A Haunting in Cawdor (2015)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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A Haunting in Cawdor (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »


[Bus Driver] Last stop, Cawdor.

(bus engine running)

(train horn blowing)

(wind howling)

[First Witch] Beware the man

that swings from the rafters!

[Second Witch] Beware

the man that swings.

[Third Witch] Beware!

[First Witch] Who never

lets go, can't let go, beware!

(eerie music)

[Vivian] Have

you been here long?

Not really.

Maybe awhile, I'm not sure.

Feels like I've

been here forever,

my ride will be

here soon though.

Where are you going?

Not far, the

Cawdor Barn Theater.

I love the theater.

Something really special

about it, don't you think?

I've never been to the theater,

it's just something

that I have to do.

You'll like it.

Oh, my ride really

needs to hurry up,

I'm tired of waiting.

I'm tired of waiting.


Hey, are you okay?

(cans clanging)

[Roddy] Morning, Miss!

Good day for

collecting cans, huh?

You just get off the bus?

Uh yeah, yeah.

All right, well

welcome to Cawdor.

Nice having you in town,

you visiting friends?

No, working, at

The Barn Theater?

Oh, The Barn Theater,

that's such a great place.

It's been here as long

as I can remember.

But, you know, I

always stop in there

and say hi, they really like me.

You know what, I'll

come by and visit you.

Who are you?

I'm Roddy.


You going home after?


Nope, no, there is no home.

(car honking)

Oh, that's my ride.

See ya later, Vivian.

Wait, Roddy, did you

see where that girl...


Vivian, I am so

sorry, I am so behind.

(wind howling)

(soft piano music)

When the night speaks

far in the corridor

Asleep, the wind,

lullaby baby dear

Here in the dark, this lullaby

La la la, la la la

(song distorts and fades)

(blows whistle)

Everybody, tighten it up!

Eyes front, roll call!

You hear your name, I

wanna hear a yes sir!

Lance Cole.

Yes, sir.

[Charles] Brian Daly.


I said I wanna hear a yes sir,

you get it right!

Yes, sir.

Gary Baines.

Yes, sir.

Michael Cross.

Yes, sir!

Neil Stams.


Tina Bailey.

Yes, sir.

Mackenzie Cane.

Yes, sir!

Teri Welles.

Yes, sir.

Lisa LaFontaine.

Yes, sir.

Vivian Miller.

Yes, sir.

Okay, I wanna introduce you to

the Camp Coordinator and

Theater Owner, Mr.

Lawrence O'Neil.

Thank you, Chuck.

Welcome to The Barn Theater.

Because you've

earned enough points

for good behavior from the camps

you were are, we

were able to strike

a deal with your

Probation Officers

for you to complete

your phase three

work release program here.

Now as you've probably surmised,

this place is not

like any other camp.

In fact, we don't even

like to call it a camp.

The State does mandate

that we run it like one.

I won't lie to you,

there's tough chores ahead,

and you will need

to continue your

GED studies while

under our supervision.

In between, we will put on

a stage play for the locals

which falls under the category

of behavioral therapy.

Now it's a special

year, an anniversary.

After 20 long years,

we're gonna do

a play that's close to my heart.

Superstition says

that we never say

its name in the

theater, instead,

we refer to it as

The Scottish Play.

Participation is mandatory,

and you will get to

perform dual roles as well

as rotate backstage duties.

A word about security.

I want you to look around you.

Go ahead, look.

As you can see, there

are no fences here.

No barbed wire, no watchtower.

That's because

they're not necessary.

We're over 20 miles

from the nearest town,

you will be caught,

so put the idea

of escape out of your minds.

Our staff, Mr. Kosack will be in

charge of your work duties,

Mr. Seals, head of

our studies, and

I of course run the

theater program.

Make the most of your time here

and it will pass quickly.

Mr. Kosack will now give

you your orientation.

Thank you, Chuck.

[Charles] What, Brian?

I've never really acted before.

I'll chip in here,

fundraise or something,

I could maybe sell some weed.

It's kinda how I

came to be here.

I'll bet you're a fine actor.

Shit, you've been acting like a

f*cking assh*le for

a long time, right?

Unlike the courts, we don't do a

three strikes and

you're out around here.

One rule violation

and you're gone.

The judge will double your time.

You will be behind

bars until the

snow flies next

Christmas, any questions?


Seriously, I'm no actress,

so what am I supposed to do?

Well, you can address

me as Sir, little girl,

and when it comes

time for the play

you can stand in the back

and be a f*cking tree.

I don't really care.

Meantime, you can

clean the shitters.

Now let me be perfectly clear.

I can't make you do anything

you don't want to do,

but I can make you wish you had.

Trust me.

Let's go!

(dramatic music)

Welcome to your new home

for the next three months.

By day, it's a working

scene shop for set building,

we got your paint

room, my tools which

will be locked up,

and by night you

got your sleeping quarters.

Big curtain on the

ceiling comes down

every night for

a little privacy.

Men over there,

women on this side.


It's gonna get

cold pretty soon,

you got any heaters

to keep it warm?

We got some space heaters

if it gets too cold.

Some barn fans

for some air flow.

Up at 6 AM for roll

call, calisthenics,

breakfast, and then

the fun begins.

Paintings, grounds striders,


set building, and

rehearsals for Macbeth.

[Tina] Thought

that was bad luck.

Ah, that's just theater folk.

I apprenticed at

Chino State Prison.

We didn't worry about no

Shakespeare curse up in there.

Moving on!

(dramatic music)

All right, everybody

grab a seat.

All right.

Back there, dressing

room for the guys,

women's on the

opposite side, got

lockers and showers inside.

TV room for a couple hours

after dinner for fun.

No cable, but all the plays

we've ever done on DVD.


With cable down here, you

little shits would never leave.

It's a couple hours after

dinner and then lights out.

Ladies, stay put.

Men, follow me.

Come on, all right, let's go.

Let's go, let's go!

All right.

Your name, padlock, and key are

on your locker, lose your key,

you run a couple extra

miles in the morning.

If I catch you

stealing, I call your

probation officer after

I kick your sorry ass.


You feel me?

Work clothes are in your locker.

Dress and be out front in 15.

Man, love that guy!

Dude, he'd just as soon

shiv ya as look at ya.

Chino State Prison,

man, he'll mess you up.

Go get him, man, we'll

all be right behind you.


Big slow bastard, wouldn't

know what hit him.

Cool down, sweetheart, or it's

gonna be a long three months.


All right, dress and

be out front in 10.

Well, we're not waking up from

this nightmare anytime soon.

Let's go.


I think I need to get in there.

Oh, sorry.

No problem.

I don't think we've met yet.

I'm Tina.

Possession of a controlled

substance and a DUI.

Hell of a night.

I'm Vivian.

What, no sharing

your rap sheet?

Oh, shoplifting, I got

caught one too many time.

Life in the big city.

(eerie music)

(loud bang)

(loud bang)

(ghostly whispers)

Number 10, late!

Sorry, sir.

Okay, work details.

On this board each

morning, start

your day looking at it.

It's already past noon,

be a short one today.

All right, dinner

bell rings at 6 PM,

after that Mr. O'Neil

will talk to you

about the show and

tomorrow's auditions.

Okay, find your

job, get to work!

Let's go!

Brush clearing?

Bunch of shit.

What the hell are

you bitching about,

me and Vivian gotta

clean toilets.

Well ladies, you get bored in

there, I could entertain you.

Oh dream on!

Let's go.

(wood chipper running)

Don't stand there,

dummy, it's dangerous!

Pay attention, huh?

All right, there's

the wood pile.

I want you to finish

that before dinner.

You're kidding, anything else?

Yeah, watch out for snakes.

(wood chipper revs)


Supplies are here.

Mmmm, I'm gonna go check

out the girl's bathroom.

I'll be right back.

(door opening)

(stall doors

opening and closing)

[Roddy] Hey!


What are you doing here?

I told you, I come

by here sometimes,

I saw your name

on the board and,

you know, saw

where they put you.

I'm sorry, are you okay?


Anyway, hi.


Kind of stinks in here.

It wasn't me.

Yeah, well I've cleaned worse.

Roddy, maybe you

shouldn't hang around,

Charles might not like visitors.

They like me

here, it's all good.

When did you work here?

(wood chipper running)

You know what, I don't

wanna get you in trouble.


Charles might be off his meds.


I'll be around this Fall.

Now I got a reason to visit.



Help me please, help me!


Hurry, it's Brian!

[Charles] What

the hell happened?!

g*dd*mn chipper!

Almost chewed me up

is what happened!

I told you, you

gotta pay attention.

You're lucky I saw you

and hit that k*ll switch.

Could have had Brian

chips all over.


It's not funny!

I nearly died!

g*dd*mn chipper

tried to k*ll me.

Okay guys, hang back.

Ladies first.

Our meals are a

little different here

than what you get in Juvie.

This is food you

can actually eat.

Go ahead.

Tonight, we got beef stroganoff,

fresh lake trout, some kind of

vegetable, strawberry shortcake.

I got my eye on you.

(classical music)

Well what kind of

group we got this year?

Eh, nothing I can't handle.

Eyes front!

[Lawrence] Let's see what

these kids are made of.

All right, who here...

Has heard of

William Shakespeare?



Well William Shakespeare

is considered

to be the greatest

playwright known to mankind.

In fact, every 12

minutes one of his

plays is being performed

somewhere in the world.

Now why is that, hmm?


400 years ago, he

was writing about

things that still matter,

that still resonate today.

w*r, sex, v*olence, betrayal,

ambition, lust, m*rder.

Things that I'm sure some

of you can relate to.


Now this play...

This play is about a man's...

Ultimate quest for power.

And his wife's driving

ambition to achieve

their dreams at any cost.

It's perhaps the most

violent of his plays

and includes all

the things I just

mentioned including witchcraft.


Which accounts for

the superstition

associated with the play.

Now I don't want you to be

intimidated by the text.

Don't overanalyze it, okay?

All the answers you need

are right there on the page.

Now of course if you

have any questions,

you can always come

to me or to Frank.

We'll be happy to help you.

I will bend and twist

you band of misfits

and delinquents into

the most marvelous

characters ever

written for the stage.

We start tomorrow,

so hit the script,

and I'll see you all

in the morning, okay?


[Charles] Okay, wrap it up!

Lights out at nine.

Hey, we're all gonna go watch

old plays in the TV

room, wanna come?


So on a scale of

one to 10, how bad

do you think this run's

gonna be in the morning?


Uhh, Man of La Mancha?

[Lance] No!


[Brian] A Flea in Her Ear!

[Lance] Oh sweet Jesus, no!

[Brian] Richard the Third.

[Tina] Oh come on, blech!

Yeah, here we go, crazy kids,

stabbing horses, nudity!

Equus it is!

[Voiceover] Have you never

seen a DVD player before?

You know (mumble).

[Tina] Okay, all right.


This one particular horse

called Nugget, he embraces.

The animal digs his snout into

his cheek, and in the dark.

[Melissa] (on TV screen)

Take your sweater off.

[Kevin] (on TV screen) What?

I will if you will.

(eerie music)

(door lock clicks)

(ghostly whispers)

I put it in her.


(door creaks open)

(whispers intensify)

[Voiceover] (on TV

screen) He was in the way.

[Kevin] (on TV screen) No!

No more!

No more!

Equus, thou God seeth nothing!


k*ll me, k*ll me, k*ll me!

[Tina] Well that was

some f*cked up shit.



So 'cause the guy

couldn't get it on with

the girl, he just stabbed

the horse's eyes out?

It's not that simple.

Religion and God and sex are all

mixed up for the

kid, plus he saw

his old man coming

out of a porno show,

that'd give anybody limp d*ck.


You're smarter than you look.


Hey big boy, that

was a compliment.

Hey Mackenzie,

walk with me and

I'll show you exactly

how smart I am.

Let's go!

Charles'll be busting

our chops soon anyway.

(laughs) All right,

well I'm hitting the hay.

Ha, no pun intended.

Me and the comedian are

gonna get out of here.

Goodnight, Vivian.

Yeah, I get it.

You don't like me.

But maybe you're frigid?

You don't know me.

I know your type.

The hot girl, thinks she's

better than everybody else.

Thinks that perfect

guy is going to

come along and take her

away from her shitty life.

Well that guy don't want

you, you're damaged goods.

You say you're in

here for shoplifting?

I say bullshit!

Whatever you really

did, you better

get used to guys like me 'cause

I'm all you're gonna get.

(dramatic music)

Macbeth, 1994.

(thunder booming)

Help me!

Help me, Vivian!

(gate slams shut)

Jesus, Roddy, what the hell?

That's how my mother

used to greet me.

Sorry, I just,

you surprised me,

but what are you doing here?

I was looking for

some part time work,

but I think Lawrence

is already in bed,

so I'm just gonna have

to keep coming back.

[Charles] (blows whistle) Hey!

You two in the bushes!

Knock it off, lights out!

I think that's my "cue".

(laughs) You get

it, 'cause we're,

'cause it's a theater, right?

Because in the th.

(footsteps approaching)

Come on, Vivian.

You follow the rules

like everybody else.

Didn't you hear my whistle?

Yes, sorry, I just,

I lost track of time.

(gate closes)

What was that?

Okay, Vivian.

Hey, just do what you're told,

these next three months

will fly right by, okay?


Okay, now get.

(static sounds)

[Mackenzie] (sharp

inhale) Oh, you are bad.

Real bad.

[Lance] Shhh.

(door lock clicks)

(eerie noises)

(ghostly whispers)

[Vivian] No, stop please!

[Charles] (blows

whistle) Okay smokeys!

Rise and shine!

Time for the morning run,

get that blood flowing, huh?!

(blows whistle multiple times)

[Tina] We're up!

Come on, I want to see

those feet on the ground,

that's it, ladies, now

you see how it works!

(blows whistle) Come

on, wakie wakie!

I stop blowing when I see

all your pretty

feet on the ground!

You'll always blow!

(blows whistle loudly)


Did you just shit me?

You don't give me shit!

I give you shit!

Now drop and give me 10!

One, two, three,

four, five, six,

seven, eight, nine,

nine, nine, nine, 10!

Suit up for roll call!

(blows whistle)

Come on, assholes,

try and keep up, let's go!

(dramatic music)

Can I help you?

Mr. O'Neil.


Good morning,

I'm Doctor Lazarus.

Oh, hi.

I wanted to talk to you about

a woman in your

care, Vivian Miller?


This'll only

take a few minutes.

- Yeah, come on in my office.

- Thanks.

Where did you drive in from?

Oh, Ann Arbor.

Oh, nice.

Beautiful place here.

Thank you.

Excuse the mess, I wasn't

expecting visitors.

Where would you like me?

Sofa is fine.

Want some coffee?

Yeah, that'll be great, thanks.

Milk, sugar?

Black please.

A Tony Award.

Oh, heh.

Pretty heady

stuffy, you must have

been the toast of Broadway.

Well for a moment.

You know what they say.

You're only as good

as your last hit.

Three straight bombs and your

table at Sardi's is gone.

In fact, you're

lucky to get a table

at the Carnegie Deli with

three bombs in a row.

Yup, Broadway loves

a winner, but it

crosses on the other side

of the street for a loser.

You know what most people don't

understand is that

art can be like,

like a popularity

contest, you know?

You do what you feel

is your best work,

love what you do,

but if the audience

doesn't show up then

you're out of a job.

Most people don't work

under those conditions.

But enough about me,

you're here about Vivian.

I've been her

Psychiatrist for six years

the entire time

she's been locked up.

I thought it'd be best if I

gathered some info for you.

What is it exactly

that you do here?

Oh, we focus mainly

on behavioral therapy,

psychodrama, we get the kids to

act out their issues on stage

and break their bad habits,

form better relationships,

and hopefully in the

process broaden their

horizons a little.

We feel if we've gotten

through to at least one

of them that we've

accomplished something.

Do you know what

Vivian was in for?

No, I haven't gotten

to her file yet.


She was 15, abuse was going on.

Got a plea deal down

to Manslaughter,

but she's been in and out

of psych wards ever since.

The court request that

I meet with Vivian on a

regular basis to review how

she's doing before the release.

I'd like to see Vivian

right now if it's okay.

Yeah, sure, should just

be finishing up her run.


Oh come on!

Vivian, someone here

wants to speak with you.

Hi, Doctor Lazarus.

Can we talk once

you've cleaned up?

[Charles] You filthy pig!

Sure, yeah, after

breakfast in the Dining Hall?

Dining Hall is right through

those double doors, Doc.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

[Charles] Breakfast

in half an hour!

Ladies, your

auditions are today!

Men, your duties

are on the board!

How you holding up?

I'm getting too

old for this shit.

You and me both.

So there any lady

queens in this group?

We've got a few queens in this

group, if you know what I mean.


Why don't you go shower up and

I'll see you after breakfast.


Kind of noisy last

night, weren't you?

What are you talking about?

Like sh**ting fish in

a barrel around here.

So guess your aim is off then.

You didn't sh**t nothing, right?

[Gary] Or he's sh**ting blanks.


Kiss my ass, bee-yatch!

So did you hear

about the first screw?

Yeah, we know it was

Lance, we're just

trying to narrow down the ho.

Yeah, my money's on Mackenzie.

Oh well, we'll figure it out.

It's gonna be a

long 90 days, hmm?

[Jeanette] (ghostly

wail) Help me!

(classical music)


It's good to see you, Vivian.

How's this place treating you?

It's better than a

normal camp, I guess.

You look tired, are

you getting enough sleep?

A little.


I think I need to be

back on my meds though.

Okay, I left some

with Mr. O'Neil.

A small dose, I want to

start weening you off of it.

No no, I need to be

on my regular dose.

Is the OCD getting worse?

No, it's not, it's not,

it's not getting worse,

it's just, it's there, you know?

What else?

I've been hearing things.

What kind of things?

Things that may not be real?

Okay, like what?

Well earlier by

my locker there

was this tapping sound.

Are you sure there's

no construction

going on upstairs,

maybe sets being built?

Yeah, maybe

there was, but then

I swear I heard a voice.

What'd the voice say?

It asked for help.


Anything else?

Yeah, just yesterday

at the bus depot,

I saw this girl and she was just

so different, it was

like I knew her somehow?

Where from?

I don't know, I'm

probably wrong, never mind.

You know Vivian,

you had a real

tough time not too long ago.

I really feel that

our time together

has improved your situation, I'm

not saying that

there's not work left.

But I agree with the

court, in less than

90 days you can re-enter

society, live a normal life.

I'll never be normal.

You will.

I feel that the

anxiety or stress

of your transitioning

from the juvenile

then prison system are

causing these problems.

You'll be okay, I promise.

You'll be okay, Vivian.

Hey, who's the stiff?

Proby Officer?

Yeah, kind of.

So do you wanna look over this

Lady Macbeth chick, 'cause

she was kinda bat-shit crazy.


Morning everyone,

sorry I'm late.

Ladies, front and center.

Okay, I take it

all of you have read

the play and none of you

understood a word, right?

I remember the first

time I read Shakespeare,

I felt the same way.

I promise you, it'll get

easier with time, all right?

You guys ready to do this?


All right, let's have some fun.


All right Chuck, who's first?

[Charles] Mackenzie,

front and center.

Okay, Mackenzie, let

me give you the setting.

We are in the Scottish moors

sometime in the 11th century.

Do you know what period that is?

It was a long

time ago, I get it.

This Macbeth dude was all.

Stop stop stop stop

stop, outside, let's go.

[Charles] Everyone

out, let's get, let's go!

Come on, let's go, let's go!

Come on, come on,

ladies, outside!

(suspenseful music)

[Lawrence] Come on,

outside, outside, come on.

All right, once, twice, thrice.

Now spit.


Just do it, spit

on the ground.

Just do it.

All right, now curse.


Because it's the

only known remedy

for saying the

play's name in the

theater, curse, go on.

This is f*cking bullshit!

Good enough, okay,

inside, inside.

Thank you, Chuck.

And don't do it again!

The curse can only be kept back

so long if you keep

summoning it, okay?

Okay, Mackenzie.

The lady queen is the

devilish wife of our hero

and her deadly

ambition drives him to

m*rder so that he can be

king and she can be queen.

Subsequently, their murders

drive her to madness.

Now let me ask you

something, Mackenzie.

Have you ever wanted

anything in life so badly

that you would go to

any extreme to get it?


This one time.

No no, don't tell

us, don't tell us.

Use the secret inside of you.

If you share too

much, you lose all

that magic and power,

you understand?

Just use the words, okay?

Whenever you're ready.

I have given suck

and know how tender

'tis to love the

babe that milks me.

I would, while it

was smiling in my

face, have plucked my nipple.

Um, okay, okay,

hold it right there.

Chuck, if I could have all

the ladies on stage please.

Life happens from the inside and

leaves you from your pores.

It's the same with acting.

You absorb it

inside and only then

can we see the affect outside.


Never say result.

I'm sorry, what's

your name again?


Thank you, Tina,

how did you feel

about Mackenzie's reading?

It sucked.

f*ck you.

Okay, Mackenzie, how did that

make you feel when

she said that?

You feel what, regret?


Embarrassment, anger?


Same things I feel

every time I look

in the mirror in the morning.

That's oozing out of

your pores right now.

That's what we

want, don't act, be.


You all have the potential

to do something great,

you just feel it inside, use it.

Don't fight it, just let it be.

You have a very expressive

face, you're very free.

Give it another shot?

Okay, all right,

Chuck, who's next?

[Charles] Teri.

[Lawrence] Okay, Teri,

let's give it a go.

I have given suck,

and know how tender

'tis to love the

babe that milks me.

I would, while it was

smiling in my face,

have plucked my nipple from his

boneless gums and

dashed the brains

out had I so sworn as

you have done to this.

Okay, Teri, you

have just told your

husband you would

pull your newborn baby

off your nipple, while

it was still feeding,

and k*ll it by

smashing its skull.

I want you to go

back and look at

that sense with

that in mind, okay?

Thank you.

All right Chuck, next please.

Vivian, front and center.

Okay Vivian,

whenever you're ready.

Come, you spirits that

tend on mortal thoughts.

Unsex me here, and

fill me from the

crown to the toe, top-full

of direst cruelty;

make thick my blood,

stop up the access,

and passage to remorse

that no compunctious

visitings of nature

shake my fell purpose,

nor keep peace between

the effect and it.

Come to my woman's breasts

and take my milk for gall,

you murdering ministers,

wherever in your

sightless substances you

wait on nature's mischief.

That was...

That was very good, Jeannette.

Vivian, sir.

Oh, Vivian, I meant Vivian.


Chuck, give me a

moment here please.

What's going on?


Not here, Tess, let's

talk outside, okay?

Come on, let's talk outside.

You're really gonna

do this play again?

Are you sick?

Have you finally snapped?

No I haven't.

I need to open this up,

we need to open this up.

Nothing needs to be opened up.


I forbid you to do it.

What are you

talking about forbid,

you're not in any position

to forbid anything.

You know the agreement, I

keep creative control here.

You're gonna cast

that young girl

as the queen, aren't you?

Yeah, I think so.

Because you're f*cking her?

Hey, that is way out of line!

I maintain a

professional relationship

with these kids

and you know that!

Like the kind you

had with Jeannette?

Are you gonna

drag that up again?!

Nothing happened, all right?!

She just had an infatuation

with me, that's all!

This play is cursed, Larry!

Oh come on, that's

just superstition.

It cursed us!

We can't keep living

in the past, Tess.

We need new memories.

I need to do this.

Okay, Larry.

But what's done

cannot be undone.

We're all going to regret this.

(dramatic music)

(car revs)

[Vivian] Jeanette.

(eerie music)

(thunder booming)

- Please, Vivian!

Find me!

Help me!

(thunder booming)

(dramatic sting)

Help me, Vivian.

I want you to know I'm

not a big fan of medication.


Well they tend to

dull your senses.

You read very well

the other day.

This is an important

role for you.

Why do you say that?

Because of all the things

you're holding onto inside.

What do you mean?

Doctor Lazarus

told me everything.



Wanna talk about it?


How am I supposed

to get through to you,

Vivian, if you

don't let me inside?

The whole point of

this process is to

get you guys to

lower your defenses.

It's all about honesty, sharing.

I can't help you if

you don't help me.

You know, the theater

is a lot like therapy.

You can express

yourself and say things

on stage that you don't

get to do in real life.

You can show a side

to yourself that

even your best friends

have never seen.

I don't have any best friends.

I know.

I think this part

can give you a chance

to communicate your feelings.

Let those demons go

that torment you.

And they do torment

you, don't they, Vivian?

I want you to know...

We can get through

this together.

It's what I'm here for.

Thank you.

Can I go now?

Mmhm, sure.

[Charles] Hey

George, you wanna take

the ladies out for

some yard work?

Men, go wait in the wings.

[George] Come on,

girls, let's go.

Come on, move it!

Chuck, can you send Vivian

Miller down here please?

As the queen, she needs

to watch the auditions.

Let's go!

All right Chuck, who's first?

[Charles] Brian.

Just read any part.

Okay Brian, which part

will you be reading?


Whenever you're ready.

What I believe

I'll wail, what know

believe and what I can redress,

as I shall find the

time to friend, I will.

What you have spoke,

it may be so perchance.

This tyrant, whose

sole name blisters

our tongues, was

once thought honest.

You have loved him well; he

hath not touched you yet.

I am young, but

something you may deserve

of him through me and

wisdom to offer up a

weak, poor, innocent lamb,

I appease an angry god.

Okay, thank you, Brian,

that was very nice, thank you.

Was that it?


Did I get the part?

Well all the

roles will be posted

on the work board outside.

Shakespeare's shit.

I'm sorry, what did you say?

I said Shakespeare's shit!

Oh really?

Let me tell you

something, Brian.

Shakespeare died

over 300 years ago,

but he's still being

talked about today.

Who will remember

you three minutes

after you're dead, huh?

Will you have

accomplished anything

of any value or

worth in your life?

The system and

everybody else has

given up on you, but

I haven't, not yet.

All right Chuck, who's next?

(dramatic music)

(no audio)

(heavy breathing)



Open the damn door!

(laughs) About damn time.

Hey, take it easy!

Jesus, rough day at the castle?

You don't know the half of it.

What's up?

(new wave music)

[Charles] (PA system) Everybody

to sleeping quarters,

lights out in 10 minutes!

[Tina] You sure you're okay?

Yeah, I think I am.

[Tina] Wait up!

Gary, Teri...

Boy, you guys look guilty.

I know nothing.

Uh huh.

Goodnight, chuckle heads!

(dramatic music)

[First witch] Is this

a dagger I see before me?

A dagger, a dagger.

The handle toward my hand?

Come, let me clutch thee.

(dramatic sting)

(toilet flushing)


(dramatic music)

Okay, okay.

(Vivian hyperventilating)

Okay okay okay.

What the hell happened, Vivian?

He was in my

bed, he was wear...

He was wearing a cloak

and he was choking me.

Who was it?

I don't know.

How did anyone get in here?

Couldn't have.

No g*dd*mn way.

Who did this?!

All right, everybody

back in bed!


Put her to bed.

[Lance] How now, what news?

He has almost sucked, why

have you left the chamber?

Hath he asked for me?

Know you not he has?

We will proceed no

further in this business.

He hath honored me of late.

Whoa, wait, wait,

hold on guys, hold on.




Where's our sound cue?

[Charles] Gary called it.

Come on, guys!

Pay attention!

[Lawrence] What's going on?

There's something

wrong with the deck.

There's no power.

How long will it

take you to fix it?

It's gonna be a

few minutes for sure.

All right Chuck,

let's take five.

May I get some water, sir?

[Charles] Yeah, two minutes.


Roddy, you can't sneak

up on me like that!

Well I can't stay long.

I just, you know,

wanted to say hi.

It's been a little while.

Yeah, I thought you

were gonna get some

part time work here

and hang out some more.

Why, you miss me?

Well I, no, it's just that I.

Relax, I'm kidding.

Nah, they don't need me.

It kind of pisses me off, I mean

I wanted to hang out here more.

Looks like you're

playing the lead.


Lawrence is the greatest,

he's the best teacher.

[Lawrence] Places everyone!


Listen, I actually,

I need to get back,

I don't want

Lawrence to get mad.

This play is so much

fun, but I'll see you.

We have got to

call the electrician.

We need this fixed by tomorrow.

Okay, I'm on it.

Let's get everybody up front.

Everybody, front and center!

Okay everyone,

unfortunately the

sound deck problem is actually a

booth electrical problem.

It can't be fixed right

away, so you're all excused.

I'm sure Mr. Kosack

has some things to

keep your minds

occupied, thank you

for a great day's work and

we'll see you all tomorrow.

Okay, thank you.

[Charles] Okay everybody,

in your work clothes,

let's get some yard work in!

(group groaning)

Shut it, come on,

let's go, let's go.

(eerie music)

(door creaking)

(ghostly whispers)

(dramatic music)

[Lawrence] All

the world's a stage.

And all the men and

women are merely players.

There's magic in

an empty theater.

All the possibilities.

Wouldn't you agree?

I know so little

about the theater.

Only what you've taught me.

Well you know about

life, don't you?


Isn't the unknown

more exciting...

More intriguing than the known?

Sometimes, I guess.

It's why people think

they can get up on the

stage and entertain a

thousand people at a time.

Make them laugh, make them cry.

Without ever knowing their name.

But you have to be

willing to fail,

take chances, be bold.

And bury your past

in the theater.

Recreate yourself, start anew.

That's what I did.


I never really thought

of it like that,

I've always been afraid

of what I didn't know.

I was the same way.

So how did you get out

of your morning run?

I started in the back

and just dropped off.

(chuckles) Well you

must not be too afraid

of life 'cause Chuck

is gonna be on you

like thunder when he finds out.

You know, actually

I've been feeling

kind of lightheaded.

Maybe I should go lay down.

I'll square it away with him.

Thank you.

(ghostly whispers)

(eerie music)

(music intensifies)


What the f*ck are you doing?!


You are in deep

trouble, young lady!

Skipping out on the run is

a serious rule violation!

I did, I wasn't, I didn't feel.

[Lawrence] It's okay, Chuck.

I told her she

could miss the run.

She wasn't feeling well.

Can we talk in my office?


So what's on your mind?


I've been here 20 years.

I owe you everything,

we both know that.

And I've always backed you up.

It's just, I gotta tell

you, I'm a little worried.

About what?

That kid has got

some serious problems.

Come on, Chuck,

they've all got serious

problems, that's

why they're here.

You really think

it's a good idea to

cast her in the role of

a psychotic m*rder*r?

Yeah, she gave

the best reading.

You read her file, Larry.

You don't think

that's kinda risky,

putting her in

that state of mind?

I mean look at her.

She looks like she's

ready to crack.

That's the whole

point, Chuck, is to get

these kids to work through their

trauma on the stage, remember?

I don't know, man.

I know what I'm doing, okay?


I mean, you're the boss.

Is there anything else?



See you at rehearsal.


[Lawrence] So we

have the lady queen

going slowly insane

from the murders,

she imagines that

she cannot get rid

of the blood stains

on her hands which

leads to her death

by su1c1de, okay?

All right, you guys are ready?

Let's do this.

Places everyone!

Chuck, ready?

And lights up!

[Mike] Look how

she rubs her hands.

And here is a spot.

Hark, she speaks!

I will write down

what comes from her

to satisfy my remembrance

the more the better.


Damn spot, out I say!

One, two, why...

'Tis time to do it.

Hell is murky.

Fie, my lord, fie!

A solider and afeard?

What need we fear who knows it

when none can call

our power to account?

Yet, who would have thought the

old man to have so

much blood in him?

(wire snaps)


Holy shit!

Are you okay?

What was that?!

[Voiceover] Mike,

are you all right?

[Lawrence] Stand back,

stand back, stand back!

Are you all right?


You sure?

Yeah, I think so.

All right, let's

get her to her feet.

Clear the stage

please, everyone.

Chuck, deal with this.

[Charles] Where's

the damn safety cable?

There's a first aid

kit in the dressing room,

you might wanna

take a look at that.

(dramatic music)


(dramatic sting)

(dramatic music)

[Witches] Enter

his world, Vivian.

You must enter his world.

You must enter his world.

[Group] Hey!


Get your ass over

here and have a drink.

All right.

[Mike] How you doing?

Better, thank you.

Glad I saw her coming!

Ha ha, ha ha ha,

that's so funny.


So how do you do

this, what do I do?

I just have it like this?


I can't...

[Tina] Aw, you're so close.

[Vivian] Oh, I did it!

[Mike] First try.

[Vivian] Oh my God, I

bet I can't do it again.

I should not...

That's awesome.

Oh my God.

What the f*ck, don't

f*cking touch me!

What, you've never

been touched before?

f*ck you!

f*ck you!

f*ck you!

- f*ck you!

- What the f*ck is wrong?!

Get the f*ck off me, Lance!

[Tina] Get out, assh*le!

[Vivian] Get out of here!

Get the f*ck out!

f*ck this place and f*ck you!

[Vivian] f*ck you!

[Tina] You okay?

[Vivian] Yeah, I'm fine.

(eerie music)

[Charles] (PA system)

Everybody to sleeping quarters,

lights out in 10 minutes.

All right, come on.

Right here, right

here right here.


(dramatic sting)

Where's Brian?



Anybody seen Brian?

[Group] No.

Not since dinner.

Damn it.

Okay, we gotta find him.

Let's go, let's go!

Two teams.

You guys go around the front,

we'll go around the back.


(dramatic music)


- Have you seen anything?

- No, nothing.

Get everybody inside right now.

(music intensifies)

Oh my God!

[Teri] He's not moving!


Oh my God.

What's going on?

Get inside right

now, ladies, go go!

Oh my God!

Everybody get the

f*ck inside right now!

I'm not f*cking around!

Guys, it's Brian.

What's going on?

[Lance] Come on, come on!

What the f*ck do

you mean it's Brian?

[Neil] Lance!


I'll just be a minute.

[Witches] What's

done cannot be undone.

What the f*ck?

Jesus Christ.

(thunder booming)

(dramatic music)

Vivian, please help

me, I'm so scared!

What's done cannot be undone.

What's done cannot be undone.

(music intensifies)

(thunder booming)

Vivian, you have to

leave, he'll k*ll us both,

you have to leave, Vivian!

(mumble) come on, we

need to leave right now.

(mumble) Vivian,

(mumble), oh my God!


Please, please just

let me go, (mumble).

(gagging noises)

(thunder booming)


Let me in!

Open the door!

Let me in!

The hell do you want?

The police want to question you.


Brian's dead.

Oh my God.

I'm gonna lose everything.


They're gonna shut

this place down.

I can't believe it.

After all that hard work...

For nothing.

This play is cursed.

Who k*lled Jeannette?


That poor, sweet girl.

You did it, didn't you?

You made me trust

you and I haven't

trusted a man in a

really long time.

You k*lled her,

you sick bastard!

You have an

overactive imagination.

No, you called me

Jeannette at my audition.

What, were you f*cking her?!

You're not well, Vivian.

I'm gonna call

Doctor Lazarus and

have him come over right now.

Jeannette was m*rder*d!

No she wasn't, she ran away.

You said no one

could escape from here!

Well she did.


You are not telling

me everything!

My whole world ended that day.


No, that is not

possible, that is not

possible, that is not possible!

For a long time I just

went through the motions.

This year felt

different, I felt alive.

I thought I could

finally exorcise

my demons and maybe help

your exorcise yours.

No, no, Roddy is not dead!

He is not, I saw him

and I talked to him

and he was there, he was

there at the bus stop,

and he was there at the theater,

you are lying, you are lying!

What are you talking about?!

You are lying!

My boy is dead!

He's dead!

- No he's not, no!

He k*lled himself.

No, no, no, no, no.

I cut him from

the rafters myself.

He's dead.

No, no he's not!


He's right there,

he's right there!

He k*lled Jeannette.

I loved Jeannette.

She loved him.

You all fall in love with him.


(sobs) I tried to breathe life

into him, but I

couldn't save him.

(sobs) No, I...


I couldn't save him.

[Roddy] Goodbye, father.

(suspenseful music)

[Witches] Is this a

dagger I see before me?

A dagger, a dagger.

Come, let me clutch thee.

(music intensifies)

Okay, no no no, why

won't you f*cking work?

What's wrong with me, Vivian?

I just want to

love a pretty girl.

But you all fall

for him, my dad.

Oh my God, I don't

love your f*cking dad!

You shut up!

Don't you lie to me.

It's too late for that.

You're just like

Jeannette, aren't you?

I have a lot to offer.

I mean I'm just as

good as Lawrence,

all I ever needed was a chance.

Then let Jeannette go.

Roddy, just stop,

just stop k*lling her.

You keep playing the tape!

You're making me k*ll her!

Now it's your turn.

Vivian, I can k*ll you here

or in my world with Jeannette.

The choice is yours.

What's done cannot be undone.


Damn you!

(thunder booming)


Vivian, he's coming!



Why won't you love me?!

You're just like her!

Why won't you love me?!



(clenched screaming)



(angelic choir music)

Charles, I found her,

she's on the stage!


George, call 911!


(police radio feed)

Twice in one day?

What the hell is

going on around here?

I don't know, I...

Is she taking any medication?

Yes, but under supervision.

Have you been drinking, sir?

A little, yeah, why?

Okay, we're gonna

have to forget

about tomorrow's sit

down, Mr. O'Neil.

You need to come to

the station right now.

Nobody leaves!

I want a statement

from everybody,

lock this place down now!

Detective, we

have a video camera.

[Jones] I don't know, tag it.

Whoa whoa whoa,

who are you?

I'm Vivian's doctor.

What are you treating her for?


She's been severely

abused for years.

My God, was she att*cked?

[EMT] I've done

a rapid trauma exam

and found no severe

lacerations on her body.

She's unconscious, but

her vitals are stable.

[Jones] Doctor, please, I

need to ask you a few questions.

I'm so sorry.

It's all my fault.

I gotta go.

(dramatic music)

(heart monitor beeping)

[Charles] Candace Malone.

[Candace] Here, sir.

[Charles] Natasha Gloden.

[Natasha] Here, sir.

Franklin Lee?

[Franklin] Here, sir.

[Charles] Theater Owner and

Camp Coordinator

Lawrence O'Neil.

Good morning.

Welcome to The Barn Theater.

My name is Lawrence O'Neil.

Because you've earned enough

points for good behavior

from the camps you were

at, we were able to

strike a deal with the

courts and your probation...

We're just going through

the tape again one more time.

I don't know, I just don't

think there's anything on it.

Okay, bye.


[Taylor] Just static.

[Jones] It's a cold case then.

[Taylor] Yes, sir.

(dramatic sting)

(thunder booming)

(soft piano music)

When the night speaks

far in the corridor

Sleep, the wind,

lullaby baby dear

Here in the dark, this lullaby

La la la, la la la

La la la, la la la

La la la, la la la

La la

(electronic synthesizer music)

Memories burn, bruises fade

I want to purge

all possessions

It's hard to clean up messes

And if we lose all connections

Will you hold on to me sweetly

On to me sweetly

I can make room

for this moment
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