Planes, Trains, and Christmas Trees (2022)

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Planes, Trains, and Christmas Trees (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Natalie, hi!

No, I'm still at the airport.

Yeah. Sure. No, 9:00 AM...

9:00 AM tomorrow is fine.

Yeah, okay.

No, no.

No, I can make some calls.

Yeah, no problem.

Okay, talk soon. Bye.

Flight 291

has been cancelled.

Flight 454 has been cancelled.

Flight 476 has been cancelled.

- Uh... Here, keep the change.

Excuse me, did I hear that

announcement correctly?

Every flight has been


No, no but I need

to get to Chicago to pick up

my connecting flight

to New York!

- I can put you on the list

for another flight.

But you could be waiting

two to four days.

- Two to four days?!

But I need to be

in New York tomorrow

for a very important meeting.

There must be something

you can do! Please.

- I do have another passenger

who needs to get to New York.

Mr. Matthews?

- The name's Brett.

- Kayley.

- It seems we have

the same suitcases.

Just making conversation.

- Right.


No, no.

My flight got cancelled, so...

Yeah, well--

You know what, I can't really

talk right now.

So, uh,

I'll call you later.

Okay, bye.

- Someone expecting

you back home?

- That was my boyfriend.

- Is he the reason you're in

such a hurry to get back home?

- I'm organizing

a Christmas Eve event

for a big hotel in New York.

- Hmm, so you're

a party planner.

That makes sense.

I'm an event planner,

What do you mean,

"that makes sense"?

- Oh, just you were

a little hung up

when the flight got cancelled.

People who plan things

for a living

tend to get angry when

things don't work out.

- Well, I am not

"hung up" on it,

I just like it when things

go according to plan.

You know, they've trusted me

to organize

the biggest event

of their year,

so I just need everything

to be perfect.

- Well, now you're just setting

yourself up for failure.

No such thing as perfect.

Hey, should we try

to get a car again?

- I think I'd be more

comfortable if I took the train.

- Right, I mean, I get that

I'm a complete stranger,

but it wouldn't be any different

from you taking a taxi.

And we wouldn't have to speak

if you didn't want to.

I mean, if you insist

on taking a train,

there's a train station

about an hour away.

At least let me give you a ride.

- Okay.


What?! No!

- Ah, man...

Well, you're still welcome to

grab a ride with me if you want.

Maybe I get to pick

the music this time.

If you want to get home

by tomorrow morning,

this is your only option.

If we leave now, we might

be able to dodge the storm.

That's an eight-hour drive.

But... okay.

- Okay, I'm just gonna

go to the bathroom

and we'll hit the road.

- Okay, time is 4:26,

be back here for 4:30.

- You're giving me four minutes

to use the bathroom?

- Yes. Well, if we're going

to dodge the storm,

we need to get back on the road.

- What if I take five?

I only took two minutes.

- It's snowing even more.

We need to get back on the road!

- Yeah... I don't know

if that's a good idea anymore.

I just checked the interstate,

looks like it's already

covered with snow.

- Which is why we need

to keep moving.

- I think we need to stop

and find shelter.

The storm is only gonna

get worse,

plus it's getting dark soon.

- We'll just be extra careful.

People drive in the snow

all the time.

- Yeah, with trucks

and special snow tires.

We have a tiny city car!

- But... if we stop now,

I'll miss my morning meeting

with The Dalton.

I still have to prep

my entire event!

- Look, I would love

to help you out, really.

But I'd also like

to get home in one piece.

The town that I grew up in

is a few miles away.

I could ask my uncle

if we could stay

in his guesthouse for the night,

and then we could leave

in the morning. What do you say?

It won't be so bad.

- Okay.

- Brett! My goodness!

Come in, come in,

get yourselves out of the cold!

Come on!

Whew! It is so good to see you!

- It's good to see you too.

Kayley, this is my Uncle Eli.

- Nice to meet you.

- It's very nice to meet you.

Welcome to Redwood.

- So you're sure it's okay

for us to stay?

- Of course!

It's not often I get to see

my favorite nephew.

I mean, how long has it been

since your last visit?

- Um, four... five years.

- My goodness!

Well, everyone in town is gonna

be so excited to see you.

And to meet your--

- Oh, no, no, no.

- No, no, no.

- No, I'm not his...

- We're just...

We met at the airport.

- I see...

- Should we go get our luggage?

- Right, yes. Yes.

Um... Right.

- Okay.

- Wow, your place is beautiful.

- Please do make

yourselves at home.

Maybe tomorrow, Brett can

take you on a tour of our town.

Although, I should warn you,

he's somewhat of a celebrity

in these parts.

- I'm really not.

- He used to play football.

He had to retire last year on

account of his advanced years.

- You played pro?

- Yeah, I was a quarterback.

- He's being modest

about his achievements.

His teammates don't know

what to do without him.

- Ooh, looks like you

went through a bit of a...

whatever-that-is phase!

- Okay! I think it's time

Uncle Eli

showed us to our rooms.

- I appreciate you taking me in.

I know that I'm

a complete stranger.

- Taking in complete strangers

for a night's rest

is kind of what I do

for a living.

- How much do I owe you?

- Oh, I can't take your money,

Consider it a Christmas gift.

- Thank you, that's very kind.

- Okay, the stairs

are just around there.

You can pick any room you like.

And I will make us a hot meal

while you two get settled in.

- Thank you.

- Thanks.

- Thanks so much

for moving the meeting.

Yeah, yeah. Um...

Yep, and I will call

you as soon as I get back.

Okay great. Yeah, speak soon.

- Nope.

Hi. So I think we got

our suitcases mixed up.

I opened what I thought

was my suitcase,

but when I saw inside,

uh, clearly it was not mine.

Not that I really saw anything,

but I saw enough to know

that I had the wrong one.

- It's fine.

- Okay. Cool.

- Yeah.

- See you at dinner.

- Yeah. Uh...

Oh, I guess you don't

want yours then.

- How's the stew?

- Amazing.

- It's good.

- It's great. Delicious.

- So, uh...

anyone else staying

with you at the moment?

- No, it's been unusually quiet

for this time of year,

however, I do have two lovely

people keeping me company.

- Grandpa!

- In fact, here they are now.

- Brett!

What are you doing here?

- Oh, it's a long story.

- Dani, do you remember

your Uncle Brett?

- Of course I do!

He's the uncle that always

sends me lots of candy.

Glad you haven't changed.

- Sorry, I didn't know

we had guests.

- Oh no, this is my friend


Kayley, this is my cousin Jenna

and her daughter, Dani.

- Uncle Brett, can we play

snakes and ladders?

- Well, why don't I get you

both some dinner

and we can play at the table.

- I'll go get the board!

- So, how's Greg?

- Um... he's fine.

We're having some building work

done at the moment

so things are a bit chaotic.

I thought I'd come stay here

with Dad until things calm down.

- Okay, Uncle Brett,

what color do you want to be?

- I chose blue.

- Excellent.

- I call green.

- Like always.

Do you want to join in?

- Um, I think I'm going

to head upstairs.

It's been a long day.

- Okay. If you need anything,

just holler.

- Oh, no, no. It's okay.

- Okay.

- Thank you for dinner.

- Alright, I am ready.

- Okay, youngest goes first!

- Uh, wait, what? Since when

has that been the rule?

- Since always!

- Okay.

Blue, please.

- There you go.

- Thank you.

- Is that our car?!

- Oh hey, look who's up!

- Oh, good morning.

- Morning!

Yep, the storm really

did a job last night.

- Yeah.

- Word is they're having trouble

getting the snow plows

off the interstate.

- But we'll still be able

to leave town, though, right?

- Not until the snow's cleared

off the roads, no.

My friend Bob says the storm's

done major damage

all over Ohio and Pennsylvania.

I wouldn't want to chance

driving, not that far.

You're better off

waiting for a plane.

- Yeah, he's right.

No point in us leaving

just to get stuck again

in the middle of nowhere.

- Right.

I'll go and call the airline.


So you're telling me there's

not a single flight

in the whole of the Midwest?

Not even from Columbus?

No, um. Yep, no, I...

I understand.

Thank you.

Apparently every plane

to New York is delayed,

cancelled or overbooked.

They said they'll call

if two seats become available.

- How long will we have to wait?

- It could be one day

or it could be ten.

I don't know

what I'm going to do.

- I'm sure it'll be fine.

They just tell you

the worst-case scenario

to cover their backs.

- Breakfast is ready.

I made my super special

double chocolate chip pancakes.

- Then we should get

to the dining room

before you eat them all!


What happened?!

Oh, I'm fine. I'm fine.

I just, I slipped on the ice.

- Let me see your arm.

Okay, okay.

Alright, we're gonna get you

in the house. Okay?

One, two...

Okay, let's go.

- Dad! What happened?

- I'm fine. Don't fuss.

- He slipped on out front.

And I think he may have

fractured his arm.

- No one is fractured.

- Well, you still need

to get checked.

- I'll take him to the hospital.

- I don't have time

for a hospital,

I've got to set up

for the Christmas festival.

- The festival can wait.

- No, honey, it can't.

Organizing the Christmas

festival is the one thing

I do for this town,

I'm not letting everyone down.

- You're clearly in pain.

- At least go and get an X-ray.

Okay? Kayley and I will help

with the festival prep

until you get back.

- But...

- Grandpa, please.

- Okay, fine.

- Okay.

Just tell us what needs doing

and we'll get it done.

Let's start by untangling

these lights.

- This is going to take forever.

- Well, it sure beats

being stuck at the airport.

- What were you doing

in Fort Wayne?

- I was organizing an event

as a favor to my mom.

- Sounds fun.

- Yeah, it was, actually.

What about you?

- I was recruiting a new client.

- For what kind of business?

- Um, when I retired

from playing football,

I started a sports agency.

It's not like playing,

but at least it allows me

to be connected to the game.

- Was it hard for you

to give it up?

- Yeah, you know, I...

I miss my team,

I miss the buzz of a win.

But it's nice being able

to spend more time with my son.

- What's his name?

- Jaden.

- How old?

- He just turned seven,

last month.

- I'm guessing he's the reason

you're trying to get back

to New York?

- Yeah, yeah.

He gets a little down

when I'm gone for too long.

What's this?

- That's mine!

It must've fallen out

of my purse.

- Is that a gift

for your boyfriend?

- No.

I've been collecting snow globes

since I was a kid.

I know it's dorky,

but I still get one

whenever I travel.

- I do the same.

I have a fridge magnet

for every city

and country I've played

football in.

- Well, that's definitely

just as dorky.

- Sure.

- Hey, we're back.

- Oh, wow.

- He fractured his wrist.

The doctor said he needs

to rest for the next six weeks.

- I told them I don't need

this dumb cast

but they wouldn't listen.

And now, I can't--

I'm gonna have to cancel

the festival.

- I keep telling him

someone else can take over,

but he's just not having it.

- There isn't anyone else

who knows how to run it,

who to call for what. I mean,

you have a job to go to,

Greg's busy with the house...

- What if Kayley

and I take over?

I mean, I know everyone in town

and she's an event planner

from New York.

I mean, if we work together,

we could probably get it done.

- You would do that for me?

- I'd be our way of saying

thank you

for letting us stay

for free. Right?

- Yeah.

Can I talk to you for a second?

- Yeah, sure.

- Okay.

Be right back.

Why are you making promises

that we can't keep?

- Because he's my uncle.

If we don't help him, he might

injure himself further.

- But I have an entire event

at The Dalton to organize!

- You are the most organized

person I've ever met,

there's no way you don't have

everything in place already.

Besides, it could be fun.

- Fine.


- Okay.

- I would be happy

to help you organize

your Christmas festival.

- Thank you, Kayley.

That really means a lot.

- Sherry's mom will be here

to pick you up in ten minutes.

- Okay. Happy organizing!

- Yeah.

- I should get going too.

I need to be at work by 11.

- Mom! Where'd you put the bag?

- Duty calls.

Make sure he rests.

- Okay, before you start

the festival prep,

there's just one other

little thing

that I kind of need

your help with.

- Wow.

You are really rocking

those tights.

- Hey, if Batman can pull

this look off, then so can I.

Wow, Eli is a very

convincing Santa.

Who's this cute

little reindeer?!

Are you excited to see Santa?

Oh. Sorry. Just... Excuse me

for one short second.

Natalie, talk to me.

Ho-ho-ho! Who's next?

- Santa's workshop

is really busy today.

- Okay, great. Yeah, that works

for me, so just keep me posted.

- Kayley!

- Hey!

Aren't you supposed to be

at your friend's house?

- Her mom brought us

to see Santa.

Did you like my pancakes?

- They were delicious.

You're an excellent chef!

- When I grow up,

I'm gonna have my own bakery

so that I can bake cakes

and cookies all day long

and make people happy

like Grandpa does

with his guesthouse.

- You know, that's a great

ambition to have. And I like

making people happy too.

- How come you're working

for Santa?

You know what, he was a little

short-staffed today.


- Bye, Mikayla!

- Ho-ho-ho!

Who do we have here?

- Dani. Short for Danielle.

- Well, that's a lovely name.

Now, Danielle,

I can't remember,

are you on the good list

or the naughty list?

- I'm pretty sure

I'm on the good list.

- I'm pretty sure

you're on it too. I keep it.

Now, what would you like

for Christmas?

- Uncle Brett,

look what Santa gave me!

- Whoa, that's a lot of sugar!

- I know.

And it's strawberry flavor.

- Enjoy your elf-ing!

- Elf-ing.

She's such a character.

What's a candyland playhouse?

- A candyland playhouse

is a playhouse

that looks like

it's made out of candy.

- Ah, okay.

- Why?

- Oh, Dani asked Santa

for one for Christmas.

She said her parents

can't afford one.

- Greg and Jenna

are renovating the house,

so they might be a bit strapped

for cash right now.

- Well, shouldn't someone

try make Dani's wish come true?

- Like who?

- I don't know...


- It's not my place.

I can't just show up in town

after all these years

and start meddling

in people's business.

Besides, why do you care

if Dani gets a playhouse?

- I know what it's like to be

an only child with busy parents.

Hey! Welcome

to Santa's work shop!

- ...Scotty Thompson said

he'd take all the lights

and decorations to the barn,

the food stands

still need setting up,

and I guess I should tell

all the volunteers

that you and Kayley

are in charge.


I'm sure Kayley has a lot

of good ideas for decorations.


I just said you probably have

some good ideas for decorations.

- Um, yeah. Sure.


- Hi, Eli.

- Well, come in, come in!

Get out of the cold!

Wow, what a wonderful surprise!

How have you been?

- I've been good, thanks.


- Oh, all good here.

I mean, better for seeing--

I'm great.

We never got a chance

to catch up last Christmas.

- I know, sorry about that...

but I guess we could

do it this year.

- Well, yeah, definitely!

Are you in town visiting

your mom for the holidays?

- No, I've actually

moved back to town.

My mom had an operation,

so I thought I'd come

take care of her.

- You always were a kind soul.

- And you always had a knack

for putting a smile on my face.

Jenna told me that you

fractured your wrist,

so I thought I'd come by to see

if you need help with anything.

- Oh, that's so

very kind of you.

I actually do need help...

...with the Christmas festival,

I mean.

I need to bake 200 cookies,

I've only got one arm.

- Well, luckily for you,

I'm an excellent baker.

You could come over

and we could bake them together.

- Wow, that...

That would be great.

- Great.

- Great.

- Great.

- Okay.

- Uh, give me a call

and we'll arrange a time.

- Okay, great.

- Okay.

- Great to see you!

- Bye!

- Okay.

- Who was that?

- Just an old pal from school.

- By the way you were looking

at each other,

she didn't seem like an old pal.

- Yeah, I saw full-on

heart eyes.

- Mm-hmm. You could've asked us

to bake the cookies.

- Okay.

I may have had a teeny tiny

crush on her back in the day,

but it's not like that anymore.

- Oh, I think

it's exactly like that.

- Yeah, you just got

yourself a date.

- A date?

With Christie Ornstein?!

She was the most popular

girl in school.

I'm sure she still has a line-up

of guys waiting to date her.

- Hmm. We'll see.

The proof is in the pudding.

That should be the last one.

- What time is your uncle's

friend coming to pick him up?

- He should be here

within the next hour.


Did you order another

Christmas tree?

I'm guessing this is for you?

- Oh my stars,

the charity auction!

Redwood has a new tradition

where all of the businesses

donate a decorated Christmas

tree to the charity auction.

People to peruse them

and then bid on them.

And I totally forgot about it.

I don't even have

any decorations,

they're being used up

by the festival and...

- When is the auction?

- Tomorrow.

- You're going to ask us to go

get you some, aren't you?

- It would be a big help

if you did.

I'm sure Kayley would love

to pick out

Christmas tree decorations

with you.

- I do love picking out


- Of course you do.

- And since you're gonna

be in town,

could you ask all the shops

if they would donate a prize

for the festival raffle?

- Can't we just call them?

- No!

Phone calls are way

too impersonal!

People are more inclined

to donate

when they see

who they're donating to.

The last charity auction I ran,

I got a guy to donate

two of his yachts.

- Okay, she's quarterback.

You just run the plays.

- Ouch.

- I got four boxes

of decorations

and the store manager said

they would donate

three train sets to the raffle.

- How are you getting

so many prizes?

Everyone I speak to either

says they can't help me

or they're gonna

call me back later.

- Well, you're clearly

not being charming enough.

- Excuse me, I've been told

on many occasions

that I'm a very

charming person.

- Okay, well, let me see

this charming side, then.

Yeah. I will pretend to be

the store owner.

- I'm not really

into role playing.

- Come on,

just go with it, okay?

Afternoon, Sir.

How may I help you?

- Hi, I'm looking for people

to donate some raffle prizes.

- You can't just walk

straight in and ask for a favor.

Is that how you'd greet

a football player

you wanted to sign?

- Yeah?

- Well, business players

need a little more...


You enter with a smile,

you give the store manager

a compliment on their store,

and then you tell them that

you're helping your Uncle Eli

to find some prizes

for his Christmas raffle.

- Alright, here we go.

Hi, how are you?

I really like your... cookies.

I really like your cookies.

- Why, thank you, sir.

I baked them myself.

Now can I interest you

in this gift basket?

- Um, no...

I'm just here on behalf

of my uncle.

You might know him,

he's the smiley guy

that owns the guesthouse.

And he would be very grateful

if you could donate

to his Christmas charity raffle,

as would I.

- Not bad.

Okay, let's give it

a go in real life.

Don't forget to walk in

with a smile.

- Right.

Won't that make me

look weird, though?

- No!

You can win someone over

in two seconds

with a good smile.

Let's me see what

we're working with here.

Show me the best you've got.

Well, we'll just have

to work on that. Okay.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- How can you love the subway?

- I just do. It makes me feel

like a real New Yorker.

- No, it's dirty

and overcrowded.

- Okay, well,

how do you get around?

- I walk or I take a taxi.

- Oh, how very

upper west side of you.

Oh, hey.

- Hey. How was your

shopping excursion?

- It was definitely

an excursion.

- We got six boxes

of decorations

and 17 stores said

that they would donate

to the charity raffle.

- You definitely went

with the right person.

- It was a team effort.

- What charity is the money

going to anyway?

You never told us.

- Oh, it's not a charity per se.

All the money's going

to Brett's old football team

at Redwood High.

- You're donating the money

to The Lions?

- The team has a real shot

at the National Championships

this year,

but not all of the families

can afford what it takes

to get to the top.

- Wow... that's awesome.

I can't believe they have a shot

at winning the championships

this year,

that was always my dream.

- As your dad always said

just because we're from

a small town,

doesn't mean we can't

do big things.

Anyway, while you were out

I spotted found old Christmas

decorations in the basement.

But I can't quite manage to get

them all up here with one arm.

- I will give you a hand.

- ...but Rabbit's heart

was as kind as the warm look

in her eyes.

"Aren't you sad?"

she asked the bear.

"Nobody thought

to bring you a gift."

"I am not sad,"

replied the bear.

"For it is far, far better

to give than it is to receive."

Um, then all of the animals

went home

and lived happily ever after.

The end.

- No! Read some more!

- That's enough for now, kiddo.

It's late. Get yourself to bed.

- Okay.

- I'm gonna do everything

I can to get to you

by Christmas Eve, okay?

- He sounds like a cutie.

So it's gonna be red at the top,

then orange,

yellow, green, blue.

Pink and purple at the bottom.

- Ah man, Jaden would love this.

He loves to decorate Christmas

trees as much as you do.

Every year, I let him

pick the color theme

for the lights and the balls,

and then we just decorate

the entire house in that color.

- Hmm. Well, what color

did he pick this year?

- We haven't had a chance

to set our decorations up yet.

I've been travelling a lot.

So I promised I'd buy him

the biggest Christmas tree I can

find once I get home.

That's... if I get home.

- Uh, there is no "if".

We are getting back

to New York City

even if I have to steal

a plane and fly it myself.

- That is not something

I want to be a part of.

- Well, can't someone else

get him a Christmas tree?

Your wife?

- I don't have a wife

or a girlfriend.

Jaden's mom passed away

four years ago.

He's with my mom while I'm away.

- I'm sorry, I shouldn't

have just assumed--

- It's okay, it's okay.

I'm used to it.

You just caught me off-guard.

Uh, it's just Nick.

You know,

I'll call him back later.

- You should take it.

He's probably worried about you.

Honestly, it's fine.

- Okay.


No, I still need some more time.

Well, that's not what you said

the other night.

- Okay...

Alright, there you are.

- Okay.

Open your eyes!

- Oh my! It's perfect!

It's like a Christmas rainbow.

- That was the idea.

- People are gonna be

very impressed

when you take this

to the auction tomorrow.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa,

when who takes it

to the auction tomorrow?

- Well...

I'd take it myself, but...

- But I kind of have

a conference call at one.

- And I thought you wanted us

to set up the food stands?

- Come on, guys,

it's for a really good cause!

And I promise you'll

be done by 12 o'clock.

- Our tree is clearly the best.

- Brett, this is a charity

auction, okay?

Not a competition.

- Right, but if it were,

our tree would totally win.

- Oh, we totally would.



Yes! Yes!

I knew we would get her!

No, that's...

That's great work.

Just keep me posted.

Yeah, bye.

- I'm guessing

that wasn't Nick.

- No, that was my assistant,


She managed to book

Reeba Marlowe

to sing at

my Christmas Eve event!

- Who's Reeba Marlowe?

- Reeba Marlowe had last year's

best-selling Christmas album.

- Right.

- Well, having her headline

my event will boost ticket sales

and may even make a splash

on social media.

- Wow.

- Mm-hmm.

- It's a shame we can't do

something similar

to get more people

to this auction.

- Does Redwood have

a social media page?

We need to give people

an incentive

to come out into the cold.

- What are you doing?

- I'm just posting about

the Christmas tree auction.

Yeah. And that football star

Brett Matthews

will sign an autograph

for anyone that places a bid!

- What?!

- Oh trust me, it'll work.

- That's exploitation!

- Oh, come on.

Where's your sense

of community spirit, huh?

Do it for The Lions.

- Fine. But I'd be surprised

if anyone actually

visits the page.

- There's a line-up

down the block.

- Yeah?

Okay, who's next?

- Hey, Mr. Matthews,

it's a real honor to meet you.

I'm Tyler,

I play for The Redwood Lions.

- Ooh, nice,

that was my old team.

- Yeah, I know, that's why

you've always been

a real positive

role model for me.

I can't believe you're here!

You think I can get

a photo with you?

- Of course, come on!

- Thank you so much.

- Good luck.

- Thanks.

- Who's next?

- I can't believe how much

money you've raised.

This is three times

what we made last year!

- When it comes to getting

butts in seats,

there's nothing like

the pull of a celebrity.

- Grandpa, can we go

tobogganing now?

- I don't think

that's a good idea.

- Oh, come on, I'll be fine,

I'll just sit at the top

of the hill and watch.

The fresh air will do me good.

- Uncle Brett, Kayley,

you have to come too!

- Well, I have my conference

call at 1:00.

They had an issue with

the menu at The Dalton

so I have to go

and sort it out.

I should probably get going.

- I should get going too.

I need to start setting up

the stands for the festival.

- Come on, you can do

that later.

Come have fun with the kid.

- Please?!

- How can I say no to that face?

Jenna is home,

she'll let you in.

- Okay, well, you guys have fun.

- Who wants to have

a toboggan race?

- Me! I'll definitely

beat you!

- Not if I beat your first!

- So what does the creme fraiche

taste like?

No, no, you need

to tell the chef

that we need better

than good, okay?

This event needs to knock

people's socks off.

So... Does it need

more seasoning?

Hello? Nat--

- Everything okay?

- Oh, yeah. Just...

my signal keeps cutting out.

- Oh, yeah. Tends to do that

when the weather gets cold.

Maybe try again in a half hour?

- No, my meeting

will be over by then.

I just need to trust

my assistant's judgement.

- Can I fix you some lunch?

- Oh, no, it's okay, I could...

order some takeout, I guess.

- There's no need for that.

Come on, I'll make

you a sandwich.

- Okay.

So, I take it you're not

a fan of tobogganing then?

- No, I am,

just the guesthouse

needed some cleaning so,

I thought I'd help out my dad.

He can't really clean much

with one arm.

- Well, he's lucky

to have you around.

- Excuse me, one second.


No, she's at the park

with Brett and my dad.

Well, I thought

you were working.

Okay, fine.


- Everything okay?

- Yeah, that was just Greg,

my husband...

Things have been a bit strained

between us lately.

I don't know what went wrong,

but all we seem to do

these days is argue

and if we're not arguing,

all of our conversations

are about money or the house.

Last week we got into

a stupid argument

about trailing dust

through the living room.

It got me really upset,

so I packed a bag and came here.

- Does that mean

you guys are...?

- No...

I mean, I hope not.

I just thought some time apart

might help us

get some perspective,

but now everything

just feels super awkward.

- I know what you mean...

I'm kind of in the same place

with my boyfriend.

- You are?

- Yeah.

First, I thought things

would fix themselves...

Maybe things were off

because we were both

just so busy.

But the truth is...

we just don't work together.

I realized that he's way too

wrapped up in himself

to care about what I'm doing

or even listen

to what I'm saying.

I tried to talk to him about it

before I left for Indiana,

but he told me to take my time

to think things over.

- And... what are you thinking?

- That I still feel

the same way.

But that doesn't mean it has

to be the same for you guys.

You should talk to your husband.

You won't resolve anything

by avoiding each other.

Should we go meet

your family in the park?

I think a little

Christmas merriment

might be what we both need.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- That sounds great.

Come on! Faster!

- Alright, alright, I'm going.

- Mom! Kayley! You came!

- Oh, you guys made it.

- Yeah, we realized

we were missing out

on all the fun.

- Well, you're just

in time to join in

on the annual snowman contest.

- Snowman contest?

- Alright, contestants,

your ten minutes starts...


- Okay, how do you

want to do this?

- I'm thinking two big

snowballs for the body,

one small snowball for the head.

- I'm thinking twigs

and branches for the arms,

face and hair.

- Hair?

- Yeah, I think we should

make a snow-woman.

It'll give us an edge to win.

Okay, well, we're not

gonna win anything

by standing here and talking!

- Right, yeah.

- Wow, good job.

- Yes.

Okay. Now, lift it onto yours.

- Okay, wait!

We have to do it together,

otherwise it'll--

- I'm gonna leave

the snowball rolling to you.

- Okay, yeah.

Where are you going?

- To get branches for the arms.

- Our snowman's not gonna need

arms if it doesn't have a body!

- She's a snow-woman!

- Yeah.

- Alright, ladies and gentlemen,

please step away

from your snowmen!

Ahem! Thank you.

Very nice shaping,

great accessories,

extra points

for the arms and a face.

Nine out of ten points.

- Yay!

- We may have had

some technical difficulties.

- Yeah.

- I'm not even going

to give you a score.

- Yay! We win!

- Okay, little munchkin,

it's time I got you home.

Uh, I can only fit

three in the truck,

but I'll make two trips

if you're okay to wait?

- Oh, it's okay, I'll walk.

- Why don't you give Kayley

that tour of Redwood?

- Sure, I'm up for a tour.

- Yeah, okay. Yeah.

I guess I'll see you

at the guesthouse.

- Great.

Have fun!

- Shall we? This way.

I don't know what kind

of tour my uncle

expects me to give you.

I mean, Redwood is just

like every other small town

in the Midwest.

- Well, I think it's cute.

And I don't get to visit

many small towns.

So... I feel like

I'm in a movie.

- Well, this cute but antiquated

building is the bank.

And that is the post office

where I spent one summer working

enough to know I would never

occupy a desk job.

And that building,

that gray one across the street

is the library.

Or was, at least.

- So how come you don't visit

Redwood more often?

It sounds like you had

a lot of fun growing up here.

- I guess... I guess I got

really busy.

I think you have an admirer.

She a friend of yours?

- More like a friend of

the family.

My mom was always trying

to get me to ask her out

when we were younger.

- Well, maybe you should

ask her out.

- I don't know. If I'm going

to start dating again,

I just, I want to do it right.

Plus I have Jaden now, so...

Am I being too cautious?

- Not at all.

I'm a firm believer in doing

what's right for you.

- Shall we?


- Okay, the path is really

icy here.

- Yeah. Would you like to use

my arm?

- I... I think I can manage.

- Okay.

- Yeah.


Wow, alright,

well I'm heavier than you.

I'm sure I can manage to...

Here we go.

- Oh! Do you see?

The ice doesn't

let up for anyone!

- We're just gonna have to

go for it, alright? You ready?

Let's go.

- Okay.

- One, two, three...

We... We better head inside.

- Yeah, uh, actually...

There's something I'd like

to show you.

Come on, I want to show

you something.

This used to be mine when

I was a kid,

and I think we can turn it

into a candy land playhouse

for Dani.

- Well, what happened

to not wanting to meddle in

everyone's business?

- I caved.

I just, I really want

to do something nice for Dani.

Will you help me fix it up?

I mean, if there's two of us,

we can probably finish

before we leave.

- Yeah!

- Good.

Eli's already in on the plan.

We just need to keep it

a secret from Dani.

- I love a secret mission.

- Yes.

- And I promise

I won't say a word.

- Awesome.

- Wow.

- This is the little plank.


- Shh...

- Okay, go. Go.

- Then in senior year,

I chaired the social committee,

the prom committee,

the community outreach


and the fund-raising committee.

- Wow. That's a lot of


- Yeah.

I liked being involved

at school.

It made me feel like

I was making a difference.

Plus, my mom had been

on the prom committee when

she was in high school,

and I... I wanted to

make her proud.

Our love for event planning


is pretty much the only thing

we have in common.

- Do you get to see her

much now?

- Not really.

She's still organizing events

for various charities,

which I'm proud of, because

I know that her work

makes such a difference to

so many people, I just...

I just wish she'd been around

a little more.

You know, we could've done

things together, like, um...

Like build a snowman.

Woman. Snow woman.

- Snow woman.

And what about your dad?

- Uh, he travels a lot for

business, so...

I guess it works for them.

- Sounds like you have

a busy family.

- Yeah.

You know, when I was little,

I always wanted to live in

one of those big family houses

that you see in those

90s sitcoms.


Well, I've experienced that,

and trust me,

you do not want to be fighting

10 people

for the bathroom every morning.

- 10 people?

- Yeah.


- I have seven brothers

and sisters.

- Well, where are they now?

- Scattered all over the world.

Mostly on the West Coast

and in Canada.

- Your family's pretty cool.

You're lucky to have them.

- Yeah, I am.

Your mom, does she...

Does she help you

with your events at all?

- Once or twice.

I think she's still scarred from

helping me organize

my junior prom.


- What happened in junior prom?

- Oh, uh... DJ got sick.

Four chaperones never turned up.

The football team hid

all the food as a prank,

and then the power went out!

I finally saw her smile when

I got up to dance with my date.

Then he spun me straight into

the punch bowl.

- So, you have red paint

on your nose.

- How long has it been there?!

- A while.

But I've been really enjoying

the fact

that you look like Rudolph.

Dani, hi.

- Hi.

- Why are you covered in paint?

- Well...

- Because...

- Um... We were...

- Painting the food stands.

- Yes, for the festival.

- That's right.

- That's the truth.

Do you... Are you...?

Do you hear that?

Is that your mom calling?

- Yeah.



- Oh, no, I completely


I'm just... I'm glad no one

was hurt.

Listen, if you need anything,

you let me know right away.

Okay, bye.

There was so much snow,

a tree came down on top of

the Thompson's barn.

- The barn we need for

the festival?

- Everything's completely


The barn, the decorations,

the lights.

- What are we going to do?

- I guess we're gonna

call the whole thing off.

- No, no, no.

You can't cancel the festival.

- Yeah, there must be another

venue in town you can use.

- Not one that's big enough.

- Well, what about

the town square?

- That's actually not

a bad idea.

- It's actually a pretty

good idea.

We'd probably have

to ask permission to shut

off the roads,

and all the shops would have

to close early.

- And how would

we power everything?

- I've never run

an outdoor event before.

- Well, you haven't,

but I have.

Are you up for the challenge?

Okay. First thing's first,

Eli, do you know anyone in town

who owns a generator?

- Mm-hmm. My friend Bob's got

two in his garage.

- Great. Give him a call

and ask if we can borrow them.

Jenna, I want you to call all

of the store owners

and get them on board

with our plan.

Could be a great opportunity

for them to stay open late

and make some extra money.

- Sounds great!

- Dani...

- What can I do?

- I want you to help me find

lights and decorations.

- I heard mom say

all the shops are sold out.

- Well, then, we'll have to rely

on good old community spirit.

- Sounds good.

- Do you think you could

rally the school football team?

- Sure, I can call my coach.

- Let's get the word out

as fast as we can.

Woo! You guys really

came through!

- This is amazing! Thank you!

- At this rate, we're gonna

have enough Christmas balls

and twinkly lights to decorate

the entirety of Ohio!


Uh, hi!

Yeah. Sorry I haven't called,

it's been kind of hectic

around here.

Hmm? Oh, no, no,

I still need you.

Need, you know, your help,

uh... with the cookies.


- Hmm? Uh, 3:00 P.M.

Uh... Yeah! Uh, perfect.

Okay. See you then.

- So... Who was that?

- Nobody.


Hey, Bob.

- That goes with the tree decor.

- Okay.

- No! This tree decor.

If we organize all

of the items now,

it'll save us time having

to sort them out later.

- Okay. Remind me to never go

into event planning.

- No, I understand.

Yeah, I'll, uh...

I'll send them right over.

You need to go to Bob's

and pick up the generators

within the hour.

He's leaving town for

the holidays at four o'clock.

- Can't you send someone else?

- Well, everyone else is busy

doing another job.

I mean, I would help you

myself, but...

I promised Christie that I would

help make cookies with her.

I know you don't like going

there, but--

- It's okay. We'll go,

it's fine.

- Thank you.

- You're driving.

- Yeah.

Have fun baking cookies!

He had to leave early.

"Key under the mat."

Bob must've left the wrong key.

- The lock is temperamental.


Got it.

- You okay?

- Yeah, yeah.

It's the house I grew up in.

- When were you last here?

- 15 years ago.

Moved when I was 19, shortly

after my father passed away.

- Were you guys close?

- Yeah.

My father was my hero.

I wouldn't be who I am today

if it wasn't for him.

My dad made this

for my mom.

She called it her

birthday cake table.

Every time it was someone's


she'd put a chocolate cake right

at the center

and we'd all stand round

singing Happy Birthday.

And here...

This is where I'd stand

to wait for my father

to come home from work.

It was my favorite spot

because I could see the road

and the TV at the same time.

- Sounds like there's

a lot of love in this house.

- Yeah.

I know that I've been avoiding

coming back here...

to Redwood.

But I'm glad I did.

It's such an important part

of who I am.

Plus, it's been nice

to create new memories.

We should probably get the,


generators before it's too dark.

- Right. Yeah.

- I hope that frown

was not caused by Nick.

- No, I'm just...

I'm just nervous about my event

at The Dalton.

Christmas Eve is two days away

and we still haven't heard

from the airline.

- Well, someone's gonna call

by tomorrow.

We just have to stay positive.

- How's Jaden doing?

- My mom took him ice-skating


I think I miss him more

than he misses me.

I hope this makes us

feel better.

Bon apptit.

- Wow. Okay, this is amazing!

So, where did you learn

to cook like this?

- The Single Parent School

of Trial and Error.

- Jaden went through a phase

where he refused

to eat anything green,

so whenever I needed him

to eat vegetables,

I would hide them

in soups and sauces.

- Well, Jaden's a lucky kid.

I wish I had someone at home

to cook for me.

- Nick doesn't cook for you?

- No!

Nick is a workaholic.

He wouldn't have time to cook

even if he wanted to.

- How long have you guys

been together?

- About a year.

- Does he, uh...

Does he make you happy?

- What kind of question is that?

- I don't know, you just

seem more eager to get home

to your job.

- That's because my job

is really important to me.

I've worked incredibly hard

to get to where I am today,

and landing a holiday

contract with The Dalton

is a really big deal.

- Okay, I'm sorry. I clearly

don't know anything

about the event planning world.

- No, clearly, you don't.

- Okay.

- Hey...

- Hey.

- Hope I'm not interrupting.

- No. There was nothing

to interrupt.

I was just going to bed.

Thanks for the food.

Come in.

- Hey.

- Hey!

- I just came up to check

if you were okay.

- Yeah, I'm fine.

Just a little tired.

Come on in.

- You must really

be missing your family.

- Actually, I...

I don't have much

of a family to miss.

You don't have

any brothers or sisters?

- No.

I don't have any uncles, aunts,

or cousins either.

- You have a mom and dad

though, right?

- Yes, I have a mom and dad.

But it's basically just

the three of us,

and we're not as close as

we could be.

- Uncle Brett told me

you were sad

'cause you might not get home

for Christmas Eve,

so I made something

to make you feel better.

I want you to feel part

of our family,

even if it is just for

a few days.

- Wow.

This is amazing!

Thank you so much.

- You're welcome.

And thank you for helping

grandpa with his festival.

I know it means a lot to him.

- You're welcome too.

- Well... good night!

- Good night.

- Okay, the courtyard

is decorated, the lights all

have power,

we should have more than

enough food if everyone brings

what they promised.

I'm wondering if

I should call Christie.

She... She might forget

the cookies.

- Oh yeah, how did your date go?

- Oh, for the millionth time,

it was not a date.

We baked, we talked

about the good old days.

- Sounds like a date to me.

- If you don't stop quizzing me,

I'm gonna go hide in

the work shed.

Whoever that is really

wants to talk to you.

- Yeah.

Oh, it's the manager

of The Dalton.

Hi, Kayley Cooper.

No, no, uh, I can talk.

That sounds great. Thank you

so much for understanding.

I will keep you posted, yeah.


- Everything okay?

The manager of The Dalton

has nominated me

for an Exhibition Award

of Excellence.

- Well, that sounds amazing.

- Well, it would be amazing

if I was in New York.

- Well, have you checked

if the trains are running?

- Yeah, they started up again

this morning but...

They're only doing one train

a day,

and today's train

was already sold out.

- Okay, well, you can

still get a flight.

I mean, the airline

could call at any minute.

- I know.

But at this point,

I think I need to be realistic.

So, I... I called

the adjudicator

and I explained the situation.

And they've agreed that if

I can't make it back in time,

that they'll figure out another

time to meet with me

when I get back to New York.

- Well, if you've organized

the event even

half as well as you've organized

the Christmas Festival,

you're gonna win,

hands down.

- Listen, I'm...

I'm sorry if things

got a little tense last night.

It's just, what you said, it...

It hit a nerve.

- No, I'm the one

who should be apologizing.

I should have never asked you

such a personal question.

That'll be our helpers!

- Looks like it's time to see

all of our hard work pay off.

- Oh, the hard work

has only just begun! Come on.

Okay, everyone, we've got

lots to do and only a few hours

to do it in.

Jenna, do you want

to start loading the food

out of the kitchen?

Brett, you're gonna be in charge

of all the lights, the festival

stands, the tables...

- The chairs!

- Dani!

How are those cupcakes coming?

- Nice and chocolatey.

- Great.

Well, when you're done

with those,

do you want to put some bows

on the raffle prizes?

- Christie! Those look great!

- Thanks!

- Do you want to take them

through to the kitchen?

- Yeah.

- I'll show you where.

- Okay.

- Hey, there. Are you here

to help with the festival?

- Greg!

I wasn't sure you'd show.

- Why wouldn't I show?

I help out every year.

- Right. Of course.

- Um... do you want

to help load the truck?

Thank you.

- Hey, so, we have a problem.

Our DJ just came down

with the flu.

- So we'll just find

someone else.

- Like who? All of our

helpers have been assigned

a job already.

What? What the...?!

Brett, man!

I heard a rumor

you were back in town!

- Hey!

- Hey!

- How's it going?

- The town has gone cookie

crazy! I'm already out of


- Excellent.

So, um...

How's it going with

you and Greg?

Did you guys get a chance

to talk yet?

- Not really. We had

a three-minute conversation

about the house renovations,

and then he said he needed

to go back to the DJ stand.

- I think you need

to tell him how you feel.

I'll go get you some

of those cookies, huh?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

Greg? Do you think

you could take these cookies

over to Jenna? I think I pulled

a muscle in my arm.


Don't worry, I will...

I'll hold the fort here.

- I know what you're doing.

- I don't know what

you're talking about.

- I get that something's


between Greg and Jenna,

but whatever it is,

they have to figure it out

on their own.

- True.

But some people just need

a little nudge to admit how

they really feel.

Look at them, they're like

two smitten teenagers.

- They're not the only ones

who look like smitten


- Christmas magic everywhere.

It's Nick.

I should probably answer it

this time.

- Yeah, yeah.

- Hey. No, I'm sorry for

being so MIA.

I know, I-I'm sorry...

Look, I...

I know I said that I would take

some time to think things over,

but I meant what I said

last week.

I can't do this anymore.

I just...

I just had to find the courage.

- How about you?

- No. No, I've made my decision.

I need to do what's right.

- Hey.

- Hey!

- Do you want to maybe dance?

Oh, come on!

Where's your Christmas spirit?

Come on. Come on, huh?

There you go! You're a natural!

Uh... shall we?

- I think there's someone else

who would like

the chance to dance with you.

- Oh, no... No, I can't.

- You're not those kids that

you were in high school anymore.

Go on!


It was good to see you.

- Christie Ornstein...

May I have the,

uh, honor of this dance?

- I thought you'd never ask.

- Really?

- You should get a second job

as a matchmaker.

- I like making people happy.

- Mmm.

What makes you happy?

- Seeing one of my events

come to life.

And really good ice cream.

Good choice.

Do you want to dance?

I promise I won't spin you

into the punch bowl.

- Sure.

- I saw you talking

to Jill earlier.

- Yeah, yeah.

I finally took my mom's advice

and asked her out.

- That's great.

- I'm really nervous. I haven't

been on a date in 10 years.

I feel like I've forgotten

how to talk to women.

- You talk to me just fine.

- That's different.

You have a boyfriend.

- Actually, uh...

Nick and I broke up earlier

over the phone.

- What happened?

- Things haven't been right

with us for a while.

I thought that we were a team,

but it turns out the only thing

that really matters to Nick

is Nick, so...

- I'm... I'm sorry.

- Don't be.

No, it's for the better.

- Let me cancel

my plans with Jill.

- No! No, you don't

have to do that.

I'll be fine. I-I'm just gonna

go back to the guesthouse

and watch a movie.

Enjoy your date.

- Alright, Redwood!

Thanks to your generosity,

we have managed to raise

just over 5000 $

for The Redwood Lions!

Let's wish them the best of luck

at The Nationals!

- Kayley?


- Oh, hey.

- Hey.

- You're watching the game?

- Yeah. I, uh...

I couldn't sleep.

- Why is that?

Is someone on your mind?

I saw you talking to Jill.

- Yeah, Jill and I are not going

to work out.

She wants to date Brett

Matthews, the football star.

I haven't been that version of

myself in a long time.

- So, it's something else...

Like feelings for Kayley,


- It doesn't matter how I feel.

She just broke up with someone,

and I don't want to be

her rebound.

And besides, I've only known her

for five days.

- Five days or five minutes,

you two are good for each other.

You're gonna be going

home soon,

you're not gonna get another

chance to tell her how you feel.


Don't be like me.

It took me 30 years to ask

Christie to dance.

Let's get some sleep.

It's past midnight.

- Then I should probably

wish you a Happy Christmas Eve.

- Mmm! My stars, yes!

Happy Christmas Eve!

Look, I...

I know you'd rather be

in New York with Jaden, but...

it's meant a lot to me

to have you here for Christmas.

- It means a lot to me as well.

And I promise I will visit

more often.

- Good, you can come back

next Christmas and reprise

your role as elf.

- You know what?

I might come during

the summer time.

- Hey, you were a natural.

- Wake up! Everybody, wake up!

Brett, Kayley!

Get out of your beds!

- What's up?

- Santa's been early!

- What?

- Look!

I knew Santa would come through!

Uh, how did this


Our helpers moved it out

of the shed

to make room for

the festival stalls.

I must've forgot to tell them

to put it back.

I'm so sorry

if I spoiled your surprise.

- No, no. It's okay.


look how happy she is.

- Oh! Santa's got a Christmas

gift for you, Brett.

- Mom?

- Daddy!

- Jaden!

How you doing?!

- Good.

- Mom.

How did you guys get here?

- By plane, of course!

- I couldn't bear the thought

of you being separated for


And by some miracle, I found two

seats on a last-minute flight.

- Best Christmas gift ever,

thank you.

- And this must be Kayley!

- I hope my son's

been looking after you.

- Mom...

- Uh... He's been great.

- Go!

- Okay.

- You're... a kangaroo?

A frog!


You're... a beaver?

- Shark?

Okay, time's up!

- A shark?

- Mm-hmm.

- Very clearly, I am a rabbit!

- I can't believe

you didn't get that.

- Hi, Kayley Cooper.

6:00 P.M. today? Um...

Can I have a moment

to think it through? Thanks.

The airline can get us on

a flight to New York

from Columbus today

at 6:00 P.M.

Oh, not that you need it now.

- But... you can't leave now.

It's Christmas Eve.

- Yeah, it wouldn't feel right.

- All the arrangements

for your event are in place.

Stay. Have fun.

- What do you think

I should do?

- I think you should do

what's best for you.

- Hi.

I'll take the flight.

But I-I only need

one ticket now.

Thank you.

I'm touched that you guys

want me to stay,

but I should do the right thing

and go and supervise

my event.

If I stay, I'll just be worrying

about it the whole time,

and that's not much fun

for anyone.

I hope you understand.

- Yeah.

- Of course we do.

- You've worked

so hard for this.

- The fastest way to Columbus

in the snow is by train.

We only get one a day,

and it leaves in...

Oh, half an hour.

You better go pack your things.

- Okay.

- We're cutting it close, but

we should just about make it.

- Okay.

- You should say your goodbyes.

- Thank you so much

for having me.

- Oh, you're very welcome.

Come back any time. Any time!

- And you... You let me know

when you open that bakery, okay?

- I'll be in the car.

- Okay.


- Call me when you get home?

- Yeah.

Let me know when you get home.

- Yeah.

I, uh, was going to give you

this tomorrow...


- I love it. Thank you.

My grandma always used to say

that life will bring you

to the right person

in the right place

at exactly the right time.

I guess sometimes life shows up

in the form of a snowstorm.

Do you know what I mean?

We need to hurry or

you'll miss your train!

- You should probably go.

- Yeah.

Thank you for, uh...

For a crazy adventure.

- Yeah.

Don't look at me like that.

She chose to leave.

- You never gave her

a reason to stay.

- Oh, we made it!

Thanks for the ride

and for everything over

the past few days.

- You're welcome.

Alright, now get going!

- Alright.

Jaden, what's that?!

A Christmas tree!

- Whoa!

- Whoa!

- Did you miss your train?

- No, I didn't get on it.

- Good, because there's

something I need to tell you.

- Good,

'cause I'd like to hear

what you have to say in person.

- I don't want you to leave.

- Why?

- Because you make me

happy, nervous,

and frustrated all at once,

and I haven't felt that way

about anyone

in a really long time.

And I'm going on a limb here,

but I'm guessing if you didn't

get on that train,

it's because you feel

the same way.

So, what do you say?

You wanna keep going on

this crazy adventure with me?

- I want to say yes...

but I'm fully aware

that your entire family

is staring at us right now.

Kiss her already!

- You know, if you're gonna be

spending more time

with my family...

you're gonna need to improve

your snowman building skills.

You know what, right?

- Snowman?

- I'm sorry. Snow woman.

- That's better.

- Uncle Brett, Kayley! Let's go

look at the Christmas tree!
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