in your life!

Yeah I did, remember at Stewart's party?
We were, like, playing hide and seek,

and I like, climbed in the dryer,

- and took a poop!
- Yeah!

I bet his mom was surprised
to find that present!

- These are cool presents!
- Yeah, yeah.

- That dude's pretty cool for an old guy!
- Yeah.

- She didn't even thank him!
- If someone gave me an axe like that,

I'd say: "Thank you, sir! That's a very
nice axe. That was very nice of you!"

Yeah, the dead dog was nice too.

Whoa! Hey, don't look Butt-Head, that was
what I was gonna get you for your birthday!

That would be cool.

Now I'm gonna have to
get you what I got Stewart.


When I was makin' one for
Stewart, I made one for you too!

Beavis, I hope you've
got insurance, because

I'm about to kick your ass.

You've got Gus Baker. Speak out.

We think
you're, like, cool.

Yeah, especially that part
about giving dudes the chair.

The chair,
the chair!

- The death penalty?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah!

- And what you said about bums?
- Yeah.

And videos.

Well, like they say,
great minds think alike.

You know, talking to you boys,
I can tell our young people

still have the moral strength and character

to make this country great again.


You know, a lot of people knock
your generation, saying you are

uneducated and immoral.

How would you like to come on
my show and prove them wrong?

You mean
on TV?

- On TV!
- Yes! - Yes, yes!

All right. Our producer is
gonna take down your info.

We'll see you next week.
Next caller,

you got Gus Baker.

Hey Beavis.

Guys on TV get
chicks and stuff.

Yeah, yeah.

Stay tuned for more gross, stupid
and morally deficient funny stuff!

Thank you.

Last week, we
heard from two boys

whose characters were so impressive,
we brought them out here for today's show.

Please welcome Beavis
and, uh,


Now, people say that
yours is a lost generation,

violent, lazy, uneducated, sexually active.

- Not Beavis.
- Yeah.

Butt-Head doesn't
get any, either.

Well, you two
certainly are

fine, upstanding young men,
a credit to the youth of America.

Hey Beavis, you see any chicks?

Okay, now, boys, I want to
ask you, as decent young men,

don't you agree with me
that there's something

very, very wrong with these
so-called music videos?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, really.

These rock videos are

indecent, profane,

- scurrilous and blasphemous.
- Yeah, yeah!

They suck! They suck!
They're indecent! Yeah.

- Propane, yeah!
- Yeah!


- He sucks!
- Hey! We're on the air,

- you can't use that language.
- Do we use language?

Hey Beavis. He says we can't say "sucks".

- Really? That sucks.
- Can we say "buttwipe"?

Yeah. How about "bunghole"?
Yeah. Bunghole!

- How about "buttmunch"?
- Yeah, "buttmunch".

- How about "dillhole"?
- Yeah. "Dillweed".

Hey, do you use
that language at home?

- Yeah.
- Hey Gus, check this out.


- Go to commercial! Go to commercial!
- Make a positive change in America.

Pledge $10 to elect Gus Baker president.

Get these little bastards out of here!

Do you use that language at home?


Hey Butt-Head, who is this?

I think it's Seinfeld.

Really? I didn't know Seinfeld rocked.

This is, like, back before he had his show.

It's like, you know...

Queen Latifah used to do
videos, and now she has a show.

Oh yeah.

I like the fat dude on Seinfeld.

I think he replaced the drummer.

Remember that episode where they were
talking about choking their chicken?

Oh yeah. I thought they were talking
about not choking their chicken.

I liked that episode where you can see
Elaine's boobs on the Christmas card.

No way Butt-Head, I couldn't see 'em!

Yeah, you could see her boobs.

TV needs more of that.

They need more stuff like that on TV.

You know, this would rock
if it was, like, just louder.

Yeah, yeah. Loud, loud!

Why don't you just, like, turn it up?

If I'm gonna bother messing with the
remote, I'll just change the channel.


Do that, then.


They are laughing
because this band sucks.

What band?

I don't know.

Where is the band?

I don't know, maybe
it's like, a rap group.


I think they're just, like, playing
music on the stereo or something.

And then they, like,
made a video out of that?

I guess.

Who's that buttmunch that keeps
playing that damn... that thing?

I hate those things.

They should, like, kick him out
of there and just, like, rock.

Yeah, but like, you know,
these dancers could stay.

Whoa, check it out!

"Mind if I cut in, sir?"

Mind if I cut the cheese?

Yeah, Beavis.

You can go cut the
cheese and I'll score.

Following public outcry
over the offending segment,

"The Gus Baker Show"
was pulled off the air.

Mr. Baker accused the network of censorship

and said he'd appeal to the Supreme Court.

Hey Beavis. What's all that
fuzzy stuff on your butt?

I don't know.
Is it still there?

No... but it wouldn't hurt
to wipe once in a while.

Oh, yeah. Sorry.
I was in a hurry.

Beavis, get your butt
out of my face now.

Oh yeah. Sorry.
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