01x48 - Rise of the Sacred Beasts, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x48 - Rise of the Sacred Beasts, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Huh? Huh?

All: ooh!

What's going on?

Ohh! Ooh.

Syrus: what banner warned us about! It's here.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Chazz: the spirit keys!

Somethin's happenin' to 'em?!


Oh! Ah!


Where you goin', chazz?!

I don't know!


Hey, can we come?

Help me!


Just hold on!

What do ya think I'm--



Jaden: chazz!

All: ooh.

Zane: the keys...

They're being absorbed into the pillars!

Chumley: not lishus.

Jaden: they're openin' up all the spirit gates!

Alexis: what did you do, chazz?!

It's not my fault!

[All groan]


What's happening?

I'm sure this is your fault, jaden!

Hey, wait!

I didn't steal those keys!

All: it was chazz!


I was just "borrowing" the keys for alexis!

Don't dare drag me into your big mess!

[All gasp]

Huh? Now what?

It's the...

Sacred beast cards!

Kagemaru: those cards do not belong to you!

Huh? Huh?

What is that?!

Yeah, ask me, like I'm gonna know!



The cards belong to me!

[All gasp]

Wait a moment. I know that man!

I'm so glad you recognize me, sheppard,

Even though the years have not been kind.

It's kagemaru! Our superintendent!



I built this school!

And now I've returned for my sacred beast cards!

Wait just a sec there, test-tube!

You want 'em? You gotta get through us!

That's how this works!

Fools! I am kagemaru, master of the shadow games!

It was I who first sealed the cards here.

It was I who gave sheppard the keys!


Alone, they are worthless.

To unlock the spirit gates,

All that is required is dueling energy...

Energy you expend trying to protect those keys.

Ohh. See?

This isn't the chazz's fault! Huh?

This is why I arranged for all the best duelists in the world to come here!

I hoped, year after year, class after class,

A student would arise with enough dueling spirit

To unlock the power of the cards.

My shadow riders were sent to test you, and only one passed--

One with the potential to finally unlock the sacred beasts

And give me the strength to rule the world!

A cute story! So why all the tricks?

Were you too weak to get the sacred cards for yourself?

Alexis, don't make the scary man mad!

He don't look so tough!

More like some kinda reject science project!

Hmm. Listen up!

There is no way you're getting those beast cards...

Not so long as I'm here!

You got that, kagemaru?

You'll have to duel me for them!

Back off! It's my duel!

And I'll... Chazz you up big time!

So let's go!

No way! He's all mine!

After all...

He and I are old friends!

He transformed me into one of his shadow riders!

Kagemaru: no!

My opponent will be... Jaden yuki!

Excuse me, what?


You have proven to be the only duelist

With the power to unlock the sacred beast cards!

[All gasping]

And if you refuse, I will see to it

That this island and everyone on it

Sinks to the depths of the ocean deep!

You can't!

I can do anything... With these.

[All gasp]

The sacred beast cards?!

Good luck now.

Let this shadow game begin!


Listen, jaden...

If you need any advice, don't ask.

Where you goin'?

To find a boat!



You ok?

Feelin' dandy.

You'd better not lose!

Jus' got my room lookin' cool.

No sweat!

I hope that you brought your a-game, kagemaru!


Professor banner's tome.

Hmm. Banner must've wanted me to have this.

All right. I'll put it in my deck!

What have I got to lose?

Hey, jaden! Rock his world!

Thanks! Will do!


Sorry, chazz! My bad!

Chazz: that does it! I'm outta here!

Come on, chazz, I need you!

You need a big kick in the--

Kagemaru: silence!

This is why I hate teenagers.

All right, kagemaru!

Let's do this!

Jaden! If you lose...

He'll take over the world!

And that's... Like, really bad!

In that case, time to get my game on!

Make your move!

All righty, let's go!

I summon burstinatrix in defense mode!

And one facedown.

Now let's see if those beast cards are all that!

Ha ha ha!

Yes, let's.

I shall begin by placing trap cards facedown.

Trap cards?

I think this guy's got his circuits crossed!

Ah, whaddya mean?

When you lay facedown cards,

You never have to say whether or not they're trap cards or spell cards!

Oh, yeah, right.

Unless you happen to be summoning a sacred beast!


You know, I always wanted to see one up close!

Heh heh heh!

You should be more careful of what you wish for!

I sacrifice my trap cards

To summon the first sacred beast:

Uria, lord of searing flames!

[All gasp]

Hey, what's happening?

Something very bad!


Ohh. On second thought...

Maybe I don't need to see it up close.

Ojama yellow: boss!

Help me, boss!

That thing... Is doing something to us!

Suck it up. I'm sure you're fine.

Now I activate its special ability...

Trap destruction!



All traps are useless against my sacred beasts

And are destroyed.

And if you were curious as to uria's attack points,

He receives , per trap card in my graveyard.

And at last count,

I have , for a total of , attack points!

Now...reduce burstinatrix to slag!

Hyper blaze!


Ha ha ha!

Your turn, jaden.

Turn for what?

That monster's too powerful.

What can jaden do?

Aw, man...

[Breathing heavily]



[Thinking] this is it.

I've waited my whole life to duel the best!

It's why I came here in the first place!

And now, I got the best.

And I'm starin' him down in a duel to take over the world!

What more could any kid want?!

Let's do this!


I summon elemental hero bubbleman!

And when I call him out all alone,

I get to draw two more!

Now, let's see what kinda cards we got!

It's not gonna make a difference, dude!

What's jaden thinking?!

With bubbleman in attack mode, he's got no defense!

He can't beat that monster, anyhow!

I can't watch this!

Why not?

This duel might be the last thing we see!

Syrus: come on! Don't give up on him yet!

All right!

Next I'll play polymerization!

And I'll fuse my bubbleman with...

Elemental heroes avian and sparkman...

To form elemental hero tempest!


He still doesn't have enough attack points to destroy uria.

Not right now,

But that's why I got this---

To help even the playing field.

You know, maybe "even" isn't exactly right.

Check out...skyscraper!

Thanks ta this, my hero gets a "wing up" on you!

If he has less attack points

Than your uria lord of searing flame-whatever...

He gets an extra thousand points!

Tempest, show 'em who's boss!


That's a hit!

He did it!

Yeah...but I would've gotten rid of it last round, sy.


I see I made the correct choice

In selecting you as my opponent, jaden yuki.

Your dueling spirit will serve me well

As I rip it from your body

And use it to acquire the power of the sacred beast cards!

Ha ha ha!

I kinda like my dueling spirit right where it is!

So let's see how you handle a facedown!

Ha! And let's see how you handle this!

I activate uria's special ability!

I merely send this trap card to the graveyard,

And then...heh heh heh!


Oh, no.

Don't tell me...

It can't be!


As lord of searing flames,

One of uria's special abilities

Is to be resurrected when I discard a trap to the graveyard!

What's worse,

With another trap card in his graveyard,

It gets a thousand more points!

And if jaden doesn't do something to get rid of it,

He'll be in the graveyard next!

Now say good-bye to your "feathered friend," jaden!




Hold on, test tubey!


I got tricks, too!

By sending a card to the graveyard,

Tempest can't be destroyed in battle!

And we'll follow up that act with our next performer...


One of my faves: pot of greed!

That's two cards for me and a whole lot of pain for you

'Cause I'm playin' this: heated heart!

It gives tempest more attack points,

Which is just enough power to take out uria one more time!


Waste your turn, jaden.

As long as I have traps to discard,

My lord of searing flames will never be destroyed!

And now I'll use my pot of greed!

And then I'll activate the field spell: fallen paradise!


Not good.

Not only is your skyscraper obliterated,

But this new field enables me

To draw two additional cards every round,

Which gives me just enough to lay down spell cards.

Huh? Spells?!


Ha! I see, despite your grades,

You are a quick learner.

Now I sacrifice these spell cards

To summon the second sacred beast...

Hamon, lord of striking thunder!


We see it.

Now, about that boat...




Let's show his tempest a real storm!


Tempest! No!


And with hamon's special ability,

Should he destroy a monster,

You suffer an additional thousand points of damage!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, don't worry. It won't hurt...me!



He ok?


Ojama yellow: boss...

Help us, boss...all of us.

What's goin' on?!


All my cards are fading!

Mine, too!

Our monsters...

They're all disappearing!

Kagemaru: of course.

The sacred beasts draw their strength from dueling spirits.

But not merely from the players--

They absorb energy from the very cards themselves!

Zane: that's why they were locked away!

These beasts have the power to destroy...

Every card on the planet!



No, this can't be happening!

But hold on!

Jaden's cards aren't affected!

Jaden's dueling spirit is beyond all of yours.

Time and time again,

He has proven the courage and heart to win,

No matter what the odds.

It is this force alone that can tame the sacred beasts

And harness their awesome power!

So that's why you want me.

Yes. Once this shadow game ends and you lay defeated,

I shall take your spirit.

Finally, I will have the power

To become the new master of the sacred beasts!

Then, they will absorb the energy of every duelist and deck across the planet,

Giving me enough strength to rule the world!

Allow me to demonstrate a mere fraction of their power.



Rejuvenate me!






He's been reborn!

I doubt it.

It's all for show.

Is this for show?

[All gasp]

Ha! I like this new body.

But something's still missing.


Oh, I know!

It's your soul, jaden!

Now let's finish this duel!


♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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