01x22 - The Low Road

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x22 - The Low Road

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( suspenseful theme playing )

( grunts )

Oh, man. I signed up as an explorer.

( grunts )

An adventurer.

You know, your, uh, basic galactic hero.

( grunts )

( sighs )

Since when does that include gardening duty?

( grunts )

( growls )

These wild bean vines

could provide cover for a Predacon ambush, rodent.

One must always be on the alert for sneak att*cks.

Hm. Funny. Heh-heh-heh.

That's just what I was thinkin'.


( grunts )

( laughing )

I gotcha! Heh-heh-heh.

( growling )

Insolent vermin!

( both grunting )

( beeps )

Predacon signature is detected around base perimeter.

Bringing Sentinel online.

No. Dinobot and Rattrap are still outside.

Rattrap. Code one emergency. Return to base.

( grunting )

Uh, heh-heh, no can do there, big green.

I've got problems of my own.

( growling )

I'm going outside.

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( yelling )

( both grunting )

Hey, you big mook.

Ugh. We are under attack.

Oh, really?

Heh. Got any other astute observations you'd like to make,

lizard lips?

Get inside, you two.


You heard him, move it! Unh!

( screeching )

Unlike you, cheese eater, I do not run from battle.

Hey! Are you calling me chicken, chopper-face?

( grunts )

Will you save it?

I can't hold them off forever.

Tarantulas, terrorize!

( g*n cocks )

( gasps )

( screams)

( grunts )


( liquid gurgles )

( growls )

( grunting )

( Rhinox groans )

Yo, hang in there, big guy.

Hey, give me a hand here!

( grunting )

( groans )

They're in.

Sentinel, online.

Mission accomplished. Retreat!

( whooping )

( ominous theme playing )

Status report.

SENTINEL: Unit has been infected

with an energon discharge virus of unknown type.

If unchecked, his system will begin

to spontaneously discharge energon reserves

until depleted.

Can you cure it?

( Rhinox sneezes )

( sniffles )

Oh, never mind.

( groaning )

( sneezes )

( whimpering )

( hiccupping )

( grunts )

( groans )

Quick! Go to beast mode!

( roars )

Whew! That's better.

Heh, yeah, heh. Good thinkin', spots.

( sneezes )

Grr, gesundheit.

And I would suggest we move him to a less...vulnerable location.

( Rhinox groaning )

( beeping )

His power cells are fading fast.

If we don't find a countervirus soon,

Aah! He'll not only destroy the base, but himself as well.

( belches )

( suspenseful theme playing )

( Rattrap grunting )

You sure about this, chopper-face?

I inflicted considerable damage on Tarantulas.

He could not have gone far.

And he will no doubt have the countervirus.

Yeah? Well, uh, you better hope so.

For your sake.

Huh? Excuse me?

Are you implying that the current situation

is somehow my responsibility?

Well, you did start it, gear-head.

I beg to differ, cheese-lips.

RATTRAP ( over radio ): Pre-evolved bird brain!

DINOBOT: Eater of garbage!

Sheesh. And they call me the immature one.

Hey, Optimus, are you sure it was a good idea

sending those two out together?

To be honest, no.

But their squabbling has caused problems before.

They'll either learn to work together

or they'll destroy each other.

( hiccups )

Right now, I don't really care which.

( sniffs )

Wait! I detect a scent.

Hm. Vile corruption.

A whiff of... festering putrification.

So I had a Limburger sandwich for lunch, heh.

I'm a rat. Give me a break.

I have been uncomfortably aware of your stench

for the past hour, vermin.

This is something else.

( sniffing )

Something over...there!

Heh-heh, yeah! He's mine!

Leave battle to the warriors, mouse.

( dramatic theme playing )

( both grunt )

Hey, uh, where'd he go?

( rumbling )

( both gasp )

Oh, no.

( both screaming )

( Dinobot grunts )

RATTRAP: Oh, no.

( both screaming )

( Dinobot grunts )

( suspenseful theme playing )

( screaming )

( both grunting )

( cackling )

Playground's closed, Minimals.

( cackling )

Well, this is the pits.

( Tarantulas grunting )

Ooh, that's gotta hurt.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( buzzing )

( hiccups )

( Rhinox groans )

( typing, console beeps )

CHEETOR: Base power down percent, big bot.

Those sinus torpedoes of Rhinox's are draining us dry.

They're not doing much for the decor, either.

But we've got to keep him online

until Rattrap and Dinobot get that countervirus.

( console beeping )

Uh, like, I know you don't need any more bummer news,

but, uh, those two

are showing a decided absence from my scanner screens.

( sighs )

Better call Tigatron and Airazor.

We may have to take our complaints to Megatron himself.

( Rhinox gasping )

( Rhinox sneezes )

So the energon discharge virus actually worked.

Take it from me. I've got the toasted tail to prove it.

Excellent. Yes.

Prepare more of the virus immediately.

We must infect the rest of the Maximals.

Uh, there is a problem, Megatron.

Uh, Tarantulas has not yet returned.

And, as always, he's encoded his data tracks.

I can't access them.

Then find him.

Start with his lab. Search everywhere.

I want that virus.

( Tarantulas rattling )

RATTRAP: Man, ugh, this day just keeps getting better and better.

Yes, there is little I enjoy more

than hauling an unconscious arachnid

through underground tunnels.

Aah, this is absurd! Ugh!

Hey, we need spider boy there to get the countervirus,


And you know these caverns gotta lead to his lab.

I know nothing of the sort!

For, unlike you,

I do not spend my time scurrying through sewers!


Well, a sewer smells better than your breath, bronto-brain!

( Dinobot growls )

You'll get used to it when I bite your useless head off.

Die, Maximals!

BOTH: Shut up!

( birds tweeting )

( Tarantulas thuds )

( liquid bubbling )

( glass clanking )

( clattering )

( grunting )


( console beeping )



So, uh, you got a better plan?

Grr. No.

But I still dislike the idea of expiring underground.

It lacks a...

A warrior's nobility.

Oh, hey, no sweat, heh-heh.

'Cause I ain't lettin' nobody waste you down here.

That's a pleasure I'm reserving for myself.

( sarcastically ): Ooh, I appreciate your concern.

But let me assure you,

being shot in the back by a malodorous mouse

would not exactly earn me a seat in silicon Valhalla.

RATTRAP: Aw. Poor baby.

Blackarachnia to Megatron,

I would suggest all Predacons

report to Tarantulas' lab immediately.

We're about to have company.

( Rhinox sneezing )

Wow! Now that's a wicked cold.

We can't wait any longer.

For Rhinox's sake, we'll have to launch a frontal attack.

( hatch opening )

Wait. I'm coming too.

Hey, hang on, brood buddy.

You're a little under the weather, aren't you?

Hey, if I'm going to wreck the wallpaper,

I might as well do it on Pred turf. Ugh.

( grunts )

Your power cells are dangerously low, Rhinox.

Better convert to beast mode and eat something.

It'll keep your energy up.

Good idea.

Airazor and I will take the point.

The rest of you converge on the Pred base as fast as you can.

Prime jets, on!

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( sniffs )


( smacking lips )

( liquid bubbling )

( typing )

( console beeps )

BLACKARACHNIA: Ah! Here it is.

The virus?

No. The countervirus.

Oh, it's probably what they're after.

I'll destroy it.


A bargaining chip should remain in play until the game is over.


Why do you always talk to yourself?

Oh, I simply have a penchant for intelligent conversation.

( alarm beeping )

Here they come.

Hold your fire, you fools. Wait for the target.

( grunts )

( growling )

Cover me, vermin.


Do not fire, Megatron.

I have a hostage.

Why, so you do.

Now, are there any other stupid Maximal ploys you wish to try?

( Rattrap grunts )

Well, how's this, scale-belly?


( growling )

( chuckling )

Gotcha. Heh-heh-heh. Huh?

( Rhinox groaning )

Huh? Wha--?

( Rhinox sneezing )

( Scorponok screams )

( dramatic theme playing )

No one move.

( sniffling )

( growling )

Hey, scrape-ape.

Nice of you to show,

but, uh, we already been here and done that.

Situation under control.

I think not. No.

For I still have the countervirus.

( gasps )

MEGATRON: And unless you immediately convert to beast mode

and surrender, your green comrade

will soon go offline.


( groans )


( Optimus sighs )

No choice.

Right now, our first priority is your survival.

Beast mode.

There are times

when I would prefer to be a Predacon.

( growls )

You see? A bargaining chip is always useful.

But now the game is over.

( groaning )

What's wrong?

Wild bean vines.

Hard to digest. Ugh.

Do not turn your back on me, Maximal scum.

( Rhinox groaning )

Huh? Oh, no! Not that!

( screams )

( Rhinox farts )

Ugh, that did it. Let's go!

Not without the countervirus.

( grunting )


( dramatic theme playing )

( slurping liquid )

Eh, a little welding, a little paint, and hey.

And the joint'll look like home again.

Well, that's because you're used to rat holes.

( Cheetor sighs )

Never ends, does it?

RHINOX: Ugh. Huh?

( gasping )

( gasps )

( sneezing )


It could've been worse, right?

( all laugh )

Hm. This is certainly

the most humiliating defeat of my entire career.


( groaning )


( dramatic rock theme playing )
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