17x42 - Origins of mega evolution!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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17x42 - Origins of mega evolution!

Post by bunniefuu »

[Narrator] On the eve of Ash's

Kalos Gym battle with Korrina,

our heroes have finally arrived

in Shalour City!

[Nurse Joy] Thank you for waiting.

Your Pokémon are just fine.


Great! Thanks, Nurse Joy.

Pika, Pika!All right!

Now we can go and challenge Korrina! Pika!

Wow, Ash. You can't wait!

Dedenne, Dedenne!

But still, Korrina and Lucario are strong.

Are you sure you're ready?

Maybe you should train more.

He's right.

What about Tierno's rhythmic battle style?

Have you mastered that yet?

I'm just saying...

Hey, I'll be fine.

Long as I tackle that battle head on,

it'll all work out!

♪ I wanna be the very best ♪

♪ Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause ♪

♪ POKEMON! [Gotta catch 'em all] ♪

♪ It's you and me ♪ POKEMON!

♪ I know it's my destiny ♪


♪ Yeah! You're my best friend ♪

♪ In a world we must defend ♪ POKEMON!

♪ Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all! ♪


[Ash] "Origins of Mega Evolution!"

It's so beautiful!

It sure is!

[Serena] That's the Tower of Mastery!

The Shalour Gym should be inside...

How do we get there?


I don't see any sort of a bridge...

Looks like it's just floating in the ocean.

We can't get over there by walking.

Pika...Come on.

We came all this way and can't get to the gym?

That's nuts!

I wanna have a battle now!

Pika, Pika!

Those who seek power!

Show your heart,

and the path shall reveal itself!

Pika![Ash] Korrina!

Just playing...

Lu, Lucar!

And Lucario, too!

Pikachu! What a cool surprise!

So good to see you again!

Good to see you again, too!

Welcome to Shalour City!

You came over here just to meet us?

Yup! I figured you'd be showing up soon,

so I've been waiting for you.

If you're trying to get to the Shalour Gym,

that means one thing.

You must be fully prepared

to challenge me. That true?

Of course!Pika!

But, you haven't decided on a strategy yet...

I've been training hard since I last saw you

and I've beaten every challenger!

So that means you've won all your battles.

Wow, you're so strong!



But soon, I'm gonna beat you

and Mega Lucario

and win my third Kalos Gym badge!


We've got a problem.

Isn't the gym over there?

How are we gonna get across?

Can't do it now...

We can't? No way! Pika!

Why not?There's a saying.

Those with a desire to battle

must wait patiently.

What are you talking about?

Grandfather says it a lot.

It's the motto our family lives by.

It's gonna be a while

before we can get over there.

Oh no! But I wanna have a battle now!

Now, now. Calm down.

It's okay. This way

you'll have a bit more time to train.

Remember, Korrina's even stronger now.

Guess you're right.


Fletch!Froakie! Lucha!

You've caught a Hawlucha!

And Fletchling evolved into Fletchinder,

a Fire and Flying type!

You've really been thinking about a strategy

to counter our Fighting-type Gym.

[Ash] Sure have.

But, hold on.

If you're gonna train,

I probably shouldn't watch, right?

That's a good point. If you watch Ash train,

that would give away his strategy.

That's okay with me.

You sure?

We always battle our opponent head on!

We've got nothing to hide, do we?

Pika, Pika!

Let's work on moving and grooving.

Then we'll win that gym badge!

Cha!Pi, Pika!

All right. Here we go!

Yay! Let the music play!


'Kay! Everyone, it's time to dance!

Pika, Pika, Chu, Chu!

Pikachu! You're doing great, Pikachu!

Ches? Chespin!

Ches!Uh, Chespin...

Chespin, Chespin, Pin, Ches!

Wow, look at Chespin go.

Chespin sure is a good dancer!


Chinder, Fletch!

Look at that.

Fletchinder's totally graceful!

Cha, Cha, Cha! Cha, Haw!

Cha, Cha, Haw, Haw!

Hawlucha's a great dancer, too!

Dedenne, Dedenne!

Froakie, Kie.

Froakie, Kie. Froakie, Kie...

Froakie's no slouch as well.

The problem is...

I think Ash is trying to dance...

All right, yeah!

That's dancing?

He looks like he's woozy!


Ash is doing the best he can...

Now I've seen it all.

That's Ash's training?

Sure is!

Move it and groove it!

First off, we've gotta do something

about those moves...

For sure. How do we do that?

The future is now, thanks to science!

Clemontic Gear, on!

This is my Not a Very Good Dancer

Automated Good Dancing Device!

What's going on?

Pika!A revolution in dance.

Allowing anyone with no rhythm

to move and groove.

Following the beat to a tee!

But, we're talking about Ash here.

This I gotta see...

You shall! 'Kay, here we go!

Full power. Switch on!

Hey, wait!

Pika, Pi!

Whoa, Ash is dancing!

Who knew?

Continued practice with my device

will have him dancing like a natural in no time!

And now let's pick up

the tempo just a little bit!

[button chimes]

Up, up, up, up, up, up...

Stop this crazy thing!

Come on!Froakie!


Clemont, make it stop!

I'm trying, I'm trying!

I'm getting dizzy... I feel sick...

It's not stopping. Look out!

Oh, no!

Oh, man.

Everything's spinning...

My head. Glad that's over with.

I'm so sorry...

What about your training, Ash?

Are you done?

I was getting so close...

Wait. Hey, I'll be your dance teacher!

Sure! I'm an excellent dancer.

Are you really?

Just leave it to me!

I'm wiped...

I don't think this's working out so well.

I'm tapped out.

I don't know what else to teach you...

People are good at some things and not so good at others.

So maybe the rhythmic battle strategy isn't

the right thing for Ash.

But can he beat Korrina without it?

You tried.Pi.

Thanks, Serena! You too, Clemont.

But Ash? Are you okay?

Yeah! I've got one choice.

I'll give it all I've got!

Pikachu! Pi?Ash?

Have you finished your training?


Perfect timing then!

We'll be able to get over to the island soon!


So how's that gonna happen?

Wait. You'll see.

Look at that!

A path. But how?

[Ash] Awesome...

Korrina, what's happening?

Pika, Pika?

[Korrina] When it's the right time,

a path to the island appears.

Let's go!


So weird that a path appears in the ocean!

Like a fantasy world created by the changing tides!

This is the Tower of Mastery.

The gym's inside.

All right! Let's go have that battle!

[Gurkinn] No need to be hasty...


[Korrina] Grandfather!

How are you, sir?

Nice to see you again!

Pika, Pika!

Glad you made it.Me, too.

I'm here to challenge the gym!

But before you do,

you must listen to what I tell you!

Fact is, that's the rule

when anyone comes to this island!

Pika?Uh, if you say so...

Here we go again...

What do you want to tell us?

A valuable story.

It concerns Mega Evolution!

Come, come. Follow me.

Heads up. Get ready for a long story.


[Bonnie] It's huge!

[Ash] Is that Mega Lucario?


[Clemont] I've never seen such a large statue before!

It symbolizes our family friend,

and our bond with Mega Lucario!

"Who's that Pokémon?"

"It's Pumpkaboo!"


You see, the history of Mega Evolution

began long ago with the arrival

of one of my ancestors.

Right here on this island.

This man was traveling and training with

his Lucario when they found

two peculiar stones right here.

It is generally believed that what happened next

was the world's first Mega Evolution.

[Ash] So this is where Mega Evolution started...


That's right.

Our family has lived here and protected

Mega Evolution Island ever since.

That's great!

What an interesting story that is!

I never knew that before!

Wow, this is an important place.

Yeah, you bet! I wanna become

a great Gym Leader just like my grandfather

and my ancestor!

Wait a sec. Your Lucario

can Mega Evolve and you're already

a great gym leader, right?

You think? Go on...

Stop. To me, she still has a long way to go!

It's too soon to pass down

the Scroll of Secrets to her.

Not that again...

'Scuse me.Pika?

What's the Scroll of Secrets?

A family treasure.

It lists everything one needs to know

to be a gym leader.

Could we see it?Pika!

Please, show us!

I'd love to see what it says!

Not possible.

Only those chosen are allowed to see it.


Grandfather has it hidden away somewhere

and won't show it to anybody.

[stomach gurgles]


Empty tummy...


The fact is, we haven't had dinner yet.

[Korrina] In that case, since it's already late,

let's have our gym battle tomorrow.

You guys can stay here tonight.

It's been a while.

Let's have dinner together!

[Gurkinn] Good idea.

[Ash] Thanks!Pikachu!

[Bonnie] Yay, I'm starving!

Scroll of Secrets, eh?

Bet there's lots of Mega Evolution stuff

in that thing.

Say... If we were to take it

and gift it to the Boss...

Not to would be a loss!


[James] Quiet!




[James] If it's not in

that old codger's room...

Then it's got to be here somewhere!

Let's find it!

Wobbuff, Wob!Stifle it!

Zip. Zero. Nada!

[James] Nothing in here...

[Jessie] Then stop looking where it isn't!

And start looking where it is!

We've gotta start thinking like a scroll.


[Jessie] Is that a statue of Mega Lucario?

Mega Evolution...

Maybe it's in there!

I like the way you think!




My arm won't fit.

Well, lookee what we got here...

It's scroll time!

[both] Sublime!

Who's up there?

What are you doing? [Meowth] Busted...

Your Scroll of Secrets is a secret no more!

[Meowth] Can the roar!

We're out the door!

What a bore!

Give me back my scroll!

[Korrina] Grandfather!

Korrina, they stole the Scroll of Secrets!

[Ash] Who's there?

Prepare for trouble, it's us, of course!

And we're taking the Scroll of Secrets by force!

To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all people within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love!

To extend our reach to the stars above!


And James!

Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Surrender now or prepare for a not-so-secret fight!

Meowth, that's right!


[Ash] Team Rocket? I should've known!

Pika!Any slower

and you'd be talking backwards!

Swipers keepers...

I will not allow you to do this!


I once had a schoolteacher

just like you!

With that in mind, we'll say toodaloo!

Grandpa, let us handle this!

We'll get the scroll back!

Pika, Pika!Are you okay?

I can't run anymore!

Not again...

You're not getting away!

Annoy people much?Inkay, go!

Ink! Psybeam, please...



Thanks, Lucario!Car!

Thanks to you, too!Pika!

Again, Inkay! Use Psybeam!


I don't think so.

Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!



Hey, nice move, Ash and Pikachu!

Let's get moving!

[Jessie] Step on it, buster!

[Ash] Come back! Pika!

Braying brats!

Wobbuff! Wobbuff, Wobbuff!

[Ash] Give the scroll back!Pika!

Pikachu! Iron Tail, let's go!

Pi, Pika! Chu,




That was my head!

We weren't ready to go yet!

Why don't you guys just give it up?

You're going nowhere!

And neither is this scroll!



You ready, Pikachu?Pika!

Wait, Ash! I'll take care of them!

[Jessie] What? Just you two lightweights?


You got some sort of a problem with that?

Such sass! 'Kay, Inkay, Psybeam!


Dodge it, quick!Lucar!

Pumpkaboo, use Shadow Ball!


Now, Bone Rush!

Lucar! Lucar!


Pumpkaboo, no!

Awesome. The two of them are perfectly in sync!



In that case, attack en masse!

I'm in, too!

[Jessie] Use Shadow Ball![James] Use Tackle!

Fury Swipes time...Ink!

Dodge them, Lucario!

Lu! Lu! Lucario!

Now what?


Mega Evolve!

[Clemont] Whoa...



Is that...?


Ready, Lucario?Car!

So? Knock yourselves out!

Use Shadow Ball!Pumpka-ka-ka-kaboo!

Lucario, use Bone Rush!



[all] We're blasting off again!



Korrina and Lucario are so amazing!

Don't you think so too, buddy?


And we get to battle them tomorrow!

I can hardly wait!

All set?Pikachu!

Here it is!

We got your scroll back!

Well done, you make me very proud.

That's the Scroll of Secrets...

What does it say? Show us...

But we're not allowed to see it, right?

Since you managed to get the scroll back to me,

I guess I can make an exception.

Wow, you mean it?Pika!


Rule one!

Early to bed and early to rise!

Rule two!

Eat in moderation, even if it's delicious!

Rule three!

Keep all of your belongings organized

and readily available!

But, sir?Rule four!

Wash your hands several times a day!

Um, is that really the Scroll of Secrets?

You doubt me?

It took a lot of effort.

I spent countless hours writing this

all so gym leaders

could be at the peak of perfection!

That's what you wrote?

Profound, right?

So then, there's nothing in there

about Mega Evolution or your ancestors' history?

No. Not a single thing.

[Gurkinn] The Shalour City Gym Battle between

Ash and Korrina will now begin!

Each Trainer may use three Pokémon!

Furthermore, only the challenger

will be allowed to substitute Pokémon!

Ash, you can do it!

Make sure you don't lose!

Both of you do your best!

You ready to go for it, Pikachu?

Pika, Pika!

Gym leader Korrina!

Come forth!

So, we battle once again. Finally!

Right! I've been looking forward to this.

I am totally psyched!Pikachu!

Me, too. I'll give it my all!

Great! And I'll be doing the same thing!

Pika, Pika!

Ash sounds confident,

but I wonder if he's really going to be all right...

Yeah, I do, too.

Go, go, go, Ash!

Dedenne, Dedenne!

[Narrator] The Gym battle between Ash and Korrina

is about to get under way!

Will our hero be able to defeat Mega Lucario

and win his third Kalos Gym badge?

Stay tuned, as the journey continues!
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