Maid Droid (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Maid Droid (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, you.

I love you.

I love you too.


What are you doing all

the way over there?

Come join me.

My shy, handsome boy.

What's the matter?

Don't like what you see?

Come here, baby.

Come here, baby.

My shy boy.

What's the matter?

Do you like what you see?

Come here, baby.

You gonna babysit

that drink all night?

There, you happy?

Dude, what is up

with you tonight?

What do you mean?

Uh, you're moping around

like some dead f*ck.

What happened to you?

You know what happened.

Is this still about

what's her name?

f*ck that bitch.

Didn't you two break

up like a year ago?

It's been three months.

Come on, man, one

year, three months.

What's the difference?

The chick was a gold digger.

And look, I get it,

she was a piece of ass.

But you can't try to cuff

a girl half your age.

Julie wasn't half my age.

Whatever, man.

You need to move on because

the shit you're doing here,

it ain't healthy.

I'll move on when I'm ready.

Hey, dude, I know

exactly what you need.

Maid Droid?

Trust me, that number

will change your life.

My access code is on the back.

You're gonna need it.

Access code?

They're real selective

about their clientele.

I think they're still

in beta testing,

but soon they're gonna be huge.

I don't need a maid right now.

Maid Droid is more

than a maid service.

You'll see.

Is this like some

kind of escort thing?

'Cause I'm not interested.

Will you just call the number?

I promise you'll be satisfied.

Now, drink your

f*cking drink already.

Okay, but I'm not calling.

Whatever you say, man.

Whatever you say.

You pathetic man.

You knew I was better than you.

You don't even know

how to handle me.

So sad.


Oh, f*ck.

You couldn't even keep

me around, could you?

You're not masculine enough.

Are you just gonna

keep sitting there?

Or you gonna do

something for once?

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,


I'll never miss you.

Sandell Corporation.

How may I direct your call?

Hi, I'm calling about

the Maid Droid service.

Your access code, please.

Yeah, it's 523-894B.

Would you like to be

serviced tomorrow?



Your residence is

2200 square feet.

A cleaning with

additional services

is approximately four hours.

Is that acceptable, sir?


What's the additional service?

Additional service is

whatever you want it to be.

Like what exactly?

Like making me coffee

or something like that?

If that's what you wish, sir.

Your maid will do anything

you tell them to do.

Is there a specific question

you'd like to ask, sir?

Yes, is this really a cleaning

service or something else?

Our X5 units are designed

to mimic a human female

in every way.

Whatever you tell

them on command,

they would do exactly that.

No matter what.

Does that answer

your question, sir?

I think so.

I am emailing you

a consent form.

Please put your bank account

and routing number please.


You haven't even told me

what your service costs.

The amount will be acceptable

for the service provided

based on your current

financial situation.

How do you know my current

financial situation?

We have our ways, sir.

This feels too strange for me.

I don't feel

comfortable giving out

that kind of information.

Well, have a good day, sir.

Wait, don't hang up.

I'll never miss you.


A unit will arrive

at 2:00 PM tomorrow.


Can you make it any later?

Oh shit.

f*cking bitch!

Come with me, baby.

I f*cking hate you!

I f*cking hate you,

I f*cking hate you!

f*cking hate you!

Good morning, sir.

Hi, good morning.

Come on in.

Where would you

like me to start?

Right there is fine.

So what's your name?

My name is whatever

you want it to be, sir.

How's about Mako?


Where'd you come up

with such a name?

Is she someone special to you?

It's someone I used to

read in a comic book

when I was a kid.

It's the first thing

that popped in my mind.

Mako is a lovely name,

I thank you for it.

So how does this work?

What do you mean, sir?

I mean, the cleaning,

how does that work?

Don't I have you for like

four hours or something?


Would you like me to begin now

or would you like

to talk some more?

No, that's fine, by all means.

I'll be in my office

down the hall.

Would you like me to

show you where it is?

I have a full diagram

of your residence, sir.

I'll be able to find you.


Look, George, if I

could help you, I would.

My hands are tied.

Okay, but I don't

see this happening.

Hey, let me call you back.

I'm finished, sir.

You've done the whole house?

Yes, I hope it's satisfactory.

Would you like me to show you?

No, that's fine, I'm...

Well, I mean, I guess,

I guess you can go.

But we still have 68

minutes left in our session.

Are you sure there's nothing

else that you'd like me to do?

What do you mean?

Whoa, look, you don't

have to do this.

But isn't that why

you called, sir?

I mean, yes, but.

But what?

Am I not to your liking?

No, you are, sorry.

This is new to me.

I mean, aren't you a robot?

I promise I'm fully functional

and fully capable of

taking care of your needs.

Look, you're perfectly fine.

I'm sure you are.

I just, I get a little

shy around new people.

Just relax, sir.

I'll take care of everything

that troubles you.

My shy boy.

You know what your problem is?

You never take what's yours.

Forget her.

Sandell Corporation.

How may I direct your call?

Hi, I ordered a X5 yesterday.

My name is Harrison Carter.

My access code is...


I'm sorry.

And... - No need for that, sir.

Was your cleaning satisfactory?

Yes, it was.

I'd like to schedule another

one for today, if possible.

Would you like

Mako again or another unit?

Yes, Mako, please.

Wait a minute, how do you

know I called her Mako?

Will four

hours be sufficient?

Yes, that that would be fine.

Have a wonderful day.


morning, come in.

Good morning to you too, sir.

It's okay,

you can call me Harrison.

Harrison, what a lovely name.

Should I be Mako again

or would you like me

to be someone else?

Please, be Mako.

Thank you.

Where should I start?


about the bedroom?

Anything you wish.

Do you like watching me clean?

I do.

Am I doing a good job?

Doing a great job.

Would you like to keep watching

or would you like to

come and touch me?

I'd like option two.

Come closer then.

Do you want me to stop cleaning?

Yes, stop cleaning.

How does that feel?

Does it matter?

Yes, it matters to me.

It's very pleasurable.

I like being with you very much.



Lie back down,

and I'll show you.

You don't have to fake it.

But I'm not faking it.

I'm designed to feel

everything a human feels,

including an orgasm.


I'm not programmed to lie.

Would you like me to keep going

so that you can have one too?

No, just kiss me.

Am I your first?


Your first like me.

I didn't even know

anything like you existed,

if it wasn't for my friend.

Hey, you haven't been

with Jason Gore, have you?

I'm sorry, I don't

recognize that name.

Is he nice?

Not really.

Then why are you friends?

We just have history, I guess.

That must be nice, having

history with somebody.

I haven't been activated

long enough to have that.

Not that I remember anyway.

Well, that could be

also a burden as well.

May I ask you something?


Why are you alone?

Does it make you happy?

Not really.

I was with someone,

it didn't work out.

I'm sorry, I

shouldn't have asked.

That's okay.


She was young, she was immature,

and she had to find her own way.

It was doomed.


Will you see me again?

I'd love to see you again.

Me too.


evening, Mr. Carter.

How may I assist you today?

I was wondering what's

the longest amount of time

Mako can spend with me tomorrow?

Our units require

charging every eight hours.

Is that sufficient?

I was hoping that

maybe she could

spend the weekend with me.

We can accommodate

any length of time you desire.

A tech will arrive in two hours.

A tech for what?

To install a

charging station, sir.

How expensive is that?

It's no more or

less than you can afford.

Is there anything else I

can help you with, sir?

No, thanks.

Mr. Carter?

You're the tech guy, come on in.

So where do you

want the charger?

I don't know, where do people

usually put these things?

Usually a closet or the garage.

Someplace out of sight.

- How big?

About the size of your phone.

See, it's not the charging

station people want

out of sight though.

It's the X5 herself

when she's charging.

Bit creepy having one of those

staring back at you, you know?

I mean, let me tell you this.

When they're in sleep mode,

they're completely out of it.

But those eyes

sometimes stay open.

Oh, man.

Used to trip me out real

bad, but I'm used to it now.

Anyway, so where do you want it?

I have a closet in my

bedroom I don't use.

It's this way, follow me.

Oh, this is a sweet walk-in.

My ex used to keep

all her stuff in here.

I haven't gotten

around to putting

any of my things in here yet.

Well, we'll put it to use now.

Right here nice?


It should take just

about 10 minutes.

Not sure if you wanna

get back to dinner.

Sure, I'll be

out here if you need me.

All set, the charging

station is totally wireless.

You probably wanna stand

within two feet of it.

Press this button to

put her in sleep mode.

Press it again to wake

her up, real simple.

Probably want her near

the station though

when you put her out.

It's much easier than carrying

her, but it's up to you.

How long does it take

to fully charge her?

Usually about eight

hours for a full charge.

But I suggest you charge her

anytime she's not in use.

You don't want her going dark

when you're in the middle

of something intimate,

if you know what I mean.

Your thumbprint, please.


Hey, your invoice should

be coming shortly.

Have you checked

out the catalog yet?


Oh man, you're in for a treat.

There'll be a link at the

bottom of your invoice.

There'll be all kinds of

outfits and toys and all this

other fun stuff you can

have her bring next time.

All right,

I'll leave you to it.

Thank you.

Call us if you need anything.

Holy shit.

Thank you.

Did I make it too hot?

I'm so sorry. - No, it's fine.

It's supposed to be hot.

Is there anything else

that you'd like me to do

while you're working?

No, you could relax.

Sit down.

These pictures, do

they make you happy?

You know, I never

really noticed them.

I put 'em up a long time ago.

Maybe you should put

up some new ones.

I can help you choose.

Yeah, maybe.

This one is pretty.

Would you like me to order it?

I can't see what you're seeing.

Oh, right.

No, but I trust you.

This will arrive in two weeks.

Would you like me to

order a frame for it

or do you have an eight by 10?

A frame would be nice.

It will also arrive

in two weeks.

Thank you.

Hey, why don't you get

started on some dinner.


Thank you.

Have a seat.

Do you like it?

It's delicious.

Do you have a favorite dish?

I can make anything

you want next time.

I don't know if

it's my favorite,

but you can never go

wrong with Thai food.

What are you doing?

Ordering ingredients

for tomorrow.

This is nice, like a date.

You ever been on a date?

Nobody's ever taken me

out of their house before.

Would you take me

on a date sometime?



Are you okay?

Just a little sore from being

on the computer all day.

Oh, it feels so good.

You are tense.



Did I hurt you?

Just a little.

Should I stop?


Are you able to get in water?

I can be fully submerged in

up to 10 meters of water.

Why, would you like to

take a bath with me?

I have other ideas.

Do you like?

Yes, very much.

Thank you for

choosing it for me.

They're my favorite colors.

May I join you.


This is nice.

Does the heat help your back?

It does.

I come in here every

night after work.

It's so relaxing.

Where are the stars?

Well, they're not out today.

It's a little, a little cloudy.


I mean, you could

actually see them

if you drive up to the desert.

Do you go there often?

Not really, it's

too far of a drive.

The nearest desert

is 20.4 miles away.

At this time, it

would take 52 minutes.

Do you consider that far?

No, I guess not.

Then why don't you go?

I guess I just really

don't have a reason to go.

I've never been to the desert.

Would you like to go?

I'd like to travel

the world someday.

Maybe you could take me.

I'd love to take you.

Look, there's a star.

That's a plane.

Oh, you're right.

Would you like me to sit closer?


Would you like to kiss me?


I really enjoy

being here with you.

I very much love

having you here.

You're very kind.

Others are not so kind.

Did someone hurt you before?

I don't know, maybe.

How do you tell the difference

between dreaming and awake?

When you're dreaming,

everything feels a bit weird,

until you wake up and you

realize it's just a dream.

Why do you ask?

Before I met you, I was asleep.

But I have these memories,

horrible memories.

I don't know if

they're real or not.

Sometimes I feel like I was

always asleep until I met you.

But then I think,

am I awake now?

What if those memories are

real and this is the dream?

Am I going to wake up

and be somewhere bad?

Two people can't

have the same dream.

So this is very much real.

And you're not dreaming.

You're awake.

If I am, I never wanna

go to sleep again.

Do you have a favorite dream?


I used to have this

dream when I was a kid.

I felt like I could

freeze everybody,

and everybody would just

sit around, and I would,

I would see the coolest bikes,

jump on 'em and ride 'em around

while everybody stayed frozen.

Then one day I fell.

I was screaming and

no one would help me.



I gotta charge you.

Oh, you're

not going anywhere.

You're mine, to do

with as I please.

And now you're

gonna get what you deserve.

Oh, yeah.

Mm, yeah.


Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Please don't.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, no tears.

No, no tears.

No, oh.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, just like that.

Just like that!

Please stop.

Mako, what are you doing?

Mako, are you awake?

What are you doing with that?

Mako, are you okay?

Mako, come on.

You knew I was better than you.

You don't even know

how to handle me.

You can't

throw me around.

I'm the one who

does that to you.

Where am I?

You needed a charge.

Oh, yes.

I'm at 100% battery now.

Let me recalibrate.

It's morning.

Would you like some breakfast?


Are you ready for a refill?

I am, you're just in time.

Do you not work today?

No, I don't work

Saturdays, Sundays too.

It's so serene out here.

Would you like me to go

brew some more coffee?

No, I'm good.

Thank you.

Is there anything else that

you'd like to do today?

I can think of a

few things to do.

Close your eyes.

Okay, now open.


Do you like?

Yes, you look stunning.

I've loved everything

you've picked out for me.

You have exquisite taste.

Would you like me

to dance for you?


You're getting excited.

I can't help it.

Would you like to go to

the bedroom or stay here?

I'd like to stay

here a little bit.

May I keep dancing for you?


You have a perfect body.

Thank you.

I like when you

kiss me like that.

How does that feel?

I'm only here for

things at your pleasure.

Is this something you like?

Not actually, I was

just trying something new.

Is there anything else

you'd like to try?

Yes, would you get on all fours?

Like I'm scrubbing the floors?


You like that?

No, no.

You like that, dirty

little bitch, huh?


Answer me! - No!

Please, stop!

Stop, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Ngh-ngh, ngh-ngh.

What makes you think I would

listen to a c**t like you?

You women are all the same.

Just a bunch of

greedy f*cking sluts!

You like that, huh?

You want me to hit you harder?

No, I don't, please stop!

Did I do something wrong?

No, you didn't do

anything wrong.

I'm just trying to

be something I'm not.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

I like you just the way you are.

I think I'm falling

in love with you.

You're the best thing

that's ever happened to me.

Thank you for trying that

stuff and for understanding.

Of course.

Okay, it's time, it's

time for good night.

I look forward to seeing

you in the morning.



Maybe sometime I could

sleep with you, in the bed?


But not tonight.

When I'm sleeping, I

can't have you with me.

I need you to be fully

charged in the morning.

That way we can

spend time together.

How's about this?

You can spend the

night with me tomorrow.

While I'm at work,

you can be charging,

and then by the time I'm

done, you'll be fully charged.

That would mean the world to me.

Okay, for real now.

Good night.

Sweet dreams.


You scared the crap out of me.

Mako, what's, what's going on?

Mako, hey, you okay?

- Harrison? - Yes.

What's happening?

I don't know, I woke

up and you were just

standing over me.

Oh, I should go and charge.

I'm only at 63%.


You good?



morning, Mr. Carter.

How may I assist you?

Something strange has

been going on with Mako.

Every time I put her in sleep

mode, a few hours later,

she's in some random room.

It's like she's sleepwalking.

It's happened twice already.

Please hold

while I look into this.

There's a software update

that should fix that.

Is the unit charging now?


Okay, I'm

deploying the update.

Keep her charging

for the next hour.

She should be all fixed then.

Thank you.

Have a wonderful day.

Thank you, have a seat.

What would you like to do today?

I gotta run some errands

later, but I'll be back.

Would you like to go

and do the jacuzzi?

That sounds lovely.

What else would you

like to do today?

Well, I got some movies.

I like crime.


And I like comedy too.

That sounds funny.

I could make some popcorn.

That sounds good.

Look at this.

Oh my God, that's so funny.

See that?

Why is it funny?

See, trying to take the

teeth out of, you know,

grabbing the teeth

out of the wine.

No teeth.


Yeah, she's got

no teeth.

She's got no teeth. - Oh.

You see how they're fighting

trying to grab their teeth?


Yeah, wow.

It's one of my favorite

movies, by the way.

Yeah, you see, look.


It's my favorite part.

Thank you.


Look at this part, watch.

Watch this.

Yeah, you see that?

Now, that's great, right?

Now, that's movie

making right there.

Oh yeah?


Oh yeah?

That dress

looks incredible on you.

You have exquisite taste.

Come, sit.

I'm glad you have

the weekends off.

It's really nice.

Me too.

It's important to recharge.

You recharge too?

Kind of, it's kind

of like, you know,

hitting the reset button.

And not working makes you happy?

Very much so.

What else makes you happy?

Spending time with you.

What else?

Well, I used to paint.

Wasn't really good at

it, but it made me happy.

Why'd you stop?

Hmm, guess I kind of lost

my inspiration for it.

Maybe I can help

you find it again.

I'm sure you can.

Where have you been all my life?


Waiting for you to

wake me up.

Guess I've been

sleeping too, huh?

What's wrong?

Nothing, just some business

I have to take care of.

Your glass is nearly empty.

Do you want me to make

you another drink?

No, it's okay.

I'll just be a minute.

I just, I'll be right back.

Baby, what are you

doing so far away?

Wait, not yet.

I want to enjoy lying

next to you for a moment.

What happens if I

fall asleep first?

That's okay.

I can put myself

into sleep mode.

You'll have to wake me though.

That I can't do myself.

Oh, okay.

I hope you sleep well.

You too.

Thank you.

Is there anything I can get

you before I go to charge?

I'm good, I'll wake you up

when I'm done with work.

You have to pay for

someone to love you.

How does that feel?

No wonder I left you.

You don't even know how

to handle me, do you?

You can't even please me.

There's the trick.


Sorry I'm late,

traffic was a mess.

Did you get this

for me, thank you.

Looks like you're

ready for another.

I'm okay.

So how's work been?

Hectic, I can't complain.

I didn't get the

promotion by the way.

They gave it to Tim, if

you can believe that.

Oh, I'm

sorry to hear that.

Yeah, it's fine.

I gotta leave that place anyway.

Got a few offers

I'm considering,

but you know how that goes.


You look good by

the way, very fit.

Thank you.

So what else have

you been doing?

Surely work can't

be the only thing.

Well, staying busy.

You know, doing stuff

around the house.

Seeing friends.

Good, I'm glad.

I've missed you.

Have you missed me?

Yeah, I missed you.

I've been thinking

a lot about us,

about where we went wrong.

I said some things.

I said some f*cked up things.

I think we should

give it another shot.

I'm not ready to move back

in or anything yet, I just...

What if we start slow?

Go on a few dates,

see where it goes.

What about Eric?

Eric was something

I thought I needed,

but I just need

space to find myself.

So Eric's out of the picture?

It's very out of the picture.

Are you seeing anyone?


You know, this,

this feels right.

The two of us talking,

getting drinks,

enjoying each others' company.

Would you agree?

Yeah, I agree.

Mako, what are you doing?

Hello, sir.

Mako, what are you

doing out here?

I'm not sure.

You changed clothes.

Yeah, I had a

meeting with my boss.

You look very handsome.

Oh, it's late.

Did you eat?

I can make you something.

No, I'm not hungry, thank you.

Would you like to

make love to me?

I'm fully charged.


Is everything okay?

Yes, why do you ask?

You seem distracted.

Just a stressful day at work.

Do you wanna stop?

No, of course not.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm just gonna carve

your face in f*cking two!



Yeah, huh, you ready, you ready?


No, no, no!

Have you seen a woman with

scars on her face, huh?


please don't cut me.


Mako, what's going on, Mako?

Mako, Mako!

Mako, what's going on?



Mako, what's wrong?

What happened?

I don't know, you

just started freaking out.

Are you okay?

Please put me in sleep mode.

I need to run software updates.

I've detected malware.



afternoon, Mr. Carter.

How are you enjoying Mako?

I'm enjoying her very much.

I just wanted to let you

know she had some malware

or something wrong with

her system last night,

but it seems to be corrected.

Is she still

experiencing problems?


I'm just calling to

find out if you could

actually pick her up on Friday.

I don't need her.

Are you not

satisfied with her service?

No, I'm satisfied.

I just really don't

need her that day.

Very well, sir.

We will come pick her up then.

Okay, thank you.

You startled me.

You didn't hear me come in?

I was listening to music.

What are you listening to?

Here, let me show you.

Do you like it?

Very much.

Did you come here to

take a break from work?

No, I just,

I just came here to see

if you were, if you

needed anything.

Oh, I'm good.

Thank you for checking.

Let me go back to work.

I'm so excited to spend

the weekend with you.

I've got a couple ideas

on how we could recharge.

Would you like to hear them?

Unfortunately, I have a huge

project that I have to do

so I won't be able

to have you here.

Are you sending me back?

Just gonna send you

back for a day or two.

I'll have you back next week.

Oh, okay.

Whatever you need.

Ah, no

wine for tonight.

But I was hoping

we could celebrate,

since I'm leaving tomorrow.

But I can put this back.

- No, no, it's fine.

Look, I'd like to have a

glass of mine with you.

I mean, not with you.

I'd like to celebrate.

I've had a really

great time here.

Let me go get your dinner.

Are you okay?

I don't know, all of

a sudden I feel tired.

Would you like to lie down?

Yes, very much so.

Here, let me help you.

No, I'm okay.

Shh, shh.

Are you going to be a good boy?

Good, I knew you would.

Mako, what the

hell are you doing?

What's the matter, sir?

Don't you wanna play with me?

Seriously, this is not funny.

Untie me right now!

Mako, it's an order,

release me right now.

- No. - What do you mean no?

f*cking release me

right f*cking now!

Hold still.


Oh, you f*cking bitch!

Mako. - What's wrong, sir?

We could do anything

you wanna do.

I know you, you said

you needed to recharge.

I'm, I'm listening to you.

I'm, I'm ready to recharge.

I'll do anything you ask.

Oh, you f*cking bitch!

Mako, please, please stop!



Mako, I'm not kidding.

Let me, let me go!

Don't you like this?


You f*cking bitch!

You f*cking c**t!

That's all I am to you, huh?

Just a stupid little bitch.

A dirty little slut

to use and abuse.

Mako, I'm sorry, I didn't

mean to call you that.

You made me feel special,

but I'm just a thing to you.

I'll show you what happens when

you treat women like things.

Mako, please.

I'm sorry.

Mako, listen, I swear

I'll do anything.

You're special, I

love you, I really...

You do?

Love me? - Yes, very much.

Now, let me go.

I, I, I could show you.

I thought you were different,

but you're just

another nightmare.

So let me give you

what you deserve.


Look, I love you.

Are you ready?

I swear I love you.


Please, Mako.

It's too late for that now.

Just let me go,

you f*cking c**t!

Close your eyes.

Mako, no, look.

Help, help, help!

Help, please help!

Help, help, help!

Shh, shh.

Who are you?

I'm Mako, Harrison's maid.

Since when does he have a maid?

Why are you here so late?

I just come when I'm called.


Where is he?

Harrison's in the shower.

Why don't you sit?

Would you like a drink?

- No, I'm fine.

What's with the outfit?

It's that a joke or something?

So how long you've

been working here?

Just a couple weeks.

I don't hear the shower.


He must be done then.

Well, I'm gonna go find him.

Harrison. - Please sit down.

No, get out of my way.

What the f*ck?

Get your hands off


Oh my God.

What the f*ck are you?

I said sit down.



Mako, what are you doing?

Mako, who's out there?

Mako, what did you do?

Mako, let me go right now.

Let me go right

f*cking now, Mako.



Mako, what are you doing?

Mako, let me go.





Are you dreaming?

Maybe we can dream together.

What the f*ck?

Is he dead too?

Looks like it.

Did she do all this?

Well, they didn't

just off themselves.

What do you think happened then?

Hell if I know.

When we take her

back to the lab,

they'll figure it out though.

Such a shame.

This is a really pretty one too.

What do you think

they'll do to her?

Scrap pad?

No way.

They'll just probably wipe her

memory clean like last time.

Fix whatever code malfunctioned.

You mean this has

happened before?

Don't even get me started.

Wait, wait, what

are you doing there?

No, no, put that down.

- Oh. - Wipe that shit off.


Right, right.

Yeah, I'm at 15 Forest Lane.

We have a Code X times two.

I repeat, times two.

Unit is at 0%.

But seems unharmed.

Confirmed, no external damage.

Diagnostics seem okay.

One M, one F.

You'll see them both

when you get here.

Copy, see you in an hour.

Well, all right,

help me with this.

What do we do about him?


Nothing, that's

someone else's problem.

We just have to

worry about the unit.

Don't you think that's

pretty messed up?

Well, I just do what

they tell me to do.

Here, on three, ready?

One, two, three, go.

Whatever you say.

Damn, they don't pay me

enough for this shit.

Let's get the hell out of here.

I feel you.

Break me down,

make we weak again

After all, I called

you my best friend

I've been here, I

know the story ends

With broken hearts

and us playing pretend

Break me, break

me, down, down

Break me, break me, down

Break me, break

me, down, down

Break me, break me, down

Break me down and

make we weak again

After all I called

you my best friend

And I've been here,

I know the story ends

With broken hearts

and us playing pretend

Break me, break

me, down, down

Break me, break me, down

Break me, break

me, down, down

Break me, break me, down
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