07x03 - A Plumbing We Will Go

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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07x03 - A Plumbing We Will Go

Post by bunniefuu »


Your Honor,

these men should receive
the maximum punishment.

Their guilt is proved
by the evidence

and by their evasive attitude.

Just look at them.

Remember, you have sworn
to tell the truth

and nothing but the truth.

Now, were you or were you not

on the night of June the th

in Mrs. Throttlebottom's
chicken coop?

Certainly not.
I was in the house.

What house? The doghouse.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.


Mr. Prosecutor,
you have not proved

that those men were
actually in that chicken coop.

Your evidence
is purely circumstantial

and insufficient to warrant
a conviction.

What's he talking about?

Quiet. He means we ain't guilty.

Oh, boy.
Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.


Dandruff. Heh-heh-heh!

JUDGE: And in the
future, Officer Kelly,

don't come cluttering up
this courtroom

with flimsy charges.

Case dismissed.







Oh. Nyuh-uh.

Hmmm. A "barracud-ey".
And what a cutie.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Now go get me a freckled trout.




Oh, a cop, eh?

Oh! Hmph! Pushing people, huh?

You see that?

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.


You know, all my life I wanted
to sock a cop right in the nose.

Watch this one. You see that?

Oh, I showed you that before.

But I got another one.



Come back here, you--!
Come here!

Get out of the way, would you?

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Step right up, folks.

As you can see, the little lady
is in this cabinet.

I shall now close the door,

and crossing
to the other cabinet,

I shall fire the magic g*n...

And what have we in here?

A little lady.



Hey, this is private.


Well-- Ha-ha-ha-ha!

The little lady picked up
a boyfriend on the way.

Well, I'll take him away
from her.

Again firing the magic shot...


We have now in here--

Don't tell me.
This is the safest place.

Shut up. There's no room
for an argument in here.

Oh, there you are.
Let me through here.


Open up, you guys.
You're under arrest. Come on.


MAGICIAN: Say, what is this?

I pay a license so I can
stand out here on the streets

and sell my wares.

Come on. Oh!

Quick, get in the back
of that truck.



Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Let it go.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.



What the--?




Hey, why don't you
call your stops?

This is far enough, I guess.
Where are we?

What do you care? Hey.

I called you plumbers
an hour ago.

Now get in the house
and fix that leak

before it gets any worse.

Who told you we're plumbers?

How do you like that guy--?

Nyuh-uh-uh-uh! We're plumbers.

Three of the best plumbers
that ever plumbed a plumb.



Pretty nice joint you got here.

Where's the leak, boy?
In the basement.

Where's the basement? Upstairs.

Up to the basement.

To the basement.
To the basement.


MOE: To the basement.

CURLY: To the basement.
LARRY: To the basement.

In the basement.
Up to the basement.


MOE: To the basement.
LARRY: To the basement.

Hey. Here it is.

Okay, on your toes, men.
Ow! Not my toes.

What do you know about plumbing?

That's fine. Give me a hand.

Get out, you-- I'll...

A simple job for simple people.

How can you fix it
while it's leaking?

I wonder where you shut
the water off.

I've got an idea. What is it?

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water

That's it. That's what?

Water always runs downhill.

On your way. Where?

Up the hill
and shut off the water.


Get me a wrench for the pipe.

Give it a tap
and get things started.

What's the matter, muscles?
You weak? Hit it.

Hey, you smoking?

No, but the pipe is. [STAMMERS]

Why, you lamebrain.
You wanna get us suffocated?

Put some tape on it.
We forgot the tape.

We had to forget something
or we wouldn't be plumbers.

Go on, find something
and wrap around it.



Hey, look. A straitjacket.

Where did you get that?

Found it in the trunk.

Oh. Well, get it up there.

Well, boy. A perfect .

Hook it up.

What do you do with these?

You swing on 'em,
you know? Like:

Don't you--


Anybody at home?

[ENGLISH ACCENT] I say, there.
Oh, you got a number, eh?

I beg your pardon?
Why, what did you do?

I'm taking a "bahth."

Taking a bath? A bath.

Bath, bath, bath,
you gotta get out of here.

I'm gonna shut off this water.

Now, get going.


Left over from New Year's,
eh? Hee-hee!

Hmph! Stubborn, eh?



Nyuck, nyuck,
nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.








I wonder why that egghead
don't shut that water off.

Hey, I saw a guy shut the water
off once in the front yard.

When I want your advice,
I'll ask for it.

Hey, go out in the front yard
and shut the water off.

Hey. What's going on here?

Hey! Hey! Turn me loose.

Why, you...


Nyuck, nyuck.


Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.




Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck,
nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.







Nyuck, nyuck. I got it.




Hey, Moe! Hey, Larry!

I-I-I'm surrounded.



Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

I gotta get this water out.




Stop it. Stop it.
You're ruining the lawn.

Don't tell me
how to run my business. Beat it.

Put that sod
back where it belongs.



Ungh! Ah, who said
you need brains to be a plumber?



Shut it off! Plug it up!


Don't you hear what I said?!

This ain't a house,
it's a sieve.

Why, you lamebrain, you.

Look what you did to the pipe.


Go on,
get another piece of pipe.

I resent that.
What are you gonna do about it?

Get another piece of pipe...





Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.


Hey, no wonder
the water don't work.

The pipe is plugged up
with wires.

A fine place for wires.

Well, drag 'em out of there
and get that pipe in here.






This has gotta end someplace.



Oh. The end of the line.

MOE: Hurry up with that pipe!

Here we go.

Straighten her up now
so I can line her up.


This house has sure gone crazy.

Eh, if it wasn't for me,
where would we be?

I'll find this thing, or else.

Now, friends, I know
you'll enjoy a demonstration

of my new television receiver.

You not only hear the broadcast,

but you actually see it
on this screen.


This is Station WX ,

making a television broadcast
direct from Niagara Falls.

Are you ready, Niagara Falls?

Let her go.

WOMAN: Oh, isn't this thrilling?


What is all this?
What's happening?

It's the plumbers, Madam,
and they're wrecking the house.

Oh, I'll put a stop to that.

I'll call Mr. Casey.

Give me-- Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.

Give me the torch. Right.


Why, you dummy, you.


You imbecile.


This is terrible.

Get those hoodlums
out of this house.

I'll take my guests
to the garden.

Yes-- Oh.

Don't mind me,
I'm only the plumber.



Hmph! That thing's dangerous.



What's going on here?
It's the plumbers, sir,

and they've completely wrecked
the bathroom.

They have?

Nice job, boys. You said it.

Go up and collect for the job.
What do I got coming?

Just look at this place. I-- Oh!

Who is that?

What's the matter with you?

Why, you dummy, you ruined
a whole day's work.

Nyuh-uh-uh-uh! The judge!

Whoa! JUDGE: Why, you...

MOE: Whoa!

My treat for the afternoon:

Professor Bilbo,
the great magician.

Officer. Officer.

CURLY: Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo!
Get those men, officer!


CURLY: Whoo-whoo-whoo!
MOE: Whoa!

Oh. Look.


Quick, gophers, in the hole.


Come on. Get those men.

Oh, yes.

Crossing, I shall fire
the magic shot...

And opening the door,
what have we here?

The little-- [WOMAN SCREAMS]

WOMAN : Oh, my goodness.
KELLY: Come here, you guys.



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