Holiday Hotline (2023)

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Holiday Hotline (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Gracie? Mia?

What are you kids

doing up there?



My turkey?!

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for calling

the Holiday Hotline.

Holiday Hotline.

Let's talk Turkey!

You did what to your turkey?!

And bless you too.

Okay, it's a long story, but I

can't get it out of the dryer!

Oh, so you're saying I was

supposed to remove the bag

before cooking it?

Well, you see it's, um,

it''s stuck on the

end of my hockey stick.

Abby: The Holiday Hotline.

Every year, between

Thanksgiving and Christmas,

these poultry professionals

calm the nerves of over

100,000 turkey first-timers.

Sure, they could google it, but

there's nothing like talking

to a real live person.

Okay, alright.

Just take a deep breath.

We're going to get

through this together.

Abby: And speaking of real

people, that's me, Abby Mitchel,

after a month in America.

Yes, ma'am.

My name is Peggy.

Let's talk turkey!

Abby: Well, "sort of" me.

You might be wondering

how Abby could be

the same person as Peggy.

Well, it all started

back in England,

with some delicious

Yorkshire puddings.

My delicious

Yorkshire puddings!

No, Jason.

That's where

you're wrong.

They're MY

Yorkshire puddings.


Abby, darling,

what are you doing?

I read the

article, Jason.

They gave the restaurant

a wonderful review.

Maybe you've forgotten, but I

created that Yorkshire pudding.

It put this place

on the map.

And you didn't even

bother to mention my name.

Abby, darling, that

was an oversight, luv.

I don't think so.

You used me.

You took credit

for the pudding

and every other dish

I created here.


When I first started here

six, no, seven years ago,

you promised you'd

make me a head chef.

And you still

could be.


It's not just the article,

Jason, it's how you operate.

You're not


If you really loved me, you

wouldn't take advantage of me.

Please, darling,



Look, you're right.

I should have given you more

credit, but it's complicated.

I mean the public wants

to believe that...

But Abby, that, that's

not what it looks like.


I thought you were done

with that kind of thing.

I can explain.

I don't think so.

Betrayed me in work and

you betrayed me in love.

I'm done.

I quit.

I quit you and everything

that goes with it.

Abby: And just like that, seven

years as a sous chef in one of

London's finest restaurants,

most of which were in a rocky

relationship, were

tossed in the rubbish,

like a tray of

Yorkshire pudding.

Of course, I was devastated.

Fortunately for me, my Mum

and Dad had just the remedy.

Almost there, keep

your eyes closed.

Oh, no, no.

Okay, ready and, okay, okay,

stay there, stand there.

Open your eyes.

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

But, it's November.

We know how much

you love Christmas,

so we decided to

celebrate early.

We thought it might

help cheer you up.

And since you won't be

home for the holidays...

I won't?

Archie, you're gonna

ruin the surprise!

Not me.

Merry Christmas,


What's this?

You're going

to Chicago!

Aunt Dorene just moved to a

retirement village in Florida.

And her Chicago place is

just sitting empty until

it goes on the

market in January.

We thought a change

would do you good.

And get your mind off

the restaurant business.

And off that ridiculously

handsome chef.



He is handsome.

Well, even if

he's a bit dodgy.

I guess you're right.

I could use

some time away.

That's right!


Get a fresh


Out with the old,

in with the new.

The sun will come

up tomorrow.

Seat of honour.

Don't worry,


You will still be a

head chef someday.

I highly doubt that.

Truly, the last thing I want

to do right now is cook.

It only reminds me of him

and all the time I wasted,

and heartache.

If I even make toast in the

next year, it'll be too soon.

Don't be daft.

All you need is

a fresh start.

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

Alright, to a

new adventure!


without cooking!

Bon Appetit!

That bad, huh?

You should have

used the Slow Cooker.

Yeah, well, the

thing's busted.

But the oven

should've worked fine.

I mean its chicken.

How hard can it be?

That hard, huh?

Okay, we're

ordering in.


Alright, pick a

menu, any menu.


Wise choice.

Hey, Gina, it's...yep.


Yeah, and a side of...yup.

With extra, yeah.

Okay, great.

Okay, what do you say we get

started on your homework

while we wait, hmm?

How about we

do it later?

It's hard to think

on an empty stomach.

Nice try.

Holiday worksheet.

What's this?

Some dumb essay

I have to write.

Not so dumb.

What's your

favorite holiday?

Duh, Christmas,

of course.


And what's your

favorite tradition?

I don't know.

It doesn't matter.

What do you mean,

'it doesn't matter'?

C'mon, spill.

Well, I like to write

about Christmas dinner.

But we don't do

that anymore.

Sure, we do.

We go to Gramma's.

It's not the same as

doing it at our house.

I remember how it

used to feel here.

It was way better

at home, Dad.

I know it was.

But your mom was a

really great cook,

and she was great at planning,

and great at decorating

the table, and well,

pretty much everything.

You could do all that.

I can't even make a

chicken leg, sweetie.

And I'm pretty sure you can't

make a turkey in a Slow Cooker.

What do you say we hold off

on this essay for now, huh?

It's okay, I can write

about opening presents.

No, no, I'm gonna

figure it out.

I am sure I can

do a turkey.

I mean, I'm

pretty sure.

Pretty sure?


You okay to wait?


Oh, thank you so much.

Hey, Jack, let's go.

We need to be in Wicker

Park in twenty minutes.


You okay?

I've decided to have Christmas

dinner at our house this year.


First off, it's not

even Thanksgiving yet,

and secondly and much

more importantly,

you can't boil water.

Uh, well, I can learn.

We're gonna have a big

Christmas dinner at the house

just like we used to

before Nikki died.

Jessica deserves it.

We both do.

Okay, well, good

luck with that.

Oh, do you want me to

order Chinese now

or wait until


You're fired.

You can't fire me,

I'm your brother.

My name is

on the wall.

Look, all I'm saying is that

cooking a turkey dinner

is a big hill to

climb for anybody.

Why don't you give yourself

a break and take Jessica

to moms for

Christmas dinner?

Because it's not her

home, that's why.

Oh, excuse me, hello.

I'm sorry to

bother you.

But where might I

find the lift?

Oooh, a British accent!

Are you Abigail?

The chef?

I am.

But please

call me Abby.

Well, Abby, if you're

for an elevator...

Nothing but

stairs here.

Oh, dear.

I'm Margaret.

Your great-aunt Dorene told

me "The British Were Coming!"

You're in 16.

I'm just down

from you in 17.

Anything you need,

you just come on over.

But don't ring

the doorbell.

It's like nails on a

chalkboard for my hearing aid.

I won't.

Let me help you

with your bags.

Oh, no.

I've lived here for

fifty years, young lady.

And I may not look it but I am,

as my grandkids say, "ripped".

But still, I can't...

Too late!


Hang on!

Right behind you!

I just hope this doesn't

take too long, hon,

my shift starts at

eleven tonight

and I still

haven't slept.

Don't worry.

It'll be quick.

But once the restorations start,

it's gonna be a mess in there.

Well, I guess that means

I'll just have to spend

more time at

your place.

See, there's a silver

lining to everything.

And when Jack and I are

done with this place,

it is going to be so beautiful

you're not gonna want to leave.

Oh, well maybe I'll

call off the engagement

just so I can

stay here.

You know, I'm starting to

wonder if you said 'yes'

just for my

architectural skills.

Oh, but you

know I did.

Kissing the client?

Very unprofessional.

How about you

measure the suite?

And Erica will show

me the boiler room.

Don't worry, I promise to be

the ultimate professional.


Dorene said something

about you working for a posh

restaurant in London.

Oh, hi.

Yes, four years at the Royal

Academy of Culinary Arts,

and seven in

fine dining.

All sorts of complex

dishes, I would imagine.

Cornish Hen, Jellied

Eels, Beef Wellington?

The gamut, yes.

And now you're

making me hungry!

I can break a

twenty if needed.

Oh, uh, let me

see what I have.

I'm just

kidding, dear.

It's on the house.

And welcome

to Chicago.


Do you need some help?

Um, no, I, I think I've

got it sorted, thank you.


Whoa, whoa,

whoa, whoa!

What have you done?

Um, it's just a

door handle.

It can be fixed.

No, it can't.

It's original to

the building.

It's irreplaceable.

I'm sorry, I'm a little

confused as to why you have

any concern

about my door.

Do you own

the building?

No, no, I'm the architect

who's gonna be restoring

the apartments over

the next few years.

I don't think you


you just broke a

piece of history.

I'll find a


And for the record, I understand

the value of old things.

Where I'm from, this building

is practically brand new.

Huh, if I had a nickel

for every time someone

from Europe

said that...

Hey, hey, hey there.

Hi, I'm Mike, and this

is Erica, my finance.

Hi, I live just

down the hall.

I'm Abby.

Nice to meet you.

I'll be your new

neighbor for a while.

Oh great.

If I can get in.

Oh, don't worry, we'll

help you get inside.

So, what happened?

Disaster happened.


Ah, this is my

brother Jack.

Oh, we've met.

Don't worry, we'll find another

one somewhere in the city.

It's just gonna

take a little time.

What a measured,

appropriate response.

Thank you.


Know any good


You didn't have to be so prickly

with Erica's new neighbor.

I wasn't prickly.

Everything in that

building is priceless.

She shouldn't have been

yanking on the door handle.

C'mon, we know this has nothing

to do with the door handle.

What's up?

I don't know.

I guess I'm just

worried about Jessica

and making Christmas

normal for her again.

I have to get our

lives back on track.

I'm not sure I can pull it

off the same way Nikki did.

Maybe you're being a little

too hard on yourself.

Are you sure you can

go through with this?

Well, I have to,

now that I realize how

important it is for her.

You know, I've

been thinking, too,

Thanksgiving is

only two days away.

I can start by making a "trial

turkey", and bring it over

to mom and dads for

Thanksgiving, huh.

Oh, boy. That sounds

like a recipe for disaster.

Pun definitely intended.

C'mon, have a little

faith in your brother.

It's a turkey, how

hard could it be, huh?

And this coming

from the brother

who couldn't even

toast a pop tart.

I'm telling you, Mikey, I am

gonna step up to the plate

and make Christmas dinner,

at home, for Jessica.

I've got to swing for the

fences this year, man.

Okay, okay.

Move over Gordon Ramsey,

there's a new cook in town.


Oh, Margaret!

Good morning.

I'm so glad I

ran into you.

I'm in a bit

of a pickle.

A pickle?

Yeah, you see

I'm new at this.

I got a thirteen-pound turkey,

and Thanksgiving is tomorrow.


I'm so glad

you're here.

So, what should

I cook it at?

In a regular oven,

162 Celsius.

I mean 325 Fahrenheit for

three and a half hours.


Basting is fine, for an

elementary approach,

but you risk losing conduction

heat with each oven intrusion,

never mind that a herb-butter

browns just the same.

To brine or

not to brine?

Easy question.

It's a "no briner".

Sorry, bad joke.

Definitely brine.

You're so helpful.

And good.

Even better than

I expected.

What's that?

That is the turkey I'm

making for Thanksgiving.

You're making

a turkey?

What about gramma?

She's getting

the day off.

It's as hard as

a rock, Dad.

Doesn't it need

time to thaw?

Right, yeah.

I'm sure you're right,

and I'm gonna get to that,

right after breakfast.

Uh, cottage

cheese and fruit.

Save some for me.

You're new in town, so you're

probably looking for a job?

Oh, not really.

Well, you're in luck because

who doesn't need a little

extra cash around

the holidays?

That's lovely, Margaret,

but I'm not sure.

It's the perfect job!

Seasonal, part-time, and

you need to know someone

to get your foot

in the door.

But I'm not

looking for...

It's the

Holiday Hotline.

Let's talk Turkey!

I don't suppose you

have that in England.

Here, it's where folks from all

over the country call for help

with their

holiday turkeys.

And people talk

them through it?

Oh, not just "people".

Experts like

you and me.

But I thought you were

cooking your first turkey.

Sorry, but that

was a test.

I had to make sure

you were up to it.

Okay, I don't

quite understand.

I promised my family I'd show

up for Thanksgiving this year

and the grandkids

are counting on it.

So, please, keep it

on the hush-hush.


Some of the other ladies in the

building have been begging for

a spot on the hotline for years,

bribing me with baked goods.

Don't want the

gravy train to stop.

Got me?

But, Margaret...

That's right.

I need a sub

starting today.

I need you!

Holiday Hotline,

let's talk turkey.

Yeah, Margaret told me you

were very enthusiastic

about taking

the job.

Well, actually I only

agreed because she seemed

so terribly


That's rich.

Oh, Margaret said

you were a ringer.

And for a Brit, it seems

like you really know your way

around a

Thanksgiving turkey.

Thanks, Roger.

My mother's

American, actually.

So, Thanksgiving's always

been a special time for us.

And we are

thankful for that!

Here you go.

Okay, it's


You're live in

five, four, three...

Isn't that a TV thing?

Could you just let

me have my fun?


Holiday Hotline,

let's talk turkey.

I don't know.

My mother-in-law told me to

keep the plastic wrapping

on the turkey, to

seal in the juices.

Does your mother-in-law,

by chance,

have her knickers in a knot

because you're hosting

Thanksgiving this

year instead of her?

Her what in

a what-now?

Oh, sorry.

Do you think that could be why

she's giving you bad advice?


I hadn't thought

of that.

Thank you.

How long does a twenty-pound

turkey take to thaw?


Holiday Hotline,

let's talk turkey.

Can I defrost my turkey on

the roof rack of my car?

I'm driving from

Kenosha to Kalamazoo.

Hello, are you

still there?

Can the electric blanket be

on 'high' all night long?


I'm not sure if my turkey's

going to be ready in time.

What state is

your turkey in?


Oh no!

Is this a bad time?



Yes, I am

from England.

Defrost in the refrigerator.

No, we don't do Thanksgiving

there, but I can-

Happy Thanksgiving

to you, too.

Turkey trouble?

They don't think the British

know how to cook turkey.

Maybe I should just

use an American accent.

Would make this

a lot easier.

You can do that?

Of course!

My mom's American.

Watch this.

Thanks for calling

the Holiday Hotline.

My name is...

What should my

American name be?

What's wrong

with Abby?

I'm getting

into character.

Oh, okay.

Well, you're filling

for Margaret,

so Madge, Maggy, Peggy.

Peggy, perfect!


Let's talk turkey.

Hi, um,

this is John.



That is my

given name.

I'm talking to

a stranger.

Do you let strangers

call you Mikey?

I never understood how

anybody gets Jack from John

in the first place.

How can I help

you today, John?

Well, how much

time do you have?

Well, as long

as it takes.

So, why don't we start

at the beginning?

I assume you're having

turkey troubles.

Well, the trouble started

long before the turkey,

but that's a good

place to start.

What's the


Well, I have a twenty-pound

turkey and it's frozen solid.

Okay, sounds like

you're feeding an army.

When do you need it?

Technically for Thanksgiving,

tomorrow night.

But I thought

I'd start early.

And I don't want to

"fowl" this one up.

Um, sorry, that joke didn't

deserve the reaction it got.


Um, that was

a dad joke.

My daughter would

be mortified.

I'll allow it.

I bet your daughter is

proud of her father

for taking on the

turkey duties.

Yeah, well, that's the thing,

actually I'm struggling here

because I, I just...I want

to show her I can do this,

you know.

This is a test to see if we can

host Christmas dinner here,

like before.

Does mom usually

do the cooking?

She used to.

Oh, I'm sorry.

No, that's okay.

She, um, she's not

with us anymore.

I'm so sorry.


John, are you

still there?

Yeah, um, I think I

need to go actually.

Sorry to waste

your time.

But I-

You alright?


Oh, yes, fine.

Thank you.

Maybe that's enough for

your first go-round.

Tomorrow's the big day.

You need your rest for

the Thanksgiving rush.

Thanks Roger.

You don't have to

do that, you know.

Oh, hi.

What are you

doing here?

Well, I am the one

who broke the handle.

I thought maybe I

could find a new one.

What are you

doing here?

Well, as my brother

pointed out,

I was the one who was being

prickly the other day.

I thought maybe replacing

your handle would be

a way to apologize.

It's okay.

You're passionate

about your work.

I get it.

That's crackling -

antique kitchen bits.

Ou, Chicago

is pricey.

I'll have to take out

a loan just to buy

a pack of

crisps here.

That's chips, right?


Chips are fried


You mean

French fries.

No. The French stole the

idea from the British.

Uh, yeah, well of

course they did, hmm.

This thing's probably

got a hundred years of

memories baked onto it.

Oh, I hope not.

That's disgusting.

It's called seasoning.

That's what makes cast iron

skillets so wonderful

to cook with.


Do, do you cook?

I choose not to.


Yeah, well, actually

people ask me not to

because I'm beyond

terrible at it.

Speaking of which,

um, I better run

because I have to

pick up dinner.

Oh, me, too.

I'll let you know if I

find that door handle.

I promise not to

break it if you do!


Okay, sweetie,

there you go.

Dad, why is there a

turkey in the bathtub?

Oh, um...because

he was cold.

Hey, um, can I ask

you a question?

That's already

a question.


You know that

holiday essay.

I saw that you started writing

about 'Opening Presents'.

I thought you were gonna

wait to see if I could

step up with

the turkey.

It's okay, Dad.

A turkey's a lot harder than

fruit and cottage cheese.

I thought I'd

go easy on you.

Hmm, okay.

Good night,


I love you.

Good night, Dad.

Love you more.

No way, kiddo.

I love you more.

Well, I hope you had a lovely

evening at the spa last night.

Round two.

Holiday Hotline.

Let's talk turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving!

And thank you for

coming in early.

Today is basically

our Super Bowl.

I'm ready, willing

and almost awake.

Well, this afternoon, we will

be having our own Thanksgiving,

even while we make

others better.

We're basically one

big family here.

It's lovely.

I bet everyone misses

Margaret though.

Oh, well, I hear she's having

a ball with her grandkids.

Check this out.

Oh, she hasn't gotten the

hang of a selfie yet.


Oh, buckle up,

it's go time!

Holiday Hotline.

Let's talk turkey.

Is this Peggy?

I was hoping to

talk to Peggy.

Yes, this is Peggy.

Hi, um, this is John

from, from yesterday.


Yeah, I wanted

to apologize.

I was, I was going through

a thing, but I'm good now.

Hey, don't you worry.

I'm really glad

you called back.

Yeah, this turkey deal, it's

proving to be more challenging

than I thought.

You know, more often than

not, the biggest obstacle

when cooking a turkey

is the emotional part.

The emotional part?

Well, it can be


There are high expectations

around the holiday turkey.

And that

makes sense.

I've been avoiding

it all morning.

And it is scary,

but as I mentioned,

it brings up a lot.

I, I know it's not really my

place, but if you need to talk,

I'm happy to listen.

It might help.

Thank you, um, that's,

that's very kind.

The truth is I, I probably

don't talk about it enough.

But it's, um, the loss

is there all the time.

How long ago, if you

don't mind me asking?

Three years.

I see.

Yeah, I'm working my way through

it, but it's my daughter.

I just recently realize that

having Christmas dinner at home

is the thing that

she misses the most.

Food is a powerful

connector to memories.

Indeed, it is.

I guess I, I just, I worry that

no matter how I do with this,

it'll never be

what it was.

Healing takes time.

I'm...I'm just

learning that myself.

It's hard to let go of

what we thought our life

was going to be.


Hey, you're right.

It's the hardest

thing there is.

Don't give up, John.

Thanksgiving is a

perfect practice run.

You can get all

the kinks out,

and be ready for the

main event on Christmas.

And don't worry, the hotline

will be open all the way

through Christmas

Eve Day.

And you'll be there?


I can help you every

step of the way.

So, let's not

"fowl" it up.

Good one.

Um, thank you for

listening, means a lot.

Well, then, let's

keep going.

I'll talk you through

the prep process.

I'm all ears.

Of course, it's

my pleasure.

Happy Thanksgiving, John.

Hi, Mum.

Hi, Dad.

Hello, sweetheart!

Cheers, pet!

Are you eating a

microwave burrito?

What's wrong

with that?

Well, I don't think I've ever

seen you use the microwave

in your entire

adult life.

The act of actually cooking

just doesn't appeal right now.

It's no big deal.

So, how is

Thanksgiving in London?

Aces, brilliant.

But we missed your turkey and

your cranberry brie bites.

And I missed your glorious

Yorkshire pudding, of course.

Anyone miss me?

Or just my cooking?

Of course,

we missed you.

Hogwash, we're missing

you as we speak.

How are you

spending your time?

I'm, um, doing some

culinary consulting work,

while avoiding anyone

and anything to do with

the restaurant scene.

Oh, Abigail.

And I don't even want

to think about my future

until I get back.

I am on vacation from

thinking, cooking, dating,

and anything else ending in

"ing" that I can't think of

right now, because, as I said,

I am on vacation from thinking.

Are you


Of course.

Quite well,

as it happens.

Oh, can I

call you back?




You don't waste

any time, do you?

Oh, we take Christmas very

seriously around here.

And not just the

turkey dinner part.

Which I hear was

going very well.

And here's

your wreath.

Oh, so this is an

official thing?

Yep. Everyone

decorates their own.

There's a "best

door dcor" prize.

Which I

intend to win.

What's the prize?

The prize is lording

it over Carla in 32.

Well, I can't wait

to get started.

Is there somewhere

close by with Christmas

bits and bobs

I can use?

Okay, you are just

adorable with that accent.

There's a wonderful

little Christmas shop

a couple of blocks down.

It's a really good

gift shop, too.

You know, in case you wanted to

bring something back to London

for your boyfriend?

Or girlfriend?

Or miscellaneous

significant other?

None of the above.

But the shop

sounds lovely.

You know, Mike and I are headed

out to get a Christmas tree

if you want

to tag along.

And we won't be long 'cause

I've got to work tonight.

I don't think I'll be

getting a tree this year.

Decorating the wreath

is enough for me.

It's for the

main lobby.

We have a little tree

trimming party and everyone

puts one personal

ornament on it.

Something that

represents who they are.

You should come.

We Wish You a

Merry Christmas

We Wish You a Merry


We Wish You a Merry

Christmas and a...

I'll be right back.

...Happy New Year

Good tidings we bring

to you and your king

Don't you look lovely.

Merry Christmas.

What do you think?

Well, it's a bit

wobbly for the middle.

Hi Jack!

Hey, Jessica.

Fancy meeting

you two here.

But you two asked

us to meet you.

We did?

What's going

on with her?



You, too?



It's not

about you.

She wants to experience a

full-fledged American Christmas,

and that always

involves buying a tree!


Hi, Jack.



I think you mean

Black Friday.

But I'm, I'm guessing you

don't have that in England

because you don't

have Thanksgiving.

Actually, we do

have Black Friday.

Oh, I didn't

know that.

Commerce prevails!

And we also have

Taupe Tuesday.

But it's

kind of boring.

Because taupe is

a boring color.

It's not a

real thing.

I realize that's a mercy

laugh, but I'll take it.

It's not a mercy laugh,

but all Taupe Tuesday.

Yeah, that's a Jack

joke all day long.

It's like a dad

joke, just way worse.

He's probably jealous he

didn't come up with it.

Oh, thank you, Mike.

Oh, this is my

daughter, Jessica.

Jessica, this is Abby.

She's from

London, England.

Like Harry Potter?

Oh, Harry and

I go way back.

He's a fictional

character from a book.

Smart kid.

Yeah, sometimes too smart

for her own good, huh?

Well, it's very nice

to meet you, Jessica.

I was going to get some hot

cocoa if you'd like some?

Can I?

Sure, yeah.

All right,

come with me.

What's the matter?


wrong with it?

Whipped cream always

melts too fast.

I have a special

trick for that.

Hang on.

Excuse me,

strange request.

What is she doing?

Thank you very much.

Alright, take a sip.

And another one.

And one more.

Come on, guys, let's

go find a good tree.

No, you have to use

a meat thermometer.

There are lots of ways

to prepare a turkey.

You're so welcome.

Make sure you let the turkey

rest for twenty minutes.

You can do it.

Deglaze the pan?

So, am I supposed to take

it to, like, a body shop?

Holiday Hotline.

Let's talk turkey.

Yeah, all I want to

know is how do I wake up

a turkey after it rests, huh?

What do I,

give it a slap?

I mean it's already

dead, am I right?

Just tell it to wake

up and you'll be fine.

Merry Christmas.

Hey, not so fast.

Something tells me

that you know too much.

About how to make a delicious

cheese cake for dessert.


Oh, oh, yes, I do.

The secret is

cottage cheese.

Your secret's safe with me.


Holiday Hotline.

Let's talk turkey.


We have a caller

looking for Peggy.

It's John.

Does he always sound this

eager to talk to you?

I hadn't noticed.

You know when you lie, Santa

takes you off the nice list.

It's Father


I'm British,


Maybe I should tell John I'm

not really Peggy, or American.

No, you can't do that.

Why not?

Well, because he

opened up to you.

He, he was vulnerable with you,

and if he thinks you're just

playing games with him, well

he'll feel like a fool,

and he may never call

the hotline again.

He'll be too


You're right.

I don't want him to think I

didn't take his call seriously.

As a turkey

expert, I mean.

Oh, yes, of course.

And the other callers

have been responding

to me better as Peggy.

There you go.

Peggy lives! Ha-ha.

Line two.

Hi, John.

Hi, Peggy.

It's good to

hear from you.

How did

Thanksgiving go?

Well, I followed

your advice to a T,

except for the part about taking

it out of the oven on time.

Oh, no.


Anyway, my family had a

back-up turkey ready to go.

And I wasn't sure whether I

should be grateful or insulted.

Well, then there's

nowhere to go but up.

You still have time to

do another test turkey.

Well, that's actually

why I'm calling.

But now I'm

second-guessing myself.

Nope. You called.

We're doing this.

So, how many people would

you be serving on Christmas?

Five to seven.

My parents haven't decided if

they're going to Florida yet.

So maybe more

left overs.

I'd recommend a

twelve pounder.

Oh, okay.

To brine or not to brine,

that is the question!

Definitely brine.

It locks in so

much of the flavor.

Once it's thawed, call me

back, and we'll go from there.

Okay, but what if you're

not there when I call?

Well, everyone

here is an expert.

Yeah, I know, but I mean,

you know my

You know I'm still a little bit

embarrassed that I spilled

my guts like

that the other day.

Don't be.

Sometimes it takes talking

to someone you don't know

to really talk turkey.

Sorry, bad joke.

I am full of

those lately.

No, no, no.

You're right, because I know,

like, once I get through this,


else is gravy.

Okay, that is

so much worse.

Seriously though, if you do

want to make sure to get me

on the line, this week I'm here

from noon to eight central time.


I'm on the central

time zone, too.


That's where I am.

For some reason you

sound really far away.

Oh, yeah, that's, that's because

my daughter spilt a little bit

of orange juice

on my cell phone.

You know, like

a gallon or so.

Well, that

would do it.


Okay, so just

to be clear,

call back sometime this

week noon 'til eight?


All right, it's a

date...for talking turkey,

about actual turkey, not that

turkeys can talk that's...


Right, okay,

we'll talk then.



He lives in Chicago!

Blimey, were you


Uh, yeah.

This is my new

favorite show.

It's The Love Birds

with Peggy and John!

It's The Love

Birds with Peggy and John.

The Love Birds with

Peggy and John.

I just made that up.

Hey, want

to grab lunch?

I need a

twelve-pound turkey.

For lunch?

Seems excessive.

To try and make

at home, again.

What changed

your mind?

Seeing Jess have so much

fun at the tree lot.

She still loves

Christmas so much.

I owe it to her.

Plus, Peggy from the

Hotline is gonna help me.

Who-who really?

Okay, new topic.


Seemed like you and Abby

hit it off at the tree lot.

Why are you so determined

to pair me up with someone?

Because at some point, you

have to stop living in the past

and start thinking

about the future.

It's kind of hard to do when

my entire career is literally

all about the past.

Uh, our job is about honoring

it, not clinging to it.

And you know I wasn't

talking about work.

If you were planning on

breaking and entering,

you're doing it wrong.

I should've knocked.

This probably

looks creepy, huh?

If we hadn't already

met, definitely.

But since we've already

met...still creepy.


So, you found

the match.

All that angst

for nothing.

Yeah, I thought so.

But the holes

don't line up.

So, make new holes.

Whoa, are you insane?

I can't just drill

into this door.

It's more, it's more

precious than the handle!

And...I'm doing it

again, aren't I?

A little bit.


So, I shouldn't hammer a

large nail into the door

to hang my wreath?

You're k*lling me.

You don't have

a door hanger?


you know it?

The one thing I

forgot to pack.


Okay, give me

ten minutes.

Don't touch

the door, okay.

I think the Christmas

shop around the corner

probably has something.

Oh, I was going to

go there myself.

I need an ornament for the

building's tree-trimming party.

What's wrong?

You, you just reminded

me I haven't done the tree

with my kid.

My wife was much more

organized about these things.


Yeah, she was, yeah.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, thank you.

But it's been a while.

Let's just get you

that hanger, huh?

I'll get my coat.


It's that guy.

Thank you.

You didn't have

to buy it for me.

Oh, I'm not.

I'm buying it for your

poor, beleaguered door.

Plus, I thought I'd look

for an ornament for Jess.

We've been getting her one every

year since she was a baby,

so that way when

she grows up,

she'll have a

collection of her own.

There, just at

the back here.

Oh, this is perfect.

Jessica started playing guitar

this year, and by playing,

I mean not playing

any actual chords,

but fully committing to

the rock star aesthetic.


I think you missed

your calling.

Alright, your turn.


Well, the ornament for the

lobby tree is supposed to be

something that

represents each of us.


I think this is me more than

anything else right now.

You're sparkly

and overpriced?

I was going for multifaceted

and unpredictable.


You're incredibly



"For the multifaceted and

unpredictable person

in your life, who lights

up every room they're in."

Huh, you skipped

that last part.

I'm British.

We walk into a room and

deliberately avoid

attracting attention.

Hmm, so I shouldn't do

something like this?

Hey! Holiday Shoppers!

This here is Abby,

and she is visiting Chicago

all the way from London!

Can we get a

Merry Christmas?

Shoppers: Merry Christmas!

That's just cruel.

Well, thank you for

the unwanted attention.

And the wreath hanger.

Thank you for not destroying

any more of your apartment.

So, you're back

to that, huh?

Oh, I never left.

Think I have everything I

need for Operation Turkey.

Hope I'm up to it.

Don't worry, I've made an

extra-large pot of tea today,

so I'm here as long

as you need me.

I'm serious.

I can't mess this up.

There's only two

weeks 'til Christmas.

Hey, don't put so much

pressure on yourself.

Have some fun.

People have

fun doing this?

Of course,

you'll see.

Once you get the hang of it,

you start making it your own.

That's the

joy of cooking.

Or at least it

was for me once.

Oh, but not anymore?

I...I love it.

But, right now

talking about it,

it's less painful

than actually doing it.

It's complicated.

Try me.


My entire identity was wrapped

up in my cooking career...

and in a former


Those two worlds were more mixed

than they should have been.

Anyway, he was never

honest with me.

In fact, he...he was

lying to me all along.

I'm sorry that you had

to go through that.

I've dealt with my fair

share of lies, too.

But, um,

please, go on.

No, you go ahead.

Well, um, it was

my late wife.

She kept her illness

a secret for a while.

Even from me.

I know she did

it to protect me.

But, look, we don't

have to get into that.

I'd like to hear more about

you, if you feel open to it.

Well, the long and short

of it is I broke it off

and haven't wanted to go

back to anything like that.

I just wanted to see what

it was like to do something

else for a while.


So, you took a job that's

literally all about cooking?

This is different.

This is me helping people

find the joy I once had.

Right now, it's enough.

Ha, I'm not convinced I'll ever

put the word joy in cooking

in the same sentence.

Well, then let's start with

not miserable and cooking.

I can help.

You just have

to trust me.

I do trust you.

Even though

we've never met.

Which is...weird.

But a good weird.

A great weird.

Okay, you have

to meet this guy.

And live a lie

in real life?

That's the last

thing John needs.

Believe me.

Well, I am still rooting

for Peggy and John.

I said The Love

Birds, Peggy and John.

Love Birds,

Peggy and John.

The Love Birds,

Peggy and John.

I'm excited to see what

you made for the potluck!

Which dish is yours?

I made a trip to the market

and bought a baked brie.

You're really committed to

this no cooking thing, huh?

I am, and

it's liberating.

Did you hang your

ornament on the tree?

Oh, I almost forgot.





I wanted to get the

roast turkey ornament,

but I didn't want anyone

getting suspicious.

Good thinking!

So, which

ornament is yours?

It's an


Get it?

'Cause I'm old.

And you like fashion?

No, because I like

to drink them.

There you are!

I hope you don't mind,

I dragged jack here with me.

I wouldn't

say "dragged".

Did you two

bring ornaments?


Because we're


Yeah, and the T-squares

were too big.

Mine's a turkey foot!

A what?!

It's the little thingy that

holds IV tubes together.


turkey dinner!

Hang it up.

Lights up every room.

I'm British, remember.


Say Christmas crackers

All: Christmas crackers.

Alright, who moved

the mistletoe?

I may need that!

I really want to be

her when I grow old.

Oh, we all do.

So, Abby, have you gone to the

Christmaskindle market yet?

We're all going

tomorrow night.

Oh, I'm dying to go,

but I have to work.

Oh, I didn't realize you were

working while you were here.

I just thought you were

out sightseeing every day.

What do you do?

Oh, just some free

But aren't you working

at the hospital tomorrow?

My shift doesn't

start 'til 11.

You must be


When do you sleep?


What's that?

Abby, come with me.

I want to

introduce to someone.

Okay. Bye.

Nice save.

Need to keep the

gravy train chugging.


Oh, there's a lot you

can do with leftovers.

Oh, turkey meatballs,

turkey enchiladas.

My father used to make the best

turkey samosas around town.

Turkey pozole,

turkey croquettes.

Turkey tetrazzini, turkey

enchilada, turkey ramen,

turkey Caesar salad, turkey

Reuben, turkey chili,

turkey burgers, smoky turkey

corn chowder, turkey hash.

You should hang

up and call 911.

This is Peggy, now

let's talk turkey.


So, I'm lookin' at

a turkey from 1999,

sitting here in my

granny's freezer.

Margaret, is that you?

Who's this?

It's Abby.

But you said Peggy.

Where's your accent?

Are you even British?

I am, Margaret.

I just decided to use an

American accent for the hotline.

You don't really have a

24-year-old turkey, do you?


I was just trying to keep

you all on your toes.

I've enjoyed spending so

much time with my grandkids,

but I miss my

hotline family.

They miss you, too.

Maybe I could fill in

for you here and there?

You know, in case there's

something you want to do

while you're in Chicago?

Say, go the

Christmas Market?

It's a Chicago tradition,

which I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Deck the hall with

boughs of holly

Fa la la la la, la la la

So, what do you think of

Christmas in Chicago, Abby?

I imagine you prefer

more of a Dicken's vibe.

Did you just

say vibe?

Yeah, so what,

I'm hip.

Even worse.

It's a lot different

from London,

but I really like it.

And the architecture

in Chicago is stunning.

I truly had no idea how

beautiful it is here.

Have on done the

Burnham walk yet?

The Burnham walk?

Oh, it's Jack's

favorite area.

It's not really

an official thing,

but an area with

gorgeous architecture.

We can take her to

Mike's for the night.

Yeah, why you

deserve a night out.

Can I dad?


You sure?

Come on, Jack, I made an excuse

to watch my episodes of Bloomy.

It is a great show.

Okay, thanks, guys.

I'll pick you up first

thing in the morning, okay?


I love you so much.

I love you more.

I think they're leaving

us alone on purpose.

A hundred percent.

That historic route's

only a five-minute walk.

Shall we?

We shall.

So, that architecture was

greatly influenced by


Burnham's work.

Sort of a

hero of mine.

His designs are

timeless, classic.

My apartment building is

a similar style, right?


Dates back to

Burnham's time.


Now your whole door reaction

makes a lot more sense.


We're just trying to

preserve a part of the past,

and stop developers

from tearing it all down

and starting

from scratch.

I can understand

the temptation.

It's probably easier.

To be honest, I think

I've been trying to do that

with my life lately.

Start over

from scratch.

Is that why you

left London?


Too much history

and heartache.

Now thinking instead of tearing

everything down and throwing

it away, maybe I should restore

the parts that were beautiful.

Did I tell you

I was a chef?

You told me you

choose not to cook.

So, you can

see my dilemma.

I wish I'd known you

were a chef earlier.

You probably could

have helped me.

With what?

Oh, um, been trying to make a

turkey for Christmas dinner,

for Jessica.

Her mother used to do it, but

we haven't since she passed.

I can't believe I'm

gonna tell you this.

You don't have to tell me

anything you don't want to.

Just promise

not to judge me.

But I actually called that

Holiday Hotline for help.

Well, let's

talk turkey!

I know, it's

crazy, right?

The thing is the woman

on the phone...

she, she actually

really helped me.

Yeah, in more

ways than one.

You alright?


I...I think I had too

much of that spiced wine.

I should probably

just go home.

Yeah, that stuff

gets me, too.

I can, I

can take you.

No, thanks,

I'm fine.


Are you sure

you're okay?

Oh, thanks for the tour,

and everything you shared.

Means a lot to me.

More than you know.

Good night.

Good night.

Good gravy,

John is Jack?

Are you, are

you kidding?

I wish I were


I don't know

what to do.

I should have told him

right then and there.

Why didn't

I tell him?

Okay, let me

ask you this.

Which one of them do

you have feelings for?


And who does Jack

have feelings for?

I think both, too!

Oh, that's the problem!

He's gonna call

the hotline!

I don't know

what to do.

He trusts Peggy.

You're Peggy.

No, I'm Abby.

He can't handle a lie like

this, I know that now.

Not after everything

he's been through.

When he finds

out I'm Peggy,

he's not going to trust

either of us again.

We'll both lose him.

Again, you're,

you're both you.

Maybe when he calls, I

just shouldn't answer.

Oh, well, I thought this hotline

was about turkeys, not chickens.

Alright then, I'm going

to answer his call,

help him make

that turkey,

and then put

everything on the table.

So, you're telling me you're

torn between a random voice

on a phone, and an actual,

real-life, amazing woman?


Peggy helped me

open up again.

She helped me realize

that I could move on.

Yeah, but isn't Abby

doing that, too?

Yeah, but it's


I'm not even sure that Abby

wants whatever this is.

Come on, I've seen the

two of you together.

You have a real


I have one with

Peggy, too.


That's just over a

phone line though.

Is that enough

for you?

You're right.

I need to know if what I

have with Peggy is real.

I'll call her tomorrow,

make the turkey,

then I'll lay it

all on the line.

Thank you for calling

the Holiday Hotline.

Let's talk turkey!

Hi, Peggy.

John, hi.

Ready to make

some turkey?

More than ready.

Me, too.

La-la-la, la-la-la


Hey, yeah

I never knew the

meaning of Christmas

till you came into my life

I was lost in the dark

till you opened my heart

Like an angel shining bright

I wished on a star

And girl here you are

Let's not let this

moment go to baste.

Suddenly I realize


Let's not let this

moment go to baste.

Get it?

Get it?

Sorry, um,

dad joke again.

Because baste

rhymes with...

Waste...I get it.

I didn't realize,

but I guess that one was

a real thinker, huh?

I'm certainly

in thought.

Listen, I need-

John, I need

to tell you.

Cocoa emergency!

Like Abby does it!


Peggy, could I call

you back in five?

So, how did it go?

The bird is

in the oven.

Is that code?

No, it's actually

in the oven.


We never got to

talk about anything.

He's going to call me

back in five minutes.

It's Jack.

How did he

get my number?

Who cares.

Answer it.


Abby, hi, it's Jack.

Erica gave me

your number.

I hope that's okay.

Sure, of course.

I wanted to check on

you after last night.

Oh, I'm fine.

Thank you.

Sorry I left

so quickly.

That's okay.

So, you're

feeling better?



Um, listen I have a turkey in

the oven and I'd really love it

if you could come over

and try it when it's done.

You want me

to taste it?

Well, yeah, um,

you're a chef, right?

Yes, but so is-


I just, I just want to see

if you think it's good.

There's not a doubt in

my mind that it will be.

So, you'll come?

I'd love to.

I have a lot

to tell you.

Me, too.

I'll text you

the address.

Gobble, gobble, it's

the Holiday Hotline.

Yes, between noon

and eight p.m.

Well, I will, I

will let her know.

Okay, bye.

It's been

fifteen minutes.

Why hasn't John

called Peggy back?


Is he ghosting her?

You're asking if the guy that

just asked you to his house

is ghosting you?

I just really wanted

closure with John first.

Well, that's, that's

not gonna happen today.

That was John.

He wanted to leave Peggy, you, a

message that he would call her,

you, on the Hotline tomorrow,

and tell her, you, how it went.

How it went

with the turkey?

Or you.

So, Peggy's

his backup?

You're jealous

of yourself?

I know,

it's insane.

Hey, come on in.


Um, I brought

this for you.

Oh, thank you.

It smells really

good in here, Jack.

I think you did it!

Well, we'll see.

Hey, Abby!

Happy Christmas, Abby!


Oh, in case we have

hot cocoa later.

Thank you.

Can we, dad?


Oh, there's

the timer.

The turkey!

Moment of truth.

Oh, don't forget to let

it rest for 20 minutes.

To let the

juices settle.

Wow, look at you and

your turkey know-how.

You probably could have worked

at that Holiday Hotline

I called, huh?

Ha! Right?

No, that's...

Sorry, what

was that?


You did it, Dad!

Well, we don't

know that yet.

I'm nervous.

What if it's dry?

Only one way

to find out.

Okay, on three.

One, two, three.


It's so good!


Now we can have Christmas

dinner here, right?


Um, would you

want to join us?

I mean I, I know you don't have

any family here and my parents,

they decided to go to

Florida early this year.

So, it's just gonna

be Erica and Mike.

And me!

Oh, right, obviously.

We're having Christmas

dinner at home, yes!

It, it wouldn't

be like a date.

Unless you

wanted it to be.

But it, it

doesn't have to be.

Look, um, I

should stop talking.

I'd love to come.

Is this okay?

Very, but...

it's just...

Too soon?

It's complicated.


It is for me, too.

I just need a little more

time to figure things out.

Is this the, um, the

thing back in London?

Not really, no, um.

Okay, but whatever

it is, I can wait.

Did you tell that I,

I browned the turkey?


Hey, Jack.

Party's in here.

Are you coming?

I'll be right there.

I just have to

make a call first.

Okay, well, don't

take too long.

Rum balls are

almost gone.

John on line four.

All right then.

This is it.

Hi, John.

How was

the turkey?


thanks to you.

But, um, that's not

really why I'm calling.

Ah, I don't know

where to start.

Then I'll start.


I have to

get this out.

I wanted to call you one

last time and say thank you.

You have no idea what a

difference you've made

in my life.

You made me realize

that I was ready.

To make a turkey?

That...and to open

my heart again.

I've met

someone, Peggy.

Um, someone I,

I really like.

For the first time

in a long time.

That's wonderful.

I know that you and I had

a connection, too, but...

You don't have

to explain, John.

I really enjoyed

our talks.

But...I have to tell

you the truth.

I'm not who

you think I am.

Oh, hey.

I don't care what you look

like, or where you come from,

or, or any of that.

You know, to me,

you'll always be Peggy,

the beautiful voice on

the phone who helped me

open my heart again.

That's all that matters.

Merry Christmas, Peggy.

And, um...thank you

again, for everything.

Merry Christmas, John.

So, what happened?

He let Peggy go.

Well, maybe it's time

you let her go, too.

It's up to Abby

to come clean.

Alright, Hotline,

one hour to go,

then we hang up our

headsets for another season!

Holiday Hotline.

Let's talk turkey.

Hold on.

Explain to me one more

time how this happened.

Your kids put

what, where?

I roasted it with

the cars inside!

Oh, a turkey isn't

a garage, Henry!

Whatever you do, do not put the

frozen turkey into boiling oil.

Oh, well, then definitely if

you're having the family over,

a turkey matzo

ball soup, my gosh.

So, I don't have

any butcher's twine.

Would it be okay if I used

Christmas ribbon instead?

You can do it.

Well, use a shallow

roasting pan with a rack...

Coat the turkey with

oil or cooking spray...

White meat cooked to

165, dark meat to 180.

No, I would definitely not

recommend using a chainsaw!

What a plonker.

Okay, this is it.


fifty-nine...two o'clock!

Phone lines are

officially off.

Hey, we did

it, everyone!


Thank you!

Okay, everybody,

here we go.

The award for greatest tragedy

averted...for talking a lady out

of dropping an entire frozen

turkey into a deep fryer...


Thank you!

Let's get a

picture right here.

And now for the

Best Newcomer.

Well, who

else, Peggy!

Thank you, but Peggy

has left the building.


Oh, um.

Jack, wait, please!

You knew I was John and

you didn't tell me?

I wanted to, but-

But you didn't.

I trusted Peggy.

I trusted you.

Why would you

do that to me?

After everything

we talked about?

It's because of what

we talked about!

I was afraid if I told

you, you'd give up,

on Christmas dinner, on

opening up again and...on us.

That I was

in too deep.


That's why I

needed more time.

Time for what?


For what it's worth, everything

I shared as Peggy was true.

Those talks meant

the world to me.

And I'll always be

grateful for that.

I have to go.

I have to get ready for

dinner tomorrow night.

I'm assuming I'm

no longer invited.


Merry Christmas, Peggy.

Or Abby.

Or whoever you are.


You used

the name John.

That didn't

help either!

John is my name.


When we started talking,

we weren't just strangers.

I guess that much

hasn't changed, huh.

Hi, mum.

Abigail, how are you?

I'm fine but

you're up early.

We've got some

exciting news.

That chef friend of yours has

been trying to reach you.

The handsome one.

Yes, Diane,

she knows that.

Something about a new venue is

opening up in Covent Garden.

He's looking

for a head chef.

He's looking

for you.


Well, I'll

think about it.

I do miss home.

And maybe

I'm ready now.

To come back.

Start something

fresh, where I belong.

Mum: We do miss

you, darling.

Dad: Yes, Christmas isn't

the same without you.

You might not be

without me after all.

I'm coming home.

He wanted to

surprise you.

Abby, are you okay?

I didn't mean

to hurt him.

I wanted to help

him and Jessica.

I'm sorry...

Merry Christmas.


No, no.

Just let her be.

Come on.

Peggy, just a little

something to thank you for

helping me find my

Merry Christmas again.

All my best, John.

p.s. My closest

friends call me "Jack".

So, please do.

What, you were just

gonna leave without

saying goodbye?

And you carried

your own luggage?

That's my job!

I'm so sorry.

I, I thought you were

with your grandkids.

I left you a note.

I'll see my

family later.

Right now I just wanted

to say how sorry I am.

If I hadn't brought

you onto the hotline,

and you told you

not to say anything,

none of this mess

would've happened.

It's not your

fault, Margaret.

Jack and I just

weren't meant to be.

Are you sure

about that?

Well, this is me.

Thank you for being so

kind to me, Margaret.

And tell everyone in the

building I'll miss them.

Merry Christmas.

We're all sorry

to see you go.


Christmas, Abby.

Thank you.




What number are

you calling from?

A number you

haven't blocked yet.

I can't believe

it worked!

I...I heard about the

Covent Garden location.

Oh, it's gonna be

absolutely brilliant.

But you know I will need

someone who I can trust.

Someone who knows

how I do things.

Now, I realize that you'll

have some reservations,

but this would be

strictly professional.

I respect you for your

talent as a chef, Abby.

Now we'd be business partners,

but you'd run the entire show.

What do you think?

You know, Abby, you're a

brilliant chef, I mean,

you had me at the first taste

of your Yorkshire pudding.

Don't you want to

cook for me again?

No, Jason.

Not for you.

Happy Christmas.

Help with your bags?

How did you know

I wouldn't leave?

I didn't!

What am I, some kind of

magical Christmas fairy?

So, what are

you gonna do now?

I'm going to cook.

See the snowflakes falling

On your windowpane

Then you hear the calling

Folks to entertain

Is it him who's calling

Up into your chimney?

Say, can you hear that choir

And what they sing?

Winter's coming

and here's hoping that

it'd going to stay

But if it's not,

then what the heck,

it's still going to be OK'

This is it.

cause I've always got you

for a Christmas to

keep getting you

Mmm, mmm.

This is

incredible, Abby.

Peggy would

be proud!

You're ready,


So, what, I just

show up at his door

and hope he doesn't

slam it in my face?

Don't worry, no man in his

right mind is gonna walk away

from that Yorkshire

pudding...or you.

That is the cutest shirt

I've ever seen you wear.

Hey, you did it, Dad!


dinner at home!

Isn't it great?

It's amazing.


I didn't think

you had it in you.

Well, you actually pulled it

off...with a little help from

your friend

at the hotline.

Where's Abby?

When she

gonna be here?

She's not

coming, sweetie.

Why not?

You invited her.

And I set her a place.


She should be here, Dad.

She's right, you know.

I got nothing.

I need to see a

woman about a turkey.

You know, before

she flies the-

All: Just go!!!



I just wanted you to have

this for your dinner.

It's Yorkshire


It's kind of

my specialty.

When I came to Chicago, I

never wanted to make this,

or anything, ever again.

I lost my

love of cooking.

But you changed that.

You inspired me to want to help

people find the joy in it.

And because of that,

I rediscovered my

own joy of cooking.

I found myself again and now I

know what I want in my life.

It's all

because of you.

Anyway, I, I was just

going to leave this here

to say thank you.

I wish I'd done

everything differently.

I hope you can

forgive me, Jack.

I was on my way

to find you.

You were?

I have to admit, that part was

a lot easier than I expected.

You were really

looking for me?

I've been looking for

you for a long time.

I know you weren't

entirely upfront with me.

But I also know why.

It wasn't intentional.

And once I knew, I, I

didn't want to hurt you.

The thing is you

didn't hurt me.

You healed me.

I don't want

this to be over.

I don't care if you're Peggy

or Abby or Mrs. Claus herself.

I'm falling in

love with you.


Christmas, Jack.


Christmas, Abby.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas,


Where do we

get started?

Merry Christmas!

How did you know Christmas

crackers were my favorite?

Oh, my goodness.

Wow, this

looks incredible!

Did you see

what Jack made?



To Abby.

To Abby.

To Abby.


Merry Christmas

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