13x14 - Episode 14

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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13x14 - Episode 14

Post by bunniefuu »

THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together we might as
well as say, would you be mine,

could you be mine, won't
you be my neighbor?

Won't you please, won't
you please, please

won't you be my neighbor.

-Hi, neighbor.

Here we are together again.

Do you see what
I've brought today?

A couple balloons, yes.

Look what happens.

Just put some air in
there makes it big.

Let it out.

Isn't that wonderful?

There's all kinds of wonderful,
marvelous things in this world.

[SINGING] Did you know?

Did you know?

Did you know that it's
all right to wonder?

Did you know that it's
all right to wonder?

There are all kinds
of wonderful things.

Did you know?

Did you know?

Did you know that it's
all right to marvel?

Did you know that it's
all right to marvel?

There are all kinds
of marvelous things.

You can ask a lot of questions
about the world and your place

in it.

You can ask about
people's feelings.

You can learn this
sky's the limit.

Did you know?

Did you know?

Did you know when you
wonder you're learning?

Did you know when you marvel
you're learning about all kinds

of wonderful, all kinds
of marvelous marvelously

wonderful things?

Sure are.


There's somebody at the door.

Let's see who it is.

Oh, Mr. McFeely.

Come in.

-Speedy delivery.

Here is the balloon film.

-It's exactly when I needed it.

Thank you.

Would you be able
to watch it with us?


I've been to the
balloon factory,

so I can tell you
something about it

while we watch, all righty?

-Good, let's do that.

-All righty.

-It's a film about how
people make balloons.

So we'll just watch
it all of us together.

-This is how balloons are made.

-In a balloon factory.

-Now, they begin
to make balloons

with something called a mold.

-And those are all separate
molds for balloons?


And these molds, now,
they look like balloons,

but they're really
made of metal.

-What's that person doing?

-Well, he's clean
them off, because they

use them over and over again.


-See how many molds there are?

Around and around.

-Oh, yes.

Those are big machines.

-Now, they're cleaned.

Now, the molds are dipped
into something that

will keep the balloons
from sticking.

Now, you'll see there
that's the liquid.

This prevents the balloons
from sticking to the mold.

-Well, where are the balloons?

-You'll see we're
getting to that point.

That's the liquid that cleans.

-And once that's on then they're
ready to put the balloons on.


They dip them down into
something called latex.

Now, that's coming up.

A few moments here,
you see there it goes.

It's going into
the orange latex.

There's yellow in
the background.


-Right into the orange latex.


-And a thin layer of
this sticks to that mold,

and it forms a balloon.

-I see.

-Swimming right along.

-Yeah, they do look
like they're swimming.

And so the balloon will be
the same size as the mold.


Now, they have to
dry a bit in the air.

-But how are they going to
get those off those molds?

-Well, you'll see.

We're not to that step yet.

-Isn't this fun to see?

-It certainly is.

You'll, now, you'll see how
the collar is made next.

-What do you mean by the collar?

-Well, that's where you put your
mouth and blow the balloon up.

-Oh, I see.

-They're still drying them here.

-It takes a lot of
drying, doesn't it?

-Now, you see, there's
how the collar is made.

The brush is just
zipping it down.

-Oh, yes.

-Rolling it right down.

See how fast it is.

-Collar, collar, collar.

Now what's happening?

-Well, they get one last
bath in soap and water.

-A bath?

-A bath.

Do you see the
water dripping off?

-Make sure they're clean.

Now they have to be
dried a little bit.

They're dried with
a very hot air

that gets the water all off.

-I still don't see how you
can get them off the molds.

-Well, they're almost ready
to come off the molds.


-There it is, you see?

The air blows it down
and that brush pulls it.

-Oh, that's a little
kind of squirting thing.


Zip right off.

There are balloons being made.

-Look how many there are.

-Orange balloons that day.

Now, this person is
checking them out

to see if they're
made just right.

-It looks like that one is.

-A lot of orange
balloons that day.

-And that's the color
balloon I brought today.

-I like orange balloons myself.


Thank you, Mr.
McFeely, very much.

-I thought you'd
like to see that.

I better get this film
back to the film library.

So I'll just say right now,
speedy delivery to you.

-Speedy delivery to you.

Best to your family.
-Thank you.


-Bye bye.

-I'm always interested in
learning something like that,

aren't you?

I like to learn new
things and learn

more and more about old things.

I've always wanted to
know how things work

and how people make things work.

You can make noise with them.

When the air comes out it
makes different sounds.

You can even try to make music.

can't do that with every,
every kind of balloon,

but that seems to
work with that one.

Well, let's have
some make believe.

I'll get the trolley.

Hi, Trolley.

Last time we pretended that King
Friday and Queen Sarah had just

gone away from the castle
to teach some people about

crown storage and child rearing.

And the Associate Mayor
of Care, Mr. Aber,

had come from
Westwood to take care

of the castle and
Prince Tuesday.

Let's think more about them
and their friends together

in Make Believe now.

Okay, Trolley, neighborhood
of Make Believe.

-And they lived and learned
and made some useful things

because they had met each other.

The end.

-I liked that story.

-Oh, I did too.

Do you think you'd like to
write a storybook someday?

-Yes, I would.


What would it be about?

-Night and day care.

-Hm, what do you
think about it so far?

-It's pretty quiet.

-Hey, how about our going
over to the museum go round?

-OK what should we look for?

-Well, there's that
snowflake room.


-And Lady Elaine mentioned
she had something else that

was really extra special today.

-I'll be glad to
see Auntie Elaine.

-You don't have to
go one step further.

Here I am, everybody.

-You can really startle
people Lady Elaine.

-I'm always where
you least expect me,

especially when I hear my name.

-We were just talking about
your extra special exhibit.

-You have to see to
believe it, toots.

How are you doing with your
mom and dad gone, Tuesday?

-Pretty good, Lady Elaine.

Mr. Aber's a good caregiver.

-Mm-hm, I'm glad of that.

I've got something on my
mind but I'll tell you later

after you see my
new museum thing.

Well, I'll see you all there.

-Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Aren't you going to go with us?

-Oh, I forgot.

You all don't travel
as fast as I do.

I'll take you the magic way.

-Magic way?


-But how's that?

-Well, just told my
hands and the three of us

will go to the museum together.

Are you ready?



-All right, to the museum
go around the purple way.

There how did you like that?

-That's fun, Auntie Elaine.

-You know all sorts of
things, Lady Elaine.

-Well, that's for sure.

Now, where do you want to
go first the snowflake room

or the extra special
surprise room?

-What's in the extra
special surprise room?

-A surprise, of course.

-A good surprise?

-Yes, a good surprise.

-OK, then I pick
the surprise place.

-All right, then you too?



Let's hold hands.


-And we'll go to the
extra special surprise

room that purple way.

So what do you think
about this, toots?

-Oh, a room full of balloons.

-I don't think I've ever seen
so many balloons in one room.

-Well, it's a balloon
room, all right.

-Oh, Auntie Elaine,
this is wonderful.

-I'm glad you like it, Tuesday.

-Look at all the colors.


There's lots of
different things here.

-Oh, Auntie Elaine, dancers.

-Right, dear.

Watch them dance.

-Each one is wearing
a balloon color.

-They're all friends of mine.

-Are they?

-Oh yes, different
ones come every day.

-Every day?

-Oh, yes.

It's a very different
show all the time.

-Look at that.

They move so beautifully.

-Yes, look over there, dear.

They are special.

-Oh, they certainly
are, Auntie Elaine.


-Well, what do you
think about that, toots?

-I like it, Lady Elaine.

-Your museum is full of
surprises, Lady Elaine.

-That's for sure,
that's for sure.

-I think my mom and dad would
like to see these people dance.

-Well, they can come
when they get home.

-That's right.

And, of course, if
they don't come home,

Tuesday can come and
live with me here.

-What do you mean if
they don't come home?

-Well, you know, people
take chances when they go--

-King Friday and
Queen Sarah are going

to come home, Lady Elaine.

-Oh, I'm sure they will.

It's just that I
was trying to help.

You know, Tuesday likes
it over here and all.

-I think I'd like
to go home now.

-OK, hon.

But you can each take
a balloon with you,

a happy reminder of your
time in the museum go around.

I'll get them for you.

Here you are.

One for each you,
a happy reminder.

-OK, thank you, Lady Elaine.

-Always welcome here,
long or short visit.

-What does she mean if
they don't come home?

-They are coming home, Tuesday.

Hi, Handyman.

-Hi, Chuck.

-What are you doing Handy?

-Trying to get some
outside cleaning

done while your mom
and dad are away.

There's lots to do in a
castle inside and out.

-I'm sure that's true.

-But what if they
don't come back?

-What do you mean what
if they don't come back?

-Well, Auntie Elaine said
some people don't come back,

and I could stay with her.

And I just don't know
what to think about it.

-But your mom and
dad are coming back.

I'm getting the castle
ready for them to come back.

-Do you think this
might be a good time

to call them on the phone?

-The number is
one, one, one, two,

two, two, three
three, three, four.

-Why don't we just do that.

I'll go get the phone.



I don't know why Lady
Elaine said what she did.

But I do know what
that feels like.

-You do?

-I remember one time
when I was a little boy

and my mom and dad went
away for a little while.

I wasn't sure they were
ever going to come back.

-You weren't?

-Well, my grandma said
they would, and they did.

-They did?

-But I know how scared
I was for a while.

I just wanted you to know that.

-You want to place
the call, Tuesday?


Hello, I'd like to call
one, one, one, two, two,

two, three, three, three, four.

Thank you.

It's ringing.

You ask for them.


Hello, would it be possible
to speak with either King

Friday or Queen Sarah, please?

Oh, they are.

Well could you ask them
to call their home when

they get finished
with that class?

Oh, no, no, no, it's
not an emergency.

We just want to talk with them.

Thank you very much.

Bye bye.

Well, their teaching
a class right now,

but they'll call here as
soon as they get finished.

-Oh, boy.

-Could you help me get
up in here, uh, Tuesday?

-Well, I don't know.

-I need some hands just about
your size to reach up in there

and clean that.

I just can't do that.

-Well, you mean like this?

-Yeah, that's it.

You're getting it.

Yeah, back up in there.

-Well, there.

-Well, I think you did it.

Hey, thank you very much.

-Good job.

-You're welcome.

-Well, how in the
world is everybody?

-Hi, X.

-X, how are you?

-Oh, I'm great.

I'm having such a good
time with my OCS lessons.

-What are you studying now?

-Well, yesterday I
was studying air.

-You mean the kind we breathe?

-Yes, and the kind I
fly in and the kind

people use to blow up balloons.

-Did you see Lady
Elaine's balloon room?

-Oh, yes.

Weren't those balloons terrific?

And what about those dancers?

-I still like to live here best.

-Oh, well, sure you do.

I mean, this is your home.

Anyway, today I'm
studying water.

-Air and now water.

-That's right.

They're both very important,
and the Native Americans

knew a lot more about
them than we do.

-And they know how to take
care of them, don't they?

-That's right.

That's what my lessons say.

And I believe my OCS.

But anyway, I want
to show you something

that came in my
water lesson today.

-What is it?

-Oh, just a minute.

I'll get it for you.


This should be interesting.

-It's this picture.

-Oh wow.

-Look at that.

Look at that.

-That looks like the ocean.

-You're right.

-That's a nice picture, X.

-Yes, but it's an
OCS moving picture.

Just look at it very carefully
and you'll see the waves move.

-We will?

-Oh, look.

-Ah, look at that.

-I want to get a surf board.

-There's some people who
like to swim in there.

You have to be very
careful though.

There it is.

-Wow, your school is fun, X.

-Oh, I know.

I love it when my lessons come.


-Maybe that's Mom and Dad.

-Maybe it is.


-Hello, Castle Garden,
neighborhood of Make Believe.


Oh, hello, Queen Sarah.

-It is.

-Oh, everything's fine.

How are you?


Yes, he's here just a minute.

-Hello, Mom?

Yes, I am.

I haven't cried anymore
since you and Dad left.

Yes, he is.

No, no, X is studying water.


But one other thing.

You and Dad are going
to come back aren't you?

Two more days and
two more nights.

OK, I just wondered.

You want to talk to X?


It's my mom, X.

-Oh, sure.

Hi, Queen Sarah.

How's it going?

Yes, that's the way it with OCS.

I know.

I love my school too.

Can you hear the trolley?

Can you?

Let her hear the
trolley real close up.

-Give a good loud
ding and whistle

for Queen Sarah, Trolley.


-Well, maybe Lady Elaine
was trying to be helpful.

But she surely scared
Prince Tuesday.

Children need to be able
to believe their parents.

And Prince Tuesday
needed to know

that his mother
and his dad really

did mean what they
said about coming home.


-There's somebody
else at the door.

Let's see.

It's Marlin Barnett.

Marilyn, how are you?

-Hi, I was jogging
around the neighborhood

and I thought maybe
you'd like to come

out and do some exercises.
-I would.


-This is a good time.

We haven't done exercises
for quite awhile.

-No, we haven't.

-You know, I've been
working on some exercises

to improve my posture.

-We all need that.

-And I'm going to start
with the shoulder.

-All right.

I'll follow you.

-Push your shoulders forward.

And then let them up to the
ears then pull them way back.

That's it.

Now lower them.

-Can you do that?

-To the front, up to the ears,
back, and down, and front,

up, back, and down.

-That would help
with my swimming.

You know I swim every day.

-Oh, swimming's a
good form of exercise.

Let's go to the legs.

-All right.

-Let's work on the muscles
in the front of the thigh

and the back of the thigh.

-How you do that?

-Now, this requires
balance so be careful.

-All right.

-Lift the knee to the front.

All right and pull it up as
far to your chest as you can.

That's it.

And lower, watch our balance.

Pull it up.

That's it.

And down.

Let's try it again.

Pull it up and down.

And feel that stretch, the
muscles underneath the thigh.

-Sure do.

How much would you do that?

How long would you do that?

-About 30 seconds 45
seconds every day.

-Oh, half minute
every day like that.


Let's try it, let's
reverse the exercise.

Let's reach back,
grab the ankle,

still keeping our balance
now, and pull back.

Pull that foot into the back.

Feel the stretch, the
muscles across the front

of the the thigh.

-Sure do.

-That's it.

Pull it way back.

Now, the other leg.

We always work both
sides of the body.

And pull back, and
stand up, and down.

That's it.

That's really good.

Try it again?

-Takes a while, doesn't it?

Keep your balance.


-Would you do that for
about a half minute too?

-Same time.

You can increase it, you know,
as you get better and better

you can do it longer every day.

-Could you think of
an exercise in which

we might use a pretend suitcase?

We've been thinking an
awful lot about going

away and coming home lately.


We can use a suitcase
like it's a weight.

-All right.

-All right.

Let's pretend we have a
suitcase in our right hand.

All we're going to
do is arm lifts.

I'm going to raise
it up, extend it

out, and hold that
heavy suitcase.

And then lower it.

-It's hard to do that.

-Yes, it is.

Now, switch.

Put the suitcase
in the other hand.

-All right.

-And it's really heavy.

So lift it, and hold, now lower
with our pretend suitcase.

-You could do that exercise
sitting down, couldn't you?

-Yes, you could.

-Could you have two suitcases?

-Let's try it, two suitcases.

That's a good way to
balance, isn't it?


-And lower.

-What about an exercise
using balloons?


-Could you do something
with a balloon?

-I'm sure I could.

Do you have one?

-Yeah, I have a couple
balloons inside.


-I'll go get them.

You stay with Marilyn
while I go inside.

And maybe do an exercise.

-I'd love to.

-I'll be back in a minute.


Let's stand with our feet apart.

Placing our hands
on our waist, we're

going to do an
exercise for the waist.

We're going to bend
over, all the way over,

your head follows.

And you're going to
move back to center.

That's it.

And stretch the other
way all the way down

and back to center.

Just stretch over,
center, and over, center.

That's good.

Here are our balloons.
-It's hard to get them knotted.

There I think that's good.

-OK let's see.

-What were you
doing one like this?

-Yes, this is one
with the waist.

You know, it really
helps us limber us up.

-What would you think
about with the balloon?


Let's try arm circles.

Normally when we do arm circles
you're making little circles.

But with a balloon,
look at this.

-That's a good idea.

-Isn't that fun?


-And we can make big circles
and we can watch the balloons.

And we can do it
without a balloon.

And we can do forward and back.

Oh, it's getting late.

I have a class to teach.

But it was fun
exercising with you.

-Thanks very much for coming by.

I always like to be with you.

Oh, you keep that one.

-Thank you.
-Sure, have a good day, Marilyn.

-I'll try exercising on my way.
-Oh, good.

-I'll try exercising on my way.
-Oh, good.


I really like being with her.

And I like being with you.

And no matter what exercise
you can do or what exercise you

cannot do, because not
everybody can do all exercises.

[SINGING] It's you I like.

It's not the things you wear.

It's not the way
you do your hair.

But its you I like.

The way you are right now,
the way down deep inside you.

Not the things that hide
you, not your balloons,

they're just beside you.

But it's you I like,
every part of you.

Your skin your eyes, your
feelings, whether old or new.

I hope that you'll remember
even when you're feeling blue

that it's you I like, it's
you yourself, it's you.

It's you I like.

-And that's true.

Let's go inside.

It's almost time for me to go.

But you know when
I go on one day,

I usually come back the next.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
your growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new

and I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things you'll
want to talk about, I will too.

-You always make each
day such a special day.

You know how?

By just your being you.

There's only one person in
the whole world like you.

And people can like
you exactly as you are.

I'll be back next time.

Bye bye.

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