Christmas in Wonderland (2007)

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Christmas in Wonderland (2007)

Post by bunniefuu »



Dear Santa, I know it's very late, but...

We have just moved to Edmondton
Alberta. That is in Canada.

I wanted to be sure that you my new address.

My old address in Los Angeles is not good.

Go not go there. Well,
you can still have go...

but let there be no gifts for
me back, because I'm not.

I like it here, but not my brothers.

And although Christmas is there is no snow.

Hi, Danny.

-I send you an e-mail...

Come down, honey, breakfast. Yes, Dad.

-Can you hear me?
-I come, even finish that letter to Santa.

If you ask something, ask for a miracle.

What did I say?

Frying pan.

Brian, you know in which box the skillet is?

-It depends what you want, Dad.
-Breakfast cook.

Then I'm not sure. You're the best at home.

Get the pan, or I offer to you for adoption.

Can I get that black
and white? Brian, please.

Okay, 's see...

If I had a frying pan, where would I be?

Maybe in the box where "Kitchen Stuff" on it?

-Please pa.
-Thank you, sir.

Remember that, there is "Kitchen Stuff 'on."

That is probably not a child of mine.

Hey Mary, you want the
fireplace chiselling not open?

But I must make a hole,
so Santa can come inside.

This is not a real place,
there is no chimney.

How can Santa come over, if it is not real?

Santa is surely a way.
It is a very clever guy.

We also get a Christmas tree, Dad?

Completely forgotten, a
tree. Of course we get a tree.

It is surely no Christmas
without a Christmas tree.

I promise you that we have a
Christmas tree get. And now... eat.

Oh, Danny, what do you want
for breakfast? Toast or pancakes?

Cyanide, please.

Okay, what is there now on?

He does not like Edmonton. He says it sucks.

Did you say that your sister said?

It eluded me, sorry.

I do not know what sucks.

Whatever. Honey.

And what is wrong with Edmonton?

Everything. I hate it here.

Yeah, come on. We're here two days now...

't seems fair that you' t least
hours have the chance.

I give up no seconds.
Everything is getting worse.

To me, we immediately back to LA.

Since I am voting for.

The only thing here is the same
as in America, the English language.

And sometimes I even doubt it.

Did you call them gjeld money?

That says enough anyway.

-I like it here, Dad.
-Thank you sweetheart.

Your welcome.

Brian is right, Dad. Did
you hear how they talk here?

I need a lobotomy to to
communicate with someone.

Find another solution, is
too expensive for a lobotomy.

I do it with pleasure free.

What is a lobolomie?

Brian, you quickly come
here, to look at the pancakes?

We are back in eggshells.

This is the worst Christmas of my life.

You're kidding, you're
stranded? Why are you stranded?

Because 't is Christmas Eve, and the
flight overbooked. I am on a waiting list.

-How long is this list?
-No idea, they said maybe...

I can get a flight tonight...

but I think I will not come
home this time with Christmas.

Great, really great.

That means, that you must do the shopping.

-As for shopping, eating?
-Food? No, gifts.

You must buy the presents.

Yeah, just... I'm afraid we
do not much to give this year.

With that move and stuff,
and the other what happened.

Fired? You're not even started,
how can you dismiss them?

The company was purchased by
another oil company, with private drillers.

What do we do now Wayne?

I am trying a new job as oil driller found.

If we put this house back
on sale, and go back to LA.

The kids love it here not so fun.

One reason why something nice
for them under the tree to have.

You're right.

You surely to a tree thought, huh?

Of course I thought of a
tree. It is Christmas anyway?

What kind?

What kind?

Such green with needles and stuff.

Well. I 't forget. I will
buy one this afternoon.

-I love you.
-I love you. Day.

What a Christmas. Is there
something wrong, Dad?

No, there is nothing wrong sweetheart.

-You look so happy.
-I am very happy.

Papa would like to have one million,

he could pretty things You buy for Christmas.

I have penny in my
piggy bank, who likes you have.

That's nice, honey. You keep
your money but. It'll be pretty good.

Well, who is my angel?

-I do not know.
-You are.

Hey, I got an idea. Shall we're
all to go to the shopping center go?

Are we then to Santa? Sure.

We go to Santa, we will to Santa...

-I'm not a stupid mall.
-Why not?

Because it is still sucks. Not
exactly the Christmas spirit, Danny.

How can I have Christmas
thoughts if I have no friends.

All your friends in LA is to leave
difficult, but you will make new.

And, I noticed that the Edmonton
filled with girls your age is.

Girls? I have said nothing about girls?

I was sixteen, or your 't believe or not.

And I was... I was madly in
love puppy with my girlfriend.

How was your girlfriend again, Chayenne?

-Shane. Ah yes, that was "t.

It'll be good, Danny, believe me.

But I really need your help.

You have to watch Brian and
Mary, if I do the Christmas shopping.

-Now I do not.
-Okay. So no one can go...

Christmas at the buttons,
and everyone will blame you.

I can live with.

And unfortunately I can to Xbox
do not buy what you wanted.

-Where have you bought them?
-Xbox . And you?


But you know that we can not get them, huh?

What do you mean? Dad
has already lost his job.

What? How do you know?
Because I've opened his mail.

-A source of information.

-You do not mention Mary, huh?
-Of course not.

Well, because if you do, I'll k*ll you.

No worries, I will say nothing against Mary.

It is the only one in
the family still innocent.

Here we go.

Hupsakee, doll.

Well, gabbers...

Buckle up, ready to take
off, time for super shopping.

Nice work with Santa, Danny

Leave me alone, but it is a lot of scrap.


Well people, you can have as
many bells read if you want...

but it is not the perfect
Christmas we used to.

Sorry, but no speck snow
expected in Edmonton, this year.

CKWR The weatherman is this the
warmest Christmas ever in our history.

Look, there 't.


-Double wow.
-Yes. Double wow.

This is certainly a lot
more than I had expected.

Yes, you see how big is the dome.

That is at least about stories high.

Yes, and you look, they
are a real pirate ship.

-Is Santa here, Dad?

That is down here somewhere

-Santa lives here?
-No, Santa lives at the North Pole...

-and this is the mall in Edmonton.
-Our Santa live where I live.

You know what I think, Mary?
That you've discovered the secret.

Why has no one ever found in the Arctic.

Because he's here all the time Sat

Ok. Then, you watch Brian
and Mary, then I go shopping.

I want to see Santa. I want
to see whether he lives here.

-No hassle, we have an appointment.

-But she wants to see Santa.
-Then take her to Santa.

-I obviously do not count.
-Oh, certainly.

We are all back here about
hours. Understood? Exactly here.

-Yes, Dad.
-Guys? Well.

-Who is my little angel?
-I dunno.

You are.

See you later. Fun.

Okay, creatures from hell,
let's go find Father Christmas.

Wow, what a lot of people.

Yes, the fools.

Spend money that they have
not, a greasy bite to eat is not

Just to pretend they happy.
A silent days per year.

Christmas. What a mess.

-Why I have not thought of themselves?
-I want it times instead of Christmas .

Can we go see Santa?

-We have to work. Come on.
-Hey, can I have a hat?


But hop off and grab a candy
cane, because there is still someone.

Look who's here. A boy. A tough guy.

-A cat and a dog and a hat.
-A cat a dog and a hat.

I would like a hat.

Still minutes to Santa, from this point.

Brian Okay, listen.

You stay here with Mary, and I'll
You get about minutes exactly.

Wait a effe, why me?

We do not with his Mary to fit on two.

I can of myself.

-Why do not you?
-Because I'm older and stronger than you.

I can of myself.

-Yeah but Dad said

we were together should continue.
-I know what Dad said.

But how did he find out?

Gee, let me 's thinking...

How dad ever find out? Who would tell him?

Okay, how much? Daniel, I'm shocked...

I think you my own blood
brother would blackmail?

-How about peak?
-How about ?

Well. Mary not only lost the eye.

My eyeballs are always glued to her.

Come on. Now that walking hormoonbal
way, we can really have fun. Come.

But I must speak Santa,
Brian. It is important.

Listen Mary, I'm not saying
that Santa does not exist...

but there is a great
opportunity that this man is real.

Must be a drunkard that she
have hired an employment agency.

I am pretty sure that
he was not really thick.

Come, Mary, but there are
one million for our children.

We are now going to rest of our lives.

-It is surely not last long.
-Yes, half of the row certainly lost?

Come on, guys, we should sing.
Afterwards we can still see Santa.

You see, I said it anyway? Come.

That is scary.

I have this morning-you
e-mailed but I give up anyway,

if your computer broke or something.

I am moved, I no longer live in Los
Angeles. This is my new address.

I understand. Do not worry, Mary,
you know Santa is always available.

There is a bicycle shop on the
corner of our street, if that helps.

This is Brian, that's my brother.

How you doing, Grandpa?

Nice outfit. You look fine.

He does not believe you're the real Santa.

Oh no? Maybe I can on other bring thoughts.

Yes, by a Breathalyzer successfully to make.

-You see, I told you.
-Do not worry about him...

Santa brings him to other thoughts.

What would you like for
Christmas from Santa want, Mary?

I wanted things first six
questions, but now I have only one.

But one thing? That
must be something special.

-What is it?
-I would like one million U.S. dollars.

A one million U.S. dollars?
That is a lot of money, Mary.

It is not for me, it is my
father. He says he 's needs.

I don 't. Santa will see what he can do.

-Want nothing for yourself, Mary?
-No, I have enough stuff...

-maybe next year.
-You are a very nice girl, Mary.

I wanted some more questions...

-Yes Mary?
-You live here 's mall, huh?

Happy Christmas, Mary.

Oh, I miss California.

On reflection, What do
I care about California.

Hey, hello.

Oh. Sorry, I thought
someone different. My mistake.

Listen well. The address is
Bonny Meadow Lane .

You better not be on the roof
countries, because our focus is fake.

Land just in the backyard, I
will leave the kitchen, okay?

-Mary, what are you doing?
-Rudolf I give our new address.

Keep them in there. You look Ret*rded.

And no longer do you wander,
otherwise The ghost will grab market.

The shop ghost? What is that?

The store is a ghost... dude, A
zombie guy, who dwells in the basement.

He grabs like little children
who stray, and then...

He served there for burgers.

Really? He grinds them into hamburger?

Yes he does. And he gives
them... to a giant wolf to eat.

-You're making only.

-Do you.
-Well, then believe you me.

Wandering and see, then
we'll see what happens.

-The shop ghost?
-Yes. Come along.

They have an ice rink here,
We can skate without wheels.

Please, You can make more noise?

I can not help it. These donuts are so good.

-Want one?
-No, thank you

I try to eat less carbohydrates.
Would you also must do.

-No idea, maybe because you're fat?

This jam is delicious.

Really? How interesting. I had no idea.

I like nice jam. Jam is good.

I think it's even fun to jam
to say. Say with me, Lennert:

Jam, jam, jam. Please love your head.

Just keep your head. Shut up.


I can not believe we are family.

-Wait for me.
-Can not you faster?

-Hey, skating is very cool.
-Wait for me.

This looks really great.

Stop road. What matter
with you? It to anyone...

-You want it eat?
-That is inedible, who eats money nou?

You. You're just a waste container on feet.

-But you're still planning, huh?

Well, what is it?

I forgot.

For the tenth, and I hope the last time...

We take this money, go
for it shops, and buy stuff.

What stuff?

It does not matter, as long
as it cheaper than $ .

We are charged with 't fake money
and get real money back. Understand?

-But if they see that the
false nou money is
counterfeit? -That they do not see.

This is Christmas Eve, the
busiest day of shopping of the year...

in the largest shopping
mall of North America.

Nobody has time to look
whether the money is real.

-And a hat?

-I would buy one, I love hats.
-Well, you can buy a hat.

Not now. Wait for Ginger here is,

-You're in love with her, eh?
-I'm not in love with her.

Leonard and Ginger sat in
a bus, and gave each one...

Shut up, eat bread.

Good, but no sandwiches, the donuts are.

-Try it 's one, here, with Maple cream.
-I say I do not want any one.

-You sure? They are really nice.
-Get that under my nose away.

What have you there? I
think 't is the gift from Santa.

-Make 't nou.

Those two kids have our
money. Hey, that bag is from us!

Hold the f*ck up. Do you think
everyone knows our business?

-What should we do?
-'M Recovering before Ginger here.

These are only a couple
stupid kids. How hard can it be.

-Okay, go.

Too late.

-What should we do now?
-Think, think...

We... We will, we... tell her the truth.

The truth, okay. Ginger has a
small heart. She forgives' t we do.

-Day boys.
-Ginger, how you doing?

-You look good, Ginger.
-You look great.

Tell me something I do
not know. Well, where is it?

-Yes, the bag with the money?

Where is it? You got him anyway, right?

-Leonard is' m lost.
-I 'm not lost.

-All through your stupid donuts.

Oh yes, you kieperde
him over the railing, there.

False. You're lying. It is because
the whole time you eat fatty junk.

Well who is the grand personality, huh?

Enough! I do not care which
of You two idiots' m has lost.

-Find him and find him quickly.
-It is good that we do.


I am in the Beauty for treatment.

Not that I need it, eh? No, no... come on...

The correct answer. When
you are ready, you over there.

And do not disappoint me, boys.

Because if you do, I do this.

Until... you know.

And I do not want to know,
too. Let's go get the money.

-He is full of money.
-I told you.

It's the one million U.S.
dollars, I've asked Santa.

He thought that we like needed.

Yes, of course, that sounds very logical.

I bet someone here is looking for.

We can spend some, and the rest to give dad.

We must, I think, for 'found objects' into.

If we buy gifts for mom and Danny.

Or... to the police. Maybe
we get a nice reward.

Or... we buy something for you and me.

Well... I think we best
a few dollars to spend.

Something like a finder fee.

Perhaps this was not
Christmas so bad as we thought.

Come on, let go.

-Where are they?
-I do not know.

There are one million children here.

I see no children in
the bag, What should
we do? -Come on.

Imagine: You are a child and is
$ , , what would you do?

-The deposit paid for Dad.

-The deposit paid for mama?

-Shopping. I would go shopping.

Pick me. Hold on.

Look, play stuff. Let's see.

Let's go.

Hey, kid, gone. Get out.

This is so the XL Pro...

-Excuse me, ma'am...

There are two gentlemen here, to see you.

These two men are anything but.

I feel very comfortable on
Currently, corruption is not for me.

-If it can, today.


-Sheldon has "screwed up,
and the children escaped.
-What? That is not true."

He is lying. True.

Wait, bunch of idiots...

So the two children in my bag
money, and they let you go?

Technically, no. We just have not found them.

But we do find them. No worries Ginger.

Do it, and quickly.

The next time that I am
useless see lumps of meat...

with the money, clear?

Yes Ginger.

-They're certainly not here, do you not?
-No Ginger.



-We have to split.
-No. You touched easily distracted...

and ends on the lap of
Santa, or so. We stay together.

-Can we go to Santa below?

I can not.

Wayne Come on, how hard
can it be? Just as hard as...

to a drilling rig, m high the air?


-I said: Can I help you?
-No, no, I...

Yes. I want to buy.

-A present.
-For your girlfriend.

I? No, no. Do I look if I have a girlfriend?

Ah, I understand. So for yourself?

Yes. I mean, no. It is for my wife Julie...

She is not here. She is in
LA, but now they will now...

ever come. What is this thing?

-$ . .
-$ . for underwear?

This is a combination, imported
satin, nylon and spandex with...

excellent elastic, for a good tight fit.

But it is very small.

Well, you might... one size bigger.

I? No, no. I told you, it is not for me.

It is... for my wife.

Your secret is safe with me. Mein Herr.

I do not know enough, To me see 't good.

-Are you Block?
-Yes, sir.

Inspector Gordon McLoosh,
Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Really? We have just called.

We walk to move forward Brock. We
love it here already weeks into the holes.

Waiting on that mob until
waste they will hang paper.

-Waste g*ng?
-Yes, yes, bad Jim...

This is wallpaper, definitely. Scrap paper.

Crazy money, coin dispenser,
toy money, Monopoly...

You mean counterfeit money.

Did I not just? You must be careful, Black.

You could make something
of learning. The Block, sir.

-My name.

I already know your name You
need a - - call on the Mulla Bulla.

We have a vendor with
counterfeit money In the next room.

Seller with counterfeit money,
next? Interesting strategy...

-These men will stop at nothing in return.
-No, no, a victim sitting right.

Try now more clearly to speak, Beck.

Nobody understands a word what you say.

McLoosh, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

-What is your name, boy?
-Walter Crump, Mr

Well, Crumpmijnheer, where
did you get that wallpaper from?

-Who gave you that money, Walter.

I am quite sure it was a bunch of children.

Children? What do you mean?
Diapers, bedplassertjes? A joke surely?

No, a girl and boy,
approximately six and twelve years.

Bought a mini scooter,
cash. $ , incredible, huh?

And you were not a ietsiepietsie suspicious?

Yeah, but they said they Lottery won.

This can happen, huh? My
brother won 's with a peak ticket.

The lottery? Jesus, Louis Clump,
which were you when I used cars sold?

No idea.

Inspector, there is everywhere in 't
center counterfeit money surfaced.

Toy Land, The Gap, the Fruit
Basket, and many candy stores.

Every vendor says' t the same, two
Children who have won the lottery.

Exactly what I said, huh?

Here are their alerts and an address...

where a scooter Minin Delivery should be.

Well well, that's a big mistake.
Us their f*cking address.

Well guys, they will be our
Christmas mind again shown.

This is the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police. We have a search warrant.

You have seconds to open
the door. ... . Trap him in.

"Looks like their operation want to move."

-Search 's house.
-What are we looking for?

For clues, look, money,
everything is suspect.

That the two children, and
this is the man behind it, Mr. Big.

-I 't scan and fax to McLoosh.
-Well, yes.

-All books are my hope thrown.

Throw it there but to hope.

Now we have, they are easy to find.

Enrico, this increases, make copies
and give them to any company in 't Center.

We need to catch criminals.

My name is Block, sir.

Where are they?

Great, they are gone. If I
rotzakjes think, I k*lled them.

If I rotzakjes think, I k*lled them.

What if they all broke?

No worries, sun, they never come out.

-I have agents who assist each exit.
-Yes, but with so many people here...

Mr. Bock, my people are very
good trained security experts.

A look at the pictures, and faces
are forever imprinted in their brains.

They are really not over The
Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Believe me.

I can not believe what I to say, but...

I can think of nothing to buy.

Me neither. I have a stomach
ache. How much money do we have?

No idea. Seems still
one million U.S. dollars.

I'm in hell.

You know, if they are in
here, they may stay in here.

I'm out.

Yeah, sure, I 'm not even once.

Hey, nice to you again...

Oh my God, it's you.

-You are her.

Of the pool. The girl with the red bikini.

I tried to reach you, but
then someone else, and...

and then I thought again
that someone otherwise, but...

This time you're you.

-Come on and try me again.
-Sorry, I'm a little excited.

-Hi, I'm Danny Saunders.
-Shane Rivers.

-Shane did you say?
-Yeah, why?

Just to know you well or I I understand.

What are you doing here
in the playground, Shane?

I'm looking for my little
sister. She 's cell phone off.

I have k*lled her later. What
are you doing here, Danny?

-I'm looking for my brother and little sister.
-And, lucky?

No. I think that I did with the trains try.

-And the Juice Centrifuge?
-The Juice centrifuge?

-You think...
-You can not know...

-I think that's a very good idea.

When they arrive, they
stay here. We go. Come.

-Can not we who ride try?

-What you eat there?
-An apple.

-There is something.
-A simple red apple.

There is candy on. You're
sweet on 't eat. Enter here...

Merry Christmas.

Hello. I would like this
to my map pay, please.

-This is for my wife.

-Will they like. Right?

If your husband would give you something...

I'm sorry sir, but the map is not good.

-Not good? How do you not?
-He was rejected.

Oh, great. I just moved from Los Angeles...

I think the card is marked.
Try it only "s, I promise..."

-That he is good. Please.

-Sorry, folks.
-Your friend will thank you.

Rejected again, sir. Do you have another sir?

-No, I do not.
-Cash, checks, perhaps?

-Checks, I do.
-Then go to that row.

-Here it only cash and card.
-What? - Next!

I have almost one hours in the row stood.

Then you had better be on the
board watch. Only cash and card.

-I did not know when I went in this row stand.
-Next please.

Wait a minute, I was not ready. Oh, yes hear.

Keep moving. Thank you

I'm in hell.

This is unbelievable.

You could not count right?

-I said you certainly could not count.

I can see. You look like
you need something cool.

Welcome to the club. I could not count.

-You take 't quite lightly.
-What do you think?

If one thing I learned is that
the things naturally be fine...

in one way or another.

-Is that so?
-Believe me, I know how hard it's...

Traveling at Christmas time.

I have to meet people...

And I mean, many people, and yet, I'm here.

But I know that everything is
going. I've never missed a Christmas.

Christopher Kringle, you want to
American Airlines ticket counter come?

That's me. I said it anyway? If you 't
really want, everything is always good.

You need only a little confidence. That's it.

Mr. Kringle...

-Merry Christmas, Judy.
-Well, Merry Christmas.

Hey, how do you know my name?

Rough day?

I will make it this way: If they
ever Christmas do away, I feel fine.

Wait a minute, friend. You did it on my job.

Do not worry, you can always find
something. You may be Easter Bunny...

But all these children?

Think 's what they will miss,
abolished as Christmas is.

Not much if you ask me.

Sounds like you forgot how it is to
a child at Christmas time to have.

To be honest, I do not
know not how it is, a child.

Have you forgotten who then
bangs, you got it for Christmas...

when you were eight years old?

Oh, yes... How could I forget?

I expected nothing, that Christmas,
because my father was broke.

But, sure, on Christmas morning,
there he was, behind the house...

Little Lightning.

Did you know he had two extra
jobs, that your pony can give?

Because he knew how to love you horses.


Two jobs? I did not.

Wait a minute...

How do you know?

Pardon, Sat Santa just is not there?

Santa Claus? You know,
white beard, red jacket...

He sat there, and then disappeared a bit.

Well, but I think you're crazy.

But maybe I'm right.

We have him.

Yes, against the wall, you.
Your identity, come on, b*tches.

What is this?

McLoosh, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

You are arrested, gozertje crazy money.

Arrested? But I did nothing.

Nothing else than $ , wallpaper issued.

-Wallpaper, what?
-Counterfeit money, you
do not like the stupid.

Counterfeit money? Impossible.
I have no money spent.

Of course not. And I have
monkeys flying around me.

You what?

You have made a big mistake, snotoog...

These mini scooter to your
home address delivered.

-You make the mistake, not me.
-Yes, of course, hear.

Rico, scrap bucket to get here from me.

Otherwise I vomit it all down.

That 's people. It is here
nothing to see. Keep moving.

-Oh you, we are in trouble.
-Why have they caught on Dad?

Say, in big trouble.

-What is going on?
-We have counterfeit money spent, I think.

-False, what is that? Common?
-That means that it is not good stuff.

Not good?

It also means that the real
owner, is now looking to us.

And I think it 's not nice people.

That makes no sense. Why should
Santa give us money that is not good?

Come on.

We need to find Danny.

They make that money
itself, but it looks there really.

And only stupid people buy there stuff.

-So it's really no money.
-No, but for bad people do.

But it is so busy, they have established
Who has not seen the money found.

That's not quite right, I think.

Day children. How are you guys doing?

Do you have a minute?

Relax, as Lennert says, it takes
but a minute. Only a few questions.

Look out! Let me go!

I think you have something ours is.

You need something more
precise, what you mean.

The bag, which you have
found, with the money in it.

We have no bag of money found. Not fair.

You know what I think? I think
the money sits in your backpack.

-No, not true.
-Really? But let's see.

I need you to show anything.

I sometimes tougher action
against you? I have a knife.

It is a folding knife, and he
does not know how to open.

Shut up.

Do not listen to him, he
is tapped. I have a knife...

and I really know how to open.

What will 't be, lad?

What do you think happens when
we suddenly started screaming?

Really hard?

On Christmas Eve, in a
busy mall? Probably nothing.

Do it is so hard you can.

Mary, do it, please.

Good, good. Enough.

Happy, I was afraid of that child.

Happy now? Nothing happened.

Be a smart boy, and give me the bag.

Excuse me. Step aside, boy.

'Thank you, Grandpa.
Glad I could help you, son.

There they go. Hey, hey, wait. Walk, not run.

You attract too much attention
otherwise. Just walk. Well.

Hey, Jack, look what you do.
We are chased by those two.

I don 't.

Do not worry, I count it
off with those bad men.

What are you doing,
gentlemen? Dear children bother?

I remember about the police to report.

Okay, lady, do not get on.
We were just playing what.

Yes, Ginger, we were just
some fun with the kids, that's all.

Gosh, how do you know her name?

How do you, smart guy?

Where is it? And do not say, "what is
true ', because then I bite your head off."

It's in his backpack.

Do you?

Here is t then.

-Okay, run, run!
-Oh, my nose!

-All right?
-Not important, grab those kids.

If he is not broken. I have a
lot of money paid for that nose.

Okay, Saunders, what have
you done with the record?

The plates?

They are still not unpacked,
we have they leave the bar.

-Have you created them?

Of course not. I thought we
They had come to the Hema.

Oh, one funny guy. See us laugh?

You think you're very clever,
huh? The grapjak hang.

That is not my Saunders. I am an expert.

Why do not you tell us
where the rest of the g*ng is?

-And you make it yourself easier.
-What kind of g*ng? I have no g*ng.

Oh, yeah? Well, how do you explain this?

This is your hand, I think.

Of course it's my hand. I know I do.

-McLooshe provided it.
-I mean it, yes.

-Where did you get that?
-From where do you think?

You had your kids say,
using a fake address...

Mr. Big Brain behind the whole operation.

What have my children this make?

If you know them even
with a finger have touched...

Then what are you doing?

Then I sit.

I am... I am calm.

And, if you have no objection,
I now see my children.

Guess We would also like to see them.

Tell us why, like a good boy, where they are.

I do not know where they are. Not exactly.

I saw them one hours ago with Santa left.

Santa Claus? And we
should believe that story?

Okay... they are gone.

What are you doing?

If those guys that get at, Dad's
innocence, we can never prove.

We leave it here, and
retrieve it later on. Come on.

We find Danny, He knows what to do

Danny will have to wait
for us to Santa Claus.

-You see the villains here somewhere?
-No, nothing to see.

There they are. Look... Hurry!

We need to Danny. What should we do, Brian?

Quick... Ready? Sliding it!

-If they could, that we too.
-If you say so.

Come we go.

Would you please rely on me?

Thank you

Tell... How long you been
living in Edmonton, Danny?

hours and minutes exactly.

You kidding? I live here
myself only two weeks.

Really? Where are you from?

Los Angeles. Really? Me too.

We had to move, My father lost his job.

My father. Too crazy...

We are brought together by unemployment.

-Do you like it here?
-Fair? I hate t.

Me too.

-It sucks here.
-That is exactly what I said.

This is great. We have much in common.

Including missing family members.
We had them but at start searching.

Yeah, well.

First, here drink this, and then search.

Thus, the very rotzakjes
should they not into trouble?

Which way?

This way, come on.

You go left, I right.

-Shop the ghost lives here?
-No, no that I only imagined.

It seems like he lives here.
No, because I got it but invented.

What was that noise?

I think... the boiler.

-Okay, I'm not afraid.
-Well, because there is no reason to.

As I said, there is no shop spo...

We are not afraid of a boiler,
but maybe we should go back.

Yes, I think.

Walk, walk.

We have here, come.

Too bad you do not want to
play along. Give the money back.

Mary, run, now!

You want to have money,
muff... Come 't get it.

Well do I cut you, kid.

-Oh, Danny, glad you 're t.

Beautiful. What are you doing? Let go.

From my life Never thought
that I 's would be glad to see you.

My little brother, We are a close family.

Get off me.

You will not believe what
happened. It is unbelievable.

Where have you been? You
would wait for me with Santa.

We did too.

Where's Mary?

I do not know. Those two guys
were after us in the basement...

I went one way, inform the other.

Guys chasing you? Brian,
what are you talking about.

-The last time I saw her, we were here.
-Yes, of course.

And where is all this fake money
remained you would have found?

-I have a window pop left.
-A pop window?

You think I believe all this, Brian?

I think he is telling the truth,
He looks too scared to lie.

Thank you. You deserve this woman.

He looks scared, because
he knows Mary that he has lost.

And he invents a strange
story order to cover themselves.

Let's go find Dad.

Yes, there is a little bad news about papa.

He is... a little arrested.

Arrested? 't Is always fun.

The truth is Danny.

-Oh dear, there he is again.

-Who again?
-The ghost store.

Yeah, come on, Well there's a ghost?

See you. I told you.

Hello. Where have you been?

How are you? Everything good?
Yeah, well, Bob has to me appropriate.

Thank you, sir.

Dad would have k*lled us, if
something had happened to Mary.

Bob is the dog? And who is that?

-He is a wolf.
-Bob the dog, along with a wolf.

That's as logical when all else today.

Sir, we need to monitor,
Our father was arrested.

-Can you tell us how to get there?

I know this road, though
I have built it myself.

-You're not really shopping ghost, huh?
-Maybe, maybe not.

-That you can decide.
-Wait a minute...

there is no shop phantom. I
have invented just for Mary.

Really? You have a vivid fantasy,
young man, because here I am.

In person. Or not.

Does that mean that you served
our minced and Bob will carry us?

Then you already have a hamburger.

But Mary says that you have
enough sitting in the nests.

-Bob should just settle with porridge, today.
-Thank you.

The monitoring is on the
ground floor, opposite the rink.

By the way, the stairs, and
the white door. Understood?

White door at the top of the stairs.
And not the red door under the stairs.

-Why not?
-You would then reach the North Pole.

-Thank you sir.

Bob Day.

-Merry Christmas, Wolf.
-Happy Christmas, my angel.

And what I remember about the red door said.

The Arctic, yes, of course...

I think what higher
located on the map, Caspar.

Brian, hurry.

's Let's see.

Hello. How are you guys doing?

Is this sometimes... the Arctic?

Well, okay. I wanted to know.

The best then.


-What are you 't do, Brian?

-It was the Arctic, eh?

Of course not. You're kidding, right?

Do not be ridiculous.

-Do you want come and see?
-I want nothing.

-Let us go.
-Quiet stand, lean forward.

You have the wrong people.

-Is this bad, Brian?
-Worse, is an understatement...

This is heavy shit.

We take you. Well, aside, RMCP business.

Now we do. Come.

-What do we do?
-Dad and Danny off the hook to help.

-We get the backpack of the window pop...

And they lure the
creeps, so 't police agency.

So we do. But first, in
the spirit of Christmas...

Do they get a present
from the Saunders family.

What then? A neatly packed revenge.

You know what to do? Yes, sir.

Then we go for it.

My brother and sister have the money
found, they did not know that 't was false.

They thought he of Santa Claus came.

And now they are chasing by two creeps.

Creeps? McLooosh, my kids are in trouble...

-I gotta right to search them.

have the right to remain
silent. And that 's about it.

And your not going anywhere.
Except for the bucket.

Rica, to bring these three 's office.

Perhaps what they are
talkative, After a night in prison.

Yes, sir. And, sir, my name is Smith.

Smith? Really?

-Who of you is Rico?
-None of us is called Rico, sir.

Well then, we are glad
that the world have helped.

Smit So, you... and others who
take Donald and Sherry in your car...

Sandström I do in mine.

-Is that clear?


Damn stupid place for a closet.

Come there with me for the
wire, what excuse is it this time?

That little shit has me in a Wells thrown.

With man-eating sharks,

And I was chased by a
zuurdruipend ghost, with strange eyes.

I understand. People eating
sharks, zuurdruipende and ghosts.

You actually say that you
still not have the money.


I the new color of your
hair beautiful. Thank you.

But you keep an idiot.

Watch out. Aside.

Hello, Council 's what I have in my backpack?

Stay there not sit back there.
And this time grab the money.

Looking for this sometimes happen?

Enough. I will myself
care for the little rat.

Look out!

Let me go!


-Hey, I got a hat.
-Forget that stupid hat, I see nothing.

Get that thing off me!

What is that?

Oh, no!

-I see nothing.
-Just go straight.

Leonard, you may be better left. Left!

Oh oh, what?


Little girl... if you want
the roof, you passed me.

And that does not happen.

Stop the Thunder and come forth.

I will hurt you. Parole

Okay, Madam, you have won. I give 't on.

That's a very smart girl.

Well, give me the money, you can go home.

You can have it. Please.

-Just kidding!
-Oh no!

Look, the show will begin.

Come on baby, give me your
hand. You're a nice girl, huh baby

I'm a nice girl... than most.

No, do not.


I give you half. You can get half.

That does not, you may all have. Please.


So nice that you came in fall.

-This girl is amazing.
-Go get dr.

What are you watching, visvreter?

-That's really funny, huh.
-Look, sir, the money!

-The counterfeit money.

Counterfeit money, I smell miles away.

Where did you say it was?

-Yes, I am.

Look at what we are in the pool found.

-Who 's name again.
-These are the Cardoza brothers.

Leonard and Sheldon, You know
everything about them, of course.

Of course. The Carbenzol
brothers, Larry and Seamore.

I never forget a face.

What have you creeps in my children done?

We are your children? Look rather
what we have done with your kids!

Really? That my children have done?

-Excuse me, can we get through.
-Do not push.

Inspector, Look at where
the cat came into incitement.

If not... You know ..

This is Ginger Peachum, Inspector
You know everything about her.

Who does not? The notorious Gina Bietbil.

I had a feeling that you were involved.


or whatever your name is...

take her away, with the others.

-Well, come on, we go.
-Come on big boy.

Great! Solved. First class,
gentlemen! We're going home.

Sir... What of him, sir?

Oh, yes well. Smit, Rudolf...

how dare you this honorable to arrest people.

Let them immediately Fri I'm in the truck.

If the van... or where we come along.

Well, well... Silent night...

Wow. -There is
something seriously
wrong with your boss.

-You did not you noticed?
-Was once a good guy...

Never become old, after
which horse kicked at his head.

Get all those notes out of the water.

I do not know if you ever
had a reindeer talks, if so...

Rudolf then remember to I am moved.

You look like you do not
completely understand.

Thanks, you're a true friend.

-What are you doing?
-Talking to the seals.

What did I say about it nou?

Hello... How 're you?

Come, we have to pa.

Here is your jacket.

I must go, there's my mother.

And she has found Sarah.

-Shall we agree on Friday night?
-Sure. Of course.

If I do not get house
arrest, for the rest of my life.

Call me. If I call you.

It was very nice. And you know...

I have not thought of
California, since our meeting.

Me neither.


What are you watching?

-Oh, nothing.
-Edmonton is still f*cking nou?

Get ready for the big event, there is pa.

-Hi, guys.
-I am not really looking out.


-You OK, honey?
-Everything is fine with me, Dad.

You look a little scared.

Council 's... The great news is...

We have three tickets for
the park for the whole year.

The bad news is...

that we as counterfeiters
arrested should be to get them.

That's my fault pa. The
whole g*ng is my fault.

It was not Brian's fault, Dad. It was mine.

I'm Brian and Mary left
alone, as you had said not to.

Well, technically, correct.
But then, it's all my fault.

If I had not only left alone...

It was my idea to the money is to spend.

Stop it, both. It comes down to...

that you both your little sister neglected.

I am good care of myself, papa.

And I would be furious at you,
that you were so irresponsible.

And I am angry.


I'm much happier that it good
to you go, then I'm furious.

But you must promise me one thing...

If I ever 's ask for your sister to adapt...

then you do that, whatever happens. Agreed?


And now... we go home.

I can say, now, we all do
Christmas shopping in July.

Okay, come here, my little.

You now have a girl, huh?

-Wayne Saunders, and family?
-Yes, sir.

Sam Nichols, the owner of this place.

Annoying with you what
happened. Well glad it's good ends.

Yes, we.

Amazing how sometimes
everything is still good, huh?

Well, I wish you a happy...

Say, you happen to know
something about working on a ranch?

Certainly, there am I grown up, why?

You look a little like this.

The reason that I did ask is that
I that have little plot in the north.

acres, horses, pieces cattle...

I even have some dozen reindeer.

My husband called me, and resigned.
Looking for someone to "manage up."

If you already interested, come over
here along, after the holidays, right?

Well, I will do. Thank you

Fine. Well, a happy Christmas, to all of you.

-You too, sir.
-Happy Christmas.

That was strange. Come on, we go...

I've seen that man somewhere.

It reminds me of something, after
all, We have no Christmas presents.

-Never mind. We need nothing.
-Yes, family is still the most important.

-What did you just say?
-I do not know what possessed me.

-I am not myself.
-Come here silly.

Danny, Santa can you try to repair...

Oh, my God... What happened here?

Look here 's, order a search
Inspector Gordon McLooshe.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police.


The beauty is that They
already have us unpack.

-Shall we go away?
-No, not after today. I can not.

Let 's tomorrow. We order
's pizza, and go' s movie.

Extra large, and double
cheese? Salami and mushrooms?

And many Canadian bacon.

Oh, my God.

Good morning, darling.

Hey, my Julia.

-What am I happy.

I knew you'd be with
Christmas, I knew it simply.

-Mom, you've "made it.
-Ma, you're there."

I must do to be if you do open your presents?

-Oh, listen, about...
-I know 't. I was shocked...

-I will never understand...
-No, no, I can...

How the house as soon as ready given you.

How ready are you?

The tree, the presents...
Oh Wayne, it is beautiful.

Oh yeah?

I am so proud of you. It's fantastic.

You must all night long have been.

-Not really.
-Yes, it wasn 't, eh Dad?

Yeah, right.

Well I do my part, I make
the best Christmas ever.

You still have to 's turkey thought, huh?

Kalkoe ...? You know how hard turkey...

Wayne! Beautiful.

Of course I have turkey, what
is Christmas without turkey.

What is this?

Dear Mary, Thanks for the milk and cookies.

I would have eaten them too, but
Mrs. Claus wants me to go lines.

I'm so glad everything is good past.

But you knew all along eh?

Thank you for believing in me. Mary.

I think that Danny and Brian also convince.

-Do you see all those gifts.
-What do you think?

-Double wow.

I hope that this is your best Christmas ever.

Your friend, S Claus.

Another thing, go to the front window.

And remember, Mary...

I'm always close.
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