11x05 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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11x05 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen [Air horn blows]

Let's go, bro.

(Announcer) A challenge that began as a run through the streets Well done.

(Announcer) Evolved into a race in the kitchen Coming through! (Announcer) As each team had to make a healthy lunch for a room full of runners.

I've got eight
-old girls in the dining room, this salmon's raw! Raw! Last ticket.

(Announcer) And for the third consecutive time Ladies, well done.

[All cheering]

(Announcer) The blue team lost the challenge I am over this.

(Announcer) And were stuck cleaning up the race course.

Oh, God.

Hey, look at me, mom! I'm on a chain g*ng.

(Announcer) While the victorious red team Have any of you b*tches ever lost a challenge? No! [All cheering, laughing]

(Announcer) Took a private jet to the wine country.

We splash the competition.


(Announcer) But at dinner service Wake up! Come on, Jacqueline! Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

(Announcer) The red team struggled.

Is this a joke for you? No, chef.

(Announcer) Jessica was slow with the Risotto Jessica! Yes, chef! Do you have a second gear? (Announcer) And Danielle butchered the meats.



(Announcer) But worst of all Ladies! Yes, chef! Pink chicken.

(Announcer) Jacqueline served up undercooked chicken.

There's certain things you can't do in a kitchen! (Announcer) On the blue side [Bleep]

ing bumping me again.

Don't bump me.

(Announcer) Dan and Michael's bad blood boiled over Get the [bleep]

out of here! Get out! (Announcer) And chef Ramsay had to referee.

What the [bleep]

is going on with you two? (Announcer) But the men bounced back.

Blue team! Last ticket, well done.

(Announcer) And finally The blue team.

Yeah! Yes! (Announcer) Got a victory.

Oh, my God.

(Announcer) The women selected two for elimination.


(Announcer) And Jessica, chef.

(Announcer) But chef Ramsay added one of his own.


Get your ass up here.

(Announcer) In the end Danielle, give me your jacket.

(Announcer) Danielle's dream of becoming head chef of Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesar's Palace went up in smoke.

[Ohio Payers' Fire]

Fire Whoa! The way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child Go, Jon! When you shake what you've got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really somethin', child [Roars]

When you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child yeah well, I can tell by your game you're gonna start a flame love, baby, baby the way you push, push lets me know that Hey, hey! [Blows kiss]

You're gonna get your wish oh, no fire what I said, child oww, fire uh
-huh (Announcer) And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Piss off.

(Jacqueline) I should know how to do this, this is what I do for a living.

I'm feeling like a giant pile of [bleep]


I really thought I was going.

I really did.

I can't ever let that happen again.

(Cyndi) I still can't wrap my head around Jackie and the pink chicken.

I mean, come on.


, dude.


It was hard for me to go up there, like, you're my team and you're putting me up there because I I don't know what I did.

I'm not the weakest chef here, by far.

I just feel like the red team is out to get me.

I proved myself tonight, so watch out, girls.

Because I'm definitely gonna prove myself even more.

You know, it really was stupid of us to nominate Jessica for the reasons we did.


I'm sorry that you went up there.

No hard feelings.


Okay? To finally winning.

Oh, so glad we [bleep]

ing won! We finally won a service.

It was amazing.


We got the monkey off our back.

It's kind of awesome.

This is the spark that we needed to just get everything rolling.

This is absolutely a new beginning for the blue team.

I feel like we got this.

It can be done.

It can be done.

(Announcer) Riding high after their first dinner service win Let's do it again.

(Announcer) The blue team looks to turn it into a streak That's good! A little spring in your step.

(Announcer) By winning their first challenge.

Oh, my.

All I see is this market of all these beautiful, beautiful proteins.

There's just row upon row of veal, lamb you've got some seafood that I've never even heard of.

Mm, it's making me hungry.

As you know, we've lost a number of weak individuals.

But I am still looking for the real chefs, the real talent, to emerge.

And one thing that separates the chefs from the cooks is their palates.

For today's challenge, each team will need to identify the five proteins under those domes.

This is a palate challenge.

Are you [bleep]

ing me? I've trained for this, doing this all my life.

I mean, I could tell you if it's cat or dog.

[Cat meows]

Within each team, thers goe'a be four pairs.

The first pair will go up, taste the dish, and decide together which protein is in the dish.

Then they'll run over to our fabulous market behind me and find that protein.

If you're right, the green light will come on.

The team that identifies the five proteins under the domes in the fastest time wins the challenge, got it? (All) Yes, chef.

Realize the first pair will get two turns.

Blue team, you won dinner service, so you'll go first.

Ladies, head up to the dorms.

Off you go.

(All) Yes, chef.

(Gordon) Let's go.

Okay, blue team.

Who's going first? It's me and Mike first.

We are the dynamic duo.

There's no way we can lose this thing.

Ready? Set.

I'll pull the dome.

Go! Let's go.

(Announcer) In today's match
-protein challenge (Mike) Great, meatballs.

(Announcer) The chefs must identify the correct protein chef Ramsay has used in his five dishes (Gordon) Let's go.

It's not beef.

It's not beef.

(Announcer) From a selection of 50 options.

You want to go with lamb? (Jon) Yeah, let's go lamb.

Hurry up, hurry up.

Run back.


Wrong! Let's go! Let's go, hustle back.

(Gordon) Take it back! Let's go, venison.

Let's go.

Come on, come on, come on! (Both) Venison.

Wrong! Come on! [Bleep]


It's not as easy as it looks.

So I'm tasting it, I'm taking as many bites as I can, but the tomato sauce wasn't helping.

'Cause you just couldn't really taste the meat.


Veal, chef.

Wrong! Come on! Keep it moving.

Come on, guys.

Pork, chef.

Wrong! Holy crap, come on! Now I'm getting concerned.

They're running up, they're running back.

They're running up, they're running back.

Buffalo, chef.

Wrong! They're running up, they're running back.


Rabbit meatball? [Bleep]

off! Oh, [bleep]


Goat, chef.


Wrong! Goat meatball? It's possible, chef.

I've actually had goat meatballs and they're delicious.

What other meat is there? (Jon) The kangaroo, we haven't done yet.

All right.

Come on.

Kangaroo, chef.

Wrong! [Bleep]

, man.

(Gordon) Are you hopping mad? When was the last time you had a kangaroo meatball? Never, chef.

What could it be? What could it be? Come on! It's so easy! Let's go look at it.

I feel like I'm completely letting my team down at this point.

I feel like I need to just stop, think, and go, "What is it?" Look at the color.

You can do it.

There you go.

There we go.

Turkey! (Gordon) Yes! (Jon) Thank you, chef.

Go! Go! Go! Go! (Announcer) It's now up to Dan and Zach (Jon) That was [bleep]


(Announcer) To make up for Michael and jon's unbelievably slow start.

(Zach) Tacos? (Gordon) Come on! I know tacos.

I trust my palate immaculately.

Instantly, I'm thinking chicken.

Come on, come on! (Both) Chicken, chef.

Well done! Yes! Yes! All right, guys.

Good job, guys.

Just that simple.

Not rocket science.


(Ray) Enchiladas.

Think Mexican food.

Come on, Barret.

Come on, Jeremy! It's pork.

Enchiladas are a Mexican dish, and I'm picking animals that would be in that area.

Pork, chef.

Wrong! Come on, let's go! Let's go, let's go.

Run it back, run it back.

Keep it simple! What goes with enchiladas? (Both) Venison, chef.

Wrong! Let's go! It's a dark meat.

Tough and chewy.

(Both) Buffalo.

(Gordon) Come on! Come on! (Both) Buffalo, chef.

(Gordon) Wrong! Come on! [Bleep]

! Get it right! What is it? Veal, chef! No! Come on! Wrong! Come on, come on, come on! Run, run, run, run! Hey, duck! I mean, I don't even have to taste it.

I can see it from six feet away.

Jeremy, look at me! Grab the duck.

Grab the duck, quick.

Just get it.

Come on! Grab it! Come on! Go, go, go, go! Duck, chef.

Yes! Aah! Yes.

I'll do these.

We are 8 1/2 minutes in right now.

Me and Ray have got to nail this dish.

It's on the bone.

What do you think? What do you think? Let me look at it.

I close my eyes, I taste it.

It reminds me of back home, the veal cutlet mom makes.

It's veal.

Veal! Veal, chef.

Yes! Well done! Some [bleep]

you just know.

Go! (Gordon) Last one.

(Zach) Come on, chef Mike, chef Jon! Bring it home! Think of fish.

What does it say to your palate? This is a good chance for me to redeem myself.

If I can get this in one or two tries, maybe we can stop this clock and win this challenge.

Is it cod? No! Try catfish! Think flaky.

Flaky, buttery, man.

Sturgeon? Yeah.

Let's go with sturgeon.

Let's go! Quick, quick.

(Both) Sturgeon.

No! We didn't say sturgeon! (Jeremy) Catfish, guys! (Jon) Dude, here, come here.

Swordfish? Grab it.

Go, go, go, go! Is it swordfish fish and chips? Swordfish.

Yes! [All cheering]

(Gordon) Wow, blue team.

-thinking again.

10 minutes, 33 seconds.



We could've got that in five.

I hope these girls struggle just as much as us.


Let me show you what the blue team got.

That will be the time to beat.

Over ten minutes, guys? I mean, what took you so long? If we don't beat their time, we're pathetic.

All you need to do it is in 10:32, and you have won.

Now this clock will be counting down.

Who's going first, please? Ja'nel and Jacqueline.

Are you ready? (All) Yes, chef.

Set, go! Let's go.

Come on, girls.

Take your time, take your time.

We cut into the meatball and it's white, so, I know that it's not beef.

It kind of narrows it down, and we've got a pretty good idea of what it could be.

Let's go Turkey.

Turkey? (Gordon) Let's go! Turkey.

(Gordon) Well done.

Great job.

Yes, yes, yes! Let's go, ladies.

Oh, man.

These girls are gonna finish this challenge in less time it took me and Mike to figure out there was Turkey in the meatballs.

Come on, Cyndi.

Come on, Susan.

My heart is pumping.

I'm throwin' [bleep]

In my mouth right now.

I'm just trying to taste things.

It's definitely a poultry.

Be confident.

Don't worry.

There we go, quickly.

(Gordon) I wanna hear you.

Chicken, chef.


Good job.

[All cheering]

Hell, yes! Good job.

(Gordon) Come on, Jessica.

Come on, Nedra.

We had enchiladas, and we were looking at the sauce, it was red.

So I'm thinking, "Red sauce, red meat.

" Are you sure? Yeah, venison.

Call it out.

Call it out.

Call it out.

Venison, chef.

(Gordon) Wrong! God, I hope these girls do terrible.

I mean, we haven't won a challenge yet.

Let something catastrophic happen, please.

Veal, chef.

No! Let's go.

Grab the next one.

What do you think it is? Buffalo.

(Gordon) No! It's okay.

Don't give up.

Just keep trying.

Beef, chef.

No! Keep going.

Move fast, move fast.


No! It's okay.

Come on, ladies! Don't give up.


No! Oh, [bleep]


Nedra and Jessica, they look like me and Mike on those meatballs.

(Jacqueline) Taste it again, guys! Feel it, smell it, touch it.

Take your time.

Embrace it.

Embrace the moment.

Six minutes! You guys don't have much time.

Come on! Our clock is ticking.

We're getting down too far.

And I'm seriously getting nervous.

These girls have got to figure out what's in this enchilada.

Rabbit, chef? No! What the [bleep]

? Try the goat.

Kangaroo? Kangaroo.

I saw kangaroo.

I was like, "Anything's possible in Hell's Kitchen.

" Kangaroo? No! Come on, guys! Oh, I thought it was kangaroo.

You still have plenty of time.

Come on! Did we do veal? We already did veal.

(Gordon) The clock is ticking away.

Come on, come on, come on.

My mind is completely blank.

I don't know.

I don't know.

(Announcer) In today's match
-protein challenge, the men posted a time of 10 minutes and 33 seconds.

The women got off to a good start, but Nedra and Jessica's inability to identify the duck Quail.

No! Rabbit, chef? No! Kangaroo.

No! Come on, guys.

(Announcer) Is eating away at the red team's time, and renewing the men's hope of winning their first challenge.

Did we do veal? We already did veal.

(Gordon) The clock is ticking away.

Try the goat! Um Come on, come on, come on.

Which one do we pick? My team's gonna k*ll me.

I'm sweating like two fat b*tches.

I'm shaking like a stripper.

I hope we get the next one right.


Yes! [All cheering]

Go, go, go, go! Nedra and Jessica ate up so much of the clock.

So we have to get this done in one or two tries, tops.

(Mary) Oh, my gosh.

(Ja'nel) You got this.

You got this.

Immediately, I just notice the bone.

It's bigger than a pork chop.

I taste it, just to be sure.

I think it's a veal chop.

Let's go, quickly.

I like that, I like that.

You look confident.

(Cyndi) Go, ladies.

Veal, chef! Is it veal? Yes! Whoo! It's veal! Whoo! Mary the butcher came through.


(Susan) Keep going, ladies.

Keep going, keep going.

Be fast.

(Mary) You've got it.

You've got it.

We're screwed.

They have one dish left.

I hope they start screwing some stuff up.

Please, God.

(Both) Catfish, catfish.

I ain't worried about nothing.

There's only so much white fish we could put up there.

Catfish! No! Cod, cod, cod.

I love that red light.

This is all I want to see.

Let's keep this up.

Waste that time, please.

Cod! No! Try trout.

No, it's not trout.

It's not fishy enough.


Come on, shout it out.

Halibut, chef.

No! Taste it again.

Time is ticking.

They need to figure it out.

Don't taste the breading, just taste the fish.

Savor the flavor, ladies.

(Susan) Process of elimination.

What else could it be? Take your time, ladies.

Think it out.

Don't give up, keep going.

Move fast, move fast.

Get the tilapia.

Here it is.

I got it.

Got it? Come on, come on, come on.

Shout it out.

Swordfish, swordfish.


(Gordon) Yes! [All cheering]

Four in a row, completely undefeated.

I don't know what the [bleep]

is wrong with these guys.

If I was on the guys' team right now, I'd be begging for a sex change.

Ladies, well done.

Thank you, chef.

(Gordon) You nailed it.

I hope you're in the mood for something truly spectacular.

You are gonna experience an amazing day of fun in the sun at your gorgeous beach house in Malibu.

[All cheering]

Malibu, bitch! Whoo! We have rented a $15 million mansion.

You're gonna be joined by some very special guests.


(Gordon) Hurry up.

Your chauffeured convertibles are waiting for you.

[Laughter, cheering]

Off you go! Come on.

Malibu Barbies! Thank you, chef.

Good job, guys.

That was awesome.

Yeah, good job! Men, you didn't just get beat.

You got smoked.

You are in for a grueling day of physical, and I mean physical, labor.

I'm gonna throw up.

You'll be making bread from scratch.

You'll start by carrying in the deliveries of wheat flour.

Then you'll grind that flour, by hand, to perfect our bread.

I am tired of losing and being punished.

I wanna be on the beach.

I like getting Doug E.


Come on, guys.

You haven't got all day.

Load me up.

(All) Malibu! Malibu! Malibu! Here they come.

Hold up, hold up, hold up.

Come on, come on, come on.

Move, move, move.

Move! Move out the way! [Bleep]

Damn! Just shut up and let us finish.

(All) Malibu! Malibu! Malibu! I'm getting tired of their [bleep]


"Bye, boys.

Have a good one.

" I hope those convertibles flip over, I do.

[All cheering]

Nice! I want the white one.

Let me get with the skinny b*tches.


Scoot over.

Oh, my God, ladies.

(Mary) We gotta strap those babies in.

We don't want them flopping in the wind.

(All) Malibu, Malibu, Malibu! See those mortar and pestles? Get the wheat on there and start grinding away.

We need powder.

Let the weight of the rock do your work, all right? I feel like a caveman.

Ray, is this what making bread was like when you were a kid? Yeah.


I'm sweating like [bleep]


This sucks.

I hate it.

I wanna be in Malibu right now.

[All cheering]

We're definitely turning heads, driving up PCH.

People definitely saw eight hot chicks in three hot convertibles, and they were honking all the way up.

[Horns honking]

(Nedra) We in Malibu! (All) Oh, my God! Oh, my God! O

This house is huge.

It's absolutely huge.

Holy Holy [bleep]


Look at this view.

This is out of control.

I can see straight through, all the way down to the ocean.


(Both) Oh, my God.

Let's cheer for another win for the red team.

[All cheering]

(Announcer) While the women toast to another victory, the men try to grind out another punishment.

This learn
-bread bonding [bleep]

is [bleep]


I've made bread before, but not like this.

We have to mill everything by hand.

I've never done anything so hard in my life.


I'm never gonna burn bread again.

Oh, my God.

I'm just too old for this [bleep]


[Neck cracking]


I'm not happy anymore.

(Announcer) While the men labor over the bread, the women are ready to do some baking in the Malibu sun Who's coming to see us? (Announcer) When they're surprised by some very special guests.

Oh, my God.

Hi! Hi, you guys.

(All) Hi! How are you? I'm Laird.

And I'm Gabi.

From our left comes Laird Hamilton and Gabrielle Reece.

They are the king and queen of the beach, so this is really, really cool.

We happen to be sent here by chef Ramsay, not only to congratulate you, but show you, sort of, some of the things we love to do.

Who wants to go in the ocean with me first? It's called stand up paddling.

I do! I'll take off my shirt.




Holla, holla, holla, holla.

Please come save me, boo.

Come rescue me.

I feel like I'm on Baywatch.


All right, Jessica.

Whoo! Look at them, they're doing so good.

Oh, my God.

Paddle boarding's pretty easy until you try and stand up.

Don't fall, Susan! Stay on the board! Don't fall.


Speed is your friend.

Come on, Cyndi, you can do it! (Nedra) Let's go, Cyn! [Laughter]

Cyndi was the best.

She couldn't kneel.

She couldn't stand.

She kept falling off.

She looked like a baby on a raft.


That was a lot of fun.

Makes you feel alive again.

That's good.

I got it.


that flour.




You all right, dude? You all right? Jeremy, what's the matter? Jeremy? (Ray) Jeremy? I need the medical aid really bad.

Where's the medic? You know where the medic is? Ugh.

Medic! [EKG pulsing]

(Announcer) After losing their fourth consecutive challenge, the men's grueling punishment [Grunts]



You all right, dude? (Announcer) Is proving too much for Jeremy.

I need the medical aid really bad.

Where's the medic? You know where the medic is? I just hear [lmitates thuds]

And I see Jeremy laying on the [bleep]


I don't know what's going on right now.

Come on, come on.

All right.

He's coming, he's coming.

Here, Jeremy, take a water.

Here, medic's here.

What happened? I'm getting really dizzy and overheated.

And I'm getting a really bad headache.

All right.

Sit back.

Has this happened before? I'm an ex
-stroke patient.


My head is really starting to pound.

Now I feel like a complete [bleep]

because I'm one of the biggest reasons why he was grinding this flour.

It would k*ll me, more than anything, if you, like, died right now.



We're gonna have to take you to the emergency room.

(Anthony) Jeremy, you all right? I'm scared that this could lead to me having another stroke.

I might not be coming back to Hell's Kitchen because of this.

I wanna win, but I don't wanna die.

I hope Jeremy's all right.

I hope he's all right too.

Oh, boy.

Get ready, gentlemen.

Here they come.

Don't even acknowledge 'em.

Hey! How's it going? (Nedra) Come on, b*tches, smile.

Hey! Keep working, boys.


That just pfft.

Let's get back to work, shall we? Welcome back, dude.


Hey, nice.

Sorry about that, chef.

How you feeling, sir? What's going on? What was the matter? I just wasn't eating.

You what? He wasn't eating.

The doctor said I wasn't eating enough.

She said that I needed to eat more.


Is there anything I can help you with? We got this, Jeremy.

Yeah, we're almost done.

Yeah, we're cool, Jeremy.

I'm sorry, guys.

Don't Just go, go, go, man.

No worries.

Go relax.


Doctor said he needs to eat more.

I think he needs a second opinion.


That's funny.

[Indistinct chatter]

What's up? Are you done? Uh, no.

I just got back from the hospital.

What happened? I wasn't eating.

What? Bitch, you done ate us out of house and home these last three days.

And you talking about that you ain't ate? Let's see if there's anything to eat.


I'm trying to eat nothing but superfood.

Oh, hell yes.

I can make fried chicken.


I'm more hungry than ever.

So once I eat something and get some energy in the tummy, I'm ready to go.

(Announcer) After a long, punishing day of prepping bread dough Did someone set that alarm? Yep.

(Announcer) The rest of the blue team joins Jeremy in getting some much
-needed sleep.

[Alarm ringing]

Oh, my God.

(Announcer) But prepping the dough was only half the punishment.

That's the worst alarm I've ever heard in my life.

(Announcer) The other half is baking it.


Oh, God.

the roosters aren't even up yet.

I'm normally in my third dream by now.




How you feeling today, Jeremy? I'm all right, chef.

I actually don't feel hungry.

(Zach) I just wanna go back to bed.

If I get two hours of sleep, I'll be happy.

Those are good.

All right, you can go.

(Announcer) Now that the bread has risen, the men are lying down for a little more sleep.


(Announcer) Unfortunately, chef Ramsay has other plans for them.

[Phone ringing]

Can nobody answer the phone? [Phone ringing]

Hello? Hello, good morning.

Can you get the red team and the blue team down immediately, please? Absolutely, chef.

Thank you.

Guys, wake up.

Chef wants us downstairs right away.

If chef Ramsay calls the dorm, you better move like you got a match up your [bleep]

, because something's going down.

Man, finally.

Line up.

What is going on up there? It is way too early for this.

I am nowhere near ready.


Good morning.

(All) Good morning, chef.

As chefs, we are required to work long hours, yeah? (All) Yes, chef.

You know, there's another profession who sacrifice their time and work long hours.

Today I've invited these special guests to Hell's Kitchen for a unique breakfast at the end of their shift.

We will be feeding emergency doctors, nurses, and EMTs.

Dude, these guys save lives 24/7, hardly never a break.

We gotta treat these guys with the utmost respect.

I've never done this before.

I'd like you to treat this as if it was a dinner service.

The first to finish wins.

The losing team, someone is going to be going home.




Not gonna be me, that's for sure.

I'm gonna pull my team through this, and we're gonna beat this challenge, no matter what.

Into the kitchen, let's go.

(Announcer) Each team has 15 minutes to get up to speed on the breakfast menu These are the dishes.

Make sure you guys study the sample plates.

(Announcer) Which includes a croissant breakfast sandwich, traditional eggs Benedict, a classic omelet, blueberry and banana pancakes, and smoked salmon with scrambled eggs.

This takes the least amount of time, and this takes the least amount of time.

So this one fires this one.

(Announcer) The team that serves their emergency medical workers first wins.

Omelet? The salmon as well, yes.

And a salmon as well? Of course.

Ladies, it's early, but let's talk.

Oh, [bleep]


Let's go, guys.

Come on, we can do it.

Blue team, here we go.

Dining room is full of extraordinary workers.

Give them something back.

(All) Yes, chef.

Let's go.

On order six covers, table 20.

Three omelet, two smoked salmon, one croissant.

(All) Yes, chef.

Fire food, boys.

Just keep firing food.

Don't rush yourself.

Talk before you walk.

Dan, set them plates up, brother.


me to tears, really? Pans are too small, man.

Ray, Ray, Ray, stop! Stop! Chef, I need a bigger pan.

Come on! Do you have any big teflon pans over there? Oh, love you.

(Announcer) While Ray is having trouble keeping his eggs in the pan, over on the red side Six covers, table 30.

Three omelet, two smoked salmon, one pancake.

(All) Yes, chef.

(Announcer) Cyndi These are [bleep]

sticking in this pan.

(Announcer) Is having trouble getting her eggs out of the pan.

I need to start over.

We cannot fall behind right now.

I mean, we need to come out of the gate really well.

And we need to keep the momentum going.

(Gordon) How long? Two minutes, chef.

Can you wake up a little bit? (All) Yes, chef.

Let's go.

(Announcer) As Cyndi starts over on her omelet That's just sticking, babe.

Just just toss it.

(Announcer) In the blue kitchen Come on, guys, let's keep pushing.

(Announcer) The men are almost ready with their first order.

Three omelet, two smoked salmon, one croissant.

How long? Jeremy, hey, hey He's not even answering me.

(Michael) Come on, Jeremy.

Can I get an answer from you? Yes, you can.

What was that callback? I wasn't able to hear it, chef.

Oh, [bleep]


Jeremy is dead weight, plain and simple.

I mean, he's going back to the person we put up for elimination the very first service.

Two smoked salmon Are you guys walking with the omelets? Jeremy, are they all coming? Communicate! I'm that's what I'm waiting on.

Are you guys walking with the omelets? How much longer on your guys' Benedict? Start prepping more, get more ready.

He's just like, "Duh" I'll do it.

Give me it.

Jeremy's standing in the middle there like that with his breakfast.

(Ray) Jeremy, walk.

Come around then, big boy.

So where's the smoked salmon scrambled eggs? Get over there and help plate a smoked salmon.

Salmon I'm gonna walk.

Do you have a plate ready to walk? No.

Almost done.

(Jeremy) Can I walk this plate? No! I got six smoked salmon.

(Gordon) Hurry up! They're dying! Come on! Watch your back.

Watch your back.

Come on.

I'm coming down.

(Gordon) Hey, all of you, come here.

All of you! I'm listening, chef.

Yes, chef? Some disgusting pig brought me the sample scrambled eggs.

The sample scrambled eggs that I cooked an hour ago.

Make sure you guys study the sample plates.

These guests, they save lives on a daily basis, and you wanna serve that? Jeremy, Dan, you'll [bleep]

k*ll someone with that! (Announcer) It's early morning, and Hell's Kitchen has opened its doors to serve breakfast to a group of much
-deserving doctors, nurses, and EMTs.

But one member of the blue team Some disgusting pig brought me the sample scrambled eggs.

(Announcer) Has delivered the wrong dish.

You picked that [bleep]


(Gordon) Take that garnish back.

(Anthony) Work it again, let's go.


off, guys.

Just pay attention.

Jeremy should have been able to look at that and go, "Whoa, whoa, whoa.

"That looks like it's really old.

This must not be the plate.

" Find me a rubber spatula, please.

Jeremy really [bleep]

the bed on this one, man.

Jeremy, go run and find a rubber spatula in the back, please.

(Announcer) With Jeremy out of the kitchen, the rest of the blue team comes together to complete their first order.

These are good.

Very good.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, back in the red kitchen (Ja'nel) Coming behind, behind, behind.

Let's go, garnish.

(Announcer) Ja'nel and Cyndi are finally finding their groove.

They got great finesse, do you know what I mean? Everything looks [bleep]

beautiful in here.

Ja'nel, that scrambled egg is delicious.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you.

(Announcer) But with orders coming in fast and furious Next table four covers, table 43.

Two eggs Benedict, two omelet.

I'm ready on the omelets.

(Announcer) It appears that one chef Nedra! Wakey, wakey! Let's go! Yes, chef.

(Announcer) May be sleepwalking through service.

What goes first, the ham? Oh, my gosh.

I hate the morning time.

I'm discombobulated, but I'm happy I got a bra on.

I need one eggs Benedict, urgently.

Why haven't you got two plating? You jump right out of the bed, and you're cooking for doctors, nurse, um, ERs, um, some of everybody.

So it's like [bleep]


Are you ready, Nedra? I need another minute on eggs.

Hey, hello.

I'm coming right now, chef.

Stop, Nedra.

Stop, stop, stop.

Stop! Ladies! Look, soggy.

Why are you using the soggy ones when you got toasted behind you? Yes, chef.

No, not, "Yes, chef.

" Why are you using the soggy ones? I didn't know they was soggy, chef.

Visually, you don't know that's not toasted? I didn't see it when it went down, chef, but I got another one coming.

(Cyndi) Let's go, guys.

Let's bounce back.

Someone help her.

I need help.

What do you need? Talk to me.

I'm worried that Nedra's gonna break the team down.

Stop smashing that.

No, stop smashing the [bleep]


Oh, you k*lling me.

You're k*lling me.

I know.

Before I knew it, I'm having to do everything for Nedra.

Want me to do sauce? Bacon, bacon.

Where's your sauce? Where's your sauce? Send that up.

Walking with the eggs Benedict.


Let's go.

(Gordon) Go, go, go.

Come on.

I'll take care of this stuff.

(Announcer) Thanks to Amanda Go.

(Announcer) Red diners are enjoying their breakfast.

They did a good job.

(Announcer) But back in the blue kitchen You got my salmon plates, Dan? (Announcer) Ray is scrambling to keep up the momentum and get his eggs to the pass.

Salmon, chef.

All of you, come here.

Taste that.

I want you to taste that scrambled egg! Taste it! Some seasoning, guys a little salt and pepper.

Who made that? I did, chef.

I put salt and pepper in it, chef.

You I mean, seriously? They're paramedics! I
-I got 'em, chef.

I think you need a doctor right now! Two more salmon, coming right up.

(Announcer) While Ray starts over on his eggs Come on, chef Ray, come on.

You got it, buddy.

(Announcer) In the red kitchen Behind you, Benedict walking.

(Announcer) With Amanda driving Come on, guys.

(Announcer) The women manage to serve well over half their diners And are racing towards the finish line.

Two on 32.

Two on table 40.

Two smoked salmon, two pancakes! (All) Yes, chef.

I need three minutes on pancakes.

Making pancakes is pretty easy.

I mean, who could mess that [bleep]

up? [Bleep]


I messed up that one.

Two smoked salmon, two pancake, how long? Five minutes, chef.

Jacqueline? Yes, chef? It's a [bleep]


Come on.

Yes, chef.

What you need, Jacqueline? I just gotta wait for these to cook, baby.

I'm feeling like we need to [bleep]

get our [bleep]

together right now, because if we lose this morning, I got a chance of going home.

I'ma put the blueberries.

What are you using to flip? I'm just using that.

It's melting.

You can't flip a pancake with a rubber spatula, like, you can't.

Jacqueline, flip this one.

I can't [bleep]


How the [bleep]

can I flip a pancake with no spatula? What, I'm supposed to flip it with the bottom of my toes? Jacqueline, flip this one.

It's ready.

Coming behind, behind.

One pancake, two pancake, right now.

Two pancakes, two omelet, followed by two more pancakes.

(All) Yes, chef.

(Announcer) As Nedra steps in to get the red team back on track Let me put this right on the fire.

(Announcer) Over in the blue kitchen Ray correctly salts his eggs.

Raymond? Yes, chef? Fluffy, delicious.

Yes, chef! (Announcer) And is peppered with compliments.

Every one, like that.

Yeah, you got it, chef.

(Announcer) And both teams are getting closer to completion.

You got three tickets left.

The red team has got two tickets left.

So speed up.

Hustle, come on! Hustle! Oh, my God.

So it's coming down to the wire, and all systems are go.

Let's get the [bleep]

tickets out.

Red team, you've got two tickets left.

The blue team has got three tickets left.

Come on! (All) Yes, chef! Let's go, guys! (Susan) Come on, ladies.

Pick it up.

We need two pancakes right now, next order.

It's too hot.

It burns 'em.

The pan's too hot, Jackie.

Omelet's up.

We're waiting on two pancakes.

Make sure they're perfect.

Go, go, go.

Come on.

Piece of cake, dude.

It's [bleep]

pancakes, all right? Let's go! Four pancakes, two omelets! Let's go! Two tickets left, let's go! Too dark.

Look at me.

Too [bleep]


The race is on, and all we're dragging on is pancakes.

All hands on deck.

We need all hands on deck.

Everybody on the red team grabs a pan.

Please don't let Fluffy, delicious pancakes take us down this morning.

We have one pancake ready right here.

Put it on this one.

Put it on this one.

How many Bennys are up there? We need four more, four going.

The blue team's digging deep right now.

Sauce me, sauce me.

Chef, we got to hurry! We all just wanna win so bad.

We're gonna do whatever it takes.

(All) Walk, walk, walk.

(Gordon) Go, go, go.

Walking behind.

Where are the pancakes? Right there, chef.



Go, go, go.

Red team, one ticket each, hurry up! Let's go, ladies! Get that pancake on now.

Blue team, one ticket each, come on! Come on! Everybody make a pancake! Walking, walking, walking.

Let's go, guys! Let's go! Fast! As fast as you've ever worked in your life! If we get these pancakes up in the next ten seconds, we're gonna win this challenge.

(Ja'nel) Guys, I have one pancake ready.

Who's got the other? Behind, behind, behind, behind, behind.

Nedra, you're burning 'em, baby, you're burning 'em.

Where's the other pancake? (Announcer) It's coming down to the wire in this morning breakfast service.

Red team, one ticket each, hurry up! We're not going home.

Let's go! Yo, I need you to hurry up.

We need to beat the girls.

(Announcer) The teams are neck and neck Two more pancakes! Fight for your life! (Announcer) And both are desperate to win and avoid dropping a team member.

Please, guys, please hurry! Give me one more, gentlemen.

This one ready, this one.

Flip that one.

You're burning them! Had you not burned them, you could have completed the table.

(Amanda) Come on, Jackie! Sauce, sauce, sauce.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

I have one pancake ready if you need it.

Got it.

Need it.

Two smoked salmon, two Benedict.


(Gordon) Good.


Hold on.

Don't celebrate yet.

The blue team could actually win.

This is amazing.

Two Benedict.


Congratulations, blue team, finally.

[All cheering]

Yeah, baby! We just [bleep]


Yeah, baby! Yeah, baby! I am so stoked right now.

I mean, I
-I was like, "Yeah!" That's the way to do it, Dan
-o boy.

Nice! I've never seen such a disorganized pancake station in all my [bleep]


How many [bleep]

pancakes went in the [bleep]

trash? Way, way, way out of control.

Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I hope you enjoyed your breakfast.


(Gordon) Great.

Thank you very much, indeed.

It's been a honor to be given the chance to actually take care of you guys for once.

Thank you for joining us this morning.

God bless.

(All) Thank you.

Ladies? (All) Yes, chef? That was a disaster.

Think about the individuals you need to start losing to make your team stronger, and nominate two individuals for elimination.

Got it? (All) Yes, chef.

It's not even 9:00 a.


No one's had coffee.

No one's brushed their hair.

Some people haven't brushed their teeth.

And now we need to send someone home.

It's blowing my mind.

This sucks, guys, I know, but it has to be the two obvious choices of Jackie for her pancakes and Nedra for that whole Benedict station, otherwise we're gonna look like we don't know what the [bleep]

we're doing.

Jackie, sorry, babe.

I really am.

Jackie just failed to make pancakes.

If we would've gotten those pancakes perfectly cooked, we would've k*lled the guys.

And, uh, Nedra just because I mean, there's nothing we can do.

He's gonna scream at us if we don't.

(Nedra) I know I shouldn't go up.

He said, "Pick the weakest one.

" I'm not the weakest one here.

If you're not gonna go up, who's gonna go up instead of you? Mary, Mary.

She's weak.

All right.

Thank you.

I'm confused right now.

I've worked really hard, and I don't think I should be up there.

Don't put me up, because I pulled my weight today.

Why are you nominating Mary when we had the issue today with the eggs Benedict? [Screaming]

One [bleep]

soggy piece of toast that I didn't [bleep]

put up? Many times, when you [bleep]

b*tches had me [bleep]

dying back there, I'm the bitch who kept the [bleep]

station going! So [bleep]

y'all if y'all don't wanna [bleep]

save me! Now y'all [bleep]

save Mary! [Bleep]

off! Oh, man.

Are these the two people we wanna lose? We need to decide right now.

Are we basing it on the weakest link, or are we basing it on today's service? Cyndi.

Yes, chef? First nominee? Our first nominee is Jacqueline, chef.

We're basing it off of the performance on the pancake station, chef, and the raw chicken from the last the dinner service, chef.

Raw chicken, from previous dinner service? Yes, chef.


Second nominee? Our second nominee, chef (Announcer) After a meltdown on the pancake station, the red team lost breakfast service, and have nominated Jacqueline, chef.

(Announcer) Now they must give chef Ramsay their second nominee.

Second nominee and why? Our second nominee is Mary.

Mary? Yes, chef.

Why? We've come to the decision that Mary is one of our weakest players on this team.

Amanda, why are you shaking your head? Because I did not agree with the decision to put Mary up, chef.

I had nominated Nedra, chef, based on the execution of the eggs Benedict station today.

Ja'nel, please? I know that if I have an issue or I need help with something, that I would look to Nedra before I looked to Mary.

So you and Amanda disagree? Apparently we do, chef.

It's definitely all falling apart on the ladies' team, let me tell you.

Mary, Jacqueline, step forward, please.

Mary, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I've been a fighter ever since the first night I was up for elimination.

I made my mistakes, but I didn't let it get me down, and I picked back up, chef.

I'm a woman of my word, and I did not lie to you when I said I had endurance and tenacity.

Jacqueline, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I have the knowledge and I have the power.

Power in burning pancakes? The easiest dish on the breakfast menu, and you managed to burn them.

Chef, I burned two pancakes.

And then the other ones were handed to me to flip when I asked for help.

Who couldn't flip a pancake, Jacqueline? Nedra couldn't flip a pancake, chef.

Is that right, Nedra? The [Exhales]

You can't flip a pancake? I can flip a pancake, chef.

The spatula that I was given, I couldn't flip it with the spatula.

So you're blaming the spatula? Another very difficult decision, let me tell you.

My decision is Mary, Jacqueline.

You two, back in line.

Thank you, chef.

Oh, my God.

There is one of you here that is in way over their head.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is (Announcer) Next time, on Hell's Kitchen (Mary) My period's really late.

(Announcer) One chef I just wanna know if I'm pregnant.

(Announcer) May be cooking for two.


This sucks.

(Announcer) Will the news kick in her hormones You know what? Shut up.

Don't even talk to me anymore.

I'm serious.

(Announcer) Or get her kicked out of Hell's Kitchen? I can't go home.

I worked so hard for this.

(Announcer) And, when a battle erupts in the dorms You sound like a little bitch.

(Announcer) Will Ray go Little bitch! You're a bitch! (Announcer) Way too far? Are they gonna fight? Just shut up! Get the [bleep]

out of my face.

(Announcer) Find out next time Bitch! Shut the [bleep]

up! (Announcer) When the gloves come off Do something about it! I will [bleep]

ruin you.

(Announcer) On a barefisted Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.

Boom! (Announcer) Hell's Kitchen.

(Ray) Little bitch.
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