05x06 - Dinosaur Combiner Magmatron

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x06 - Dinosaur Combiner Magmatron

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

Big Convoy and the Cybertrons are on a journey to collect the Angolmois capsules,

...that are scattered across the far reaches of the galaxy.

DEAD g*n!

Stampy, what happened?

Are you OK?

Stampy did not let go of the capsule even after he died!

I'll be taking this with me!


Catch ya later!



I've had enough of this!

It's mine!

The Angolmois capsules belong to us, the Destrons!

Big Convoy, everybody's covered with injuries due to the battles day after day.

If it goes on like this, all of us will fall apart...

Big Convoy, we've caught a signal of an Angolmois capsule from the planet Flame!

I see.

So this is Planet Flame...

It's still impossible for us to go, Big Convoy.

I feel the pain everywhere in my body... sigh...

In their current state, I think it's impossible to send them on a mission.


Then, for the retrieval this time around, I'll go by myself.

I'll come along, too!

No, Longrack, I want you to tend to everyone.

Myself alone is enough for this mission.

I'm surprised that he listened to what we had to say so easily this time.

I thought he would scold us, saying, "you guys have got no guts".

He does things on a whim, you know.

NAVI, sh**t me out toward the planet Flame.

Big Convoy, just you alone?


Yes, sir!

Please be careful!

I feel bad for those guys but...

...once in a while, it's nice to do things freely on my own, recalling those nostalgic olden days.

I've found you, Big Convoy.


Here I am!

What am I gonna do?! It's the first break I've had in a while!

Should I do some table tennis?

Or perhaps a game of cards?

It'd be good to catch up on some movies, too!

What's wrong, everybody?

It's our break, guys, cheer up!

You don't get it, do you, Break?


You know, it actually means that the mission can be completed by Big Convoy himself alone!

Of course, everyone would feel discouraged!

That's right. We're nothing but a drag.

Big Convoy is originally a lone wolf warrior.

That's right.

To Big Convoy, I think it is harder for him to be our instructor than the actual battles.

Does that mean we are nothing more than useless?


Such an arid planet.

I understand why I don't even see a single blade of grass growing.

The Angolmois capsule reading is coming beyond that hill.

Over there!


True to your reputation, Big Convoy!

Since when did you know?

I had a feeling it was you, Rockbuster.

I've been catching your wavelength since I entered into the stratosphere.

I never make a mistake in distinguishing a radio wave that's emitted by a peer whom I once teamed up with.

I'd expect no less from you, Big Convoy!

You haven't gotten rusty on your intuition.

But how about your ability to fight?!


And what about you?!


You got me, Big Convoy!

I just wanted to test you a bit.

Why don't we team up again like before and do some big job together?

Unfortunately, I'm no longer a lone wolf.

I'm instructing some new recruits.

You're an instructor?!

D-Don't laugh!

Quit it, quit it!

It's not your character to instruct someone!

I know that better than anyone else.

I do miss those days when I was battling freely.

I see.

If you change your mind and feel like teaming up with me again,

...just give me a shout!

See ya!

I envy you, Rockbuster.

Rockbuster again?

No, it's not him!


These are... this planet's living creatures?

For such a short period of time...

...the creatures that were sleeping underground have woken up, as if spring came all at once...

...and the flowers have opened...

It feels like I'm seeing the mystery of the universe unfold right before me.

This planet is too beautiful.

It seems this planet is not suitable as a place for a battle which would tremble my soul.

Oh? I guess I should take back what I said.


Aww, you caught me!

Sling, remember this!

You can't use the same trick more than once on the b*ttlefield!



That same trick also evolves.

My hologram magic is beautiful, isn't it?

How dare you!

Stunning movement as usual, Big Convoy.


Sling, Saberback, he is not your opponent.

Withdraw at once!

Uh, yes!


Since you took care of me so well back then during that time at the fortress planet...

I've always been thinking we'd have to someday settle things from that battle.

Yet all the time, those incomprehensible young ones have been getting in my way.

I've been waiting for the moment that you would be alone.

So that means the Angolmois capsule's reading on this planet was...

Deadend! Guiledart!

Magmatron-sama, we've brought you the capsules.

Big Convoy, those are the capsules that were snatched away from your poorly-made recruits.

If you win this one on one battle, I'll give those capsules to you!

I don't trust your "one on one"!

DNAVI, teleport everyone other than me!

Call me "Geneviève."

Geneviève, teleport!

Are you sure you really want to teleport all of them?

DNAVI is right.

What if something happens, leaving our boss alone?

It is the art of a one on one battle between two men.

It's not going to be beautiful if we interfere in it.

Obey your orders and behave yourself!

I don't wanna be ordered by YOU!

I guess we would be getting in the way also.

I have faith in Magmatron-sama's victory.

Are you satisfied now?

But if you lose here...

...all of those recruits will die.

The capsules belong to the Destrons in the first place!

I'm not interested in the origin of the capsules, but I'll have to complete the mission which was once given to me.

This is amazing!

A one on one battle between Big Convoy and Magmatron - it's a rare sight!

If this ignites Big Convoy's fighting instinct, there's a chance of him going back to be a lone wolf again.

This is great!

Let's do this, Big Convoy!



Did I get him?




Big Convoy hasn't contacted us at all yet.

I wonder if he's OK?

I assume he'll be all right...?

Don't worry!

You're the one who said that Big Convoy could do anything on his own!

Surely I said that, but...

Right! Right! It's a waste of time worrying about him!

But, I also have a bad feeling about this...

Emergency situation!

What?! Shut up! You startled me!

There's a change in this planet's orbit.

It seems to be the influence of a binary star.

So, what the hell are you trying to say?!

If it keeps going this way, the planet Flame will pass right between the two stars.

During that time, it will be touched by a solar prominence between the stars.

Can you explain that more simply, NAVI?

It's impossible to explain more simply than this!

In other words...

...Planet Flame is going to burn up along with Big Convoy!


NAVI, get in contact with Big Convoy!

I can't connect due to the strong electromagnetic wave from the two stars.

Then we'll go rescue him now!

I can't use any of the data!

If you go now, the possibility of rescuing him is less than 3%!

All of us will burn up, too!

No way! I don't wanna go to such a hot place!

That's NOT gonna happen!

Why aren't you fighting?

I am fighting!

Aren't you going to finish me off?

It's my liking to make the subject slowly taste their suffering!

To k*ll time like this is the very best tactic!

If you're planning to rob stamina out of me,

...I won't let that happen!

Doesn't matter how long, I will continue to fight!

I wonder about that?

You won't be able to keep fighting on this planet for too long.


What do you mean by that?!


Just what are you planning to do?

If they keep it like that, the battle won't end!

Now I get it!

It's that time already!


Hey, Big Convoy!

You've gotta finish this fast, otherwise this planet will burn up!


Look! Those two suns are getting bigger!

Magmatron, you've been going for this?!

You've got it!

You will be burned up by that world-destroying conflagration!

Magmatron, at this rate, you will also evaporate along with the heat!

I wonder about that?



You coward, Big Convoy!

That was a cheap shot!

Look who's talking?!

YOU were going to wait until the last minute, then teleport yourself out of here, and take off!


Big Convoy, I won't let YOU escape!

At this close range, I can't use the Big Cannon, either!

Big Convoy, are you alright?!





Big Convoy...

DNAVI, no, Geneviève, teleport me NOW!

Roger... teleporting now!

I guess the heat damaged my circuits.

I can't move.


You'll be in big trouble staying here. Let's get out of here fast!

I have room for one more. Why don't you come with me?!

I'm going to remain here.

Are your computer systems OK?

Don't tell me you are hoping that your beloved students are coming to get you?!


If they came to rescue me and couldn't find me,

...they all might burn up along with this planet...

What's with you?! This ain't like you at all!

I think so, too...

I don't know what made you like this, but...

We're out of time!

I'm really gonna go!

Let's see each other again if I'm still alive.

You... have really become an instructor, both body and mind.

Good luck!

And good fortune.

They might not come...

I haven't been an instructor who was trusted by his students that much, so...

Big Convoy has regained consciousness!

Are you OK, Big Convoy?!

Any longer and you would have been molten metal!

That was a close call.

You had us worried.

I ain't going to such a hot place again!

All of you came to save me...

You put yourselves in danger...

Of course we would, right?!

If you weren't around, just who would write our report cards?!

I sure don't wanna stay as a new recruit forever!

Well, thank goodness you're safe!

But regrettably, we couldn't retrieve the Angolmois capsules at the same time, Big Convoy.

No, on that planet, I felt that I gained something more important than the Angolmois capsules.

Thank you, all of you.

And once again, you said a pretty cheesy line!

Even though Vector Sigma didn't communicate with me...

...I said something that was not like me.

Anyhow, with your condition, you won't be able to move for a while.

So, you'll take a break for a while.

No, there's no break!

We'll depart and search for another Angolmois capsule's reading!

What?! Come on!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


I'm Saberback.

I will get hold of the Angolmois capsule and get ahead in life.

What the hell are you murmuring about?!

Come back home already!

Shut it! I really wanna come home, but...

...this planet is a maze.

The Cybertrons have broken in!

Not beautiful...

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 7 is, Duel in the Labyrinth.

Cybertrons, I will take care of all of you!
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