Ides of March, The (2011)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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Ides of March, The (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm not a Christian,
I'm not an Atheist.

I'm not Jewish,

I'm not Muslim.

My Religion...
What I believe in?

Is called, The Constitution Of
The United States Of America.

- Hang on.
- Did you get that?

Let me open this up.

If I'm not religious enough
for you, don't vote for me.

If I'm not... h...

Experience enough for
you, don't vote for me.

You know what,
Don't vote for me.

Don't... Don't do it.

Whatever you do, don't
vote for me. How's that?

- Okay.
- Okay, thanks.

Can we get the monitors
up a little, I'd like

the governor to be
able to hear himself?

You got it.

Also, are we gonna put
raisers under this

podiums, like we discussed
in the pre-conditions?

No, I know.

We canned inspection last night.

They'll make something
slide under there.

Okay, thank you.

It's just they're
few inches short.

It makes it hard for
him to read his notes.


Gentlemen, Thank you... and
I'll see you in few hours.

I didn't know the governor
has trouble reading

his notes. Why doesn't
he wear glasses?

No, he doesn't. Just,
Pullman's just 5/8.

He's gonna look like a Hobbit.


warwerwor Well, it all
comes down to this.

We are one week away,
from the Ohio Primary.

Two Democrats are left standing.

Senator Pullman of Arkansas...

Trailing Gov. Morris
of Pennsylvania.

Gov. Morris has mounted
a sizeable lead.

With two thousand and
fourty seven delegates.

Winning New Hampshire, California...
New York and Michigan.

But Sen. Pullman with thirteen
hundred and two delegates... /i>

Is still in the hunt,

Having won Florida
and Tennessee... /i>

And Virginia and Missouri.

A win in Ohio could
turn it all around.

For the Arkansas Senator.

One week from Tuesday, the all important
Hundred and sixty-one Ohio delegates... /i>

Could be the deciding factor.

Once again, it is true...

'As goes Ohio... o
goes the nation'.

SEN. Pullman: But you call
yourself a Christian.

- How would that matter?
- Let me quote.

Let me quote: " I have no Idea
what happens when we die."

Maybe, nothing. Maybe, it's
like before we were born".

You did write this Governor.

Let me be specific.

Please do.

I was raised a Catholic, and
I am no practising Catholic.

And I have no idea, What
happens after we die.

If the senator does, then... aybe
you should be The President.

Is that your idea
of being specific?

Let me be more specific.

Thank you.

I'm not a Christian
or an Atheist.

I'm not Jewish or Muslim.

What I believe...

My Religion is written on a piece
of paper called The Constitution.

Meaning, that I'd defend until my
dying breath your right to worship...

In whatever God you believe in.

As long as it doesn't
hurt others.

I believe, we should be judged as a country
by how we take care of the people...

who cannot take
care of themselves.

That's my religion!

If you think I'm not religious
enough, Don't vote for me.

If you think I'm not experience
enough or tall enough...

Then, don't vote for me.

'Cos I can't change
that to get elected.

I just want you to say out loud, If you
believe in the teachings of The Bible?

Is this a Democratic primary
or a general election?

Well, Governor whoever
wins this contest...

will be running for
The President.

And If you think, that
this questions...

won't be central in
the general election.

Then, you're living
in Fantasy Land!

I'm simply pointing
to the obvious.

We are running for President
of The United States.

Not, Student Council President.

f*cking National Security.

- Out of the park.
- Home run.

You know, I'm trying to
remember if the Democrats

have ever nominated
an Atheist before.

Well, we know they've
nominated a JackAss before.

That must've been you, that
did the prep work... teven.

Paul's not that clever.

You've always said the
brain stuffs about me.

I've had the Balls.

Well, it looks like you've
got some brains now, too.

Becareful, I just might
have to steal him from you.

What a Prick!

So... aul, tell me
something I don't know.

Tell me what's going
to happen on the 15th?


What do you think, Stevie?

- I think it's ours for the taking.
- What do you think?

What do you think... da?

I'm asking you.

Well, you tell me...
'll tell you.

If I have to say, I'd say...

It will be close. But,
You'll eek it out.


You see, she's trying
to get under my skin.

So, what's gonna happen?

Us... y Nine.

So, you're certain
you're gonna win here?

Certain? No. But,
confident? Yeah.

You just said,
you'll win by nine.

And I think that we will!

But I'm not gonna tell
you, It's a sure thing,

I mean, f*cking St.Gabriel could
blow his horn on election day...

and get his four horsemen to rig
the ballot box for Pullman...

and it wouldn't surprise me.

Six Presidentials that I've done
and I've never felt this good.

But, I'm not gonna sit here and
say... Yeah, hey... e'll win Ohio.

Not a chance.

In the last 30 years,
seventy-three Democrats

have run for President...
ow many have won?


That means, 70 guys have run with
the thought that they had a chance,

and they all lost.

So, you're saying... here's a
good chance that you won't win?

Don't twist my words, Ida.
What I'm saying is...

I'm not gonna promise
you we'll win.

But he's decorated by Bush Senior
from the first Gulf w*r...

He protested the second and he
left the state with a balance...

budget and the 4th
highest education rate.

The Republicans...

have no one out there,
that could touch this guy.

So, for this moment;

This election... this primary
is the presidential.

And that... Ida... Is
the state of the union.

And on that note...

I'm gonna take a shit.

So, Steven?

So, Ida.

Steven, Steven... teven.

Ida, Ida... da.

What's going on at the airport?


And getting on a plane.

That's what you do,
at the airport. Yeah.

Where's that plane going?


I'll give you three guesses.

He's not going back
to Head Quarters.


He's not going to Texas?

No need.

We're gonna split
Texas, so it's a wash.

What if I've said,
North Carolina?

I'll say, a guess.

He's going to North Carolina.

I can't neither
confirm or deny that.

I knew it. Now, tell me why?

I cannot do that.

I hate you.

You love me.

I love Paul, You... ate.

You love him, because he
gives you the scoops.

Sexual favours.

You're engaged?

If it meant a good scoop...
My fiancee will understand.

You're really buying
into this crap.

All this take back the
country nonsense.


I'm not naive, okay?

I've worked on more campaigns most people
will have, by the time they're 40.

I'm telling you...
This is the One!

You really have
drunk the cool-aid?

I have drunk. It's delicious!


I don't care if he happens to
be leading in the polls...

I don't care if he happens to
have all the right tools...

The truth is...

He's the only one...

that's gonna actually make a
differencein peoples lives.

Even the people, that hate him.

If Mike Morris is President,
this is more about us...

then it does about him.

I don't give a f*ck...
If he can't win.

He has to win.

Or what?

The world's gonna fall apart?

It won't matter.

Not one bit...

To the everyday lives of the
everyday f*ckers, who get up,

and work and eat and sleep.
Go back to work again.

If your boy wins...

You get a job in
the White House.

He looses, you're back at a
consulting firm on K-street.

That's it!

You used to know that, before you
got goosebumpy about this guy.

Mike Morris is a politician.

He's a nice guy.
They're all nice guys!

He will let you down.

Sooner or later.

This is 'off-off' the record.


Franklin Thompson...


Off the record.

Going through the
Governor, Steven and Me.

My lips are sealed.

Tomorrow I have a meeting
at Thompson's house.

He's going to endorse us?

After I'm done talking to
him. What do you think?

That's huge!

It's more than huge.

There's 356 pledged delegates...

They all travels with him;

Puts us over the top.

He said publicly, he's
not gonna endorse anybody.

Yeah, well...

That's what they all say, until
you get 'em alone at the room.

So, this is for real?


Just gotta put it in the bag.

When are you gonna announce?

Nope, that's all
you get for now.

Okay, listen up!

These are your new cellphones.

Shelley's pre-programmed
the numbers,

Thank you Shelley.
No personal calls.


If you loose them,

The D.M.C will come
to your house.

New cellphone, just
gave 'em all new ones.

I'll get it later.

Morris ON TV: I gotta
believe we can do it.

We have enemies, we
have to understand,

Why our enemies are our enemies?

And see if there's something
we can do about it.

Besides, just using
force. As we know...

From history, the answer to
extremism can't be extremism.

f*cking k*ll me.

Where did we get this?

Sometime, in Pennsylvania
before he annouce.

Thank God, he was in overseas.

Just get rid of it.

Yeah, but if this was already
placed, why would this bother us...

Are you f*cking stoned?

This is exact same piece The Republicans,
are gonna run against him in the general.

We don't need to brag about it.

"Hi, I'm Neville Chamberlain. I'd
like to be your Commander in Chief."

But then, this is
gonna come out anyways.

It's gonna come out.

But it's not gonna come out
'Paid For It by Us' pal.

You think there's any truth, in
this... ullman having investments...

diamond mines in Liberia?

Still checking on it.

But, we got it from a
blog, who the f*ck knows.

- I don't care, if it's true...
- I just wanna hear him denying it.

If it's true... reat!
Find out. If not...

let them spend the
day, telling The Post,

that he doesn't own a
diamond mine in Liberia.



We gotta counter that Christian
shit, we take it from last night.

I need the new 30
in 60 seconds spot.

We can show him in staff
meeting this afternoon.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Uhh... en wanted me to get
you sign off on this,

Before the staff meeting.

Thank you, I've been
waiting for this.

Anything interesting?

Just these some White Paper
I've to hand out tonight.

What's White Paper?

Negative shits.

Our guys do research... we feed it
to the press and we see what sticks.

What kind of negative shits?

You'll read it in
the paper tomorrow.

Which paper?

Any, any paper.

So, it's something big?

I wish it was something bigger.

It's just these...

transportation numbers I'm gonna have
to spend pretty hard to make it stick.

That's what you're
good at though, right?

I guess.

Tell him it's fine.

Did you get your new phone?


It's really exciting isn't it?

What are you, a bearcat?

Am I a what?

Cincinatti bearcat?

Ohh! No... 'm not from here.

I worked with you
in Iowa, actually.

That's right.

You changed something.

My hair?

You changed your hair?


I see.

I betcha, I look like a real
dumb-ass right now, huh?

No! Not at all.

You're the big man on campus.
I'm just a lowly intern.

Oh, it's not like that.

You get to stay at
The Millennium.

Okay? They put us in a Motel on
the other side of the river.

You're right. I am the
big man on campus.

Now you're starting to see.


We do have a better bar, though.

I've heard that.

You should come by, one night.

Have a drink with
the worker-bees.

I might do that.

I might do that.
What's a good night?

- Tonight's good.
- Tonight?

- Tuesday night?
- Yeah.

It's quite.

Quite's good.

Well, you have my number.

I do?

It's programmed right
there on your phone.

Uh huh.

Under... Mary.

I know your name is Mary.

My name is Molly.

That's what I'm hearing since.

Super Tuesday. All of a
sudden, I am a popular guy.

What are the polls telling you?

That Pullman's
negatives are high.

Coming at fourties.

Senator, we have an open
seat at White House.

Republicans have d*ck.

They're disorganised...

they can't find a nominee, that's
not a world class f*cked up.

They look lilke Democrats.

No Republicans are gonna
show up to vote their guy.

But if Pullman's got a Democratic nod,
they will show up to vote against him.

You think, if they won't for your guy, you
think Morris gets into the independents?

I sure do.

Senator, I'm a bit confused.

We need your delegates.

We need you,

your fund raising...

and I guess,

It was my understanding that,

your endorsement,
a week for Ohio-

would win this for us.

Thank you.


Hand me that Ice-bucket.

Is this Paul or is this you?

Paul knows and Paul agrees.

Ben, where's my outback
piece on National Service?

It's easy for me to
work off with that.

Got it right here.

Get me a hard copy, I hate
those f*cking things.

- Molly, can you grab that out for me.
- Yeah, one second.

- So, Governor if you wanna change...
- Just give me a sec, will you.

Your National Service isn't pulling the
same as the rest of your Domestic Policy.

I don't give a shit
about the polling...

Steven, I'm not gonna
play this game with you.

This is your, good cop-bad
cop act with Paul.

Good cop... ood cop.

I'm not changing it.

Here we go.

Alright, let's see.

It says, we're gonna...

Help them get education, We're
gonna create a national unity.

We're gonna teach young
people to trade.

And... e are going to get them out
of debt, from their college loans.

Now, where does that fail?

All of that is exactly
right, Governor.

It's just that, if you're
gonna do it... o it.

Make it mandatory,
not voluntary.

That'll poll well.


Everybody who turns eighteen or graduates
high-school gives two years of service...

to his or her country.

It could be in the
military, peace corps...

plant a f*cking trees...
don't care. And for that...

your college education
is paid for. Period.

We do all of that right here.

No, sir. You don't.

Not all the way.
Do it all the way.


- Paul likes this?
- Mmmhm.

You're my brain trust.

The beauty of it is, everybody
who's over the age of 18

or pass age of eligibility
will be for it.

Why not?

And all of the others?

Can't vote.

Too young.

Too bad.

You can't loose.

Uh, Steven?

You have a call on line 3.

It's your dad.


You and Ben get working on this stump
speech and you get me a hard copy.

And I'll write it my own words.

Don't forget your
Charlie Ross at Six.


What am I doing here?

It's on low form,
he's flying in.

Paul going?

Paul won't be here, but
Ben and I will take you.

Just don't tell me
someone just died.

Hey, Steve?

Who is this?

Tom Duffy.

Sorry about the dad bit.

I uh, I just figured you wouldn't my name
called out on Morris' Campaign Office.

What do you want?

You got a couple of minutes,
I'd like to sit down with you?

What for?

Well, it's important.

Well, if it's important, don't you
think you should be calling Paul?

- This is on the up and up, Steve.
- Just give me five minutes.

I can't be talking to you.

I hear you.

But if you have five minutes, I'm
gonna be on the Hadfort's sports bar.

For the next couple of hours.

I can't, Tom.

There won't be anybody there.


If you get the chance, there's
something I wanna show to you.

Paul, call me back.
It's important.

TOM: You're working
for the wrong man.

- You are working for the wrong man.
- Oh, on the contrary...

You're working for
the wrong man.

And you've got something that
the other guys don't have.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, what is that exactly?

Charm... s not the right word.

It is the right word.

No, it's more than that.

You exudes something.
You draw people in.

All reporters love you. Even
the ones that hates you.

Love you.

Cos, you play them all like
they're pieces on chess-board.

And you make it
look, effortless!

We both know, How hard it is.

Constantly be on guard...

weighing every word,
every moment.

From the outside, you
make it look easy.

People are scared of you, cos they
don't understand how you do it.

And they love you, for it!

And that is the most valuable
thing in this business.

The ability to win
people's respect,

By making them mistake
their fear, for love.

You can guess what
I'm gonna say next.

I don't think that I can.

I want you to work for us.

Well, you're kidding.

No, not in the least.

You're gonna loose Ohio.

I'm not.

You're sitting on about a six
percent lead on both polls.

Six percent of all
Democrats poll.


No. Six.

Doesn't matter.

Ohio is an open primary, right.

Independents and Republicans get to
vote on the Democratic candidates.

Do you think,
they like your guy?

A pro-choice tax and
spend the roof.

f*ck no! They hate him.

They think they can beat my guy.

But they're very
worried about yours.

So, start tomorrow morning, they're
gonna see a f*cking blitz.

Lymboyle, Hennedy all
those right wing blocks,

are starting the 'get
out the vote' campaign.

It's started already.

Every f*cking
conservative in Ohio...

Is gonna line up around the
block, to punch my guy's ticket.

And that's just one step!

Ohio's gone.

Polls don't mean shit.

Tomorrow morning,
everybody's gonna know.

And that's why, I want you to handle the
fall-out that we'll have in the press.

Oh, we got Thompson
in the bag, too.

I know for a fact, that
you don't have Thompson.

Well, we promised him
Secretary of State.

Ohio is over. It has
been over for weeks.

And now with
Thompson's delegates?

I'm thinking down
the road here, man.

That is why, I want you.

- I can't do it!
- Wring in straight at the top.

I don't need an answer
right this moment.

Look, I play dirty, alright.

I'm sorry to hear that.

But I don't have to
play dirty anymore.

You know why?

I got Morris!

None of this is about The
Democratic process, Steve.

It is about getting
your guy off.

This is the kind of shit
that The Republicans pull.

Yeah, You know what? This
is the kind of shit,

that The Republicans pull.

And it's about time,
that we learn from them.

They're meaner,
they are tougher...

They are more disciplined
than we are.

I've been in this business 25 years, and
I've seen way too many Democrats...

bite the dust.

Because they wouldn't get down the
mud, with the f*cking elephants!

Paul's my friend.

You wanna work for the friend...

or do you wanna work
for The President?

Think about it.

You got my number.


- Is there anymore...
- that we're doing?

Not that I'm aware of.

What's going on with Thompson?

Ahh, he wants something...

we'll be fine.

What's so important?

Nothing, I've figured it out.


I'll be on my cell,
if you need me.

I fly D.C... Omorrow. Will
be back tomorrow night.


I'll work on the.

Good man.

Check the blogs, if there's
any chatter. Would you?

Chatter? What kind of chatter?

I don't know. Just see what
they're talking about.

Steven, are you still single?

I'm married to the
campaign, Governor.

Married to the
campaign. Good answer.

Wall Street Journal has us
number holding steady...

Pullman dropped a point.


- When did they do that?
- I'm checking it out.

Governor, The Wall Street Journal numbers
are in and Pullman's down a point.

We are moving in
a right direction.

Ben, are you still single?

Married to the
campaign, Governor.

Crack team.

Make sure Charlie Ross has those
numbers before he goes on.

Get a copy of the show
before we leave too.

Is it a difficult decision?
I have to believe it is.

Would I do it?

No. But...

I can't see myself or anyone... certainly
not a government, telling a woman...

what she should
do with her body.

- So, you would appoint a Judge?
- We'd consider it arrogant...

to judge anyone... until
I've walked in their shoes.

But you're against
the death penalty?


Because of what it says
about us, as a society.

Suppose Governor,
It was your wife?

If she's m*rder*d?

What would I do?

It gets more complicated
when it's personal.


Well, If I could get to him.

I would find a way to k*ll him.

So, You... you governor
would impose a death penalty?

No, I would commit a crime, for
which I'd happily go to jail.

Then, why not let
the society, Do that?

Because society, has to be
better than the individual.

If I were to do that,
I would be wrong!

What about g*ns?

Isn't it time for commercial?

- This is a public television.
- We don't have any commercial.

That's unfortunate.

Where did you go after Iowa?

- California.
- Super Tuesday.

I had to got to New York.

I know.

You guys need even a lot
more help, over there.

So, Why politics?

Because the pay is
so good, obviously.

It seems like a very odd...


My dad is Jack Stearns.

He's a good guy.

He's an assh*le.

But, he is your boss.

He is not my boss.

He is the head of The DMC.

You don't work for The
Democratic National Committee?

No, I work for Paul.

Paul work for Morris. If Morris wins,
He's gonna be your Dad's Boss.

Don't tell my dad that.

I don't tell your
dad, a lot of things.


What time you got work tomorrow?

Nine A.M.

I'm showing the new interns
how to rope all call.

Cos I'm an experienced intern.

You see?

I see.

How old are you?

How old you think, I am?


You think I'm Thirty?

I am Sorry,

How old are you?


How old are you?

How old do you think, I am?



That's young.

Is it too young to
f*ck a thirty year old?


You see, Laws are different
in different States.


Your Hotel here in Kentucky,
It's frowned upon.


We go across the bridge in Ohio?

Oh, where your hotel is.

Yeah, surprisingly... hey're very laxed
in their Child Endangerment Laws.

- Do you have a car?
- I don't drive.

I took a cab.

I have the keys to
the campaign bus.

TV REPORTER: It fairness
this has been tried before.

'Operation Chaos' as
Russ Limbaugh called it.

Where, Republicans voted
for a Democrat... /i>

they thought they could beat
in the General Election.

We asked Sen. Pullman's
campaign manager... /i>

If he's happy the votes
of Right-Wingers?

Is it decisive?

No. Of course not.

But look, we believe that the polls
are within the margin of error.

And that the... h
Senator will win Ohio.

Yeah, What time is
Paul getting in?


Who do we talk to about polling?

I gotta get some internal polling at the
independents and f*cking wing nuts.

Do you want me to go?


What's that guy's name from
The Wall Street Journal?

You sound busy, I should go.

Can you hold on a second, I'd like
to talk to you about something.

Adler? Yeah, get
him on the line.

Nobody. The cleaning lady.

Get him on the line... nd tell him we're
gonna take the same position we always sat.

The race is a lot close
than the polling.

No, don't say that. Don't.

Just get him on the line, call
me... nd I'll take care of it.

I'm sorry.

Cleaning Lady?


You called me the cleaning lady.

You're not mad about
that, are you?

No, why would I be mad?


Oh hey! Look...

Your dad is an assh*le.

I'm gonna tell
him, you said that.

Yeah, do that.

You wanted to talk to
me about something?

Yeah, I just want it to be clear. I
don't want there to be any confusion.

I'm not gonna tell
anybody about last night.

- That'll be great. If we kept it between us.
- You know how people are.


Really wouldn't look good,
if you screwed an intern.

It's not like that.

It's not like I got drunk and
this happened. I like you.

I just don't want there to be
any expectations, you know.

Steven, you don't
have to say anything.


I just don't want you
to think I'm a player.

You're kind of a player.

I was being polite.


You were trying to pick me up.

No, I wasn't.

You're pretty obvious about it.

I was?


I thought, I was being
smooth and subtle.

No, you are pretty forward.

You are pretty forward.
Asking me in a bar.


I've been trying to
f*ck you for a while.


It's kinda slutty of me, huh?

I don't know.

I respected it in a strange way.


You have absolutely no idea,
how to tie a tie are you?

No, no... don't have a clue.

You're very mature.

For a teenager.

When are you coming back?

I'll be at the
event, a little late.

These cocksuckers...
f*cking dirty shit!

What happened with Thompson?



sold out m*therf*cker.

How bad is it?

I don't know.

I just... I'm running
the numbers, Paul.

Alright, I'll be
there in three hours.

I want hard numbers...
and the strategies.

Yeah, I'm on it.

I gotta go.

You, okay?

Yeah, I'm just trying to figure
out, how it stops in the mind.

The weather will
determind that.

If we get there.

We're gonna be fine.

We have to do it and...

It's the right thing to do.

And nothing bad happens when
you're doing the right thing.

Is this your personal theory?
Cos I can sh**t holes in it.

Roberta Clemedia on a
humanitarian flight.

Well, there is...

There's exceptions
to every rule.

So, how are you doing?

I think, we are fine now.

No, the campaign.
How are we doing?

Oh, Great.

Steven, you are not Paul.

I pay Paul, to use
the word 'Great',

I pay you to tell me the truth.

I think that we are solid.

Okay, Paul.

Governor, there's a big
difference between Paul and Me.

Paul only believes in winning. So,
he'll do or say anything, to win.

But, You wouldn't?

I'll do or say anything,
to what I believe it in.

But, I have to believe
in the cause.

Oh, you'll make a lousy consultant
when you're out on this line of work.

Well, I won't be out of work in this
line, as long as you are in it, Sir.

So, at best you got eight years.

And you'll end up with a nice little
consultant firm off Fairgate North.

Making 750 grand a year
eating at The Palm...

pimping out ex-senators to...

Saudi Princess.

Pimping out ex-presidents.

Well, I better win.


Now, I've been married for...

eleven years.

We have a normal marriage.

Which means, When
we disagree...

She wins.

But, what we never
disagree on is, How we're

gonna leave this planet
for our daughter.

Are we gonna leave
it, Better off...

or worse.

The riches people in this country,
don't pay their fair share.

And when they're asked
to, they cry socialism,

they use phrases like,
'redistribution of wealth'.

That scares everybody and
they all run and they hide.

For the record,

My campaign is vehemently against
the distribution of wealth,

to the riches Americans
by our government!

And I will run on that.

I met with Tom Duffy, yesterday.


You were on the plane,
when he called me.

And he asked, if we can
meet. I said, Why?

He said, it was very
important. And so, I did.

And I should've f*cking told you.
I'm sorry.

Stop! Stop!

Let me get this straight.
You met with Tom Duffy?


What did he want, Steven?

The gist, he wants to hire me.

He wants me to jump ship
and come and work for him.

This is really f*cking bad.

He told me that they
had poll numbers,

that had Pullman ahead by four.

And the big f*cking trouble is
he laid out their strategy...

rob all calls, traffic jam,
fake leave and Thompson.

They offered Thompson,
Secretary of State.

You know, How you fight
the w*r on terror?

You don't need their product
anymore, their product is oil,

Just don't need it
and they go away!

We don't have to b*mb anyone,

We don't have to
invade anyone!

If this is some kind of f*cking
practical... I mean...

My f*cking blood pressure is going
through the god damn roof, right now.

Paul, I'm sorry.

Believe me.

- I just didn't think it was true.
- It doesn't matter what you f*cking thought!

It matters what you did and it
matters, what you didn't do!

Because if all this shit is true?
I made a

f*cking ass out of myself
in Thompson's place...

And I gave away our game plan.

Please believe me that, I honestly
believed that you're gonna come back,

And you were gonna tell me that
we have Thompson in the bag.

I didn't see the point.

It doesn't make it
right, and I am sorry!

Let me think.

Let me think.

If I am your President...

the first thing I'd put in motion is ten
years from the day I take office...

No new car in America is run on
an internal combustion engine.

We will create hundreds of thousands
of new jobs. We will start...

the next technological

And we will lead
the world again!

Like we used to.

We get the governor right after
he finishes singing kumbayah,

and we give him
everything we know.

- Who do you want?
- You, Me and The Governor.

That's it!

What's he have, after?

- He has a fund raiser...
- We'll be late.

We are gonna tell him that if he doesn't
offer Thompson the Cabinet position...

He's not gonna get
the nomination.

And he's gonna go for it?

f*cking no, Steven.

Find us a room.

How do we look at the numbers?

We might pick up a few points,
but we loose by 3 or 4 percent.

Who the f*cking
knows, governor?

But we can't take the chance.

What do you think?

I think we follow up
the campaign in Ohio.

Take a loss, while the Republicans are
playing games, head to North Carolina.

I can't run from Ohio,
they'd k*ll us.

Not if you get
Thompson's endorsement.

I'm not gonna do it.
What does he want?

The FDA or something?

A Cabinet post.

Yeah, what labour?


Are you f*cking kidding me?

I'm gonna give Sec.
Of State to a guy who

wants to cut the top ten
floors off the U.N?

Paul, when we started this campaign, I said
I wasn't gonna make those kind of deals...

Gov. If we loose Ohio and they
get Thompson's delegates...

Then they get North Carolina,
Then, they get the lead!

A lead we can't beat.

But if we walk from Ohio... take Thompson,
give him the f*cking cabinet post

then we take North Carolina,

His state. Then,
Pennsylvania... your state...

and then, it's simple math...


Take his endorsement
and the race is over.

Paul, I respect you.

I respect your opinion.

I'm never gonna do it.

So, I suggest... we find a
way for me to win Ohio.

Anything else?

It's not gonna cut it.
I need to send it.

f*ck... ess, I gotta
call you back.

- All of them?
- All of them.

It's k*lling me!

Here's what I got so far.

Independent's aren't biting
what the Republicans are.

They're not gonna tell polls
to the devoting Democratics.

Alright, I also made a call
and I'm gonna get a 100 vans...

out of Covington and
Newport, Kentucky.

We don't need the f*cking vans.

We were the under-dog before we got into
this, and we continue to be the underdog.

Well then... yeah, we
always knew the number's

gonna get closer to closer
as it get to Tuesday.

We're not lowering expectations, have I
ever said to you that we had Ohio locked?

Well then, at least give me the courtesy
of printing that in the column.

What are you writing?

The greatest speech ever
given on hydrogen power.

The bar is set awefully
high on that one.

I know it.

I was hit up by Mitchel's wife,

for you to show up at her Daughters
of the American Revolution lucheon.

Who's Mitchel?

Congressman from the
first district.

You might wanna remember that.

f*cking congressman.

Can you imagine doing
this every two years?

No, I can't.

Let's just do it, one more time.

And four more years.

That's it.

That's a deal.

Do you think we'd loose Ohio?

I don't know.

If you took
Thompson's delegates.

The race would be over.

Ohio wouldn't matter.

Is Paul working on you?


They're good.

Is Thompson so bad?

He is a shit.

Is he worse than Pullman?

Yes, Steven.

I will tell them, I am gonna
draw a line on the sand,

then denial.

I'm gonna move it.

Fund raiser, union deals...
I will do any of it.

Negative ads?

I can't on this one,

Not, Thompson.

Tell Mrs. Mitchel, I'll
make her God damn luncheon.

All they'll do is
pat me on the head.

You've got great hair.

Gay marriage?

It's a silly argument.

Not to fifty percent
of Americans.

Over the age of fifty.

That's who votes...

That's who shows
up at the polls.

Well, that's changed.

And hopefully, the way we frame
the argument is as well.

But one can argue a
great difference...

Between, gender and race.

Not really. We used to ban inter-racial
marriages, women couldn't vote...


the guy from Procter and Gamble.

Keep an eye on the governor.


I don't know what's
going on there.

Wait, wait... wait. She's
got a point to make.

That's okay, go ahead.

The argument is that man and women can in
fact be considered separate but equal...

races cannot.

How so?

We have separate public bathrooms
for both man and women.

But, it will be illegal to have
separate bathrooms for two races.


Yes, now.

What time's this hearing?

- Nine O'clock.
- How're we doing?

We're doing good.

Hey, your phone rang.

Your phone rang.

Who's calling you at
2:30 in the morning?

I don't know.

Hmm? He asked you by name.

You answered it?

I thought, it was my phone.

Who's it?

I don't know.

Is it one of those
interns, drunk dialing it?

No, that never happens.

Let me see the number.

Ohh, boy!

I can't believe it.

- No... 'm calling him.
- Steven, stop! It's not funny.

- I'm saying, I'm your dad.
- Steven, it's not funny,

give me my phone.

Hang up.

Steven, hang up the phone!

Why is the governor calling
you, at 2:30 in the morning?


Why is the governor
calling you, at all?

I'm in trouble.

With the governor?

What's going on?

I was working on the
campaign in Iowa,

there was a party in Ben's room,
after the rally party in Des Moines.

There's a party,
with You and Ben...

and the governor?

No, he wasn't there.

Where was he?

I took him up a hard copy
of the polling numbers.

After the party?

It was around mid-night.

I just stood, in the
doorway with him.

Just... talking-for
a really long time.

He just reached behind
me and closed the door.

Jesus 'f*cking' Christ!

Were you drunk?

Not that drunk.

How many times?

It was just that once.

Does anybody know?

No one knows.

- Did anybody see you?
- No!

How can you know?

I know!

Then, why's he calling
you right now?

I called him first.


Because I didn't know,
who else to go to.

And I needed nine-hundred bucks.

For what?

I can't go to my dad.

We are Catholic.

So... hat should I do?


What's up?

What's our limit on petty cash?

It's about five-hundred.


I need everything we can get.

Is everythign okay?

You need help with anything?

Yeah, don't put
it in the books.

That's all.

Ohh, what should I
put in down instead?

Don't put it down, that's it.

Okay, anything above hundred,
I gotta put it down...

Just do it!


'Meet me at the
stairwell, at noon'.


I'll take that back.

Yes, Ida?

Stevie, off the record.

No, I cannot tell you, what
happened in North Carolina.

That's not what I
wanted to ask you about.

Okay, what?

You met with Duffy.

Who told you that?

A little bird.


Did you meet with him?

Where are you?

I know that you met with him in a
little bar in Cinci. Two days ago...

just before the
press conference.

Duffy ordered buffalo wings.

Who said that? Duffy?


What happened with Duffy?

Ida, you're supposed
to be my friend...

Why'd you wanna stickthe f*cking
knife at me, on a bullshit story?

Is that what you thought,
that we are friends?

I've given you anything
you've ever wanted.

Everything. Every
story... very scoop...

- You're entire profile with Paul.
- You're right, you've given me a lot.

But, let's get real here Steve.

The only reason you've ever treated me
well was that I work for The Times.

Not because I'm your friend.

You give me what I want... I
write you better stories.

Don't pretend, it's
any more than that.

Why did you meet with Duffy?

Go f*ck yourself!

Okay... 'll make it easier
on you, forget Duffy.

What happened in Paul
and Thompson's meeting?

Would you keep
your voice down?

Do you have any idea,
what this could do to me?

Of course, I do. That's why I'm
giving you a choice, here.

I could get fired.

So, it's not a
difficult one, Is it?

I've gotta file my
three pm, tomorrow.

You've got till then,
to make up your mind.

You m*therf*cker!

Excuse me?

You leaked it.

Leaked, what?

Don't bullshit me, Tom.

- Bullshit you?
- I have no idea what you're talking about.

I just spoke to Ida Horowicz.


She's treatening to
release the story.

What f*cking story?

That we met.

That we f*cking met!

How did she find out?

Don't... lay dumb, Tom.

You think, I leaked it to her?

Yeah, who else?

- You know what?
- I didn't leaked it to her, Steve.

Well, I know I didn't.
So, that leaves you.


What, what does she know?

She knows whatever you told her.

I swear to Jesus, I did not
leaked it to her, Steve.

I don't want the story
out anymore than you do.

Well, too late!

What did she tell you?

She know where we met,

she knows, when we met.

She knows, you had
f*cking buffalo wings...

She has a source?

Yeah, she has a source.

And, you have no
idea, Who it could be?

Yeah, You!

Well, for the record.

It was not me... and I didn't
have f*cking buffalo wings!

So, it's gotta be someone else.

Did you tell anyone?

No. Did you?


Did you admit to
meeting with me?



Then, we stonewall her,
and she's got nothing.

She's gonna take this story
to Drudge or to RollCall...

or to some shit like that.

You can't stop her?

She's trying to blackmail me.
She wants info about Thompson.

Well then tell her,
what she wants to know.

I can't do that.

You can't let
this story get out.

I'm not gonna be
blackmailed, Tom.

You don't have much
choice here, Steve.

If I tell her about Thompson...

I'm gonna have to tell her
that, he's endorsing you.

Well, then tell her.

I can handle it from my side,
if I start getting calls.

No f*cking way!

Paul told her we had
Thompson in the bag,

It's gonna make him look
like a f*cking fool!

He's gonna look like a
f*cking fool, anyway.

When Thompson endorses us.

I can't do it.

You know, you're on a
sinking ship, Steve.

Tell her what she wants to know.

And jump.

Come over to our side.

We can control this thing,

- Steve.
- I gotta go.

It's almost, eighteen
hundred bucks.

You gotta make the
appoinment now.

Like, today.

From a pay-phone.

I'll take you to the clinic,
and I'll pick you up.

But, no one else.

Do you understand?


Take the rest of the money and
buy yourself a ticket home.

You can't be here, anymore.
We can't afford it.

Not with anything, that's
gonna happen next week.

And the situation,
just can't be here.

You mean, I can't be here?


Steven, I wouldn't
tell anyone.

I hope not.

Then, Why?

Because, you f*cked up.

You and I both f*cked up.

That's true.

But, I have a responsibily to
him. And more importantly,

I have a responsibilty
to this campaign.

I can go to North Carolina
and work on the campaign.

Molly, you gotta
wake the f*ck up!

This is the big leagues.

It's mean.

When you make a mistake, you
loose the right to play.

Make the appoinment.

Tell me, when and
where we have to go.

Listen to this...

I got the placement
in The Times,

Bumped to like 600
f*cking articles...

Tom Duffy, 2008.

' This is a match up
between, Hope Versus Fear.

Nine times out of ten, the feared candidate
have to be the most experienced.

'But in our presidential races, the
least experienced candidates... /i>

almost always wins.

JFK v/s Nixon.

Carter v/s Ford.

Bush v/s Gore.

I like our chances with the
new kid on the block'.

Thomas f*cking Duffy.

He's gotta be having
a stroke right now.

I hate this shit.

I'm gonna come back and
this is all gonna be over.


We gotta take a
broader stroke here.

Re-think everything.

Yeah, I know how to handle it.

Look, Stevie just got here.

Can I call you back,
in a few minutes?

Okay, Bye.

The governor...

we had a good long
talk on the way back.

He's up to speed
with everything.

How did he take it?

Better than I
thought he would.

Still won't take
Thompson's endorsement.

Paul, I gotta tell you something,
I don't know how to tell you.

Huh... hat's up?

Ida knows that I met with Duffy.

I don't know, How she
knows. But, she knows.

She tried, to blackmaile me.

She said, she's gonna release the story,
Unless I tell her all the details,

about your meeting
with Thompson.

So, it's going to
end at the papers?


And whoever she takes it to, is gonna
call me and ask for statement.

If I deny the whole
thing all together,

but Duffy admits to it.
It's gonna look even worse,

And if I just...

say... o Comment. They're
not gonna let up.

I... eaked it to Ida.

At the event.

I don't understand.

We made a deal.

Paul, they are gonna...

they are gonna print that story
in the paper, tomorrow morning.

I know.

So, why'd you do it?

Why would you do that
to the campaign?

The campaign will survive.

Why would you do that to me?

Makes easier to let you go.


Why did you meet with Duffy?

I made a Mistake.

I made a stupid...



No, Steven. You didn't make a
mistake. You made a choice!

You called me and left a message to
call you back. That it was important.

And when I did... you told
me to forget about it.

You choose not to tell me.

Why did you made that choice?

- Because, Paul...
- I didn't think it was important.

Oh, f*ck Yes! You did.

But, you won't...
B'cos you're curious.

Because you felt
flattered, special.


you felt, special!

To think that, Duffy wants to
speak to you, Instead of me.

Because, you thought to yourself...
Maybe, I can get something out of this.

Because... 'cos it
made you feel 'Big'?

You know...

The first campaign I ran, was a
tiny little race in Kentucky.

Uh, State Senate seat... ou know, working
for some red-neck nobody named...

Sam McGuffry.

No staff. No money.
No f*cking office.

Everyone thought, we
didn't stand a chance.

No way, we can compete, right?

And about this time... his guy,

running this congressional campaign, a
few district over... ives me a call.

And he says, "I really liked what
you're able to do for poor old Sam."

"But, let's face it. He's goner. Why
don't you come and work for me"?

What did I do?

Well, Steven...

This is where, You
and I are different.

I told Sam, about the call.

"And Sam says to me..." Paul,

If you think this, other guys
got a chance of winning...

and if he can pay you more
than any I can afford...

and if it's what you feel...

"You need to do. Then, I
won't get in your way."

And I say, "Sam, you
took a chance on me",

and hired me when I was even
more of a nobody than you are".

So, I'll be damned... If
I was gonna jump ship.

Just because, the
shit hits the fan.

We lost that race.

But three years later, When Sam
decided to run for Governor...

Who do you think, he called?

We won that race, and 20 years
later... 'm where I am.

f*cking now!

There's only one thing I
value in this world, Steven.

That's loyalty.

And without it,
You're nothing!

And you have no one.

And in politics?

In f*cking politics,

It's the only currency
you can count on.

That's why I'm letting you go.

Not because, you're
not good enough.

Not because, I don't like you.

But, I value trust over skill.

I don't f*cking
trust you anymore.

- It doesn't matter whether you trust me, Paul.
- It matters if what the governor does.

The governor already knows!

And he thinks, it's the
right thing to do.

He does?

Yeah, and you know what?

If I were you...

I'd get a good night sleep.

B'cos, you're gonna get f*cking pounded
by call from the press, in the morning.

Ben: Hey, where were you today?


I'm not feeling
great today, Ben.

You picked a hell of a
day, to call in sick.

Jesus, it's f*cking
wild ass there.

Why? What happened?

Steven's off the campaign.

Paul fired him, some f*cking
set up about loyalty...

and it looks like, Steven
might've been doubling

down with Duffy, on the
Pullman campaign...

I was sitting in the room.

When Paul told Steven that he's fired. And
Steven said, who's gonna take over...

and Paul said, Me.

I know.

I know, I'm like...

easy there soldier. But
then, Steven goes apeshit,

Paul's giving him
speech about loyalty...

and, and then, shits on Steven
like I've never seen before.

Like humiliating shit.

When was this?

Molly, listen to me.

I'm gonna run the
campaign, under Paul.

Steven's going to Duffy, I...
just jumped three years ahead.

So, starting tomorrow morning...

we go into full damage control.

And I'm telling you...

Steven's going apeshit.

He said, he's taking
everybody down his way out.

Morris... Everybody!

Shit, I gotta take this.

Do you need anything?


- Where's Duffy?
- You got an appointment?

Joe, can we have the
room for a minute?

Thank you.

It's not too bright,

Walking in here
like that, Steve.

I am in.

I'm coming to work for you.

A reporter from Roll Call was
in here, this afternoon.

Yeah, I know who leaked it.


- Paul.
- You told Paul?

I told Paul and he leaked it.

Oh, Steve!

You shouldn't have
told him that.

I felt like I should.

I've worked with Paul.
He gets paranoid.


So, he fired you?

- I quit.
- No, you're lying to me.

- Come on, man.
- I quit!

I'm gonna give you everything!

I'm gonna give you his whole
strategy, I'm gonna give you all...

I don't need his whole
strategy. I already have it.

Paul gave it all to Thompson.

What if I had something else?

You would do that
to Morris, To Paul?

- Yeah.
- I don't know.

Revenge makes people

Steve, I can't have someone who's
unpredictable, who's unstable.

I'm not unstable.

If you had left Morris,

before the story broke... that'd be
one thing. That we could control.

But, like this?

Paul fires you... and then,
you wanna come work for me...

It makes me look like, I'm picking up the
scrapes. It puts Morris in the driver seat.

I can't have that.

What If, I had something big?

Like, what?

Something Big.

Something that'll
put Morris down.

What is it?

Give me the job.

No. That's not gonna happen.

I'm sorry.

Go take a nice long vacation.

You're a smart guy.

Everything that I said, the
other day is absolutely true.

But... ou know?

Maybe, politics isn't for you.

Politics is my life!

Oh, you know what?

Do yourself a
favour. Get out...


While you still can.

G... o into entertainment
or business.

Go open a f*cking
restaurant in Costa Rica.


Do something that's gonna
make you happy... Kay?

Cos if you stay in this
business long enough,

You're gonna get
jaded and cynical.

Like you?

Yeah, just like me!

- You knew I was gonna f*cking tell Paul.
- Didn't you?

No, I didn't know.

I thought, you might.
But, I didn't know.

- You knew I was gonna tell him, you knew...
- and you knew that he's gonna f*cking fire me.

Well, that's the
thing about Paul.

He's big on loyalty.

- Yeah, I know.
- I just got a big speech on it.

You were never gonna hire me?

Put yourself on my shoes, Steve.

You're opponent has the best
media mind in the country...

Working for his team.

What are you gonna do?

You're either gonna hire
him for yourself...

Or you're either gonna work
it, so, you can't have him?

The other team can't either.

This is a Win-win
situation for me.

And you come work for me, great!

Paul doesn't have you.

But, then again...

Paul fires you, I don't
want you... fine.

Paul still doesn't have you.

Either way, I win.

And the moment, I got you
sit down on that chair...

I know, I've won.

This is...

It's my life, that
you're talking about.

It doesn't make me happy,
doing this kind of thing.

Don't think, it gives me
any kind of pleasure.

No, I'm sorry for
you. I really am.

Take care of yourself.

Do you know her?

She is gone.

Molly ON PHONE: Where
are you? It's huh...

It's four something... they're
gonna close up in few minutes.

Steven, it's Ben.

Listen, What the f*ck?

Jesus... what're you gonna do?

Steven, uh... I just
heard from Ben.

Please... don't do
anything f*cked up.

God damn it! You m*therf*cker,

Pick up the phone!

Don't do this!

I'm not going away.

TV ANNOUNCER: The coroner
stated that, based on the

evidence found by the
police in that Hotel room;

That this was an
accidental overdose.

A lethal cocktail of alcohol
and prescription dr*gs.

Cincinatti Police Chief Daryl Matthews,
has called for a full investigation...

pending a toxicology report, which
could take up to two weeks.

Just a terrible, terrible situation
for the former Senator...

Now, DNC chairman Jake
Sterns and his family.

I want on the ticket,

You need me on that ticket, and
you could use my delegates.

And you need them
before Tuesday.

It'll make a fine story, on the
Sunday morning news cycle.

So, I expect to hear from
you, by noon tomorrow.

Or I endorse Pullman and
take that Cabinet seat.

Anything else, you wanna
talk about, Steven?

The entire staff is...

in the state of shock.

We send our condolences to Jack and
Joanna Sterns and their entire family.

Of course, our hearts
go out to them.

It's hard to imagine, what
they must be going through.

What we know right now is that,
it appears to have been...

a drug... n accidental

prescription overdose.

REPORTER: Is su1c1de ruled out?

We have no reason to believe...

I don't think we have any
information on that yet.

Obviously, there'll be
a full investigation.

We just wanted to say that,
our hearts go out...

Our prayers go out...

to the entire family.

She really is... she was
part of our family.

Did you know her well, Governor?

Not well... But
I did know her.

What I saw was a hard working
young woman with a...

great spirit.

It's just a sad day,
for the campaign.

And it's a sad day for those
of us who knows Jack.

Governor, how long has
she interned for you?

She'd only been on the road
with us for a few weeks.

Maybe, four weeks... think.

I can check.

Will you be continuing
with your schedule today?

Seems like you have something
you wanna talk to me about.

Does it seem that way?

You have something, you
think you have something...

you wanna get off your
chest. Why don't you?

- How about, I do the talking.
- And you do the listening?


As of tomorrow, there's gonna be
a few changes to your campaign.

Paul is out.

I am your Senior
Campaign Manager.

I'll draft the statement...

The campaign got to a point that
we need to make some changes.

You can put your own
words in there.

Why would I do that?

Because, you wanna win.

Because, you broke the
only rule in politics.

You wanna be President...

You can start a w*r...

You can lie, You can cheat...

You can bankrupt the country...

but you can't f*ck the interns.

They'll get you for that.

What do you think
you have, Steven?

A troubled young girl,
tells you a story...?

A troubled young
pregnant girl...

Is that what she told you?

Who needed cash
for an abortion!

What did you do? You
gave her money?

Maybe, she just needed cash. And
you're the perfect guy to hit up.

Is that your best play?

You need a job, that bad Steven?

You coming here, with
your d*ck in your hand...

You got nothing!

Then, how did I get in here?

You're right Mike.
There's nothing...

there's no voice messages...

no text... o e-mails...

no pictures and no
tape. And yet...

I'm standing right here.

Well, go home.

She left a note.

How would you know that?

I was cleaning up your mess.

I took her phone,
and I found a note.

I thought it was an accident.

I don't know, Mike.

You're gonna have to tell me...

You're the last
person she called.

Note says, she is pregnant.

Got an abortion...

and doesn't wanna hurt you.

Then why would she leave a
note, that can only do that?

She's twenty.

What do you want?

Paul's gone... today.

I set a meeting with You and Thompson,
and you promise him the ticket.

You get 356 pledged delegates...

You get North Carolina...
You take office...

You make right with so many
people that you've made wrong.

All the things that
we both believe in.

I don't believe in extortion... I don't
believe in tying myself to you...

for the next eight years!

- Four years.
- Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

What were you doing in her room?

House keeping, before
you make page one.

No, you were fired,
You were out.

What were you doing in her room?

I was fixing the situation.

I got a call, someone from the
hotel thought I could help...

and they called me.

So, you're off the campaign,

But you thought it
was important...

to fix things!

It was your voice, the
other night on the phone.

You were f*cking her.

What did you do, Steven?

I lend her some money
and I gave her a ride.

I bet you did.

There's no note.

- Okay, Mike.
- There's no note.

Show it to me.

You think I brought it here?

That's how people get hurt.


Let's play this out.

You're not wearing a wire, because
everything you've suggested is illegal.

And you wouldn't fare too
well, in federal prison.

You were f*cking her and she
told you about her situation.

There are no records or
conversation between the two of us.

And since, she's had abortion...

There's no DNA evidence.

So, there's no note.

It's word against mine.

Your word.

A fired, disgruntled employee...

or a sitting governor.

There's no note.

It's your call, Governor.

- Paul, you got a minute?
- Yeah.

TV REPORTER: How much could
a shake up like this... /i>

days before the Ohio
primary, Hurt a campaign?

I asked Paul Zara, How his firing
could actually help the candidate?

The governor and I both, felt that
in light of this changing numbers,

that it was best to put a
new face on the campaign...

Steven is very talented.

Very smart.

You always hear
people talk about,

Events out of sequence...

the order of things.

There's no greater grief, than a
parent laying a child during this.

She was a little girl...

trying to make it in a
very grown up world.

A world where, every
mistake is magnified.

And she was smart and pretty...

and so, so young.

Father, you asked us to
accept God's plan...

and to not question
his judgment.

With all due respect,

I don't accept to this judgment.

She made the world better!

Not just for me.

But for everyone she touched.

You should hire Jack
for a speech writer.

I'll keep it in mind.

You come here to see me?

No, friends of the family.

I got her the internship.

I've known her since
she was born.


The governor couldn't
make the flight?

He's meeting with Thompson.

Look at you.

All grown up with
tits and all.

I learned from the best.

Well, one day we'll
grab a beer and...

you could tell me, what you had
on the governor that put me out.

How do you know I didn't
have something on you?

You better get going...

You have a campaign to run and
I've got offices to look at.


Nice consulting firm,
out of K street.

A million a year.

No one to f*ck you over.

Sounds relaxing.

Doesn't it?

Thompson: The right man to
lead this nation of ours.

In this chanllenging times...

and... /i>

and the next President... /i>

of The United States
of America...

Governor Mike Morris!

And let me ask, one
very important thing.

That all of us stand,
shoulder to shoulder...

arm and arm, in a united
democrat party...

So, I strongly urge the
three hundred and fifty six

loyal delegates that I've
carried as a badge of honour...

Throw their support to the governor,
lets put this primary behind us...

And get on with the business of
sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue!

Thank you, God bless you... and God
Bless The United States of America!

Thank you.

Well, the polls
aren't quite closed.

But I do wanna congratulate Senator
Pullman and his republican constituents,

on their win here in Ohio.

Senator Thompson, I'm honoured
to stand with you here today.

And I'm humbled by
your kind words.

Thank you.

Ladies and Gentlement, today marks
the begining of the fight between...

Two sets of ideals.

Either we're gonna move forward or
we're going to live in the past?

Either we're going to lead the world again
on technology or we are going to bury,

our heads in the sands?

The sands of Saudi Arabia.
The sands of Iraq?

Either we are going to
let Greed and corruption

ruin our industries
and our shorelines...

or we are going to
take back our country?

We are not a nation used
to come in second...

or third?

Hey, Ben?

I was told to talk to you,
I'm suppose to get a phone.

And you are?

Joe Morris.

No relation.

You're a Beercat Joe Morris?

No, I'm from Columbus,
I'm a Buckeye.

You're making me look bad.

How so?

I filed the story that said
you're off the campaign...

And Thompson is
going to Pullman.

You can't believe
everything you read.

I just wanna give you an opportunity
to comment on my next story.

Says you delivered Thompson.

You got that 356 delegates,

you delivered the nomination. And all
you ask in return is Paul's job.

- Any chance of you confirming now?
- No press behind this point.

She's press.

I'll read about it
in the funny papers.

Come on, Steven?

Aren't we friends anymore?

You are my best friend, Ida.
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