Mitahat La'af (Under the Nose) (1982)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Mitahat La'af (Under the Nose) (1982)

Post by bunniefuu »

This film is based on a true story.

Any resemblance to actual persons
is purely coincidental.

Uri Gavriel

How's the stuff? - Nothing special.
Uri Gavriel

How's the stuff? - Nothing special.
Moshe Ivgi

Not bad... - sh*t.
Moshe Ivgi

Juki Arkin

Damn that Kiko, he told me...
Juki Arkin

the stuff's great, from Thailand
Tzadok Tzaroum

Thailand? Believe me it's all crap.
Tzadok Tzaroom

A Yankul Goldwasser - Roni Ackerman production

America... that' the place.
A Yankul Goldwasser - Roni Ackerman production


Better than Frankfurt? - What?

You comparing Europe to America?

Judith Milo

Europe is about years behind America
Judith Milo

Shoshana Duar

I like the beach in the summer.
Shoshana Duar

I like the beach in the summer.

I like the beach in the summer.
Shmuel Omani, Reuven Dayan

Shmuel Omani, Reuven Dayan

Over there, you hop a plane and...
Shmuel Omani, Reuven Dayan

Over there, you hop a plane and...
Adam Tzon, David Tzabar

you got beach and waves...
Adam Tzon, David Tzabar

p*ssy, yachts, you name it.
Makram Hoory as Ben-Shoshan

Can you make a living? - Easy
Production Designer: Yoram Barzilai

You live like a king, not like here
Music: Shlomo Gronich

slaving for your brother-in-law.
Director of Photography: Ilan Rosenberg

Director of Photography: Ilan Rosenberg

Yeah... try getting a visa...

Yeah... try getting a visa...
Film Editor: Anat Lubarsky

Film Editor: Anat Lubarsky

There are ways... - Yeap...
Screenplay: Haim Merin and Yankul Goldwasser

Hertzel... - What?
Produced by Ronni Ackerman

As long as you stick with me...
Produced by Ronni Ackerman

things will be okay - OK
Produced by Ronni Ackerman

things will be okay - OK

Directed by Jacob (Yankul) Goldwasser

Incident on Yeffet St
Old woman beaten.

This is PAZ , we're in the area...

...area . Should we go in?

Negative. is approaching.


Damn that old woman…
Those scambags...

I would have kick them out of the city
Ha, Benny? -ahaa...

Ahaa… if you listen to him
you will not get too far

say, you got a sandwich left?
-bring for yourself

Herzel, behind the cupboard.

Did you see it? -what?

Didn’t notice anything.
Stop, stop!

Damm it!

Stop, you son of the bitch!

Search out here...

This is the back yard?

They have a watch over there?
-no, there's a guard only in front.

What kind of door for that room?
-a door.

A standard door?
-of course, it's an office.

Janna, pull over here! That's enough .
-what's the matter? One more minute.

What type of alarm system installed?
-no alarm.

No alram, what that suppose to mean?

Are you nuts? it’s the police headquarters
who you gonna call?

Pull over now!
-I love you Rahamim.

Keep in mind that it's the last time we meet,
we act as if we never met.

You got it, goodbye!

By the end of the month
the money is transfered to the bank in Jerusalem.

What did you just say?

By the end of the month
the money is transfered to the bank in Jerusalem.

We have only one week.

So maybe it's to better back off?

We've already discussed it
there's no turning back. See you.

You're the one to blame...

What's up Rahamim?
-bye, all the best.

what's happening?
-I'm in a hurry for work.

Excuse me, goodbye.

What's up Janna?

How you doing?
-how is he doing?

-emergency ha…

What are you talking about?

You and Rahamin, meet in daylight out here.

Ah… I just gave him a ride
-you gave him a ride, good…

Count me in, I need to get rid of some rust.

I want people to know that Jakob
didn't say his final word yet.


-don't be laud

How much time it takes to make coffee?
-buy a new stove, I make it faster.

Thanks sweetheart!
-you are wellcome.

Your foot!
There you go. -you added sugar?

I added poision!
-funny ha?


Look at the big gangsters,

Don Corleone, Al Capone, and Don Bambino
in between...

He is always on time like this?
-take it easy, he will come.

How is it going?
-not so well.

Why is he here?
-in the team, I think...

Why you staring at me?

Janna, can we talk for a minute?

What is it?

Why do I need to hear from Herzel
that Jakob is in the team?

-what the f*ck this means?

it means that...

...he squeeze in and there is
nothing we can do about it.

Who told him about this?
-don't look at me!

He figured it out,
made the complete picture.

You set me with this team,
he will end with a heart-att*ck in action.

Loosen-up, we will have a doctor with us
to take care of him.

You think that's funny?
-what's the big deal?

Don't waist your time
the man knows too much.

I don't give a sh*t.
-you want give it up?


Because if he is out, count me out too.
I don't take chances.

You see, you also say he's a piece of sh*t.

Sammy you are wasting your time,
you better deal with it:

if he is out, I'm out as well.

Come on... take it easy.

OK. There is nothing we can do about it.
Nothing at all.

I'm going.
- Where to?

To Rachel, to look after kids.

When he needs a babysitter,
he knows where to find you.

Stop it, they have made up.
You leaving too? - Yeah.

When you leave, lock up.
This area is full of burglars.

See you, Mom.

I don't feel well.
It's probably the fish.

That restaurant is lousy.

Where is he?
- He'll be here.

Maybe ha had some errands?
- Errands? Now?

Maybe not... I don't know.

Don't worry, he'll be here.
I guarantee you.

- What?

We're gonna look for him. - Go ahead, I'll wait here
and tell him where you went.

Of all times he disappears now.

Sammy, you son of a bitch...

Come on Sammy, open up.

Hay man... we're really
gonna score big, aren't we?

What's the matter?
- You 're drunk!

You drunken bastard!

You're drunk, are you nuts?

Who's drunk? Had a few drinks,
that never k*lled anybody.

Come on, wash yourself

I can walk on my own.

Leave me alone, assh*le.

Let go of me, I can...

How could you?
How could you do this to me?

In Frankfurt I scored really bug.

I juggled millions...
- Sure, millions, just look at you.

I wanna throw up.

Just a minute, sh*t...

Oh man, what a bummer

Here, drink up.

You know what I had in Frankfurt?

- Come on Sammy, get off it.
You really think I'm dumb?

They threw you out like a dog.

Not like a dig, eh?

And all those stories about deals,
restaurants, bullshit.

You think I need those stories?
You think it makes a difference?

Drink... drink the water.

Feeling better?
- I feel rotten.

Why don't we postpone?

- What? Tomorrow they're transferring
the money to the bank.

So we'll make the hit there.

Oh man, everybody's waiting...

My eyes sting. I can't open my eyes.

You got any of that blue stuff?
Those eye drops? - Yeah.

You want some?
Come here, I'll give you some.

Come here, man...

Here man, lift your head up.

Lift up your head...

There... blink your eyes.

Blink, come on Sammy.

Come on, man.
Everybody's waiting,

come on!

OK, lay off.
- Let's go.


I swear I ain't faking it.
My stomach is k*lling me.

It's the fish from yesterday, eh?
- I won't go to that restaurant again.

Can you make out without me?

We'll manage.

The minute you see our flashlight,
get in the car, OK? - Sure.

Go on... go on.

Sammy the gloves...

How are you feeling? - Fine.
Everything OK? - Yeah.



Go away, I'm climbing up.

Sammy, you can't...
- Shut up!

Take the cart.

We're screwed...

Get there already...

Be careful...

Get up there...

Put your foot over there...

Get the crow-bar.

Be quiet.

Not so loud...

Be quiet.

Where are they god damn it?

What's this?

We blew it...

I think somebody heard us.
- Shut up.


Would you f*ckin' shut up?

Power failure...

We blew it.

We'll make it.

Five minutes, that's it...

My eyes sting

Calm down, relax man.


Calm down, it will be OK.

The m*therf*cker run away...

Didn't I warn you?

Wow what a rat!

Don't waste time, come on.




The m*therf*cker f*cked us over.

Hope he didn't get caught.

Stinking m*therf*cker!

We did it! We did it!

We did it goddammit!

We'll wallpaper walls with dollars.

Look at this shithead.

Not ashamed to show his face.

Leave him alone.

I wamed you about him.
But you didn't listen.

OK, quit fighting.

Me fight with him?

I'll waste the m*therf*cker

You'll waste us.

Forget it, the point is we made it.

Hold it...


What are you doing?

What am I doing?

Let's open the safe!

We're not touching it.

Are you crazy?

Let's open it and take off.

We made a deal.
- Come on.

Let's open the safe,
maybe there's only papers inside?

Sammy, we made a deal.

We don't open it and don't split

We'll leave her here.

Why here? It's dangerous.

Because I say so.
- I don't want to take any chances.

Did you see that son of a bitch?

Not only did he f*ck us over,
he has the gall to talk.

Sammy, quit arguing.

Look who's talking!

You showed up stinking drunk.

Who is stinking drunk?
- You are!

Watch out or I'll f*ck you

- You'll f*ck me?

Yeah, you.

I'm not one of your German whores...

Come here you m*therf*cker.

I'll cut your balls, you assh*le
and fry them too.

What's wrong?
- Leave me alone.

What's with you all, you crazy?

You want to k*ll each other?
Do it later, not now!

Don't yell!
- Don't you yell!

You left us like dogs,
and you're still f*cking up.

I'll settle things with you later

OK, later.

OK Jhana, what do you say?

I don't understand the way your heads work.

Simply don't understand...

We mad a plan, right?

The storm will pass,
things will cool off.

Everyone will get his share.

Every guy his cut.

Come on, let's hide her.

What's happening here?
Get to work!

Rachamim, what's the matter?

Get to work,
nothing happened...

There's nothing to see...

Yacov, there's nothing to see!
Get to work!

You're not helping...

Rachamim, what's this mess?

Break up this demonstration
and get back to work.

Break up the demonstration, now!

You heard what he said.

Gentlemen, you heard, get going.

I'm asking you to leave...

I want a report immediately.

It's not so simple,
there's a lot...

I don't care!
Finish it and get the report out!

Yes sir, we'll try.

Leave him alone.

What did he do to you?

Come on...

As of tonight, no time off.

No study leaves.

No sick leaves and no passes...

And that's final!

Police prestige is at stake here,

Therefore all regional detective units
will participate.

Leave all other cases.

All operations will concentrate
on this mission only.

Most probably we're dealing here
with a well organized g*ng...

relying on inside collaboration.

Concerning inside collaboration,

polygraph tests will be carried out
on all headquarters' staff and...

all related department personnel.

The Inspector General promised...

a reward of one million IL...

for the discovery of burglars.

Let me repeat - one million IL

...I don't know a thing...

I have nothing to do with the case

I repeat I didn't see nor hear...

Maybe they shipped in foreign pros?

Ain't we got enough local thieves?

They are all small time hoods.

Search the lighted areas,
not the dark ones.

Understand Goldie?

No, I don't understand.

My head tells me: Look down here,
not in the clouds,

My intuition tells me: Right here,

"This is the national police
headquarters building in Jaffa.

Last night one of the most daring
and sophisticated burglaries...

ever attempted in this country
took place.

Burglars penetrated the building,
the fortress of the police force,

and stole one of the most
closely guarded safes in this country.

A safe containing large sums
in foreign currency.

Deputy commander, how do you explain
the burglars'success in penetrating police HQ?

We're dealing here with
a g*ng of cunning criminals...

using sophisticated means
to successfully bypass...

the special security measures...

which were taken
to safeguard such as a safe.

It is plausible to assume the g*ng
was brought in from abroad.

Is there any truth behind rumors that the burglars
used a crane to remove the safe from HQ?

Like I said, this g*ng
used sophisticated techniques...

... which I can't disclose as yet...

But we're hoping to solve
the matter very soon.

Police investigators will have to pool
their resources in order to...

pick up the burglars' trail,
and solve this strange mystery.

Here at HQ everyone knows that as long
as the Police do not find the burglars,

who stole the safe from Police HQ,

Police prestige will be at stake.

Amikam Zik, reporting from Jaffa.

What a blow- man, eh?!

I say it's the twins from Bat-Yam.

Bat-Yam twins, eh?
Think those assholes could do this?

Bet you the money's abroad by now.

Bat-Yam twins!

Man, I want to stand on a table
and yell: I, Sammy did it!

Alone? Well done!

Oh, yeah... and Hertzel, my buddy too.

I'm worried about the fact...

that we haven't opened the safe yet.

Maybe all it contains is paper?
- Paper? What paper?

Where are they?
- In the lobby.

I made a date with them. Robert said
they're the real thing from Sweden

Blond? - Yeah. One's a real blond.
The other one has yellow hair.

Me and Sammy are going to open
a piano-bar.

A cosmic piano-bar
- Are you?

Sammy has three bars
and two restaurants in America.

Famous restaurants, you know.

And I'm gonna be his partner.
You don't say!

A real partner...

And it's going to be big, five storeys...

Four storeys
- You said five.

The municipality won't approve.

OK, four. I talk with my hands?

What's wrong? No hands?

No hands, huh?

Keep your hands in your pockets.

Okay, okay, here, no hands.

Look, no hands...

OK, that's enough, come on.

You bitch...

Bloody bitch...


Hey you two,
quit fighting!

We came here to have fun.

Put some music on.


- Take your hands off.

Take your hands off.

Enough already with the hands...

I said take your hands off...

Leave her alone...

Who you putting on,
f*cking bitch!

What did I bring you here for?

What are you
the Virgin Mary?

Get lost, both of you...


What does she thinks she is?


Swedish, eh?

Swedish, my arse.

From the youth hostel...


Swedish from the hostel...

Swedish my arse.

Goldie get up, take a look.

Should I wake him up?

Yeah... wake him up.

Ben-Shoshan, get up, look.

You find this interesting?
- Yes Mr. Goldstein, I do.

What are you waiting for?

Freeze... Police... Stop.

You've decided to drive us mad?
I feel I am in the right direction.

Well, we're lucky that you're not
giving the orders around here.

I assign duties here.

So forget these "directions",
and get to work for real.

What have I been doing till now?
I haven't the foggiest idea.

Two weeks and I don't have
a shred of evidence...

and all you do is scratch your balls.

What do you want with these guys?
We're looking for professionals...

And you're investigating junkies?

Professionals... working with a crane,
surmounting heavy security measures...

Ben-Shoshan, file a report on him
and throw him out of here!

Four grams is enough to prosecute.
Why release him?

Because I don't have enough manpower
to work on these cases now.

And because I say so.
Is that clear?

- Can I go back to my little junkie?

Go ahead, we'll see what happens.

Don't forget to press charges
and throw him out in the morning.

Good night.
- Good night.

f*cking bastards, enough.


That's enough.

That will do...

Cool it. Let him sit down.

Hertzel, I'm giving you
another chance

What do you want,

Tell me, what do you want from me?

So you've got me on possession?
What are all these questions?

How the hell should I know?
Safe? What do I know?

I want to help you.

Give me a lighter

How can you help me, eh?

I'm f*cked either way.

How can you help me? Tell me?
How can you?

We'll get you off.

- What?
We'll get you out of this

You'll get me off, eh?
My mother couldn't get me out,

And you will?? Great!

Give me a light

You help us, we'll help you.

Geulah, I can't go and stand
outside the fence like a little boy

and shout across the bars.

Take one of your girlfriends and...

just a minute.

Okay, later...
See you, I've got to go, I'm busy.

How you doing, Ben-Shoshan?

Come to sell that piece of junk?

How much do you want for it?
How are things?

- Okay, busy, busy
Trying to make a living.

Yossi, two coffees.
- Thanks

Busy, busy, but it's not enough, eh?

There's enough to go around.

Let's have some coffee in the office.

How are things, okay?

How's the coffee?
- Fine

Heard you lost a lot of money
playing cards?

Who told you?
- I have my sources.

People like to gossip.

With cards you win or you lose.

Two million would surely help, eh?
- Two million?

Where am I going to find two million?

What's the low-down on the safe?

- What have I got to do with it?
What do I know about the safe?

- I don't know... maybe you heard...

God forbid...
I have nothing to do with it.

All I do is sell cars.

Yacov, think about it.

Maybe later will be too late.

You've got it all wrong.

You know, I don't think whoever
did it, is too bright.

You not feeling well?
- No, why?

You're pale.
- It's the fish

I had fish in that restaurant.

Yacov if you want to talk
this is my number, at home too.

Oh, yeah, I wanted to ask you
for some advice...

What do we do about Hertzel?

He needs a good lawyer.
Get Lidsky.

Lidsky? For possession?

You know how much he charges
up to the trial?

Did I say for possession?
- Then what for? - Guess...

Sammy... Sammy what's this?

Sammy, open up!
- Wait!

- Hold on, I'm coming.

Why the chain?

Did you bring salami?
- Yes. - That's good.

What a smile...

Give me the picture.
- Where is it?

Give it to me...

Did you get passports?

He said tomorrow

Yesterday he said today,
and today "tomorrow"?

He wants another grand.
- Bastard!

He knows I am pressed for time,
so he takes advantage, right?

I gave him the money, don't worry.
- How come?

Don't make a big deal out of it?

Why you smoking so much?

Get off my back, will you?

Quit talking to me like that.
Talk to your mates like that.

You sit here, eat, drink, sleep.
Who do you think you are?

Cut the sob story, okay?
What's got into you?

If you don't like my face

pick up your stinking socks,
and get the hell out of here!

I don't need parasites here!

Go see who it is.

Don't open the door.
Look through the peep-hole.

Don't open the door

It's Hertzel.
- Who?


- Is he alone?
Let him in...

What does he want?

Hi, what's up?
Sammy here? - Yes

- What happened to you?

What this? It's nothing.
- What do you mean nothing?

It's nothing, honest. Where is he?

He's asleep.
- At two o'clock?

That's great... asleep...

Great apartment, yours?
- I wish.

A real apartment...

Hey, what's this?

Mine's better...

Sammy, want some coffee?

Hey, what's happening?

- Nice place, eh?


How do you know I was here?

My source told me.

Why are you laughing?

Why you being so serious?

When did you get out?
- Now.

You sure you weren't followed?

No way... how are things with you?

Tum it off.
- Why, it's fantastic music, new tape?

Why? Why? It's new...

How come they let you go?

Do I know? They released Kiko too.
- On coke?

They prosecute for that.

So how come?
- Dunno

They filed a report and said...
see you around...

Very strange... really strange.

Because of the safe, they're busy.
Not enough manpower, they let me go.

Didn't they ask about the safe?

Yeah, sort of...
- What do you mean?

Kind of, you know

They asked me if I know
who stole the safe from the police...

I said, how should I know?
I am too small for that.

- What, so?

I told them, me and Sammy stole the safe
and took off. They said you confessed,

you're an honest man, we'll let you go...

What's the matter with you?
- Sammy!

Enough, sit over there.

Sit over there... Sammy!

What's with the coffee?

Even they'd cut me to pieces
I wouldn't grass on you.

Okay, cut the crap.

We've got to think ahead.

What about the?

Jhana wanted to open it,
but I said no way!

We're gonna wait for Hertzel.

It didn't even make a dent.

No more oxygen...

- What? I just bought it...

You can't trust anybody these days.

You always get ripped off.

This stinks.
- You don't know how to work it, let me...

What are you doing?
- Look

Let me think Sammy
- No.

I'll tear the c**t to pieces

Hertzel, what are you doing there?

Get out, you idiot!

You crazy?

- Watch the gate.
- Okay, okay.

Come on, hurry up
- Get out!

Man, the noise...

That's enough, Sammy!

In the cr*ck... in the cr*ck...

Come on, m*therf*cker...

A hundred, a hundred...

Go and watch!
- Let somebody else go.

Whoever feels like leaving now,
let him.

What's wrong?
I want to smell the money.

What're you doing?
- Take notes, it's from my share

Burn, bum, there's piles of it.

Come on, let's share it out

Okay, in US currency

- Dollars?

How much is that in Marks?

First: % goes to the informant

% out of ,
is ,

Then % from the remainder

You made a mistake.
- Why? % into four...

equals % each.

Divide it all into those who worked.

That's a third each.

What kind of talk is that, Sammy?

Hey man, lay off.

It's a bad joke.

It's a good joke,

The joke's on you.

OK Sammy... we'll see...

Shut up before I kick
your head in!

What's the matter, Sammy?
Cut the crap, things are fine.

I hate people who don't earn their bread

We oughta...

I oughta sh**t his brains out.

I'll give him...
- Butt out Jhana!

Ten per cent
- Butt out.

Sammy, it's only ten per cent.

Come on, only ten per cent
for a measly ten per cent.

That's ten per cent
too much

Give him his ten per cent and let's go!
- I'm no assh*le!

Nobody fucks over Sammy Ben-Tovim,
in the middle of an operation and...

then comes for his share.

Watch it Sammy!

A police car showed up, I had to...

Just who do you think you are?

Get out of my sight.

You m*therf*cker!
Get out of my sight!

You're gonna remember this!

You piece of sh*t!

I eat people like you for breakfast!

Just piss off!
Knob head!

Get the hell out of here!

b*at it!


Got rid of him, didn't we?

I am going to say my prayers...

Afraid he's gonna spill the beans?

You don't know him, he never forgets!

Neither do I!

I want to see him open his mouth...

Even one word is too much...

Yes, speaking...

Yeah, I'm alone... Who is this?

Yeah, I'm listening...

I can't make any promises...

We'll see what you have to say.

Yeah, you have my word.

Let's say half an hour...

Gate five at the stadium...

You've got to make peace with Yacov.

Is that why you called me?

You've got to make up
and give him his share.

Forget it, Jhana.

You're making a big mistake
and we're gonna take the rap!

No work, no pay!

Sammy! You've got to know
when to give in...

That's the way I am.

He's liable to go to the cops.

Let him try
- So you want all of us...

To take the rap because of you?

What's the matter with you?

You've given me an idea... let me think...

Really good fish, eh?

You know what?

Tell him Sammy is willing to share.

How come the sudden change?

When you started talking...

I remembered the stench of Lysol...

in jail, maybe you're right.

You've got to know when to give in.

Got to use your head, eh?

- No tricks...

Don't you trust Sammy?

It has to be like in the photo

Don't worry, you'll get the job
at the tr*nsv*stite bar.

Very funny...

So you know what to do?
- Yes.

Great. So what do you do?

Not again!
- Again!

Answer the phone.

It's Hertzel.
- Let me talk to him.

How are things?
- Terrific!

What are you doing?
- Nothing.

Should I come over?
- No, no

I'm busy with Miriam.

Remember : -Yes, :
Your place? - Yeah...

No problem.

Need a lift? - No.

I've got a couple of errands.
- So don't forget, : .

. , I'll be there.

Don't forget the you-know-what...

What do you take me for?

Sammy, don't f*ck up!
There's enough for everybody.

No problems. Sammy's word. See ya...

See you later, brother.

Weren't you a hairdresser once?

I want it to look natural.

I told you, the guy's bad news.

Nothing doing, he won't show.

Don't worry, he'll show,

Sure, why worry, it's only a couple...

of million, small change.

So who's gonna worry?

You? Him?

You've got your share, but I've got the shaft.

He'll show, you'll see.

You brought that fuckwit

...that filthy bastard!

I am not going to wait any longer.

Let's put it off'til tomorrow

What do you mean put it off?
Don't you want your share?

Of course I want it.

I don't want any surprises.

Then wait patiently.

Okay, I'll give him ten minutes.

Don't do me any favors, eh?

I run around
trying to persuade him to give in...

and you act tough?

Come on, calm down...

OK, let's wait.

Let's wait, sit down...

I'm going to look for him.

Where are you going?

Should I go in after him?
- No. He'll spot you.

You sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.

Nobody move!

Just a minute,

Just a minute!

Who is it?
- It's me Mum, open up!

Sammy... what happened?

My plane leaves in two hours.

I came to say goodbye.

What's this? Halloween?

It's nothing, it's fake.

I came to say goodbye, don't worry

When are you leaving?
- Now.

Okay, but eat something first.

I have courgettes that you like.
- No, there's food on the plane.

Okay, then have some coffee.

I can't, they're waiting downstairs,

Let them wait. I am making coffee.

Okay, okay, make the coffee.

But make it fast, Mum.

Control check, PAZ
- Affirmative

- Affirmative.

- Affirmative.

- Affirmative.

PAZ ...

PAZ ...

PAZ , do you read me?

Where the hell is Ben-Shoshan?

PAZ , do you read me?

PAZ come in...

You're not telling me the whole truth.

Mum, it's true, don't worry.
You have nothing to worry about.

I've got to go now...

Go see who it is.

Look through the peep-hole.

Who is it? What do you want?

Get Sammy, I want to talk to him.

Tell him to come out.

Let me Mum, I'll open...

Hi, Hertzel, come on.
- What's that?

It's nothing, I'll explain later.

- What's with you?

Let me explain.
- Bastard!

Shut up! The neighbors will hear you!

You f*cked me over again

There they are!
- PAZ to PAZ

Where the hell have you been?

I see the shrimp and the gorilla.

We're going in, you take the others...

Open up, Police!

Hertzel, the neighbors...
- You sh*t!

You f*cked me again

You f*cked me again!

Like a dog...

You sh*t, you sh*t!

Hertzel... Hertzel...

The jacket...

What have you done to me Hertzel?

What have you done man?

What have you done man?

Freeze! Police!

He's wounded.

Get him out of here fast!

- Where to?

Straight ahead, doesn't matter
- Okay

Sergeant Rachamim Danon
Suspended from the Police force

Sentenced to one year in prison...

Ezra Jhana
- sentenced to six years...

Sammy Ben-Tovim
- sentenced to five years...

Hertzel Malul
- sentenced to three and a half years.

Yacov Haguel
- released due to inconclusive evidence.

Miriam Levy -disappeared on the night of the arrest,
with one third of the money.

She is living today in Amsterdam,
managing a nightclub.

This film was produced with the participation of
The Fund for Israel Quality Films
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