Bound (1996)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Bound (1996)

Post by bunniefuu »

I had this image of you
inside of me...

like a part of me.

You planned this whole thing.

We make our own choice.
We pay our own prices.

Five years is a long time.

Where's the f*ckin' money?

All part of the business.

All part of the business.

You made a choice once.

What choice?

I want out.

Like a part of me.

Hold the elevator.


Yeah, I looked over everything, sir.

I don't think there should be
any problems.

Yes, sir, I ordered the vanity
and I looked at the tub.

I'm pretty sure we can rout it out.

Yeah, I'll start everything
first thing tomorrow.

Thanks again for this opportunity,
Mr. Bianchini.



My name is Violet.
We sort of met on the elevator.

I'm Corky.

I heard you working in here,
and I was wondering...

if you'd like a cup of coffee.


Come on in.

Just give me a second.

All right.

What happened to Rajiv?

He went home to India or someplace,
but I think he'll be back.

So this is just
a temporary situation for you?

Yeah, pretty much.
One day at a time.

I guessed you're a straight black.

Good guess.


My pleasure.

To be honest, I did have
a slightly ulterior motive.

I was wondering if I might
ask you a little favor.

- Favor.
- Yeah.

I'm kind of a night person,
and I was wondering...

if you might wait a little bit
before you start using the power tools.

- Oh, sorry.
- Oh, no. No.

It's not your fault. It's just
the walls here are so terribly thin.

- Really.
- It's like you're in the same room.

If it's too much trouble,
I understand.

It's no trouble at all.
I got a lot to do here.

You doin' all the work yourself?

That is so amazing.

I am so in awe of people
who can fix things.

My dad was like that.
We never had anything new.

Whenever anything was broken,
he would just...

open it up, tinker with it
a little bit...

and fix it.

His hands were magic.

I'll bet your car
is 20 years old.


Truck. Of course.

- '63 Chevy.
- I knew it.

Well, I guess I should be going.

You can drop the cup off
at any time.


My pleasure.

Well, well.

It's been a long time, Cork.

Five years, two months
and sixteen days.

- How you doin', Sue?
- Like sh*t.

Now that we're all caught up,
can I buy you a drink?


Did you get a job yet?

Yeah. Some plumbing,
painting and sh*t.

I mean a J-O-B.
A real job.

No. Not for me, Sue.

I'm just here to get laid.

- Hi.
- Hello.

Hey, Jesse,
what's happenin' here?

Wait. I know you.

I don't think so.

I didn't know you were out.

When you get tired
of Cagney and Lacey, find me.


Hey, Mr. Bianchini.

Everything's going just fine.

Yeah, I got the tub drain
all cleaned out.

What apartment?

Oh, no.

sh*t! I didn't know
he would call you.

You must think
I'm a total nuisance.

Not exactly.

I'm sorry. I would
usually call Rajiv...

but I didn't know what to do,
so I called Mr. Bianchini.

- He said you lost something?
- Yeah.

Come on in.

I was doing the dishes, and just as I
pulled the stopper, my earring fell in.

That's why I got upset.
It's one of my favorites.

You got a pot or a bucket?

Did you find it?

Oh, my God.
I can't believe that.

I can't thank you enough.
You have to let me pay you something.

- No.
- No?

Told Bianchini I'd do it.
I did it.

If you won't take money,
how about a drink?

You can't work all night.

All right.

One drink.

What would you like?



Of course.

Sit down.


You seem uncomfortable.

Do I make you nervous, Corky?


Thirsty, maybe.

Curious, maybe.

That's funny. I'm feeling
a little bit curious myself.

That's a great tattoo.

Beautiful labris.

Are you surprised
I know what it is?


I have a tattoo.

Would you like to see it?

A woman in upstate New York
did it for me.

Do you like it?

Took her all day to do it.

She promised
it wouldn't hurt, but...

it was sore
for a long time after.

I couldn't even touch it.

Now I love the way it feels.


Touch it.

- What are you doing?
- Isn't it obvious?

I'm trying to seduce you.


Because I want to.

I've wanted to ever since I saw you
that day in the elevator.

I know you don't believe me...

but I can prove it to you.

You can't believe what you'd see...

but you can believe
what you feel.

I've been thinking about you
all day.

You planned this whole thing.

You dropped that earring
down the sink on purpose, didn't you?

If I say yes,
will you take your hand away?

- No.
- Yes.

Oh, please, Corky.

Oh, please.

Kiss me!

Oh, f*ck!

Violet! Vi, you home?

Yeah, I'm right here, C.

- What the f*ck is this?
- I didn't...

What the f*ck is...


Corky, this is Caesar.
Caesar, Corky.

I thought...

It's f*ckin' dark in here.

Corky's doing some work
for Mr. Bianchini.

Oh, yeah. Right.
Don mentioned that to me.

I'm sorry. Hi.

Welcome to the family.

So you're working
with Rajiv, right?

No. Rajiv's in India.

She's doing the work herself.

No sh*t.

Bianchini hired you. You must be
pretty good with your hands.

- He's a good friend of mine.
- That's what Violet says.

Family really.

- When did you get out?
- Jesus, Caesar.

What? It ain't
no big f*ckin' deal.

I know who Don hires.

You know, he did time himself.
Thirteen f*ckin' years.

What did you do?

- Five.
- Five.

That's not bad. What for?

That's none
of your g*dd*mn business.

You're right. She's right.
It's none of my g*dd*mn business.

You don't have to tell me.
It's just...

I want you to understand
one thing, all right?

You're amongst good people here.

Come on, come on.

If you understand what I'm
talkin' about, you'll take the money.

If you don't, then I'm gonna
have to worry about you.

Good. I hate to worry.

I got ulcers.

I should be going.

What? No, stick around.
Get her a drink.

I gotta go clean out my brushes.

Another time.

Right. Another time.

Mmm, Corky, Corky.
What are you doing?

I had to see you.

Look. I don't think
this is a good idea.

I wanted to apologize.

No, please, don't apologize.

If there's one thing I can't stand it's
woman who apologize for wanting sex.

I'm not apologizing
for what I did.

I'm apologizing
for what I didn't do.

You have a bed somewhere?

I can see again.

I needed that.

So Caesar's Mafia, huh?

You have to ask?



Nobody really
calls it that anymore.

Caesar just calls it
"the business."

How did you meet him?

They took over a club
I was working at.

Caesar started managing it.

- He's a launderer?
- Basically.

How long you been with him?

About five years.

Five years is a long time.

Yes, it is.

The redistribution of wealth.

- Excuse me?
- Isn't it what you wanted to know?

What I did time for?

"The redistribution of wealth?"

That's what I tell someone
when I'm trying to get them in my bed.

But I'm already in your bed.

My cell mate would say
she did her time for getting caught.

She was always
a lot more honest than me.

You didn't have to tell me
if you didn't want to.

I guess I wanted to.

I'm glad you did.

So am I.

Please. Come on.

Will you just...
I have to leave tonight.

Don't make me beg, Violet.

Two minutes. Thank you.

Hey, Violet.

You look great.

I had this image of you
inside of me.

Like a part of me.

You are so beautiful.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing.

Yes, there is.
You didn't want to see me, did you?

If there's one thing I can't stand
about sleeping with women...

it's all the f*cking mind reading.

- I don't understand.
- I know, Violet.

That's 'cause you can't understand.
We're different.

We're not that different, Corky.

Ah, let's see.

This is the part
where you tell me...

what matters is on the inside...

and that inside of you there's
a little d*ke just like me.

No, she's nothing like you.
She's a whole lot smarter than you are.

Is that what her daddy tells her?

I know what I am. I don't have
to have it tattooed on my shoulder.

- You saying you don't have sex with men?
- I don't.

For Christ's sake, I heard you.
Thin walls, remember?

What you heard wasn't sex.

What was it?


You made certain choices in your life
that you paid for.

You said you made them because
you were good at something...

and it was easy.

You think you're the only person
that's good at something?

We make our own choices.
We pay our own prices.

I think we're more alike
than you care to admit.

What about that guy this morning?


Don't tell me.
You're a workaholic.

No, Shelly knows what I am.
He saw me in a bar with another woman.

Yeah. I suppose
he just wants to watch.

f*ck it.
I think you'd better leave.

Yeah, I think I'd better.

Try not to steal anything
on the way out.

Where the f*ck is it?

I didn't do it!
I swear to you!

Come on!

Where is it?

- Oh, that hurt, didn't it?
- Ow!

You think you're smart?

Where's that f*ckin' money?

Please, please!

Please, let me go!

Please stop it!

Don't make me beg!

Stop it! Please!

- Please stop!
- Tryin' to f*ck us? You wanna f*ck me?

You piece of sh*t.
We're goin' home.

- Nobody fucks him!
- I'm not f*cking him!

I swear to God!

Johnnie! Ho!

He's making too much noise.

You hear that, bitch?
Shut up.

Give me a towel.

Shut up!


Put it in his mouth.

Caesar, I'm leaving.

What? Why?

- I didn't use a good towel.
- Caesar, I'm serious.

I can't take this.
I have to get out of here.


'Cause you know him?

Aw, you see?

Baby, that's what I love about you.

You're so f*ckin' sensitive.

But I like you here.

I want you to stay.

This is hard on me too.

I like Shelly.

So why don't you watch some TV
and put on a cassette or something?

You okay, Violet?

Mick, why is Johnnie here?

You know how I feel
about that psycho f*ck?

Caesar, didn't I tell you
to get something?

Sure. Sorry about that.

You shouldn't have to see this.

Why don't you get out of here?
Go for a walk.

Caesar wants me to stay.

Don't worry about Caesar.
I'll handle Caesar.

Get out of here.

- We can go all night, bitch.
- Okay.

Thank you, Mickey.

Here you go.

All f*ckin' night, baby!
All night!

Hey, Johnnie, ease up, okay?


Pick him up.


I'm gonna ask you ten times.
You understand?

Ten times.


One. Where's our money?

You all right?

Come on.
Let's get out of here.

Keep it.

Shelly was skimming
from the business.

He came to see me yesterday
because he was afraid Caesar found out.

He wanted to run, but he
wanted me to come with him.

Even though he knew about you.

- Yeah.
- This guy's in love with you?

That's what he tells himself,
but it's not even about me.

He could have run at any time,
but he didn't want out.

It sounds like
he wanted to get caught.

Yeah. Maybe he did.

He would brag to me
all the time.

He was never afraid
of Caesar because...

he didn't know him.

Not like I do.

I used to be able
to block it out.

Or I'd just tell myself that...

I wasn't really there, and so...

none of it really mattered.

But I can't do that anymore.

I'm making the same mistake
Shelly made...

but now I know what I want.

I want out.

I want a new life.

I see what I've been waiting for,
but I can't do it alone.

I need your help, Corky.

- Caesar's gonna get the money...
- How much money?

Shelly said it's over
two million dollars.

Yeah. So Caesar's gonna get it.

He's gonna bring it by the apartment.
He's gonna count it.

He's gonna go through the books and try
and figure out how Shelly did it.

Wait a minute. Violet, do you know
what you're saying?

You're asking me
to help you f*ck over the Mob.

Violet, these people are serious.

You wanna know how serious?
Ask your friend Shelly.

They're worse than any cop because they
have lots of money and no rules.

You f*ck them,
you better do it right.

That's why I need your help.
You said you were good.

I am good.

Let's just say for a moment
I believe everything you're saying.

- You think I'm lying?
- I didn't say that.

But since you did,
let's say you are.

It would have been easy for you
to set up Shelly.

You could have had him k*lled...

knowing that Caesar would bring
the money back to the apartment.

All you would need to keep yourself
clean is someone unconnected.

Someone like me.

Is that what you think?

I'm just making a point.

You have no idea
what you're asking...

how much trust it takes two people
to do something like this.

For me, stealing has always been
a lot like sex.

Two people who want
the same thing.

They get in a room,
they talk about it.

They start to plan.
It's like flirting.

It's kind of like foreplay.

Because the more they talk about it,
the wetter they get.

The only difference is,
I can f*ck someone I've just met.

But to steal, I need to know someone
like I know myself.

You think you know me like that?

I wanna see the money.

Oh, my God!

Don't worry.
It ain't mine.

- Caesar, what happened?
- It was unbelievable, Vi.


sh*t! Look at this shirt.

Look at it.
It's ruined.

It all started when Shelly
took us to the money.

I'll tell you something.
Mickey, he knows his sh*t.

He does.
Shelly took us right there.

So Shelly's down
on his knees, right...

and he's pulling out this money
from a safe on the floor...

and I'm standin' there...

and I'm lookin' at it, right?

Like, "Holy f*ck!"

All I can think about is, "How the f*ck
was he able to do this," when bang!

Johnny caps him.
He caps Shelly!

Blood goes flyin' everywhere.
All over me. All over the money.

I have no idea
if this is even all of it.

And right then,
I go through the roof and bam!

I punch the dumb son of a bitch.

I punch him right in
his dumb f*ckin' face.

I didn't give a sh*t
whose son he was.

I just wanted to hit him again... smack
some sense into the dumb son of a bitch!

Look at the sh*t that
I gotta f*ckin' deal with now!

- What are you gonna do with it?
- I told him to run it through the cycle.

But no, Johnnie calls up the old man,
and I guess he's got other plans...

because he wants to pick up
this sh*t tomorrow night.

Where's the laundry detergent?

It's in the linen cabinet.

Come to my place
in the morning, early.

You think you know me like that?

Two million dollars.

You're having second thoughts.


You said Caesar washed the money?

- Yeah.
- Then what? Exactly.

- He hung it up.
- He what?

To let it dry.

It was unreal.

Hundreds paper-clipped everywhere
like leaves.

Then one by one
he ironed all of it.

- Did he sleep?
- No, but neither did I.

All night long
I listened to that sound.

- What sound?
- The sound of money.

Where is it now?

It's in his office.

I saw it this morning.

I need to go to the store.

It's in a case on his desk.

Does the case lock?


- Huh. Tell me about Johnnie.
- Johnnie?

Sounds like he and Caesar
don't like each other.

Like each other?
They hate each other.

- Why?
- I don't know.

Happened long before
I came around.

I think it's basically Caesar
thinks Johnnie's a complete idiot...

but, you know, what can you do?

Johnnie runs Chicago
'cause Gino's his father.

Who's Gino?

Gino Marzzone.

Marzzone, as in Angelo Marzzone,
head of the Marzzone family?

Yeah, that's his brother.


Gino Marzzone's coming to your place
tonight to pick up the money?


And Johnnie Marzzone's his son?
That's Johnnie?


Sweet Jesus.

It's perfect.

Gino Marzzone's coming to your place
tonight. This is a big deal.

Caesar's gonna want to do it right.
He won't want to look like an idiot.

- Has Gino been to your place before?
- Yeah, twice.

- What happened?
- Caesar was really nervous.

He kept cleaning the apartment.

The first time he picked out the dress
he wanted me to wear.

Did Johnnie ever hit on you?

Johnnie hits on me all the time.
He hits on anything in high heels.

- Did Caesar ever see this?
- He does it right in front of him.

This is getting better and better.
Go on.

Well, Gino doesn't speak much English,
or at least he pretends not to...

so he usually gets
right to the point.

Both times they only talked
for about five minutes.

They had a drink
and then they left.

- What did Gino drink?
- Scotch.

Glenlivet. I remember that 'cause
Caesar made a big deal about it.

All right.

I have an idea
how to make this work.

Go back and get ready.
Take your time. Make it real.

What time did you say
they'd be there?

The plane gets in at 7:00,
so I'd say around 8:00.

All right.

Now, at some point,
Caesar's gonna quit.

I guess sometime around 6:00,
making sure he's got time to get ready.

As soon as he's done, you'll be there
to put a big drink in his hand.

what this guy Shelly did.

I'll tell you, Shelly's
one smart-ass m*therf*cker.

I mean, he was
one smart-ass m*therf*cker.

Poor boy.
Has to work so hard.

You want him to relax, unwind.

You look good enough to eat.

Where will you be?

I'll be waiting
in the apartment next door.

- Waiting for what?
- For the shower.

That's gonna be our signal.

When he's done with his shower,
you'll go to the bar.

You'll get out the scotch
that Gino drinks.

As you do, the bottle
will slip from your hands.

An accident.

Vi, what the hell was that?

Vi, you can't hear me?

- Ah, f*ck!
- Caesar, it slipped.

- I was trying to get ready.
- How the f*ck did you do that?

Caesar, it was an accident.
I didn't mean to.

- I'll get some more.
- There's no f*ckin' time!

Don't be silly.
There's lots of time.

I'll clean this up and I'll be back
before you're even dressed.

f*ck, Vi!

When you open the door,
I'll be there.

What if he sees you?

He won't.

You can't know for certain
that he won't see you.

- Trust me.
- I'm just asking. What if?

If he does...

then I won't have a choice,
will I?

When I'm inside,
I'll get the money.

I'm gonna need something
to fill the case.

Hide it near the desk.

And at that point...

there's no turning back.

When I get the scotch...

how do I know
you won't just take off?

The same way I'll know that you
went to go get the scotch.


I still don't see how
I'm gonna get away clean...

with all the money
in the apartment.

Everyone's gonna think
I took it.

- Not Caesar.
- Why?

'Cause of what
you're gonna tell him.

You gotta be as real as you can.

The moment you walk through
that door with the scotch...

you'll be covered.

That moment's the most important
moment of the plan.

'Cause if you're real enough, he's
gonna believe you, 'cause deep down...

he'll want to.

C? sh*t, I'm sorry.
They were early.

- What are you talkin' about?
- They just left, didn't they?

- What, are you drunk?
- They weren't just up here?

No, they're still on their way.

That doesn't make any sense.

- Why?
- I just saw Johnnie downstairs.


Yeah. I was getting out of my car,
and I saw him in his BMW.

- Nah, it couldn't have been.
- It was him, Caesar.

I'm positive.

Vi, that's impossible.

Caesar, I know Johnnie.

It was him.

I screamed when I saw him.
I couldn't believe I missed him.

I knew you were gonna be upset, so I
thought I'd stop and apologize...

and give Gino the scotch, but...

I honked a couple of times, and Johnnie
didn't even hear me. He didn't stop.


Gino's plane doesn't get here
for another half hour.

Actually, I didn't see Gino
in the car.

If Caesar hates Johnnie as much as
you say, when he opens that case...

he's gonna know in his gut
that Johnnie just f*cked him.

He'll have no choice.
He can't go after Gino or Johnnie.

There's only one way out.

He'll have to run.

And if he runs...

everyone will assume
he took the money.

You'll be clean,
and we'll be rich.

Jesus, that's beautiful.

If you're this g*dd*mn smart,
how did you ever get caught?

I had a partner once.

She f*cked me.

I won't.

I think we're gonna find out.

- Oh, God!
- Caesar?



Oh, no.

Oh, God.


Vi, I've been set up.


That f*ck!

That rat f*ck!

That motherless rat f*ck!

Why? Why would Johnnie do this?

Jesus Christ. Violet,
open your f*cking eyes.

Johnnie hates me
as much as I hate him.

I hate that motherless rat f*ck.

- I f*ckin' hate him.
- But you know he did it.

Yeah. So what?
So f*cking what?

Look, the money is gone, right?

Gino's coming to get it.

Do you think Gino is going to believe me
when I tell him...

his little rat f*ck son stole it?

'Cause I don't.
You know what I think?

I'm a dead man.
I'm one in the back of the head.

That's what I think.

What are we gonna do?

I know what Johnnie wants me to do.
Johnnie wants me to run.

He wants me outta here.

But if I run, then everybody thinks
I f*cking did it...

and he gets away
with two million clean.

I can see him right now...

on the way to get Gino,
laughin' at me!

Laughin' at me, laughin' at me!

Laughin' at me!

f*ckin' laughin' at me!

Don't! Please.
Don't touch me, okay?

I gotta think. I gotta
f*ckin' think this through!

Caesar, I think we should run.

We have to go now,
before it's too late!

Please, Violet, leave me alone.

Please, all right?

Just leave me the f*ck alone!

All right, Caesar.

I gotta think, that's all.
I just gotta think.

- It's me.
- What happened?

He totally freaked out.
I've never seen him like this.

He's out of his f*cking mind.

That's all right, as long as
he believes it was Johnnie.

Believes it?

It's driving him crazy.
He wants to k*ll him.

I don't know, Corky.

I'm getting really nervous.
I don't know what he's gonna do.

It's all right, Violet.
It's working.

All we gotta do is wait him out
and see what he does.

What if he doesn't run?

That means he'll probably
k*ll Johnnie.

Oh, Christ!
I have to get out of here!

Listen, if he doesn't run,
all you gotta do is break down.

Go into the bedroom
and pack some things.

Start crying. Tell him you love him,
but you can't take it.

You're sorry, but you gotta leave,
and just walk out.

All right. Okay.

We're almost there.
Just hang on.

He's coming!

I know what I have to do.
I have to get the money back.

The money?
The money's gone.

No, Johnnie's got it.
I gotta get it back.

It could be anywhere.

There's not enough time, Violet.

Johnnie's gotta pick up Gino
at the airport, right?

That means he's probably got
the money with him in the car.

Did he see you?


Good. That's good.

That means I got the edge.

He doesn't know I know.

That's why he put
the paper in the case.

He wants me to hand it to Gino.

Then there's no doubt I did it.

Gino will put a b*llet in me himself.

But that's not gonna happen.

That jack-off's not gonna set me up.
No way. Not like this.

This is insane.

What are you doin'?

I'm leaving.

I don't want any part of this sh*t.
I don't want to be involved.

- You can't leave.
- The hell I can't.

- I need you.
- You don't need me.

You've never needed me.

I can't help you, understand?

I can't let you leave.

If you're not with me,
I have to assume you're against me.

Caesar, this is crazy.

Maybe it is.
Maybe it isn't.

Maybe you dropped that bottle
of scotch by accident.

Maybe you didn't.

I would've been so easy...

to let him in as you left.

You can't believe that.

I've seen the way he looks at you.

He's always wanted you.

Maybe two million bucks
finally bought you.

I'm sorry, Violet.

I wanna trust you.

But you understand.

I don't have any other choice.

You sure you don't want a drink?

- Hello.
- Yeah, we're here.

- Hey, Johnnie.
- Open the f*ckin' door.

Sure. Come on up.


Good to see you.
Vi, look who's here.

Hello, Gino.
How are you?

- You shouldn't have hit me.
- You wanna get into this now?

No, Caesar, not now.

You are as radiant as ever, Violet.

Gino, Glenlivet, right?

And I'll have
whatever Violet's drinking.

- I'm not drinking.
- Oh, well, then neither will I.

No, I'll have
a Tanqueray and tonic.

Caesar, two T&T's.

Salud, eh?
Roy, Pop, Violet.


Uh-uh, no, no, Johnnie.

- I gotta make a bet.
- No g*dd*mn phone. Not now.

Cesare, come and sit.
We're gonna talk now.

Johnnie, you too.
No, no.

Cesare, look at me.

Johnnie, he said to me
what happened.

Cesare, you gotta do me a favor.
A personal favor for me, huh?

You gotta start respecting Johnnie
the way you respect me.

Good, good.

And you, Johnnie,
you gotta stop acting stupid.

You gotta earn this respect
that Cesare's gonna give.




where's my money?

We know how this was done?

Yeah. I know.

And it won't happen again?

Good. Done. We go now.

Wait a minute, Pop.
Jesus Christ.

You got two hours
till your plane leaves.

Just relax. Have a drink.

Caesare, Glenlivet.

So, Caesar, tell me something.

What did it total out at?



Can you believe that, Violet?


I just wanna know one thing.

Just one thing after he made
such a big deal about it.

I'll bet it wasn't such a big deal,
huh, Caesar?

What's that, Johnnie?

The money.

I'll bet it wasn't nothin'
to make it clean...

after you made such
a big f*ckin' deal about it.

- What I tell you...
- It's important to me, Pop.

It's a simple question. If he'd
answer it, that's the end of it.

Where's this goin', Johnnie?

Just admit it.

Admit what?

That you overreacted!

You lost it! Not me.

It was your mistake.

You wanna play it this way?

I could play it this way.

You wanna know who made a mistake?

Open the case.

- Caesar.
- Shut up, Violet.

This is between me and Johnnie.

You wanna do this now?

Let's do it.

Open the f*ckin' case.

Open the case.

Where's the f*cking key?

You don't need a key.

Then how the f*ck can I open it?

The same way you did before.

What are you talking about?

All right, Johnnie.


get me another drink.

- What is this?
- Don't you f*cking move!

- Where is it, fuckface?

- Where's what?
- The money!

Okay, Caesar, if you don't
put down that g*n...

Sit down.

Caesar, what is this?

Gino, your son stole this money
to set me up!

He f*ckin' stole it,
and I can prove it!

Violet, tell them.

Tell them!

For God's sake, Johnnie,
do what he says.

For Christ's sake!
This isn't happening.

Next one blows off
your f*ckin' d*ck!

I'm looking at a dead man.
You're a f*ckin' dead man!


- Gino, don't.
- Do you point the g*n at me?

Do you know who I am?
I am Gino Marzzone!

No, Gino, please.

Gino, sit down.

We're family, Cesare.

Family, Caesar.



give it to me.

Good man.

Don't sh**t.

I had to do it, Violet.

You saw it.
I had no choice.

It was Johnnie.

Lying rat f*ck.
He made me do it.

Hey! Hey!

You stupid f*ck!
You think you could set me up? Huh?

I'm a dead man, Johnnie?
I'm a f*cking dead man?

Guess again, Johnnie.
Who's the dead man? Who?

Who's dead, fuckface?
Who? Who?

I can't hear you, Johnnie.
Guess again.

Take another guess, Johnnie.
Take another f*ckin' guess.

What are you doing?

Maybe three hours.

Caesar, what are you going to do?

- We're gonna get the money back.
- What?

Violet, if we get the money back,
then none of this ever happened.

Caesar, you just k*lled
Gino Marzzone.

No, I didn't.
Not if the bodies disappear.

Not if the money's here.
Then they never showed up.

What happened to them?

I don't know.
Maybe we'll never know.

My guess, it was a job.

Maybe the Carpella's.
All part of the business.

Look, once we find the money,
then everything's gonna be all right.

Somebody's coming.

- f*ck!
- Oh, no.


Caesar, what are we gonna do?

They're just cops.
Stall 'em as long as you can.

Gino, man.

Come on. Come on!

Answer it.

- Hello?
- This is the police, ma'am.

The police?

We had a report of g*nf*re.
Can you buzz us in, please?

- g*nf*re? Is this a joke?
- No joke, ma'am.

- Please open the door.
- Um.

How do I know
that you're really the police?

Ma'am, you have to open the door.

All right.

Now, if you're thinking
about doing something stupid...

remember, I just k*lled
Gino Marzzone.

You understand what that means?

They're just cops.

See? We're for real.

I'm sorry. It's just that
sometimes you hear stories.

You did the right thing.

Come on in.

Hey, hey! Chicago's finest.

How's it going tonight, fellas?

Very good, sir?

I'm sorry. I got a bum ear.
Can't hear sh*t with it.

My name is Caesar,
and this here is my Violet.

So, Violet tells me there's
some problems about g*nshots.

Uh, yes, sir.
A neighbor in the building called in.

- I think we know what happened.
- Probably just the television.

Oh, the television.

Honey, why don't you turn it off?

This happened before.

This ear, I was born with it.

The batteries went dead
on my hearing aid. I'm sorry.

- It's all right.
- No big deal.

I hate to trouble you guys.
Can I get you a beer?

Uh, no. Not on duty. Sorry.

But, uh, do you mind
if I use your bathroom?

No. Sure.
It's right over here.


Listen, do you mind
if I make myself a drink?

Yeah, right there.

Sure. Go right ahead, sir.

This is a beautiful place.

Thank you.

Is this a condo?

Okay, let's roll.

Oh, try to keep extra batteries
around for the aid, okay?

Good idea.

Come on. Let's go.


f*ck! Where is it?


It's gotta be at his place.

Get in the car.

- Caesar, I don't think...
- Get in the f*cking car!

Two million dollars, Corky.

Two million dollars.
It's gotta be here. It's gotta be.

I just... I gotta think.
Think like Johnnie.

Okay, I'm Johnnie.

I come in.

Where did I put it?

That's a lot of f*ckin' money,
and I gotta hide it.

I gotta hide it.
I don't have much time.

I gotta get to the airport,
pick up my f*ckin' daddy!

I can't wait to see Caesar's face
when he finds out.

- Where did he put it?
- C.

Think. Think.

Where is it, you m*therf*cker?

Where? Where?



It's not here, Caesar.

Where is it?

I don't know.
It could be anywhere.

We don't even know
if he was alone, Caesar.

Come on.
We have to get out of here.

We don't have much time.

What are you doing?

Gotta buy more time. More time.

Who are you gonna call?

- Yeah?
- Hey, Mickey.

Oh, God.

Caesar, what the f*ck time is it?

Oh, Mickey, did I wake you up?
Listen, I'm sorry. I know it's late.

I don't know if this is a big deal,
but they ain't showed up yet.

What? They ain't there?

No. I-I-I called the airport.
The plane landed on time.

I even called over at Johnnie's house,
but there was no answer there.

Okay. Let me call around.
I'll see what I can do.

Don't go anywhere, okay?

Yeah, okay, sure.

Caesar, you still have the money?

Oh, yeah, Mickey,
I still got the money.

Starin' right at it.

Good. Sit tight.
I'll call you.


So I'll start packing.
You know what you have to do.

I'll use Johnnie's car
to dump the bodies in the lake.

I need plastic bags, rope and tape.

Just hurry.

Please, Corky, please.

- Thank God.
- I'm still here.

I was so afraid
you were going to leave me.

You don't quit on me, Violet.
I won't quit on you.

Corky, it worked.
He's going to run.

He needs to take care of the bodies
to buy himself a little time...

but as soon as he leaves,
it's over.

Just a little while longer.


I want to tell you something.

I know, Violet.

I know.

It's why I'm still here.

Who was that?

Vi, who the f*ck was that?

Did you call Mickey?
Did you call Mickey?

Did you!

Mickey, is that you?


Who is that?
Who's over there?

Who's over there?
Tell me! Tell me!

No! Stop! Caesar! Caesar!

No! No! No! Caesar!

Drop the f*cking g*n or die.

Drop it!

Turn around.


Holy f*cking Christ.

You gotta be f*cking kiddin' me.

You gotta be f*cking kiddin' me.


Come on!

Wake up. Wake up.

Wake up, you f*cking d*ke.


I know everything now.

So I don't wanna hear any
"I don't know" bullshit, understand?

God, I should've seen this coming
the minute I met you.

Everybody knows
your kind can't be trusted.

f*ckin' queers.
You make me sick.

But you made a fatal mistake.

You tried to f*ck the wrong guy...

and I swear to you...

I'm gonna k*ll you for it.

Where's my money?

Don't tell him.
He can't k*ll you.

- Violet.
- Not until he has the money.

Now, where is it?

Lick me.

Where is my money?

Either pull the trigger, or get
that f*cking thing out of my face.

f*ckin' c**t.

Caesar, stop acting
like an assh*le and think.

Violet, don't try
to tell me what to do.

You need the money just like we do.

- Shut up!
- Let us go. We'll make a deal.

Shut the f*ck up!

What did you do to her, huh?

What did you f*ckin' do to her?

That's not my Violet!

What did she do to you?

Everything you couldn't.

You ungrateful f*ckin' bitch.

Vi, you were nothing
before you met me.

Don't you remember?
You had nothing.

Who gave you this place, huh?

Who gave it to you?

I did, Vi. I did.

You were nothing.
You had nothing.

What a load of crap.
Take a look at yourself, Caesar.

You're nothing but a common thug.
You launder money for the Mob.

You rent women
like you rented this apartment.

You used me, Caesar.
That's all. Just like I used you.

All part of the business.

You betrayed me.

You m*rder*d Gino.

Yeah, sure. You made me.
I had to do that.

Bullshit! You did it.

You did it because you couldn't stand
the thought of Johnnie f*cking you.

- Shut up.
- You shut up.

All right, Violet. All right!

You want the business, Violet?
All of the business?

I'll f*cking give it to you.
I'll give you all of it.

I'm gonna make you f*ckin' suffer.

Just like Shelly, Violet.
Just like f*ckin' Shelly.

I'm sorry, Corky.

Don't be sorry.
Help me.

Oh, no, no, no!

Hey, Vi, do you remember these?

All right,
I'm gonna start with Violet.

So you get an idea
of what's comin'.

I'm gonna ask you ten questions.

Every time I don't get an answer...

I cut off a finger.

Where's the money?

It's Mickey.

I said, "Where's the money?"

All right, I'll tell you.

It's in the apartment next door.

I put it in the paint drums.

Good. Now, I promised you
I would k*ll you. Remember?

You can't k*ll me.

Oh, really? Why not?

I could be lying.

You're gonna be sorry you said that.


Son of a bitch.

Keys, keys, keys, keys.

I can k*ll you right now,
if that's what you want.

Or you can live.

But I need your help.

You gotta help me make Mickey believe
that everything is normal.

Now, what do you wanna do?

Do you wanna live?

Oh! Oh, sh*t!

Christ! Mickey, you scared
the sh*t out of me.

What are you guys doin'
with your peckers in your hand?

You gonna do me, Mickey?

No. There was no answer.

I thought I heard some knocking
at the door.

I was buzzing, I was knocking...

but I guess you couldn't hear me
on account of being in the shower.

Yeah, well, you know, Mick,
I'm all wound up.

I'm driving myself crazy
over this Gino thing, and, well...

Vi, you know, she thought maybe...

she could, you know,
relax me in the...

That Violet is one nice lady.

I wish someone
would help me relax.

Uh, let me get you guys
a drink, huh?

I got scotch, whatever you want.

We was worried about you.

Me? Why?

We went over to Johnnie's place,
just to check it out.

It was busted up, bad.


Started thinking
maybe it's about the money.

So I call you,
but all I got is the busy signal.

I figure the phone is off the hook.
That's why I come rushing over here.

f*ck, the phone. sh*t.
That was me. I did that.

f*ck! That was
a stupid thing to do, huh?

Hey, if Violet
was helping me relax...

I'd probably do the same thing.

Hey, Caes, can I ask you something?


Why did you move
all the furniture around?

Let me guess.

That was Violet's idea too.

Yeah, uh, actually...

she was nervous
about Gino comin'...

and wanted everything
to look perfect and...

You know women, Mick.

Sure, Caes. They make us do
stupid things, don't they?

- Is that the money?
- Yeah. Yeah, that's it.

What did it total out at?


That f*ckin' Shelly.

Gotta hand it to the guy,
but, Jesus...

if I were him, I would've
bailed a long time ago.

I mean, how much money
does a man need?

I remember, I was just staring
at all this g*dd*mn money.

Shelly went down on his knees...

and the next thing I know,
Johnnie just blows his head off.

What a f*ckin' mess.

Johnnie's laughing his ass off...

and that's when Caesar lost it.

And boom.

He cold-cocked him.

He cold-cocks f*ckin'
Johnnie Marzzone.

Hey, Caesar.

Where's the key?

Um, the key...

Oh, they're in my pants
in the bathroom.

Ah, f*ck it.
I don't need the key.

I didn't need a key
to get in here, did I?

Who the hell could that be?

Are you gonna answer it?


- Hello?
- Hello, Caesar.

- This is Gino.
- What?

You're blowing your only chance,
assh*le. Act like I'm Gino.

Holy Christ! We've been
worried sick about you, Gino.

- Good boy.
- It's Gino.

- Where the hell is he?
- We were in a car accident.

- They were in a car accident.
- But everybody's all right.

Everybody's all right.
Just bruises and sh*t.

Un-f*cking-believable. I called
those highway patrols. Dumb fucks.

Mick, please.
I'm trying to hear Gino.

Now you listen to me, assh*le.
I know your g*n is behind the bar.

Either we make a deal right now,
or I hand this phone to Mickey.

I'm listening.

All right. I want what's mine.
I want half the money.

We get rid of Mickey,
and no one else dies.

No one. Say, "Yes, I understand."

Yes, I understand.

Tell them I'm at St. Mary's
off the Kennedy in the waiting room.

Stay on the phone
until I come out.

Okay. Right.

St. Mary's off the Kennedy.


Johnnie's okay?

What are you doing here?

Violet, it's Gino and Johnnie.
They were in a car accident.

Oh, my God!
Is everybody all right?

- I think everything's okay.
- All right. Bye.

They're at St. Mary's.
Can you f*cking believe this?

I can't fit them all in my car,
so give me your keys.

- Sure.
- You drive my car.

Vi! Vi!

Do me a favor. Go in my pants
in the bathroom and get my keys.

Come on. Let's go.
Vi, let's go!

- Thanks, V.
- Call me as soon as you get there.

Leave your phone on the hook.

Now, that's teamwork.

I should've let 'em k*ll you.

He would've done you too.

I knew I couldn't trust you.

Relax. I said
I would let you live...

and I will.


Let's go see if your d*ke
was dumb enough to lie.

Let's go.




Violet! Violet!


Come on, please.

Bitch! You f*ckin' bitch!

- Mickey?
- Violet?

Oh, God, Mickey.
He made me do it.

I was so afraid.
I didn't want to, Mickey.

It was Caesar, all Caesar.
He made me help him.

You have to help me.
Oh, God! Oh, God, he's coming!


Oh, f*ck.


Oh, for Christ's sakes.

It's over, Caesar.

I called Mickey.
He's on his way.

Get out of here, Caesar.

If you want to live,
you'd better start running.

All these years,
and you still don't know me.

But I know you.

Caesar, don't.

What are you gonna do
with that, Vi? sh**t me?

k*ll me in cold blood?
I don't think so.

If you were gonna sh**t me, Vi,
you'd have done it a long time ago.

If I were you, I'd have sh*t me
the minute I brought the money back.

But you didn't,
and I'lll tell you why.

You don't want to sh**t me, Vi.

Do you?

Do you?

I know you don't.

Caesar, you don't know sh*t.

I'll never understand it, Mickey.
You didn't even call the police.

I told you. The family
doesn't want the police around.

We want to take care of it
ourselves, and we will.

I'll find him.
I swear I will.

I know you will.

Sure you're gonna be okay?

I mean, if you're having
second thoughts...

my offer still stands.

Thanks, Mickey,
but I have to get out.

You know, I have to get away
from all this.

But thanks.

Thanks for everything.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So, how'd it go?

- I'm here, aren't I?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I thought we might need
a getaway car.


You know what the difference is
between you and me, Violet?


Me, neither.
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