12x21 - Battling a Cute Drama!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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12x21 - Battling a Cute Drama!

Post by bunniefuu »

BROCK: Once we're out of here, we're close to Shelter Town!

DAWN: That's right before Snowpoint City, right?

ASH: Yes! Almost there, Pikachu! PIKACHU: [PSYCHED]


DAWN: It's cold!

DAWN: Wow! Snow-covered mountains!

BROCK: From a long tunnel into snow country.

ASH: Great! Let's move it to the Pokémon Center!

NARRATOR: Snowpoint City, site of Ash's next Sinnoh Gym Battle,

will have to wait a bit longer, as our heroes have decided to

make a short stop in Shelter Town!

Sometimes it's hard to know,

Which way you're supposed to go.

But deep inside, you know you're strong.

If you follow your heart, you can't be wrong.

Stand up! [Stand up!]

For what is right. Be brave!

Get ready to fight.

Hold on! [Hold on!]

We're friends for life. And if we come,

together as one,

Complete the quest, that we've begun,

We will win the battle!

Galactic Battles! Pokémon!

BROCK: Let's take a short break!

ASH: Good idea!

DAWN: Hi there, Nurse Joy.

I'm Dawn, and I'm from Twinleaf Town! I was wondering:

Might there be a package for me?

NURSE JOY: Let's see, Dawn from Twinleaf Town. No I don't see

anything! I can let you know when it arrives!

DAWN: Please, and thank you!

DAWN: All right then.I know just the thing! It's time for a good

brushing, Buneary, so come on out!



DAWN: Excuse me,-is everything all right?

MARILYN: Couldn't be better!

You have got to be just the cutest thing! Your ears are

like.cotton candy, and those eyes! Those round eyebrows too!

Cute-to the max! Cute to the maximum max!!


MARILYN: Oopsee-daisy.Uh Hi My name's Marilyn and as you can

see, I can't control myself when I see mega cuteness! And this

Buneary of yours is the mega cutest I've ever seen!

DAWN: Thank you very much! My name's Dawn!

- ASH: And my name's Ash! - BROCK: Hi! My name's Brock!

MARILYN: I'll bet you all think the cuter a Pokémon is the

better they are, am I right?

BROCK: Well, cuteness isn't everything.

MARILYN: Now of course it is, they can't have evolved yet,

must be no more than feet talland most importantly look

absolutely lovely. And that is my own system for

- ranking cuteness. - ASH: Okay.

DAWN: Here's Piplup. What do you think?



DAWN: Come on, now. Don't you see Piplup hasn't evolved yet

and is under two feet tall. So based on what you said,

I think it fits your system to a tee!

MARILYN: Honestly? The head's shaped like a bowling ball, the

beak is annoying, and its eyes look like mud pies!

There's nothing cute at all going on there.


DAWN: Did I hear you right?

MARILYN: Come come, Dawny, smile!

- DAWN: Excuse me, it's Dawn. - MARILYN: Dawny's much cuter,

so starting today your name is Dawny!

DAWN: Sounds like another one of your rules!

MARILYN: I'd love to have a Battle with you and your

Buneary! What do you say, Dawny!

DAWN: Battle huh? Fine! I'd just love to have a battle with you!

MARILYN: Oh Dawny, this'll be great! Yippie! Yay! I'll be

waiting for you Dawny at the ring!


DAWN: That ditzy Marilyn annoys me to no end! Piplup!

I'll get her back for sure!


JAMES: That nerdy two-shoes must be really confident about her

Pokémon's cuteness!

JESSIE: When it comes to cuteness, I know from where I

speak! I'll be the judge of that!

MEOWTH: Well if that Poké-cutie's half as cute as

that sqwawk box claims, we'll give it to the boss as a gift!

BROCK: The battle will be one-on-one!

- Is a single match okay? - MARILYN: Totally!

- DAWN: Fine with me! - BROCK: All right battle begin!

DAWN: Buneary, go!


MARILYN: So cute! So cute! So cute!

BROCK: Marilyn, you need to call out a Pokémon too.

MARILYN: Oops! I guess I got a little distracted by Buneary's

cuteness! Cherubi! Come out cutely!


ASH: Hey, awesome, a Cherubi!

POKEDEX: Cherubi. The Cherry Pokémon. Cherubi's attached

small ball holds the nutrients needed for its evolution.


JESSIE: Well, there's no denying that darling rates ten

on the cute-o-meter.! That's one cutie all righty.

MEOWTH : Just think of when we hand over that doll-baby

to the Boss!

GIOVANNI [MEOWTH VOICE]: Another hard day,

another zillion dollars!


GIOVANNI [MEOWTH VOICE] : Yowza's! Cutie pie!

GIOVANNI: Cutie cutie, bless my soul! Makes me wanna rock and

roll! From now on, I don't care what kind of pain in the neck I

deal with! Because now you're gonna smooth out

the rough spots!

GIOVANNI: I must reward that also cute Meowth and his friends

too for cuteing me up when I was going down!

MEOWTH: We'll be the richest Team Rocketeers around!

- JAMES: Riches abound! - JESSIE: Love that sound!

JAMES: The coolest kids in town!

JAMES: Me and my big mouth!!

MARILYN: Now could any Pokémon be cuter than you Cherubi?


BROCK: Excuse me, Marilyn, but the battle's begun.

MARILYN: I just want to look at my cute Cherubi-poo a teeny

little bit longer, so go ahead and attack Dawny!

DAWN: Fine then! Glad to help you out!

Buneary, use Dizzy Punch!



MARILYN: That was the cutest fall I've ever seen! Awesome!

DAWN: Well if you're not going to attack, we'll move things

right along with Ice Beam!


MARILYN: Okay! Protect!


ASH: It used Protect so the Ice Beam shouldn't

have done a thing!

MARILYN: The agony! No one can stand and take it any

cuter than you!

DAWN: But, is that all you're thinking about?

ASH: I don't even think Marilyn cares about battling!


BROCK: Hey, I think Cherubi's putting on an act! It shouldn't

feel a thing while using Protect! If you're not going to

battle properly, we'll stop!

MARILYN: This is just starting to get good,

- so you stay out of this! - BROCK: Stay out of this?

MARILYN: You have to since I'm sure today's Battle will be the

world's most valiant Pokémon battle the world's ever seen!

BROCK: The most valiant battle?

MARILYN: Uh huh! When I see a Pokémon taking an attack,it gets

me right here in the heart! And then it gets me to feeling all

warm and fuzzy inside!

MARILYN: I simply don't know of anything that's more valiant

than that is! It has to be the best thing ever!

ASH: That's battling? It's nothing I've ever seen!

MARILYN: Ash, Pokémon battles are an art, and seeing a

super-cute Pokémon stand up to an opponent's att*cks and still

battle valiantly. That's what it's all about!

Why this kind of ultimate battle is the most

valiant experience one can have!

It isn't just valiant, it's super-duper

mega-mondo-colossal valiant!

BROCK: You're being inappropriate!

MARILYN: No! I am not!

BROCK: Look! In a Pokémon battle, competitors perform to

their best of their abilities by battling fair and square!

MARILYN: You should watch what you're saying Brocky, you're

sounding like an old geezer.

BROCK: Brocky? All right, the thing is you have to battle

back, or this won't be a battle. So either you do what I say,

or I'll have to disqualify you! Oh man!

MARILYN: I can't help it if he doesn't know what he's talking

about, but I guess we have no choice. All right, Cherubi,

time to battle back! CHERUBI: [EXCITED]

MARILYN: Now. Use Magical Leaf!

CHERUBI: [MAGICAL LEAF MOVE] DAWN: Quick Buneary, dodge it!



- ASH: Buneary's down! - MARILYN: Now Tackle!



DAWN: Buneary, you can do it! Dizzy Punch!

MARILYN: Dodge it valiantly!


MARILYN: Solar Beam!



DAWN: Buneary, no!

MARILYN: Not only is Buneary mega-cute, but it battles way

more valiantly than I thought!

Now it's time to show me lots more of that valiant spunk!


BROCK: Buneary is unable to battle and that means the

winners are Cherubi and Marilyn!

MARILYN: I wanted to see more of Buneary's valiant spirit,

but instead I overdid it and now it won't be a valiant battle!

DAWN: Well, I'll say this: it was unique.

ASH: Man what kind of battling was that? It looked like Marilyn

couldn't have cared less whether she won the thing or lost it!

BROCK: So, does this mean that's all there is? No!

This is not right!

JAMES: Meowth! That Pokémon is primed for poaching,

so make up a machine, mush!

MEOWTH: With what dough? If my wallet was flatter,

it'd need a back brace!

JESSIE: We don't need a machine when all we need is a dollop of

Pokémon cuteness!

JAMES: So we put forth one of our valiantly adorable Pokémon

for battle and then beat her at her own cutesy game!

Carnivine, bring out that cute face!

JAMES: The face is cute, but are the teeth necessary?

MEOWTH: Big, green, and toothy ain't cute!

JESSIE: Wait! What about Mime Jr.?

MEOWTH: It's that kind of level-headed thinking that makes

your critics wrong most of the time!

MARILYN: Valiant battling can sure make a victorious girl

hungry for lunch!

JESSIRILYN: Are you Marilyn, perchance?


JESSIRILYN: Hi! My name's Jessirilyn! Let's battle!

With my super-cute Pokémon!

MARILYN: Super-cute Pokémon!? Where, where? Where is it?!

JESSIRILYN: Come on out, cutie!


JESSIRILYN: Are we talking cute?

MARILYN: Okay, it hasn't evolved, and it isn't more than

two feet tall, but that red nose is such a cute faux pas!

It wouldn't ever make it onto my cute Pokémon list!


MARILYN: Sorry, maybe some other time.

JESSIRILYN: Well she's not on my list either.

JAMES: Forgive me! I never should've let Jessie talk me

into allowing you to be used as bait!

MEOWTH: Well, back to the old drawing board!

DAWN: Oh man, I don't think I'll ever understand

that Marilyn! PIPLUP: [FRUSTRATED]

ASH: I don't blame you! She sure does her own thing!

BROCK: I've decided to battle her next!

DAWN: Why?

BROCK: I can understand a Pokémon's cuteness being one of

its strong points, but this just doesn't sit right with me!

I don't want Marilyn to judge a Pokémon based on its looks!

What's important is the bond created between Pokémon and

Trainer! And when that's accomplished, any Pokémon can

shine as brightly as possible!

DAWN: Wow, you're so right!

Now you go set that Marilyn straight!

BROCK: Yes! I will!


MARILYN: Me? Battle against them?

BROCK: That's right. Take your pick!

DAWN: Excuse me Brock, don't you

think you're pushing it a little bit?

ASH: Yeah, Marilyn didn't even think Piplup was

that cute, remember?

BROCK: Hey! As far as I'm concerned, both Sudowoodo and

Croagunk are as cute as they can be!

DAWN: Right. I know just what Brock means!

MARILYN: Nope! No can do!

Don't you have any other Pokémon that are cute?

BROCK: I do have another one.

MARILYN: Great! I knew you had a cutie in there!

BROCK: But this Pokémon hasn't even participated in

any battles yet!

MARILYN: Well, I can already tell that this Pokémon's super

cute! C'mon, show me Brocky!

BROCK: All right.


MARILYN: Wow! It hasn't evolved yet and isn't more than two feet

tall and is super, mega cute!! Aww.I'll battle with you!

BROCK: Your call, Happiny! Wanna battle Marilyn?


BROCK: Happiny's in! But I want Sudowoodo and Croagunk in there

too! Let's have three matches!

MARILYN: I guess so. That's okay with me!

JAMES: Ahem, ref for hire! Get your official Ref!

I'm an official Pokémon Center Battle Referee!

- Anyone need a ref? - MARILYN: What perfect timing!

Would you be the Referee for our Pokémon battle, please Sir?

JAMES: Thought you'd never ask! Sure!

JESSIE: Just like clockwork!

As soon as her cute Pokémon are pooped out. we move in!

JAMES: All right! This will be a three-round battle with no

Pokémon substitutions! So! Battle.begin!

MARILYN: Cherubi! Come out, cutely!

BROCK: Sudowoodo let's go!


BROCK: Double-Edge, go!


MARILYN: Valiant!

BROCK: Will you stop getting excited over your

Pokémon's taking damage?

BROCK: A battle is supposed to connect the hearts of a Trainer

and their Pokémon!

MARILYN: Oh Brocky! Geezer time.

BROCK: Well if words can't convince you, I'll just have to

show you! Sudowoodo, use Mimic!



BROCK: Use Fake Tears too!


BROCK: Isn't that valiant?

MARILYN: It is! I'll give you two hundred points!

BROCK: Now you see, this proves every Pokémon is cute and has

and valiant side too!

MARILYN: You're right! Very valiant-Although in the cute

department I'd give it a zero points out of ten!

ASH: Well, she got part of it,

but I still can't figure that girl out!

DAWN: Okay Referee do something about this!

JAMES: Yes, Ma'am! I guess we need to see what other Pokémon

the girl has. Since this match is going nowhere fast,

I hereby declare it a tie!

BROCK: Sudowoodo return!

MARILYN: Cherubi, return valiantly!

- JAMES: Now, round two, begin! - BROCK: Croagunk, you're up!

MARILYN: Chingling! Come out.cutely!


DAWN: Boy, I can see why Marilyn has that one!


JESSIE: And, the cuteness just keeps on coming.

MEWOTH: Bet the third one makes me sick!

BROCK: Quick Croagunk, Poison Jab!



BROCK: Now, Poison Sting!



- MARILYN: Now that's valiant! - BROCK: Now Brick Break!


MARILYN: It's just like a fairy tale! Beauty battling the big,

bad beast!

DAWN: Will you stop goofing around and start battling?!

MARILYN: Pish-posh! Whatever.

Chingling, attack valiantly for me using Growl!



MARILYN: Now use Confusion!



JAMES: Is Croagunk unable to continue?

BROCK: No, wait! Croagunk can still battle!

Croagunk, get up, now! CROAGUNK: [STRUGGLING]

BROCK: Get up! You can do it, Croagunk!


BROCK: I know you can do it, Croagunk so just do it!


MARILYN: So valiant.

BROCK: Now you see? When a Trainer and their Pokémon's

hearts truly unite and become one, any Pokémon regardless of

their looks is valiant!

JAMES: All right, on with the match!



JAMES: Chingling is unable to battle! Croagunk gets the win!

MARILYN: Chingling, return valiantly!

BROCK: Croagunk, return too! Thanks for battling so hard!

BROCK: Do you see? The important thing is the bond

between a Trainer and their Pokémon!

MARILYN: Brocky, geezer time! But I admit I hear you now.

DAWN: I think Marilyn's changing her attitude!

JAMES: With Marilyn's first and second Pokémon as cute as

buttons, her third Pokémon must register completely off of the

cute chart! And now time for the third and final round!

JESSIE: Get ready for a cute Pokémon to end all cute Pokémon!

MEOWTH: I'm ready to melt!

MARILYN: Time out, just a sec!

DAWN: What's going on?

MARILYN: I'm going to use you!

I'm back! I've never ever used this Pokémon in a

battle before. But now I think it's a great idea!

BROCK: What do you mean by that?

MARILYN: Okay, I've always thought this Pokémon was the

cutest ever. People used to tease me all the time about how

weird they thought I was for thinking that way! So after that

I've been wrapped up in catching Pokémon that I knew

everyone would think are cute as well! You see?

BROCK: I see it now.

MARILYN: But Brocky, you taught me that it doesn't matter what

people think! Now, my darling, come out cutely!


JESSIE: That slimy Shellder's her cutest Pokémon!

MEOWTH: It's a nightmare!

MARILYN: This is hands-down my most mega - cutest Pokémon!

Don't you think Shellder's tongue is the most

charming thing ever?

ASH: I wonder if Brock really got in there after all! 'Course

after all this I'm not so sure.

DAWN: I'm sure she gets it even if just a little!

BROCK: Shellder, huh? That hard shell gives it a powerful

defense! If this gets drawn out, it's going to be one tough

battle! All right, Happiny! Let's go!

BROCK: Happiny! I know this's your first Battle!

I'm counting on you!

MARILYN: Let's win this for sure, Shellder!

JESSIE: Down we go! Excuse us! MARILYN: [SHOCKED]

JESSIE: Please. If you think the Boss is gonna swing with a

- Shellder you're nuts! - MARILYN: And who are you two?

DAWN: They're part of Team Rocket and they're bad guys who

steal people's Pokémon!

MEOWTH: Since Cherubi and Chingling are the cuties,

- we'll steal them! - JAMES: Here they are!

MARILYN: What's a referee doing in my purse?

ASH: He's one of Team Rocket, too!

MEOWTH: Not a great entrance, but what an exit.

JESSIE: .Stage right!

MARILYN: Shellder quick! Use Brine to catapult yourself!


JESSIE: Give us back those cutie Poké Balls!

MARILYN: Okay Shellder, use Ice Beam, then!


BROCK: Happiny, use Pound! Go!


JAMES: Why do things end up like this when we're much more

valiant than the Twerps?

MEWOTH: Tell them that!

JESSIE: Least I'm the mega-cutest!

- JAMES: Mega-looniest! - JESSIE: Not cool.

MARILYN: Great! Wow, thanks Shellder! You're the mega mega

mega mega mega cutest!

BROCK: Looks like we finally got through to her. Although beauty

is in the eye of the beholder,

a Pokémon's cute appearance isn't what's important!

DAWN: It was hard to be honest with herself after being really

hurt by all those things her friends said!

ASH: Any Pokémon can be cute for sure!


NURSE JOY: Dawn, your package has arrived!

DAWN: Thanks Nurse Joy!

ASH: Who's it from?

DAWN: It's from my mom! "I'm sure Snowpoint City will be cold

so I thought I'd send you a little something to help keep

you warm as well as something for Ash and Brock too!"

Hear that?

ASH: Whoa!


MARILYN: Wow! You guys look so mega cute!

NARRATOR: And so, not only have our heroes reaffirmed the

importance of the bond between Trainer and Pokémon, they're

ready for the cold temperatures of Snowpoint City! Ash's next

Sinnoh Gym Battle is close at hand, so stay tuned!
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