02x14 - Slumber Party Pooper / Line Lessons With Lady Redundant Woman

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x14 - Slumber Party Pooper / Line Lessons With Lady Redundant Woman

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

Narrator: hey, kids,

Listen for the words
"blurt" and "nuisance."

Early one morning
at the botsford family
breakfast table...

Becky: let's review
the facts, shall we?

First, I recently
turned /.

I got straight as
on my last report card,

And violet has already hosted
two slumber parties,

And she doesn't
turn / for a month,

So in light of
these facts, mom, dad,

I hereby ask permission

To host my first slumber
party tomorrow night.

I object!

Hey, don't I get
a say in this?

You just blurted,
"I object,"

So it looks like
you do have a say.

A whole house
full of girls
in pajamas?

That's just--
that's just wrong.

You love wordgirl,
and she's a girl.

No, she's not.
She's a--

it's different.

Tj, you're being
a nuisance. Uncool.

Lights out by :?

Permission granted.

If it's ok with
everyone's parents.

Thanks, mom and dad.

♪ Slumber party, slumber party,
slumber party, slumber party ♪

We'll watch movies,
play charades...

And tell
ghost stories.

We'll have pizza...

And we can give bob
a makeover.


Come on, bob.

You know
I would never--

Hey, those
hair curlers
were your idea.

Bob, come back.

I'll see you
later, violet.

Ok, becky.
See you at the party.

Girl: party?

Girl: I just
wuv parties.


Narrator: oh, no!

It's eileen,
a.k.a. The birthday girl,

A spoiled little girl
with a love for baby talk

Who thinks every day
is her birthday.

Tell them
the other part,
mr. Nawwator.

Narrator: oh, and if she doesn't
get what she wants,

She yells, "mine, mine, mine!"

Turns into a big green monster,
and destroys the city.

It's twue.

So, where's
the fun party, viowet?

Party? What party?

But I heard you talking
to becky-wecky.

You're planning a fun
party for my birthday.

Oh, no. It's not
a birthday party, eileen.

It's a slumber party
at becky's house.

Becky-wecky is thwowing
a swumber party
for my birthday?

Uh, no.
It's a secret.

A secwet slumber
suwpwise party?

Is it tomowwow?
Tomowwow? Tomowwow?


is my birthday.

See you there,

Oh, my gosh, becky
is going to be so mad at me.

Becky: my first slumber party.
This is going to be so much fun.

Right, fun.

Becky, there's something
I should tell you.

Ok, girls.

Now, we'll
be upstairs if
you need anything.

And remember, lights out
at : sharp.

no pepperoni?

Tj, don't be
a nuisance.

Let's go.

Aww, no fair.

Come on, sport.
You can play with us.

We're going hunting.

for bargains.

It's coupon-clipping
night. Fun city.

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

That's strange.
I'm not expecting
anyone else.

Um, becky,
I kind of invited

Someone else
to the party, but
I didn't mean to.

Well, that's ok,

Is your cousin
visiting again?

Is it tricia
with the runny nose?

No. It's--

Narrator: come on.
Just blurt it out.

That's right, violet.
Don't hold back.
Just blurt--

It's eileen!

Eileen: suwpwise!
It's my birthday.

The birthday girl?

That's me.

Narrator: oh, boy.

Eileen: you have
the cutest little
monkey face, bobby-wobby.

It's just "bob."

Yes, you do.
Yes, you do.

Um, ok.

Hi, everyone, and welcome
to my slumber party.

birthday party.

I think everyone
has met eileen.

I'm eileen,
and today is my birthday.

Welcome to my
birthday slumber party.

Well, I'm sorry,

But I'm already having
my slumber party right now,

So if you'd
like to just--

It's my party.
My party. Mine! Mine!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Ok, ok, ok. Tell you what.

Since it's your birthday,
it can be both our parties.


I brought
a birthday card for me.

Everyone sign it.

Narrator: meanwhile,
tj is getting some quality time
with his parents.

♪ Wordgirl, dah!

I'll get you,
dr. Mouse brains.

mall of america!


There's a sale
on my favorite brand

Of odor-eating
shoe insoles.

That's even
more disgusting

Than becky's
slumber party.

Tj, don't be a nuisance.

Honey, this coupon
is shaped like a shoe,

And it's for
a foot-care product.

Isn't that fantastic?

Wow! Cents off.

Let's get
out of here.

Word up!

So, what should
we do first--

Make popcorn,
play charades,

Or watch the new
pretty princess movie?

Oh, and my mom said we
could paint our toenails

If we're super careful
with the rug.

Well, since
it's my party,
I get to pick,

And I want to
dress up the silly

And make him
pretty like me.


I was going to
suggest that next.

Come on, bob.
I owe you one, ok?

Aah! Hee hee hee!



Ok, w.g. Here's the plan.

I'll sneak down
to the sleeping bags

With this can of rubber
worms and spiders

While you watch my back.

It's time to launch
operation: nuisance.


A nuisance
is someone or something

That is annoying,
or obnoxious,

But you probably
already knew that, tj,

You're so smart
and awesome and smart.

You know, you're right.
It's true. I am awesome.

You can give me
more compliments
later, wordgirl,

But right now,
we have a job to do.


Eileen: ♪ it's
my birthday sleepover ♪

♪ In the morning,
the sun will rise ♪

♪ And we'll do it all again

♪ Do it all again,
do it all again ♪


Wow, eileen,
that was...great.

Hey, violet,
your turn.

No! It's my turn.


Why not give
someone else
a chance?

I said,
it's my turn. Mine!

And I said
it's violet's turn.

Mine! Mine!

How about
we play charades?

I wuv chawades.

tell bobby-wobby
to do a chawade.

The word
is "charade."

A story?
Two words.

Oven. Baker.
Baker's dozen.

Oh, the muffin man!
The muffin man!
The muffin man!

Violet: eileen, I think
he already said that's not it.

The muffin man!
It's still not it.


Baked in a pie?

Pie. Pie.

Oh, the muffin man!

Ooh, I think I know it.
Well, blurt it out.

[Whispering] I think
it's the pied piper.

I know it.
It's the pied piper.


I win, I win, I win,
I win, I win, I win.

but you cheated.

I win, and I get
a gold star.

Hey, that's
my gold star.

Gold stars! Yay!

Everyone except for becky
is on my gold star team

For the rest of the party.

I'm so sorry, becky.
It's all my fault.

If I hadn't gone
and blurted out
about the party...

That's ok, violet.

It'll take a lot more
than a nuisance
like eileen

To ruin my first
slumber party.

ee ee ee!

Anyone for some
homemade carrot cake?

Me, me, me, me, me,
me, me.
I love carrot cake.

Well, that should
be the end of that
little nuisance.

Who wants a piece
of my super chocolatey

Birthday cake
with vanilla ice cream?

Ooh, I do, I do,
I do, I do.

Chocolate cake with
vanilla ice cream?

Ok, sure.
Eat up. Enjoy.

I guess nobody
wants to know about
the big surprise.

Doesn't anybody
want to meet wordgirl

When wordgirl
shows up to my party?


Tj: wordgirl? Here?

Tj, go away,
or I'm gonna tell

Mom and dad you're
being a nuisance.

Who cares?
Wordgirl is coming.

When? When? When? When?
When? When?

Um, soon, soon.


I don't know how I'm
going to pull this off.

I wasn't thinking.
I just blurted it out.

almost :.

I'd better think
of something quick
before lights out.

Wordgirl is not so gweat.

She's just a nuisance,
and it's not even her birthday.

It's my birthday.
Mine, mine, mine!

My party! My fwiends!

My cake!


Aah! Aah!

All mine, mine, mine!

Becky: uh-oh. Word up!


Dad: beet
sugar substitute!
What was that?

Becky, everything
ok down there?

Uh, yup.
Just watching
a monster movie.

Dad: ok, pumpkin.
Two minutes
to lights out.

Hmph, bedtime
is such a nuisance.

Eileen: mine!

[Thundering footsteps]

[Violet gasps]

It's wordgirl.

Hang on, everyone.

Birthday girl,

Turn becky's slumber
party around right now.

It's my party.


You asked for it.

I need the biggest
sleeping bag you've got.

I'm sorry, but that's
the biggest sleeping bag

We've got...
For people, that is.

We also have sleeping bags
for whales to your left.


Time to send
the birthday girl to bed.




saved us.

I'll be
right back.

This is the best
slumber party ever.

Well, birthday girl,

I guess this means
the party is over.

No! My party! Mine.

You can blurt out
"mine" all you want,

But the only party
happening tonight
is my sl--

I mean, my friend
becky's slumber party.

You're welcome
to stay, of course.


Yes, weawwy.

Becky: hi, guys.
I was just...brushing my teeth.

Did I miss anything?

Violet: we'll tell you
tomorrow, becky.

Narrator: so, remember,
next time someone asks you

To name your favorite source
for fun and adventure,

Be sure to blurt out,

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "disguise."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "wordgirl" that show
the meaning of the word.


A disguise is the type
of monkey huggy is,

And what a cute
disguise he is.


A disguise is a way
of changing how you look

If, say, I were
to a wear a beard
and a cowboy hat

So wordgirl didn't
know it was me

Asking for
her autograph again.

That is correct, tommy.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won--

An official wordgirl
trunk full of disguises.

Disguise yourself
as a fireman,

A french spy, a teapot,
a game show host. Hey!

We didn't talk about you
disguising yourself as me.

Very funny.

Come on, huggy.

There can only be
one host of the show.

Hmm, much better.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: psst. Listen for the
words "impolite" and "oodles."

It's lunchtime
down at city hall.

Speaking of which--


Mm, mm.
Let's watch what's going on.

Hmm, let's see.

A healthy lunch will
give me the energy I need

To show my coworkers that
I should be their leader,

Their supervisor,
and their boss.

oh, in case you forgot,

Beatrice bixby is also
the notorious villain
lady redundant woman,

Which is why she tends to repeat
herself using different words.


Um, excuse me.
I think it was my turn next.

Oh, how incredibly
impolite of me.

Did I just cut
in front of you?

I'll only be
a minute, friend.

Thanks. Chk, chk.

He had better not
take too long,

Because i,
beatrice bixby,

Am not afraid to,
you know, say something.

Sure. Yep.
No problem.

an impolite man.

Now wait just a--

I have one
quick question,

Important news
business, you know?

Oh, well, ok.

I'll just wait
my turn...again.

Do you confirm
or deny the rumor

That city hall
ham sandwiches
are delicious?

Well, we sell
oodles of them.

I'll take .
I'm starving.

That reporter not only
cut in line.

He interrupted me
while I was speaking.

That makes me mad, angry,
and also quite furious, too...

Coming through.
Coming through.

Please. Excuse me.

And he didn't even
say thank you.

He's just lucky that
my -minute lunch break

Is only a half-hour long,
or I'd do something.

Good afternoon.

I'm the mayor, and I'm
here to order...lunch.

I'd like to officially
announce my plans

To have...the usual.

Um, excuse me.

I believe
it was my turn.

But, it's :,

And I order
lunch every day
at :.

I've think I have had just
about enough bad manners,

Rudeness, and
impolite behavior.

Hey, pie!
Oh, yes.

That is it!

Hey! Look at you.
You've changed.


Look, pay heed,
and take notice

Because this scary change,
this chilling alteration,

This terrifying

Is from people
being impolite to me.


You just turned
my talking cards

Into oodles of tiny
pieces of litter.

Yes, and littering
is bad manners,

And that's just
the beginning of my plan,

My plan to be really
impolite to every person,

Every resident,
every citizen of this town.

Ha ha ha--


Well, you get the point--
evil laughter.

Just wait until
wordgirl hears
about this.

She'll stop
your plan.

How will she find out?
I'll take this one.


Narrator: meanwhile
at the city park,

Becky and bob
are learning to skate.

it's easy, bob.

Just turn one foot
to the side,

Push forward with it,
and you're off.


Ok. You're really
starting to get it now.

Man: has anyone
seen wordgirl?

Uh-oh, sounds
like trouble.

We better go
check it out.

Word up.

Are you sure you want
to wear those right now?

Just be careful.



Ha ha ha!

Hey, stop that right now,
you rude replicas.

Wordgirl, lady redundant woman
is at city hall,

And her copies are running all
over town being very impolite.


She didn't even say,
"excuse me."

Stop being so impolite,
all of you.

Great job, huggy.

Narrator: back at city hall,

Lady redundant woman's
impolite revenge plan continues.

Excuse me, miss
lady redundant woman.

Are you almost finished
with your evil
revenge plan?

I never ate my lunch
and I'm really hungry.

Oh, is this your pie?
Why, yes. It is.

Well, I'll have
you know,

Your pie will be
eaten, gobbled up,

And devoured by me.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

That's disgusting.

Exactly, all part
of my clever scheme,

My brilliant idea,
and my smart plan.

Well, I don't care
how great
your plan is.

As mayor, I want
to be on record
as being against it.

Yes, sir.

Narrator: as wordgirl
and captain huggy face

Try to get to city hall,
they encounter a city crippled

By oodles
of lady redundant woman copies,

Each as impolite as the next.

At the bus stop, they show no
courtesy to fellow passengers.


In the grocery store, they
ignore the express lane rules.

Hey, this is
the express line, lady--

Items or less.

A jar of pennies?
That is impolite, baby.



Narrator: not even the
neighborhood streets are safe

From the atrocious manners of
lady redundant woman's copies.

Hey, you villains,
get off of
my property.

The sidewalk
isn't your property.

It belongs to the city.

Darn it.

got me there.

Narrator: will wordgirl defeat
lady redundant woman's copies

Before the city
is destroyed by impoliteness?

Ahem. Wordgirl?

You better
believe it.

thank goodness
you're here.

I mean, citizen,

What are you doing
with that box?

Well, wordgirl, these
rather impolite ladies

Made such a traffic jam,
I had to walk home

From the figurine
repair shop.

The figurine
repair shop?

Like you, my daughter
becky has a pet monkey.

Bob is his name.

Anyway, one day, he was
skating in the house,

When he fell
and chipped the horn

Off of one of
becky's unicorns,

So we had it fixed.

Angel face,
they fixed your horn.

You know,
you ought to go find
lady redundant woman

And--i don't know--
stop her.

Oh, I've been
trying to,

But, you know,
hundreds of evil copies.

Yeah. There's
noodles of them.


Not to be difficult,
but noodles are food.

Oodles means a large
quantity of something,

Like hundreds
of evil copies.


Angel face.

Come on, huggy.
Let's finish this.

Mayor: hey, can I go
back to my office now?

I have oodles
of work to do.

are my busy day.

I don't care if you
have oodles of work to do

Or a lot of work to do

Or even an enormous
amount of work to do.

You were impolite, and
now I'm being impolite.

Wordgirl: not so fast,
lady redundant woman.

I don't appreciate when
villains take over cities.

Things can go wrong.

Innocent unicorns
can get broken.

And wordgirls
can get trapped.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, hey--

Oh, there's the
city's bear trap.

And they said we'd
never use it. Ha!

Lady redundant woman,
I demand that you end this now.

This will
never end, never,

Not until every last
person in this city

Understands the anger,
the fury,

And the rage I felt
when I was treated rudely

While waiting
in the lunch line.

Really? Is that what
this is all about?

You won't give up
until everyone knows

What it feels like
to be stuck in a line

Because people
are impolite?



Look. I don't want to
seem like I don't care

About your feelings,
lady redundant woman,

But everyone already
knows what it feels like

To be treated

No. Really?

Woman: oh, yeah.
One time, this guy...

Oh, yeah. We've all
felt like that.

You have?
Everyone has.

We all know
what it's like

And how mad it can make you
when people are impolite.

That's right.
Pretty angry.

I had no idea,

But there were
oodles and lots

And many other
impolite things, too.

He interrupted me
while I was talking...

I'm sorry,
lady redundant woman.

And he was
snapping his gum

When he cut in front
of me in line...

I'm sorry.
Bad habit.

That's totally

But the worst,
the most inconsiderate,

And the one who was
the most impolite

Was the mayor!

Now, just a minute.

As mayor, I would
surely notice

If I were
being impolite

If I knew what
the word meant.


It means being rude
or disrespectful,

Like when you do
something hurtful

Or careless to someone
like cutting in line.

Hmm, maybe
I was impolite.

I am very sorry
if I was impolite.

You are? Wait.

Just because
he says he's sorry,

I'm supposed
to give up?

Would it help
if I insisted
on you giving up?

It might, but I'm
still in control,

And you're still
trapped, caught,

And snared in
the city's bear cage.

As mayor,
I never go anywhere

the remote control
to the bear cage.

So, will you let
everyone go now?

Oh, yes.

It appears I have
no choice.

Huh? Ugh!


Gosh, everyone,
I'm so sorry.

I was so upset,
I ended up being impolite.

Well, to make it
up to you,

I promise you
won't have to wait

In a single line at
the police station.

Sorry about
cutting in line...

and that.

Oh, I'm sorry, too.

And I hope you
enjoy jail.

You, too.

I mean, I will.

Narrator: and so, thanks
to wordgirl, captain huggy face,

And our kind citizens who showed
understanding and compassion

In the face
of extreme impoliteness,

The city is back
to the way it was.

Yeah? You know
what would be
a better ending?

If angel face wasn't
in oodles of pieces.

Dad: excuse me.

Here you go.
Thanks, da--

Uh, mister.

It's just like
the one I got for
my daughter becky.

Oh, I bet
she'll love it.

Narrator: what a nice ending,
you know?


Join us again next time for
oodles of thrilling showdowns

With impolite villains
on "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Tommy, you correctly defined
the word "disguise."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "disguise."

Give it a shot, tommy.

I don't know
who granny may
thinks she's fooling

Disguising herself
as a cheerleader.

That is correct,

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.

I win huggy disguised
as a cheerleader?

No. You just win
the disguise, tommy.

Well, that's our show.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library,
cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

I like the word "banana,"

Number one, because it sounds
kind of funny,

Number two, because it feels
a little weird,

And, number ,
when you're in spelling bee,

You could go on forever and ever
going, "b-a-n-a-n-a-n-a-n-a."

I just like bananas
because I say them.


I go over all over school
saying, "banana,"

And my mother says
I gone bananas.

Captain huggy face,

Show us what livid means.

That's right! Livid means
to feel super-duper angry.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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