07x13 - 4 Chefs Compete Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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07x13 - 4 Chefs Compete Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Off you go.

The final five were challenged to make a profitable fine dining dish with only $10 worth of ingredients.

This is like the epitome of what I do.

And the Chefs who excelled were Jay I'd be happy to pay $30.

Well done, well done, well done.

And Holli.

I would pay $30 too, for this.

Holli was victorious.

Well done, Holli.

Thank you very much.

Everybody around me is realizing I'm a contender in this competition.

Here they are.


And chose to bring Jay with her on the reward.

I was pretty psyched to spend quality time with Holli.

Which turned out to be more like a date chaperoned by Jean

I went to culinary school.

I took a year off because I had a son.

The couple had such a good time that the date I do.

And the romance continued back in the dorms assume the position.

Holli and Jay, I mean, i think there's a little something going on.

At dinner service Come on, guys! Chef Ramsay found a way to force the Chefs to communicate.

Switch stations, guys, yeah? Jason struggled on the meat section.

Talk to me then.

We just stopped the table.

You can't just walk off in a huff.

Jay had his problems on the fish station.

-it's burning in the pan before it's cooking.

Don't get pissy with me.

Cook your ass off! And Ben Are you okay? Come on, Benjamin.

Still had issues communicating.

I'm talking in his ear and he's not even answering me.

But Holli What's wrong, what's wrong? Was on a hot streak.

They're nicely roasted, those scallops, yes? Thank you, Chef.

And Autumn had her best dinner service yet.

That wellington is cooked beautifully.

Thank you.

And it's a wrap.

The final five had a difficult time nominating.

It's nothing personal.

I think both of y'all was the quiet ones in the kitchen.

But the two that were put forward were Ben.

And Jason.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Jason.

And it was Jason who had to say good
-bye to his dream of becoming head Chef at Gordon Ramsay's new restaurant at London's Savoy hotel.

Fire uh, uh fire uh woo woo woo woo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child aah! Yes, it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby baby, woo woo woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no, fire what I said, child ow fire fire fire And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

You've got a one in four chance.

Sleep on that.

Good night.

Good night, Chef.

Good night, Chef.

Glad you're still here, Ben.

I'm glad I'm still here.

We're all glad you're still here.

I really do genuinely like Jason, but, like, I'd have been so bummed out if you left over him.

He's not more passionate about cooking than I am.


There's no doubt I can come through and win this competition.

I feel like I got my second wind tonight.

I am gonna Bury those girls.

I feel the same way.

I have every intention of making them look silly, period.

We really have to just take over.

We have to have them on their toes.

I know I can do it.

I'm a better cook than Holli and Autumn.

I know I am.

And I'm the only person who can compete with Jay.

And I can beat Jay, no doubt in my Mind.

It's time.

Now it's time.

Now it's, like, push it.

It's a new day in Hell's Kitchen.

Good morning.


And Chef Ramsay has a special treat for the final four.

I'm gonna flip it around.

Now I'm gonna cook for you this morning.


Roasted monkfish with a little potatoes.

Having Chef Ramsay make a dish, it was exciting.

Watch carefully.

The first thing is to get rid of this skin here.

But there's still always, you know, the nerves in the center of your stomach because we have no idea what's gonna happen next.

Filleting knife underneath.

The monkfish is a expensive fish.

Be very, very careful.

I think monkfish is one of the toughest fishes to cook.

More often than not, it's not even butchered properly, never mind cooked right, so it's definitely not for beginners.

I'm gonna start off with a nice, hot pan.

Give that a really good sear.


It looks beautiful.

As he's demonstrating, I am, like, just like full attention mode, like, trying to pick up on something that'll help me make this dish if I have to.

Just take off the ends very, very carefully.

Hold it together.

Let the knife do the work, okay? Be very careful that you don't buckle it up.

Let it rest on top of the potatoes.

Okay, have a little taste.

We've taken a very difficult fish to make right and transformed it into something phenomenal.

It's just so bright with the capers and the peppers.

Now, big question: Do you all think you can recreate that dish for me? Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Excellent, because today, I'm gonna test your ability to teach.

I thought, Holy .

Ben in an instructor.

This is what he does for a living.

I am screwed 100%.

But to make it fair, you're all getting students with the same amount of experience.


Guys, come on in, please.

Good morning.


I was hoping for beauty Queens or some strippers or something along my lines, and then out came four guys.

-looking guys, but not my type.

These four young, cool dude bachelors, they know absolutely nothing.

And each one of you is gonna teach him how to roast a monkfish.

Uh, when was the last time you were in a kitchen? To actually do something? Yes.

They're pretty.

They can't cook.

Now you're all standing opposite your bachelor.

It's verbal instructions only.

Is that clear? Yes, Chef.

Half an hour, starting from now.

All right, come over here.

Grab two aprons and some side towels, and we're gonna set up right over here.

Bring these over to our station, please.

I'm gonna grab all the food.

First thing I would do, get the peppers on the grill.

And our station is? Where are you going? I'm not sure.

He said take this to my station.

He didn't tell me where it was.

Right here.

Oh, .

Throw these all in this bowl.

Watch your hands.

Are you okay? Uh

Peppers on the grill.


Uh, Holli.


He's put peppers on the grill, but the grill's not on.

The grill's not on.

Chef Ramsay believes that to be a great Chef, it is essential to be a great teacher.

Now that only four Chefs remain, he has designed this challenge to determine their teaching abilities.

What is he doing, Holli? The Chef who helps his student most closely recreate Chef Ramsay's dish, will win the challenge.

Open the knife Kit and grab some knives.

Open the knife Kit.

Oh, my God, like, this guy has a diamond in his ear.

He's probably never touched a knife before.

He spent more time putting on his apron than he did cooking.

He tied a nice, little homemaker bow.

I thought, when I saw that, I was done.

Hang up my apron.

Time to go home.

Five minutes gone, guys.

So go ahead and lift your monkfish up on this platter here.

Oh, come on, you're a man.

Lift up the skin, and you're gonna, like, kind of peel it off.

Like that? Like
-yeah, yeah, yeah.

I think you're a natural.

You're gonna be, like, super Chef after this.


And you'll be married within two days.

He's like a lost puppy, so the first thing I started working on is being a little flirtatious.

Your pepper is very beautiful.

So I've been told.

I wasn't worried about Holli.

The gentleman she was with was a little on the feminine side.

Hot fish coming through.

Just watching them get it together was definitely monkfish the hard way.

I just pick it up with my hands? Yes, yes.


You can touch everything with your hands.

All right.


Not quite.

Ooh, that's hot.

No wonder they call it Hell's Kitchen.

Whoo! Do you want me to do something while you're setting up? Take the stickers off of those peppers.

I'm a teacher by nature.

I'm very verbal and I communicate well.

I'm just happy I can do something actually.

I'm able to relate things in a way that people understand, you know, what I'm teaching.

Watch that fish.

I'll be right back.

I don't know what I'm watching for, but I'll watch it.

You look good, fish.

What are we making? We are making a pan
-roasted monkfish.

Isn't that like a saltwater fish, or is it a
- it's a seawater fish.

With a pepperaude.

What's pepperaude? Potatoes.

What kind of bacon was this again? It's actually pancetta.

I do like teaching.

I do like teaching new people.

What is the extra virgin? It's from the first press.

What's in the five Spice? Ground ginger, coriander.

But I could have k*lled him with the questions he asked.

Was I supposed to wash my hands? Did you not wash your hands? No.

You should always wash your hands.

Oh, Me.

Last two minutes, guys.


Ah! Careful.

Here are your nicoise olives.

How are these different than normal? Uh, they're a little fancier.

Even if it takes you five minutes to do a slice, cut a perfect piece.

If it falls apart, we're screwed.

Down in a long stroke.

Okay, that's all right.

We'll just use that whole piece the way it is.

3, 2, 1 And serve! All right, how did your students do? Very good.

Excellent, Chef.

You're happy with their performance? Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Good, well, let's taste it.

Autumn and Neil, let's go, guys.

The Chef whose student comes the closest to recreating Chef Ramsay's roasted monkfish entree will win the challenge.

All right, Neil, what is that? Uh, the monkfish and a little bit of salad.

What's in the potatoes? Uh, there's salt.

The small, pea
-looking things.

Small, pea
-looking things.


Autumn, this is serious.

I'm asking Neil exactly what you told him.

He's nervous.

He's nervous? Yes.

That's it? Where has the monkfish gone? We had a hard time cutting the monkfish.

-that's not what I'm asking about, how hard a time.

Where is the monkfish? The knife got out of control.

That's all right.

We'll just use that whole piece the way it is.

-it's shredded.

It wasn't good for presentation.

I'm sorry.

What a shame.

The taste is nice.

Slightly salty.

However, it's missing Right.

You know, it sucks.

I should have at least put the shredded portions on the plate.

I definitely regret that.

What a shame.

You live and you learn.

All right.

Jay and Rick, let's go.

Put it on the table and take the dome off.

Thank you, Rick.

You're very welcome, Chef.



The presentation, superb.

You ever sliced monkfish before? Never.

Not even fish sticks.

I honestly thought Jay had sliced that.

What is it? It's a pan
-seared monkfish.


With pancetta, capers, olives, roasted red peppers.


The monkfish is cooked perfectly.

He did great, Chef.

Rick is a prime example of don't judge a book by his cover.

What would I change? Less vinegar in the salad.


Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Very well done.

I thought I was really in for a rough day, and I'm actually very pleasantly surprised.


Benjamin and Steve, let's go.

I'm very confident.

Everything was there.

The seasoning was there, the flavors were there.

The monkfish was cooked perfectly.

I could win this competition easily.

What is the dish? It's, uh, monkfish with, uh, olives in it, and there's, like, a micro basil salad.


Have you ever cooked monkfish before? Uh, no, I'd barely ever heard of it.

All right.

Unfortunately, the peppers are almost raw.

And the pancetta is burnt.

What a shame.

Just out of interest, um, Benjamin, you're a culinary teacher, right? Yes, Chef.

Steve, how did he come across? I was just kind of following him and waiting for him to give me direction.

You know, I don't know what Steve's grading on.

He threw me under the bus.

I didn't Him.

He Ed me.

Chris and Holli, let's go.

All right, what is that, Chris? Uh, this is monkfish.


It's made with love.

Made with love.


What's in the potatoes? Potatoes.

Take your time.

Oh, God, you don't tell Chef how to eat.

If you were actually in Hell's Kitchen, Chef Ramsay would have thrown the plate at you.

It tastes delicious.

Really? I mean, yes.

That's the first perfect potato I've had.

That monkfish slightly hashed as opposed to being carved.

However, at least we have got all the monkfish on there.

Good job.

Right on.

Thank you very much.

Well done.

Considering none of these guys had ever cooked properly before, each and every one of you have done a very good job.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you.

It's a difficult one.

Congratulations goes to Chef Ramsay has challenged the Chefs to teach bachelors with no cooking experience how to recreate a monkfish entree, and he must now decide who was the best teacher.

Congratulations goes to Jay and Rick.

Well done.

Really well done.

I'm happy.

I'm psyched that I won.

It's just one more step up the ladder.

So it's one more thing I can show Chef Ramsay that I did positively.

That dish was, um, almost perfect.

Carved beautifully, seasoned perfectly, cooked to perfection.

The dish looked like you had done it.

Thank you.

Bachelors, I've got a little present for you all.

Scott, please.

Thank you.

This is a copy of my latest book.

Bedtime reading, yes? Enjoy.

Now do me a favor.


Let's go.


Well done.

Losers, today's gonna be a tough one.

Today in Hell's Kitchen, it's maintenance day.

We've got wobbly tables, we've got screws missing, we've got light bulbs that need replacing.

We need to spruce this place up a bit.

Secondly, the car parking lot needs cleaning, sweeping, brushing, and tidying up.

It sucks but, you know, I am a handy woman.

I fix everything around my house.

No big deal.

And once you finish that, get back in the kitchen and get prepped because tonight, I'm gonna open Hell's Kitchen.

Like, Dinner service.

Dinner service.

Jay, you're gonna do something very exclusive.

It's a once
-lifetime thrill.

Would you like to know what it is? Yes, Chef.

Good, I'm not gonna tell you.

You're gonna have to wait and see.

You've got 30 seconds to choose a partner to take with you.

I'm gonna choose Holli.

Yay! I knew right from the beginning, if I didn't win, I wasn't gonna be picked, because I don't have any friends here.

And of course it sucks.

All right, Holli and Jay, upstairs to the dorm.

I'll call you back in five minutes, yes? Benjamin and Autumn, a lot of work to do.

Yes, Chef.

In order to make sure that we don't get our whites dirty, andi, handyman overalls.

-Philippe will call you in a couple minutes.

Off you go.

I feel bad for Ben.

You can go back in there and change it.

No, I mean, I just don't think it'd be as fun.

I love him, but he's not
- I'm pretty exciting.

Dude, I'm sorry.

I feel really bad for Ben because we're good friends here, and I personally wouldn't want to be left with Autumn.

But Holli's pretty
- pretty good looking.

I really wanted to pick you, but I
-I had
-I owed her.

I feel bad.


I feel like you hate me.

Don't hate me.

I'm totally bummed.

I would have liked to have gone, but I'm not gonna sleep with Jay, so I think Ben's furious.

I'm so glad you picked me, Jay.

I'm really excited about the reward.

I don't know what the hell it is.

Jumping off a bridge? Bungee jumping? Parasailing? So I don't know.

It could be anything.

Oh, my God.

It's the goodyear blimp! Hello.

Hi! That's amazing.

Really, I've always wondered, like, who the hell ever gets to go up in a blimp? I guess we're the lucky ones today.

It's pretty awesome.

It doesn't say why we're being congratulated.

It seemed like, you know, a marriage proposal.

That's awesome.

Hi, guys.

Okay, all the way to the back.

Do you get blimp sick? I
-I don't know yet.

If I do, I'll aim right for you.

Thank you.

No problem.

Here we go.

Yeah, the takeoff's kind of steep.

Kind of? It'll be all right.

Look, there's two dead bodies floating.

Thank you for being here.

It's my pleasure, j.


Yeah? I bet.

So let's go.

Let's crack it.

It was a double punishment today.

Being alone with Autumn, that was the biggest punishment.

I think I'm too skinny for mine.

She just wants to be here so she can look pretty.

She's not passionate.

She probably doesn't even give a About the Hotel Savoy.

Did you give me the one that's broken? Uh

Try this one here.

I think the pressure definitely might be getting to Ben.

He's starting to crack up a little, and when you're on a downward decline, it is hard to recover quickly.

You're professionals, eh? I try to be at everything.

Oh, my God, it's so amazing.

This is the most amazing thing ever.

Oh, yeah.

Ocean! I'm
-I'm loving it.

I'm from the area, so I'm familiar with all the streets, but, you know, seeing it from this point of view, it gives you a totally different feeling.

We are definitely not disappointed.

I think it would be awesome if we flew over Hell's Kitchen.

That'd be so awesome.

They would hate us.

Okay, guys.

We need to speed up.

Let's go, let's go.

And scrub it.

Hey, look
-it! There they are! They're on a blimp? Yeah.

I see 'em! There, right there.

Where, where, where? There, see? They're gonna be so pissed off.

"Losers, hope you're enjoying your punishment.

" I'm definitely jealous.

They must be laughing themselves to death now.

It's so awesome.

Poor, poor b*tches.

I love it.

It sucks to be you.

That's for sure.

They're having the time of their life.

So are they part of the mile
-high club now, you think? I don't think it's a mile high.

Maybe the half
-high club.

Oh, man, they hate us right now.


It's half an hour before opening, and while Ben and Autumn are hard at work prepping I scaled you some more radishes.

I'm getting these potatoes up.

Go for it.

Holli and Jay finally arrive in the kitchen.

Hey, guys.

But they do not receive the warmest of receptions.

Today, when we came back, Autumn and Ben are a little bit upset.

What can I do? Where are you guys? Um, just finishing touches.

There's nothing else to do? Yeah.

I'm a better cook than Holli.

I really think that she's kind of Gotten lucky and gotten into kind of a smooth position where she's kind of rolling through.

Where is the tempura? Is this curry salt? I don't feel the passion from her.

I don't feel it.

All right.


Why are you jumping like that? Oh, .


Well, how was it? It was amazing, Chef.

It was great.

Did you enjoy the goodyear blimp? Was it
- yes.


Yeah? And did you spot a house together? No.

We did look for a house, Holli.

Let's be honest.

But I don't really want to live in L.


Let's look in London, okay? I think Holli's a little tramp.

I'm so over her.

Okay, here we go.

Tonight, I'm expecting everything to go smoother than it's ever gone before.

I've put my ass on the line, okay, to give away a head Chef position at the Savoy grill based on the last two services, trust me, nobody qualified for the head Chef.

So it has to run perfectly tonight.

We need to do it.

Now, I'm gonna do something I've never, ever done before in Hell's Kitchen.

Never, ever, ever! Minutes before the doors of Hell's Kitchen open I'm gonna do something I've never, ever done before, ever! Chef Ramsay is ready to experiment with tonight's dinner service.

I need each and every one of you to play to your strengths.

And he's looking for the Chefs to control their destiny a little more than normal.

You decide amongst yourselves now, okay, who does what section.

The appetizer, the fish, the garnish, and the meat.

Off you go.

This is huge.

Chef Ramsay never allowed us to pick our stations before, so, um, it's definitely an opportunity to shine or miserably fail.

I'd like to do fish.

I'll do garnish.

I'll do apps.

Okay, I'll do roast.

All right.

All right.

All right.


I feel like we all chose the stations we were the best at.

There's no reason, if we communicate properly, that we can't have a perfect service.

All right, where's the belgian ? Hey, let's go.

Open up the restaurant, please.

Let's go.

I'm gonna have definitely the sea scallops.

The lamb Wellington.

All right.

Let's go.

First order.

Okay, guys, make it count, yes? Yeah, big time.

One order, three couples, table 22, yes? Two scallops, two Risotto.

Entree, one duck, one beef, two Wellington.

Hello? Where's the energy? Yes, Chef.

Listen to me, yes? Yes, Chef.

Thank you.

The fact that you don't even answer me when I'm calling out an order tells me already you're not concentrating properly.

No, I'm listening, Chef.

I am looking for a leader.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

I'm ready.

Chef Ramsay expects the person who wins this competition to be a leader, and I'm gonna try my damndest to make sure that my leadership qualities show through.

Are these ready? It needs one second.

I need the dory! Yes, Chef, it's almost done.

Okay, taking the John dory.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

I got it.


John dory.

Autumn! Come on, just put it down there, yes? I've got three pieces cooked perfectly and One raw.

Come on, guys.


Who took it out? Who took that dory out? Autumn, Chef.

Come on.

Yes, Chef.

Autumn pulled that fish out, and it was raw.

I didn't It up.

Autumn, are you doing that to sabotage her? Absolutely not.

Don't take it out unless it's cooked! Thank you.

While Holli starts over on her dory How long, Jay? Coming, Chef, as we speak.

Jay is ready with his first Risotto.

Risotto, Chef.

Work it, Jay.

Yes, Chef, working hard.

Jay, six minutes? I can go four minutes if you're ready.

Come on, seasoning.

A little bit more lemon.

It's bland.

Come on, Now.

I wouldn't call it bland.

I would say slightly under

Bland means "not good" to me.


! Chef, I need a minute.

I made it too salty on the Risotto.

Get it on, another one.

Yes, Chef, it's on, it's on.

At least you had the decency to Stop it.

Yes, Chef.

Look at me.

Get it right, 'cause, i mean, you're putting me in the Here now.

While Jay has maintained a level of quality control at his own station, there's something at the pass that has caught Chef Ramsay's attention.

Hey, Holli.

Yes, Chef.

Holli, look at me.

Those scallops are sauteed perfectly, yes? Thank you, Chef.

Oh, ! In normal, everyday kitchens I've worked in, I've never had a compliment yelled at me.

Service, please.

Thanks to Holli and Jay, diners are enjoying their appetizers.

Oh, my God.

That is good.

Let's go! And Chef Ramsay hopes the trend continues.

Nicely cooked, Jay.

Thank you, Chef.

Let's go.

How is everything? Really good.


Right behind.

This is hot, Chef.

Keep it going, guys, please.

Yes, Chef.


! It's undercooked.

It's just a
-come on! I need the dory! Yes, Chef.

I need that dory Urgently.

Like, .

One minute, Chef.

Look at me.

You may have spent the afternoon in the Sky, but can you come back down to earth? Yes, Chef.

Thank you.

The stakes are so high right now.

I mean, it's very nerve
-racking knowing that the littlest mistake could send you up for elimination.

Hey, you may be down, but you're not out.

No, I'm not out.

At least come back.

Well, get your Head out of your ass then.

My head is out of my ass, Chef.

Well, lift up a little bit, will you, yes? Yes, Chef.

While Holli struggles to get her John dory right, Jay is having no trouble getting food to the pass.


Yes, Chef? Now you're getting Confused.

Whether it's needed or not.

You throw me the potatoes out, they're not even on order.

Sorry, Chef.

If you cleared that half In front of you, you'd stay a lot more focused.

Yes, Chef.

Sake! I was trying to go so fast that I got ahead of myself by one ticket, but I'd rather bring up too much food than not enough food.

I don't want this Everywhere.

Yes, Chef.

Show me some finesse, Jay.

My worry about you is, you get busier but you get sloppy.

Now, Turn it down a bit, will you, please, yes? Yes, Chef.

It's 45 minutes into dinner service, and while there have been a few problems in the kitchen, the dining room has not been affected.

Enjoy your first course.

Thank you so much.

We're sending appetizers and entrees at the same time, yes? Yes, Chef.

Two duck, two beef, two dory.

Look at me.


Oui, Chef.

Let's go.

Two duck, two beef.

I have a lot to prove because I hadn't really been service the last time, and I want to show Chef that I can be vocal and work with the team to get things done.

Duck, beef, two dory.

Yes, Chef.

How long? How long on the duck and beef? Let's go! Ben.

It was really hard to get Ben to talk still, and he just doesn't communicate very well.

Duck and beef, how long? How long? Um, give me a second.

You've gone quiet, benjamin.

How long? The ticket you're coming up with? No, Chef's asking for the beef.

Uh We're at two minutes, right, Ben? Benjamin, talk to your brigade! Was that an order, Chef? I'm sorry.


Two duck, two beef.

Thank you.

How long? The beef? This is where it gets really Painful.

You still haven't shown me that you can talk naturally! Now, look at me! Will you Wake up and talk to your team? How long? How long, then? You have got to do it.

Look at me! Time is running out for you! An hour into dinner service, Ben has picked a bad time to go silent.

Now, look at me! Will you Wake up and talk to your team? And Chef Ramsay's patience has just about run out.

You have got to do it.

Yes, Chef.

Whether you like it or not, time is running out for you! I want to communicate, and I'm like, uhh! I know Chef Ramsay's screaming at me, and he's getting frustrated with me, but it Kills me, 'cause I know what I have to do.

You can't just sit there and think! Open up! While Benjamin, for some reason, is still not ready to fully communicate, Autumn is ready with her garnish.

Two Wellingtons, duck, beef.


Autumn! Yes, Chef? The spinach is cold and greasy.

Yes, Chef.

Coming right up.

I'm fixing it.

Can I have some hot garnish? When your job is to reheat something, you know, it really should be hot.

Beef garnish.

Oh, cold spinach again! It's Cold.

Come on, Autumn, please! Cold spinach.

No chance.

Come on, Autumn! Yes, Chef.

You serve me cold spinach again, madam, yeah, you're History.

Yes, Chef.

While Autumn makes a third attempt on the spinach, Chef Ramsay turns his attention to Holli.

I need that dory Urgently.

The dory's not going out.

It needs one second.

Come on, guys, please.

Ladies! All right, oil, then.

Too dry.

The pan's dry, so you're scorching the John dory.

There you go.

Gonna saute the John dory, yeah? Yes, Chef.


No salt in there.

Come on, Holli, please.

There's salt on that.


Let's go.


Let's go.

Holli thinks she knows what she's doing.

She thinks she's probably better than me or Jay.

She doesn't belong here.

She's over her head.


Yes, Chef.

Big difference between sauteing something
- look at me
-and scorching something, thank you.

Yes, Chef.

It's an hour and a half into dinner service, and Holli's problems on the fish station are slowing entrees leaving the kitchen, which means it's time for Jean
-Philippe to do what he does best.

Oh, can we get some food here or something? Yes.

Yes? We're very hungry.

It should be here shortly.

On order, four, table 35.

Entree, two monkfish, one chicken, one beef, pink medium.

Oui, Chef.

Autumn, look at me.

I'm calling out orders now.

You've not even acknowledged them.

What did I just call out? Two Wellington, two duck, two beef? Nowhere near it.

Two monkfish, one chicken, one Beef.

Yes, Chef.


I have no freakin' idea.

Guessing is just painful, because my guesses are always wrong.

Don't start panicking! I won't.

Then talk to me.

Yes, Chef.

While Autumn is having trouble holding it together on garnish ! Ben is having the same problem with his meat.

Wellington urgently! Benjamin! My Wellington's fallen apart, Chef.

What happened? It fell apart on me, Chef, when I sliced it.

Slice it with a carving knife, Benjamin.

Yes, Chef.

-edge knife.

Come back for the Wellington.

Ben wasn't holding it together.

I mean, I have no idea what was going on in his station.

Not even cooked enough, is it? No.

Oui, Chef.


The Wellington's raw.

That's not even rendered down, yeah.

If it's not ready, don't send it, Benjamin! Yes, Chef! Come on, Benjamin.

Come on, benjamin, please! You can't stand there and gawp at that and not know it's not cooked.

-it's not cooked yet.

Oh, ! Come on! What can I do for you, Ben? Could you just check my steaks down below? Were they medium rare? Yeah.


Still rare.

I strive every day to try to step up and be a leader.

The duck sauce is here, Ben.

Thank you.

Hopefully Chef Ramsay will realize that there is a leader amongst us.

You had duck, beef, and then two Wellington, and then two chicken.


Duck, beef, two Wellington, two chicken.

I've got my dorys in.

I need three minutes.

Right behind you, coming down the line.

You shout two minutes? Now it's sounding like a kitchen.

Keep it going! Yes, Chef! Chef, 2 1/2 minutes.

With the Chefs finally communicating like a team Service, please.

-cooked food is flying out to grateful customers.

It's very good.

It is really good.

Let's go.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

We're in full motion now.

Standard! Yes, Chef! How long you got? Two minutes.

Two minutes.

That's better.

That's it! Beef garnish.

Service, please.

Let's go.

Slicing duck.

Service, please.

Two truffle salad right behind it.

Let's go.

I like that.

This is the first time we've had no food come back to the kitchen.

Keep it going! Yes, Chef! What a cool feeling that is.

Nothing was sent back.

That's pretty amazing.

Duck, two Wellington coming up.

Thank you.

Nicely cooked, that Wellington.

Thank you, Chef.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef! Guys, this is the last ticket, so hey, it's in your hands! Garnish in one.

Garnish in one.

Got a little bit of a rough start, but once we got going, execution was there.

Everyone worked as a team, and we had a really good dinner service.

All right, bringing up garnish.

Beef Wellington, Chef.


That's beautiful.

Let's go.

Service, please.


Thank you.

Hey, well done, everybody, yes? Thank you, Chef.

That is exactly what we've been looking for.

Well done.

Really well done.

I think I did a good job, but I feel like I have just as much of a chance of going home tonight as anybody else, I really do.

I just
-I'm scared.

Really well done.

Clear down.

Nobody is safe.

After tonight, there will only be three of us.

I mean, my God, these stakes are so high, I can't even comprehend it.

I don't want to get any hopes up, because one of us is still going home tonight.

Well done.

Really good.

Best dinner service so far.

We had some issues and some problems, but we bounced back.

Here's the bad news.

I'm not looking for four Chefs.

I'm looking for one.

Jay, you took control and you led.

Now, don't stop doing that.

Go upstairs and then decide on the two nominees that you think are no longer good enough to stay in Hell's Kitchen.

This is not gonna be easy.

Off you go.

I was sort of down, and I went from zero to hero.

Thank you.

In all honesty, it's a tough decision.

Usually, someone really Ed up in the kitchen.

You know, you don't even have to think about it.

I don't want to go home.

I know.

Nobody does.

Nobody wants to go home.

I don't want to Go home.

I mean, Autumn, you're my first choice.

Of course.

I don't feel good about making a second decision.

I just don't.

This is really hard
-harder than I ever wanted it to be.

I mean, on, like, one hand, Holli and I have a personal relationship, and I would not want to screw it up.

On the other hand, you know, Ben and I are buddies.

Ben's a really good cook, but I'm still torn.

I don't know what to do.

I had some really great services.

You know, Chef said, "you had perfect services.

" And I think I could run it better than you can.

I don't have too much respect in Holli as a cook.

Is she at the level of the Chef at the hotel Savoy? No.

I can do it.

There's no doubt.

There's no doubt in my Mind.

I think I can run a kitchen.

I know I can run a kitchen.

I know I'm passionate.

I know I have experience.

I love food.

I can cook good food.

Ben, where the Are you getting this confidence? Your dinner service sucks.

I feel like it's unfair to put Holli up there when she has not had a bad service and she's won the most challenges.

Yeah, but Holli hasn't won the most challenges.

I've won quite a bit lately.

I just don't know what to do.

Like, I think Ben could easily run a kitchen.

I think Ben is super passionate, but I think, based upon performance, I think you had a better night than Ben.

I'm definitely, definitely torn.

I mean, I don't know what to do.

Someone tell me what to do.

It's your choice, Jay.

Uh, right.

Jay, first nominee and why, please.

The first nominee is Autumn, Chef.


She's had some rough services.

Just overall hasn't done too well here in Hell's Kitchen.

Second nominee and why, please.

Uh, the second nominee tonight, Chef, was Ben.


It's more I chose Holli not to go up because she hasn't really had any bad services.

I guess maybe just the lesser of two evils.

Benjamin, Autumn, let's go.

Benjamin, tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Chef, I should stay in hell's kitchen because of my experience and my passion.

I understand that my service was not impeccable tonight at all, and I feel that if I pass that communication hurdle, I feel that I can take control and I can do it.

I know I can do it and I thought I was gonna do it today.

And if you give me another day, I will.

Autumn, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? Just trying to keep it together.

Since I've been in Hell's Kitchen, I've been called a princess, I've been told I don't like to work hard.

I've been told that I don't have passion.

But I think the amazing thing that I'm so proud about is how I fought through that, and I stand here, completely capable.

I mean, I absolutely deserve to be here, and I'm absolutely capable of running the Savoy grill.

This is difficult.

My decision is On the heels of the best dinner service this year, Chef Ramsay is about to make his most difficult decision yet.

My decision is Autumn.

Get yourself back in line.


It's gonna be really hard for me to say this to you.

Take yourself back in line.

Thank you, Chef.

I can't do it.

None of you deserve to go home.

To help us celebrate, i've brought in some very special guests.

Autumn, here's your boyfriend Ethan and your best friend Sasha.

Autumn, take a seat.

Oh, my God.

Hey, Jay, here's mum Judy and your stepdad Victor.

Come in.

Oh, hey, how are you? Good.

All right.

Looking good.

Nice to see you.

Nice to see you too.

Holli, your four
-old son Dylan and his father Phillip.

Nice to see you guys.

Hi, baby.

I've missed you, buggy.


Ah, Benjamin, say hello to your wife rosetta and your one
-old daughter Ella.

Hi, hi, hi.

Sit down, Benjamin, enjoy.

Oh, my gosh, I can't believe you guys are here.

I'm just so happy to be here, and to see them walk through the doors, it was such a good feeling.

Oh, my God, this competition is
-it's so hard.

It's just been, like, a roller coaster.

Like, 'cause people didn't like me and they were intimidated by me, so they just kept nominating me.

You can make it.

I'm so happy to see you guys.

It's been so tough.

The only thing I love more than cooking is my wife and my child.

Oh, you're so beautiful.

You are so beautiful.


When you're doing a challenge and you're there with Chef, like, I don't think of my wife.

I don't think of my child.

I think of cooking.

But all the time in between, I think of them.

She's so big.

You're so big.

I don't even know where to begin.

It's been insane.

What could I have asked for more, you know, than to see my family? If this place is not emotional enough, that just brought it to a whole new level.

This is the hardest thing I've ever done and the best thing I've ever done.


But And it'll be the most rewarding.

What a trip.

I missed you.

I would just k*ll to go to London and be the Chef of the Savoy.

It's just hard.

Time to say good night.

Good to see you guys.

We'll see you soon, honey.

I'm so proud.

I love you.

I can't wait to see you at home.

We're proud of you.

It's all right.

Sorry to cry, bubbo.

But I just missed you so much.

Hug mama.

Give hugs.

Right now, it's hard.

It's the longest I've ever been away from him, and it's the frickin' hardest part.

Jay, Benjamin, holli, Autumn, I'm gonna push the boundaries out even further.

I'm gonna turn it up another notch.

Is that clear? Yes, Chef.

Good night.

I'm gonna really push myself to win this competition.

The success always lies within myself, not anybody else.

You know, not only did I not get eliminated, but I got to see my boyfriend and my best friend, and it was such a big boost for me.

It just makes me want to work even harder.

I mean, I want my parents to be proud of me, so it just fires me up even more.

Like, I want to come home the winner.

If I were to win, I think my son would be very proud, 'cause I am doing this for him, and that's all I can think about.

I decided to let all the Chefs enjoy tonight's successful dinner service, but what they don't know is, after the next dinner service, I'll be cutting the field in half.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen, Jay, Benjamin, Autumn, and Holli fight it out for a place in the finals.

I'm starting to get mad now.

I really want to throw a pan at him.

Why would you do that? It just fires me up even more.

Chef Ramsay is true to his word as the Chefs face their toughest challenge yet.

I wasn't sure of the protein, so I was going to cook all three off.

In the end, two Chefs will be going home.

You don't deserve a chance at the finals.

You all right? No.

I could win this.

And one Chef may not even make it to dinner service.

I don't think I can do it.

I'm a little nervous about my health.

You're throwing away something you may regret.

Find out which two will survive One of you is gonna become the head Chef at the Savoy grill in London.

And which two will be going home.

Congratulations to
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