17x12 - To catch a Pokemon smuggler!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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17x12 - To catch a Pokemon smuggler!

Post by bunniefuu »



Wonder what that noise was...

What noise?

I didn't hear anything.


Maybe you imagined it...

No, I definitely heard something.


Was that...

Both of your tummies are rumbling!

Wait a minute, I hear something now.


That was close...

What is that guy's problem?

[woman] Out of the way!

[Serena] If Officer Jenny's after that guy...

... then that crazy driver could possibly

be a wanted criminal!

There could be trouble!

Let's go and check it out!Pikachu!

♪ I wanna be the very best ♪

♪ Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause POKEMON! ♪

♪ [Gotta catch 'em all] It's you and me ♪

♪ POKEMON! I know it's my destiny ♪

♪ POKEMON! Yeah! ♪

♪ You're my best friend

♪ In a world we must defend ♪

♪ POKEMON! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all! POKEMON! ♪♪

[Ash] "To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!"

[narrator] As our heroes continue their journey to Cyllage City

and Ash's next Kalos Gym battle,

they've witnessed a police chase

and now rush to assist Officer Jenny!

[Jenny] Hey, stop the car!

Like I'm gonna listen to what you say.

Give me a break, Jenny!

[Jenny] Come back here!

Diggersby, use Mud Shot!



See ya later!


My valuable merchandise!

It fell off!

It can't be! No!

[Jenny] Come back here!

I can't go on!


Get a grip.Dedenne!

Are you all right?

Uhh, Clemont? How're you doing?

Something's crawling out of there...


Never seen that one before...

[woman] Scatterbug, the Scatterdust Pokémon.

When att*cked by another Pokémon,

Scatterbug scatters the black powder that covers its body

and regulates its body temperature.


It looks like it's trying to scare us off.

You don't have to worry about us hurting you, Scatterbug.

We're your friends!




Scatterbug looks kind of weak.

We'd better hurry and take it to a Pokémon Center!

I'll look it up.

It's over this way! Come on!

Okay, let's go!

Pika, Pika!

[Ash] Nurse Joy, please help Scatterbug!

[Joy] Sure!

Take care of it, Wigglytuff.


Now don't worry about a thing.

Thanks a lot!

It looks like your Scatterbug

doesn't come from around this area.

Wait-- you can tell just by looking?


Take a look up at the screen...

[Ash] Wow, Vivillon!

[Serena] But they all look different.

[Joy] Vivillon have many different patterns,

depending on where they come from.

And there are many more patterns than that!


In a similar way, Scatterbug have slight differences, too.


I'd be very interested to know

where you found that Scatterbug.


[Jenny] I've got you!


Now don't make a move, or you'll be in a whole lot

more trouble than you're already in!



You've already got me tied up!

Believe me, I know who you are!

If you have the stolen Scatterbug,

then you must work with Dolan, the Pokémon smuggler!

Pokémon smuggler?

No way!

We were chasing after you

because we wanted to help you, Officer Jenny!

On the way, we found a big cage

and Scatterbug was coming out of it!

Then that means...

Somehow, the Pokémon smuggler must have dropped the cage.

That's what I think.

I'm so sorry!

I'm always jumping to conclusions...

and then I mess things up.


Don't worry, it's okay!

[healing chimes]

[Joy] Scatterbug's fine now!

Bug, Sca!

Scatterbug!You're okay!

All that stuff you were talking about earlier...

I never heard of a Pokémon smuggler before!

Pokémon smugglers are bad people who steal and then sell Pokémon

online to unscrupulous Pokémon collectors the world over.

First they steal Pokémon...

...then they sell them online?


Dolan's a Pokémon smuggler.

He specializes in Vivillon, so he grabs every Scatterbug

and Spewpa he can get his thieving hands on.

So, he must be keeping lots of them at his hideout!

All those poor, helpless Scatterbug and Spewpa...

Yes, I'm sure he's got countless Pokémon.

And once they evolve into Vivillon,

he sells them at a premium.

There's no excuse for that!

What an awful guy!


The worst!He stinks!


Scatterbug is getting restless...

Pika?Scatterbug, Scat!

[Clemont] Look!




I've never seen a Pokémon evolve

right in front of my eyes!

[woman] Spewpa, the Scatterdust Pokémon.

When Spewpa is att*cked, it scares its enemies away

by stiffening and spreading its fur, like wings.



Hey, since we just saw Scatterbug evolve,

could you teach me about Evolution, please?


I can do that! No prob!Pika, Pika!

Evolution is when a Pokémon starts to glow super bright

and transform, like-- bam!

And that's when everyone goes

"Wow, that's awesome!"Pi!

That's about all there is to it.Pika, Pikachu.

Okay, I don't get it at all...

I guess that's my cue to take over!

There are some kinds of Pokémon who changes their shapes

after certain criteria are met, and this is called Evolution.

For example, Scatterbug evolves into Spewpa,

and Spewpa evolves into Vivillon.

There are several ways to make Pokémon evolve,

but the most common way is, like with Vivillon,

when they reach a certain level and then evolve.

An alternative method is by using an Evolution Stone.

Pi, Pikachu.

For example, for Pikachu to evolve into Raichu,

it needs a Thunder Stone.


It's so amazing how they evolve.

Pokémon sure are amazing!

I guess I've still got a lot to learn!

Clemont was saying what I was saying in a different way.


Ya think?That was great.

Thank you very much!

Think nothing of it.

Impressive, eh?

There seems to be something in Spewpa's fur.

Yeah, I wonder what it could be.

Let's take a closer look!Pika.

It looks like some sort of chip

that's used for transmitting signals!

A signal? But, for what?

I know!

Dolan must have implanted that chip as a tracking device

so he could hunt down any Pokémon

that might get away from him!

[Serena] Then he might be close by!

Well, if he is, I'll get him...


Spewpa, Spewpa!

Spewpa, Spew!What's wrong?

Spewpa's probably worried.

After all, Dolan is still holding its friends c*ptive.

You wanna get your friends outta there, right?


[Serena] I've got a great idea!Pika?

First, we'll let Dolan take Spewpa back

and then we'll follow, using the transmitter's signal.

That way, he'll lead us to the hideout

and all the Pokémon, too!

And that'll make it easy to rescue all

of Spewpa's stolen friends!

That's a great plan!

Do you think we can really pull it off?

We happen to have an inventor in the house!

Sounds like my cue to get busy!

The future is now, thanks to science!

Clemontic Gear, on!

I happen to have the perfect invention

for just a situation like this and here it is!

I like to call it the

Omni-Directional Super-Sensitive Tracking Dish!

The name's better this time.


[Clemont] The first thing we need to do is detect and memorize

the frequency of the transmitter chip.

We can then pinpoint Spewpa's location,

no matter where it goes!

Power, on!

See! We're up and running!

Awesome! Science is so amazing!

Pika, Pika!Chespin!

But, Dolan dropped Scatterbug, right?

Remember, Scatterbug evolved into Spewpa since then.


Don't worry, no problem!

Once he sees Scatterbug's chip on Spewpa,

it won't take him long to figure everything out.

I feel uncomfortable about all this...

Maybe we shouldn't be using Spewpa as bait.

It's dangerous!

I'll just act as a decoy!

Well, if anybody can pull it off, it's you!

Thanks![Serena] Just a minute!

Pi?I thought of this, so I wanna help!

Costume designing is what I do!

Dedenne!The master of makeup!




You definitely look like Spewpa,

but, you're a bit too big!


[Clemont] Plus, you won't be able to fit

inside the cage we found Scatterbug in.

Spew, Spewpa.

Dedenne!Let's have Dedenne do it!

Yeah, yeah, Dedenne!


You might just be the tiniest bit too teeny...

Then how about using my Chespin?

[Bonnie] It's just the right size!

Ches, Chespin! Ches, Chespin!

Pika!Looks just like Spewpa!

Spewpa, Pa, Pa, Pa...Pikachu!

All we do now is wait for Dolan to show up.

[Clemont] Unless he makes an appearance,

the whole plan will be rendered useless.

[Jenny] Dolan's a very greedy man.

He'll definitely come back or he won't make all that money.

Once he makes his pickup, we'll follow.

Then we can track him down to his hideout!

Look! It's him!

[all] "Who's that Pokémon?"

[all] "It's Scatterbug!"


The signal from the chip's coming from here, somewhere...

There you are!

Is my precious merchandise safe and sound?

Ches? Spin?

So you evolved into a Spewpa, eh?

Though you do look and sound a bit strange...

Maybe now you'll evolve into a hugely profitable Vivillon!

It looks like Dolan bought the disguise.

I know what I'm doing...

Off we go!

Well, Clemont?

My invention's working great!

Ready to go?Yeah, let's move it!

Dolan just drove into the forest!

[Jenny] We can't lose him!

[Clemont] Don't worry.

As long as the chip is sending a signal...

[Jenny] What's wrong?

[Clemont] I don't know!

What happened?

All right, then.

I'll just have to follow him.

Thanks for your help!

Good luck!

Hey, we'll save all your buddies, I promise!Pika!

Maybe your Fletchling can search for him!


Fletchling, I choose you!

Fletch, Fletchling!

[Ash] I need you to look for a vehicle!


Fletch, Fletchling!


Find it?Fletchling!

Show us where it is!


What's wrong?

Maybe Dolan's hideout is nearby...

Fletchling!Fletchling, did you find it?

Fletch, Fletch!Great! Return!

That's definitely it! Dolan's truck!

And no one's guarding the hideout.

Wonder where Officer Jenny is...

Let's sit tight for now.

But what if he escapes while we're waiting for her?

Let's go!


If Dolan sees us coming,

who knows what he'll do to the Pokémon?

Serena's right.

We need to make safely rescuing

the c*ptive Pokémon our first priority!

Then what are we supposed to do?

We should find out if anyone's inside.

Got it!

Now, Froakie, I choose you!

Froak! Kie!

I need you to find out if there's anyone

inside that building.

Froakie!If no one's in there, give me this sign.

Kie! Froak!

Kie! Froak.





Froakie's saying the coast is all clear!

That means now's our chance!


Let's get in there and rescue the Pokémon now!Yay!


Spew, Spew?

Something wrong?

Pika, Pi!Pikachu! Everybody!

Well, well, well.

Guess I missed a Pokémon and some kid.


How about that? Heard of me, huh?

Let all my friends go!

Give me a break!

Nobody tricks me and gets away with it!

You punks are responsible for this, aren't you?

It's Chespin!

It was a rough ride, so the disguise fell off.

But, I'll get even with you by selling this little one, too!

You're not doing that...

You've got some mouth on you!

Now, hand over that Spewpa!


Who's that Pokémon?

[woman] Diggersby, the Digging Pokémon,

and the evolved form of Bunnelby.

Diggersby can easily lift a boulder weighing over

a ton with its powerful ears.


Kie, Kie!Wanna battle?


[Clemont] Diggersby's a Ground type!

Froakie's Water-type moves are super effective against it!

I know you can do it, Ash!Dedenne!

Don't lose to a crook like him!Pika, Pi!

Right! He's going down!

We'll just see about that!

Diggersby, Mud Shot!


Dodge, Froakie!Froak, Froakie!

Great! Use Bubble!

Kie, Froak!


What? Use Dig!


[Ash] It can come out from anywhere!

Be careful and stay focused!

Froak? Froakie!Diggersby!

[Ash] Froakie!Double Slap, let's go!

Froakie won't be able to dodge if it's in the air!


Kie!You're doing great!

Great? Prove them wrong with Hammer Arm!


Use Water Pulse and counter that!


By! By! By!


Froakie! Be strong!


Isn't that sweet? Enough of this!

Use Hammer Arm and attack as hard as you can!


Froakie! Are you okay?

Froak...Hey, Spewpa!

Don't worry! I'm gonna keep you safe, no matter what!



You're protecting both of us!


Don't forget, that's my merchandise!

Enough! Forget it!

Use Hammer Arm and show that Spewpa who it's messing with!


[Clemont] It's Spewpa's Protect!

[Ash] Nice job, Spewpa!


[Clemont] That's String Shot!

Wow, Spewpa, you're awesome!A Diggersby mummy!


What do you think you're doing?

Get out of that!


Now, I think it's time we finish this up!

By, By, By, By!

Spewp, Spewp, Spewp, Spewp, Spewpa!

Hey, Spewpa, what's the matter?

Of course!

When Spewpa starts getting restless, that means...

[Serena] It's evolving!

Lon! Vivillon!

Wow, so cool!Viv!

[Bonnie] It has a different pattern than the Vivillon Viola had!

Viv, Viv, Viv!



Vivillon's beauty is what makes them fetch such a high price!

Scatterbug and Spewpa...

they're all fantastic moneymakers!

[Ash] Oh, man, that guy...

You only think of Pokémon as a way to make money!

Hurry up and get rid of that annoying kid

with the big mouth or I'll go nuts!

Mud Shot, Go!



[Clemont] It's Vivillon's Safeguard!

That's great, Vivillon!



Vivillon, Vivillon!

Vivillon![Clemont] It's Stun Spore!




All right, I'll just catch you myself!

What's that?

[Ash] Officer Jenny!

Sorry to keep you waiting!


No, you don't!

Stop, or prepare for an Electro Ball!


If you still think I'm gonna listen to anything you say,

give me a break!

Viv, Viv, Viv, Viv!

I'm starting to feel like I should give up...

[Clemont] Vivillon's scales have a soothing effect that calms

an opponent's fighting spirit!

Now, you're under arrest!

Okay, I give up...

Chespin, you were great!Chespin!


Let's get the others out of there!

Okay, everyone! You're free now!

Viv!Spewpa, Spewpa!Spewpa!

Vivillon looks really happy to see its friends again.

It's great to see all of you together!





Viv, Vivillon!Vivillon!

Hey, everyone! Don't get caught again!

Pika, Pika!



Bye! See you again!




Vivillon are so beautiful...



[narrator] With the help of Officer Jenny, our heroes have stopped the

horrendous deeds of Pokémon smuggler Dolan

and freed the stolen Vivillon.

Now, the journey to Cyllage City continues!

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