01x17 - Deadfall: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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01x17 - Deadfall: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

It's too fast... too fast!

Fred, can you see who it is?

I can't... I can't.

Fred, can you spot anything?

Can't... too fast.

Can you hear me?
Can you spot anything?

Can't see... can't see.

Who is it?

It's Fred Reston.

They picked him up
a few minutes ago.

Fred, a side road,
find a side road.

What's the car?
What kind of car?

♪ ♪

- - , you're clear.


Mr. Carlisle, the president
of Vancom Industries

has been calling.

There's been an expl*si*n,
a man has been k*lled.

They want Agent Reston
over there right away.

I didn't tell them anything.

All right, I'll go.

There's something else
I've got to do first.

Freddie, you're early...

Hello, Edna.

Oh, Joe Mannix.


when was the last time?

Oh, now don't tell me.

Fred asked you for dinner
without calling.

Where is he?

You know, the kitchen
closes at : .

A woman has to have some
organization, too, you know.

Fred's always drifting in
at any time,

hanging around Intertect,
talking to all the other agents.

Well, I, I finally
just laid down the law.

I said, "Fred, look, now, plant
security is your specialty,

and the kitchen is mi..."

I'm sorry.

Come on, sit down.

Can I fix you a drink?


He's not coming.

I know.

I told the office
not to call you.

Nobody called.

I just, uh...

...read it in your eyes.

Did, uh...

did Fred say anything
this morning before he left?

Anything that might give me
a clue as to what happened?

He said, "Good-bye,

I'll be home early."

Edna, would you mind if I
looked through his reports?

Fred was checking
the security at Vancom,

the employees.


Fred was photographing

the installations at Vancom.

Do you have any idea where
the pictures might be?


We don't even own a camera.

No, not developed yet.

Try tomorrow.


It's like seeing
your child run over
by a car.

I invented
that modification
of the laser.

I was its father.

Oh, there you are,
Dr. Forrest.

I was looking for you.

Yes, Mr. Mannix, this
is Dr. Carlisle,

President of Vancom.

How do you do.

You saw the lab?
Yes, I did.

Dr. Josephus is
waiting in my office.


Your man Reston
convinced us

that he was the great protector
of Vancom Security.

It took a lab expl*si*n
to tell us what they were up to.

Now we can't even prove
that a theft took place

or that they
were involved.

Well, uh, who are they
and just what did they steal?

Andrew, this is Mr. Mannix
from Intertect.

Andrew Josephus,
our project chief.

Mr. Mannix.
How do you do?

Please sit down.
Yeah, thank you.

Mr. Mannix, do you
like cocktail parties?

"Berwyn Electronics invites you
to a private demonstration

"of its exciting new development

"in the field
of laser technology.

Tuesday, May..."

That's tomorrow night.

New development all right,
but not theirs-- ours.


They blew up our laboratory
to hide the theft.

And if they're about
to go into production,

as they say they are,

they've had a man
here since we began.

Mr. Mannix, we spent
two hard years

on a project that is very
important to each of us.

We hire a supposedly competent
company to protect our work.

And you come in here
and ask us questions

as though you didn't
know one lousy thing

about what
had happened--

which obviously you don't.

Where is Reston?

He said he was
onto something.

Reston was just m*rder*d.

Well, I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry
to hear that.

We were all very
close to Fred.

But Reston should
have been more aware.

He should have known
what was going on

long before this.

We'll pick up Reston's leads.

It may take a little while,
but we'll find something.

What do we do
while people point at us

and say, "Guess the thief"?

You seem to think you're
on this spot all alone.

Mr. Mannix,
I understand,
I really do.

You're confused.

Your man is dead
and you're upset.

And even though
we've come a long ways

from the cotton
fields back home,

this project does have
an unusual chief.

Or haven't you
noticed that either?

Can't you at least tell
us what your plans are?

You seem to think
this is an inside job.

Can't very well tell
you my plans, can I?

Frankly, I don't blame them.

A technician was k*lled,

our agent in charge
was m*rder*d,

and they have millions
at stake.

I'd have thrown you out
on your ear.

Hey, I thought the doctor
told you to stay in bed.

The doctor told me to take
this junk three times a day

and avoid hardnosed agents
the rest of the time.

Now, what have you found out?

Wait a minute, Lou--
the theft at Vancom

has been going on
for two years.

I just now got
into the case.

Well, you have plenty
of leads to go on.
Two years.

Reston's been on the
case for two years.

He didn't say
a word about it.

Reston was a good man!

Now look, isn't it just possible

that Reston was on the take
\with a partner who k*lled him?

Don't you question me!
Find his k*ller!

Don't you worry,
I will!

Where, in here?

Don't tell me...

I, uh, got an invitation

to the Berwyn cocktail
party for the industry.

They're going to unveil
the laser tonight.

I figure...

Get me a plain car.

No radio, no, uh...
nothing, no markings.

Are we going to both go?
I'm going.

I speak several languages,
science is my hobby,

I can get by in a
technical conversation,

and I won't blow the job
by getting into a fight.

All right, Lou,
I'll, uh...

I'll just, uh, check
on another angle.

I don't care what you do.

I'm busy! What is it?!


What does he want?

Look, tell...

No, no,

I'll tell him.


Hello, Lou.

I thought I'd call to see
how you were feeling.

That medication I gave you

can cause side reactions
in some individuals.

What kind of reactions?

Well, they vary.

But I want to know

if you experience
any emotional problems,

if you sense any instability.

I feel fine. I'll let you know
if there's any change.

Good. You do that.

Reston was a meticulous man.

His run between the
two Vancom plants
on the coast

was made each day
between : and : .

He got to that second plant
at : five different times.


Stopped to eat?


Or he could have
been meeting somebody.

There shouldn't be too many
places to check on that road.

No, thanks.

Tell me, have you ever
seen this man around here?

Thanks, uh,
for the information.

I want
to talk to you.

You'd better get out of
here. You'll get hurt.

You ever seen him?

Yeah, yeah.

Are you sure?

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
some business.

In the morning,
you get a salesman

before he sees customers.

Then the lunch crowd,

sandwich in the mouth,
swinging away.

Afternoon's nothing
but housewives,

except that guy with two pals
a couple of times.

Bought a pail for each,
never used half of it.

Have you ever seen
any of these fellas?

I needn't explain
to you gentlemen

the fantastic potential
of the laser.

The control and safe exercise
of this enormous power

has been our concern
at Berwyn Electronics

for the past three years.

The measure of our success is...

That's fantastic.

This beam,

which has a critical focus
of a fraction of a millimeter.

Intercept the beam at any point
other than the focus,

and the beam
is safely withdrawn.

Feel free to ask for any further
demonstration or specifications.

Thank you.

Vancom Electronics
was very close

to something
like this now.

Very close is not
enough, Mr....

Doctor Feinman.

International Petroleum.

What are you working on?

I will tell you that when
you speak of billions,

it makes me feel here
like I'm starving to death

in my little laboratory.


Well, yes.
Water, please.

Perhaps International
doesn't feel

there's a potential
in your work.

Well, what is the potential
in low-cost underwater mining?

Doctor, perhaps
we should have lunch.

This is no place to chat.

I believe I've said
too much already.

Call me.

Berwyn Electronics
has an excellent
profit-sharing program.

The idea was developed
for another company...

I am morally
obligated to.

Why, of course.


I know the potential
of the laser.

It took us two years
to develop it.

If I knew your job
wasn't on the spot

because we beat you
to the punch,

I'd sue you
for slander.
How are you?

Do you
know Dr. Forrest?
Of course.

Yes, we've met.
Andrew Josephus.

How do you do?
Good evening.

Yeah, they've been ready
a couple of hours.

I was just gonna
call your girlfriend.

How did you know her number?

It's there on the envelope.



It's open.

Who are you?

Oh, the name is Mannix.
Mallory Finance.

Unpaid bills.

I don't owe any money.

Now, would you mind
leaving, please?

You a friend of
Fred Reston's?

I knew him.

I just heard the news
on the radio.

Yeah, it's too bad.

Well, now let's see.

TV set, sofa,
one fur jacket.

This fella liked
to go first class.

It's too bad he
stopped payment.


Fred Reston didn't buy me
any of those things.

You got the paid receipts?

I'm hardly in the mood to look
for paid receipts right now.

Well, that's all right.

Just take your time.

While you're looking, you know,
I could sure go for a beer.

Hey, I'm not a hard guy
to get along with.

No, sir, not when
they look like you.

Will you get out of here
before I call the police?

Take it easy.

I have to see the wife next.

Uh, there's no beer.

He did buy me this.

I shot one
roll of film.

I found out that he was married,
and I said, "Good-bye, Fred,"

and I've never
seen him since.

Now will you
please get out?

Oh, why don't you keep this?

That's on me.

I may have to come back after
I check the rest of these bills.

Do it by mail.


Where is he?!

Where is who?

The other man!

Just us here, sir.

Dr. Josephus?

Water, please.

I saw you at the cocktail party
of the Berwyn Company.

Your call said
it was urgent.

Uh, yes.

I can't remember
if I'm supposed to take one

or if I already did.

The absentminded professor.
Well, just to make sure.


Oh, for a slight infection.

Go easy on that stuff.

It causes more problems
than it cures.

Now, how is it to work
for the Vancom Company?

Another day on the levee.

Another bale of cotton.

I am thinking about a move.

Any more questions, or may I
leave now, Mr. Intertect?

I beg your pardon?

Let's make it a game.

I'll say Intertect,
and you'll play dumb.

You're a very
bright man, Doctor.

Not really.

You fooled those others

because they got where they are
by hard work and circumstances.

I had to crawl up
that hill on my knees.

It took a hundred years
and a civil w*r,

and I still don't belong.

So I can spot someone else
who doesn't belong,

for whatever reason.



These were taken
in Detwiler's office.

This one has your name on it.


It gets better.

A contract for employment

between you
and Berwyn Electronics.

Double what
you're getting at Vancom?

For the whole world,
it's okay.

For a guy like me
who's supposed to be
filled with gratitude

because there are no
more minstrel shows,

it pins me to the wall.

If that isn't clear,
go to the devil.

He'll explain.

What I'm going
to do is hang a thief.

If the devil wants to help,
good for him.

It was Reston.

Doctor, you stole the formula!

Day after day, you walked out
with pieces of it!

This contract,
this contract was your payoff!

You wanted it kept secret
until things cooled down.

It was Reston, I tell you.
It was Reston!

It was Reston!

It was Reston!

It was Reston....
Reston, Reston, Reston,

Reston, Reston, Reston,
Reston, Reston, Reston,

Reston, Reston, Reston, Reston,
Reston, Reston, Reston...

Mr. Intertect,
your bale of cotton.




Why, Fred?


Thank you, Ed,
I appreciate it so much.


Where is Mr. Wickersham?

I've called him a dozen times,
but he won't talk to me.

I want to know how it feels

to be responsible
for another man's death.

Edna, control

Fred hated that job,
but he was loyal.

How are they going to
repay his loyalty now?

Please, take it easy.

Yes, I understand.

Reston was insured
for $ , last year.

Some clients just cancelled
their security contracts.

I don't believe it!

Well, here, read it.

It came out of one
of your big, fat computers.

Makes three cancellations
in two days.

Oh, come on, Lou.

Insurance that size?
Suddenly? Now?

He had a dangerous job.

He's had the job
for ten years.

Does Edna Reston
strike you as the type

that would m*rder her husband?
Did you ask Pender that?

Now, look, Reston was dating
a brunette a few times.

Now, maybe Edna found out.
She's a woman, you know.

She's not one of your
sophisticated data cards.

This company I have built
sticks in your throat.

It always has!

The way I run it,
the methods I believe in.

Now you're either gonna
work my way or you get out!

My way, Mannix!

Hello? Hello?


What does the loss of the laser
mean to you personally?

In dollars?

Don't talk to me about money,
Mr. Mannix.

What do we talk about?


Now, don't laugh.

Maybe you never lived with
something hours a day.

When you ate,
when you slept,

when you... held a woman.

For two years, I bore
that child, Mr. Mannix.

The pain,
the discomfort...

and George Carlisle
breathing down my neck.

"Are we on the right track,

Are we breaking
through, Forrest?"

All he cared about
was his lousy job.

That's all he
cares about now.

What do you care about, Forrest?

One line in the history books.

Norman Forrest, inventor
of the laser transmitter.

Here's the special list that

you asked for, Mr. Forrest.
Thank you, Gail.

Oh, Miss Mason, this is
Mr. Mannix from Intertect.

We've met.

It looks fine.

Thanks, Gail.

Here's a list of
Vancom employees

capable of understanding
the data that was stolen.

You Intertect people
deserve a citation.

Hell or high water,

you'll transfer the stench.

I didn't say
Reston was innocent.

I just think
he had a partner.

Reston could have
done it alone.

And m*rder*d himself, too?

Hello? Hello?!

Who are you?
What do you want?

Why do you keep calling me?

Look, my husband just died.


Mannix here.

Yeah, Pender.

I'm following Edna Reston now.

She's changed cabs three times

to make sure
she isn't being tailed.

No, I can't tell
where she's heading.

She sure isn't acting
like a grieving widow.

Hey, hey--
hey, wait a minute.

No tours today.

A lady just came aboard.

You like tuna?

I can sell you a tuna.



Mr. Logan?

Yeah, that's me.

My name is Wickersham.

Your sister's husband
worked for me.

What is this, a convention?



You identified
Reston's body.

You want to buy some
tuna fish, too, huh?

I just want to be sure
it was Reston you buried.

what do you want from me?

I looked at a piece of charcoal.


Lou, you gutless, no-good...

I thought I told you
to stay out of here?

You ran out on me.

I told you to stay
out of here.

No, Lou, we're going to talk.

No more.

What's the matter with you?

Look at me, Lou!

It's about Edna Reston.

Edna Reston?

Yeah, Edna.

Fred's wife.
I shook her up, Lou.

And she ran right
to the docks.

All you had
to do was press a button

on one of those computers
you detest so much

and you'd have found out that
her maiden name is Logan!

Now, listen to me, Lou,

I don't want to fight you.

Her brother owns
a tuna boat!

Her cousin and two uncles
are in the business!

She had a better reason
for going down there, Lou.

What reason?

Reston is alive.

Did you hear what I said, Lou?

Reston is alive.

Liar! Liar!


Lou, Reston's alive.

I saw him on the dock.
He passed you.

Where is he now?

He got away.

Got away? From you?


Lou, will you listen?

I saw Reston.

Lou, Reston sold out.

Lou! It can happen. Lou!

You never did believe in anyone.

Use your head, Lou.

I believed in you.

We can get to the bottom
of this.

Logic, planning-- that's
how Intertect agents work.

Well, not you, Mannix.
You don't belong.

That's it, Lou.

Now, you're gonna listen to me.

Get out!

What's the matter with you?

We've been friends
for a long time.

Everything ends.

You're gonna
listen to me, Lou.

Listen to me, Lou!

Listen to me, Lou!

You've got to listen to me.

Reston is alive.

He's a bad apple, Lou!

Reston sold out!

Get out of here, liar.

Liar, get out!

Get out! Get out!

Reston is alive!

Get out! Get out!

Go on, get out of here, liar.

Liar, get out!

All right, Lou.

I'll get out.

I'll get out.

But I'll be back...

with Reston.

Get out, get out...

Get out!

Get out!

Where is he?

I warn you, I'll scream.

Make it loud.

Now, where is he?

What are you talking about?

Fred Reston.

He's dead.

He's alive and kicking.

Don't be ridiculous.

Oh, it was him all right.

I saw him.

Good old Fred.

But he's dead.

He's alive.

I don't understand.

His body...

Someone's body.

I think I'd better get
you a doctor.

Right now, I'll settle
for your boyfriend, Reston.

Where are you going?

I don't know.

I gotta find Reston.

Like it or not,
I'm getting you a doctor.

I gotta find him.

I gotta get Reston.

Here, drink this.

No, I... gotta get Reston.

You can't drive.

You can.

All right,
finish this drink.

I'll get dressed.

What happened?

How did you get
so badly beaten up?

Not how... by whom.


I got marks to prove
it happened.

I still don't believe it.


Who are you talking to?

I phoned Intertect
and asked for your doctor.

You drugged me.

And you called Reston.

Now, get inside!

I told you.

I called your doctor.

I called Intertect.

Sit down.

Believe me, Fred Reston is dead.

No... no, he isn't.

The guy he sent
over the cliff is.

And the man
at the golf range is.

And the lab technician is.

♪ ♪

But you're not going
to put me on that list.
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