01x53 - Episode 53

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x53 - Episode 53

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine, please? ♪

♪ I have always wanted
to have a neighbor

♪Just exactly like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please? ♪

♪ Won't you
please? ♪

♪ Please won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

Have you thought
about "benjamin franklin

And the 3 bears"?

Well, I've been thinking a lot
about benjamin franklin.

Yes, sir.

X the owl likes to think
about him so much--

He's his hero, mm-hmm,
benjamin franklin.

Remember that picture that
picture picture showed us

Yesterday about
benjamin franklin?

Remember that one?

Well, I found a wig
at the museum,

And I thought maybe
I'd try to look like him

For just a minute,
benjamin franklin.

Do i?

Ok, and then, you know,

When benjamin franklin
was a diplomat

He wore a great, big,
white wig

The way many people did.


I have one of those, too.
It even has curls.

Wait a minute.

These are glasses without
any glass in there for play.



But before all that,

Benjamin franklin was a boy.

Sure. All men were boys
one time.

I'm gonna tell you a little bit
about benjamin franklin as a--

"Benjamin franklin was born
in boston, massachusetts,

And he had 14 brothers
and sisters when he was born."

"His dad was a candle maker,

"And when benjamin
was only 10 years old,

He helped his father
make candles."

He was only 10 years old.

Do you know how people
make candles? Do you?

Well, you might have wondered
what this was.

It's something that helps people
make candles--a candle frame.

They string it up.
See if I can do it right now.

And just think of benjamin
doing this when he was a boy.

Benjamin's a nice name,
isn't it?

What a nice-sounding name.

Benjamin, benjamin,
let's play a game.

benjamin, what a good name.

Benjamin, benjamin--

You could do that
with your name.

Benjamin, benjamin,
let's play a game.

benjamin, what a good name.

Now, this is the way he did it.

What if your name were jennifer?

You could say,
"jennifer, jennifer,

"Let's play a game.

Jennifer, jennifer,
what a good name."

And this is the way
he would have

Helped his dad make candles.

See, string the wicks like that.

Is that right? There.

Then he'd do it
on the other side.

Oh, he would have been able
to do it very quickly

Because he would have done
a lot of them,

And the more you do,
the quicker you are.

♪ Bum ba dum ♪

Frederica, frederica,
what a nice name.

Hee hee!

Frederica, frederica,

Let's play a game.



He would hold it up here,
benjamin would,

And he would dip it into wax,

Wax that was very soft,
kind of bubbly,

And then little by little,
each one of these

Would get more
and more wax on it.

It would get to be a candle.

Why don't we ask picture picture
to show us

Somebody dipping candles, ok?

Want to?

Picture picture on the wall,

Will you kindly show us all

Someone making candles, please?

Thank you.

See? That man's stringing it
the way I was.

He's getting--
getting it ready to go...

Into the hot wax.

My, he did that quickly...

And there's a lady putting it
down into the wax...

And then she puts it in again.

Little by little,
it gets to be candles...

And each one...

A little more wax.

See them growing?

And when they're just the way
that want them,

They put them in the saw,
and out they come as candles.

Thank you very much,
picture picture.

That was a great help to us.
Mm-hmm. See that?

But benjamin franklin
didn't stay making candles

All of his life.

No. He was interested in boats
and going places

And experiments
and all sorts of things,

But, you know,
through all the books

That I've been looking,
there isn't one that mentions

Anything about benjamin franklin
and the 3 bears.

That we can find out
in make-believe, though.

Let's look.

It must be time for the trolley.
Hey, trolley.

There's daniel's clock.

Hello, everybody
in make-believe.

There's the museum-go-round.

There's x's tree
and henrietta's house,

The factory...

[Ding ding
ding ding]

And there's trolley.

Come on in, trolley.

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

Come on in, trolley.

[Ding ding]

How are you?
[Ding ding]

Good. This is
a candle maker.

Mm-hmm. Ben franklin
used to make--

Any more word about
"benjamin franklin

And the 3 bears"
in make-believe?

[Ding ding]

Well, we'll just go
and find out.

Would you take us,
please, trolley?

[Ding ding ding]
thank you.

Into the neighborhood
of make-believe.

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding ding ding]

[Ding ding ding
ding ding ding]

[Ding ding ding]

Oh. Ok.

Now, that's
the large one.

This is
the large one?

That's right.

I'll go get
the medium one now.

All right. I'm just
gonna set it

Right over here.



How you coming, corney?
Oh, there you are.

And up we come.
All right.

Watch it now.
Easy does it.

There it is. Heh.
Very good.

the medium one.

This is the medium one.

Do you like

Oh, I love

I do, too.

I like to go down
and up and down.

I'll get
the small one now.

You'll get
the small one now.

All right.

You can always
depend on corney.

He has everything
right on time.

Here we go.

the small one.

the small one now.

Yeah. Do you
like it?

Oh, I just think
it's great.

Well, it's what
you asked for.

You asked for
a large one...

A large one...

A medium one...

A medium one...

And a small one.

And that's
what you did...

That's right.

And, well,
it's really nice,

The way you put them
in boxes that way.

Well, I put
the small one

In a small box.

That would be
over here.

Yes, and I put
the medium one

In a medium-sized box.

And I put the large one

In a large box.

So each chair
has its own box.

That's right.

Let's see if I can
figure them out myself.

Which one's big--

I mean, large?

This is the large
one, right...

Which one's small?

And that's
the small one.

And which one's
the medium one?

This is medium.

Now small?

Over here.

Medium in there.

Uh, there. Heh.

Medium here.

Over here.




Oh, you're gonna
get me mixed up.

Medium's over--

Very good.

Oh, I can't wait
to see them.

Well, you don't
have to wait.

Huh? Can I look
at them right now?

Of course you may, right?
Just pull them out.

Ok. Let's see.

The small box

With the small chair.

And there's
the small chair.

Oh, it's beautiful.

That's a small chair
for the baby bear.

And now in
the medium box,

You put the medium-sized
chair, right?

And the medium-sized chair
for the mama bear.

That's right.

You know, that rhymes--
"bear" and "chair."

"Bear" and "chair,"
and now the large box,

That's right.
The large chair

For papa bear,
for papa bear.

And there it is.
That's it.

Aw, corney, they
just look terrific.

Well, I hope
your satisfied.

Oh, we are

I am, and know

Going to be
just thrilled.

Well now, you said
something about your wanting

The small chair
to come apart.

That's right.

You see, in the play,
when goldilocks sits

In the chair, well, it's
supposed to fall down.

I see. Well, I made it
sort of like a puzzle,

And it just comes apart
when you pull off the sides.

Oh, oh, well,
can I try it?

You mean, like--

Oh, like right there.
There it is.

Oh, I see
what you mean.

And all those parts
will come apart.

And they just fit
back together.

Oh, look at that.

It is very much like
a puzzle, corney.

That's right.

Let's see
if I can get it

Back together
again now.

Tell me, who's
gonna be in the play?

Well, uh, daniel

Is going to play the
part of baby bear.

Oh, baby bear. Good.

Well, he'll be the one
using the small chair.

Right, right here,

And then I'm going
to play the part

Of papa bear,
papa bear.

And I'm going to use
this chair, though,

Good for you.
The large one.

What about--
and, oh, x--

X is going to be
benjamin franklin.

Oh, I didn't know
that benjamin franklin

Was in that story.

Well, you know, x
wanted him to be in it.

Oh, I see,
so he got in it.

Well, what about

Who's going
to play goldilocks?

Well, I don't--

We hadn't thought
about that, really.

Well, maybe--
you know,

Somebody's got to make
that little chair fall down.

Hey, that's right.
That's right, corney.

Well, maybe benjamin
franklin could do that.

Hey, that would give him
something to do.


I think I'll go over
and ask x

About that
right now, ok?


How much do I owe you
for the chairs, corney?

Well now,
let me see.

Each one is 3,

And so

Here. There.
There's a 9 for you.

Oh, thank you very much.
I like your money.

Oh, thank you.

Well, you really
have nice money,

But I hope
it works out well

With benjamin franklin
and all.

Oh, I think it will,
and I'm sure

The chairs are going
to be a big, big help.

Well, I hope so.

Oh, I'm sure
they will.

I'm a man who manufactures
all sorts of things.

See you later.

I like
that elevator. Bye.

Well, let's see.
I better put the chairs back.

Now, the small chair
goes in that small box

And the medium chair
in the medium box...

And the large chair

In the large box.

Boy, corney really does things
up in the right manner.

And there we go.

I think I'll just
leave them here

And pick them up
a little later.


Oh, hi, henrietta.

Meow meow.

Oh, henrietta,
have you seen x?

Is he in?

Meow don't know.

I think I'll just
knock and see, ok?



Hey, did you know
that benjamin franklin

Flew a kite up in the air
during a lightning storm

And found out all sorts
of things about electricity?

Yes. I did.

You know, he
certainly was

A fascinating
man, wasn't he?


Do you know if he
ever sat in a chair

And broke it?

When did he do that?

Well, I don't know.

I was just wondering
if he ever did.

Meow meow
only goldilocks

Meow meow that.

Yes. I know,

I know goldilocks
did it, but,

You see,
in the play,

We were wondering
if benjamin franklin

Could do that.

That would be
a great idea.

You like that?

Meow meow meow

Well, we could just
have benjamin franklin do

All the things
that goldilocks does.

Meow meow meow

Well, henrietta,
I mean,

She wouldn't
have to be in it.


X, hey--

Oh, dear.


Henrietta dear,
why are you crying?

X, do something.

Did you get a splinter
in your paw, henrietta?

Oh, henrietta,

Please, darling,
don't cry.

What's the matter?
Can't you tell us?

Meow meow goldilocks
me-meow me-meow

me-play meow.

Me-meow me-meow
ben franklin

Meow me-meow
me-goldilocks things.

No ben franklin?

Meow me-meow

Boo hoo...

X what
does she mean?

I don't know.

She says that goldilocks
should be doing

The things that goldilocks
is supposed to do.

Henrietta, dear,

What is it?
Tell us.

We're your friends.
You can tell us.

What's really
bothering you?

Meow meow meow meow
want to be goldilocks.

Meow meow meow.

Oh, you want to be
goldilocks in the play.

Oh, I see.

Well, golly,
you couldn't be goldilocks.

No. You've got gray hair.
She's not called graylocks.

Meow me-meow meow
gold wig meow.

That's true, x.

X, henrietta could
wear a gold wig.

Yeah. Well, then what
can benjamin franklin do?

Well, I guess we'll
have to think.

We can think
of something

For him to do.

But the play
is still called

"Benjamin franklin
and the 3 bears," right?

Meow meow isn't.

It isn't?
What do you mean?

Meow meow "goldilocks,
benjamin franklin,

Meow meow 3 bears."

Wait a minute.

I better
write this down.

Ok, goldilocks.

Wait a minute. Now,
what is it again?



"And the 3 bears."

"And the 3 bears."

Gee, that's
a rather long

Title, isn't it?

Well, you have
to please everybody.

Meow me-meow me-get
meow wig meow.

All right,
henrietta. Listen.

We'll start rehearsing
tomorrow, all right?

Meow meow beautiful day
meow meow neighborhood.

Meow me-meow me-meow meow

Meow meow.

Certainly seems
a lot happier,

Doesn't she, x?

She surely does.

Boy, we've got
to find something

For ben franklin
to do.

Oh, we will, x.
Don't worry. We will.

Right now, I have to
get over to the castle

And see if there's
any work for me

To do over there.

See you later.
Ok. Bye now.

The chairs.

Large, medium, and small.

Ah, here we go.

[Ding ding]

Hi, trolley.

[Ding ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

"merrily we roll along"]

So now the name of the play's
going to be

"Goldilocks, benjamin franklin,
and the 3 bears."

Well, henrietta's going
to make herself a wig.

Good for her.

She knows she wants
to be goldilocks,

So she'll just
make herself a wig.

She'll be a pretty one,
won't she?

[Knocks on door]

Who do I hear?
Do you hear the door?

[Knock knock]
♪boom boom ♪

♪Boom boom ♪

Come in.

Oh, are you

Well, I could be.

How are you,
mrs. Rubin?

Could I help you?

Oh, thank you.
I appreciate that.

Oh, gee,
what are the--

Wigs, huh?

Oh, come on over,


Won't you
sit down?

Thank you.

Oh, are they great.

They're all
different kinds.

Henrietta's going to
make herself a wig.

Wonder what she'll
make it out of.

Is that paper?
That's paper

That was curled
at the bottom,

And it's made on
an old bathing cap

That had
a tear in it...

An old bathing cap,
and they just--

By a 6-year-old


Oh, that's
nicely done.

Henrietta could
make one like that.

What about this, though,
that I just picked up?

Well, that's made out
of weather stripping,

Which is something
you use in your house.

Oh, that is

Did an older
person make that?

That was the idea of
an older person...

I see.

But younger
people helped.

Good. Oh, here's one
that's cotton, isn't it?

Yes. That's cotton,
and that's on

An old pair
of pants.

No. That's actually
a bathing suit,

Bathing trunks,

Bathing trunks.

Which are too small
for the little boy

That wore them.

Gee, you can make wigs
out of anything, can't you?

You sure can.

What's that one?

That's one that's
made out of

Some aluminum foil
by a 5-year-old girl...

Boy, that's good.

Who wanted her hair to
curl around the edges.

Uh-huh, and it is
curled there, too.

Right, and you
can just kind of

Shape it
to your head.

What's this?

This looks like
styrofoam or something.

Well, it's really
just foam rubber...

Foam rubber.

And that was made by
a 5-year-old girl, too.

Who did these?

Well, these are
pieces of paper

That were
curled and put

On a piece
of an old stocking.

The mommy had a run
in the stocking,

So she let the
little boy, who's 5,

Use the stocking
as a base.

A boy did that.
That's great.

Isn't that

Yeah. Put it on.
Can you?

Well, I can try.

I think maybe you'd
better try this one.

Ok. You like that?

Well, it makes
you look like

You have curly hair.


Curls on the top.

Can you think of
anything we could do

With this one?

That looks
like a net.

That's a hair net...

Is that yarn?

And that's
some yarn.

Well, put it in.

Look what happens
with it.

Maybe just
put it on, huh?


How does that look?

Ha ha ha!
A pompadour.

Well, that's easy.

Just put some yarn
in an old net.


Your friends have
the best ideas.

My friends are
so full of ideas

That the only
problem is

To stop them
coming sometimes.

Oh, boy, you never
want to do that.

No. You know
what this is?

This is raffia.

Yes. It's
a kind of paper.

People use it to make
baskets sometimes,

But you could have

A very curly
sort of wig.

That feels
like a nest.

It is sort of
like a nest.

I want to see
that one.

Oh, I'm glad you
asked about that one

Because that was made
by a 6-year-old girl,

And all she
really used was

A paper bag
to do it.

Just cut the front
out of a paper bag.

Look at that.

There's the front out
of the bag right there

And then all stripped
in the back.

I'll try that on.

You see, there
are lots of things

That you can
make wigs with.

Ha ha ha!
Just lovely.

What's that one?

Well, this is an old
pair of underpants

That don't fit
anybody anymore,

And this
is a lot of yarn,

And this was made by
a 5-year-old, too,

And you can have
very curly, blond hair

Because this
is yellow yarn.


Makes you whatever
you want to be, huh?

Right, and, of course,
if you want to have

A braid,
oh, that's good.

That's by
a big girl of 8.


Well, that's sort of
a round comb.

Right. That's
a kind of comb

That ladies use
in their hair.

With the long
braid in the back.

Oh, I like that.

It's very

Of course, the easiest
way to have a wig

Is to let your mom--
or to ask your mom

If she'll let you
use a mop.

One of the new
mops, huh?

Or a partially
used one.

[Knocks on door]

That's good.

Oh, well,
excuse me a minute?

Oh, certainly.

Somebody at the door.

Hey, how are you?

Shem, you brought
some ladies with you.

Come in.

making wigs today.

Come on over.
Hi, celestra.


How are you,

Hi, shem.

Can I shake your hand?

Fine boy.

Mrs. Rubin, you know
these people, don't you?

I certainly do.

These are neighbors.

Look here
at celestra's wig.

Did you make
this one, celestra?


Boy, did you do
a special job.

I'm gonna take
my mop off.

It's about to fall.
Thank you.

Celestra, I like
what's underneath best.

I like that girl

What about you, nona?
Did you make this one?


Did you braid it?

Good for you.

I like the nona
part best.

I sure do.

Tell me about
yours, shem.


I cut off the sides
of this hat.

My mother
did it for me.

She cut off the sides
that came out,

And I stapled
these in here.

You stapled these
pieces of material?

Good for you.

Let me see all those
staples under there.

Boy, do you have
good ideas.

Look at that.
See, mrs. Rubin?

They do have
wonderful ideas.

You know,
mister rogers,

I'm afraid I'm going
to have to leave

Because the friends
of mine who made

These wigs want to
use them in a play.

Oh. Are you all
gonna do a play, too?

That's a great idea.

Could I come and see
your play sometime?

Good. Ok.

Well, thank you
for coming.

Thank you.

You get yours
back on, shem, huh?

Can you get it in?

Fine. Thank you
for visiting.

Shem? Thank you.
Ok, girls.

Bye, ladies.


Look at
those guys.

Thank you
for coming.

Oh, thank you, mister rogers.
It was a pleasure.

Have a good play.

Thank you.
We will.


Well, they're
mighty special people.

Yeah. You could make up
a play yourself.

Sure. Make some wigs. Yep.

Do whatever you like

Because that's what
making believe is all about,

And a place to play,
you'll find,

Is probably
the best place to grow,


The best place
in the whole world.

We'll find out more about
the neighborhood of make-believe

And more about playing...

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a song or two ♪

One, two.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a smile for you ♪

♪ Till then,
I hope you're feeling happy ♪

♪ Till then,
I hope your day is ♪

[Snap snap]

♪ Snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say, "a very happy
tomorrow to you" ♪

You always make each day
such a special day.

You know how--
by just your being you.

Yeah. I don't care what kind
of wig you wear or anything.

I like the you inside. Right.

See you tomorrow. Bye.
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