06x04 - Birth! Headmaster Jr.

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x04 - Birth! Headmaster Jr.

Post by bunniefuu »


mou dare ni mo tomerarenai
No one can stop us now

inochi kaketa TRANSFORM
We transform and risk our lives

kizu tsuite mo yaru shika nai
Even if we get hurt, it has to be done

aoi chikyuu mamoru no wa dare da
Who else will protect the blue Earth?

shounen wa ima senshi ni kawaru
Boys will change into warriors

GO AND FIGHT tachi agaru n da
Go and fight, stand up

MASTERFORCE! tatakau tabi ni
Masterforce! Everytime we fight,

MASTERFORCE! tsuyoku naru no sa
Masterforce! We grow stronger

MASTERFORCE! ima koso susume
Masterforce! Now is
the time to push on

Get on, God on, Head on

Super-God Masterforce

The beautiful planet Earth was
blessed with water and greenery.

But since ancient times, a number
of inexplicable events wrapped
in mystery have occurred.

The tragic loss of the city
of Pompeii caused by the
eruption of Mt. Vesuvius...

The giant figures of the Nasca
plains, said to have been
designed by extraterrestrials...

UFO sightings one after another by
people in various parts of the world...

The numerous ships which
suddenly vanished without a
trace in the Bermuda Triangle...

...since the th Century, dozens
of occurrences have added up.

In actuality, the number of incidents
that have occurred is near countless.

Did the Decepticons really do all that?

Each time we split up and investigated,
but we never found any leads.

But this time it's definitely the
Decepticons that have shown up.

That's right.

The thing we feared the
most has become reality.

Dammit! lf only we had powers
like Hawk and the Autobots!

Hawk, we'll do anything
we can, so let us join you!

I’m great with computers!

With computers, I can-

Can't do! Can't do!

...can't do anything, but I can talk to
animals, and I can take on any sport!

I’m well aware of your
strengths and your courage.



You'll make us your official
helpers, right Hawk?

You're not going to say
no to us now, are you?

You're both serious about this?

I want to avenge my father's death.

And I’ll do anything!

Very well, I understand.

There's something I want to show you,
so be sure to come over after school.

Something to show us?

What could it be?

The Birth of the Headmaster Jrs!

International School

Hey, Cab! Wait up!

Hey, Cab! Wait up!
-You're late!

I’m sorry, I’m sorry!

It took me so long to get
out of soccer practice...

Let's hurry up and go!

Where are you two going?


To the underground base in
Aokigahara. We promised
to meet Hawk there.

Oh, me too!

I have to discuss
something with Mr. Hawk.



What?! Minerva, you're
going to work for Hawk too?

She's going to be on
the same team as us!

But this is too dangerous for a girl, and
your parents would be worried as well.

I’ve discussed it with my father and my
mother, and I have their permission.

Since I was miraculously saved, I want
to live my life for the sake of others!

lf you're that determined, then...

Then it's okay?

I’m so happy!

These are for us?

Try opening them.

They're Master-Braces.

They were made in your
size, they go on both wrists.

They're such nice bracelets!

Now, look closely at
what I am about to do.

First, cross your arms with the
bracelets touching each other.


Right, like that is fine.

Next, try shouting
''Masterforce!'' while doing that.


Yes. ''Masterforce''.


What's this?

I feel like my body is
becoming lighter...!

How and when did this...

Me too! It can't be real!

That is the Masterforce.

You're all now official
Headmaster Juniors.

You've joined us as
fellow Transformers.

Headmaster... Juniors?

Young Autobot
warriors, in other words.

Try jumping a little, Shuta.

Huh? Like this?


The ceiling couldn't have
moved by itself, could it?

Okay, now I’ll try it!

Whoa, whoa!



This isn't for real...

There we go...

That was awesome, Shuta!

Yeah, as long as we have
the Masterforce, we can
beat even the Decepticons!

Don't be getting overconfident!
This isn't a game!

Let me say just one thing.

I can't give you the Masterforce
if you will only use it for
v*olence and destruction.

That's right.

No matter what the situation is,
becoming violent is the wrong choice.

But that's...!

An eye for an eye and a tooth
for a tooth if we're going
to beat the Decepticons!


lf those are your intentions, your
Masterforce will be confiscated!



We're ready here, so
whenever you are!

Understood. We'll be there soon.


A shiny new police car!


It's so nice and stylish! I’ve always
wanted to ride in one of these!

We matched their tastes nicely!

They're yours. Feel free to get in.

Huh!? You're giving these to us?

It feels like a dream...


you will be able to drive immediately
by using the Masterforce.

Now, everyone try it!

I did it!

Is this really okay?

This is awesome!


Passin' me up, huh Cab?

Why, you-!

Wait, you two! Speeding
like that is dangerous!

Shuta! I’m kinda scared!

Huh? What's that?

I’m becoming a completely different
person from who I used to be!

We've become members of
the Autobots! It’s the greatest!

Yeah, really!

Girls are so timid.

C'mon, outta my way!

This is Lander. Can you hear me?

Perfectly loud and clear!

That's enough testing
for today. Head back!

Just a little longer...

We're in perfect tune!

This is Hawk! We still have
something important to talk about!

Yes, sir.

We'll return immediately!

...and that's it.

So transforming into robots...

...is possible for us?

It’s true. This is what the
Masterforce is really for.

Those cars are the Transtectors
with which you will transform.


We can transform...

What's the matter? Can't believe it?


No matter how much
Masterforce you are given,

the power of humans cannot
stand up to the Decepticons.

But instead of combatants, I want you
to be a highly skilled rescue team.

A rescue team? Us?

What, you're not disappointed are you?

Okay, we understand!

Hawk, what do you want us to do?

Damn it...

When the hell can we
go up to the surface?

This is boring!

Hey, Wilder!

So you're saying life here
isn't satisfying for you?

Cleaning the mechs, day in
and day out... I’m sick of it!

Yeah, really!


Had enough of the life here yet?

I can't be letting my body get rusty!

Nothing will lighten
my mood down here!

Well then, shall we
test out your abilities?

A test of our abilities...?

Go to the city and run wild!

It should refresh your mood nicely!

I appreciate it! It will satisfy
my appetite perfectly!

You are all now official
Decepticon warriors.

Go out there and be as
violent as you can be!



I’ll be sure to make you fond of us!





Shuta, he...

No way!

Awesome! This feels incredible!

Awesome! This feels incredible!


Cab! Now it's your turn!

Cab! Now it's your turn!

Okay, then!






That will do.

And be sure to follow the
mission orders you are given.

Got that?

Yes sir!

But this is really...

After following the Decepticon
Pretenders and finally
arriving on Earth,

we wished for peace and harmony,
and so we ''pretended'' to be
humans by taking their form.

But the Decepticon Pretenders
''pretended'' to become monsters
in order to rule the humans.

So in order to protect the
peace, you sealed away
the Decepticon Pretenders!

But we never knew
when they would revive.

So we prepared for that day
by coming up with a way for
humans to transform into robots.

So we contacted Chromedome
of the Headmasters.


Oh, I’ve heard my dad
talk about him before!

This was the violent w*r from
some years ago between

fellow Transformers, the
Autobots and the Decepticons.

Miraculously the Autobots were able to
banish the Decepticons from the Earth,

and even now a huge battle
is happening in outer space.

The one who sent your Transtectors
and power suits to Earth
was Chromedome.

I’d like to meet him once!

Me too!

A message arrived,
so I’ll show it to you.


Metalhawk, how are you?

By now I’ll have already sent
you the Transtectors and
Masterforce bracelets.

The presence of Decepticon tyranny
has been escalating the past
couple of years here in space,

and these days I don't have any
time to rest as we are constantly
repelling their att*cks.

I hope that those of you there
will fight with all of your
strength for peace on Earth.

I’ll see you soon. Until then!

So that's Chromedome!

He's so cool!

We can't let him down! Right?

Yeah, let's all work hard together!

But there's one thing
I’m worried about.

Several sets of Transtectors
and Master-Braces were stolen
from the shipment to Earth.

You don't think the Decepticons...?!

That we don't know.

But several months after that, the
Decepticons started rampaging.

It’s got to be them!

Damn those Decepticons,
I’ll beat them myself!


Never forget that you
are a rescue team!

-Yes sir!
-Yes sir!

This is Phoenix!

The Decepticons have appeared at
the Tokyo Harbor Connecting Bridge!




This is just a test of you
and your enemies' abilities.
Wreak havoc and return victorious!











Their ways are as cruel as ever!

They'll pay!


Have you forgotten your promise?


Begin rescue operations! Hurry!


When it becomes absolutely
necessary, I’ll allow you to fight.

But for now the rescue
operation comes first!

Look! Over there!

Okay! You handle the Seacons!




Let's go, Shuta!

Let's go, Shuta!
-It’s our first mission!


Oh, the Autobots!

The Pretenders have come!

Now you try it!


Looks like I win.

Just wait a minute!

Hey Wilder! The one l
hit really flew, right?

Hey, Cancer! Toss me a car.

Like this one?

Now that one flew!

What fun!

Damn shrimp monster!

And you!

One of you is no match
for me, so it's two on one?

Don't make excuses for losing!


Don't forget this!


Someone help me!

Help me!

Please! Please help me!

What's wrong? Where are you hurt?

My baby...

My baby's still in my
apartment, sleeping!


Please, if we don't hurry, my baby...

Which room is it?

So far everyone's been taken
to the hospital! What's next?

Shuta! There's a baby you
in the building behind you!

lf you don't hurry and
rescue the baby...!


Shuta! I’m counting on you!

Just leave it to me!

You guys are...!

So, you're one of the newly
recruited Autobot scouts, huh?

Us Decepticons will play with you!


I get it, those are the
stolen Transtectors!


What's this? He's nothing
but a spineless brat!

What did you say, you-!

Shuta, hurry! The baby!

I’ll fight you later! Just you wait!


No fair, you!

Don't make me laugh! Is that
robot form just for show?

Why you-!

Don't, Shuta!

What's the matter? Huh?




Over here!

I can't take this...

I’ll take care of the baby!

What fun! Here's another runt!

Now I’m really mad!

Why you-!



Shuta! What are you doing?!
Hurry and rescue the baby!

Y- yes sir!

Why you-!

Blood's already run away.

W- what?

Don't you forget this!

General Central Hospital

lf- if only I’d just hurried into
the apartment building...

There's no need to
worry. Everything's fine.

Thanks to the first aid treatment,
the baby's life is out of danger.


Thank you! Everyone,
thank you for everything!

Hawk, from now on I promise to-

You don't have to promise anything.

Learning things one at a
time is an important lesson.

The new Autobot warriors, the
Headmaster Juniors are born.

Stand up for peace on
Earth, young warriors!

Preview for the Next Episode

We begin intensive training
so we can become warriors...

...so we can face the evil
power held by Wilder and the
Decepticon Headmaster Juniors!

But Minerva starts to
become afraid of fighting...

Next time on The Transformers:
Super-God Masterforce,

''Rage!! Little Devils with
No Need for Rules!''

Now, you too use the
Masterforce to TRANSFORM!

Rage! Little Devils with
No Need for Rules!

Written by
Yoshihisa Araki
Shuta Yumi Touma
Cab Hiroko Emori
Minerva Yuriko Yamamoto

Written by
Yoshihisa Araki
Shuta Yumi Touma
Cab Hiroko Emori
Minerva Yuriko Yamamoto
CHANGING CHANGING sakebu chiheisen
Changing, changing
The horizon shouts

Written by
Yoshihisa Araki
Shuta Yumi Touma
Cab Hiroko Emori
Minerva Yuriko Yamamoto

kimi ni kitto nani ka ga okiru
Something will surely happen to you

Hawk Katsuji Mori
Lander Ryoichi Tanaka
Diver Yuuji Mikimoto
Phoenix Masato Hirano
Chromedome Hori Hideyuki
kimi ni kitto nani ka ga okiru
Something will surely happen to you

Hawk Katsuji Mori
Lander Ryoichi Tanaka
Diver Yuuji Mikimoto
Phoenix Masato Hirano
Chromedome Hori Hideyuki

BURNING BURNING moeagaru sora
Burning, burning The
sky bursts into flames

Blood Koji Totani
Gilmer Masaharu Sato
wilder Keiichi Nanba
Bullhorn Kozo Shioya
Cancer Yoko Ogai
Narration Keiichi Noda
BURNING BURNING moeagaru sora
Burning, burning The
sky bursts into flames

Blood Koji Totani
Gilmer Masaharu Sato
wilder Keiichi Nanba
Bullhorn Kozo Shioya
Cancer Yoko Ogai
Narration Keiichi Noda

ikari o komete POWER zenkai
Focus your rage Full power

Hero (Hero), hero Blazing battle

kinou no kimi o koete
Go beyond who you were
yesterday (You are hero)

sou sa HERO (HERO)
Yes, you are a hero (hero),
hero With the Masterforce

kimi mo kimi mo TRANSFORMER
You too, you too are a Transformer
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