07x12 - Endgame Part II: When Legends Fall

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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07x12 - Endgame Part II: When Legends Fall

Post by bunniefuu »



last time on beast machines i need a

stronger body prepare an all-out attack

i must reacquire my base

the shields they're cutting her off from

the organic core don't say i never did

nothing for you sprouts

they're blasting right through our

shields rat trap what did you do we're

going down hard

erecting a stasis field around the spark

containment unit



i think any survived

from that


your orders lord megatron

i can sense primals wretched spark

my enemies yet live

capture the spark containment unit and

destroy every maximal

at once my lord

what is the status of my new

body excellent

the end is near optimus prime


initiate field repairs on all drones

why not just blast them now with what we


why aren't they attacking

they require repairs and that buys us


the what the big heads energon cells are

dry we are totally 100


not for long


i located a power conduit we can use it

to feed the ship

oh botanica am i glad to see

you've brought us this new power supply

we get exactly one shot at recharging

the energon cells as soon as they

monitor the power drain they'll cut us

right off

think you can get the defense grid



how are you


now that i'm back in touch with the


i hate to spoil the party but we got

trouble with a capital v

well let's prepare shall we we'll give

megatron's forces a reception they'll

never forget


that should slow them down

but not for long

i lost you once i won't lose you again

no matter what happens

we will be together



eureka we get this baby patched in and

we're back in business

rat trap i

i want to thank you for saving my life

they mad

i'd uh like to think you'd have done the

same for me we

should get back to work




oracle of cybertron

i call upon you one final time

grant me the wisdom to overcome megatron

and establish true balance on cybertron

you already have the wisdom

along with the strength of your


the sparks of cybertron

then for the sake of the matrix i will

not fail

big butt

what happened to you

we are no longer fighting alone maximals

feel the might of a united cybertron



very swank but what can they do

provide us with the key to victory

the fate of cybertron rests with us here


some of you have fought beside me since

the beginning of the beast wars some of

you i only just come to know

i can't think of anyone i'd rather stand

beside now


greetings maximums

you cannot win

but there is no need for you to suffer

surrender your sparks and the nightmare

will end

you want our sparks megatron

come and get him

so beard




scanning for shield harmonics

recalibrating weapons to compensate

harmonics are changing in a randomized

configuration we cannot match the


initiate attack sequence epsilon

what are they doing

depleting our energon they know our

seals won't hold under that kind of


the shields are running on fumes





fall back to the end report we dare not

let a single drone inside





the orchard


i'm going to

for the matrix

how are we supposed to get through



i'm going after them



i think my stomach's lodged in my neck



how's about a little test drive

the fossil chamber


that's our future

they're not just destroying the trees

they're wiping out the dna

your new body is completely

prepare for spark transfer

i hope big bot's doing better than we













i think they can defeat me

not what part of the oracle is by



what's happening

a little help


let me show you how we deal with traders


name is


you lose jet storm

big mistake very big


we'll do this the old-fashioned way

three or three hundred you're not

getting in

you never disappoint pussycat


he's bringing the anti-gravity

generators online what purpose can that


can't we all

just lightened up


now it's just you and me

works for me

i'm alive




you can tell your boss megatron i'm not

letting him have the sparks


as long as my spark burns i'll fight for

the freedom of every transformer even



this is for





my day is just beginning optimus where

the error of the maximal has reached its






it's your turn


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