Final Rose, The (2022)

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Final Rose, The (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

- How do I feel?

I feel



I put myself

out there for him tonight.

You come on a show like this thinking

you're gonna find you happily ever after,

but instead it's just

your own personal hell.

Will that work?

Because I can do that again.

Do you need more tears, heartbreak?

Whatever you need.



And back to one.

- Hello?


Is anybody there?

Guess I'm wrapped.

- Oh my God!

- What did you do?

- What did you do?

- Was I not supposed

to do that?

Oh no. Sorry.

No, no, no, no, I'm gonna save it,

I'm gonna save it. Look.

- I could do some real work on your guy.

- Yeah?

- I think I should

get one of these wigs.

- Am I next?

Oh my God.

- You know, I don't think

it takes a hair stylist

to see that Bret has a lot of layers,

and I'm really excited to

discover what's underneath.

He's so cute.

Seeing the way that he cut that hair,

I could really see myself

falling in love with him.

And a man that knows his way around a pair

of scissors usually knows his way

around a few of his things too.

- Did we get you?

Absolutely not.

- I think we need an impartial

third party to make a ruling.


We got you bad, Mom.

- Well, I think this impartial third party

needs to go to bed.

- Hey, don't blame me.

It was her idea.

- Tell Tito Gabe thank you

and go brush your teeth.


Okay, bye.

- Bye.

Thanks again for watching her.

- Yeah, no worries.

I'm guessing the date didn't happen.

- Men magically disappear

when they learned that I'm a mother.


I'm sorry, Jess.

- Oh my gosh.

- You could use

a little bit of-

- Oh, yeah.

This show's still a thing?

- It's just background noise.

You know I don't really watch that trash.

- You know, you don't have to do that.

I saw your room growing up,

you've always lived in filth.

No one needs to know that.

Are you or someone

you know looking for love?

Open casting has begun

for the historic 25th

season of "Love at Last."

Send us a photo and application today

to join us on Oxley Island,

and begin your next journey for love.

- You got any other dates lined up soon?

No, why?

You know someone?

- Maybe.

- That goes there.


What's the word on security?

Network is all up in my about leaks.

If this season's gonna be

the most dramatic one yet,

needs to be on TV, don't you think,

and not on some jackasses blog?

- Yeah, I gotta call the guys.

They will have a security team

there two days before the crew.

- Make sure that happens.

- Oh, with the oat milk,

did you pour in or stir it in?

- I just-

- Just f*cking with you, relax.

- Nicki, you said you had some

ideas for some day one drama?

- Oh, yeah.

So we're gonna tell the girls

that there aren't enough rooms,

so they're gonna have to share.

I've already arranged to put

the drama queens together.

- Love it.

Oh, one other thing.

I got a call this morning that Nicole F.,

she booked a recurring on a network soap,

so she's out for the season.

We got a spot to fill.

Any ideas?

- On no.

Doesn't need to be

pretty, we just need a body.

- Okay.

Here's one from the slush pile.

Jess Rose, age 31.

Single mom, divorced.

Filipino American.

Would be great for the diversity push.

- That's an easy intro package.

I could put that together this weekend.

- Fine.

But this is network TV,

so keep the film school sh*t to yourself.

Call the suits at the network,

have them push this through.

They owe me one.

Can I?

Her brother submitted her.

Does she even wanna be here?

- Who cares?

I'm gonna k*ll you.

You're gonna thank me.

- Look, I'm not going.

I never asked you to sign me up.

Reality shows are for crazy people.

- You watch them all the time.

- Yeah, from judging them

from the safety of my couch.

- Most people would k*ll

to be in your position.

What are you scared of?

- Public humiliation,

being apart from Leylah,

becoming a meme.

I don't know, heartbreak.

- Doesn't it pay like

a thousand bucks a day?

Worry about your heartbreak later.

Your daughter is not a cheap date.

- Aw, sh*t.

- Where did she learn that word from?

- I don't know.

- Here have mine.

- I just want Leylah to

have everything she needs.

- What's that supposed to mean?


Yes, anaku?

- Can Tito Gabe come over tomorrow?

- Not tomorrow, but soon.

- Why not?

- I think you like Tito Gabe

'cause he keeps giving you sugar.

- He gives me piggy

back rides like Dad did.

- You miss your dad?

Goodnight, anaku.

Hey, Gabe.

Do you mind babysitting for a bit?

- Hi, girls.


- Welcome to the "Love at Last" Mansion.

We are so glad to have you here

competing in this historic season.

I'm Nicki, one of the field producers.

- And I'm Patrick.

We're very excited to get

this production started,

but first, some ground rules.

- Don't f*ck the help.

- Yes, your contracts do include

a no fraternization clause.

You're here for your Beau and no one else.

Also, and perhaps more importantly,

when there are no cameras

around, you are on ice.

Save all the juicy drama

for the fans out there.

- In that spirit, a PA's

gonna be coming around

and collecting all your phones.

- Instead, production has provided you

with these show approved devices.

- So, feel free to take as many selfies,

photos, videos, whatever you want.

And our numbers are programmed in,

so you can send everything our way.

You'll also have access

to the "Love at Last" social media app,

so our publicity team

can start generating a

buzz for this season.

- Will we be able to call our families?

- Like who, your parents?

- No,

my daughter.

- No.

- No.

- No, that's not allowed.

- You sure you don't need any help?

- No, not at all.

Thank you, though.

I'm Jess, by the way.

I know, I'm Maya.

- So what do you do here, Maya?

- I'm a production assistant.

Just kinda run around, do

whatever the show needs.

- That's so cool.

I mean, what a fun world to work in.

So what do you wanna do, like long term?

- Excuse me?

- Like producer, writer, director?

- Sorry, just no one's

ever asked me that before.

- Seriously?

- This is you.

Last door at the end

of the hall.

- Thank you so much, Maya.

- I um,

I wanna be a director.

- I'll put in a good word for you.

What are you doing here?

Oh, they told

me this was my room.

- This is my room.

Someone royally f*cked up.

My contract clearly stated

that I have to have a garden view.

- Well, there are two beds,

so maybe we're roommates?

Uh , definitely not for long.

Oh, and keep to your side of the room.

I don't want my clothes to smell.

- What is it?

- I'm so sorry, can you help me with this?

- Yes.

Come on in.

You're a lifesaver.

I couldn't find anyone to help.

The girls here are scary.

- Tell me about it.

I think my roommate already hates me.

- Oh, I'm sure that's not true.

I'm Chloe.

- Jess.

It's nice to meet you.

- You know, my room's a little lonely.

Do you wanna get ready together?

Yes, of course.

You know, you're actually the first person

on this entire island that-

- I'm sorry, I'm still

getting used to that.

- Same here.

- Okay, let's go.

- Oh, let me grab my dress.

What are we doing, Mike?

- All right, we're on 10.

- Tape rolling?

- Yeah, we're already speeding, right?

Can you pull it up, Mike?


- Oh, hello lambs.

Welcome to the slaughter.

- Hey guys, wanna let

you know that I'm here.

- Hi, Lance.

- Hey, Lance.

- Also, break a leg this season.

I know, it's a big one.

- Thanks so much, Lance.

- Yeah, will do, Lance.

- I had some ideas about how to make

this season really dramatic.

There was this production

of "Cyrano de Bergerac"

on the West End that-

- Just can't.

- Yes.

- Just in-

- Hey, Lance?

- Yeah?

- Why don't we get you

to hair and makeup, okay?

All right.

Well, think about it.

- Yeah.

- There's magic when you allow

everyone to spontaneously-

- Hey, Patrick,

- Yeah,

- what's your 20?

- wardrobe's ready for you.

- Mike, I think this needs a battery.

- Hey, everybody.

We ready in five?

- Oh my gosh.

It just hit me, we're

finally gonna meet the Beau.

Am I blushing?

- I think it's just a little sunburn.

- Oh, no, seriously?

- Here, you can keep this.

- Holy crap, will you be my mom?

- Oh, you know, I don't get it.

Why do they keep the Beau a secret?

I mean, what if we don't like him?

Do we just pretend?

- What do you mean? He's the Beau.

We're here to win.

- And we're picked according

to his preferences,

so we know we're his type, mm hm.

- But that's what I'm saying.

What if the feeling's just not mutual?

- You're funny.


- All right, I'm ready to

meet our dashing prince.

Package ready?

- Yeah, I got it from Post last night.

I think you're gonna like it.

- Great.

You wanna go ahead and

put it on the monitor?

Yeah, Mike.

There you go.

- My name is Garret Dalton.

I'm 31 years old,

and I'm looking to find "Love at Last."

Life is complex,

like a puzzle,

and I'm just looking for someone

to help me put the pieces together.

But that doesn't mean

we can't have some fun.

I dance like a dork.

I love superhero movies,

and I am obsessed with "The Office."

I like giving back.

My nonprofit, Kids and Crypto,

teaches underprivileged youth

how to mine their own Bitcoin.

I'm looking for the one

who is gonna stand by me

for the rest of my life,

who's gonna cherish my heart,

and who's gonna love me

for who I am.

Apple Box.

- Sorry.

- What the f*ck?

- Sorry, so sorry.

- Oo, yeow.


- Don't let it happen again.

- Yeow.

- America loves this sh*t.

- It paid for a half a boat.


No, I feel you.

- Yeow.

So Garret, how you feelin'?

- Are we rolling?

- No, just checkin' in.

- Oh, please stop talkin' to me.

- Gotcha.


It's off again.

- Thus, thus, thus, thus.

- It keeps fallin' off.

- Thus, thus, thus, thus.

About to roll,

let's lock it up people.

- Thus, thus, thus, thus.

Ready in three,


- Welcome back lovers to our

25th season of "Love at Last,"

here on beautiful Oxley Island.

I'm your host, Lance Mulvey,

and I'm standing here

with this season's Beau,

Garret Dalton.

So Garret, how are you feeling?

- I gotta be honest with

ya, Lance, I'm nervous.

I mean, my future wife

is out there tonight.

I just hope I don't embarrass myself.

- Ah, impossible, Garret!

You'll be fine.

All you gotta do is put

on a smile and stand tall.

- He deserved it.

Lance, we're good to go.

Bring on the contestants.

- So you ready to meet the ladies?

- I am.

- I look terrible.

How do I look? Do I look trashy?

- No, you look beautiful.

He's gonna love you.

- Thank you.

You look great, too.

- Madison Butler, you're first.

- Oh my Lord.


- They're all yours.

- Wow!

We can call it off.

I think I found her.

- Hi.

- We're done.

- I knew you were cute,

but I didn't know you were funny.

Do I know you from somewhere?

- Maybe your dreams.

- Okay.

Nice job with that one, Bill.

- Looks like we found

this season's villain.

- Yeah, girls are gonna see

right through what she's doing.

- But he won't.

Didn't know you had it in you.

There's hope for you yet.

- I'm Katie.

- Oh, hi.


- I am so excited to get

to know you and your story.

- It's too good.

- Hey, cut, cut to the wide.

America needs to see this.

- I'll see you inside.

- Okay.

- Okay.

Get her out of here or I walk.

- Yeah, fine with me.

We had fun, we had our fun.

- All right, I'll take

the giraffe to holding.

- God.

- Jess Rose,

you're up.

- You're gonna k*ll it.

- Hi.



- You okay?

- Yeah, totally.

I just can't believe

this is all happening.

- Don't worry.

You look beautiful.

I can't wait to get to know you,

and hear more about your daughter.

- How did you know?

- I know looking for

love again can be scary,

but I want you to know I totally

respect your journey here,

and I think you are so brave.

- That is so sweet.

Thank you.

- You look beautiful.

- Chloe. Yeah.

- Chloe, good to meet you.


Oh, we have a dancer.

I'll see you inside.

- Thank you for-

- Camera's aren't even here.


For me?

I love the dress.

Good to meet you, I'm Garret.

- Are we having fun tonight, ladies?

The first cocktail party

of the season is upon us.

This is your chance to get

some time with your Beau,

so be intentional because not everyone

will make it through this night.

- Here is to a new and exciting season.

I can't wait to get to know

you all, inside and out.



I had such an incredible

time getting to know you all.

Thank you for sharing your hearts with me.

That said, I didn't get a chance

to talk with everyone tonight,

and that's not okay.

So for now,

no one's going home.

And I look forward to one more week

getting to know all of you

here on "Love at Last."

- All right, that's a wrap

on the day, everybody.

Thank you.

Can you believe it?

Also, can you see my pit stains?

I was literally dying up there.

- No , you're fine.

- Hey, don't worry,

we're gonna get our time, okay?

- Okay.

- Come find me.

- Hey.


Hey, Jess?

Thanks for kicking me

out of our room, bitch.

- What?

What the hell

is wrong with you?

- Please tell me you got that.

- I don't have another card.

- You don't have another card?

- No, I don't, I'm sorry.

- Are you sh1tting me?

Get one off the truck.

- All right, all right,

all right, I'm going.

Damn it!

- Careful, ladies.

Hot points.

Let go of me.

Where are you taking me?

We're gonna talk.

- What the hell do you think you're doing?

Let go of me.

- I don't know what drama

is going on in your head,

but leave me out of it.

- Girl, I'm doing you a favor.

More drama means more screen time.

More screen time means more fans,

more followers, more money.

- Well, start that with someone else.

- Look, I'm not here to embarrass myself

in front of the entire country.

- My daughter is watching.

- It's too late for that.

They're gonna tell whatever

story they want with us.

Tell me, have you turned

you back to the camera yet?

You're f*cked.

They can have you saying

anything they want you to.

Might as well own it.

- I better get this back to Maya.

- Why? Let the help take care of it.

No one here needs you to be their mom.

This isn't over!

Angelo, it's your favorite client.

Things are going well.

My roommate is this pathetic single mom.

It's like, have you seen the show?

Anyone with kids gets

cut by week two.

Anyways, just thought I'd leave a message.

Let's get lunch.

Maybe I'll take you out to Nobu.

I feel like sashimi-

- Hey, have you seen Hannah?

She never came back to

our room last night.

Maybe she got her own

room like she wanted.

Lucky you.

- We kinda got into it.

I hope I wasn't too harsh on her.

- Oh, whatever.

You know she lives for the drama.

- Good morning, ladies.

Good morning.

- Ladies, I have some sad news.

Hannah has decided to

leave the island for good.

We found this note outside

of our office door.

And Hannah let us know that

she had a family emergency

and left first thing this morning.

Now, don't let this get you down.

We have a big day planned.

It's our first group date.

Are you ladies excited?


- Can you believe this?

- It's so bizarre.

I mean, she seemed to love

the attention she was getting.

Why would she leave?

- Are you kidding?

It's less competition.

This is great.

- I hope Garret's not upset.

He seemed to like her.

- What just happened?

We have a contestant dramatically

leaving on night one.

We don't have any footage?

- How did she even get off the compound?

It's like...

It's six miles to the marina.

- I mean, we got a supply run twice a day.

She could have easily hopped

on the truck this morning.

The next run is this afternoon.

I can go check with the teamsters.

- Nobody talks to anybody about anything

until we get to the bottom of this.

We control the narrative understood?

Keep an eye on social media.

Nicki, are we all ready for group date?

- Yeah, it's gonna be a sh*t show.

- That's what I wanna hear.

Keep your eyes open, and your mouths shut.

- This looks exactly

like the obstacle course

from "Paradise At Last" two seasons ago.

The key is keep moving,

don't get bogged down by slower teammates.

- Garret's a terrible athlete.

He's not gonna care who

wins some stupid race.

- Yeah, but how do you know?

- Do you know that Garret's family

goes to the Met Gala every year?

Isn't that a dream?

- He told you that?

- Yeah, last night.

Wait, what did you two talk about?

- Oh, we didn't talk.

- Neither did we.

- Hi, girls.

Today's a really important day for me.

Love is not something that

you can take for granted.

Love is something that you must pursue.

I'm looking for a girl who will pursue me

no matter what obstacle stands in her way.

- That's right, ladies.

Your task today is to hit

a home run with Garret.

You will have to balance

your way to first,

hop to second, crawl to third,

and slide into home to Garret's heart.

The first one across home plate

gets a one-on-one date with Garret,

and wins their team an

extra group date tomorrow.

- Show me what you got today.

I wanna see your guts.

And cut.

All right, thanks guys.

And Maya's got you set up

with a front row seat to the carnage.

- Okay.

- So, I hear you're from New York.

- Yep.

- Lived there a few years

back in the 80s with my theater troupe.

Way different back then.

Did some pretty cool,

pretty experimental stuff.

- Hm, that's super interesting, Lance.


How long is this gonna take?

Do I have to actually

be here to watch this?

- You don't care who wins the race?

- Did you meet your wife

'cause she was good at

jumping over things?

Who gives a sh*t?

One, two, three, go!

One, two, three, go!

- Oh, goodness!

- Go, go!

- Whoa!

Did you see that, Garret?


- Oh, this is awful!

Jess, how are you doing this?

- I was in labor for 31 hours.

This is nothing.

Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!

- Garret!

Yes, yes, yes, yes!

You and me, baby!

- Okay, that's a cut.

Wrap on the group date.

Great job, everybody.

Garret and Abigail, we'll see

you in the lobby in an hour.

Everybody else,

you're on ice until tonight's

Breakup Session, okay?

- See you later.

- Thank you.

Maya, get me some coffee.

Red Team, Red Team, Red Team!

- Nice job, ladies.

Better luck next time.

- Red Team!

- Hey Jess, can we grab a quick OTF?

- Look, I don't-

- It just stands for on the fly.

We wanna get your thoughts, okay?

Are we rolling?

- Rolling.

- Awesome.

All right, so tell us how you're feelin'.

- I...


I'm sorry.

You know, can we just cut?

- Let's cut.

What's wrong?

- You know this was a mistake.

I don't even know what I'm doing here.

- Wait, Jess, you can't just leave.

- Look, Hannah left.

- Well, that was a mistake.

- What I mean is you

can't just give up now.

I mean, I know things

might seem pointless,

especially after a day like today,

but I really do believe in this show,

I've seen it change people's lives.

- And also, once this episode airs,

we'll be three episodes in

and America will be rooting for you.

- No, it's true.

Representation matters.

Who you are, where you

came from, your daughter.

It's all gonna play.

You just gotta hang tight.

Trust the process.

- What process?

You know, I've been running around trying

to keep my head above water.

I've hardly even talked with Garret.

- Well, Garret really likes you.

- Yeah.

- I mean,

he wouldn't have picked you

to be here if he didn't.

- I'll tell you what, we have

a Breakup Session tonight.

And if you're right, Garret cuts you,

there's no harm, right?

You get to go home, be with your daughter.

But if he votes to keep you on the island-

- That means something.

And plus it's

another week for appearance fees

and I know that those go a long way.

- Yeah.


So, just trust the process.

- Okay.

- Okay?


- Okay, great.

- Awesome.

- All right.

- Can we roll on the OTF?

- Yeah.

- Great, all right.

- Roll.

- And,

go ahead, Jess.

Tell us how you feel.

- How am I feeling?

I'm definitely frustrated

I didn't win the obstacle

course today, but you know what?

There's always tomorrow.

I'm gonna push through,

get my time with Garret and

show him why I'm worth it.

- It was magical.

We rode horses on the beach.

I told him all about my

childhood trauma, my family,

and I said that I could really

see myself falling in love with him.


Jess, can you

come with me for a second?

- Sure.

- Hey.

- Hi.

- So, I just spoke with Patrick

and Nicki and they told

me you weren't feeling

so into this whole process.

- No, I do.

I am.

I'm just-

- I totally understand.

- You do?

- Between you and me,

I also think this whole thing is bullshit.

- Really?

Of course.

After 25 seasons, how many Beaus

are actually still married?


Come on.

We all know why we're here.

Oh, don't worry, you're safe.

- Look, it's not you.

It's just there are so many

girls and all these rules

and hoops to jump through,

and no one is themselves on camera.

- Trust me, I totally understand.

You don't know the half of it.

- You would not believe how

refreshing that is to hear.

I mean, I was going crazy.

- Well, you are not.

Let's see this for what it is.

It's a paid vacation.

We'll have some fun.

We'll eat the free food.

We'll laugh at all the idiots

who actually buy into this sh*t.

What do you say?

- Okay.


- Okay.

This is hard, ladies.

I wish I could keep you both

here, but I have to choose one.

Abigail, I had such a good

time on our date tonight.

Hearing about your love for the show

and seeing your competitive

drive, truly inspiring.

But I'm looking for the one,

and right now I just, I

don't think that's you.

So, Jess, may I have this dance?

- Yeah, of course.

- And cut.

That's a wrap on Abigail, everybody.

- Ice it, Abigail.

Brutal, Dalton.

- Like I had a choice.

Where do these girls go once

they're cutting anyways?

- We take them to a holding wing.

Keep them sequestered from

the rest of production.

Jesus, sounds miserable.

- Just until we wrap.

Keep them around in case

we need any more interviews

or to make sure nothing leaks.

Don't worry, you won't be

seeing these girls over again.

Hey, Gar, can I

talk to you for a second?

- Yeah, anything for the boss.

- I am so sorry.

I don't know what to say.

- Go away.

I said leave me alone!

- I'd k*ll for a spa date.

- I'd k*ll for a date period.

- Hey, have you used yours yet?

Mine's been pretty useless.

- Oh, I've just been taking

photos to show Leylah.

Oh, there we are.

- What do you mean?

- All the phones have

location tracking on.

It's kind of fun, huh?

- That's disturbing.

- Oh, hey Jess.

We're just doing a quick check in

while Garret's on his group date.

Can you ask Chloe how

she's feeling about Garret?

- Sure.

So Chloe, how are you feeling

about Garret these days?

I know it sounds crazy,

but I could really see myself

falling in love with him.


I know.

- Well, that's great, Chloe.

- Perfect, yeah.

- I'm so happy for you.

- Thanks, girl.

How 'bout you?

- And hold for camera.



Go ahead, Jess.

- To be honest, I don't know.

I mean, we keep having these moments

where I think there's a little chemistry,

but I don't know what's real

and what's manufactured at this point.

And I've never been away

from my daughter for this long before.

I think that's been on my

mind almost more than Garret.

You know what?

I'd like to call my daughter, please.

- Well, you would need

permission from Bill to do that,

so we'll just keep rolling.

- Well, where's Bill?

- He's busy at the moment,

but I can pass a message

along if you like?

On two.

- Hey.

- Hey, what's up?

Where were you?

- Have you guys seen Abigail

or anyone else who's been eliminated?

- No, but I mean, that's kinda the point.

They're gone, dead to us.

- But they haven't left

the island yet, have they?

- No one except for that pageant psycho.

They're all in holding.

- What's holding?

- It was in our contracts.

Everyone has to stay on the island

till the end of principal photography.

So when you get eliminated,

you go to holding.

- Haven't you seen all

the minions running around

with their little plates of food?

I heard they're not allowed

to have any books in there but a Bible.

- Kinda sounds like a prison.

- I mean, prisoners

are getting more action

than we are these days.

Anyway, what's this about?

- I feel like there's

something shady going on.

Something they're not telling us about.

- Like what?

- Like how Hannah left the

island when she was supposed

to stay till the end of filming,

and how people just disappear

once they've been eliminated.

- I don't know, Jess.

I mean, they've been running

this show for a long time.

Everyone seems fine.

I think we just need to trust the process.

- I don't trust anyone.

- Okay, look, I don't have

time for your bullshit.

There's no conspiracy.

It's just Garret and us.

And I suggest you focus on that

so you don't disappear too.

- Where's holding?

- What's your 20?

- So Bill, did you get a chance

to watch that thing that I sent you?

The Vimeo link?

- I haven't had the time.

- Okay, well, I actually really

think you'd appreciate this.

- Hey, kiddo, I'm gonna

stop you right now.

I'm never gonna watch your short.

Shorts are stupid, they're boring.

Please stop asking.

It's just embarrassing.

Why are you even here?

Shouldn't you be at the spa date?

Oh , yeah.


Just heading over there now, Bill.

- Abigail?


It's me, Jess.




- You're not supposed to be in here.

- I was just checking on Abigail.

I wanted to make sure she was okay.

- I'm afraid she's gone.

- Sorry?

- They just sent all the sequestered girls

away this morning.

They're on their way back to the mainland.

- Seriously?

Just now they left?

- That's what they told me.

- Look, you better get

back to the mansion,

and just make sure nobody sees you.

- Of course.

Thanks, Lance.

Come on.


- They need you back down on

set for a breakup interview.

They said if you're too tired though,

we can totally get it tomorrow.

It's no problem.

- No worries.

I'll come down.

Are you gonna direct this one?

Bill would k*ll me.

- Hey, can I ask you

something just between us?

- Of course.

- I just, I feel like

there's something going on

that they're not telling us about.

- Is this about Hannah?

- Yes.

And the girls that went to the spa date,

they disappeared too.

- Ah, look, there's not

much I can tell you,

but nobody knows what exactly is going on,

and they told us to keep our mouths shut.

- Well, what does that mean?

- Megan!

What did I say about the

firewood in the Lover's Lodge?

- I'm going there now.

They just need me to

grab Jess for a pickup.

- I'm gonna head to set.

Talk to you see, Maya?

- Okay, it sounds to me

like you know my show better than I do.

- No, Sir.

- Good.

That's good.

Because there are 200

desperate NYU students

that would take your job for

half the pay in a second.

We're one night away

from the Lover's Lodge.

Needs to be perfect.

- Yes, Sir.

Last looks at the Lover's Lodge.


Call time is six a.m. tomorrow.

- Copy that.

Bill, go to two.



Why the f*ck does no one

ever pick up their walkie?



It's nothing.

It's nothing.

Go home.

Take a shower, get some food.

- Why are we here?

The Breakup Session isn't till tonight.

- No idea.

- Hello, ladies.

You're looking beautiful this morning.

- And rolling.

- You're probably wondering,

where are the other girls?

Where is the competition?

Well, I've got some good news for you.

Garret has decided to eliminate

all three girls from the spa date,

which means you three

are the final girls

left on "Love at Last."

- And Jess, Garret

wanted you to have this.

Garret will see you

tonight in the courtyard

for a very special date.

- Come in.


our matron saint.

Please come on in, sit.

Can I get you a drink?

If you're tired of rum, we have vodka.

- No, no thank you.

- All right.

What can I do for you?

- I wanna go home.

- Really?

You've made it so far.

- I know, and I'm so grateful

for everything the show has done

and for all my time here,

but I just-

- You wanna go home,

see your family, be with your daughter?

- Yes.

- Totally get it.

I'm assuming you've

discussed this with Garret.

- Well, no, actually.

- I think he's gonna be pretty

upset to hear you're leaving.

I mean, he's let us know

he's very excited about your date tonight.

- Did he say that?

- Yeah.

You're surprised?

- We've hardly even talked.

- Jess, I think you're a smart enough girl

to know not to conflate the quantity

of time spent with the Beau

with the quality of time spent.

I think you might be undervaluing

the degree of the connection

that you've made with Mr. Dalton.

- Okay, I just call it like I see it.

- Like you see it?

Right, but that's not the way we see it.

In a place like this,

wouldn't you agree that we might see

maybe just a little bit more than you do?

- I'd call that an understatement.


- Jess, I'm gonna show you something

I'm not supposed to show you.

- There is this one girl, Jess.

She's different.

She's not into any of

the shallow games here.

I haven't talked to her that much,

but I can't stop thinking about her.

She's got this strength,

this depth that none of the

other girls here seem to have.

I see the way she carries herself,

even when she doesn't know

I'm looking, you know?

All the other girls are fixing

their hair and their makeup,

camera's about to roll,

and Jess doesn't do that.

She's helping them.

She's focused on them, supporting them.

She sees the world as

something bigger than herself,

and I just can't wait to

get to know her better.

- So, you have every

right to go home today

if that's what you want,

but think of it this way.

Has any man ever talked

about you like that?

Has your ex-husband ever

talked about you like that?


No, he didn't.

- Well, say what you want about this show.

At the end of the day,

we do connect people.

And you've made it so far.

Do you really wanna

miss out an opportunity

to make a connection like this?

All right, nothing crazy.

First generation college

student, little left of center.

Parents are estranged, so

family means like a lot to her.

- Why must every single mom on these shows

make their entire

personality, "I'm a mom!"

Never heard her talk

about a daughter once, honestly.

- Where's the dad?

- He's outta the picture.

- How old's her kid?

- Seven.

Knocked up young, huh?

Well, I can't wait to hear

the whole story tonight.

I'm crying already.

Look, I have kept her around

long enough for you two.


Why must I keep doing this song and dance?

- Okay, settle down, Dalton.

The network loves her.

And you may not be seeing it,

but we're actually getting good stuff.

They wanna bring Hannah in

for an after show cat fight.

- Oh, please.

I am so bored.

Just let me leave this island.

- Does that mean that you picked a winner?

- Chloe, Madison, whatever.

Either way, we're gonna go to The Bahamas,

we're gonna f*ck for a week,

we're gonna break up on Instagram,

and then we're gonna go our separate ways.

I don't care.

- "Love at Last" Nation cares.

America cares.

All right, Garret.

When your mother came to

us after the whole incident

with the intern at Daddy's company,

she only gave us one

instruction, make you look good.

You wanna look good, don't you?

- What's more admirable

than a man who's willing

to give anyone a sh*t at love?

- Or a man who's grateful

there isn't footage airing

of him acting like an assh*le?

- Fine.

Tell me what I gotta do.

- Someone's giddy.

- I'm not giddy.

I'm just excited.

- Have you picked a dress yet?

- I saw what you did, and I can't, Chloe.

It's too much.

- What are you talking about?

- This sexy number.

I found it in my suitcase,

but I never packed it.

I mean, when did you sneak it in?

- I wish I would've picked this out.


- Wait, you didn't put it in there?

- No, it looks like someone else did.

Here, there's a note.

I didn't see this.


Who was it?

- My idiot brother.

I guess they ordered this

when we found out the news.

It's just too much.

I can't.

- Look, I know I'm

technically your competition,

but I am so happy for you.

You deserve this.

Look, tonight is gonna

be one of those nights

you remember for the rest of your life.

I can feel it.

- Okay.

Yep, that looks good.

Okay. You ready, Garret?

All right, speeding.

And action, Jess.

Holy sh*t.

- Holy sh*t.

I've been waiting

for this moment for such a long time.

- Me too.

- And then little Devin, he

raises his hand and he says,

"Mr. Dalton, are you

pullin' my blockchain?"

That is so sweet.

- Yeah, they're fun.

Enough about me.

Tell me about your daughter.


- Uh, Leylah.

- Leylah is seven years old,

and I love her to death.

But to be honest-

- Just like Cyrano.

- she can be quite a handful.

She's headstrong, stubborn.

She always gets what she wants.

She must get

that from her mother.

- She must get that from you.

I think you might be right.

Ask about her ex-husband.

- I know divorce can be so hard on kids.

It must have been very

tough on her, and on you.

- Well, it wasn't easy.

- If I can ask what happened?

- You know, I've gone over

it over and over again,

and the only explanation

I could come up with

is that he just wasn't ready to be a dad.

And once Leylah came, everything changed.

We went from being a

couple to being a family,

and his role changed.

And I don't think he could handle it.

And something about fatherhood brought out

his insecurities and

shortcomings, and so he left.

- I'm so sorry, Jess.

I can't imagine that level of betrayal.

- It definitely made it

hard to get back out there.

And I keep having this fear, you know?

This gnawing, creeping fear

that I'm depriving Leylah

of the father figure she needs,

that I'm not enough for her.

- Well,

I want you to know that I would be honored

to be that man in Leylah's life.

- This is so f*cking cruel.

- Wait for it.

- And I would be even more honored

to be the man in your life.

- Wow.

I think that's the first kiss

I've had in like three years.

- Well, there's funny

more where that came from.

Hold, hold.

And cut.

That's a wrap on the date.

Company move to the Breakup Session

and then onto Lover's Lodge.

Let's boogie.

- Right.

That's a

wrap for the end of the day.

- That was fun. See you soon.

- Okay.

Hey, have you seen Maya around?

- Who?

- Maya?

Do you know what she's been up to?

- Oh, I think Bill sent her

to the mainland for a supply run.

But don't worry,

she's not anybody you need

to concern yourself with.

- Ladies,

for two of you, tonight will

be a very special night.

If you are chosen, you will be

one of Garret's final picks,

and you will have the

opportunity to get to know

your Beau a little more

intimately at the Lover's Lodge.

However, for one of you,

your journey must end here.


- All of you have touched me

in very special ways.

Unfortunately, I'm not the

one pulling the strings here.

I can only choose two of

you to move on with me.


Madison, may I have this dance?

- Definitely.

- Chloe, no matter what happens,

I love you and I want the best for you.

- Chloe.

Oh my God, oh my God.

- Chloe, may I have this dance?

- A thousand times yes.

- Jess!

Leave me alone!

Stay on her.

- Leave me alone.

I don't wanna talk anymore.

- I know, I know.

But maybe there's someone

you do wanna talk to.

- Seriously?

10 minutes.

- Okay.

- Sis, yo!

What time is it over there?

Hey, I see you got my present.

- Gabe, you assh*le.

How much did this dress cost?

- Well, we all chipped in a little bit.

You gotta make us look good on TV.

Hey, Leylah, come here.

Say hi to your mom.

- Mommy.

Are you inside the TV?

- Oh yeah, sweetie.

I'm inside the TV.

- Will they ever let you out?

- Yes, I promise.

In fact, I'm actually getting out tonight.

- Really?


I love you so much, and I cannot

wait to see you and anaku.

- I miss you too.

- Dude, we are a mess without you.

I'm apparently cutting

the sandwiches wrong

and my bedtime stories are stupid.

Come home soon.

Leylah misses her mom.

- I will, 'kay?


- You okay, sis?

I gotta go now, okay?

I love you so much.

- I love you, too.

- You shouldn't have done that.

- Feel free to send me home.

- Watch it, Jess.

Worse things have happened to contestants

who didn't follow the rules.

- Oh, sh*t.


- Everything you told me,

everything you said on camera?

- I thought we both agreed

this whole thing is bullshit?

- Yeah, then, but I mean,

things changed, right?

Oh, sweetie.

Look, we set the ground

rules, okay?

I mean, if you got

caught up in the candles

and champagne and

chandeliers, that's on you.

I'm glad we had our fun.

You never know when your time's up, right?

- All right, Jess, come on.

Let's get you to holding.

- Nicki?

- What?

- You're really good at your job.

I hope it makes you happy,

and I'm not going anywhere with you.

- Yep, she's on the move.

- Tonight is a very special night.

As our contestants get to

spend some quality time

with their Beau at "Love at

Last's" own cabin in the woods,

the Lover's Lodge.

This is the chance for our contestants

to show their connection with the Beau

a little more intimately.

No cameras, no crew,

just our Beau and his lucky

lady in complete privacy.

Here's to a night Garret

and Chloe will never forget.

- Hey,

can I talk to you?

I thought the shuttle was

coming in the morning.

- I have nowhere else to go.

- Look, I wanted to apologize.

I'm sorry.

I'm not usually this person.

- I get it.

We're all here to put on a show.

- Actually, no, that's what

I'm trying to tell you.

I haven't been honest about

why I'm actually here.

- What do you mean?

- Look, I think I can trust you.

That's the only reason

I'm telling you this,

and I need your help.

- Well, what is it?

- So,

Garret and I went to college together,

but our paths never crossed.


this wig seems to be working,

so he doesn't know.

Anyway, my senior year in college,

he became obsessed with my best friend.

They met at a party and she rejected him.

And of course, he couldn't

take no for an answer.

So he followed her back to

our apartment and he, he...

- My God, Madison.

- It ruined her.

And his family has access to everything,

so they buried the story.

They discredited her.

She had to drop out of school.

And of course, nothing happened to him.

- That's awful.

I'm so sorry.

- No,

I'm sorry for everything

that I have said to you,

and done to you.

I'm just trying to get closer to Garret.

- To do what, though?

- I'm gonna win his heart

and ruin him on national television.

So far everything has gone

as planned, except tonight.

I thought I was going first.


- Chloe.

- Chloe.

Right now, she's alone

in that cabin with him.

- Let's go.

- Oh my God, Garret, it's amazing.

- Yeah, well, it took

me forever to set it up,

but I have waited so long for this.

- I hope it was worth it.

- It will be,

if you can do something for me.

- Okay?

- I have a special surprise for you.

- Okay.



- I will be at the other

end of this ribbon,

and you'll come find me.

No peaking.


I think I might be a little overdressed.


Okay, okay, I'm in the water now.

You've got me.

Where are you?

Oh, there you are.

- Chloe!

- Wish I could lose

eight pounds that fast.

- You two didn't see anyone

coming outta the cabin?

- No, we went straight to Chloe.

She was in shock.

- Like we said, we heard screaming,

we ran over, and when we got there,

we found Marie Antoinette in the hot tub.

- Why do you look different?


Thank you both so much.

Please let me know if there's

anything I could do for you.

- Well, where's Chloe by the way?

- And what about the cops?

- Just sit tight.

They're on their way from the mainland.

- How do you know? Have

you talked to them?

- Just sit tight.

Hey, guys.

So, do you know? When's the wrap party?

- What?

- We haven't wrapped.

- No, so why the f*ck aren't we sh**ting?

Seriously, how many

hours of bullshit footage

do we have of ambulances

pulling in and out?

Nothing's happening.

Something is actually happening right now.

Grab some cameras.

- Bill, you know I can't do that.

The crew's never gonna-

- I've already arranged for the crew

to be on the first shuttle outta here.

I'm not f*ckin' with them.

They're a union.

But you guys are staying here with me.

- You can't be serious.

- You wanna be an executive producer?

Either one of you?

Prove it.

I'm calling the network, I'm

calling the insurance company.

You guys grab some footage,

get the crew outta here.

Keep the girls quiet.

- Oh, f*ck, the girls.

What are we gonna do with them?

- I just told you what to do.

Get some footage.

Girls aren't goin' anywhere.

- f*ck me.

Move, Patrick!

- Sorry.

- I wanna go home.

- I know.

- We're almost there, sweetie.

It's okay.

- Seriously?

- The f*ck do you think you're doing?

- Hey, you signed a contract.

So until you leave the island,

we have a right to keep filming, okay?

- What's wrong with you?

Look, someone has d*ed.

- She clearly needs medical attention.

What the hell are we waiting for?

- We're working on it.

As soon as the boat gets back

after dropping off the crew,

we'll all be on the next one out.

- Wait, the next one?

Are you kidding me?

- Look, it's not my call.

Bill's keeping us on the island

until we can figure it out, okay?

Just hang tight.


- Garret wasn't the only one.

- What do you mean?

- Hannah, Abigail, Maya.

All these girls

disappeared without a trace

and no one has said anything.

There's a k*ller on this island,

and they're still with us.

- I wanna go home.

- We're gonna get you home.

- Patrick, please, put

Chloe on the cruise shuttle.

She needs to see a doctor.

- Shh!

Keep your voice down.

- Patrick, she just witnessed

a decapitation on your watch.

When we get home and we start

the circus of interviews,

how do you wanna come off?

- Okay, but if Bill asks,

no one saw anything.

Do you understand?

- Thank you.

- Okay, you're almost home.

We're gonna call you as

soon as we get back, okay?

- Thank you guys, for everything.

- We will see you on the other side.

- Is this everyone?

- Yeah.

Well, what's going on?

- They're just having a safety meeting.

- It's a little late for

that, don't you think?

- Hello?

Hello everybody, hi.

I just, if I could have your attention.

Come on a little closer.

I know that the season's

been cut short ,

but yeah, I just, I

wanted to say thank you.

I wanted to thank each

and every one of you.

If we didn't have a crew,

we wouldn't have a show.

So, Nicki?

- Oh, yeah.

Yeah, and I

know that we're going

through an awful lot right now,

but it wouldn't be "Love

at Last" without champagne,

so everybody grab a glass

and raise a toast to you,

to the crew, to the

backbone of "Love at Last,"

and to the memory of Garret Dalton.

Anyway, cheers.

- Give me that.


- We got the good stuff in the back.

Oh my God, what's happening?

- Oh my God.

- What the f*ck is going on?

- My God!

- Holy sh*t.

- Do something.

What am I supposed to do?

- Where's Bill?

- The champagne, it's the champagne.

Oh, Chloe!

- Okay, we need a boat, we

need a plane, we need...


We need to

get the f*ck out of here.


- Look, can we get our phone back?

- I can at least try something on mine.

- What?

Yeah, of course.

They're just over in holding.

- No one leaves this room.

- Bill!

- No one leaves this room.

We stay here together,

we keep our hands where we can see them,

and then when the rescue boat

arrives, we leave together.

Got it?

- f*ck this.


Hello? Can you hear me?

- Madison?

- Hey.

- Is everything okay?

- Yeah.

Look, I'm sorry I left like that.

I just couldn't stand around

knowing that someone in there-

- I know.

I can't shake the question why?

Chloe's dead.

The crew's dead.

Garret is dead.

I mean, who else has a

reason to k*ll anyone here?

- What are you saying?

- Look, I want to trust you Madison,

but I need to know.

- You need to know what?

There's nothing left to say.


Hey, can you hear me?

We need help.

We're Oxley Island.

What the?

Wait, stop.

No, f*ck!


- Rolling.

- Untie me, you assh*le.

- Congratulations, Jess Rose.

You are the final girl

in the historic 25th

season of "Love at Last."

How does it feel?

- Patrick, all those people?

Oh, you don't even know.

Let me, let me get you caught up to speed.






- No, no.

f*ck! Hello?

And you're the grand finale.

- Why?

Why would you?

- Uh, 10 years in this

God forsaken industry.

I mean, 10 miserable,

f*cking miserable years.

Do you think that I ever

wanted to work in reality TV?

- You're a monster.

- I'm...

Well, at least now I get to

be my own executive producer.

I just had to, you know,

switch up the genre.

It's really not that different

when you think about it.

Let me go, please.

I never wanted to be here.

I just wanna be home.

I have a daughter.

- I know.

That's what made you so interesting.

I was rooting for you the whole time.

You're not like all

these other girls, Jess,

which is why I'm gonna

give you the choice,

how you die.


That's an interesting choice.

I respect it.

- Hey!

Where is everybody?

Nobody came to get me.

Oh, God!

- Lance!


I can't believe those

bastards forgot about me.

I have been the face of this

franchise from Season 1,

and everybody leaves without me?

- I'm so glad you didn't leave.

let's get outta here.

- Oh, God!


We haven't wrapped yet.

What the f*ck?

- Jess?


We're not finished.

I was wrong.

You're all the same.

All you girls are the same.

You're just,


Pathetic, pathetic,

predictable, predictable actors.

Come to this island

pretending it's for love

but let's just cut the bullshit!


You just wanna be famous.

I'm just helping you get what you want!

I mean, think about it.

What's more famous than a

young, beautiful, dead girl?

- f*ck.

- Careful, Patrick.

Hot points.

- Jess?

- Lance!

- You know what?

This was definitely the

most dramatic season ever.

- Oh, Lance, I think I'm ready to ho home.

- Yes, me too.

- It's like a ghost town here.

- The team did their job.

Can't complain.

That's everything?

- Every gigabyte.

What about the girl?

- We threw so many

lawyers down her throat,

if she even threatens to break her NDA,

we'll sue her into oblivion.

Hm, well then,

I guess that's everything.

- Good.

Let's get outta here.

I hate comin' to set.

You hungry?

I know a great fish taco

place on the mainland.

Sounds good.

I wanna pitch you some

ideas for the next season.
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