01x23 - Rebellion

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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01x23 - Rebellion

Post by bunniefuu »


The w*r between the Autobots

and the Decepticons rages on

as they struggle to retrieve

the prized Mini-Cons.

There are new and more powerful

Mini-Cons surfacing every day.

If the Decepticons

prove victorious,

then Megatron

and his enslaved Mini-Cons

will control the universe.

The Earth's only chance

for a peaceful cosmos

is for Optimus Prime

and the Autobots

to destroy their enemy

and free all Mini-Cons.

Now get ready

for a new battle.

♪ Transformers ♪

( dramatic theme playing )


Recording log,

Astral Date Nimbus ,

ID code .

This is Sideways.

In the fierce battle

over the Mini-Cons,

it appears the Autobots

are gaining the upper hand.

And the reason is clear

why the Decepticons

are losing the battle.

It seems Megatron is completely

inadequate as a leader.

Despite the Autobots

possessing better equipment,

like the Skyboom Shield,

the Star Saber

and even the Astro Blaster,

it doesn't appear

the Decepticons

have the organization

to win,

not to mention keep

these valuable weapons

in their possession.

But that's all going

to change.

( Transformers theme playing )

♪ Transformers ♪

( whirring )


What's going on here,


Or is this one

of your pathetic jokes, soldier?

Sorry to call you,

but my leg's pretty messed up.


You are such a miserable coward.

Oh, and we had

to come all this way

because Sideways

has a boo-boo?

( chuckling )

You poor Decepticon.

What is this,

your third loss in a row?

Huh? Cyclonus!

Are you all right?

( snoring )

Oh, now what?

Uh, well, sir,

it appears he's--

It appears

he's fallen asleep.


Ugh! I'm completely surrounded

by incompetent morons.

( whirring )



Boy, what a way

to boast our morale.

MEGATRON: Excuse me, Starscream?


MEGATRON: Fall out!


Uh, yes, sir.

( dramatic theme playing )

But where are we going,


What is your problem,


What do you mean, sir?

I'm talking

about our last battle.

Do you remember what you did

back there, Starscream?

Uh, sure.

I decided to hold back Red Alert

and Scavenger

to keep the pressure

off you, sir.

Why? Is there--Is there

something wrong?

You're terminated.


Give me a break.

Don't tell me he's going

to exterminate his own soldier.

I mean, Megatron can't blame him

for his own failure.

( thud )


( grunts )

Huh? I was just following

your orders, sir, that's all.

And you even failed miserably

at that, didn't you?

( groaning )

Ugh. Just looking

at your ignorance

repulses me

to the core.

( Starscream grunting )

( Demolisher grunting )

Oh, just great.

Now he's locked us in here.

( thud )


Megatron, come on, open up,

will you?

Why don't you blast

your way through, Demolisher?

You serious?

If you don't hurry,

Starscream will be history.

( groans )

( thud )



Oh, now, what's the matter?

Are you too pathetic

to even fight back?

( Starscream groaning )

You're a disgrace

to the Decepticon race,

and you deserve

to be destroyed.

( laser blast )


I can't let you do this.

( groans )

Hmm? Oh, no, Starscream!



It is done.

A punishment

worthy of the crime.

( gasps )


( groaning )


Are you all right, Starscream?



( grunts )

Where are you going?


I've got business

to take care of.


Hey, Starscream, wait up!

Hm. I have to do this

on my own, Demolisher.


Talk about

your team player, huh?

Not that we were ever a team

to start with.

What I don't get,

is why are you're still loyal

to someone as deranged

as Megatron.

What do you mean?

Yeah, good point, Sideways.

( thinking ):

If Megatron keeps maiming

his own men,

I got a feeling this w*r will

be over before you know it.

( grunting )

( grunting )

( Cyclonus snoring )


Hey, Cyclonus! Wake up already.

( wheezing and snorting )

This is getting ridiculous.

( snoring )

( grunting )

( grunts )

No one humiliates

like that!

No one!


You wouldn't care to make a bet

on that, would you?


Hey, don't get me wrong.

I know how you feel.

How would you know?

Open your eyes, Starscream.

You think a rational leader

would send his troops

into battle,

and then when he loses,

he takes it out his frustrations

on his own men?

Yeah, right.

If you ask me,

I think he's gone

over the deep end.

That's what I think too.

Maybe I'm just

talking out loud here,

but I get the feeling

there's someone more capable

to lead the Decepticons

to victory.

Yeah, I think

I know what you mean.

I think you do.

( grunting )

And I think you know

who I'm talking about as well,

even though you don't want

to admit it.

I'm not sure I follow you.

Ah, I've probably said

too much already.



is afraid of you.

Huh? You serious?

( grunting )

( chuckling )

( thinking ):

Now it's your turn, Megatron.

( grunts )

Don't you dare take me

for a fool, Sideways.

I would never

do that, sir.

And if you do,

you shall share the same fate

as that insubordinate worm


How dare he even think

of challenging my authority.

( scoffs )

But, Megatron, and I hope

I'm not over stepping

my rank here,

why did you only humiliate him

and not eliminate him?

He could still pose

a problem.


But I'm not worried

about Starscream retaliating.


( thinking ):

I'm not getting through

to this titanium-plated bozo.

Well, that may be,

but when I spoke to Starscream,

he was preparing

to mount a coup against you,

and I just think

it's my duty to tell you, sir.

You must be joking.

Well, I'm not.

Starscream has forced me

to make an example of him.

I agree, sir.

As long as you possess

the Star Saber,

he would be a fool to even

attempt anything against you.

I mean, even I don't think

Starscream is stupid enough

to believe he can defeat you.

( chuckles )

Yeah, whoever possesses

the Star Saber

controls the others fate,

no doubt about it.

( grunts )



I certainly hope

you're not implying

that I, Megatron, am nothing

without the Star Saber.

Why, I could defeat

that simple-minded flying grunt

in my sleep.

I'm sorry, sir,

if you misunderstood me.

There's no doubt that Starscream

is inferior to you, Megatron.

I never thought otherwise.

Never in a million light years.

And I could crush you too

if you don't watch it.

I mean

no disrespect, sir.

( thinking ):


( scoffs )

Where in the world were you,


Answer me.

I went off on my own

to do a little thinking,


I'm tired of this w*r,

and I'm trying

to make sense of it.

You're the one

who's not making any sense.

Hmm. There's gotta be

a reason we fight.


there's no point continuing

unless there is.


This w*r is

over million years old.

In fact, I've been a warrior

ever since my spark

left the Iacon chamber

and I was merged

into the army of Megatron.

The only difference

between me and an Autobot

is the way we do battle

and the code of the Decepticons.

I guess I'm starting

to get a little confused.

But you shouldn't be.

We are soldiers

sworn to obey Megatron,

capture the Mini-Cons and

return to Cybertron triumphant.

I should

just blindly follow?

I don't think so.


we're soldiers.

We've got a job to do.

So forget your beef

with Megatron

and let's get on with it.

( grunting )

What is going on

with everyone here?

Ever since we lost that battle,

everyone has gone loopy.

( Cyclonus whimpers )


( snoring )

Well, at least some things

never change around here.

But Cyclonus is starting

to look like the only sane one.

♪ Transformers ♪

( Transformers theme playing )

( snoring )


There's no question

Megatron is frustrated

because of our loss,

but when he att*cked you,

Starscream, he crossed the line.


I have absolutely no intention

of disobeying Megatron.

Yeah, sure, I got it.

I never once questioned

your loyalty.

( footsteps approach )


Ah, there you are,


I have orders from Megatron.


( grunts )

He said he wants you

to keep guard over the Warp Gate

so the Mini-Cons

don't desert.


Are you serious?

I've never been more.

He specifically chose you

because you're the one soldier

he could depend on.

Yeah, right.

Hey, I'm just doing

what I'm told

and passing on

Megatron's orders, okay?

Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Take it easy, will you?

( thinking ):

That doesn't make any sense.

Megatron ordered me

to guard over the Warp gate

so the Mini-Cons

don't desert us?

Unh! I'm gonna smash

the Warp gate!

No! Starscream!

No! Don't do it!

( both grunting )

I've had enough

of being treated like an idiot.

Where is Megatron?

I gonna settle this

once and for all.

Starscream, you can't do this!

( chuckling )

( dramatic theme playing )

( Starscream grunts )

Where are you, Megatron?


He's not here, Starscream.

But he's waiting.

So don't get too excited,

or you'll miss

your one chance to get even.

He's mine!

Starscream, don't be a fool!


( grunts )


Well, this was all bound

to happen.


Should be a good fight.

Oh. Hmm.


Get your lazy good-for-nothing

butt up, Cyclonus!

( snoring )

Come on, Starscream is about to

challenge Megatron to a fight.


Oh, that sounds exciting.

We don't wanna miss

this one.

You idiot!

We have to stop him now!

Or else we can just forget

about morale around here.

You're kidding. Morale?

We've never had morale

around here.

Hey! Hey, wait!

( grunts )

I'm surprised

you have the courage

to face me, Starscream.

Why, you...


( grunts )

( Megatron snickers )

Let's make this interesting.

I'll give you the Star Saber.

That's if you can defeat me.

( grunts )

( Sideways chuckling )

Good luck, Starscream.

Prepare to fight!

( grunting )

( dramatic theme playing )

( grunting )


We're late!

They've already started!

Sorry, Demolisher,

but I've gotta get a good seat.


( Demolisher screaming )

What did you do that for,


Stop your bellyaching!



( both grunting )


is getting totally smoked.


I told him

he wasn't ready yet.


But you'd think listen to me?

I don't think so.


( grunting )

( Starscream groans )

( grunting )

At least fight

like a Cybertronian.

Because what you're doing

is pathetic.

( wheezes )

This time,

it's a fight to the finish.

And I won't accept

any of your lame excuses.

Do you understand me,

you worthless grunt?

I hope you realize

what is at stake here.

The Star Saber and supreme

command of the Decepticons

go to the winner.

Why, you could rule the universe

if you're victorious.

There is no greater prize,

and this is your one chance

to attain it.

So don't blow it, dolt.

( grunts )

But just remember this,


I won't show you mercy.

You will be an example

to my men,

to prevent

any further insubordination!

( grunting )

( both grunting )

He nailed him!

( grunting )

Go for it, Starscream!


I don't get it. Why doesn't

Megatron use his Star Saber?


Yeah, that is weird.

( dramatic theme playing )

Starscream has forced me

to make an example of him.


Oh, no, it can't be.

Megatron had no intention

of using the Star Saber

against Starscream.

Oh, this is gonna ruin


( both grunting )

( grunting )

( groaning )

( both grunting )



Well, that should do it.

( grunting )

( groaning )

You win, Megatron.

Now, just get it over with.


You're giving up?

I expected more of you.

At least beg me

to spare your worthless life.

Or is your foolish pride

getting in the way

of even that, Starscream?

Well, is it?

Your problem is

you have a conscience.

You don't have the stomach

to finish the fight,

because you play

by the rules.

Well, then, you'll never

come out on top, Starscream.

( whimpering )

I understand your weaknesses,

and that's why I am the victor

and you lay there

like a whimpering dog.

( Starscream gasps )


I'm always open

to a challenge, soldier.

And one day,

you might defeat me.

( dramatic theme playing )

Ha. You had the upper hand,


and then you walked away

before it was over.

A true leader would never

leave a fight half fought.

I see your weakness,

and one day,

it'll come back to haunt you

and it will be your ruin.

( moaning )


Even though my plan failed

to bring down Megatron,

it has seemed

to rally the troops

and morale

seems strangely high.


( grunting )

Ready anytime you are,


♪ More than meets the eye ♪


Need any help, sir?


Quickly! Go look after

the Mini-Cons.

Yes, sir!

( Transformers theme playing )

♪ Transformers ♪

( grunting )

♪ Transformers ♪

( both grunting )

♪ Transformers ♪


You're going down, Megatron!


It feels good to fight

as one unit again,

but it's still the Decepticons

against the Autobots.

( grunts )

With no clear winner

in sight.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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