02x30 - The Stun Spore Detour

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x30 - The Stun Spore Detour

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon?

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one?

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon world ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

NARRATOR Our heroes have stopped at a tiny island

so Ash can practice and prepare for the long-awaited

Orange League Competition.

We're really on a hot streak, Pikachu.

We're so hot, we're on fire!



I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful Vileplume.

TRACEY 'These petals are humungous!'

Well, at least we got cooled off.


Hey, Tracey!

Do you think you could help me with my training now?

I'm kind of getting off to a rocky start.







Oh, hi, Pikachu!

I thought you and Ash were gonna go down

to the beach to do a little training.


Did something happen to Ash?




- It got us! - What got you?

We both fell into a Vileplume's head.

Huh? You breathed in Stun Spore.

- Can't move. - Oh, no!


MISTY "The Stun Spore Detour"


Oh, I'm sorry, but we don't have any Stun Spore antidote.

All we have is a bunch of Band-Aids. What'll I do?

Uh, uh..

MISTY 'I know!'

I'll run and get some medicine

at the nearest Pokémon Center.

Hm. Ah!

Which happens to be thirty miles away

on another island! Oh, no!


You're right, Pikachu.

We'll just find some other way

to help Ash and Tracey get better!


Huh! No, Pikachu!

I don't think we can shock the Stun Spore away.


- Misty. - I'm here!


We've got to do something to bring their fevers down, fast!


[groaning] Hey, Misty.

Just relax, Tracey. Don't try to talk. You need to rest.

Go get the Pokédex.

Yeah, that's a great idea. Maybe it can help us.

- Okay. - Look up, Vileplume.

- 'Antidote info.' - 'Right.'

An effective Stun Spore antidote can be made by

boiling the leaves of the Salveyo Weed.

I wonder where I'd find that.

Salveyo Weed is found on clear lake bottoms

wherever Vileplume live.

Poliwag are also found in the vicinity of this plant.


- Find it, Misty. - Huh?

Go find that Salveyo Weed.

Don't worry, Tracey, I'll find it no matter what!

Let's go, Togepi.



Pikachu, you better stay here

and take care of Ash and Tracey while we're gone.


[James groaning]

Hurry up, Meowth.

Higher, a little higher. I almost got it.

Ah! I got it!


Whoever it was who said apples are healthy

must have never picked one.

It wasn't easy but we brung you the apple you wanted, Jess.

I think my fever's getting worse.

But it gives my alabaster skin such a lovely crimson hue.

Ah, yes, very beautiful.

How come you were so particular about

havin' a bright red apple?

It's very simple.

When I awaken from my fevered dreams

I want to be able to gaze at something with skin

that's even redder than mine.

We almost broke our necks and you're gonna just look at it?

Meowth, please, don't yell at me now, I'm not well.

But if I had a pint of boysenberry ice cream..

Oh, no! No way!

Jessie, I think you've blown this little temperature

you're running totally out of proportion.

[sobbing] No!

What if there's something terribly

terribly wrong with me?


Beautiful things are very fragile.

Soon I may be gone with the wind

'like that tender, lovely little leaf.'

Jessie, all you did was sniff a little Vileplume Stun Spore.

You just stuck your nose where it didn't belong.

Aha! A fantastic field of fragrant flowers!



Help me! Get me outta here!


I just remembered that as a tiny tot, I breathed some Stun Spore

and my dear grandpapa made a potion out of

boiled Salveyo Weed that he got from the lake on his estate.

It cured me right away!

JESSIE 'You couldn't have taken your little trip down'

memory lane any sooner? I'm on my death bed here!

- Oh, I'm so weak. - Hm?

Hm, I guess we better go get Jessie some Salveyo Weed.

Nothing yet.


And no sign of a Poliwag.

Come on, let's try someplace else.





I don't see why I couldn't wear my Team Rocket uniform.

I feel like a clown in this get up.

We gotta find some of that Salveyo Weed

to help Jessie get better, don't we?

But if anybody saw Team Rocket splashing around

in some lagoon they'd get suspicious.

That's why I swiped these disguises

from the local costume shop.

Couldn't you have swiped something

a little more flattering?

I'm trying to do the best I can here!

I'm a Pokémon not a fashion consultant! Hey, what's that?


It's a Poliwag!


It's all coming back now.

Grandpapa used a Poliwag to find the Salveyo Weed

when I was Stun Spored.

- Don't let it get away! - Victreebel!

No, wait stop, don't come after me!

Go after that pretty little Poliwag!



I'll just have to catch you the old fashioned way!


You're not gonna get away from me!!


Ha! Ah!


We got you now!

And now that we know we can find the Salveyo Weed

can we change out of these costumes?

Quit your yapping and give me a hand with this Poliwag, will ya?



- Oh. Huh? - Huh?

We got Poli-whipped!

We've just gotta find that Salveyo Weed

to help Ash and Tracey.

Ah. A Poliwag.


Poliwag, the Tadpole Pokémon.

It has no arms but its tail makes it a strong swimmer.

Hm, Poliwag can help us find the Salveyo Weed.


Hah! Well, look who it is.

Team Rocket!

Alright, kid, hand over that Poliwag.


Poliwag doesn't wanna go with you two!

- Argh! Do it or else.. - 'No way!'


[Meowth growling]


GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

It's Dragonair!

I think we can take her in a battle, don't you?

I do.

Give us that Poliwag now!

You'll have to take it from me.

Victreebel, go!


Goldeen, go!


Victreebel, Razor Leaf now!


Huh? Dive in after it!


Goldeen, stop it with your Horn Attack!



Now try your Fury Attack, Goldeen!



Eeh! Victreebel, return!

Great job, Goldeen.

You just showed Team Rocket why Water Pokémon are my favorites.



Why can't you train that Victreebel to battle?

It looked like a punching bag out there!

It could use some work.

Next, I choose you, Weezing!


I choose you, Staryu!


- Staryu, Tackle Attack now! - Weezing, Tackle Attack now!


Smog Attack!


Staryu, Double Edge Attack now!



That's super, Staryu!

Now you'll have to go against me!

Staryu! Return now!

And go, Psyduck!


Try my Scratch Attack on for size!




Get a headache, get a nice, big, juicy headache.



[muffled screaming]

Use Confusion, Psyduck!


You see what happens when you use your headache?


MEOWTH 'Aw! We usually just get beat by the Twerp.'

Now we're getting beaten by his friends.

Well, now what are we gonna do?

That girl has the Poliwag and the Salveyo Weed.

If we go back without it, Jessie will be sick...of us.

You'd think these kids today would have something

on their minds besides Pokémon.


You just gave me an idea.

Luckily, I always bring a little Pokémon Cream along.

That should take the hurt away.




Togepi's just tickled to have you with us.


Poliwag, I've got an important question to ask you.

Do you know where I can find some Salveyo Weed?


Here, look, it grows on lake bottoms.


Poliwag, what're you doing? Wait don't go!

Is there any more Salveyo Weed

growing on the bottom of that lake, Poliwag?


Let's go, Staryu!



MISTY 'This will be more than enough.'

We have to hurry back and boil this up for Ash and Tracey.

Thanks again, Poliwag.




We'd like to stay and play but our friends are sick.

This plant will help them get better and after it does

maybe we can come back here and see you again.


That is, unless you'd like to come along with Togepi

and me and meet our friends now.




As soon as Ash and Tracey get better

I'll introduce you to Pikachu

and Squirtle and Psyduck and Lapras and--

MEOWTH 'Just as I suspected, that kid's got the Poliwag'

'and a crop of Salveyo Weed.'

But she won't have either once she starts

to sample the goodies we've got in store for her.

She should be making a pit stop any time now.

Who would have left this fancy tea set right in the road?

Ah! And all this makeup!

I have to get back and help the guys.

This is the most scrumptious looking basket of food

I've ever seen in my whole life. Mm..

But we can't stop and eat 'cause they're waiting for us!

What beautiful dresses!

Whoever uses this road has very good taste.

[groans] What gives?

We put out everything a girl should want

and she didn't fall for any of it!

I think it was a big mistake to base our choices

on what Jessie would have stopped for.

Maybe, the kid saw through our little scheme this time.

But next time, we'll disguise our plan a whole lot better.

And then there's Scyther and Charizard

and Marill and Venonat and--


Huh? Hm.

- Oh, pardon me, miss. - Can I help you?

Perhaps, would what you're carrying by any chance

be somethin' called, "Salveyo Weed?"

- Yes. - It's just..

JAMES 'It's just that my baby inhaled Vileplume's Stun Spore.'

Why, that's terrible.

My poor precious honey child hasn't been able to move

even one li'l ol' bitty muscle for days.

Oh, oh! Ma!

JAMES 'But the worst of all is, my sweet pea can't smile.'

Oh, if I could only find a hunk of that Salveyo Weed

I'd boil it up, my precious angel could drink it down

and I could see that smile one more time.

That's the saddest story I ever heard.

We gotta do something to help that baby.

That baby...sounds like Meowth!

Well, at least I fooled you.

That's 'cause you're a fool!

Baby or not prepare for trouble!

Lady or not better make it double.

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

- Meowth! - And, I'm James.

Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!

Surrender your Salveyo Weed, girlfriend or prepare to fight!

That's right!

We need that Salveyo Weed to help our friend Jessie

recover from some Stun Spore

and we're gonna do whatever it takes to get it!

Weezing, go!


Huh! Poliwag!




Poliwag's Double Slap Attack is amazing!


That was great, Poliwag!




Now, how are we gonna help Jessie?

Beats me.

- Huh? - Huh?

- Ah! - Huh?

It's-it's-it's Salveyo Weed.

That girl must have left it for us.

I know they wanted to trick me

but they were only trying to help Jessie

so I think they deserve a break for once, don't you?


And after all we done to her!

I must admit that little red head is as good as gold.

Those two other Twerps are pretty lucky to have such

a kind hearted, caring, generous Twerp like her for a friend.

MISTY Pikachu!


Let's hurry and boil this up!


Here you go. Don't burn yourself.

Thank you.

Careful, it's hot.

I knew I could count on you.

Isn't it ready yet?

Come on, hurry, hurry, hurry!

We're boiling as fast as we can!

The least you could do, Jessie

is be a little more appreciative.

Well, I do appreciate what you're doing.

But do it faster, now!

Ah. I'm me again!


That whiny wimp must've been looking for Salveyo Weed

by herself because the other two Twerps are sick

so this is the perfect time to attack them.

Both of you have already wasted valuable time.

But if we move fast maybe

we can triple team the girl and capture Pikachu.

But, Jessie..


I can see that you two are totally lost without me.

Come on, let's go.

I can't believe she wants to attack one of the kids

responsible for helping her get well.

That's Jessie, keeping up the ol' Team Rocket tradition.


- How do you feel? - Just fine.


So, it's you!

Yes, and I imagine you're too stunned to battle.

That's what you think!


Go and get 'em, Arbok!

Pikachu, go!

Arbok, Poison Sting Attack!


Come on, Arbok, what's the matter with you?

We have to beat those kids!

- Wanna crawl under this rock? - Yeah.

Why aren't you two helping me out here?

We don't wanna cramp your style.

Mm-hm, mm-hm.

Pikachu, Thundershock!




Wonder if that weed will cure a Thundershock.

I think what you really need, Jessie

is something that'll cure a terminal case of ingratitude!

MEOWTH 'Thanks again! Uh, I mean, we're blasting off again!

They keep gettin' weirder.


It looks like everybody recovered for the Stun Spore.



That Salveyo Weed tea really did the trick!

And we owe it all to you, Misty.

[clears throat] We owe it all to Poliwag.

I guess it was a team effort.

It sure was, wasn't it?

And you two make a great team.

Yeah, and great friends too.


NARRATOR By defending Poliwag from Team Rocket

Misty has won a new friend and a new Pokémon.

And her dedication to helping Ash and Tracey

has earned their gratitude.

Thanks, Misty, thanks for helping me

and being super nice when I was sick.

Don't get used to it!




And so, with renewed strength in body and spirit

Ash and his friends head for the Orange League

and the challenges that await them there.

ASH Don't go away. Pikachu's Jukebox is next.


♪ Poké Ball go go whoo

♪ So you want to be a Pokémon Master? ♪

♪ I got to be the one the only one who can withstand the test ♪

♪ And be the best and I got to strive keep up the drive ♪

♪ Be a Master

♪ It takes certain kind of skill ♪

♪ And I won't stop until Pokémon are mine ♪

♪ I must define the art of capture of all Pokémon ♪

♪ To be a Master ♪ Pokémon Master

♪ I will be writing ♪ I will be writing

♪ A brand new chapter ♪ A brand new chapter

♪ To be a Master ♪ Pokémon Master

♪ I will be strivin'

♪ To be the greatest Master

♪ Na na na na na na na na ♪ Pokémon Master

♪ Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na ♪

♪ The greatest Master of Pokémon ♪♪

♪ We all live in a Pokémon World ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I wanna be the greatest ♪

♪ Master of them all

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live in a Pokémon World ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Put myself to the test ♪

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪

♪ Pokémon?

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪

♪ Number one?

♪ We all live in a Pokémon World ♪

♪ Got the power right in your hands ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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