01x10 - The Gift of the Sacred Dog

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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01x10 - The Gift of the Sacred Dog

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪


Look at this place!

Beautiful, isn't it?

Many different
american indian tribes

Lived on these plains
for thousands of years

Before any settlers came
from across the seas.

That's why indians
are often called
native americans.

They were the first people
to live here.

Many indians don't
call themselves indians.

Most tribes call themselves
"the people."

The abenaki,
they're the people of the east.

The hopi
of the southwest,

They're the people
of peace.

And the ojibwa
call themselves anishanabe,

Or the first people.

The people lived here

Long before
they had horses.

Imagine traveling
across these plains

Hundreds of miles
each year

With only dogs
and your own muscle power

To help you carry
everything you owned.

A sioux child
would call you shukuwakan,

Or sacred dog.

The people could hunt
easier with horses

Than they could
with their dogs.

That often
meant the difference

Between hunger and plenty.

The gift of the sacred dog

Tells how the great spirit

Gave the people horses,

All because of one boy's
love and courage.

The people were hungry.

They had walked many days
looking for the buffalo herds.

Each day they hoped
to see the buffalo

Over the next ridge,

But they were not
to be found.

Even the buzzards
and crows circled,

Looking for
something to eat,

And the wolves called out
with hunger at night.

The people wandered on

Until they were
too tired and hungry

To go any farther

And the dogs
could no longer be urged

To drag their loads.

The wise men said
they must dance

To bring back their relatives,
the buffalo.

Every man who had
dreamed of buffalo

Joined in the dance.

The buffalo
would surely know

The people needed them.

Young men went out searching
in all directions,

But they did not see
any buffalo herds.

There was a boy in the camp
who told his parents,

"I am sad to see
everyone suffering.

"I am going
into the hills

"To ask the great spirit
for help.

I shall return
in the morning."

He left
the circle of tepees

And walked
toward the hills.

He climbed higher
and higher.

The air was cool

And smelled fresh
with pine trees.

He reached the top
of the highest hill

As the sun was setting.

He raised his arms
and spoke.

"Great spirit, my people
need your help.

"We follow the buffalo herds
because you gave them to us.

"But we cannot find them,
and we can walk no farther.

"We are hungry.

"My little brothers
and sisters are crying.

Great spirit,
we need your help."

As he stood
on the hilltop,

Great clouds closed
across the sky.

Wind and hail came
with sudden force,

And behind them, thunderbirds
swooped among the clouds.

Lightning darted
from their flashing eyes,

And thunder rumbled
when they flapped
their enormous wings.

He felt afraid

And wondered if the great spirit
had answered him.

The clouds parted.

Someone came riding
toward the boy

On the back
of a beautiful animal.

There was thunder
in its nostrils,

Lightning in its legs.

Its eyes
shone like stars.

Its hair trailed
like clouds.

The boy had never seen
any animal so magnificent.

The rider spoke.

"I know your people
are in need.

"They will receive this.

"He is called sacred dog

"Because he can do
many things

"Your dogs can do

"And also more.

"He will carry you

"And run faster
than the buffalo.

"He comes from the sky.

"He is as the wind,

"Gentle, but sometimes

Look after him always."

The clouds closed,

And the rider
was not there.

Suddenly, the sky was filled
with sacred dogs of all colors,

And the boy could never
count their number.

Their galloping
was like the wind,

And their hoofbeats
shook the hilltop

On which he stood.

They circled round
and round.

He did not know
if he was standing or falling.

He did not remember
going to sleep,

But he awoke
as the sun was rising.

He knew it was
something wonderful

He had seen in the sky.

He started back home

To ask the wise men
what it meant.

They would be able
to tell him.

The morning
and everything around him

Was beautiful and good.

When the boy had reached
the level plain,

He heard a sound
like faraway thunder.

Looking back,
he saw sacred dogs

Pouring out of a cave

And coming down a ravine
toward him.

They were of all colors,

Just as he had seen
in the sky,

Neighing and kicking up their
back legs with excitement.

The leading one stopped

When they were
a short distance away.

The boy knew they were
what he had been promised.

He turned and continued
walking toward the camp,

And all the sacred dogs
followed him.

The people were excited
when they saw the boy returning

With the beautiful

He told them,
"these are sacred dogs.

"They are a gift
from the great spirit.

"They will help us
to follow the buffalo.

"They will carry
the hunters.

"Now there will always be
enough to eat.

"We must
look after them well,

And they will be happy
to live with us."

Life was good after that.

The people lived as relatives
with the sacred dogs,

Together with the buffalo
and all other living things,

As the great spirit
wished them to live.

When the people
ssed the place

Where they had hunted
the buffalo,

They would gather
the bleached skulls in a circle

And face them
toward the sun.

"Let us thank the spirits
of the buffalo

Who d*ed
so that we could eat."

♪ ♪

My horse flies like a bird
as it runs.

The four winds
are blowing.

Some horses are coming.

Daybreak appears
when a horse neighs.

The holy wind
blows through his mane.

His mane
is made of rainbows.

My horse's ears are made
of round corn.

My horse's eyes
are made of stars.

My horse's head is made
of mixed waters.

My horse's teeth
are made of white shell.

The long rainbow
is in his mouth
for a bridle.

With it, I guide him.

When my horse neighs,

horses follow.

When my horse neig,

sheep follow.

I am wealthy
from my horse.

Before me, peaceful.

Behind me, peaceful.

Under me, peaceful.

Over me, peaceful.

Around me, peaceful.

Peaceful voice
when he neighs.

I am everlasting
and peaceful.

I stand for my horse.

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

Just spending some time
with this guy

Helps me understand
those poems.

Horses are
beautiful animals.

They really are
like sacred dogs.

I think I'll call him

Pow wow is another
indian word people use.

They say they're
having a pow wow

When they're talking
or arguing.

A real indian pow wow
is more than talk.

It's a special family gathering
with dancing, singing,

Feasts, races, parades--
a real celebration.

Pow wows go on
all over the country.

One of the biggest happens
in crow agency, montana,

Where families
celebrate their heritage.

Let's look
at the crow pow wow

Through the eyes
of the old elk family.

The crow fair
is known as

The tepee capital
of the world

Because we have families
put up as many tepees

As they possibly can.

People come in
from all over the world

As well as indian tribes
from within the united states,

Many different tribes--
the navaho, the kiowa.

Name the tribe,
and they'll usually be here.

My name is dan old elk.

We're here at the crow fair
at crow agency, montana.

Crow fair
and celebration

Has been going on for...

This is
the 64th annual crow fair.

Altogether, there's probably

That are up now,

And another 1,000-2,000
tents that are up.

My name
is devrol old elk.

We put this tepee up
for my sister.

That is a practice tepee
for us kids.

Then when we get older,
we can set up a bigger one.

My sister
likes to play,

Go in and out
and have lots of fun.




Ha ha ha!

The crow people
are proud horse owners.

They own many horses.

A horse can be more of
a friend at times than people.

Your horse will never
argue back with you.

A horse is a friend
you can tell your troubles to,

And he will listen to you.

The name for a horse
is ichira.

A horse was
a gift to a boy

That was out
in the vision quest.

He had brought the horses
back to his people.

In my language,
it's called the big dog.

Riding is like
the wind blowing in your face.

It's fun when they gallop.

I just like riding.

If you're gentle with a horse,
they usually know it.

If you're mean with a horse,
they know it, too.

Some horses like little kids
better than adults, you know.

The old elk family has won
thetraditional indian dancing

For about the past 10 years.

In the spring,
when the prairie chicken

And the grouse
have the mating dances,

The boys have had
the opportunity

To go up and watch
the birds dance.

The people are imitating
the way the birds dance.

My father showed me
how to get dressed

When I was very young.

He said you're not supposed
to dress sloppy.

Just take your time
and dress slow

Because when you dance,
you're supposed to feel proud.

The b*ating of the drum
is like thunder,

And the chanting
comes out.

The b*ating of the drum

Is what you
keep in time with as you dance.

[Drums b*ating]


My great-grandfather's name
was ichirigesh-harish.

That means old elk.

We have used the elk
as the emblem for the family.

We feel that we're a part
of the elk family,

The animal itself.

I think
that our values and morals,

Our traditions
and our language will survive

If we teach it
to our children

And the children carry it on
to the next generation.

The crow fair
makes me feel proud

Of what I am
and what I'm doing.

Many native americans
have beautiful names,

Like haywood big day
and ironeyes cody.

Special tribal names
are given in honor
of important people,

To remember
an act of courage,

Or to commemorate
a special event.

If I could choose
a new name for myself

To show
how I see myself,

I'd call myself
blazing falcon

Because I love
birds of prey.

They speak
to my warrior spirit.

This would be my symbol.

If you could choose
a new name for yourself,

What would it be?

Swift runner
because I like to run

And I think I'm fast.

It would be reader.
I love to read.

Pink fish because I like pink
and I like to swim.

Born in the cold

Because I was born
in october in the fall.

Girl who bites her nails.

Chris the singer.

Flying angel
because I like angels

And I'd like to see
how it is to fly.

Choosing a name
for yourself can be fun.

So can learning
where names come from.

Many different
native american tribes

Live in this country.

Each has its own language

And their own names for
rivers, mountains, and valleys.

We've adopted
many of these words

Into our own language

Without realizing
they are gifts from the people.

♪ Come sit beside me ♪

♪ And hear a story ♪

♪ Of long ago ♪

♪ When the people
lived free ♪

♪ Named the waters ♪

♪ And all the places ♪

♪ High
low ♪

♪ There was a plain they ♪

♪ Called chicago ♪

♪ It meant a place where ♪

♪ Strong things grow ♪

♪ And kentucky ♪

♪ Meant the land
of green meadows ♪

♪ Ancient places ♪

♪ Sacred lands ♪

♪ Names we know so well ♪

♪ But no one understands ♪

♪ Mississippi ♪

♪ Means big river ♪

♪ And miami ♪

♪ Means great water ♪

♪ Arizona ♪

♪ Means a place
where small springs flow ♪

♪ Ancient places ♪

♪ Sacred lands ♪

♪ Names we know so well ♪

♪ But no one understands ♪

♪ Ancient places ♪

♪ Sacred lands ♪

♪ Names we know so well ♪

♪ But no one understands ♪♪

I never realized
how many everyday things

Come from
native american culture.

There's another thing
we can learn from the people.

All things in our lives
come from the earth.

These pages were once
part of a living tree.

The pictures on them
are so alive,

They almost tell
the story.

You can use the pictures

To retell the story
in your own words.

Here are other books
you might enjoy.

But don't take my word.

My name is lisa.

I want to tell you
about this great book.

It's called
moonsong lullaby.

When I'm finished,

You'll run to the library
and get it.

This boo
is about the indians.

Each page is like a poem,
but it makes a story.

The indians
loved their land.

I recommend this book
because it tells

What the indians believe.

It has beautiful pictures
and beautiful poetry in it.

My name is ceyon.

I'm here to tell you
about a book.

It's called why mosquitoes
buzz in people's ears.

This book is about
a pesky mosquito

Who starts a series of
misunderstandings in the jungle.

At the end,

The mosquito
gets what he deserves.

He gets hit.

In this book,
the animals have

Their own human personality
and their own thoughts.

They always have
something to say

About what's happening.

My name is ian mcdowell.

I read
suho and the white horse.

It's a chinese myth
retold by yuzo otsuka

And illustrated
by suekichi akaba.

I liked
the relationship

Between suho
and the white horse.

It reminds me of kids
these days and their pets.

In the ending,
suho dreams about the horse.

The horse tells him

To make a fiddle
from his hide.

If you like adventure,

And you want to learn
about horsehead fiddles,

Read this book.

Native americans think
of all living things

As their relatives.

They consider
the earth their mother,

The sky the father,

Animals, grass,
rains, grain

All members
of one living family.

The people think
of children as gifts.

They consider them
important members of the tribe,

Responsible for giving
whatever they can

To help others.

The boy in the story
brought his people

The sacred gift of horses.

Our mother earth
looks pretty small

Now that astronauts
have seen our planet

Whirling around the sun
like a ball.

All of us on earth

Are members
of the human tribe,

Struggling for survival.

You may have a vision

That will bring
great gifts to your people.

Soon you will help
the human tribe survive.

What will your gifts,
your vision be?

See you next time.
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